Prayer before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Ekonomissa” (“Housekeeper”)

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No one is looking forward to a financial crisis! Everyone wants to keep all their money, which they earned with blood and sweat. Everyone wants to protect themselves from the many financial misfortunes that await us at every corner. After all, the time has come. Technology is developing rapidly, and so is the financial world.

There is even a belief that when a person is deprived of certain material benefits, the Lord becomes closer to us. This is because losses are always tangible for us. But to try to protect yourself from all this, you need to regularly turn to the Lord for help. The prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “Economissa” is one of the best prayer requests, which helps to receive blessings in economic assistance to both the rich and the poor.

Prayer of the Mother of God "Economissa"

Many will probably say: To get help from the “House Builder” you need to go far away to Holy Mount Athos, especially since money problems had to be solved yesterday? What to do then?

In the form of revered lists, the icon of the Mother of God “Housebuilder” is scattered throughout Russia. Such temples always invite all those in need to solve their spiritual and material problems.

Visit one of these monasteries and make a sincere prayer to the holy face of the Mother of God with these words:

“O Most Honest Lady Theotokos, our All-Honorable Mother Abbess, of all Orthodox monasteries of monastic life, in the holy Mount Athos and throughout the entire universe! Accept our humble prayers and offer them to our All-Bountiful God, that He may save our souls by His grace. Look upon us with Thy merciful eye and bring about our salvation in the Lord, for without the mercy of our Savior and Thy holy intercession for us, we, the accursed, will not be able to accomplish our salvation, for our life has been tarnished in the vanities of the world, for the time of Christ’s harvest is approaching. The day of the Last Judgment has arrived.

We, the accursed, perish in the abyss of sin, for our negligence, according to what was spoken by the holy fathers, the first leaders of the angelic life according to the flesh: as the last monastics, through the negligence of their lives, will become like worldly people, which will come true today, for our monasticism floats with its life on the sea of ​​life. amidst great storms and bad weather: for our holy abodes remain in the dust for the sake of our sins, our All-Righteous Lord Jesus Christ, so benevolent, but we, unworthy, have no place to bow our heads.

O our sweetest Mother Abbess!

Gather us, the scattered flock of Christ, into one and save all Orthodox Christians, grant us heavenly life with the Angels and all the saints in the Kingdom of Christ our God, to Him be honor and glory with His Beginning Father and with the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

The best article for you, go to: Prayer to Hypatia of the Pechersk healer

How the Mother of God is depicted on the Economissa icon

The Mother of God in this icon is dressed in royal robes and sits on a throne. There are two angels above her head. With her left hand she holds the Infant God. This image emphasizes the greatness of the Blessed Virgin Mary, focusing on the fact that the Virgin Mary is the most worthy of mortals. This is the most important meaning of this icon.

The composition itself contains other distinctive features by which the Athonite image of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be easily recognized. In front of the throne on which the Lady of Heaven sits are two famous elders - Saint Athanasius and Saint Michael of Sinad. Both great ascetics of the Christian faith lived at approximately the same time.

Their merits are as follows:

  • Saint Athanasius was one of the founders of the Lavra on Holy Mount Athos.
  • During the time of iconoclasm, Saint Michael spoke out in defense of holy images. He categorically refused to remove the shrines from his temple. For this he was captured and imprisoned, where, unable to withstand the torment, he died.

The images of the Saints on the icon are very symbolic and correspond to the existing biography:

  • In the hand of St. Athanasius there is a small image of the cathedral. It personifies the Lavra, which is still active on Holy Athos.
  • Saint Michael is depicted on the icon in a bishop's robe. He has a scroll in his left hand, and his right hand is pressed to his chest at the level of his heart. This pose symbolizes that the Saint is trying to convey the truth to all believers.

History of the image

The history of the appearance of the prayer image goes back to the 10th century. The face of the Mother of God appeared to Athanasius. The elder lived in the monastery, which was visited by famine and the rest of the monks left the refuge, but Athanasius decided to stay. He, as the founder, held on until the last and did not want to leave. But time passed, hunger became unbearable, and the elder decided to go in search of food.

While going down the mountain, he met a woman. According to the laws of Mount Athos, women do not have the right to come to the holy place, so Athanasius was very surprised. The stranger asked where the elder was going, but the elder became indignant, saying that women had no place here. The Mother of God indicated that Athanasius should be more respectful and modest in communicating with her.

The elder explained the situation: severe hunger forced the monks to leave their place of residence. To which the woman replied that now no one here on the mountain will need food, because the monks will always have it. To the question: “Who are you?”, the woman answered: “Mother of God.”

Afanasy doubted her words and asked if this was really a prophetic dream. The virgin asked to hit a large stone with her staff while she was awake. The monk complied with her request and a holy spring gushed out of the ground in this place. The water became healing and people began to come to the source.

One of the variants of the Economissa icon

On the same day, Afanasy went down to the cellars of the monastery and saw that they were completely filled with food. The monks returned and began to pray intensely to the Mother of God, who delivered them from needs and deprivations. Even after many years, the monastery lived in complete contentment, and the inhabitants of the monastery, in gratitude, painted an icon of the Mother of God, which became original.

The story of the Virgin took place on Mount Athos. Previously, it was believed that monks lived and worked on it, painting images of saints from the Holy Spirit. The mountain still exists. The icon is one of five icons currently in use. It is the most potent.

Saint Athanasius was tested in life twice. The first time God tested him was with hunger. Athanasius also received a second proof of the existence of the Heavenly Maiden and that she takes care of his monastery. One day, Matthew, a monk, during an early morning service, saw the Queen of Heaven. She appeared in the temple with two angels.

Each worshiper received coins from the hands of the Virgin. The denomination of the coin was higher, the more diligently the person prayed. Matthew himself also received a coin.

Reasons for contacting

You should contact the Most Holy Economist:

  • in case of failures in financial matters;
  • when necessary;
  • when looking for a job;
  • when falling into fraudulent schemes;
  • in case of loss of ability to work;
  • when receiving loans;
  • to improve living conditions and when obtaining a mortgage.

The Most Holy Housebuilder not only helps to solve financial problems, but also hears requests for help in finding a job. Its main meaning is to arrange a person’s financial sphere in such a way that it is in accordance with the spiritual. You cannot ask the Most Holy Theotokos for money, but you can ask for patience in finding a job, strength to work and solve financial problems.

Today there are many legends and real stories when people turned to Economissa, and she helped. The frequency of requests increased during the years of crisis for Russia (1998, 2008, 2014). People not only prayed in their churches, but also visited Mount Athos in order to quickly convey their requests to the Virgin. They asked for protection and help in difficult times.

Prayer to the Economist icon in the temple of the village. Northern

There is a belief that the Mother of God helps only the poor and poor, but this is not so. Wealthy people without material problems can also turn to her in times of great emotional unrest associated with the financial sphere: to conclude profitable deals, to thank the Mother of God for help with material things.

Miracles associated with the icon

Miracles with the icon are described more often. They mainly concern the return of financial well-being, but there are also historically significant ones.

So, a week before Maslenitsa in 1846, a demon attacked one person. The man turned away from the true path and began to indulge in mental carelessness. All actions lasted several days. But the Queen of Heaven intervened and took part in the healing of the human soul.

The monk saw in a dream a meal on a solemn day with the presence of the abbot and all the brotherhood of the monastery. Such gatherings happened very rarely and there was always food on the table. And on this day, everyone but him had modest dishes in front of them. A roast stood in front of the monk. A heavenly wife entered the hall, accompanied by two angels.

The visitor was Virgo. Everyone present in the hall began to cross themselves and bow at her feet. A man came up to her and began to kiss her hands, she said something to him in a low voice, and then began to approach everyone in the hall and glorify people. At this time, a girl approached the monk and told him not to worry about the meal, since the Queen of Heaven herself was in front of him.

The Mother of God looked sternly at the monk and left in complete silence. After the man woke up, pious thoughts returned to him. He again became God's obedient.


There are various rituals that help you quickly achieve financial well-being and other benefits. Prayer is the most powerful spell that works flawlessly. It can be original or come from the soul.

  • Before reading the first prayer and performing the spell, you need to fast all day. Only weak unsweetened tea is allowed.
  • The next day, right in the morning, you should go to the forest.
  • On the outskirts of the forest you need to find a rowan tree and pick a couple of berries. You should immediately wrap them in white cloth.
  • Take the berries home and light a candle over them.
  • Heat a needle over a candle and string the berries on a thread, and sew them together. The thread should be white and the needle should be the thickest.

The thread does not need to be tied; there should be no knots on it. This leads to limiting the action of the amulet. It is worth wrapping the prayer item in a white cloth and carrying it with you. When making transactions and solving financial issues, you need to get wrapped berries on the table. Or you should keep your hand on them in your pocket.

Where is it stored?

The Holy Face is kept on Mount Athos, but getting there has always been difficult. Location: Greek Macedonia in the north of Eastern Greece. You can also watch Economissa:

  • in Belarus - St. Nicholas Church;
  • in Moscow - All Saints Church;
  • in the village Northern Moscow region;
  • Tashkent - Trinity Monastery.

All Saints Church in Moscow

An entire temple is dedicated to the Mother of God the Housebuilder in the village of Severny. It was built in 1998 and today operates successfully. Located 513 km from the capital.

The icon can be purchased in any Russian church. It is available for sale. Suitable as a guardian of the family hearth and well-being. And also for placement in the office. She patronizes only honest businesses. When choosing an icon for yourself, you should focus not on its cost, but on your taste. If you like the image, then there will be more benefits from it.

It is obligatory to consecrate the icon in the temple if it was purchased outside the church. All the images in the church shop are consecrated. No money is required for the consecration, but donations can be made. During transportation, the face is covered with paper or placed in a linen bag. After transportation, the paper should be burned.

Icon of the Economist on Mount Athos

Only men can see the “House Builder” on Mount Athos. Women are still not allowed into the Sacred Site.

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