The most powerful prayers for protection from evil spirits and how to read them correctly

To protect your home, family, yourself and your loved ones from unclean otherworldly forces and negative energy, you need to make a talisman that will repel the penetration of an evil spirit into your life and monastery. In addition to protective magical paraphernalia, rituals to exorcise demons and prayers are no less effective. You can get rid of demons in different ways, the main thing is to have reliable information on exactly how to do this.

Which saints are best to contact?

There is no barrier to demonic influence except prayer. It can penetrate into any person, his home. The devil tempts believers with mortal sins in the form of:

  • pride;
  • envy;
  • melancholy;
  • greed;
  • anger.

Thanks to them, a Christian’s faith weakens and he moves away from the Lord. The evil thoughts of ill-wishers affect the protective field of people. The home is vulnerable to the devil's machinations. Inhabited by evil spirits, it becomes uncomfortable. Ghosts and little drums appear in it.

Priests call the “Our Father” the most effective prayer against demonic forces.

A simple, short text expresses the main essence of Christianity and therefore is a powerful barrier to dark forces. But to receive protection, you must deeply and sincerely believe in God, and not hold a grudge against anyone. Another sacred text recommended by the Church for salvation from devilish forces is Psalm 90 or “The Song of Praise of King David.” Saint Seraphim of Sarov had the gift of a seer and healer, refusing to support anyone against evil spirits. Prayerful appeal to his image helps to expel evil spirits from the house and purify thoughts.

Turning to Archangel Michael will help you overcome the devil's darkness. The Archangel is appointed by God to be at the forefront of the fight against evil. Turning to the Heavenly Warrior will give you firmness and determination in the fight against demons. Archangel Gabriel - Messenger of the Lord. Through him, God communicated his intentions: to the prophet Daniel - about the coming of the Messiah, to Zechariah - about the conception of John the Baptist, to the Virgin Mary - about the mission entrusted to her to become the mother of the Savior. In church books, Archangel Gabriel is called the messenger of miracles. Turning to his sacred image, they ask for strengthening of faith in order to resist demonic temptations.

The Great Martyr Cyprian was a sorcerer before accepting the Christian faith. For thirty years he cast spells and love spells until he encountered a true Christian woman who was not influenced by his magical spells. Having learned what the reason was, he abandoned fortune telling and began to preach the teachings of Christ, for which he accepted martyrdom. A prayerful appeal to the saint is considered one of the most effective against unclean attempts and damage.

Pansophius of Athos wrote a prayer to stop evil more than 1500 years ago. The prayer belongs to amulets, as it combines elements of Christian teaching and paganism. For this reason, it is not read in churches, but only at home. Thanks to this prayer, one is protected from negative energy. People turn to the Ilinskaya Icon of the Mother of God to avoid death without repentance during demonic possession and attack by demonic forces. Jesus Christ is the main defender of Christians from the machinations of the human enemy.

Prayers from evil spirits and demons

Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian, during the days and nights, at that hour when all the power opposed to the glory of the One Living God is exercised, you, Saint Cyprian, pray for us sinners, saying to the Lord:

“Lord God, strong, holy, reigning forever, hear now the prayer of your servant (your) name who is lost in the faith and for your sake, Lord, may the entire heavenly army forgive her (him): thousands of Angels and Archangels, Seraphim and Cherubim, Guardian Angels.

God! You know all the secrets in the heart of your servant (the name of her husband) and their children, what they dared to do before Your face, Long-suffering,

righteous Lord, deigning to suffer for us sinners in atonement for our sins, and enlightening us sinners with the greatness of Your mercy, take away all evil from us and do not want to destroy us. Cover us sinners with the Love of Your immaculate Light and hear me, the grieving mother (father) and wife (husband) for my lost children.

I fall down and ask the bright name of the holy martyr Cyprian for the lost children living in my house and for all Christians suffering from sorcery, witchcraft, the machinations of crafty demons and evil and flattering people.

May your bright prayer be read in the house over a head that is sick from an illness: from an evil person, from enchantment, from witchcraft, evil hatred, intimidation in the dark, on the road, from poisoning with malicious intent, from drunkenness, from slander, from the evil eye , intentional murder. May Your holy prayer be the protection and salvation of God’s servants in their home. One Lord, Almighty and Omnipresent, give command to the wicked forces to leave the house in which I live, a sinner, and the home of my children. Place your Sovereign, Light, and Grace-filled hand on my home and my children. The Lord's blessing to this house, in which Your bright prayer is being said.

By Thy command that scorches all evil, help me, O Lord, the mother (father) who grieves for my children. Humble their pride, call them to repentance and save the lost, just as You called me, a great sinner. Give them reason, Lord, and call them to repentance by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross.

By the command of the Lord, may the evil deeds and demonic dreams of mine and my children be stopped, and may they not resist the prayer of Your Holy Hieromartyr Cyprian. At the hour of Your holy morning prayer, may the opposing forces of evil, unleashed by evil people and crafty demons, disappear. Save us, Lord, from all evil, devilish obsession, sorcery and evil people. Just as wax melts from fire, so will all the evil tricks of the human race melt away. In the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity: Father and Son and Holy Spirit, may we be saved.

We glorify, Lord, Your Son Jesus Christ, sitting at the right hand of the Father, with the expectation of His Coming and the Resurrection of the dead by the power of the Honest, Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

In His name I conjure and drive away all evil spirits and the eyes of evil people, far and near. Drive away, Lord, the evil man from my dwelling. Save and preserve your servant (him), my husband (s) and my children from all evil slander of the evil and unclean spirit.

Lord, the most merciful, who has increased the wealth of the long-suffering Job, save me and my children and increase the prosperity of the life of the one who has this bright prayer, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom all the tribes of the earth worship, serve and praise thousands of Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, the forces of all the heavenly armies .

I, a sinner (name), trusting in God’s mercy, drive away and overcome all malice and deceit of the devil. Let the man with evil intentions and the unclean evil spirit with deception be removed from me and from my children.

Through the prayer of the Hieromartyr Cyprian I drive away, overcome, and destroy from myself and my children all the forces of evil. Disappear, forces of evil, from these servants of God by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord and all the heavenly Powers, creating before the Throne of God the Power of the Lord, suppressing the power of evil.

I offer this prayer to the One and Invincible God, through whom all Christians are saved, by the Power of the Holy Trinity, by the power of the Honest Life-Giving Cross, may I, a sinner, be saved.

I will be saved in the sea, on the road, in deep waters, when crossing the mountains, in the grass from poisonous snakes, creeping reptiles, scorpions, when eating fish, from bodily, eye, head illnesses, in bed, from loss of blood and any other illness by force The Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

May the blessing of the Lord and Grace be upon His house, where the prayer lies to the Hieromartyr Cyprian.

I pray to Christ, who created heaven and earth, the sun and moon and the whole universe. I offer my prayer to His Most Pure Mother, the Queen of Heaven. Have mercy and save your (his) servant (name) and her (his) spouse and their children. May evil spirits not touch me and my children in the morning, during the day, in the evening, or at night.

I pray and ask the bright Zechariah - the Old Testament and the prophets: Hosea, Elijah, Micah, Malachi, Eremey, Isaiah, Daniel, Amos, Samuel, Elisha, Jonah. I pray and ask the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

And also Akim, Anna, Joseph the betrothed to the Virgin Mary, James the brother of the Lord, John the Merciful, Ignatius the God-bearer, the hieromartyr Ananias, Romanus, the sweet-tongued Ephraim the Syrian, Basil the Great, Gregory the theologian, John Chrysostom, Nicholas the Wonderworker. Metropolitan Saints: Peter, Alexy, Philip, Jonah and Hermogenes. Venerables: Anthony, Theodosius, Zosima Savvatia.

Venerable Martyrs: Guria, Solomon, Barsanuphius, Avivov. St. Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, the wonderworker Simeon the Stylite, Maximus the Martyr, Nikon the Patriarch of Antioch, the Great Martyr Cyprian and his mother Iulita.

Alexia the man of God, the Holy Myrrh-Bearing Women: Mary Magdalene, Mary Cleopas, Solomonia. Holy women, martyrs for Christ: Paraskeva, Euphrosyne, Ustinya, Evdokia, Anastasia. Great martyrs: Varvara, Catherine, Marina. Anna the prophetess and all the saints who have shone in the earth from time immemorial to this day.

Most Pure Virgin, Queen of Heaven, save me from air alarms and demonic obsessions in the dark, for I believe through the prayer of this holy martyr Cyprian. By the power of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, may he destroy, disgrace and destroy all evil that comes from the evil heart and the wickedness of evil spirits, and save us from the snares of Satan, praying everywhere with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother and the Light ethereal heavenly forces:

Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Satavail, Iguasil Varahail and my Guardian Angel. May all the wickedness of the underworld be put to shame by the protection of the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, to the glory of our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ, now, ever and ever.


How to pray correctly at home

It is not easy to expel evil spirits from a house, since when reading a prayer, a person’s protective field is weakened. If you do not follow the necessary rules of behavior, then a praying Christian may become possessed. Before you start reading prayers, you must observe strict fasting for 7 days and not visit theaters, nightclubs, or corporate events.

The text of the protective prayer must be known by heart or always carried with you. At home, it is better to keep a piece of paper with a prayer next to the icon. The prayer ceremony is carried out in silence and solitude. A pectoral cross or holy image will serve as a talisman when reading a prayer. They drink holy water before prayer. The prayer is read aloud, in a quiet voice. At the end and beginning of the prayer address, they cross themselves and bow at the waist. You need to consult with the priest about the duration of the prayer and invite him to bless the home.

Special conditions are required when praying for the protection of Elder Pansophius. No one should know about home prayer. A strict 7-day fast with daily attendance at church services is required. The prayer book begins with an appeal to the guardian angel. The ritual is performed in front of the image of Jesus Christ with a lit candle. The prayer is repeated 9 times in a row. You can't read on Sunday. Men should pray on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. On the remaining days of the week, women pray. Prayer can be performed 1 or 2 times a day for 9 days.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for spiritual protection

Archangel Michael is the supreme angel, he is the leader of the heavenly army - the archangel. He was the leader of the angels who fought against the devil and demons. It is believed that Archangel Michael always responds to prayers asking for protection from dark forces. Many legends about the exploits of the archangel have been preserved in the history of Christianity. The icon of Archangel Michael is a strong amulet; it depicts him with a sharp sword in his hand. This is a symbol of victory over evil forces. With this weapon, Archangel Michael cuts off all human anxieties and fears. It is recommended to always carry a small icon with you. She will repel evil and ward off sinful temptations. You can call Archangel Michael to your aid with the following prayer:
“Lord, send Archangel Michael to my aid, so that he will deliver me from enemies visible and invisible. O strong and just archangel, destroyer of demons, crush all my enemies and scatter their ashes to the wind. Support me in insults, sorrows and sorrows, show me the right path at crossroads, do not let me succumb to sinful temptations. Save and preserve my soul. Amen".

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