Feng Shui forecast for flying stars for November 2020

Starting from July 6 and until August 7 is the time of the month of the “Yin” water Goat, which will relieve tension and balance the severity of the contradictions of the previous month, bring to the surface problems in communications and relationships, and also indicate ways to solve them.

July brings good luck to those people who are busy with issues of self-education, self-improvement, and seeking support in their endeavors. In July, many will find good teachers for their children and themselves, as well as helpers and benefactors. Even those who were indifferent to your problem can unexpectedly lend you a helping hand. This is especially true for those who, due to their occupation, are forced to talk a lot, travel, or make careful calculations.

The mistress of the year of the Rat and the mistress of the month of the Goat have a generally neutral relationship. Although the Goat “exhausts” the Rat a little with its versatility and unpredictability, it disciplines it, and at the same time makes it less selfish, tight-fisted, expressive and fussy. Therefore, in July, many married and permanent couples will be able to resolve conflicts and end protracted “showdowns” through peaceful and constructive negotiations.

Love and family: The Magic of Love star brings back romance

Most people will take relations into a peaceful direction in July. If it seemed that there was no way out of protracted and emotionally difficult conflicts other than a break, in July it may be found. Or a way will be invented to part ways peacefully, without material sacrifice, emotional bitterness and devastation.

The month of the Water Goat is a great time for new romantic acquaintances. Feelings born this month are likely to be tender, lasting and develop into true deep love. Those who have a permanent couple have every chance to take the relationship to a deeper level - they will agree to live together, announce their engagement, etc. However, it is better to submit an application to the registry office or have a wedding in the second half of July, then there will be fewer misunderstandings in the marriage .

And those who are already in a marital relationship may suddenly experience a “second wind” in their relationship; it will be filled with mutual care, sexual romance and depth of understanding.

Particularly good luck in love will accompany people born in August, early September and in the year of the Monkey - they will be patronized by the good star “The Magic of Love”. It makes it possible to receive a long-awaited declaration of love, a marriage proposal, meeting your beloved’s relatives, a ring in a box and other similar sweet joys.

Also very attractive to the opposite sex will be people born in years that end with the numbers 0 and 1. But they will have more of the attractiveness of Don Juan or Carmen and are capable of turning the heads of many admirers. In July, they have access to, albeit short-lived, very vivid love affairs, which will long be remembered for their romance, passion and ardor.

Feng Shui forecast September 2020

Forecast for the Month of the Metal Rooster 辛酉

September 8 – October 8

This month's elemental look is a sophisticated piece of jewelry. According to the Chinese calendar, the height of autumn is approaching the month of the Metal Rooster 辛酉

This is a month of pure metal energy; manifestations of such qualities as the desire to stand out from the crowd, to show external gloss and attractiveness are very strong. The energy of the month of metal is directed inward; holding back emotions can lead to depression or sadness. In order to harmoniously use the energies of the month, you need to put things in order in your head and home, set goals, priorities and emotions. Since metal is an element that loves orderliness and clarity. Rooster 酉 refers to the Red Luan Stars, people born on Horse Day 午 Lucky)) The Rooster will increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex and make you more sensual and sexy.

For those born in the years of the Monkey 申, Rat 子, Dragon 辰, the “Peach Blossom” star is activated, new romantic acquaintances may appear.

People whose Personality Element is the Yin tree on the rabbit 乙卯 need to be careful, due to the complete collision of the pillars, various events may occur, be careful in all areas of life! (for those born in 1975, this is your annual pillar).

If you have such a pillar in your hour, pay more attention to your children. If such a pillar is 乙卯 in the year, then pay attention to your environment and health. If such a pillar is 乙卯 in the month, be vigilant in your work.

For those who have Dog 戌 and Rat 子 in their chart, difficulties in relationships may arise.

Those born on the Days of Yin Fire 丁 and Yang Fire 丙 will receive additional support this month from the “noble person” star.

Travel This month, try not to travel in the direction of the East (the monthly evil star “5 yellow” flies there). Travel to the North is still undesirable, because... The “5 yellow” star is located there throughout the year. Trips and journeys are only considered far outside your region, please do not consider other trips within the scope of destinations, move around calmly!

Health For the Chinese, September is considered the middle of autumn, the lungs and large intestine become the most active, keep these organs under control, because. are responsible for the protective function of the body. Metal is responsible for skin and hair; it’s time for therapeutic and care procedures for the face, body and hair. In September, we reduce the consumption of raw vegetables, eat vegetable stews, proteins (poultry, fish), during this season it is good to drink compotes and herbal decoctions.

❌ Not effective dates in September: Don’t start important things – September 7, 8, 9, 20, 21, October 2, 3 September 7, 13, 19, 20, 25 October 5, 7 – “Star of the disease” No need to visit hard patients and begin surgical interventions. (If the operation is not emergency)

✅ Effective dates in September: September 10, 22, October 4 - suitable for any important matters. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Pig. September 12, 24 are good days for starting a business, starting education, taking office, getting married. Not suitable for those born in the year of the Ox. September 15, 27 are good days for cleansing the house and getting rid of everything boring. It's good to start a diet, pp. Quitting bad habits. A great day for tooth extraction (but not treatment). Not suitable for those born in the year of the Dragon.

Days are favorable for starting diets, cleansing, fasting days, detox. It is beneficial to give up bad habits. It's good to start playing sports. The energies of these days contribute to the quick and easy abandonment of everything unnecessary. These days you will easily start a healthy lifestyle. September 10, 22 – not suitable for those born in the years of the pig. September 15, 27 – not suitable for those born in the years of the dragon.

For especially important events, use the individual selection of favorable dates! Have a cozy September)

  • Forecast for the Month of the Metal Monkey August 8th –…
  • Horoscope June
  • Feng Shui forecast for September 2019
  • Feng Shui forecast for June 2019
  • Feng Shui forecast for December 2018

Money, business and career: don't miss a lucky chance

July will be a great month for anyone who makes money in sales, tourism, marriage agencies, interest clubs, music, communications and education. They may be especially lucky with lucrative contracts, unexpected cash flows, long-awaited promotions and salary. However, in the first half of the month the star “Earthly Deception” will still be active, so it is better to sign business contracts and employment agreements in the second half of the month so that the agreements are observed exactly as intended.

Particularly lucky in July will be those who were born in years ending with the number “4” - they will be patronized by the very generous star “Heavenly Noble One”. The Higher Powers themselves will send to them assistants, benefactors who will provide them with business patronage or direct material assistance in any business enterprises, the result of which will exceed all expectations and will be beyond praise.

Completely unpredictable and significant cash receipts await those born in the years of the Ox, Goat, as well as in July and January of any year. The “Storage” star is preparing surprises for them, provided that these lucky ones will immediately respond to the offers they receive and respond to the call of fate as quickly as possible. Some of them may receive an inheritance, learn about a valuable will, win a significant sum on the stock exchange, or simply receive a valuable gift - in a word, receive significant material assets without any effort and unexpectedly.

Feng Shui forecast by Natalia Pravdina for November 2020

Feng Shui forecast for the last month of autumn will help you complete all the most important things before the transition to winter. It will also help you make plans for the future.

Natalya Pravdina advises watching your emotions most closely. In November they will be the engine of progress and the cause of most failures. The derivative of thoughts - words - will also be very important for every person. You may hear different opinions about yourself, but the most important thing to listen to is not what people say, but how they say it. Follow the root cause of any action so as not to perceive this world superficially, and do not rush to evaluate someone without getting to the bottom. Use affirmations more often to become wiser and stronger every day.

Finance, work and affairs in November

Feng Shui has a whole set of universal rules for achieving success, but these rules are of no use if you are not confident in your abilities. Try not to jump from planning to action in November unless you have planned thoroughly. The fact is that now you will really need caution. The Universe requires maximum thoughtfulness from your every step, because in November there is no place for chaos and disorder.

Sacrifice your free time if you don't have enough energy to complete work tasks. Spend money only on the essentials, because unnecessary things can take away quite a lot of your finances - you want one thing, then another. It's like a snowball that grows and grows, and in the end can leave you without savings.

At work, try not to sign any important papers until you have read the fine print. Do not borrow any amount. It’s better to just make it to your paycheck with pride and your head held high, and not with your pockets full of bills that don’t belong to you.

Love and relationships according to feng shui

In love affairs in November it is worth getting to know each other better. You may not know all the secrets of your significant other. They will resurface in November, so be careful that they don't ruin your marriage or relationship. Do not stand in the way of a random coincidence if you do not want to fail in love, lose a friend or the respect of a loved one. Accept the present as it is now.

No one should stand between you and your significant other. Do not change your decisions regarding loved ones, as this may subsequently negatively affect your luck. If you promise to do something, follow through on your words. Don't risk your reputation either at home or at work.

There should also be as little jealousy as possible, and in the case when they are jealous of you, it is better for you not to continue to provoke your loved one into negativity. Avoid energy vampires who will take advantage of you at every opportunity.

Mood and health in November 2020

This is perhaps the most important area in November. Your mood will directly depend on your environment, on the success or failure of your affairs. It can jump up and down, so it will be quite difficult to keep it at one acceptable level. Only good health can force the positive energy of the Universe to concentrate next to you. Follow the regime, especially towards the end of the month. Go to bed on time, because lack of sleep will deprive you of strength and unsettle you.

Monitor your health as closely as possible, because this is the only way to maintain a fighting spirit and get as many things done as possible. By the way, about business - don’t put off until later the most “disgusting” things that you least want to solve. Deal with them at the beginning of the month so that you can rest peacefully from problems later.

Overload your legs as little as possible in the first half of the month. At the end of November, intellectual work will become the most relevant, but also demanding in terms of your body’s resources. You will need doping in the form of motivation. Constantly look for reasons for yourself to work and not give up. Otherwise, you will be overtaken by apathy, which simply has no place in your life.

Try to transform yourself in November and work on yourself. If you live these 30 days in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, then you will have more opportunities to stay afloat in business, at work, in love. Even the most difficult situations can be resolved in the shortest possible time if you remain in harmony with yourself and with the people around you. Try not to plan anything in advance, but also not to get into adventures.

Health: sports, diets and water

For health improvement, July is favorable for absolutely everyone - the global period of the “Noble Health” star continues. In July, everyone without exception will benefit from drinking plenty of fluids, using water treatments and doing breathing exercises. Chinese doctors claim that these measures will have an extremely healing effect on both the course of severe chronic and acute diseases, but especially this will accelerate the process of reducing weight and body volume.

However, unscheduled examinations, as well as additional preventive and therapeutic rehabilitation courses, are recommended for those who already have diseases of the intestines, spleen, heart and blood vessels in July.

In July, everyone who was born in the year of the Monkey or in August of any year will be especially lucky in matters of health improvement - the star “Heavenly Doctor” helps them throughout the month. Perhaps they will be able to move forward those health problems that for many months or even years were considered unsolvable. So this is the most favorable time for them to start playing sports, go on a diet, and also contact medical specialists for examination or correction of the course of treatment.

It is better not to contact doctors, and also not to start cycles of self-healing, sports and dietary activities on the so-called “Days of Sickness and Sorrow”, during which diagnoses can often be made incorrectly, treatment can be almost ineffective, and the results of training and diets can be ineffective. unstable or almost zero. In July, these days will fall on the following dates: July 1, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19 and 26 .


Despite the generally positive energies of the month, those who plan to go to medical institutions not only for the purpose of subsequent treatment, but even for consultation, should not do this on the so-called “Days of Sickness”: 7, 13, 19, 20 and 25 September. These days, incorrect diagnoses may be made and medical negligence may occur. There is also a high probability that the treatment will either be ineffective, or will be delayed for a long time, or complications or unforeseen negative accidents will arise during its course.

If medical intervention is required urgently and there is no way to avoid going to the doctor these days, then it is recommended to re-consult with specialists about the medical measures already taken on any other day.

For everyone and everything

Unlike previous busy months, there are many favorable days in July. Let us note only the most unfavorable and, on the contrary, the most positive.

Unfavorable dates: July 1, 8, 9, 14, 19, 21, 26 and August 2 . These days, it is better not to start any important things in any area of ​​life; you can only do things related to “everyday routine”.

And these days are especially favorable for making important decisions, as well as taking key actions. For example, such as getting engaged, starting to live together, moving, going on a trip, signing a business contract, taking on a new position, signing an employment contract and starting a new job for the first time: 7, 11, 12, 15, 22, 23, 24, July 27, 31 and August 4 .

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Flying Stars forecast for November 2020 by sector

Stars will influence you only if they are located in important sectors of the house: bedroom, study, on the front door to a house or room. A bathroom, balcony or storage room does not affect the overall energy of your apartment or house.

Southeast 9-7

Although this is a very good sector for most of the year, the energies in the Southeast are not the best in November. Frequent stay in the sector can cause colds, diseases of the throat, lungs and nose. If you are under the influence of the sector, take care to increase your immunity. Also try not to participate in gossip, this can lead to bad consequences. To reduce the negative, place a glass of slightly salted water here.

South 5-3

Unfavorable sector throughout the year. It is strictly not recommended to sleep, eat or work here, especially for people who have health problems. If this is not possible, at least move the bed to a favorable sector within the room and be especially attentive to your health, do not start new things, do not lend or borrow money. To neutralize negativity, you can place the Remedy for the Yellow Five in the south. If your front door is in the south, hang a metal bell on it.

Southwest 7-5

An extremely unfavorable sector. It is strictly not recommended to sleep or work here. If this is not possible, be attentive to your health, do not start new businesses, do not give or borrow money, do not engage in risky sports. To neutralize negativity, you can put Salt, water and coins here. If your front door is in the southwest, hang a metal bell on it.

West 3-1

An unfavorable sector can bring quarrels and conflicts to the family. If you are under the influence of a sector, be careful when sorting out relationships, control yourself and weigh every word. Also avoid gambling.

North West 2-9

An unfavorable sector throughout the year due to the annual star of diseases. If possible, avoid sleeping or working in the northwest room. If this is not possible, be attentive to your health: go to a preventive appointment with a doctor, start doing exercises, etc.

North 6-4

Not a very positive sector for women, as well as people with Gua 4. If you fall under this category, pay more attention to your health. The sector can also bring frivolous romantic acquaintances.

Northeast 4-2

The star of illness makes the northeast inauspicious this month. If your bed or front door is affected by this sector, go to a preventative appointment with a doctor, take a course of vitamins, in other words, pay attention to your health. Be careful with new romantic acquaintances, there is a possibility that someone will want to ruin your reputation.

East 8-6

One of the best sectors in November. It helps to increase income, career growth, and improve financial situation. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that money will not just fall on your head - you will have to work hard.

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