The life of the Venerable Elder Nektarios of Optina, his instructions and prayer

For us, the Holy Fathers are always the main teachers and sages, before whom we bow our heads and listen carefully to their instructions, sermons and predictions.

We are people of the Orthodox faith, and our hearts are open to the whole world, which is both sinful and beautiful, and we live here and thank the Creator for his care for us and the miracles that he has created for us.

Our teachers talked a lot about the future - especially about faith, about people, about wars, about sin and good that await us and our children in the future.

Predictions of Elder Vladislav (Shumov)

Father warned people, talked about what would happen in Russia on the eve of the last times:

  1. Muscovites will shop using cards, and later there will be a time of famine.
  2. Moscow will feel a high-magnitude earthquake. If previously the city stood on 6 hills, then after a natural disaster they will become equal and 1 hill will appear.
  3. Those living in the village do not need to move. It will be safer and better to live there than in the city.
  4. There is no need to go to the Diveyevo Monastery; the relics of Elder Seraphim of Sarov are not there.
  5. There will also be persecution of Orthodox believers.
  6. In the Russian Federation in the future, representatives of the Communist Party will be in power.
  7. If someone hears that one of the priests was expelled from the temple, one must go under his wing during the persecution.
  8. The USA and Japan will be flooded with water.
  9. Australia will similarly go under water.
  10. The ocean will cover the US territory up to Alaska. The latter will again become Russian territory.
  11. At that time, there will be such military operations in the Russian Federation when the Germans will attack from the western side, and the Chinese from the eastern side.
  12. The Indian Ocean will flood half of China on the southern side. The Chinese will be able to fight their way to Chelyabinsk. The Russians will enter into a coalition with the Mongols and will drive the Chinese home.
  13. When will the war happen? When the Chinese go to Russia. They will manage to conquer the city of Chelyabinsk, but God will transform them, converting them to Orthodoxy.
  14. The Russian Federation is destined to fight with Germany. Military operations will begin through the territory of Serbia.
  15. There will be fire everywhere! There is great sorrow among people, but the Russian Federation will not be consumed by fire, the country will survive.
  16. The territory of Belarus will be severely damaged. After these events, she will want to unite with the Russian Federation. Ukraine at that time will refuse to enter into an alliance, and its people will cry and mourn a lot.
  17. The Turks will start a war with the Greeks. The Russian Federation will help the latter.
  18. Military operations in Afghanistan will be endless.

Important! The time will come when military conflicts will break out everywhere. Then the warring powers will decide that they need to elect a single ruler. You cannot take part in such an undertaking; that president will be the Antichrist.

Predictions of Orthodox Elders

Many of the holy fathers predicted the revival of the monarchy in Russia, in particular, John of Kronstadt reported this. He said that there would be a New Rus', and it would be according to the old traditions - Orthodox and believing in Christ the Savior. Seraphim of Sarov and Feofan of Poltava unanimously echoed that a grandiose series of events was coming in Russian history, which would lead to the unification of the Slavic nations into a single country led by Holy Russia.

In 2021, Lavrenty Chernigovsky reported, there will be even more churches and monasteries in Russia, and sects and unrighteous teachings will go away, like melted snow in the spring. However, further, according to the holy father, bad times await us, if not terrible ones. Christians will be persecuted, war will come...

Christopher Tula foreshadowed unimaginable troubles for Russia after the Yeltsin era. He spoke especially clearly about guile and cunning. In the coming years, according to Christopher of Tula, we will experience such confusion that only the Lord God will understand. We are no longer able to fix anything. Civilization will collapse. We will work, and only work will help us.

What did St. Seraphim of Sarov predict?

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Predictions of Elder Seraphim for the Russian Federation in recent times:

  1. The spirit-bearing elder Seraphim told people that in the last times there would again be a king in Russia. He will glorify God, but soon there will be great strife in the country and a lot of blood will be shed. There will be people who will oppose the monarch, but God will show that the king pleases him and will exalt the ruler.
  2. God will show mercy to the Russian Federation and magnify it through suffering. Before the reign of the Antichrist, it will be the will of God that the Slavic peoples become united, and they will merge into a sea of ​​people.
  3. Elder Seraphim warned that a time of division would come on Russian soil, some would take the side of the rebels, others would defend the sovereign. The latter will win, protecting the tsar, the church, and the Russian lands will remain intact.
  4. The rebels will be tried and not sent to Siberia, as they were punished before, but executed. A lot of blood will be shed, but it will be considered cleansing. The Tsar's power over the Russian lands will be established.
  5. God loves the Slavs for their loyalty and preservation of the Orthodox faith. In the last times, the faithful will recognize the machinations of the Antichrist and will not accept him as the messiah. At that time, the Russian-Slavic kingdom on earth will be the largest and strongest.
  6. The Russian Federation with troops from other countries will take Jerusalem and Constantinople. In addition, the Russian military, together with the troops of other countries, will capture Vienna. Approximately 7 million more local residents would live in the House of Habsburg, and they would form the Austrian Empire.
  7. The French love the Virgin Mary, and for this France will remain. It will be home to 17 million people, and among them will be Russians and their descendants. Reims will be the capital, and Paris will be wiped off the face of the earth by troops.
  8. The House of Napoleon will receive Savoy with Corsica and Sardinia. The world war will last 10 long years.

Ambrose Optinsky

Procopius of Ustyug - Peter of Moscow - Sergius of Radonezh - Basil the Blessed - Philip the Metropolitan - John the Fool - Irinarch the Elder - Jacob Bruce Astrologer - Xenia of Petersburg - Monk Abel the Prophetic - Alexandra Kirghoff - Seraphim of Sarov - Juliana Krudener - Ivan Koreysha - Pavel of Taganrog - John of Kronstadt - Vera Kryzhanovskaya - Grigory Rasputin - Matrona of Moscow

Elder Ambrose, in the world Alexander Mikhailovich Grenkov, was the spiritual son and cell attendant of Elder Macarius of Optina. In the person of Father Ambrose, the Optina eldership reached its peak; he was the first of them to be canonized. And what preceded this was this: Gogol somehow ended up in the house of the historian Pogodin, where the cream of society was gathering. We started talking about faith and piety. Gogol admitted that he dreams of finding a spiritual mentor and heard in response: “There is such a person!” You have to go to a monastery... - What can you hear in a monastery? In Italy I visited Catholic monks and did not get what I needed there. Well, okay, to a monastery, which one? – It’s called Optina Pustyn. There is one elder there, Father Macarius...

And so Gogol came to Optina, to Father Macarius. And, leaving the elder, he said: “They told me the truth.” This is the only person I know who can lead me to sources of living water. And Gogol was reborn after that. He himself said: “I entered the elder alone, and came out another.”

The future Reverend Ambrose was born into the family of sexton Mikhail Fedorovich, whose father was a priest, and his wife Marfa Nikolaevna. At baptism, the name Alexander was given in honor of the holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky. The sixth of eight children, he was brought up in a strict church environment: he learned to read and write in the book of hours and psalms, and sang and read with his father in the choir. At the age of 12, Alexander was sent to the Tambov Theological School. Upon graduation in 1830, he was admitted to the government account as the first student at the Tambov Theological Seminary and in July 1836 he successfully graduated from it. For a year and a half he was a teacher in a landowner family, and in 1838 he took the place of mentor at the Lipetsk Theological School. While still studying at the seminary, being very young, Ambrose became seriously ill and gradually turned into a frail invalid. On the advice of Father Hilarion, a well-known ascetic in the Tambov diocese, Alexander went to the Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Pustyn. In October 1839 he arrived at the monastery. Elder Schema-Archimandrite Leo blessed Alexander to live in the monastery guest courtyard. In the spring of 1840, by decree of the Kaluga Spiritual Consistory, A. M. Grenkov was identified as one of the brethren. Suffering from illness, Father Ambrose never lost heart, he loved to joke, he said in jokes: “The prophet Moses endured, the prophet Elisha endured, the prophet Elijah endured - so I will endure.” The elder often even gave his instructions in a comic form. To the question “How to live?” - answered: “To live is not to bother, not to judge anyone, not to annoy anyone, and to everyone - my respect!”

Macarius of Optina, spiritual mentor and teacher of Ambrose

At the monastery monastery, where Elder Ambrose lived, there was a crowd of people in any weather, winter or summer. The elder received people in his cell - a small house nicknamed the “hut”. In the summer, Father Ambrose came out of the hut to the pilgrims who were waiting for him. There were railings from the porch itself; On one side stood the people, on the other walked the bent elder Ambrose, he often stopped, blessed and answered questions. After the death of Elder Macarius in 1860, Ambrose became his worthy successor. He received many pilgrims every day and answered dozens of letters. The spiritual gifts of Elder Ambrose attracted thousands of people to him: the common people and the intelligentsia.

Once Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky visited Optina and had a long conversation with the priest. Father Ambrose became one of the prototypes of Elder Zosima in the writer’s famous novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. The famous monastery of the elder was also visited by the writers A.K. Tolstoy and L.N. Tolstoy, philosopher BC Soloviev and many other famous people. And the writer and philosopher, former diplomatic consul K.N. Leontiev traveled to Optina and asked the priest for his blessing to stay. He settled in the monastery mansion, which has since been called the “consular house,” and became the spiritual son of the priest, preparing for 15 years to take monastic vows. Only a month before his death, the elder tonsured him as a monk with the name Clement.

When, before leaving for the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Father Clement came to the priest to say goodbye, the elder said: “Don’t cry.” See you soon! "Like this? – thought Leontyev. “Apparently, I’ll have to return to Optina, and I’ll still find the priest alive.” But that same fall he died, having outlived the priest by only a month, and it became clear what the perspicacious old man had in mind. Famous writer E.N. The villager was an unbeliever in his youth. One day he and his aunt were going to Crimea. Before the trip, my aunt wanted to visit Father Ambrose. At the same time, a dialogue took place: “No, auntie, go, and I’ll wait for you in Kaluga.” - It's more fun together. But you don’t have to go to the elder. We've arrived. Auntie says: “Or maybe you should still go to the elder, since you ended up in Optina?” “No, auntie, I won’t go, he’ll torture me with lectures.” - Well, God be with you, as you wish. The aunt told the priest about him, to which the elder said: “He should come to me.” Tell him that sinful Ambrose asks him to come for five to ten minutes. Evgeniy went. And he left Father Ambrose a different person: from then on he began to visit Optina, even asking to be accepted into the monastery. But the priest said: “No, first graduate from the university, and then I’ll tell you what to do.” After graduating from university, Evgeniy returned to his father: “What now?” – Now write in defense of the faith, the Church and the nation.

Several years before his death, the elder ordered the painting of the icon of the Mother of God “The Spreader of the Loaves.” This icon gained great fame as a miraculous icon: in lean years it saved people from hunger. In the last years of the elder’s life, near Optina in the village of Shamordino, a Kazan women’s monastery was established with his blessing. Here the elder died on October 10 (22), 1891. In June 1988, at a local council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Elder Ambrose of Optina was canonized. The memory of Ambrose of Optina is honored on October 10 (22).

Other seers, saints, wonderworkers and blessed ones in the history of Russia Theodosius of Pechersk Peter and Fevronia Stefan of Perm Kirill Belozersky Tatarinova Ekaterina Macarius of Optina Innocent Metropolitan Ambrose of Optina Barsanuphius of Optina Khlebnikov Velimir Wolf Messing

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Prophecies of the elders about the fate of Russia

Many spirit-bearing elders had the gift of clairvoyance from God and told the chosen ones about what would happen in the Russian Federation at the end of times. Grateful people wrote down these predictions, and now everyone can read them. Whether to consider them true is everyone’s choice, and below you can read the warnings of the spirit-bearing Russian and other Orthodox elders.

Predictions of St. Anatoly of Optina

Many who hear widespread heresies will be deceived. The Antichrist will be deceitful, so that if he can influence, the elect will also be deceived. The enemy of the human race will not directly deny the truth of the dogmas about the Holy Trinity, the divine nature of Jesus, and the honor of the Mother of God.

The unclean one will distort the traditions of the holy fathers, the statutes that were revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. These tricks will be noticed only by the most experienced in spiritual inner life.

Prophecy from St. Theodosius (Kashin)

Father believed that the Great Patriotic War was not yet the terrible war that was destined to happen. In the next one, enemies will attack the Russian Federation from the east, and then, like locusts, from everywhere.

Schema-Archimandrid Stefan of Athos predicts

The USA will soon completely perish, and the fall of the country will be terrible for the people. People will seek salvation in the Russian Federation or Serbia. Events will happen in the future.

Prophecies of Elder Matthew of Vresthenes

The elder predicted such a future for the Russian Federation:

  • A war is coming in which the entire new world order will rise up against Russia. All of humanity will suffer, and billions may die. The occasion will be the events unfolding in Serbia.
  • When Russia is resurrected, World War III is coming. The outbreak of hostilities will take place in Yugoslavia.

Important! Victory will be for the Russian Federation, and the winning country will contribute to lasting peace and prosperity throughout the planet. Russia will not conquer most of the lands of former enemies.

The future is predicted by the elder of Optina Hermitage Vissarion

There will be a coup or an unplanned change of power in the Russian Federation. In the same year there will be an attack by the Chinese. The troops will be able to reach the Urals. Russians will unite with each other as Orthodox Christians.

Prophecies of Elder Nicholas (Guryanov)

The parishioners asked the spiritual elder Nikolai, who will be president after Yeltsin? He replied that he was in the military, but not for long, and he himself was short.

Prophecies of Isaac the Second

The last of the abbots of Optina is Father Isaac the Second, who warns his spiritual children about the coming of the Antichrist to our world. This terrible time will be easily recognized by the external splendor of temples and churches. They will be repaired, restored, the domes will be gilded, but they themselves will be closed to ordinary believers. And when they finish decorating the churches, the coronation of the Antichrist will take place.

Closing of the monastery. Arrest and ordeal of St. Nektarios

In 1923, on Palm Sunday, the monastery was closed. The grain monastery building was turned into a prison. On a frosty March day they took the monk there. The old man walked, falling. His legs were swollen and oozing with ichor from years of standing in prayer and he could hardly move.

On Holy Thursday, the priest was transported to Kozelsk prison. From there, due to an eye disease, he was transferred to a hospital under guard. At the request of the authorities, the elder left the Kaluga region and moved to live in Bryansk, in the village of Kholmishchi.

The authorities imposed heavy taxes on the owner who sheltered the old man.

A difficult period began for Father Nektary. He was in a spiritual struggle; he wanted to leave the eldership and devote himself to prayer alone.

The deceased Optina elders appeared to him and said: “If you want to be with us, do not leave your spiritual children.” After this phenomenon, he calmed down and continued his eldership. From all over Russia, the flow of people to the elder did not stop until the end of his days.

Through his envoys, Patriarch Tikhon consulted with the Monk. To get to Father Nektarios, visitors traveled a difficult path. In the spring, river floods forced travelers to take a detour, up to 75 miles. There were many wolves in the forests. But according to the priest’s prayers, they did not harm anyone.

Veneration of the Venerable Elder in Orthodoxy

In 1935, the saint's grave was desecrated by robbers hunting for valuables. Having taken the coffin out of the dug grave, the vandals tore off the lid, leaving the coffin with the relics leaning against a tree trunk. In the morning, the collective farmers, arriving at the cemetery, saw the remains of the monk, remaining incorrupt. Having closed the coffin, the collective farmers lowered it into the grave while singing the Trisagion.

In 1987, Optina Pustyn was returned to the Orthodox Church. Five years later, monastery inhabitants arrived at the burial place of Nektarios and, breaking open the grave, took out the elder’s coffin. After the opening of the tomb, the incorrupt, fragrant relics were transferred to the Vvedensky Church.

The hieromonk was canonized as a locally revered saint in 1996. In August 2000, the Council of Bishops met, at which a church-wide celebration of the saint was established.

The veneration of the hieromonk takes place three times a year:

  • 12 May;
  • September 23 – the day of the Council of Lipetsk Saints;
  • October 24 – along with the celebration of the Council of All Optina Saints.

Advice from Elder Nikon

Father Nikon also warned more than once about the Third World War and the coming of the Antichrist. He pointed out how the wicked would be recognized. According to him, in the midst of war the question will arise about electing the most important ruler over the entire Universe. He will be chosen according to the law, as a peacemaker or king. Nikon warned that the sign of the coming of the Antichrist would be elections of “one above all,” in which one should under no circumstances take part.

But there is a chance for salvation for the world and Russia in particular. As Father Barsanuphius foresaw, in the future we will experience a spiritual explosion, a revival of spiritual values ​​and the prosperity of the Orthodox faith. All Slavic peoples will be reunited, and a single powerful kingdom will be formed, which will be ruled by God’s anointed one. The Antichrist himself will fear him. And so it will be until the moment of the Last Judgment, which will inevitably come, as it is said in the Holy Scriptures. Another elder, Nektarios, predicted that Russia would be pardoned by God if true righteous people remained in it, and we have such righteous people, which means there is hope.


How do believers feel about myrrh streaming?

Ordinary parishioners are not interested in the opinion of scientists, but in the true meaning of the signs. Most perceive the “tears” of saints as a kind of warning. It is enough to read the online comments on the page of the Temple in the name of the Archangel Michael to see that many consider the “weeping icons” to be a harbinger of severe trials and unknown troubles.

Optimistic parishioners are sure that this is how the Mother of God sends “her blessing” to people, which means she will not leave them without intercession before the Lord. The majority of priests share the same opinion, who urge people to pray fervently and not think about gloomy predictions and superstitions.

Theologian Vladimir Tikhomirov speaks poetically about myrrh-streaming icons. He is sure that with such small miracles the Lord reminds a person of his presence. What is important is not how exactly the “tears” of saints appear, but how the human soul responds to this event. In the legacy of St. John Chrysostom there is an amazing “instruction” that can help a believer in absolutely any situation.

“Good things happen, bless God and good things will remain.” If something bad happens, bless God, and the bad thing will stop. Thank God for everything!"


The childhood and youth of the saint. Orphanhood, work and prayer

The future elder was born in the city of Yelets, Oryol province, in 1853. His name was Nikolai Vasilyevich Tikhonov. The family lived poorly. The boy's father, Vasily, died when Nikolai was seven years old. Before his death, Vasily blessed his son with the icon of St. Nicholas, which he did not part with until the end of his days.

The boy developed a warm and touching relationship with his mother Elena. She raised her son with meekness and love. The monk remembered her with tenderness in his stories. His mother died 3 years after his father, and the boy had to work from an early age.

At the age of 11, he worked in the shop of a rich merchant. Diligent and hardworking Nikolai, at the age of 17, was appointed junior clerk. In his free time from work, the young man read church books. He loved to go to temple and pray. Meek, modest, pure in soul, he was liked by those around him.


this year at the age of 20, Nikolai enters a monastery

The senior clerk decided to marry Nikolai to his daughter. When the young man was twenty years old, the clerk sent him for a blessing for marriage to the old woman, the spiritual daughter of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, who lived in Yelets.

This hundred-year-old schema-woman sent Nicholas to Elder Hilarion in Optina Pustyn. Taking with him one Gospel, the young man set off on his journey. Nicholas remained in the monastery forever.

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