Prayers against defilement in a dream, by masturbation. When is the prayer for the night desecration of Basil the Great read?

Many processes occurring inside a person are beyond his control. This is understandable, because our flesh is a highly complex mechanism that operates according to the laws established by the Creator. But, having given man freedom, He endowed him with the ability to decide for himself - to maintain himself in spiritual and bodily purity or to indulge in defilement. In order to support a person in the fight against temptations, prayers were sent down to him against defilement.

Various interpretations of the concept of desecration

One of the most common forms of desecration of the flesh is male sin in the form of nocturnal ejaculations (emissions) or dreams of an erotic nature. It should be noted that the definition of this category of sin by modern clergy is largely at odds with the way it was understood by many pillars of Christianity in past centuries.

Suffice it to remember that the famous Rules of St. Athanasius the Great say that an involuntary discharge caused by a dream in which a man saw scenes of his copulation with his lawful wife cannot be considered desecration. In this case, the prayer against desecration in a dream is not read, of course, unless we are talking about periods of fasting. It is also important to note that the generally recognized theologian recognizes not the ejaculation of semen itself as a sin - this is only an external consequence, but the desires that gave rise to it.

Rules for reading prayers against desecration

General canons for reading sacred texts may change from temple to temple, but the main thing remains one thing - the words must come from the heart. A person himself must repent, and only then hope for His mercy.

Turning to God can be more correct, for this you should follow some rules:

You should pray in front of the icons of those saints whose prayers are read, but if this is not possible, then it is better to read the words in the temple. If for some reason a person cannot repent in church, this can be done at home. But we should not forget that the room should be quiet, nothing should distract the Christian from reading the sacred texts.

In the grip of sinful thoughts

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, the causes that give rise to involuntary outflows are divided into six main categories, and the last three are not considered sinful. When considering them, we usually start with carnal thoughts and lusts, since they are the most common.

Of course, sinful thoughts and the voluptuous desires they cause visit people of all ages, but young men and teenagers are most susceptible to them. Especially often the devil lays his nets for monks, who, due to the nature of their lifestyle, are deprived of natural marital relationships. In order to strengthen them in the fight against carnal temptations, there is a special monastic prayer against defilement, read both in cases of attacks from the evil one and for their prevention.

Deliberate stimulation of lust

Of course, both carnal thoughts and lusts can be caused by purely physiological reasons, for which there is no human fault, but the fact is that often, instead of trying to reduce their impact as much as possible, people deliberately inflame and stimulate them, ultimately finding satisfaction in handjob.

To do this, the devil presented them with a wide range of means and tools. This includes watching certain types of video materials, reading relevant literature, and talking about topics that are unworthy for a pious person to touch upon. In all these cases, especially if they are accompanied by masturbation, human guilt is undeniable.

To resist the devil’s machinations, there is a prayer against desecration by fornication, which everyone who is susceptible to this scourge can easily find in the Complete Prayer Book. However, it should be remembered that just reading the text is not enough. You need a sincere desire to defeat evil and tireless control over your own thoughts.

Mechanism of appearance of AGA

Two types of hair can grow on our heads: regular and androgen-dependent, which die under the influence of the active form of the male sex hormone testosterone - dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT, in turn, is formed under the influence of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which is found in hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It is intrafollicular dihydrotestosterone that is the source of hair loss: it causes a strong, prolonged spasm of the vessels feeding the follicles, disrupts protein synthesis and, as a result, causes degeneration of the hair bulb and hair. In this case, the level of testosterone in the body may be normal or even reduced. Because AGA is not a disease, but a feature of the body.

The female body also contains testosterone and 5-alpha reductase, but in smaller quantities than the male body. In addition, estrogens predominate, and if the hormonal balance is not disturbed, the manifestation of AGA will become noticeable in a woman only during menopause. If hair loss began before menopause and at a young age, this is often associated with hormonal imbalance (diseases of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland).

However, sex hormones do not always suppress or enhance hair growth. The effect of androgens or estrogens on hair is determined by the presence of special receptors on the surface of hair follicle cells. These receptors are activated by sex hormones and stimulate or block hair growth. The main cause of hair loss in AGA is either increased activity of 5-alpha reductase or increased sensitivity of hair follicle cell receptors to DHT. Therefore, there is no direct connection between age and AGA. Trichologists note that in the last few years the age of the main flow of patients is not 50-60 years old, but 25-35 years old. Moreover, cases of treatment by adolescents of both sexes aged 15-18 years with obvious signs of androgenetic alopecia are becoming more frequent.

Take the test and find out how to help your hair

Path in the Devil's Network

Another cause of desecration is arrogance and pride. Here we should immediately make a reservation that in this case we are talking not only and not so much about nightly outpourings, but about desecration in general of the human soul and body. To be convinced of this, it is enough to carefully consider both of these concepts, which carry a sinful basis.

High intelligence is not the ability to think in high categories, but only a consequence of an overly inflated assessment of one’s mental abilities. Pride is talked about often and a lot. Hardly anyone can doubt its harmfulness. Both one and the other property prompts a person to sometimes consider himself above generally accepted moral principles.

He, without hesitation, goes beyond the boundaries of what was intended by both religious and universal human norms, and therefore becomes an easy prey for the devil, who lures him into his nets. Unaware of the danger, even if for one reason or another he does not commit the physical act of adultery, he willingly indulges in it in his thoughts, which ultimately leads to outpourings that defile him. In this case, prayers against defilement will have a beneficial effect only if his forces are consciously aimed at eradicating the root causes of sin - arrogance and pride that overwhelm him.

New materials

Often young people who lead a spiritual life have a question: is bodily defilement - in a dream or in a waking state - a sin or not? Is it possible to receive communion if semen leaks at night? Some priests, without much understanding, do not allow a person to approach the Holy Chalice, calling any desecration an atrocity for which one must repent. But is everything so clear? To do this, let us turn to the source of the wisdom of Christianity - to the works of the holy fathers.

In the Old Testament, male defilement was treated in a special way, which we see from the Holy Scripture itself. According to the book of Leviticus, a man who emitted semen was himself unclean, and everything he touched became the same. Seven days after the end of the ejaculation, he had to wash his body and clothes, and on the eighth day he had to bring two turtle doves or two young pigeons to the priest, and the priest, in turn, had to offer “of these birds, one as a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering, and the priest will make an atonement for it before the Lord from the issue thereof” (see Lev. 14:1-15). But it can be assumed from the following lines that before this it was said about the prodigal outpouring, since it further reads: “If anyone has an outpouring of semen, he must wash his whole body with water, and he will be unclean until the evening; and every garment and every skin on which the seed falls shall be washed with water, and shall be unclean until the evening; If a man lies with a woman and has an emission of semen, they shall wash themselves in water and be unclean until the evening” (Lev. 15:16-18).

The Old Testament instruction about the purification of a man after the outpouring of semen, St. Gregory Dvoeslov recalls in his answer about the desecration of a person or priest who was due to a vision, and the possibility of him receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The saint writes: “The Old Testament, as we said earlier, declares such a person unclean and, until he washes himself, forbids him to enter the temple until evening. Spiritual people accept this rule, but, as we have explained, they understand it differently. If a person in reality is defiled by false visions that come to him in a dream, he must wash himself with the water of understanding, which will wash away the sin of thought with his tears; Until the fire of temptation is extinguished, let the guilt weigh on him until the evening, as it has been said.”[1]

In the church-literary monument of the late 3rd - early 4th centuries. “Didascalia”, when talking about women’s periods, briefly talks about the expiration of semen: “But again I tell you, woman: during the seven days of your monthly cleansing, you consider yourself unclean, according to Deuteronomy, how can you be clean after seven days without the baptismal font? And if you do not wash yourself, then you, according to your own suspicion, remain unclean and the useless observance of seven days did not help you at all... Think about this, all of you who observe the ejaculation of semen and the separation of the marriage bed. For all these customs are unreasonable and harmful... If you wash yourself after ejaculating semen and dividing the bed, in accordance with Deuteronomy, then you are obliged to wash yourself even if you stepped on a mouse and will never be clean... For, affirming Deuteronomy, you you agree with the curse that lay on our Savior and despise the King Christ, who bestows blessings on those worthy of them”[2].

Saint Athanasius the Great has a small letter to a certain monk Amun, which is his first rule. It clearly states that natural defilement that occurs by nature and not by sinful thoughts or deeds is not sin: “Tell me, most beloved and reverent, what is sin or unclean in any natural eruption? Would anyone want to blame phlegm coming out of the nostrils or saliva coming out of the mouth? And you can also point out the most important thing of all, the eruption of the womb, which a living being needs to maintain life... Then we only become defiled when we commit a stinking sin. And when some natural eruption occurs not by our will, then, out of natural necessity, as we have already said, we endure this along with other needs.”[3]. Here it is clear that Saint Athanasius clearly shows that not every ejaculation of semen is a sin, but is evil only if it occurs through fornication.

The fourth rule of Dionysius of Alexandria leaves the question of bodily defilement to the judgment of the person himself: “Those who have experienced a non-voluntary nocturnal discharge should also follow their conscience and examine themselves, whether this is why they are in doubt or not: just as he says about food Apostle: “He who doubts, if he eats, is condemned” (Rom. 14:23). And in this case, let everyone who approaches God have a good conscience and good courage, according to his own thoughts.” In principle, these words are quite similar to the words of St. Athanasius the Great.

If we turn further to the set of canons of the Orthodox Church, we will not find anything new on the topic, but only repetitions with some clarifications. The twelfth question addressed to Saint Timothy of Alexandria is: “If a layman who has had an unclean dream asks a clergyman: should he be allowed to receive communion or not?” To this the saint gives an answer that has become a rule: “If he is subject to the lust of his wife, he should not take communion; if Satan tempts him, so that for this reason he will be alienated from the communion of the Divine Mysteries, then he must receive communion. For otherwise the tempter will not stop attacking him at the time when he should partake.”

Saint John the Faster in his eighth rule prescribes penance for unconscious desecration: “Whoever is desecrated by ecrisis in a dream will be deprived of communion for one day and will be considered cleansed of impurity if he reads the fiftieth psalm and makes forty-nine prostrations.” And in the next, ninth rule, he toughens the punishment for desecration committed by a person intentionally: “Whoever, while awake, is defiled by ecrisis, is subject to removal from communion for up to seven days, and every day he must read the fiftieth psalm and make forty-nine bows.”

The already mentioned Saint Gregory the Dvoeslov writes about bodily outflow, but in the context of sinfulness and the possibility of receiving communion: “Visions should be distinguished by the reason for which they enter the soul of the sleeping person: sometimes they occur from intoxication, sometimes from excesses or from weakness, sometimes from thoughts . One should not be afraid of visions emanating from natural excesses or weakness, although it is regrettable that the soul involuntarily suffers from them. When an immoderate appetite leads to gluttony and the receptacle for food is overflowing, the soul should feel guilt, but not so much as to deter a person from receiving the Holy Mysteries or from participating in mass if a holiday requires it or if he needs to perform the sacrament for lack of another in that place priest If there are those who can perform the service for him, he still should not abstain from communion of the Holy Mysteries, unless his soul is full of sinful images. I, however, think that out of shame he will try to abstain from communion. There are those whose soul is not desecrated by obscene images, but it should be remembered that the soul feels guilty and is not cleansed even by repentance, because even if a person does not remember what he saw in a dream, he remembers that he previously indulged in excesses. If the visions in a dream come from sinful thoughts in reality, then the guilt is obvious to his soul, for he sees where his defilement comes from, when what he thought about voluntarily, later involuntarily appears to him in a dream. But one must distinguish whether these thoughts arise from suggestions and impulses or, what is much more serious, from indulgence in sin”[4].

The sin of misusing God's gifts

According to Christian canons, food is not something sinful. Without it, nothing living can exist. Sin is its excessive consumption, colloquially called gluttony. Not only priests, but also doctors warn about its harm to humans. Excessive calories provoke lust in a person, which results in thoughts and desires that cause nightly outpourings that defile a person.

Wine or any other alcoholic drink in itself is also not a sin. It is enough to remember how Christ, at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, turned water into wine, thereby blessing it. Sin is drunkenness, that is, the abuse of wine. It is quite obvious that under the influence of excessive amounts of alcohol, a person, having lost control over his thoughts and emotions, can become an easy prey for the devil, who directs his consciousness to sinful thoughts.

Wine and bread are gifts of God, but in both the first and second cases, you must first of all control yourself while eating, and even more so drinking alcohol, so as not to turn them into destruction for your soul. Only in this case, prayers against desecration, if the need arises for them, will bear fruit.

Night defilements in women

Home Questions for the priest Night desecrations

Author: Elena

Date: 11/10/2010 at 12:04

-1. Over time, there will be fewer such dreams, but for now such attacks are due to the fact that passions are still raging. Defilements can occur by nature, but less often and without prodigal scenes. 2. If you do everything right, try to resist. 3. Yes, you can do that too. 4. Yes, pray, fight, but speak in confession. God bless and bless you!

The life of every Christian consists not only of pious and pleasant actions: prayer, pilgrimage, reading about miracles, etc. But unfortunately, there are serious difficulties on the path of every believer, because the inner spiritual life is associated not only with ups, but also with downs.

By turning to God, a Christian is sanctified, that is, made more holy, because he turns to the Holy Spirit. And, as you know, the Holy Spirit is the third hypostasis of God. When a person checks his spirit, his inner settings, as it were, with the Spirit of God, he becomes at least a little like his Heavenly Father, and He, as you know, is Love and the highest Good. Simply put, it’s good to be with Him, when He’s near, a person just feels good. A believer commits fewer actions that would sadden them and introduce disharmony into their already more or less established internal harmony.

Saints are saints because their inner world, through efforts and resistance to temptations, has become similar to that of the Angels. In Orthodoxy they speak of such people as “earthly angels and heavenly men.” By the way, Basil the Great himself, the author of the rule against desecration, is glorified among the saints.

A person begins to feel good when his inner world, as it were, becomes magnetized to God and begins to receive for himself the highest good for the human soul - the constant presence of God through His Spirit.

But the man sinned. Suddenly I decided to do something that goes completely against God and His structure. Harmony collapses, a person’s inner world becomes demagnetized , and the sinner begins to suffer. Because he allowed disharmony not just in his world, but in his relationship with Heavenly Father. It ceased to be the metal that could attract a magnet to itself, lost its properties, by its actions it placed itself on a par not with Angels, but with animals, and allowed filth into itself. And now it needs cleansing in order to restore interaction with God. After all, His Spirit does not interact with any spiritual defilement. That is, it does not enter into communication, does not become at least to some extent common.

But, as all Christians know, nothing is irreparable. Of course, wallowing in something nasty is not a pleasant pleasure. However, if this did happen and the filth touched the person’s soul, then the situation can be corrected through certain rules established by the holy fathers. This is called the rule against desecration. Its author is Basil the Great, one of the main teachers of the Church. People came to listen to his sermons from the farthest corners of the world.

Natural and therefore sinless causes of ejaculation

In addition to the three reasons listed above for involuntary, mainly nocturnal ejaculation, there are three more that are caused by completely natural reasons and do not contain anything sinful that can defile a person. First of all, this is an absolutely normal manifestation of the activity of the male seminal glands.

The Lord himself designed our body in such a way that these important organs cannot remain inactive for a long time. If the product they produce turns out to be unclaimed, they simply throw it out at the first opportunity, and there is nothing unnatural about this. If mothers sometimes panic when they discover suspicious stains on their sons’ sheets, this is solely due to their ignorance. In this case, prayer against night defilement is inappropriate, of course, if the outpourings are not caused by masturbation.

Flesh without sin and without blemish

When the Lord resurrected , He appeared before the disciples , who were sitting tightly locked in one of the houses. They were afraid that the Jews would find them and kill them. But suddenly Christ appeared between them right in the room. He passed locks, doors and walls. Thus, He, voluntarily or involuntarily, not on purpose, but demonstrated the capabilities of a new, or, more precisely, transformed to the state of the first grace of the human body.

When the disciples, after His crucifixion, traveled from one city to another and were in different places and in different cities, Jesus simultaneously accompanied some, talked with others and was with others. And all this being in a human body, similar to ours, but transformed. The bodies of Adam and Eve had the same properties. All this indicates that when the Lord resurrects and transforms our bodies on the day of the general Resurrection, the onset of which every Christian confesses in the Creed, we will receive the same properties of the flesh.

Diseases and their consequences

Following further, it is necessary to mention such causes of wet dreams as physical weakness and illness. In this case, it is absurd to classify them as manifestations of sinfulness. The Christian Church, deeply humane in its essence, has always called for compassionate treatment of all those who suffer and suffer from illnesses. According to its canons, for example, even the most serious sin - suicide - is not charged if it is committed by a mentally ill person.

Illness and physical weakness are also sufficient grounds for complete exemption from fasting or for its significant mitigation. So, ejaculation caused by the weakness of the body of a sick person cannot in any case be blamed on him. In this case, as in what is described above, if prayers against desecration are read, they are of a purely preventive nature.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

In modern practice, any outflow that occurs in a dream is called defilement. However, according to church canons, only such an outflow in a dream that had sinful causes is recognized as desecration (see the 1st rule of St. Athanasius the Great). A person is not considered defiled if he has had a marital relationship.

Discharges can occur for various reasons. The main thing is sensual excitement and carnal thoughts. In addition, it can happen: “1) to judge a sincere person, that is, his brother, who is a sinner; 2) from arrogance and pride, and that is also sinful; 3) from overeating and drinking, also decently; 4) it pours out from nature without movement and without dreaming, just like other excesses; 5) from bodily weakness and certain illness; 6) from demonic envy” (Rule of prayer for those preparing for holy communion and daily evening and morning. M., 1893; reprint: M., 1993. P. 137). The reasons that caused the last three cases of expiration are not imputed to the person as sin. Saint Athanasius the Great calls only outflows caused by sin defilement. In a letter to the Egyptian ascetic monk Ammun, he writes: “All of God’s creations are good and pure. For the Word of God did not create anything unprofitable or unclean. The fragrance of Christ is in those who are being saved, according to the Apostle (2 Cor. 2:15)... I am amazed at the trick of the devil, that, being corruption and destruction, he apparently puts in thoughts of purity. But what he does is more of a slander or a temptation. For, as I said, in order to distract the ascetics from their usual and saving care, and in this, as he imagines, to defeat them, for this purpose he stirs up such rumors that do not bring any benefit to life, but only empty questions and vanity, which should be avoided must. For tell me, beloved and most reverent, what is sinful or unclean in any natural eruption, such as, for example, if someone wanted to blame the discharge of phlegm from the nostrils and spitting from the mouth... Also, if, according to Divine Scripture, we believe that a person is the work of God's hands, how could a desecrated work come about from pure power; and if we are the race of God, according to the Divine Scripture of the Apostolic Acts (17:28), then we have nothing unclean in ourselves. For only then do we become defiled when we commit sin, the worst of all stench. And when some natural involuntary eruption occurs, then we and others are subjected to this, as was said above, by natural necessity... Blessedly, someone can say in this case: some natural eruption will not lead us to punishment. Perhaps doctors (even though they will be convinced by external contradictions) will say in defense of this that the animal is given some necessary results for the deposition of excess moisture nourished in each of our members, which are the essence of the excess of the head, hair and moisture, separating from the head, and emanating from womb, as well as its excess in the seminal vessels. So, most God-loving elder, what sin is there before God, when the Lord Himself who created the animal wanted and created for these members to have such outcomes? But it is necessary to prevent the contradictions of the evil ones. For they can say: therefore, the use itself will not be a sin when the tools are created by the Creator. Let us silence such questions by saying: what use are you talking about? Is it about legal? whether about that which God allowed, saying: “grow and multiply, and fill the earth” (Gen. 1: 28), or about that which the Apostle allowed, saying: “marriage is honorable, and the bed is undefiled” (Heb. 13: 4), or about that which happens between people, but happens secretly and adulterously? (Rules of the Orthodox Church. M., 2001. pp. 353–355).

Is it possible to receive communion if the leak occurred in a dream? Saint Timothy of Alexandria († 385) gives the following rule: “Question. If a layman who had an unclean dream asks a clergyman: should he be allowed to receive communion or not? Answer. If he is subject to the lust of his wife, he should not take communion; if Satan tempts him, so that for this reason he will be alienated from the communion of the Divine Mysteries, then he must receive communion. For otherwise the tempter will not cease to attack him at the time when he should partake” (canon 12).

In the “Alphabetical Syntagma” of Matthew Vlastar, the 28th chapter (“K”) is devoted to this issue: “St. Dionysius of Alexandria in the 4th rule of those who have had an involuntary discharge of semen at night, makes their own incorruptible conscience the judge of this case: for if the flow of semen happened involuntarily, without any previous passionate excitement, when nature singled it out as a surplus, then the one who has suffered this can freely proceed to Divine communion; and if it was preceded by some passionate thought, which, having established itself in the imagination, produced a vision at night, and this was followed by the ejaculation of semen, or if this happened as a result of drunkenness and overeating, such a person is not clean not because of the ejaculation of semen, for semen is not unclean, like the flesh, of which it is a surplus, but because of an evil desire that has defiled the thought. Therefore, he who doubts this in his conscience is deprived of boldness; How can one who is disposed in this way approach God, for according to the great Paul: if you have doubts, you are condemned (Rom. 14:23) ... And the Great Basil, in his essay on asceticism, having been asked whether someone who had been defiled in a dream should dare to begin communion, answered that to approach someone in uncleanness to the holy mysteries is such a thing, the Last Judgment for which we know from the Old Testament; and if there is more holiness here, then, obviously, the apostle will teach us even greater fear, saying: he who eats and drinks is unworthy; judgment eats and drinks (1 Cor. 11:29); and the holy father called uncleanness not the eruption of semen, which, I think [according to the opinion of Zonara, in his interpretation of the letter of St. Athanasius the Great to the monk Ammun], no one can completely avoid unless he is completely insensitive, but the bad desire about which the Lord said: “Everyone will look at his wife,” and so on (Matthew 5:8), due to which sin is committed in thought through the pleasure of lust, and thus there is dreamy copulation in a dream and the ejaculation of semen.”

Attacks of Satan and the fight against them

And finally, another reason why men may experience erotic images in their night dreams, leading to involuntary ejaculation, is the devil’s pretexts. Sometimes the enemy of the human race, having lost hope of leading a person into temptation and inclining him to the path of sin, chooses a moment when his consciousness is paralyzed by sleep and is able to freely allow into himself any vision from which in a waking state he would certainly recoil.

In this case, the brain, captured by diabolical visions, involuntarily gives a command to all organs subordinate to it. The heart begins to beat faster, the chest heaves with intermittent breathing, and the seminal glands, deceived by a false alarm, prepare to release the product of their activity. For people susceptible to this scourge, the only effective means of fighting can be prayer against desecration of the body.

Is it possible not to become defiled?

In the meantime, at a time when our bodies, as a result of the fall of our ancestors and confirmation by our personal sins, are still the bearer of sin, corruption and have the ability to instantly become dependent on everything convenient and pleasant, we need cleansing. This is why the rule against desecration was written .
It is not difficult to find: you just need to search the Internet and download it. You can protect yourself from desecration. First, you need to discuss this with your confessor or priest. It is not advisable to resort to this without permission.


Prayer is an effective weapon in the fight against the evil one

From the works of the most ancient fathers of the church, it is known that from the first days of Christianity, after Jesus Christ destroyed the centuries-old kingdom of hell with His Resurrection from the dead, the forces of darkness constantly strive to turn His followers away from fulfilling the Divine commandments, one of which prescribes avoiding adultery, both physical and physical. as well as spiritual, created in our consciousness. To this end, the progenitor of evil strives to desecrate the souls and bodies of people, especially during the hours of sleep at night.

To counter him and his army, numerous prayers were created, among which the most famous is the prayer against the night desecration of Basil the Great. Written in the 4th century, it delivered many generations of Christians from the depths of hell. They resort to it in especially serious cases. But not only it can become a worthy weapon in the fight for one’s own purity - spiritual and physical.

Experienced confessors recommend combining it with such well-known texts as the prayer-worship of the Heavenly King, the Fiftieth Psalm and the phrase “Lord have mercy!” pronounced forty times. In this combination, prayer against defilement is most effective. When the entire set of these sacred texts is read, the Grace of God is called upon to help the Christian soul, capable of snatching it from the hands of the evil one. This article talked about men and the temptations that await them. All of the above applies to a large extent to women, of course, adjusted for their physiological characteristics.

Texts of prayers for believers against desecration

To read the correct prayer, you should first understand what they are. A different sacred text is suitable for each individual case. In addition, you need to read sincerely, carrying the words through your soul, right through. Conventionally, there are three types of prayers:

Most often, lay people pray to St. Basil the Great, but there are also texts for John Chrysostom, and also for the Most Holy Theotokos. The prayers for the first saint are considered the most powerful. It is Vasily who is responsible for the masculine principle, as well as for atonement for the sin of self-expiration.

Basil the Great

Before reading prayers, you should consult with your confessor. Christians do this according to the instructions of the church in Russian. Prayer of Basil the Great against desecration:

This prayer is read in the event of desecration due to human fault.

Note! If the expiration occurred at night, then the following rule should be pronounced, and also read Psalm 50 and troparia, tone 7.

Two more prayers of Vasily against desecration:

John Chrysostom

This text is also used if it is necessary to atone for the sin of desecration. 24 parts (according to the number of hours in a day):

Holy Mother of God

There are many prayers for the Mother of God, including for the atonement of the expiration. Here is one of them:

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