Which psalms to read under different circumstances - help for all occasions

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The Psalter is a holy book containing hymns and prayer requests. Most of them were written by King David. Each text of the holy letter reveals all the pain, joy and confusion that the psalmist experienced during the creation of these texts. Not many people know how to read the psalms at home. This is despite the fact that every Orthodox Christian knows and understands the enormous importance they play in a person’s life.

Why read the psalms

First of all, it should be noted that reading holy texts does not require the special blessing of a clergyman. The name of these texts comes from the Greek name for the musical instrument psaltery. The ancient Jews played it while singing psalms. Since then, the collection of songs in honor of the Almighty began to be called the Psalter.

The book contains an abbreviated expression of the entire holy scripture. It is presented in the form of prayer songs. According to the clergy, the holy book combines history, moral teachings and teachings that save a person from sin. There is also an opinion that the book contains all the main points from other holy scriptures. It expresses in detail the whole life of a simple person and parting instructions on how a righteous Christian should live.

In Orthodoxy, it is customary to read psalms daily under various circumstances. They are recited in the temple at least once a week. It is important to know that certain rules for reading them are described in the special book “Typicon”.

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If you recite the texts of the holy book at home, then such reading will be called cell reading . How to read the psalms correctly? — this question is asked by a large number of Orthodox believers. Despite the fact that before starting to pronounce the texts you do not need to receive a blessing, it is still recommended to undergo the sacrament of confession.

Contents and division into kathismas

Our school theology divides them into the following four groups: laudatory and grateful; prayers; teaching and messianic. But in reality it is quite difficult to draw a clear line in each of them. In one and the same psalm, sublime challah can be offered to God at the same time; and sound a sincere prayer coming from the depths of the soul; and contain teaching truths, as well as prophecies about the Messiah.

The main thing here is not this division, but so that the reader himself can thank and glorify the Lord with all his heart, and pray kindly, and learn something useful for the soul, and more clearly imagine the image of the Hero of Christ. And this is achieved through attentive, or rather, intelligent reading and singing.

As for the formal division of this Holy Book, it, consisting of 151 psalms, is divided into 20 kathismas (this word means “saddle reading”, since during their reading in the church one is allowed to sit). Thus, on average, there are 7-8 psalms per kathisma. But in reality their number varies from a maximum of fifteen in the 18th kathisma to just one in the 17th.

Reading Holy Texts at Home

The private reading of the psalms is already a good tradition for believers. As a rule, they are pronounced by the family circle. Relatives and friends gather at a certain time and begin general reading. At first there was no special charter for such reading. But over time, some recommendations emerged:

  • Before starting the reading, undergo the sacrament of confession and communion.
  • The texts are read only in front of a lit lamp or church candle. A candle is not lit only if a person is in transport or traveling.
  • Say the texts in a half-voice. This will help make it easier to understand the speaker.
  • Put the correct stress on words. Since incorrect pronunciation of words is considered a great sin, because the essence of the words changes.
  • There is no need to pronounce texts with theatrical passion; it is better to read them monotonously.
  • The names of the psalms are not read.

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Sometimes there are situations when, at the beginning of the reading of a holy hymn, the believer does not understand its essence. Don't get upset right away. The main thing is to read it according to all the recommendations, and then gradually the whole essence and beauty of the texts will surely be revealed. It is imperative to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before you begin to read the prayer chants, you must read the introductory petitions. They can be found in the holy collection.
  • The entire text is divided into two parts (kathisma).
  • It is important when pronouncing texts to mention both the living and the deceased.
  • After reading the psalm, you must say an akathist.
  • The whole process needs to be completed with special prayer chants.

Not all believers know how many times to read the psalms. In fact, you need to read them throughout your life. After the believer finishes reading the Testament, there is no need to take a break, you can start reading again.

How to read at home

The Holy Fathers teach that the first obstacle to doing any good deed is the reluctance of the doer himself. And in order to learn to read the psalms, you first need to overcome your own reluctance. And this, in turn, is motivated by several reasons.

Firstly, the incomprehensibility of these sacred texts. Yes this is true. They are incomprehensible (especially for neophytes) due to ignorance of the Church Slavonic language in which they are written. In addition, it should be noted that what is being read is poetry, and the latter, due to its allegorical, metaphorical, etc. is always not entirely clear and mysterious, even if it is secular. And the sacred poetry of the Psalter also contains the deepest mystical secrets, not always understandable even to God-enlightened minds - let alone us sinners!

But there's nothing wrong with that. As the same saints teach, after all, snake charmers and other reptiles also do not understand the meaning of the spells they pronounce, but these reptiles obey them. Likewise, invisible snakes - demons, even though we do not understand the meaning of what we read, listen to what we read and run away from us.

This was already the case in our time. A certain elder commanded one girl, his novice, to read the psalter. When she exclaimed: “Father, I don’t understand anything there”! Then the elder answered her: “Nothing, read. You don’t understand, but the demons understand and tremble.”

Indeed, the psalms of David have an incantatory effect against evil spirits. What was revealed during the lifetime of this psalmist and prophet. As is known from the Bible, when King Saul was punished for his sins before God with attacks of demon possession, David drove out the demon and stopped these attacks by singing his psalms.

Which language to choose: Church Slavonic or Russian

It is also incorrect to try to read the psalms in Russian translation for the sake of understanding. The fact is that the Church Slavonic translation made by Saints Cyril and Methodius is inspired by God. And the last thing, i.e. the action of the Holy Spirit when reading the Psalter drives away evil spirits. As for the Russian text, we do not have such certification.

Therefore, while reading it, we may understand something, but we will largely lose the incantatory power of what we read. In addition, we will lose many mystical, i.e. mysterious revelations present in the inspired text, but lost in the Russian translation.

Secondly, another reason that forces many to neglect reading the Psalter is the initial difficulty of this ascetic feat. And indeed, it has already been said above that according to church canons, all of it should be read in a week, and even twice during fasting. Of course, for a beginner this is quite a difficult task.

Advice for beginners

Therefore, he does not need to try to immediately fulfill such a difficult rule. We have to start small. Each kathisma is divided into three parts, called “Glories”. To begin with, when you have free time, read at least one “Glory” and make a bookmark. At the next convenient moment, read the next one and so on. If you cannot read the entire “Glory,” read one psalm at a time, also noticing this place and then continuing to read further. With such a moderate feat, the strength of any reader, even the most illiterate, will gradually increase. To the point that over time he will be able to fully comply with the church canons regarding this reading even during Great Lent.

We see a clear example of such a gradual and reasonably moderate action in sports. After all, no athlete strives to immediately set a world record. For if he jumps above his head, he risks breaking his neck, or if he lifts more than his own weight, he will probably overstrain himself, and then he will no longer be able to lift anything at all. No, he first trains for a long time, starting small and gradually increasing in strength, and then sets records. That's what we need!

Which psalms to read in which cases

All psalms teach the right life before the Almighty. Their total number is 150 pieces. To read all the texts for a month, you need to say at least 15 texts a day. All of them are used depending on the life situation. If we consider which psalms to read every day, we should highlight the following:

  • Monday – 47. It must be said at least 9 times. If this recommendation is followed, then a Christian will be able to overcome all his enemies.
  • Tuesday - The clergy claim that when reading this text 5 times, the believer will always be under the protection of the Almighty.
  • Wednesday – 93. It also serves as protection from ill-wishers. You need to read it at least 12 times.
  • Thursday – 50. This day is considered the day of cleansing. And Psalm 50 is read to show submission and repentance before the Almighty.
  • Friday – 40. Helps to improve the financial sphere of life and live without debt.
  • Saturday – 148. It gives a person spiritual strength.
  • Sunday - 23. If the text is said 6 times, then all things will be successful.

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Psalms read daily help improve life in general. Make it brighter and kinder.

God bless you!

Watch another video story by a clergyman about how to read the Psalter correctly:

Orthodox icons and prayers

Psalm of Thanks to God

Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels, praise Him, all His might. Praise Him, sun and moon; praise Him, all stars and light. Praise Him The heavens of heavens and the waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: as He spoke, and was, He commanded, and was created. If I put it in the age and in the age of the century, I lay down the command, and it will not pass by. Praise the Lord from the earth, the serpents and all the deeps: fire, hail, snow, bareness, the stormy spirit that does His word, the mountains and all the hills, the fruitful trees and all the cedars, the beasts and all the cattle, the reptiles and the birds. The kings of the earth and all the people, the princes and all the judges of the earth, young men and maidens, elders and young men, let them praise the name of the Lord, for the name of the One is exalted, His confession on earth and in heaven. And the horn of His people will exalt a song to all His holy ones, the sons of Israel, the people who draw near to Him.

David's Psalms of Thanksgiving

Bless the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are greatly exalted; You have clothed yourself in confession and greatness; dress yourself in light like a robe, stretch out the sky like a skin; cover Your most exalted waters, set the clouds for Your ascent, walk on the wing of the wind; create your angels, your spirits, and your servants, a fiery flame. Found the earth on its firmament: it will not bow down forever. The abyss is like a robe; waters will appear on the mountains; They will flee from Your rebuke; they will fear the voice of Your thunder. Mountains rise and fields descend to the place you founded for them. You have set a limit, it will not be passed, the earth will be buried below. Send springs into the wilds, and waters will flow through the mountains. All the animals of the village are drinking, waiting for the onagers to satisfy their thirst. On you the birds of the sky are grafted; from the environment the stones will give a voice. Solder the mountains from Your exalted ones; From the fruit of Your works the earth will be satisfied. Vegetate grass for cattle, and grain for the service of man, to bring bread from the ground; and wine gladdens a man's heart, anointing the face with oil, and bread strengthens a man's heart. The trees of Poland and the cedars of Lebanon, which you planted, will be satisfied. There the birds will nest, Erodian’s dwelling leads them. The mountains are high with trees, the stone is a refuge for the hare. He created the moon in time, the sun knew its west. Thou didst set darkness, and it became night, in which all the wild beasts of the oak forests would pass, roaring, to snatch and seek food for themselves from God. The sun has risen, and they have gathered together and lie down in their beds. A man will go out to his work, and to his work until the evening. For Thy works are magnified, O Lord: with wisdom Thou hast created all things: the earth is filled with Thy creation. This sea is great and spacious, there are reptiles there, there are countless of them, small animals with great ones. There ships sail, this serpent, whom you created, curse him. Everyone is looking to You, to give them food at a good time. I will give to You, they will gather, I will open Your hand, they will be filled with all kinds of goodness. I will turn away Your face, and they will rebel; take away their spirit, and they will disappear and return to their dust. Follow Thy Spirit, and they will be created, and renew the face of the earth. Be the glory of the Lord forever; The Lord will rejoice in His works; look at the earth and make it shake, touch the mountains and make them smoke. I will sing to the Lord in my belly, I will sing to my God until I am; May my conversation delight Him, and I will rejoice in the Lord. Let sinners disappear from the earth, and lawless women, as if they did not exist. Bless the Lord, my soul. The sun knows your west, you put darkness and became night. Because Thy works have been magnified, O Lord, Thou hast done all things with wisdom.

Psalm of Thanksgiving 33

Psalm of David, when he feigned madness before Abimelech and was driven away from him and withdrew.

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is continually in my mouth.

In the Lord my soul will glory; The meek will hear and rejoice.

Magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.

I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my dangers.

Those who turned their gaze to Him were enlightened, and their faces would not be ashamed.

This beggar cried out, and the Lord heard and saved him from all his troubles.

The Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.

Taste and see how good the Lord is! Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

Fear the Lord, [all] His saints, for there is no poverty among those who fear Him.

The Skimns are in poverty and suffer hunger, but those who seek the Lord do not suffer the need for any good.

Come, children, listen to me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

Does a person want to live and does he love long life in order to see good?

Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from deceitful words.

Avoid evil and do good; seek peace and follow it.

The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are on their cry.

But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to destroy the memory of them from the earth.

[The righteous] cry, and the Lord hears, and delivers them from all their sorrows.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and will save the humble in spirit.

The righteous has many sorrows, and the Lord will deliver him from all of them.

He keeps all his bones; not one of them will be crushed.

Evil will kill the sinner, and those who hate the righteous will perish.

The Lord will deliver the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him will perish.

Holy Fathers on the benefits of the psalms for a Christian

Saint Gregory of Nyssa:

“The psalms are so pleasant and sweet that not only perfect men, who have already purified their spiritual feelings, study them, but also wives assimilate them to themselves as their own property, and children find pleasure in them, as if in amusements, and for the weak they replace a rod and give them rest; those who are merry consider the singing of psalms to be a gift that belongs to them, just as those who are in a sad disposition, due to their circumstances, think that this book of Holy Scripture was given to them. People who travel and sail on the sea, who spend their lives sedentary at their occupations, in general, men and wives of any condition, healthy and sick, consider it a loss for themselves when they do not have the sublime teachings of David in their mouths. Even at feasts and wedding celebrations, those who are having fun take the Psalter as one of the accessories of fun, not to mention the sacred use of psalms at all-night services and their singing in church.”

Saint John Chrysostom:

“It is better for the sun to cease from its course than to abandon the Psalter. Well, it is useful to learn the psalm and read the Psalter diligently. All books are for our benefit and create sorrow for the demonic, but not like the Psalter: for this reason let us not be negligent.”

Saint Athanasius the Great:

“I think that in the words of this book the whole human life, the whole state of the soul, the whole movement of thought is measured and embraced, so that nothing more can be found in a person. Is it necessary to perform repentance and confession? Are you overwhelmed by sorrow and temptation? Are they persecuting you or plotting against you? Has despondency taken hold of you? Or, seeing yourself happy and your enemy humiliated, do you want to bring gratitude and praise to the Lord? Everyone can find guidance in the divine psalms. Let them read their words about each of these states, and every person will lift them up to the Lord, as if they were written about him.”

Saint Basil the Great:

“A psalm is a refuge from demons, entry under the protection of Angels, a weapon in night insurance, repose from daytime labors, safety for infants, decoration in a blooming age, comfort for the elderly, the most decent decoration for wives.” “Don’t let a single day go by without singing psalms. If you leave some need, having laid it down from now on, begin again in the morning, and do not stop for the sake of laziness... And if you correct what was spoken and learn the commandments of God, then the Lord will open your eyes and you will understand the wonders of His Law.” Amen.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk:

“Take consolation from the holy psalms.” “Really, where do we get consolation when, due to the influence of the enemy’s power, we feel completely abandoned, completely humiliated, completely insulted, completely defeated, completely doomed? Including from the psalms."

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov:

“The Book of Psalms is the most sublime spiritual book. It describes in depth and detail the inner feat of a warrior of Christ. Transformative shadows and allegories are often used, giving the book mystery and darkness (there is a veil on it for a reason!). There is no need to take it literally: the literal understanding of Scripture kills the soul. Spiritual understanding is necessary: ​​it gives life, it puts you on right and holy paths.”

St. Gregory the Theologian:

“The Psalter is the bread of angels, by which souls who hunger for God are fed.”

St. Righteous John of Kronstadt:

“Where is now the reading in homes of the divinely inspired Psalter, which inspires such great faith in God, such strong trust in God in adversity, in illness, in troubles and sorrows, and such ardent love for God? Where is the reading of inspired psalms, which was the favorite reading of our ancestors, not only ordinary ones, but the boyars and the princes themselves? It is not there: but in many there is no faith, Christian hope and love for God and neighbor, but there is unbelief, despair, hatred. There is no fiery prayer, no purity of morals, no spirit of contrition for sins and tenderness, no truth, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Most Christians are imbued with the spirit of the world, the spirit of magazines, newspapers and secular writers in general, who themselves are in turn imbued with a pagan, not Christian, spirit of denying the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and exalting themselves, their proud and pompous mind, the spirit of everyday vanity.

David's divinely inspired songs lead everyone to prayer, devotion to God, praise and thanksgiving to God for everything; they enlighten, nourish, delight and strengthen the souls of believers; they drive away invisible enemies, heal spiritual passions, teach them to love God and keep His commandments, pray for everyone and constantly ascend to God; and their sweetness, their benefit for the souls of the pious is innumerable..."

St. Ambrose Optinsky:

“You will see from experience how great the power of the inspired psalm words is, which scorch and drive away mental enemies like flame. And prayer is always stronger with psalm words than with our own.”

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