A spell to ensure that chickens lay eggs well and have fresh eggs every day.

It is difficult to find a farmstead, especially in rural areas, where chickens are not kept. And every owner wants them to carry well. However, this is not always the case. The chickens, which had always produced good results, suddenly stopped laying eggs for no particular reason. Is it possible to solve such a problem? You can by resorting to special magical rites and rituals for laying hens.

To keep chickens from getting sick and laying eggs well, you need to resort to spells

With their help, they increase egg production, improve the health of adult birds and small chickens so that they grow successfully and peck grain, prevent egg pecking and solve many other problematic aspects of poultry farming. How to do this correctly will be discussed further.

Smart and holy

The chicken, despite its seemingly commonplace and stupidity, has long been revered as a sacred bird. Therefore, such a respected saint as Sergius of Radonezh was chosen for her patronage.

They used to believe that God spoke to people through this bird. Her eggs, which Orthodox Christians exchange on Easter, are a symbol of rebirth, renewal, fertility, the beginning of all beginnings. And the apparent stupidity of that poultry has been dispelled by scientists. It has been proven that chickens have certain mental abilities in their heads.

One thing remains adamant throughout the centuries - this is the bird, without which not a single table can do. Its meat and eggs are a fairly healthy source of nutrition. That’s why the popularity of chickens in people’s households has not subsided. And so that their health and egg production are always high, and to resolve other problematic situations associated with the management of this productive bird, rituals with domestic chicken are often used.

General conspiracies

The power of words copes well with problems of this kind. Any spell to ensure that chickens lay eggs well and are healthy is quite powerful magic, so the problem will definitely be solved if the ritual is carried out correctly.

For example, it is generally accepted that only young laying hens lay eggs in winter. But that's not true. Good eggs in the required quantity in winter can also come from old chickens that are more than 2-3 years old. You just need to create the necessary conditions for the bird. And here are the important ones:

  • bedding;
  • good feed;
  • other factors.

Many poultry farmers seriously believe that magical rituals are far from in last place in this matter.

The most effective rituals are those performed on Easter

Especially so that the chickens lay eggs well, it is better to do the plot at Easter. On the day of this main Orthodox holiday, you need to go out into the courtyard and say a prayer:

By the way, this ritual will help increase the productivity of laying hens and, at the same time, can have a positive impact on the entire farm.

Problems with the laying of hens are also solved by conspiracies.

In outline

Fortune tellers know exactly what to do if chickens are jinxed: they need to read the formulas that protect the farm every day. Special texts were created to preserve what has already been accumulated, increase wealth and livestock, and activate laying hens. Classic versions of divination:

  • to the water;
  • on an egg;
  • on available material.

The spell on chickens is effective because the power of the word is great, often underestimated by people. Sometimes people don’t notice how they themselves are harming their own household by saying bad things.

To neutralize the evil caused and return peace and success to the household, they resort to white magic. Most often, the need for it arises if the number of eggs laid daily is reduced.

There are several classical rituals that are appropriate in this case. Increase egg production:

  • ritual;
  • a prayer calling for protection from evil wishes;
  • ritual for improving health.

Water spell

Such spells help in various situations. With the help of water, damage is also removed; you can resist ill-wishers, who quite often, when using black magic, bring trouble to the household. Possessing great energy, clean water is capable of transmitting information, anticipating unfavorable situations and influencing them. In order for chickens to lay eggs well, the plot must be carried out correctly.

To successfully carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare spring water (you can use ordinary clean water) and pour it into a glass container. Then, for 3 days, you should wash your face with this water, reading the following plot:

This text must be repeated every day, not forgetting to mention your name. Otherwise there will be no proper impact.

In the water remaining at the end of the ritual with the chicken, you need to dilute a small amount of salt, and then give it to the chickens to drink. The bird's refusal to drink water is direct evidence that the farm has been damaged. Then this method cannot improve the situation.

How to increase milk yield in cows and help the calf

If in order for a chicken to lay eggs well, a spell is required, why not use magic on a cow? Sometimes a cow's milk supply decreases for unexplained reasons. To make the cow more beneficial, read the following spell when going out to pasture:

“Black (or other) color, for spring waters, for green arable land, for a milk river and hard cheese, fatty butter and sour cream. Fight off your enemies with your horns, swipe your tail, and rakes yourself with your hooves. Come to me with milk, bring profit. Amen".

Ritual against corruption

Sometimes the lack of cow's milk is explained by the machinations of evil neighbors who decided to cause damage. There are many rituals to get rid of the consequences of black magic. The most popular ritual involves the following steps:

Sometimes the lack of cow's milk is explained by the machinations of evil neighbors

  1. Find a willow twig (flowering willow will also work).
  2. Wait until the cow is standing still.
  3. Walk around the animal, saying the spell out loud (this is done counterclockwise).
  4. Pat the animal's sides and udder.

“You’re a feisty witch, a creeping viper and a weeping willow, you can’t take milk from my little cow. The sides do not grow thin, the fertility does not go away. Amen".

The cow has calved - a conspiracy to help

It happens that a cow calves, the calf stands firmly on the ground, and something bad happens to the cattle itself. The animal looks unhealthy, wastes away and does not produce milk. To avoid this, use household magic. Go into the barn, run your hand first along the wall, then over the cow. Say:

“The walls will stand, and my little cow will give birth. Your insides are strong, just like the walls. Amen".

Now you know a basic set of rituals that will be useful in the household. Use magic carefully, pray often and light candles. This way you will increase your well-being.

Ritual using eggs

It is not the whole egg that is taken for the ceremony, but only its shell. It is crushed into powder, which is then sprinkled throughout the yard.

Eggs need to be boiled, spoken and given to the birds

Standing in the middle of it, clearly pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

Next, you need to turn around yourself three times. Ritual rules must be strictly followed, otherwise there will be no proper impact.

Another plot to ensure that chickens lay eggs well every day. It is considered one of the most effective, and is used when chickens are not particularly pleased with their laying.

Boil three eggs and then speak to them in these words:

Then crush it together with the shell and give it to the bird, making sure that each chicken eats at least a little. If there are a lot of chickens, then you need to boil eggs at the rate of three eggs per 10 chickens.

This ritual lasts for a certain time. Then it is repeated. The conspiracy can be carried out regardless of time. It is important to make sure that no one knows about this. But the best time is considered to be the morning, when the day has begun and the sun has already risen.

A ritual using egg yolks will also increase the productivity of poultry. They should be taken as many as there are chickens.

Remove the yolks from the boiled eggs, then chop each of them separately and mix with white bread, reading the following plot:

When everything is prepared, the resulting mixture must be given to the laying hens so that they can eat it. While they are pecking, you need to whisper tenderly:

After the yolks are pecked, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times and, without looking back, leave the chicken coop.

How to pray for animals

All animals are God's creatures and they need the help of the Almighty. Moreover, everything sinful comes from man and he is responsible for animals and birds, especially those he has tamed. There is an old Russian tradition, on the day of the Great Martyr George, to sprinkle holy water on the yard, livestock and barns in which he lives.

Man is highly dependent on animals. They feed him, clothe him, help him cultivate the land and transport goods, and guard the yard. Even cats, dogs, and parrots living in a modern apartment bring a lot of benefits. They lift your spirits and entertain. Children learn to take care of the weak and be responsible. They grow up kind and sociable.

An animal is sinless before God, no matter what it does. Beasts and birds have no soul. Believers in their prayers ask the Lord to forgive their sins, guide them on the true path, confirm them in their faith, help them in various matters, and so on. Animals don't do anything like that. They have a soul, but are not immortal. In churches they do not pray for animals, they do not have funeral services. All prayers for them are performed at home.

There are rules that should be followed when reading a prayer text for an animal:

  • prayer should be for physical salvation, not spiritual;
  • when addressing the saints or God himself, you should put an icon in front of you, in no case a photo of the beast;
  • notes in the church are given only to people;
  • prayers should be read with faith in the Lord’s help, you should not read it in a state of despair;
  • the result usually does not come after one prayer, you should be patient and continue, believing that everything will be fine with the animal.

Each type of animal has its own patron to whom a prayer should be read. Prayers have long been offered to Saint Blaise for the health of cattle and for more additions to the herd. Saint Basil takes care of boars and pigs. They turn to him to ensure that the litter is large and the piglets and sow are healthy.

On the holiday - the day of the martyrs Florus and Laurus, horses were brought to the temple. During their lifetime, they patronized these animals, the main helpers of the peasants.

On grain

A spell for domestic chickens, which promotes their egg production, is carried out on grain when you need to protect your farm from the evil eye of envious people.

The ritual with grain must be performed at midnight

When the clock shows midnight, you need to go to the chicken coop and, without turning on the light, catch the laying hen. Then bring it into the house, sit it on the table, on which you first place grain and birch sap. While the chicken is pecking, you need to say in a whisper:

Finish reading these words of the conspiracy, take the grain and juice along with the chicken back to the poultry house. Give the grain to the chickens, and sprinkle the juice into all corners of the room, saying:

When leaving the poultry house, sprinkle salt behind you, saying:

On a feather

It has been scientifically proven that feathers contain genetic information. Therefore, plumage is often used during rituals. In particular, they can be useful in carrying out a spell so that chickens begin to lay eggs.

The rules of this ritual provide for the following attributes: 3 feathers (they can be not only chicken feathers, but also rooster feathers), a handful of millet, a small pebble, a red flap.

At dawn, you need to go into the chicken coop, take 3 feathers there, and then, holding them in your fist, go out into the middle of the yard and clearly say:

Next, sprinkle the cooked millet, saying:

The prepared pebble is placed under the threshold of the chicken coop with the following words:

And the scrap is tied to the handle of his front door as a talisman against the evil eye.

When all these actions are completed, the chickens are released into the wild, let them peck the charmed millet. The result of such a conspiracy will make itself felt soon.

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To get pregnant

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On the sand

This plot to make chickens lay eggs well is intended for young chickens. It is designed to promote their year-round egg production.

The charmed sand should be poured into the water and given to the birds.

You should prepare a trough with clean river sand, as well as spring water.

The sand is sprinkled with water and at the same time it is said:

After these words, the sand should be thoroughly mixed and the trough should be placed for the bird. She will begin to “bathe”, and at this time you need to clearly say 5 times:

So that chickens lay eggs only at home

There are situations when chickens fly to neighbors and leave eggs there. To stop this, you can read a conspiracy. To do this, you need to put an apron in front of the gate and leave it there until the night. And in the evening you go out and say the words over him:

“The apron lies in your yard, so you, white, pockmarked and black chickens, be with me.”

Literally in the morning you will see that they do not lay eggs further than the yard. You can safely collect the fruits of your chicken.

But don’t forget that you should always leave one egg in the nest. So that the chicken knows where the soybeans are laid.

Other rituals

However, magical rites and rituals for laying hens are varied. They are aimed not only at increasing their productivity - laying eggs. Rituals with domestic chicken also provide for the correction of other problems regarding poultry farming. Knowing about the most characteristic of them, I think, is useful for everyone who breeds chickens.

So that chickens lay eggs only at home

Cases with chickens, when they sneak into neighbors and start laying eggs there, are known to many. You can stop this using a conspiracy.

You need to put an apron in front of the gate, and then wait until evening and, standing over it, say the spell:

The results of the ritual will be visible the next morning. The chickens will not go beyond their territory, but will lay eggs in their own yard.

Chickens pecking eggs

The problem is also known to many poultry farmers. It's easy to prevent hens from pecking at their eggs. You should say a spell over the food that was given to them:

So that the bird is healthy

There are certain rituals to prevent chickens from getting sick and dying. The one we propose involves enchanting even when choosing chickens.

Magic words will save chickens from disease

When you want to select young animals for breeding, you need to add a little millet to them and say:

And in fact, choose those that suit your hand. But this is only about chickens. For cockerels, the plot is different:

All conspiracies for the health of birds must be carried out with good intentions. Then the return will be greater.

Magic words will also help save domestic chickens from damage and death:

For a hen to hatch eggs

When you place a chicken on eggs, say:

Feeding characteristics of laying hens

The goal of any poultry farmer is for his laying hen to produce eggs every day! This can be done by creating optimal conditions for it. The egg production of chickens kept at home is most influenced by factors such as:

  • breed of chicken, its age, health status;
  • conditions of detention;
  • season;
  • and the most important factor is the feeding diet.

According to most poultry farmers, laying hens should be fed regularly and in equal portions. Overfeeding or underfeeding birds has a very negative effect on egg production. Remember that chickens are early birds and since you have started a farm and expect high performance results from it, adapt to their biorhythms and do not make them wait long for breakfast.

For the first meal, wet mash with the addition of crushed grain, crushed potatoes, bran, mineral supplements, meat and bone or fish meal is very suitable. You can make the mash mixture in the evening, but you need to finally knead it in the morning, a new one every day. This food is intended for one time use and cannot be stored. It is better for chickens to have their evening meal about an hour before bedtime, and it’s good if you can calculate the time and portion so that the chickens have time to peck all the food. Whole grains are a must for every day chicken dinner!

Poultry farmers recommend feeding the birds with different types of grain in turn, and also periodically giving the chickens a grain mixture. Wheat is very useful for good egg production - it is a protein food, which also contains vitamins B and E. If 50% of the diet of a laying hen kept at home consists of different types of wheat, then your chicken will lay eggs well!

Your laying hen's diet must include greens, root vegetables, mineral supplements and elements such as phosphorus and calcium. If you notice that the egg production of your laying hens has dropped for some reason, you should not increase the amount of feed for them. The feed rate per laying hen should be in the range of 120-140 g. Too much food leads to obesity and hens lay eggs less well, it is better to reconsider the qualitative composition of the diet and feed the laying hen more nutritiously.

If you purchase factory feed for laying hens, choose a trusted supplier; the feed must be well made, and the rules for its transportation and storage must be followed. We invite you to watch a video that tells you what and how you can feed your chickens so that they lay eggs well and produce a lot of eggs!

Prayer for poultry farming

Speaking in a whisper, they turn to the Great Martyr Nikita:

This prayer for chickens not to get sick and to lay eggs well will be useful in many cases. However, we must not forget that one must make a request to the saint only with pure thoughts and firmly believing that he will definitely help.

Poultry farming is quite a profitable, interesting, but at the same time troublesome occupation. Anything can happen to birds. Therefore, it is important to always remember that magical rites and rituals for laying hens can solve many problems.

To prevent chickens from being stolen, so that they lay a lot of eggs and do not get sick, it is worth choosing the right prayers and spells. They must be used in accordance with clear rules. Then the result will be visible.

Reasons for decreased egg production

Our words can carry great energetic power. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are harming our own yard. You can look in vain for the reasons for the discord when the reason lies in something completely different - most likely, someone accidentally jinxed your household or deliberately damaged it. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically resort to magic - to perform rites and rituals.

The reasons why egg production decreases can be different:

  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • health problems, etc.

Conspiracies can also be different: on an egg, on water, using different objects.

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