Topic 6. Holiness in the world: the faithful, the holy fools, the righteous

Holy Blessed Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky (1263)

Memorial Days: June 5, September 12, December 6

Saint Alexander was not only a talented strategist, but he himself took part in battles. According to legend, he struck the leader of the Swedish army in the face with a spear during the battle on the Neva. The prince did not suffer a single defeat in battle and at the same time was a good diplomat - it was he who managed to negotiate the partial independence of Rus' from the Horde. The personality of the saint is surrounded by many myths, which we analyzed in detail in a separate material.

Centurion Longinus (1st century)

Memorial Day - October 29

One of the first Christian saints. Longinus is the same warrior who was near the Cross of the Lord during the crucifixion. The Evangelist Matthew mentions him: “The centurion and those who were with him guarding Jesus, seeing the earthquake and everything that happened, were greatly afraid and said: Truly this was the Son of God” ( Matthew 27:54 ). According to legend, it was Longinus who pierced the Body of the Lord with a spear after death on the Cross. The centurion believed in Christ and began to preach His teaching, for which he was beheaded.

Single-handedly paid off the debts of an entire army

General Mikhail Vorontsov was awarded a scathing and not entirely fair epigram from Pushkin . Unfortunately, many people actually remember him by the lines: “Half my lord, half merchant, half sage, half ignorant...” Much less often they remember his real merits. But one episode is an almost perfect illustration of the “Our Father” prayer - the moment where they ask God to forgive all debts, just as a person who prays forgives his debtors.

Mikhail Semyonovich was the head of the Russian corps in Paris from 1815 to 1818. And he could present a serious score to the French. For example, for the meat grinder in Smolensk, where he was stabbed with a bayonet. For your plundered Moscow house. In the end, for the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, turned by the French into a stable. However, it turned out that the bill was presented to him. The Russians were above robbing the Parisians - we paid generously. True, including promissory notes. Before leaving France, Mikhail Vorontsov made inquiries about the debts of the officers. The funds allocated by the treasury for millions of debts were not enough. Then the general sold the Mogilev estate Krugloye, which he inherited from his aunt Princess Ekaterina Dashkova , and covered the debts.

From Paris with love. What Russian officers wrote about the French in 1814 Read more

Venerable Ilya Muromets (XII century)

Days of Remembrance - October 11, January 1

Ilya Muromets is not only a fairy tale character, but also a real person. According to legend, he was born in the village of Karacharovo near Murom. As a child, he was crippled and could not walk, but after a miraculous healing he became a warrior. At the end of his life, Ilya became a monk and was later canonized - his relics are still in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. In the 1990s, scientists conducted an examination of the relics of St. Elijah. Its results confirmed the “epic legends” about the hero.

“We saw how Russians pray!”

“Holy Righteous Warrior” - in this rank the Russian Orthodox Church glorified Admiral Fyodor Ushakov . Even in his orders for the fleet, Ushakov constantly focused on church affairs: “A sailor, like a monk, must constantly be in labor and in prayer.” In the 18th century, the “century of enlightenment,” this seemed funny to many. But in practice it gave amazing results. The Greek population of the Ionian Islands was amazed by the chivalrous attitude of Russian sailors both to war and to the establishment of a peaceful life. Merchant Nikolai Paschalis , who had a chance to observe how the Russians behaved after the expulsion of the French from the archipelago, Fr.

Date at Tendra's. How Admiral Ushakov cured the Turks of pride Read more

Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious (303)

Days of Remembrance - May 6, November 16

The saint, originally from Beirut, served in the Roman army under Emperor Diocletian, one of the most ferocious persecutors of Christians. George was a talented winemaker and a good leader, for which he was awarded the title of “chief of a thousand,” that is, he commanded a thousand soldiers. Having accepted Christianity, the saint himself came to the emperor with an accusatory speech against the veneration of pagan gods. For this he was severely tortured - they wheeled him on the wheel and threw him into quicklime, and then cut off his head. One of the most common images of the saint on icons is in the form of a horseman killing a snake with a spear.

“Let them send all kinds of bastards to the waters!”

“With the priest’s cross I took Ishmael!” - these words of the famous commander Alexander Suvorov speak much more about his religious feelings than numerous testimonies about how he observed fasts. And his testament: “Pray to God - victory comes from Him!” Once upon a time they remembered no worse than the well-known “Bullet is a fool, bayonet is a good man.”

Words were confirmed by deeds. The awards were distributed only after the thanksgiving service. This is in plain sight. Secretly, Alexander Vasilyevich donated 1000 rubles before each Easter holiday to ransom debtors from debtor prisons. And to the proposal of Catherine the Great’s physician Adam Weikard : “To improve your health, you need to give up fasting and go to the mineral waters in Carlsbad,” he replied: “Even though I am a field marshal, I am a soldier and other soldiers take an example from me. Where has this been seen - not to fast? Healthy rich people, limping gamblers, intriguers and all sorts of bastards are sent to the waters. Let them swim in the mud there. And I am truly sick. And I need, first of all, prayer, and then a village hut, a bathhouse, porridge and kvass.”

Another Suvorov. Why was the monument to the commander erected during his lifetime? Read more

Holy Blessed Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy (1389)

Memorial Day - June 1

Saint Demetrius united the Russian lands and freed them from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. This happened during the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. Before the battle, the prince turned for a blessing to the great saint - St. Sergius of Radonezh. He blessed Demetrius and gave him two monks as assistants, who in the past were experienced warriors: Peresvet and Andrei Oslyabya (they are also canonized). After the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, Prince Dimitry began to be called Donskoy, because the battlefield is located between the Don and Nepryadva rivers.

Topic 6. Holiness in the world: the faithful, the holy fools, the righteous

Christians who have lived piously in the world, but are not among the faithful or holy fools, are usually canonized as righteous

(righteous Job the Long-Suffering, righteous Simeon the God-Receiver, Joachim and Anna, righteous Juliania of Lazarevskaya, righteous Theodore Ushakov, righteous John the Russian, righteous John of Kronstadt).

Considering the lives of Byzantine lay saints, one can identify several paths to holiness, several types of exploits in the world.

First of all, it is abundant alms

The virtue of mercy, acquired through the giving of material
alms, is, according to the teaching of the holy fathers, primarily an attribute of the feat of piety in the world.
A monk who has taken a vow of non-covetousness and “has nothing on earth” is “not given the obligation to give alms.” “But whoever is busy with everyday affairs, works with his own hands and takes from others himself, is obliged to give alms” (St. Isaac the Syrian. Sermon 14) 869. Such a famous saint as Philaret the Merciful . 870
History of St.
Peter the Publican
testifies that alms, even given with anger, can justify a person before God.
It is interesting that the life of this saint was written by Saint John the Merciful ,
Patriarch of Alexandria (November 12, Art.), who himself became famous for his extraordinary generosity and mercy.
See Appendix to Topic 6.
One of the components of mercy towards one's neighbor is selfless service to the sick. For the feat of providing free medical care, Christians are glorified as unmercenary

(unpaid doctors).

Healing bodily illnesses, the holy unmercenaries exhorted the suffering to lead a virtuous life, and converted unbelievers to Christ. The success of their medical art was a matter of God's grace. The holy healers knew this and therefore did not take rewards for their labors according to the Savior’s commandment: “Tune thou eat, thou shalt give.”

(Matthew 10:8). Through love for their neighbors, they expressed their love for God and worked to glorify the name of the Lord, who gave them the power to heal ailments. God often crowned the virtuous life of free healers with martyrdom.

The most famous unmercenary saints are the Cosmas

Damian of Assia
(November 1, Art.), who lived in Asia Minor no later than the 4th century. Such a case testifies to their non-acquisitiveness. The woman healed by the holy brothers secretly persuaded Damian, conjuring him by God, to take three eggs as a reward in the name of the Holy Trinity. Saint Cosmas, having learned about this, bequeathed not to bury him with Damian. But when both brothers died in peace, God miraculously announced that they should be buried together, because Damian took the gift not as a reward, but for the sake of the name of God.

The Church venerates two more pairs of holy unmercenary brothers with the same names: Cosmas

Damian of Rome
(July 1, Old Art.) and
Damian of Arabia (Cilicia)
(October 17, Old Art.).


Damian of Rome
lived in the 3rd century. They are glorified as martyrs, although their death was the death of passion-bearers. The holy brothers confessed loyalty to Christ during persecution during interrogation by the emperor. Karina (283–285), were released with honor after the emperor was healed of a sudden illness and were soon killed out of envy by their teacher, a doctor (he called them to the mountains to collect medicinal herbs and stoned first one, then the other).

About Cosmas and Damian of Arabia

Very little is known: that they came from Arabia, that they were skilled doctors, but they healed not so much with their skill as with the power of Christ and became famous everywhere for their teaching and miracles. The brothers were executed for professing Christianity at the end of the 3rd century under Diocletian and Maximian and were glorified by the Church as martyrs and unpaid doctors.

Another pair of holy doctors - unmercenaries - is Cyrus

(January 31, Old Art.).

Saint Cyrus was a famous physician in Alexandria. During the persecution of Diocletian (284–305), he retired to the Arabian desert, where he accepted monasticism, and continued to heal people there with his prayer. Warrior John

Having heard about Saint Cyrus, he came to Arabia and became his faithful follower. In Egypt, in the city of Kanop, a Christian woman, Athanasia, was captured with three young daughters, 15 years old, 13 years old and 11 years old. Saints Cyrus and John, fearing that fear of torment might force them to renounce Christ, visited the confessors in prison in order to strengthen them for the upcoming feat. The ruler of the city captured Saints Cyrus and John and tortured them in front of Athanasia and her daughters. The confessors also bravely endured all the torment and were beheaded. Following them, the unmercenary saints Cyrus and John †311 were executed in the same place.

Demanding only faith in Christ as a reward, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon
the martyrs
Orestes of Tainsky .
Sampson the Stranger was glorified for his feat of Christian charity towards the sick and suffering.

(June 27/July 10). He lived under the emperor. Justinian, was from a wealthy Roman family, received a good education, studied the art of medicine especially thoroughly, and studied it with only one purpose - to serve his neighbor. After the death of his parents, Sampson distributed the inheritance to those in need, set all the slaves free and went into the desert. However, God soon called him to another feat: he settled in a small house in Constantinople and began to receive strangers, the sick, and the poor. When Sampson healed Emperor Justinian (527–565) from a serious illness, he, refusing rich gifts, asked to build a hospice house with a hospital. The emperor complied with the saint's request and assigned these institutions the necessary maintenance. The saint reposed painlessly at a ripe old age, ca. 530, many sick people flocked to his tomb in the hope of his intercession before the Lord.

Service of St. Sampson was repeated in the 20th century by the holy martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth
who founded the Martha and Mary Convent in Moscow, which had a free hospital, an orphanage, courses for sisters of mercy, a library, etc. Caring for the sick, caring for the poor and homeless in the monastery were combined with edifying them in faith and virtue.

Another feat of a layman is the Orthodox upbringing of children, which, of course, is unthinkable without personal piety. Christians are glorified among the saints, who gave the world great saints, martyrs, and saints.

Let's remember their names. This is the mother of St. Gregory the Theologian St. Nonna

Grandmother of St. Basil the Great St. Macrina
(confessor of the faith) and his mother
Emilia ;
mother of St.
Grigory Dvoeslova Sylvia
blzh. Monica ,
mother of the blessed one.
Augustine; mother of St. Simeon of Divnogorets St. Marfa
mother of the military Panteleimon St. Evvula ;
parents of the martyr Konon, contemporaries of the apostles
mother of the unmercenary saints Cosmas and Damian of Assia, Theodotius ;
parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh,

The Holy Fathers attach great importance to the upbringing of children in the spirit of Christianity, placing this work of the layman in direct connection with his own salvation. “If the children born by you receive a proper upbringing and, through your care, are taught in virtue,” writes St. John Chrysostom, “then this will be the beginning and foundation of your salvation, and, in addition to the reward for your own good deeds, you will receive a great reward for their upbringing” 871. “What an inexplicable grief,” says St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, - at the Last Judgment of Christ will embrace those parents who will be angrily and threateningly denounced and condemned by the impartial Judge for sacrificing their children to the ruler of the world! What incomparable joy will embrace those parents whom this Judge will bless and praise for sacrificing their children to God, for preparing them to become residents of a bright paradise!” 872.

A parental feat of special strength and gravity is to beg for their children who have fallen away from the faith and are leading a sinful life. We see an example of this feat in the life path of the blessed one. Monica

, mother of the blessed
Augustine .
As you know, blzh. Before his baptism at the age of 33, Augustine led a licentious, sinful life and was carried away by non-Christian and heretical teachings. And all this time blzh. Monica never stopped praying for him. The answer of St. is known. Ambrose of Milan, who saw her grief and prayerful works: “A child of so many tears cannot perish.” And her son did not die. He received Holy Baptism and then worked for the good of the Church for about 43 years. A reminder of the feat of the blessed one. We meet Monikas among Russian saints of the 19th century, in letters addressed to mothers grieving over the unbelief of their children. “Remember from what depths of evil Blessed Augustine was rescued by the prayer of his pious mother,” reminds St. Ambrose of Optina 873. “Remember the mother of Blessed Augustine,” writes St. Theophan the Recluse. “I cried and cried, prayed and prayed!” And she begged and cried that Augustine came to his senses - and began to act as he should” 874.

Among the lay saints, whose names are in the Slavic printed calendar, there are pious warriors:
John the Warrior
Michael the Bulgarian warrior.
John the Warrior was discussed in the section devoted to the history of the persecution of Christians.
His feat is close to the feat of the confessors (under Julian he was imprisoned for secretly helping Christians, and after the death of the emperor he lived the rest of his life purely and fearing God). But in the life path of another warrior - Mikhail Bolgarin ,
new features of holiness, characteristic of military service, appear with all clarity: valor in battle, strengthened by faith and trust in God, and protection of citizens in times of peace.
See Appendix to Topic 6.
The list of lay saints includes deaconesses: a contemporary of St. John Chrysostom Olympiad Tsaregradskaya

Poplia of Antioch
(lived under Julian the Apostate, 4th century) and
Theozva ,
sister of St. Gregory of Nyssa (IV century).

The path to holiness of this group of lay saints is directly related to their ministry. Pious virgins and widows at least 40 years of age were elected to deaconesses, after a very careful examination of their lives. Deaconesses belonged to the clergy and were appointed to their service by prayer with the laying on of hands by the bishop (ordination). Although deaconesses were not nuns, they took a strict vow of celibacy, which they had to maintain until their death. The duties of deaconesses included preparing women for Baptism, assisting the priest in performing the Sacraments over them, visiting women’s homes for edification, etc., that is, they served as intermediaries between women and clergy 875. Holy deaconesses are also known for their works of mercy - abundant alms, zealous care about the disadvantaged, the sick, the wanderers. The path to holiness for the deaconess, thus, combined two feats - the feat of a monk with his vow of celibacy, with complete devotion to God and the Church, and the feat of a layman who devoted himself to the “external” service of mercy, “material alms.” For widowed deaconesses, another “worldly” feat is added, another mandatory condition for entering the ministry of deaconess - pious marriage (and raising children) in a single marriage. See Appendix to Topic 6.

Analysis of the lives of Russian saints gives us several more types of feat in the world. One of them is called by G. Fedotov social simplification

This is how St. was saved. Simeon of Verkhoturye
Such is the feat of the locally revered saint of Siberian rights. Theodore of Tomsk ,
known under the name of “elder Fedor Kuzmich”.
See Appendix to Topic 6.
Another wonderful example of holiness in the world is St. right Juliania Lazarevskaya

(†1604), mother of many children, prayer worker and faster, known for her extraordinary mercy towards those in need.
The humble beauty of the feat of righteous Juliana shows how deeply the Gospel could enter the life of ancient Russian man and transform his entire personality. Although Juliana went through severe asceticism and dreamed of monasticism, she nevertheless remained faithful to her Christian calling - the service of active Christian love. See Appendix to Topic 6.
The feat of holiness of priests 876 is a continuation of their daily pastoral service, bringing it to complete self-denial, this is a feat of love for their flock and imitation of Christ in this. Pastoral service takes place in a world where, unlike a monastery, the priest is surrounded not only by like-minded people who have dedicated their lives to Christ, but by a variety of people: lukewarm and zealous, experienced and neophytes, believers and non-believers. The life of a priest takes place in a variety of everyday concerns, in which he must maintain a prayerful attitude and a peaceful spirit.

In these difficult conditions, the shepherd leads the spiritual sheep to Christ, protects them, nourishes them and prayerfully stands for them. Pastoral activity itself combines clergy, missionary work, and often confession.

The famous shepherd, preacher and miracle worker is right. John of Kronstadt

(1829–1908, commemorated December 20, Old Art.) It was not for nothing that people called him “All-Russian Father.” His pastoral ministry, in addition to his daily presence before the Throne, consisted of numerous and successful charitable enterprises. After his ordination, Father John begins tirelessly preaching in church and in private homes, teaches at the gymnasium, and establishes the “House of Diligence” for the poor in Kronstadt, the “John the Baptist Brotherhood of Sobriety.” He founded a women's monastic community, which was later transformed into the Sursky St. John the Theological Convent. The fame of him as a famous shepherd and miracle worker spread throughout the Russian land, and tens of thousands of pilgrims flocked to Kronstadt.

Almost every day, Father John celebrated the Divine Liturgy, calling on his flock to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ as often as possible. His name became known and respected in the Orthodox world also thanks to the publication of his spiritual diaries (his book “My Life in Christ” is most famous). St. rights John of Kronstadt was canonized in 1990.

Another famous Moscow shepherd, holy righteous Alexy (Mechev)

(1859–1923, commemorated June 9, Old Art.) labored in the center of Moscow, in the Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki. Having gone through the experience of serving as a psalm-reader in the Znamenskaya Church of the Prechistensky Deanery, where he was often treated very rudely, Fr. Alexy was ordained and began his ministry at St. Nicholas Church, where at that time there was a very small parish. He introduced daily worship and served for 8 years in an empty church almost alone. But gradually, mourning people and burdened with sorrows flocked to this temple, and from them the rumor spread about its kind abbot. Father Alexy had the gift of foresight, which he combined with humility and meekness. Having experienced personal grief associated with the death of his beloved wife, he received the grace and experience of consoling everyone who came to him with their troubles and everyday problems. He contributed to the revival of ancient Russian icon painting, blessing his spiritual daughter Maria Nikolaevna Sokolova (later nun Juliana) to paint icons. The true spiritual friends of Father Alexy were the Optina elders, Hieroschemamonk St. Anatoly (Potapov), abbot Feodosius. The holy righteous Alexy Mechev was glorified at the Council of Bishops in 2000.

Jonah (Atamansky) was also canonized.

(1855–1924, commemorated May 17, Old Style), rector of the port St. Nicholas Church in Odessa. His spiritual life was so high that the Kyiv ascetics of that time said about him, a white priest with children and grandchildren: “We, monks, are not worth him.” When believers from Odessa came to the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, he told them: “Why are you bothering to come to me? You have your own John of Kronstadt - Father Jonah." In Odessa they call him “a man of legend.”

Service Fr. Jonah fell on a difficult time - the Russian-Japanese War, the uprising on the battleship Potemkin, the revolution, the Civil War, the autocephalous and renovationist schisms, persecution of the Church. At this time, the righteous Jonah performed miracles worthy of the ancient saints: he cast out demons, healed the sick, and in an incomprehensible way appeared outside the body in the Annunciation Monastery near Odessa, predicting the martyrdom of 200 sisters of this monastery. For his struggle with the spirits of evil, he suffered severe sorrows and discord in the family, misfortunes with children 877.

Odessa sailors tried not to go to sea without the blessing of Fr. Ions. In 1905, during a mutiny on the battleship Potemkin, Prot. Jonah persuaded the city authorities to allow the funeral of the instigator of the uprising, sailor G. Valenchuk, which prevented further shelling of the city and the Transfiguration Cathedral from the ship’s onboard guns.

During the period of the propagation of renovationism by the authorities, the church where Archpriest served. Jonah, was the only Orthodox church in the city. During the campaign to liquidate church property, Fr. Jonah was arrested, but was released at the request of the townspeople and soon died from a serious illness. On his final journey, despite the opposition of the authorities, huge crowds of people accompanied him 878.

Prot. Jonah Atamansky was canonized in 1996 by the decision of the Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.

These shepherds showed the world an example of humility and love and led countless people to Christ. They achieved personal holiness in serving people and complete self-denial. Their lives show how it is possible to please God in the world and achieve holiness through caring for others and worldly activities, if it is accompanied by prayer and true love for others.

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (c. 306)

Memorial Day - November 8

The saint was born in Greece in the city of Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki). Demetrius was raised in a family of secret Christians - persecution continued against them in the Roman Empire. Having become the military leader of the Thessalonian region, the saint refused to persecute his fellow believers, but on the contrary, he helped them in every possible way and destroyed pagan rituals. For this, by order of the emperor, he was pierced with spears. In Rus', the memory of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica has always been associated with military feats, therefore, in 1380, in honor of the fallen soldiers of the Battle of Kulikovo, Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday was established - a special day of remembrance of the dead.

Holy Russian Warriors - Return to Origins!

A huge army of thousands is approaching the banks of Nepryadva and Don. Helmets shine everywhere and chain mail clinks. You can hear the commands of military leaders, the neighing of horses, the tramp of thousands of Russian knights. Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich is ahead. Next to him is the Banner of the Savior Not Made by Hands. He still remembers the warmth of the old man's blessing. The great saint Sergius of Radonezh, the founder of the spiritual army of Rus', blessed the earthly army to cleanse the Russian land of the filthy infidels.

The army is lining up for battle. Somewhere in the ranks stands Andrei Oslyabya, who recently acquired the gift of prayer in order to defeat the enemies of souls, but is now preparing to give his soul for the sake of his brothers in Blood and Spirit. But now everything has calmed down, only fervent prayer to God does not cease in the hearts of people. Alexander Peresvet and Chelubey meet on the field. Basurmanin is huge in stature, self-confident and experienced in fights. But all this will not help him and will not protect him from the spear of Peresvet. Because God is with Russia! And now - a clash of horsemen. Chelubey is killed on the spot, and Alexander, struck by a spear, remains in the saddle. The great sign was accepted by everyone unambiguously - we will die, but we will not lose!

Behind us are 140 years of shame and oppression. But nothing can make Rus a slave. We are subject to God and therefore we will fight for our Faith and Will. A terrible battle has begun: heroes from different villages and cities are coming forward - they are all finally united in their righteous anger, all of them are now just a punishing sword over the dirty eastern infection. The horde is numerous. Small sideways eyes look at the Russians from under their leather caps. Small warriors sit on horses of the same size, wrapped in quilted robes. It cannot be said that they are brave, but they obey their master unquestioningly. Fear of punishment and thirst for profit motivates them. They think that this time they will be able to sit on our necks...

The first rows enter the fray. Nothing more, no words, just the quiet work of swords and axes. The clang of chain mail, the dull blows of shields, the crunch of broken jaws and ribs. Swords and Basurman sabers whiz by. Severed heads and hands fly to the ground, blood flows in streams from the severed flesh. The dance of death is going on - a beautiful and terrible spectacle where warriors show their skills. Ordinary Russians cut down the enemy with a spear and an axe, and warriors with swords and maces. There is a lot of horde, it is countless, thousands and thousands rise up to replace those killed. But there is a regiment in ambush - a cavalry regiment, which is only waiting for a signal from the Grand Duke.

And so the Tatars wavered. It’s not that they stopped fighting, but in every battle, single or numerous, the warrior feels when the enemy’s ardor cools down and it is clear that the enemy no longer wants to continue the battle. Dmitry Ivanovich saw this, and Mamai saw it too, but the latter did not have time to react. And now a cavalry of Russian horsemen with banners, in scarlet cloaks with spears for advantage, is already rushing. They cut down the non-Russian people with just their pressure, impale many on spears, like chickens on a spit. The evil spirits rush to run, but they catch up with them, chop and stab them. Victory! The entire Russian army, seeing the death of the enemy, begins to rejoice and praise God! No... this lesson, the Russians tell themselves, we will never forget. How much blood did we need so that only together we could live. Glory to God, glory to Victory!..

Was it really long ago? How long has it been since we conquered Siberia and the Caucasus, Central Asia and Crimea? We were strong and therefore we captured new lands. I have always been captivated by that time, the time of the Middle Ages. Imagine healthy city towers, wooden pavements and stone roads. Many people of different classes and crafts. Boyars in fur coats, with servants, peasants from the outback with carts of killed game. Temples full of people, long and humble prayer and war, constant war.

When you read what kind of buildings there were in cities in Rus', up until Peter I this list was very meager. Residential buildings, fortresses, state huts and temples. All! All embezzlement of the treasury was described and accurately noted. And it was spent on the manufacture of cannons (the Russians had more of them than in Europe), weapons, and the construction of kremlins and temples. The Church is militant in the right sense. The righteous people here cannot live in peace with the rest. And he fought. Indeed, what else does a person need other than communication with God and war against His enemies.

Severe, bearded fellows, also humble before the Lord and also disobedient before the enemy. Meek in prayer and merciless in battle. Maximalists in everything - there is only black and only white. Total radicalism and life according to the Gospel: “whoever is not with me is against me, whoever does not create, destroys.” These were not just words that could be argued about, taken or ignored, spat upon or blasphemed. They killed for this. They destroyed all the enemies in a row: foreign invaders came - they broke non-Russian heads with a mace, a Jew crept in, caused confusion - they hung him with a hook under the ribs - let him scream, the pig, Jews have no place in Holy Rus', someone casts a spell, casts fortunes, tells fortunes - at the stake.

The purity of the Faith should not be violated in any way. Purity of morals must be ideal. Be brave, don’t drink alcohol, don’t overeat like a pig, don’t fornicate like a goat, pray and praise God, live according to the Gospel and only then will you be in Paradise. Only then will you rightfully become the Son of God. Your shell itself is of no use to anyone. You are no different from the same narrow-eyed people if you behave in the same way: if you cannot keep your desires in check with your Will and Reason. If you don't know good from evil. Nobody needs you and you are the same as the foreigners, the demonic tribe. This is the logic and thoughts of our Ancestors.

Everything is extremely simple - black and white mode, and no chiaroscuro. Where did everything go? Have we really deteriorated so much that we will not restore the former greatness of Holy Rus'? Let's restore... or die! Victory or death! Cursed be all those who, willingly or unwillingly, wish us to die. There is no sacrifice that we would not bring to the Altar of our Victory. We will burn out any infection, quarter every traitor, the enemies will pay us with their lives. We will take full revenge for the desecration of our Faith and our Rus'. Enemies will drink the cup of suffering a hundredfold. For God is with us, and He cannot be mocked.

The Psalter says (Ps. 57): “The righteous will rejoice when he sees vengeance: he will wash his hands in the blood of sinners.” And we will wash ourselves in the blood of enemies and traitors. We will rejoice having wiped off the face of the earth all these synagogues and markets, all their Jewish theaters and supermarkets, all this crap that they have started here. And let any of our supposedly friendly people try to hinder us under any pretext. It will be destroyed, as in the old days, by fire and sword. A noose and an ax will finish the job. There will be prosperity and prosperity here again. Here again there will be the ringing of bells and the sound of forests. Nothing will violate our ideal. We will lead our Rus' back to our great Father, for the children of the Father cannot help but love.

This filial love will help us overcome all difficulties, make any sacrifices, for nothing can be more important than Holy Rus'. Forward, Orthodox Russians to glorious Victories. Revive the desecrated temples and fortresses of our Rus'. Tear to shreds anyone who allows himself to discredit the holy name of our Motherland. Be merciless to the enemies of Holy Rus', just as the enemies are merciless to her. God knows we are sincere in our righteous anger. We would rather die than fall from the saddle than lose in this fight.

Viva victory! Glory of the Great Russian Empire! Glory to Christ!

Vasily Krivets

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