Righteous Tabitha of Joppa. Orthodox calendar for November 7

Righteous Tabitha is the patroness of seamstresses.

Righteous Tabitha is the patroness of seamstresses.

Another living apologist for labor.

November 7/October 25

“Pure and undefiled godliness before God is this: to look after the orphans and widows in their afflictions...” (James 1:27).

There was a disciple in Jopia named Tabitha, which means chamois. She was a modest, unnoticed student. Her ministry was to sew for the poor in the community. Tabitha had every reason to think: “I am not a prophetess like Miriam, and I cannot rule the country like Deborah. I am not a woman who could play a big role in the history of her people. I am not one of the gifted." Marriage and motherhood did not fall to her lot. But Tabitha was called a disciple of Christ. True faith always wants to manifest itself in deeds . This convicts me too. At first I sewed for others for free, but then I realized that people did not value and used my time without respect and... I stopped sewing for free. Joppa, a Mediterranean port, probably sheltered many widows. During the harsh seasons, fishermen were often shipwrecked and drowned. This not only deprived them of income, but often made their wives widows. At that time there were no social organizations that we know now. There was no need for them, because God again and again commanded His people to care for orphans and widows (Ex. 22:22-24; Deut. 10:17-18). When the people followed the command of God, the widows did not suffer need, and the people themselves enjoyed all the blessings that God promised as a reward (Deut. 14:29; 24:19). The Lord gave the promise to widows that He Himself, as the Creator, would be their spouse (Isa. 54:4-5). They stood under His special protection. As a disciple of Christ, Tabitha knew how she could please her Lord, namely by caring for a group of people whom He especially loved. She works not just to pass the time, but diligently, purposefully, with all her heart. The meeting with Jesus made Tabitha a free woman. Jesus, who called Himself the Truth (Isaiah 14:6), said that the truth makes free and all whom the Son of God sets free will be truly free (John 8:32,36). Tabitha lives in this freedom. The Bible allows for the possibility that one may remain unmarried. But for her, it seems, this was not a reason to indulge in feelings of inferiority. She had no need to compete with married women for equal status . She does not envy mothers with children. He who is free can develop according to his own character. An internally free person is happy and can make others happy. He is an indispensable member of society. Such a woman does not need to fight for her rights or for any role. She doesn't have to work hard to become someone . She is already a person. Tabitha lives for others. She helps those in need with her sewing. Tabitha has few personal desires of her own, and therefore she is always happy and content. In Joppa, the number of widows who are grateful to Tabitha and wear dresses sewn by her increases. Suddenly the unexpected happens. Tabitha fell ill and died. Knowing that ap. Peter, who is near Joppa, has supernatural gifts, and the widows send two men to bring him. Were there not sick people who were healed as soon as Peter's shadow fell over them? (Acts 5:15) Didn't he and John heal a lame man? (Acts 3:1-10). Peter, on whom all hopes are placed, comes, In the upper room where Tabitha lies, he is surrounded by weeping women. They show the dresses Tabitha made for them and explain what a loss her death means to them. People often say only good things about the dead. But here it is clear that this loss was truly a great deprivation for those who remained. Tabitha’s Love awakened mutual love in many hearts, and it could not be otherwise. Peter does what the Lord did in similar situations. He sends people out, prays and resurrects Tabitha through the power of God. The news of the resurrection has crowded out all other news in Joppa, Tabitha becomes the topic of conversation. “You heard,” people turn to one another. “Tabitha lives again.” Peter raised her!” Then something amazing happens. People begin to understand: God performed this miracle. They do not glorify Tabitha or Peter, they glorify God. Many people, thanks to this event, recognize the emptiness of their own lives. They also want to believe in Jesus Christ. They begin to understand something about the real value of life. They desire, like Tabitha, to belong to Jesus and become Christians, new people born for the Kingdom of Heaven.

“What is that in your hand?” - God asked Moses in ancient times (Ex. 4:2-5). He answered: “The rod.” God said, "Use this rod; you must be My servant." If God had asked Tabitha, “Tabitha, what is in your hand?” - she would probably answer: “Needle and thread, Lord.” God would then show her that they are her instruments to serve Him. Working with a simple needle and thread was supposed to give her life unlimited, hitherto unknown rich content.

Nowadays, there are many associations called Tabitha around the world, among them a large international organization. Today, millions of people in need receive clothing and support. And who can count the women who were motivated by the example of Tabitha, who, like her, want to prove the essence of the Gospel by deeds? The worthy example of Tabitha will always inspire the followers of Christ. What more could a student ask for?

Today I had a dream again! Although not associated with St. Tabitha, I’ll tell you anyway, because it’s very instructive. I dream that a war has begun. Fear, confusion, everyone is running somewhere, collecting things, panic... and I am in this panic, in this state that is completely unusual for my spirit. And the soul resists this, but the mind says: let’s run too, like everyone else. And at some point, when danger is already close, it suddenly dawns on me: I HAVE TO PRAY! I pray “Our Father” many times in a row... and everything inside and then around me calms down, all the fuss, running around, imaginary such an important danger... paradise and silence inside! And then I redeem myself that this is a dream, and the thought: Wow, this is a dream! Well, you can stop praying.

It would be better not to stop...

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Thursday, October 25 (old style) November 7, 2013 (new style)

Holy Righteous Tabitha (I), a virtuous and merciful woman, belonged to the Christian community in Joppa. It so happened that she became seriously ill and died. At that time, not far from Joppa, in Lydda, the holy Apostle Peter preached. Messengers were sent to him with a convincing request for help. When the apostle came to Joppa, righteous Tabitha was already dead. Kneeling down, the supreme apostle made a fervent prayer to the Lord. Then he went up to the bed and called out: “Tabitha, get up!” She rose up completely healthy (Acts 9:36).

Icon of the resurrection of Tabitha by the Apostle Peter over her tomb. Jaffa.

And Peter, visiting everyone, will come to the saints living in Lydda:
You will find there a certain man, named Enea, lying on a bed, even though he was relaxed.
And Peter said to him: Yes, Jesus Christ heals you: get up from your bed. And ebie vosta:
and all who lived in Lydda and Assaron saw him, and they turned to the Lord.
In Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, as the saying goes chamois : I am now filled with good deeds and almsgiving.
It came to pass in the days of thee that she was sick and died: having washed her, she laid her in the upper room.
Near the present Lydda Joppa, the disciple, having heard that Peter was in her, sent two men to him, begging him not to be lazy and come to them.
Peter got up and went with him: when he came, he led him into the upper room, and all the widows appeared to him, weeping and showing their vestments and clothes, as he had done, with them the living things, the chamois.
Having driven out all Peter, kneel down and pray, and turn to the body, saying: tavifo, arise. She opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat.
Having given her your hand, raised her up, and called the saints and widows, let her live.
It was known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord.
The days were long enough for him to remain in Joppa with a certain Simon.

========== holy righteous TABITHA OF JOPPE Troparion (on the 4th Sunday after Easter), tone 4:

As an apostle to the co-secretary, merciful Tavitho, you laid the foundation for the monastery of women and you were a garment for the poor, a humble novice, obeying the word of the Apostle Peter, you rose from the dead by the power of Christ and now you are brightly celebrating in Heaven. Likewise, pray to Christ God to grant eternal life to all who remember you.

Troparion of Tabitha, right, tone 4:

Today the faith of Christ is confirmed by the stone of faith, and Joppa rejoices in joy, they psalmically glorify the Life-Giver of the Son of God of faith, seeing a great miracle being performed: the supreme apostle says, and the deceased rises from the grave, and the Destroyer of Death grants to the Church, so that people may be adorned in her image with virtues. Come, Christians, let us bring our prayers to the saints: blessed and merciful Tavitho, lift up our sighs to the Most Holy Trinity and pray with boldness, that we may be sons of the Eternal Light, that we may be worthy of God’s mercy, that we may abide in Divine love, and that peace may reign in the universe.

Troparion Troparion, tone 4: Today the faith of Christ is confirmed by the stone of faith, and Joppa rejoices in joy, psalmically glorifying the Life-Giver of the Son of God of faith, seeing a great miracle being performed: the supreme apostle speaks, and the deceased rises from the grave, even as the Destroyer of death grants to the Church, so that they may be adorned in her image is the virtues of people. Come, Christians, let us bring our prayers to the saints: blessed and merciful Tavitho, lift up our sighs to the Most Holy Trinity, and pray with boldness, that we may be sons of the Eternal Light, that we may be worthy of God’s mercy, that we may abide in Divine love, and that peace may reign in the universe .

Introparion, tone 4: As an apostle to the secret one, merciful Tavitho, you laid the foundation for the monastery of women and you were a garment for the poor, a humble novice, obeying the word of the Apostle Peter, you rose from the dead by the power of Christ, and now you are brightly celebrating in Heaven. Likewise, pray to Christ God to grant eternal life to all who remember you.

Kontakion, tone 4: The people of Joppa were terrified, and the angels of God were amazed, when He who healed Henneas called from the dead the chamois called chamois, adorned with mercy, for which the poor widow cried out to Him. And now, blessed Tavitho, hear our prayers brought to you, and ask from all the blessings of the Giver of mercy and generosity to His faithful, and blessedly we cry to you: Rejoice, you who teach us virtue.

John Kontakion, tone 8: The Primordial Church rejoices, and Joppa is enlightened by you, Tabitho, rejoicing from the dead at your resurrection, and we, now celebrating your memory, glorify the Conqueror of death - Christ God, looking forward to the common holy Resurrection.

Greatness We bless you, holy righteous Tavitho, and honor your holy memory, for you pray for us to Christ our God.


The Russian spiritual mission in Jerusalem appeared in 1847. Its emergence was due to the fact that Russian pilgrims faced many difficulties on the territory of the Holy Land. They did not have the opportunity to pray in Russian, and there were no normal living conditions. During the period when the mission was headed by Archimandrite Antonin (1865-1894), many plots were acquired into its ownership, where Orthodox churches later arose to facilitate the journey of pilgrims.

In 1869, the Russian Spiritual Mission bought the site where the Church of the Apostle Peter and Righteous Tabitha in Jaffa was subsequently built. First, a house was built on this land to shelter pilgrims of the Orthodox faith, a garden was planted and a well was dug. The shelter at this site was an important site as pilgrims passing through it came through the port of Jaffa to the Holy Land.

Work on the construction of the Church of Peter and Tabitha in Jaffa began in 1888, this event was attended by the Grand Dukes - two of the children of Emperor Alexander II. Craftsmen from Italy participated in the construction work. Patriarch Gerasim of Jerusalem consecrated the new church in 1894.

Over the next 100 years, the Temple of Tabitha in Jaffa began to deteriorate. Restoration work was organized in 1995–2000. At that time, more than 25 people could stay in the pilgrimage hotel.

© Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem

Saint Tabitha. Gracious disciple from Joppa

In the ninth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, in verses 36-43, the Evangelist Luke talks about an outstanding woman from the Christian community of Joppa, whose memory our Church celebrates on October 25.
We are talking about a student named Tabitha. This name is of Aramaic origin and in Greek should be pronounced “Dorkas”, which means “fast roe deer with big eyes”. The word comes from the Greek verb “derkomai”, meaning “to look closely”, “to observe”.

Joppa (modern Jaffa) was the most important port of ancient Israel and the Jerusalem harbor, built offshore at an altitude of 850 meters. The distance between the two cities was about 55 kilometers. The city is an important port today. It belongs to the municipality of Tel Aviv, as it is located slightly south of it.

The main feature of Tabitha was her love for humanity. It is usually emphasized that she was the heiress of a large fortune, although the Acts of the Apostles says nothing about this. It is said that the saint fell ill and died, but after the fervent prayer of the Apostle Peter she was resurrected, because of which many people glorified the Name of God and believed in Him. Here we turn to how Tabitha performed works of mercy.

As a rule, we associate the concept of charity with donating a certain amount of money to someone who needs it. And no more. However, Saint Tabitha acted completely differently. You could say she had a very modern view of mercy, based on the word of God.

Our sacrifice to our neighbor is by no means limited to giving him a piece of bread. This is good, but it is much better to establish a close bond of love with him, the fruit of which will be the donation of money or food. Of course, in many cases this is not possible. But we must strive for this when such an opportunity still exists.

As you know, Tabitha founded (unofficially, of course) a certain institution where defenseless widows, members of the Joppa Church, had the opportunity to learn weaving skills. Tabitha also worked with them as a teacher and assistant. Therefore, after her death, the widows working next to her showed love and sorrow the clothes they had sewn with her. It is very likely that the women sold the clothes they made, thus having some kind of income, which was very important for them, since in those years there was no government assistance for the disadvantaged.

Joppa's small community of disciples created a thriving local institution devoted to charitable works that far exceeded the practice of public soup kitchens. Imagine, for example, if every parish or metropolitanate had the opportunity to create some kind of organization that provides all those in need not only with modest food, but also the opportunity to work and feed themselves with their labor.

Canteens are something very important and necessary, especially in our time. However, this does not solve the problem of helping the disadvantaged. On the other hand, one might wonder: “Is this achievable? Can the local church take on this responsibility?” However, if there is a healthy and vibrant community, with a sense of unity, then much can be achieved.

Schedule of services at the Church of St. Tabitha in Jaffa

The time for the Divine Liturgy is 08:00 am, on Saturdays, Sundays and on major holidays. On Fridays, Saturdays and before holidays, evening services are held at 16:00.

The time for confession is before the liturgy, from 07:00 to 08:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. Thanksgiving services are held at 10:00 am.

On Monday, the courtyard of Righteous Tabitha in Jaffa is closed to the public. Opening hours of the Orthodox church in the southern part of Tel Aviv on other days:

  • Tuesday - Thursday: 09:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00.
  • Friday: 09:00–13:00, 15:00–19:00.
  • Saturday: 06:30–12:00, 15:00–19:00.
  • Sunday: 06:30–12:00.

To visit organized groups of pilgrims, it is recommended to check the opening hours in advance by calling the Church of Peter and Tabitha in Jaffa.

Schedule of services of the Temple of Tabitha in Jaffa on the official website of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem

© Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem


Holy Righteous Tabitha (I), a virtuous and merciful woman, belonged to the Christian community in Joppa. It so happened that she became seriously ill and died. At that time, not far from Joppa, in Lydda, the holy Apostle Peter preached. Messengers were sent to him with a convincing request for help. When the apostle came to Joppa, righteous Tabitha was already dead. Kneeling down, the supreme apostle made a fervent prayer to the Lord. Then he went up to the bed and called out: “Tabitha, get up!” She rose up completely healthy (Acts 9:36).

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