How does the icon of Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky help in everyday life?

Among the Orthodox saints there are many who defended Rus' from enemies with weapons in their hands. The icon of St. Alexander Nevsky is dedicated to just such a defender of Holy Rus'.

Memorial Days:

  • 12-th of September
  • December 6

The life of a faithful warrior

The Holy Prince was born on May 30, 1220. He was the son of Prince Yaroslav and the grandson of Vsevolod III the Big Nest. When Alexander was 7 years old, his father, at the request of the Novgorodians, became the ruler of their city. It was a difficult period for Rus'. The cloud of the Mongol yoke hung in the east, and the Germans and Swedes in the west. During this difficult time, Prince Alexander was revealed by the mercy of God.

The Pope sent envoys to the prince. They suggested that the ruler convert to their faith and plunge his people into the Catholic abyss. In return, help was promised in defeating other enemies. But Alexander was faithful to Orthodoxy. The Swedes-crusaders saw the right moment to attack when Batu was advancing on Rus'.

Alexander Nevsky brought the light of Orthodoxy to the pagan east and heretical west

The prince prayed before the battle, received the blessing of the archbishop and strengthened his army. One of the sentinel soldiers saw a boat sailing along the Neva waters at dawn, in which were Saints Boris and Gleb. This was a blessing and strengthening. The Russians defeated the Swedes, and after this battle the prince began to be called Nevsky. It might seem surprising and incomprehensible to foreigners why the small princely army won. Everything is quite simple - the Russians went to battle, calling on God.

Alexander was only 20 years old when he defeated the Swedish army on the Neva, leading a small squad.

Later, the prince defeated the Germans - the decisive battle took place on Lake Peipsi. He maintained an alliance with the Horde, which protected Rus' from the east. After the death of Batu, the prince visited the Horde to prolong the peace. Thanks to his wisdom and diplomacy, the Horde shielded Rus' from other attacks.

As a result, the diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church was created in the capital of the Horde itself. Alexander Nevsky brought the light of Orthodoxy to the pagan east and heretical west. Temples in honor of the saint are consecrated not only in Rus', but also far beyond its borders.

Iconography and description of the icon

The prince was canonized in the second half of the 16th century. Until then, his icons were not painted, but only miniatures were created. It was by the middle of the sixteenth century. refers to the oldest known icon. On it the prince is depicted together with St. John and Abraham. The holy fathers are filled with meekness and humility; each of them holds a scroll in their hands.

In the first years after the canonization of the prince, there were few images in which the saint was represented as a warrior in appropriate clothing. After the decree of Peter I, the Great Synod allowed the saint to be depicted in princely robes. However, there are icons in which he is depicted in the robes of a monk.

The image in a monastic robe is complemented by a cross in his hand. If Alexander is depicted in the clothes of a prince, then a sword rests in his hand. There are also icons in which the prince holds a cross in his right hand and a sword in his left.

Half-length image

Full size icon

Icon with Life

The meaning of the holy image

Icons sometimes speak more than works of art. They illuminate the truth, despite attempts to change the past by modern politicians and even the clergy. It is believed that the icons of St. Alexander Nevsky talks about his spiritual life, as well as princely and military duties and actions for the defense of Russia.

The icons on which the prince is depicted in the schema speak of his turning to the heavenly, of his renunciation of earthly glory. He has no weapon, because the monk’s sword is prayer. Everything he did as a warrior was for his homeland, for the defense of Orthodoxy. There is also an icon in which he, being in the schema, holds a cross in his hand.

Other icons depict the saint as a prince and warrior. They talk about his earthly exploits. Despite his noble family, the prince’s gaze is not proud. Even before accepting monasticism, pride and arrogance were alien to him. In his left hand the warrior holds a sword, and in his right hand either a cross or a banner. There are many images of the saint in armor, but only a few depict a shield. This indicates a lack of fear of enemies.

Hagiographic icons deserve special attention. They talk about the exploits of the holy prince and allow us to better understand his spirit. In the nineteenth century. an icon was painted on which the prince is depicted in the schema. He looks to the Lord. The Savior blesses his faithful servant. The battle on the waters unfolds and the Angel of God hovers over the warriors.

The icon of Alexander Nevsky tells every Orthodox Christian that true values ​​are faith, homeland, love for God and people. The holy prince personifies the real Russian ruler, whom the people lost after the 1917 revolution. The image of the prince combines the main tasks of the Russian Tsar - the defense of Orthodoxy and his land.

Icon of the blessed prince Alexander Nevsky

Collector and defender of Russian lands

The future ruler was born in difficult times - in 1220, his earthly journey ended at 42 years old. Being the heir of the Pereyaslavl prince, Alexander from an early age learned what politics, war, and responsibility for the fate of his subjects were. His grandfather was Prince Vsevolod, who managed to unite the lands from Vladimir to Ryazan. As a six-year-old boy, Alexander and his brother were ordained warriors; the bishop himself blessed him for exploits in the name of the Russian land and the Church.

A year later, the father takes Novgorod under his rule, but the local residents ask for another prince. The family returns to their native Pereslavl. Only a few years later the Novgorodians call Yaroslav back, and he makes his sons rulers. Soon the eldest of the brothers, Fedor, dies.

It is not for nothing that Saint Alexander Nevsky in icons is often dressed like a warrior - in his hands is a sword, under his cloak is metal chain mail, on his head is a helmet with an image of a cross. The prince fought his first battle early, at the age of 14, under the leadership of his father. Then the city of Dorpat was taken. A couple of years later, the prince is left to govern Novgorod on his own, as Yaroslav leaves for Kyiv. The young prince marries the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk - apparently, the marriage had political grounds.

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In difficult years the young man fell to reign - the crusaders threatened from the west, the Swedes were advancing. For many years, the Mongol-Tatars kept most of the Russian lands at bay. But the small squad led by Alexander did not lose heart - people believed that the Lord would stand next to them for a just cause. After all, they did not attack, but defended their own homes and families.

What does an icon help with?

There are ancient icons that have been prayed for centuries. They bestow grace that can be felt even physically. But “according to your faith it will be done for you.” If a person with a sense of consumerism approaches an ancient icon, he will not get what he wants. And if an Orthodox Christian with strong faith and humility prays even in front of a paper image of the holy prince, by the grace of God he will certainly be heard. Therefore, you need to understand that help is given by God, the Mother of God and the saints according to the faith and disposition of a person’s heart.

They pray to the Holy Prince in front of his image for the following needs:

  • about strengthening faith;
  • about protecting the homeland from enemies;
  • about warriors, their strength and courage on the battlefield;
  • about peace in the family;
  • about healing from illnesses.

During the siege of Leningrad, the townspeople turned to the icon of the prince for help. Alexander Nevsky is a true commander. An order was founded in his honor. The saint is considered the patron saint of Russian soldiers. You cannot take his icon as a talisman.

Little known facts

  • In Soviet times, it was customary to mention only the military exploits of the prince. The monk and saint were not suitable for Soviet propaganda. Hence the impression arose that the Church made the prince a saint because he did a lot for the country.
  • Preaching the Gospel was one of the main affairs of the prince's life. He even managed to open an Orthodox community in the Horde.
  • Alexander Nevsky achieved his main military victories when he was very young. He didn't lose a single battle.
  • Popular veneration of the prince arose immediately after his death - as is the case with many righteous people. Officially, canonization took place only three centuries later.

Miracles of the Holy Image

The saint helped people during his earthly life and continued to do so after his transition to eternity. He helps defend his homeland from enemy attacks and encroachments of the heretic Pope on the Orthodox people. The saint also helps every Orthodox Christian in his sorrows and illnesses. There are known cases when, after sincere, humble prayers to the prince, two women who had lost their sight were able to see again. And a man with a dry leg after prayers to St. The prince began to walk normally.

Many miracles are performed near the incorruptible relics of the saint:

  • restoration of sight to the blind;
  • strengthening and restoring the weakened;
  • healing of feet suffering from diseases;
  • freeing people from demonic possession.

Icons of Alexander Nevsky are in many churches

Spiritual painting

Artists depicted Alexander Nevsky in their paintings; you can also have them in your home, but not to confuse them with icons. The painting has a completely different purpose - it narrates, entertains, maybe even educates, but the icon is designed to collect a person’s thoughts and focus them on prayer.

Alexander Nesterov created a wonderful image of the prince - he showed him as a commander, in robes and with weapons. But the weapon lies on the floor of the temple, and the warrior himself bowed his head in prayer. This is a courageous man, at the same time having a strong faith. He understands that the outcome of any battle depends not on his efforts, but on the will of God.

Contemporary artist P. Ryzhenko depicted the conversation of the prince with Khan Sartak. They are sitting in a field in front of an open Bible. The Khan is deep in thought, and the Prince seems to be waiting for an answer to an important question. It is known that a descendant of Genghis Khan, under the influence of Alexander Nevsky, converted to Orthodoxy, for which he was subsequently killed.

Prayers before the icon of Alexander Nevsky

About health

Quick helper to all those who diligently come running to you, and our warm representative before the Lord, holy and faithful Grand Duke Alexandra! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy, who have committed many iniquities that are indecent to ourselves, who are now flowing to the race of your relics and crying from the depths of your soul: in your life you were a zealot and defender of the Orthodox faith, and you have unshakably established us in it with your warm prayers to God. You have carefully carried out the great service entrusted to you, and with your help, guide us to remain in what we are called to do. You, having defeated the regiments of adversaries, drove away from the borders of Russia, and brought down all visible and invisible enemies against us. You, having left the corruptible crown of the earthly kingdom, you chose a silent life, and now, righteously crowned with an incorruptible crown, reigning in heaven, intercede for us, we humbly pray to you, a quiet and serene life, and arrange for us a steady march towards the eternal Kingdom of God. Standing before the throne of God with all the saints, pray for all Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God preserve them with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years, may we ever glorify and bless God, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones, the Father and the Son and The Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

About healing

O holy blessed Prince Alexander! Look mercifully upon us, unworthy servant of God (names), and intercede for us a quiet and serene life, and through your intercession arrange for us a steady procession towards the eternal Kingdom, may the Lord God preserve us with His grace in peace, health, long life and all prosperity in the coming years May we ever glorify and bless God in the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Icons of St. Alexander Nevsky are in many churches. Every Orthodox Christian can acquire an image for himself and pray to the saint at home. People resort to it for help with illnesses and attacks from enemies, but this is not a limitation. Each person praying can turn to the saint for his needs.

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Shrines and temples of Alexander

The relics of the saint rest in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra (St. Petersburg). During the years of persecution they were preserved, although the cancer was transferred to the museum. In 2007, the shrine was transported to places associated with the earthly life of the prince. Particles of relics are found in Vladimir, Sofia (Bulgaria), and the Urals.

About the author About the book

The temple in the name of the saint, located in Moscow, is very famous. In 2009, the miraculous image of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”, which has ancient origins, was transferred here. Now the icon is constantly in the Alexander Nevsky Church. The church has a unique iconostasis consisting of five tiers. The floors are made of marble, special treatment allows it to shine by reflecting light. The special design of the vault provides excellent acoustics. The temple is worth a visit.

  • Icon of the Last Supper
  • Icon Tree of Life - read here
  • Icon "Hodegetria" -

The icon of St. Alexander Nevsky will be a wonderful gift for a military man, a leader holding a responsible position. Before her, you can ask the Lord to help you fulfill your duties with dignity. You can turn to him in prayer for any other reason; the church does not impose restrictions on this.

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