Icon of the Mother of God Look at Humility - meaning, what it helps with

The iconography of the Mother of God is very extensive and has several most common types. An extensive group is made up of “Hodegetria,” which gives the authors some freedom in composing the composition. The icon “Look at Humility” belongs to it, although with some unconventional elements. However, they are all within the canon. The image became widely known not so long ago, although it has quite ancient origins.

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Mysterious Maiden

The history of the icon “Look at Humility” began in the Pskov region; the circumstances of the appearance of the image have not been preserved. However, it is known that at that time famine was raging and diseases were spreading. During these difficult days, bloody tears oozed from the eyes of the Blessed Virgin. People seemed to be given encouragement, hope that the Mother of God would not abandon them with her prayers.

The image was in the Trinity Church, the townspeople made religious processions with it, which put an end to the epidemic. Mentions of these events are preserved not only in people's memory - they are in chronicles. The day of deliverance of the inhabitants of Pskov from a destructive disease became the date of the church holiday of the icon (September 16, old style).

Nobody knows where the revealed icon “Look at Humility” is now. The records kept at the cathedral church have not mentioned it since the 19th century. At that time, fires were a frequent occurrence in Pskov - perhaps they caused the death of the ancient image. Only a few lists have survived to this day.

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One of them was in the cell of Elder John (Krestyankin), who lived in the Pechersky Monastery (Pskov region). When the archimandrite died, the icon was moved to the Pskov Kremlin, to the Trinity Cathedral, where the original of the miraculous icon was kept for many years.

Location of miraculous lists

Within the walls of the Pskov Kremlin Cathedral, believers can pray to the list, the model for which was the ancient original (icon). The temple in the Florovsky convent became the storage place for a copy of iconography written 200 years ago. The second list, known for its miraculous works, is kept on the territory of the monastery.

New wave of veneration

Some lists also became famous for their miracles. It was the reports of healings through prayers near the “Look at Humility” icon that aroused interest in the image in our time. This happened in the early 90s in Ukraine (perhaps this is why little information about the icon can be found on the official websites of the Russian Orthodox Church).

The authorship of the miraculous list is attributed to a certain nun Maria. While performing the Jesus Prayer, a woman painted an icon of amazing expressiveness. According to legend, she used a bone from holy relics for work. The paints were diluted with holy water. The eyes of the Most Pure One stand out especially - they look directly at the person, no matter from what angle he approaches the image.

During the revolution, the image was preserved thanks to one priest. After his arrest, he managed to give the icon to the nun. For decades, the image was in different monasteries. The first known miracle took place in the Florovsky Monastery - a deaf-mute girl was healed. Before her death, the keeper bequeathed the shrine to the Vvedensky Monastery.

In addition to numerous reports of healings, the icon itself “Look upon Humility” showed a miraculous imprint. In 1993, the abbot of the Vvedensky Monastery (Kyiv), to which the image belongs, invited restorers. It seemed to him that the colors had undergone changes. The removal of the salary, however, revealed something unusual. There was an imprint of the image on the glass, although it was not in contact with the image.

Some people accused the monks of painting the print themselves to draw attention to the monastery. Scientists of various profiles were invited. Using the most modern methods, they spent several years researching the image. They were unable to determine how the print appeared. Science has only been able to recognize the following facts:

  • The imprint on glass is not the work of human hands.
  • The image is of organic origin.
  • A light gray print on a dark background produces a negative image, while a light gray print produces a positive image.

Two years later, the Synod of the Ukrainian Church recognized the Kyiv Icon of the Mother of God “Look upon Humility” as miraculous. Since then she has visited Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Russia too. The monks keep a special notebook in which people describe the miracles that happened, leaving addresses and telephone numbers (journalists and skeptics can check). Today the imprint is kept in the same temple under a separate frame.

History of the image

Judging by the style of icon painting, the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” was painted in the 12th century. The first mention of it dates back to the 15th century. But it received its name only in the 17th century.

The first information about the icon dates back to 1420, during the reign of Vasily II, when a great disaster befell the Pskov people: a pestilence (famine and epidemic) and the invasion of the Pskov lands by the Lithuanians. During these terrible days for Pskov, on Lake Kamenny in the monastery, the image of the Most Holy Lady was revealed, in whose eyes there were bloody tears.

The residents of Pskov are confident that the miraculous icon was revealed to them for protection and support in difficult days; the Lord and His Most Pure Mother thereby called them to repentance, humility and surrendering themselves into the hands of God.

On September 16, 1420, the image was transferred to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Pskov. On this significant day they decided to celebrate the feast of the icon. It is celebrated on this day even now.

The original, unfortunately, has not survived to this day. But the miraculous Face has several lists, some of which are also miraculous.

Rice. 2. Perhaps the most famous miraculous list is the image kept in the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in Kyiv.

This miraculous image was painted by Princess Maria, who became a monk, and who had an amazing artistic gift from birth. When painting the icon, the nun constantly prayed; she mixed the paints in holy water.

In 1917, the holy image was handed over to Archpriest Boris Kvasnitsky, who kept it until 1937. This year the priest was repressed, but before that, he managed to transfer the icon to his spiritual daughter, nun Feofania.

In 1961, the Vvedensky Monastery was closed and the sisters were dispersed. Mother Feofaniya, together with the icon, moved to the Florovsky Monastery. The holy icon was kept by the schema-nun until 1992, when she decided to donate the image to the Vvedensky Church.

About a year after this, the Lord reveals through the image “Look at Humility” a great miracle: on the glass that covered the icon case, a miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin and the Child of God suddenly appears.

Important! Scientists still cannot explain the appearance of the miraculous imprint. For a whole year, doctors of sciences and heads of departments at leading universities in Ukraine studied the imprint. The study involved the latest achievements of science and technology, but a scientific explanation was never found: analysis of the imprint of the holy image showed the organic nature of its origin. This phenomenon was recognized as a miracle of the 20th century.

The Orthodox Church also recognized it as a manifestation of God's miracle.

Rice. 3. Now this amazing print is exhibited in the same temple, next to the miraculous icon.

In 1995, by decision of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the icon of the Mother of God “Look upon Humility” was officially recognized as miraculous, thanks to the many miracles that occurred through prayers in front of this shrine.

The meaning of the holy image

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The unusual composition of the icon “Look at Humility” has a certain theological significance. What are the differences from the typical “Hodegetria”?

  • The head of the Mother of God is crowned with a crown, but the Infant Christ does not have one.
  • In the right hand of St. Mary holds a scepter, a symbol of royal power.
  • Christ holds an orb in his left hand.
  • The right hand of the Son of God gently touches his mother's cheek.

The concept of the traditional “Guidebook” is that the Mother of God is the road to Christ. This is how a person can go from spiritual death of sin to life with God. She is a companion for people on this path. Also, the Virgin Mary became the bridge through which the Son of God took on human nature.

In this case, the Mother of God holds in her right hand a symbol of royal power, just like Christ. They both share the Divine glory, but only Mary's head is covered with a crown. Here the personal merits of the Virgin are emphasized, thanks to which she was able to become the Mother of the Lord. While he grew in strength, it was she who was able to become his support. As if emphasizing this, the Child stands on straight legs, and does not sit, as usual on this type of icon.

The Great God chose a young girl who was obedient to the commandments, had a meek disposition and a kind heart. Of course, the name of the image cannot be correlated with oneself - “I am so humble, so help me, Lord.” Most people do not have true humility before God. For the acquisition of this gift it is worth praying near the icon of the Mother of God “Look at humility.”

Also, the name of the icon refers to Psalm 30, where the Lord is shown to those who do not leave a person in trouble. Symbols of royal power remind us that the destinies of people are in the hand of the Lord, and He has the right to reward those who deserve it, as well as to restore those who have fallen.


The now well-known history of the icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility” begins with its appearance in the 20th year of the 15th century on Lake Kamenny (Bezhanitsky region of the Pskov lands). The exact circumstances of this event are not specified, but many believe that at that time the image was extremely necessary to console and encourage people during the period of “pestilence” (as the time of famine and epidemic was called) and the invasion of the Lithuanian prince Vitovit.

The newly appeared image of the Mother of God was crying blood (liquid flowed from the right eye of the Virgin). This is how the Mother of God showed the people of Pskov her grief and desire to help them. Chronicles indicate that the icon was transferred to Pskov, where it was placed in the cathedral church named after the Life-Giving Trinity. Later, religious processions began to be held with her, and fervent prayers were offered to her for the resolution of all the misfortunes that befell Pskov.

Thanks to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, the pestilence ended.

What do people pray for to the icon Praise for Humility?

When gathering your thoughts before turning to higher powers, you must remember that the Mother of God is merciful to all people without exception, especially if a person has repented of sinful deeds. What do they pray for in front of the icon “Look at Humility”? The first known miracles were helping children in need. Therefore you can ask:

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  • healing from rubella;
  • assistance in bearing a child;
  • healing from speech and hearing diseases;
  • about help in strengthening faith;
  • about consolation in moments of despair.

Each person can come to the Queen of Heaven with his own misfortune. Many receive help - this is evidenced by the numerous decorations that are under the salary. These are chains, rings with precious stones, crosses on the body - of course, the Mother of God does not need anything, this is just tradition. If a person's desire is fulfilled, he leaves his offering.

What does prayer in front of an image help with and what does it protect against?

The task of every Orthodox believer is to humble his soul and body and entrust them into the hands of God; without this it is not possible to be with God forever.

Rice. 5. Before the holy image, they pray for the granting of humility and repentance to themselves, as well as to those close to them who do not want to repent and therefore suffer from various ailments sent by the Lord for our humility.

Also pray:

  • About forgiveness of sins;
  • About turning to the true faith of loved ones;
  • About getting rid of hypocrisy and deception;
  • About resolving family conflicts and giving love;
  • On alleviating the suffering of deceased loved ones;
  • The Mother of God gives help to everyone who is oppressed and persecuted;
  • Helps everyone who is desperate and not strong in faith;
  • Gives justification to the innocent;
  • Especially helps with cardiovascular diseases and women's diseases;
  • Helps solve housing problems.

Famous cases of miracles near the image

  • A pregnant woman was healed of jaundice - doctors insisting on an abortion found no signs of the disease. The child was born healthy.
  • An elderly woman who had lost her sight was brought by her granddaughter to venerate the icon. After she venerated the icon, her vision returned.
  • The oil from the lamp helped heal the severe burns of a boy injured in a fire.
  • During a river walk, a little girl fell into the water. Through the prayers of the mother, the image of the icon raised the child to the surface.

Of course, the icon “Look at Humility” also helps in spiritual matters. Thanks to the help of the Mother of God, people find their way to the Lord, begin to go to church, and participate in the Sacraments. And this is more expensive than solving any earthly problems. After all, an image is not a magic wand for solving everyday problems. Its main task is to remind people of their eternal soul.

Despite the tense relations between Kiev and Moscow, the miraculous list is periodically brought to Russia for worship. Late 2021 - early 2021 he visited several Moscow churches. But you can ask for help from the “Look at Humility” icon at any time. To do this, just purchase any available image. We must always remember that God works miracles, and one of His qualities is omnipresence, that is, He is always and everywhere, and not just near certain shrines.

Living Testimonies of the Healing Power of Images

  • One of the first miracles officially recorded after prayers at the holy icon is the healing of a deaf-mute girl who spoke at the icon when she arrived with her grandmother. Approaching the face of the Virgin and Child, the girl turned and said: “Grandma, aunt blew on me.”
  • A certain woman, being pregnant, found out that she was sick with hepatitis, the doctors insisted on an abortion. The patient spent three days in fasting and prayer near the miraculous list, crying and begging the Mother of God for salvation and giving life to her child, after which she took tests and turned out to be healthy.
  • An incredible miracle happened while a mother and a girl were sailing on a boat. For one moment, the mother admired the lilies, but this was enough for the baby to fall out of the boat and go to the bottom.

In desperation, the woman began to read a prayer to the Mother of God; soon she saw a holy image on the water surface and her daughter floating up, who turned out to be completely healthy.

The decorations hung on the image testify to the many healings. Jewelry is brought by grateful pilgrims who have received answers to their prayers.

How to find the right words

Prayer is a kind of offering to God. It must be properly formatted, that is, it is better to use ready-made prayers. They were compiled by people who have spiritual education, so they will not contain inappropriate verbal constructions. In order not to harm yourself, you should be very careful when selecting texts for prayer. Where can I get the text of the prayer to the icon “Look at humility”?

  • Purchase a collection of prayers to the icons of the Mother of God in the church shop at the temple.
  • Download on the Internet on sites dedicated to the Orthodox faith.
  • You can order the prayer book online on the websites of Orthodox publishing houses.

Sometimes parishioners of churches share texts with each other, usually before doing this they take the blessing of the abbot.

A common type of home prayer is the akathist. This is a very accessible form of church poetry that is useful for the soul. As a rule, the texts are easy to understand; many publications have the correct emphasis. An akathist was also compiled for the icon “Look at Humility.” Even a person who is not used to spending a lot of time in prayer can easily cope with reading it.

  • Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows” - find here
  • Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” -

Alternating long and short poems allows a person to better focus on the content. Therefore, it is easy to keep your attention on the content, to pronounce words not only with your lips, but also to pass them through your heart and soul. At the end of each akathist there is a prayer; it can then be read separately, at the end of the daily prayer rule.

Prayer to the icon Praise for Humility

Oh, Most Holy Lady, Virgin Mother of God, highest Cherub and Most Honest Seraphim, God's chosen Youth! Look from the heights of heaven with Your merciful eye on us, Your unworthy servants, praying with tenderness and tears before Your Most Pure Image; do not deprive us of Your intercession and protection of the Sovereign in this earthly journey, many-sorrowful and many-rebellious. Save us in the destruction and sorrow of those who exist, raise us up from the depths of sin, enlighten our minds, darkened by passions, and heal the ulcers of our souls and bodies. Oh, All-Generous Mother of the Humane-loving Lord! Surprise us with Your rich mercies, strengthen our weak will to do the commandments of Christ, soften our hardened hearts with love for God and our neighbors, grant us heartfelt contrition and true repentance, so that, having been cleansed from the filth of sin, we may be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer to the Last Thing. To the impartial Judgment of our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy, Good and Life-Giving Spirit, is due all glory, honor and worship, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

An irresistible wall, your image and source of miracles, just as you bestowed your intercession on the city of Pskov from ancient times, so now, mercifully deliver us from all troubles and sorrows and save our souls, like your loving Mother.

Kontakion, tone 3

Most Immaculate Virgin, you who honor the image of Your face accept grateful gifts, you help the living and the dead, you save our city and country, and you offer prayers before your Son, and you save us all.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor the holy icons of Your wonderful reflection.

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