Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - meaning, what it helps with

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God's mercy and love for our long-suffering land are great, and it is difficult not to notice. It is worth taking a closer look, and you can see it in the simple faith of the people, in the gentle radiance of the faces of saints, in the course of our history and the destinies of rulers. And God’s love and mercy appear to us in the form of holy images, with which our Orthodox Church is so rich. As before, so now it has special significance and the reverence of believers is given to the face of the Most Holy Theotokos. The icon of Our Lady of Vladimir is considered the patroness of the Russian people and Russia itself. According to legend, this image was painted by the Evangelist Luke during Her earthly life. And seeing her image, the Virgin Mary said:

“From now on, everyone will please Me. May the grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with this image.”

Throughout the history of the face of the Mother of God, many miracles and amazing bright events have been witnessed that affected the fate of not only Russia, but also thousands of Christian believers. The meaning, what the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos helps with, how to pray and ask Her for help - our article will tell you everything.

History of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God

Celebration days:

  • June 3
  • July 6
  • 8 September

The original location of the icon was Jerusalem; in the 5th century it was transported to Constantinople. It is known how the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir came to Rus': the Patriarch of Constantinople gave it to Prince Mstislav at the beginning of the 12th century. It was placed in the Vyshgorod monastery near Kyiv and soon became famous as miraculous.

Having heard about this, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky decided to transport it to the north, but on the way a real miracle happened: not far from Vladimir, the horses with the cart on which the icon was being transported suddenly stopped, and no force could move them. Deciding that this was a sign of God, they spent the night there, and at night during prayer the prince had a vision: the Mother of God herself ordered to leave her icon in Vladimir, and at the site of the parking lot to build a monastery with a temple in honor of Her Nativity. This is how the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary got its name.

Days of Honor

Since the holy image of the Intercessor is of great importance for the Russian land, celebrations are held in her honor three times a year, and especially on Candlemas:

  • May 21 (June 3, new style) - veneration in honor of assistance in the victory (1521) over Khan Makhmet-Girey.
  • June 23 (July 6, new style) - celebration takes place after the victory over the Tatar yoke (1480).
  • August 26 (September 8, new style) - the face of Vladimir is solemnly venerated for liberation from Khan Tamerlane (1395) and in honor of the meeting of the icon when it was transferred to Moscow.

The best article for you, go to: What does the “Blessed Heaven” Icon help with?

Meeting of the Vladimir Icon

In 1395, the hordes of Tamerlane descended on Rus', advancing towards Moscow, taking one city after another. At the request of Grand Duke Vasily I Dimitrievich, who was expecting an attack by the Tatars, they sent to Vladimir for the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, and within 10 days it was brought to Moscow in a religious procession. Along the way and in Moscow itself, the icon was met by hundreds and thousands of kneeling people, offering it a prayer to save the Russian land from its enemies. The solemn meeting (presentation) of the Vladimir Icon took place on September 8.

On the same day, Tamerlane, who stopped with an army on the banks of the Don, had a vision: he saw a Majestic Woman hovering over the saints, who commanded him to leave Rus'. The courtiers interpreted this vision as the appearance of the Mother of God, the great protector of the Orthodox. The superstitious Tamerlane carried out her order.

In memory of how the Russian land was miraculously delivered from the enemy invasion, the Sretensky Monastery was built and on September 8 the celebration of the Presentation of the Vladimir Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established.

In what events of the Russian state did the icon take part?

But not only during the invasion of Timerlane did people pray in front of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. She also participated in other events of the state:

  1. 1451 – Tatar invasion of Moscow. Then the city was besieged by pagans, and Metropolitan Jonah decided to carry the icon in a religious procession. At this time, the enemies heard a noise that sounded like approaching help in the form of Vasily Dmitrievich’s army. The Tatars lifted the siege and left.
  2. 1480 – a battle with the Tatar-Mongols was expected. Troops had already lined up on both sides of the Ugra River - Russian and Tatar, but no battle took place. Then the people prayed furiously in front of the icon and the opponents, after standing for a long time, decided to leave. This event is called the “great stand on the Ugra River.”
  3. 1521 - again the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols. They began to set fire to Moscow, but without causing any significant damage to the city, they hastily left. And this time the entire Moscow population knelt before the icon. The next deliverance is usually celebrated on June 3 each year.
  4. 1613 - with the icon of the Mother of God there is a meeting between the troops of Minin and Pozharsky, who were the liberators of the Russian land from the Polish invaders.

In addition, the chronicle also preserves many miraculous salvations and healings through prayer before the icon of the Mother of God:

  • The woman, whose name was Efimiya, suffered from heart pain, but having learned about the existence of the icon of the Mother of God in Vladimir, she sent a priest there with gifts (jewelry, jewelry and gold). From the monastery the priest brought water with which they washed the icon, the woman drank it, prayed, and her heart never hurt again.
  • One day in Vyshgorod the Golden Gate fell on people. Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky began to pray fervently in front of the icon of the Mother of God so that people would not suffer too much. When the gate was lifted, it turned out that none of the men and women taken out of it had even received a scratch.
  • One of the abbess of the monastery lost her sight with age, but one day she prayed to the Mother of God, washed her face with the water that had previously been used to wash the icon, and unexpectedly for everyone she regained her sight.
  • The priest's wife, being pregnant, prayed in front of the icon of the Mother of God that God would preserve the baby and bless her with a good birth. After that, she and some men and women found themselves in a stable with a horse that had gone berserk and was destroying everything around it. Only this woman was not injured by the horse; the horse caused a lot of injuries to the others.

These are not all examples of when prayer is performed in front of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God.

The meaning of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The significance of this icon for Rus' and all its Orthodox Christians cannot be overestimated - it is our national shrine. Before her, in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, the anointing of sovereigns to the kingdom and the election of high priests took place. More than once, the Queen of Heaven, the patroness of Rus', saved her: in 1480 she delivered her from the Horde Khan Akhmat (celebration on June 23), and in 1521 - from the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey (celebration on May 21).

Our Lady saved not only the state, but also many people with her power.

The fact that the Vladimir Icon was miraculous was widely known, and people from all over Rus' flocked to it with their prayers.

There are many stories of miraculous healings and other help in troubles and misfortunes. Moreover, not only the icon itself, located in Moscow, had miraculous power, but also its numerous copies, such as the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God of Oran, which saved Nizhny Novgorod from a plague epidemic in 1771, or the Vladimir Zaonikiev Icon of the Mother of God, famous for its numerous healings, etc.

Currently, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is located in the Tretyakov Gallery, namely in the Church-Museum of St. Nicholas at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Evidence from chronicles

The Vladimir icon was mentioned quite often in chronicles. We find evidence of this image in the Laurentian Chronicle, in the Book of Degrees and other historical sources.

Some ancient manuscripts contain a story about the campaign of the holy prince against the Volga Bulgars. It is called: “A Word about the Mercy of God by Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky,” in which he says that during the campaign he always had with him a double-sided image of the Savior Not Made by Hands and the Vladimir Icon. He performed prayers before the battle, calling on God’s help: “And I, a sinner, have help and protection in You.” In the same document, the prince describes the radiance that came from the cross.

Tsar Ivan the Terrible prayed before the miraculous face on the eve of military battles, and when returning, he served thanksgiving prayers before her. Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich worshiped the Shrine and thanked the Heavenly Patroness for her assistance in defeating the enemies.

Since the 16th century, the ancient icon was constantly in Moscow. The election of the heads of the Russian clergy took place necessarily with the participation of the main shrine. In 1917, after an interval of almost three hundred years, a patriarch was elected. The miraculous image was transferred to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. A prayer service was performed before him and the names of the candidates for patriarch were placed. After the prayer service we learned the name of the new patriarch - Tikhon. Everything that concerns God's wisdom contains mystery. Chronicles and other sources vary in many ways. But it is undoubtedly true that this icon has miraculous powers and works miracles.

Description of the icon

Before characterizing the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, it should be noted that from the point of view of iconography, it belongs to the “Eleus” type, which developed in Byzantine icon painting in the 11th century. This is translated from Greek as “merciful,” but in Ancient Rus' it was called “Tenderness,” which much more accurately conveys the essence of the image.

And indeed, the image of the Mother with the Child would only express Her tenderness, if not for the eyes, filled with incredible tragedy in anticipation of the torment to which Her Child is doomed. The baby, in His innocent ignorance, hugs the Mother, pressing his cheek to Her cheek. A very touching detail is the bare left leg peeking out from under His robe, so that the sole is visible, which is typical for all copies from the Vladimir Icon.

Symbolism of the icon and its style

Theologians interpret the symbolism of the icon as meaning that the Virgin Mary intends her baby Jesus to be a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. They came to this conclusion because on the reverse side of the icon there are symbols of the suffering of Christ (a cane with a sponge, a spear and a cross). The tenderness and affection that is depicted on the icon “speaks” that the Mother loves her Son very much, but gives him up to desecration and death in order for Him to save humanity from sin and hell, completely voluntarily. Because he understands that the world will no longer have another Savior.

The icon was painted during the period of Byzantine art and refers to the dematerialization of painting, which is characterized by blurred and barely visible outlines, there are no clear lines, but there are details. The clothes of the Mother of God and the Child lay on the image in a certain pattern. The impression of a miraculous work is created by weak lines, which was the main means of expressing painting of that time. This is a canonical sample without special graphics.

What does the Vladimir Icon help with?

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God saved Holy Rus' more than once. In difficult times, religious processions and national prayer services with this icon brought deliverance from enemy invasions, unrest, schism, and epidemics; Before this image, the Russian monarchs were crowned kings and took the oath of allegiance.

Prayer to the Mother of God in front of Her Vladimir Icon will strengthen the spirit and faith, give determination and help choose the right path, drive away bad thoughts, calm anger and bad passions, and bring healing from physical ailments, especially the heart and eyes. They also pray to her for strengthening family ties and family well-being.

Interesting fact

In 1989, the famous Hollywood actor Mel Gibson created a movie, and for the logo he chose part of the image of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God - the eye of the Virgin and her nose.
Many believers are familiar with this logo. He appears before the start of the film "The Passion of the Christ". So, legends and traditions that have survived to modern times, and art historians differ on when and how the icon of the Mother of God appeared and why it received the name “Vladimir”. But people are inclined to believe the chronicles and those legends about the icon that were passed down from generation to generation. Since ancient times, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has helped the Russian people win wars without resorting to battles. This was especially true of the raids of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Miraculously, the Mother of God helps people even now, those who with a pure heart and without malicious intent pray to God before her, asking for their needs. Events associated with this icon are celebrated three times a year, which indicates that it greatly influenced the destinies of people and brought a lot of benefit to the people. Looking at the Virgin Mary and Little Jesus Christ, believers understand that the Mother voluntarily and lovingly gives her child as a sacrifice for the sins of all humanity. She knew the divinity of her child and believed that He would fulfill the destiny given to Him by God the Father.

Prayers before the icon

Troparion, tone 4

Today the most glorious city of Moscow is shining brightly, / like the dawn of the sun having received, O Lady, / your miraculous icon, / to this now we flow and pray to you, we cry out to you: / oh, most wonderful to the Lady Theotokos!/ Praying from You, Christ our God incarnate,/ may this city and all Christian cities and countries/ be delivered unharmed from all the slander of the enemy,// and may our souls be saved, like the Merciful.

Translation: Today the most glorious city of Moscow rejoices brightly, having received, like the radiance of the sun, Lady, Your miraculous icon, to which we now come and pray to You, crying out like this: “O most wonderful Lady Theotokos, pray to Christ our God incarnate from You, may he preserve the city this and all Christian cities and countries will be unharmed from all the enemy’s machinations and will save our souls, since He is the Merciful.”

Kontakion, tone 8

To the chosen victorious Voivode, / as having got rid of the evil ones / by the coming of Your honorable image, Lady Theotokos, / we brightly celebrate the celebration of Your meeting and usually call Ti // joy Hey, Unbride-less Bride.

Translation: We sing a victorious song to the Commander who defends us, since we have been delivered from troubles by the coming of Your revered image, Lady Theotokos, and we joyfully celebrate our meeting with You and, according to custom, we cry out to You: “Rejoice, O Bride, who has not known marriage.”

Kontakion, tone 8

To the Exalted Voivode and Intercessor, the Virgin and Mother of God, / in the purity of conscience, established in faith, the Russian people, / irrevocably possessing hope, father, / to Her miraculous and most pure image, and let us cry to Her: Rejoice, Unbrideless Bride.

Translation: To the Commander and Intercessor who protects us, the Virgin and Mother of God, with a clear conscience, confirmed in the faith, the Russian peoples, having unchanging hope, let us come to Her miraculous and most pure image, and call to Her: “Rejoice Bride, who has not known marriage.” .


Oh, All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, Heavenly Queen, All-Powerful Intercessor, our shameless Hope! Thanking You for all the great blessings, in generations of generations the Russian people have been from You, before Your most pure image we pray to You: save this city (or: all this, or: this holy monastery) and the upcoming servants T war and the entire Russian Land from famine, destruction , land of shaking, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare. Save and save, Madam, the Great Lord and Father of our (name), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and our Lord (name), Most Reverend Bishop (or: Archbishop, or: Metropolitan) (ty tul), and all the Reverend metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops. Grant them to govern the Russian Church well, to keep the faithful sheep of Christ inviolable. Remember, O Lady, the entire priestly and monastic rank, warm their hearts with zeal for God and strengthen them to walk worthy of their calling. Save, Lady, and have mercy on all Your servants and grant us the path of the earthly journey without blemish. Confirm us in the faith of Christ and in zeal for the Orthodox Church, put into our hearts the spirit of the fear of God, the spirit of piety, the spirit of humility, in adversity give us patience, in prosperity - abstinence, towards nearness We cherish love, forgiveness towards enemies, success in good deeds. Deliver us from every temptation and from petrified insensibility, and on the terrible day of Judgment grant us, through Your intercession, to stand at the right hand of Your Son, Christ our God, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due. fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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Most Pure Intercessor

The Virgin Mary of Vladimir has special significance for our state, which has been confirmed more than once by historical events. Therefore, the prayer of every believer is especially important, not only and not so much for his own personal needs, but for the entire country.

Common prayer has great power! And the Mother of God is for us the Most Pure Intercessor, a constant Prayer Book to Her Divine Son. It is through Her mediation that Jesus Christ is connected with us, earthly people, and learns about our requests.

Sacred addresses

In December 1999, the original of the miraculous icon of Vladimir was transferred to the church-museum of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, which is located at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Lists were often created from this image, some of which are also miraculous. You can find them in the village temples of the same name:

  • Novovasilyevka, Berdyansk district;
  • Bykovo, Ramensky district;
  • Dubna (Chekhov district of the Moscow region), as well as:
  • Moscow districts of Yuzhnoye Butovo, Vinogradovo, Kurkino.

You can come to the relic in Kyiv, where there is a church consecrated in honor of the icon.

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