Schmeman A., prot. This is the Blessed Saturday. (About the morning of Holy Saturday)

Wishes for a blessed evening and night

Theme of the collection: Wishes for a blessed evening and night. May this night you dream of all your most cherished desires, and may your secret dreams come true. The most fabulous and pleasant dreams to you!

With all the love and warmth of my heart, I want to wish you a pleasant evening and joyful emotions.

How I want you to be (be) next to me now and warm (warm) me with your warmth! Good evening, my tenderness!

Summer, warm evenings are all behind you. We go to school on the first of September. I don't know how to study, I only think about one thing about you.

Sleepy nature dictates its conditions, and according to them, it’s time for you to go to bed... Good evening... You’ll fall asleep, whether you like it or not...

That awkward moment between Monday morning and Friday evening.

My great happiness, tonight I will send you a good fairy to guard your sleep the same way I do, just don’t play pranks with her, okay?

Have a good evening of sweet dreams, I wish you again, I want to wish you every day, and in the morning gently sing - I love you very much, everything in this world is for you!

I give you diamond stars framed in moonlight gold of the highest standard. This gift will bring you luxurious and happy night dreams.

I have a day to rest and a night to lie down

If we drink to our health in the evening, we are sure to get sick in the morning.

May all good dreams come true, may the night be sweet, gentle and cozy. I kiss you deeply.

Have a good evening. Happiness and peace to you, desires and their fulfillment, joy and peace to your soul and body!

Have a good evening, may your cherished dreams come true, may you smile in the morning, and may you always laugh.

Good evening, sunshine! The day has come to an end again, feelings have been drained to the dregs, strength will come in the morning.

Yes, I know you can't hear me. But every evening I wish you good night.

Sleep is one of the few people I'm not jealous of. I'm letting you go to him! Good evening, darling!

It's a pity we rarely see each other. Good night, baby! Kisses, hugs, I miss you very much!

Have a good evening! I kiss your eyes, like a princess from a prince in a sweet fairy tale!

Love will descend from the sky, squat down by your bed and quietly whisper to you my good night wishes.

In Dagestan, another boring evening is killed in a shooting fight.

May the night cover you with a blanket of inspiration, may the stars draw a map to sure success and show you the path to a big victory. I kiss you deeply and tenderly.

Good evening, sunshine! The day has come to an end again, feelings have been drained to the dregs, strength will come in the morning.

I will look into your window like a shy night rain, I will gently caress the surface of the glass, as I could caress your skin with kisses. Open the window, let me into your dream and your life.

Animals and people are sleeping, the night has found a place for everyone. And it's time for you to go to bed, my beloved person.

My wife used to teach me how to live in the evenings. I bought her a laptop and connected her to the Internet. Now teaching others!

Evening is approaching. At this time, the animal seeks loneliness, and the man seeks society. Erich Maria Remarque

Don’t be sad, my dear, everything is ahead of us! Drive your thoughts away, sweet dreams to you this night!

The world is always more beautiful in the evening. Erich Maria Remarque

May your night be quiet, windless, cool and calm. Go to sleep, my dear, I will definitely visit you in your dreams.

Another evening comes, enveloping your shoulders with coolness, all unfinished business, let them now wait for the morning.

My great happiness, tonight I will send you a good fairy to guard your sleep the same way I do, just don’t play pranks with her, okay?

The world of the night is full of sweet dreams, there is no sadness or bitter tears in them. A world ruled by grace, I wish you to visit it today. Sweet dreams.

Even at 70 years old, he regularly and regularly fulfilled his marital duties: he took out the garbage in the morning and washed the dishes in the evening.

Now you think that your mother doesn’t understand you at all and you don’t want to communicate with her when she asks. And once upon a time, you sat by the window on long evenings and waited only for your mother to come home from work. Of course you don't remember this.

Good evening, have wonderful plans, cool and interesting future days... Well, for now, let's rest so that tomorrow we can start a new day.

Another wonderful day that we spent together with you has ended. And the dark and cold night begins. Have a good evening!

The evening is not yesterday, but today! Valery Igorevich Melnikov

In the evening everything becomes different, conversations become more frank and closer, looks become warmer, touches become more tender.

I know that your dream will be as bright as day. Let nothing disturb you in the night.

If you dream about something, you will walk past my dreams to brighten up my loneliness, come into my dreams!

Night has come, the moon is already shining and the bright stars are shining. And I want to wish you, my love, good night!

Previously, a date was scheduled several days or even weeks in advance. Now it is increasingly being prescribed retroactively. They call you and say, “If anyone asks, I had dinner with you last night, okay?” Patrick O Rourke

Come on, buddy, go to sleep, good, sweet night! Quietly close your eyelids and wait for the wake-up call.

It’s annoying when you’ve been dying all day, you want to sleep, and in the evening, when you’ve washed your face and made your bed, you get a second wind.

Have a good evening. May our love preserve and protect your sleep.

Today it is quiet, serene, the night will smile tenderly. Let yourself dream about everything you want. dear, good night!

you go for a walk or to meet friends. Have a nice good evening.

Let the wizard show you wonderful fairy-tale dreams all night long! Kiss you!

Let the night give only sweet dreams, a warm sea wind, the breath of spring. And I’ll give you a little SMS and say: sweet dreams and good night, my affectionate demon!

Wishes for a blessed evening and night: I give you diamond stars framed in gold moonlight of the highest standard. This gift will bring you luxurious and happy night dreams.

I wish you sweet dreams and good night, I miss you very much! Answer that you miss me too and wish me pleasant dreams!

Schmeman A., prot. This is the Blessed Saturday. (About the morning of Holy Saturday)

The page layout of this electronic article corresponds to the original.

prot. Alexander Shmeman

THIS IS THE BLESSED SATURDAY (About the Matins of Holy Saturday) that mortals may be swallowed up by life

(2 Cor. 5:4)

Matins of Great Saturday is one of the pinnacles of liturgical creativity in the Orthodox East. In a short article it is impossible to describe or explain all the boundless depth and beauty of this service, in which the Church brings us close to understanding the most joyful mystery of our faith, that joy without which this faith loses its meaning, for “if Christ is not resurrected, then your faith is in vain” (1 Cor. 15:17). Let us therefore limit ourselves to a few. Let us try to indicate, at least in hints, what the Church does with this service, what it calls us to participate in, what it proclaims to us as an immutable truth.

Great Saturday is the day that connects Good Friday, that is, the mystery of the Cross, suffering and death of the Savior, with Bright Resurrection - the day of His rise from the grave, the victory of life over death. Many people do not understand the meaning of this connection, all the necessity and spiritual significance of this average day. In the minds of most believers, Friday and Sunday, the Cross are “important”


and Easter. But these two days remain, as it were, disconnected. There is a day of sadness and there is a day of joy, they are placed side by side, and joy replaces sadness. But, according to the teaching of the Church, expressed in its liturgical Tradition, this is not so. The Church teaches us that Christ “trampled down death by death,” and this means that His death itself was salvific, that in it and through it the triumph of victory over death took place, in other words, that even before the Resurrection something happened, thanks to which the sadness of death was not is simply replaced by the joy of the Resurrection, but sadness itself is transformed into joy. And so Holy Saturday is the day of this transformation, the day on which this germination of victory takes place, the day when - until the Resurrection - we contemplate the death of death itself. And all this is expressed, moreover, all this is effectively accomplished every year in this amazing morning, in which what is remembered is given to us, acts in us, becomes a saving and transforming present for us.

As we gather in Temple 1, Good Friday has just ended. This was the day when we remembered the suffering on the cross, the death and burial of the Savior, as well as the uprising of all the anger of the world against Him, the desecration of Him by people, blasphemy, mockery, betrayal - all the triumph of evil over good... Through all the services the Church emphasized to us not only the reality of these sufferings , but also all the horror of this rejection by the world of its Lord, the indelible horror of the crucifixion by the people of God. “He came to his own, and his own did not receive Him...” And in the middle of the temple rises the Shroud - the image of all this: suffering, loneliness, rejection, and, finally, death as the final victory of evil. “Having laid me in the pit of the grave, in the shadow and canopy of death...”

This tomb, this sadness of Good Friday, is the original theme of Matins on Holy Saturday. It begins like a funeral service, like lamentation over a dead person. After singing funeral troparions and slow incense, the clergy comes out to the Shroud. We stand before the Holy Sepulcher, and we contemplate His death. The 118th Psalm is sung, and each verse is accompanied by special “praises”, which express the horror of all creation before the death of the Lord, compassion, pity, and sadness. “O mountains and hills and multitudes of people! Weep, and all of you weep with me, the Mother of your God...” But from the very beginning to this first topic - sadness,

1 Now this Matins is usually performed in the evening, that is, on Good Friday. The charter prescribes its completion at the “seventh hour of the night,” that is, at one hour after midnight.


horror and bewilderment - another one is added, which sounds stronger and stronger. It is expressed, first of all, in the 119th Psalm itself: “Blessed are the blameless ones in the way that walks in the law of the Lord...”. This psalm is now sung among us only at the burial of the dead and therefore sounds like a funeral one. But in ancient times, his singing formed the central part of the Sunday vigil, 2 and its meaning is not sad, but joyful. This is one continuous impulse of love for the Law of God , which means for God’s plan for man and his life. In observing this law, in knowing it, in eternally deepening into it is the true life of a person. “In the path of Your decrees we have enjoyed ourselves, as in all riches...” Christ is the image of perfect observance of this law, for His whole life is one fulfillment of the will of the Father. Therefore, from ancient times the Church understood this psalm as the words of Christ about Himself, especially as His address to the Father from the shadow of death: “See that I have loved Your commandments, O Lord, in Your mercy live Me.” Christ accepts death freely, out of obedience - like a cup given to Him by the Father. And the beginning of His triumph, His victory lies precisely in this obedience and humility to the end . The Father wants this death, the Son accepts it, and this acceptance is faith in the perfection of the Father’s will, in the fact that in the giving of the Only Begotten Son to death the good plan of the Father is fulfilled 3.

What is this idea? This question is answered by the “praises” inserted between the verses of the psalm. More and more clearly, more and more strongly, another theme enters into the theme of crying and sounds ever louder - about the death of the Savior as a descent into hell and its destruction. Hell (“Sheol”) is called in the Bible the place where the dead reside, this is the kingdom of hopelessness and darkness, and it is also the stronghold of the devil, for the triumph in the world of death, which God did not create, is the triumph of sin and the devil (“...sin entered the world and death through sin..." - Rom. 5:12). “Death reigned from Adam” (Rom. 5:14), and the whole world became its kingdom, doomed to decay, decay and withering. Therefore, death is the last enemy (1 Cor. 15:26), and the Son of God came to destroy his power. In this meeting with death

1 Now from him we have preserved in our Sunday all-night vigil the so-called troparions on “blameless” - “The Council of Angels was amazed,” etc.

2 That is why Psalm 118 has been a Sunday psalm since ancient times, and it is as such that it is read at the burial of believers, that is, “for those who die in Christ.” This is an eternal affirmation that in Christ death has ceased to be nonsense, but is meaningful and is the path to victory over death.


face to face was the meaning of that hour about which Christ said that “for this hour I have come” (John 12:27).

And so the Son of God Himself descends into death, tastes death. In Tradition, among the Fathers of the Church, this moment is always described as a kind of duel. This death had to be either the last and most terrible triumph of the devil, or his equally decisive defeat. Outwardly, death and evil triumph: the Righteous is handed over to the Cross, He dies, abandoned by everyone, a shameful death, He tastes “hell.” But - and this is the whole meaning of the death of Christ - He Who dies on the Cross has Life in Himself , that is, has life not as a gift from the outside, but as His essence, for He Himself is Life and the source of all life: “In Him was life, and life was the light of men.” The man Jesus dies, but this man is the Son of God. As a person, He can actually taste death, but in Him He touches death; God Himself, Life and the source of life, enters the kingdom of death. This is the unique, incommensurable meaning of the death of Christ: in it, the dying man is God, or, more precisely, the God-man. God is the Holy Immortal, and only in the “unchangeable, unmerged, inseparable and indivisible” union of God and man in Christ can God taste human death and destroy and overcome it from the inside. “Trample death upon death...” God wanted the salvation of man not by an act of His omnipotence, not from the outside (“Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will present to Me more than twelve legions of Angels?” - Matt. 26:53), not as violence, although would be saving, but in that love, freedom and free giving of Himself to God, for which He created man. Therefore, salvation is accomplished by God in union with man—in the God-man Jesus. In Him, man restores that obedience, that love, that complete self-surrender to God, which were trampled underfoot in sin. In Him are eliminated : “He was tormented for our sins”; “He took upon Himself our infirmities and bore our sicknesses...” And in order for this salvation, this restoration of the “image of ineffable Glory” as man was created, to be complete, it was necessary for death not only to be destroyed by God, but to be overcome and destroyed, overcome from within, so that it would be revealed with one’s own eyes that it exists “ the sting of sin, and for this sting to be destroyed and destroyed by man. “For as death came through man, so also came the resurrection of the dead through man” (1 Cor. 15:21). Christ accepts death, surrenders himself to death freely ; about His life He says: “No one takes it from Me, but I myself give it” (John 10:18). And he gives it away not without struggle: “...and he began to be horrified and grieved...” (Mark 14:33). Here we use


the perfect measure of His obedience, His self-giving is filled; here, first of all, the moral basis of death as the “sting of sin” is destroyed. Christ truly, to the end, lives the Divine life, God as Life, and this Life overcomes death, destroys it, for death is the rejection of Life, the lack of Life, the disintegration of existence, cut off from the only source of Life. In the death of Christ, because it itself is nothing other than perfect obedience, perfect love, perfect surrender of oneself to God (“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit!” - Luke 23:46), the death of death itself is accomplished: “ Trampling death upon death...”

This is what the descent of Christ into hell means, this is why the very death of Christ becomes His triumph, and this is why this triumph begins from now on to sound more and more clearly, to shine more and more brightly in our presence before Christ’s tomb. “Stomach, how are you dying? What was it like living in a tomb? Destroy the kingdom of death..."; “Thou art laid in the tomb, O Christ, and by Thy death thou hast destroyed death...”; “Oh my joy! O many sweets! Thou hast filled them in hell, and in the depths of darkness the light has shone.” Life enters the kingdom of death. Divine light shines in terrible darkness. But this also means that he shines on everyone who is there. Christ dies for everyone, He took upon Himself the sins and infirmities of all The descent into hell is a meeting with the death of all. “You came down to earth to save Adam, and not having found this on earth, O Lord, you even descended to hell to seek.”

Sadness and joy seem to be fighting each other, and then joy begins to overcome. The articles are over. And for the first time, the Sunday song is heard solemnly and victoriously. This is the troparia for “blameless” - the first ray of the coming Resurrection: “The council of angels was surprised, in vain you were counted among the dead, but the mortal fortress, O Savior, was destroyed, and raised Adam with You, and freed all from hell.” And through the myrrh-bearing women the same Angel tells us in this song: “Sobbing is the time of the end! Don't cry!.."

This ray of light is now growing stronger and stronger. It sounds in the canon “By the Wave of the Sea” - one of the most beautiful works of Orthodox hymnography - and in the last, ninth song it is resolved with a triumphant call: “Do not cry for Me, Mother, seeing in the grave... I will arise and be glorified...”; “Let creation rejoice, let all earthly beings rejoice, for the enemy has been taken captive by hell, let the wives be taken from the world, I deliver Adam and Eve to all people, and on the third day I will rise again...”

“And on the third day I will rise again...” From now on it's Easter time


dignity begins to fill the service. We are standing at the tomb, but it is a life-giving tomb, in it Life rests, in it the new creation is completed, in it again - on the seventh day, on the day of rest - the Creator rests. “The Belly sleeps, and hell trembles,” we sing in the stichera on “praises” and contemplate this blessed Saturday, this joyful, victorious peace of the One who restores life to us. “Come and see our life lying in the grave...” And finally these amazing words: “The great Moses secretly foretold today, saying: and God bless the seventh day, for this is the blessed Saturday, this is the day of rest on which the Only Begotten Son of God rests from all His works...”

Now we are walking in procession, carrying the Shroud. This procession of the cross is no longer a funeral 4. This is the Son of God - “The Mighty Holy, the Immortal Holy” - making His victorious procession in the kingdom of death, announcing to “Adam the whole generation,” that is, to all the dead, the joy of the coming resurrection. “Out of the morning morning” He proclaims to everyone that “the dead will rise again and those who are in the graves will rise, and all earthly creatures will rejoice...

We enter the temple again. We already know now the mystery of the death of Christ as the mortification of death. Hell is breaking down. Hell is shaking. But now a new, final theme enters the service - the theme of resurrection . Death is destroyed, and prophecy is heard about new life, about restoration, about resurrection, about the return of life. Saturday - the seventh day - completes the entire history of salvation as the destruction of the power of evil. But after the Sabbath there will come a new day of a new creation - the first day .

The theme of resurrection begins with the prokeme: “Rise up, Lord, help us and deliver us...”. And the 37th chapter of the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel is read, this is an amazing prophecy about bones. There were an infinite number of them, and they were “very dry.” This is death triumphant in a world in which everything is condemned to death, this is humanity doomed to death. But God tells the prophet that this doom is not the final fate of humanity. Dry bones will hear the word of the Lord. The dead will come to life. “Thus says the Lord God: come from the four winds, O spirit, and breathe on these slain, and they will live...”; “Behold, I will open your graves and bring you, My people, out of your graves... and I will put My spirit within you, and you will live...”

And again, in the second prokemna, the same call, the same prayer -

4 How wrong many people think when they call this service a burial . The liturgical image of burial is Vespers of Good Friday and the removal of the Shroud.


“Arise, Lord My God, may Your hand be exalted; do not forget Your poor to the end.” But how will this happen? This question is answered by the second reading - from the letters to the Corinthians and Galatians of the Apostle Paul (1 Cor. 5:6-8; Gal. 3:13-14). A little leaven leavens the whole dough. Christ, our Passover, is the leaven of the resurrection of all. Just as His death destroys the power of death of all, so His Resurrection is the guarantee of the resurrection of all. Baptized into His death, we are united with His life, we receive His Spirit, we - His body - have the food of immortality. His Resurrection will resurrect us.

And the verses of the alleluary sound quite Easter-like: “Let God rise again, and let His enemies be scattered... As smoke disappears, let them disappear...”.

The prophecies are finished. But these are still only prophecies. We are still on Holy Saturday, at the life-giving tomb, and we need to live this whole day before on Easter night we hear: “Christ is risen!” And Matins ends not with the Sunday Gospel, but again with the story of the sealed tomb. But here the final meaning is revealed, the final revelation about this “middle day” is given - the day between the Cross and Easter. Christ has risen, and we will celebrate His Resurrection on Easter night. But for us, living in this world, Holy Saturday began with Christ and, as it were, continues throughout our entire lives. It continues for the deceased. We look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come. We know and believe that by the death of Christ the “sting of death” was destroyed and death ceased to be a hopeless end, decay and separation forever . From the Risen Christ, from His life that shone forth from the tomb, we are all the time “filled with His endless life, enjoying His inexhaustible food.” In the life of the Church, in the Sacraments, in the communion of love, in communion with the Holy Spirit, we already participate in eternal life and contemplate the joy of the Kingdom of God. We live through these breakthroughs into the Kingdom of Resurrection... And yet we are still here , and we face this dying and acceptance of death, this birth - through death - into the Kingdom of the next century. We wait - with faith, hope and love. And this expectation, this focus on the coming resurrection, on the life of the next century, this joyful confidence that our true life is “hidden with Christ in God” - all this is our state in this world, and in this sense our life now is life on Holy Saturday. “The belly sleeps” - but here we are, says the Apostle Paul, “dead, and our life is hidden with Christ in God” (Col. 3:3). Everything in this world becomes gradually transparent to the light shining from there, it is increasingly clear that


“The image of this world is passing away”, that “only one thing is needed” - there, in imperishable life with Christ.

Every year on Holy Saturday, after the described Matins, after this joyful recognition in the death of Christ’s victory over death, after the revelation of the life-giving tomb, we look forward to Easter night and the fullness of Easter joy. We know that it will come, but how slowly the hours pass, how excitement and anticipation grow in them! And this should always be the case in the life of a believer, for our whole life, in the final analysis, is comprehended by this joyful, this white silence of Great Saturday, this growth in it of Christ’s Pascha and the non-evening day of His Kingdom.


Five blessings for the coming day

Every new day is a blessing from God. Each day that comes brings new opportunities for us to grow spiritually, experience God's goodness, and become more like Jesus. Aren't you happy to be alive today?

Every morning we are given the opportunity to decide what to do in the coming day. Will we greet the new day with joy, knowing that God made it, or will we greet the day with sadness? Are we eager to accomplish everything God wants us to do today, or are we worried about the bad things that could happen at any moment today? May God help us to honor Him every waking moment and begin our day strengthened by His strength. The following Bible verses will help us start and live the day ahead on the right foot.

Seek God every day. Matthew 6:31-34

“Therefore do not worry and say, “What shall we eat?” or what to drink? or what to wear? because the pagans seek all this, and because your Heavenly Father knows that you need all this. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things: each day’s own troubles are enough.”

Stay in God's Word daily. Joshua 1:7-9

“...just be strong and very courageous, and carefully keep and fulfill all the law that Moses My servant commanded you; Do not turn away from it, either to the right or to the left, so that you may act wisely in all your undertakings. Let not this book of the law depart from thy mouth; but study in it day and night, so that you do exactly everything that is written in it: then you will be successful in your ways and will act wisely. Here I command you: be strong and courageous, do not be afraid and do not be dismayed; For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Receive God's mercies daily. Lamentations 3:22-27

“ the mercy of the Lord we did not disappear, for His mercy did not fail. It is updated every morning; Great is Your faithfulness! The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I will trust in Him. The Lord is good to those who trust in Him, to the soul that seeks Him. It is good for him who patiently waits for salvation from the Lord. It is good for a man when he bears the yoke in his youth.”

Communicate with God Daily – Matthew 6:9-13

“Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen".

Rejoice daily in what the Lord has done. Psalm 117:19-24

“Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will enter into them and glorify the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous will enter into them. I praise You that You heard me and became my salvation. The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner: this is from the Lord, and is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day the Lord has made: let us rejoice and be glad on it!”

Source Translation by Natalia Pochinovskaya, especially for TBN
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