Do animals have souls and where do they go after death?

Author: LedorubTroszkogo

19 May 2021 08:39

Community: Kaleidoscope

Tags: faith is the soul of religion  



The opinions of psychics and priests of various religious denominations regarding the existence of souls in animals differ and this issue is ambiguous. However, any religion recognizes animals as the creation of God, and everywhere one can find evidence that higher animals are endowed with a soul.


Do animals have a soul?

Just as a person has a soul and a body, so any animal initially has at least two shells: physical and spiritual. The physical is flesh, and the spiritual is an energy clot, i.e. biofield, or aura. Each of the existing religions gives its own answer as to whether animals have a soul. In many cases, these answers are similar to each other, however, there are still differences in details.

What Judaism Says

In Judaism, the concept of the soul of the beast and man are equal. For representatives of this eastern religion, the internal energy of the beast has the same meaning and importance as human energy.

However, Judaism also offers a whole hierarchy of spirits by level. According to this order, spirits of a lower level are incarnated in animals, and more highly developed ones can incarnate in the human essence

The Muslim religion also believes that pets and wild animals possess the elemental. However, the spirit of a deceased pet is not immortal among Muslims, because they are not endowed with the ability to consciously choose between Heaven and Hell.

What does Christianity say

A completely opposite theory is promoted by Christian religions. Their postulates indicate that only people who led a righteous lifestyle during their lifetime are endowed with an eternal soul.

Scripture itself contains references to animal spirits .
Noah received permission from God to sacrifice and eat animal flesh. However, he was strictly forbidden to consume the blood of animals, because there was an elemental there. In the Middle Ages, a person who was caught drinking animal blood could easily be excommunicated from Communion. The prohibition of using blood in everyday life is still prohibited in some countries and cultures. This is how followers express their respect for the souls of their pets, despite the fact that their elementals, unlike human ones, are not eternal.


According to the teachings of the Koran, one must show mercy to all living beings. However, this belief does not imply the existence of a paradise for animals. What happens to a dog's soul after death? Islam believes that the soul also turns to dust, like the body of an animal.

According to theologians, heaven was created only for man, his saved soul. Paradise is considered a reward for the human soul that has chosen the right path of worshiping Allah. Animals do not have such a choice, so they cannot be rewarded.

Differences between human and animal souls

Every living part of our world was created by a higher power. Yes, man was the crown of creation, but animals in the afterlife also have their own niche, which cannot be filled by anything else.

If we take into account the biblical stories about the life of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, it turns out that the first people were there surrounded by various animals, which they gave names. And just as people were expelled from the Garden of Eden for their fall, so the animals were sent to earth. After the expulsion, the entire living part of nature became subject to death, following people and taking upon themselves the consequences of the human fall, losing both their home and immortality.

Evidence from Scripture only confirms the fact that an animal has a soul, but it is somewhat different from a human one. The main difference is that it is perishable.

According to the scriptures, the soul of a beast is one with its blood. And blood is equivalent to flesh. Flesh is alive, but it ages and dies in due course. This means that the spirit also dies.

To this day there is no clear idea of ​​the soul of animals. No theologian can describe how animals will change after their nature is renewed in the other world. There is a theory that only those animals that met a person before their death will undergo such a rebirth. According to another theory, the soul of each deceased pet will become part of a collective image that will be united and ideal.

What scientists say

Modern science studies the material world, so it has no idea about the soul of living organisms. However, the word “soul” is a translation of the ancient Greek word “psyche”.

It turns out that the mental activity of biological organisms implies the presence of a soul. Also, the psyche of animals interacts with the human psyche, which we can say with confidence - there is an interaction of souls.

What then is the difference between the human soul and the souls of animals? The fact is that man is created “in the image and likeness of God,” but animals are not. Also different is the freedom of choice, which is given only to man. Animal behavior is limited by instincts; human consciousness is not limited by anything.

How can you see the spirit of an animal?

There is a lot of evidence that people have seen the souls of other people. Is it possible to see the spirit of an animal? There are facts that suggest this is possible. More often, people came into contact with pet elementals while in a state of trance. Moreover, they can give a very interesting description of what the ephemeral bodies of animals look like and what knowledge they reveal.

According to this evidence, the spirit of the animal looks like clots of a certain kind of energy. They are smaller than humans in size and differ from each other. The energies that make up the ephemeral bodies of animals are located in another space or sphere and can come to the call of a person who has entered the desired state.

People who have encountered the spirits of their pets or other animals say that special entities called “catchers” are watching over them. These essences accompany the soul of the beast during the transition from sphere to sphere.

Catchers can also help those who wish to see the energetic essence of the animal and recognize it, clinging to those sparks of the animal’s energy that identify it.

What does Orthodoxy say?

Many owners of their pets like to think that the soul of animals also acquires the right to go to heaven, just like a person. However, the Orthodox view on this issue denies that dogs have a soul identical to humans.

The holy scripture mentions that there will be “a new earth and a new heaven,” as well as “the lamb will graze with the wolf.” That is, the presence of animals in heaven is not denied.

On icons, some saints are depicted together with animals. For example, a falcon sits on the hand of Saint Tryphon. Saint George is depicted on horseback. And eagles fly around the throne of the Lord.

This issue is not discussed in detail because the object of salvation is the human soul. If the souls of people are saved, then animals will also be saved. We must maintain faith that “in the next world” we will meet our favorite furry and feathered friends.

After human correction, harmony and peace will come again, people and animals will enjoy together in eternity.

Hope for a new life appeared with the coming of Jesus Christ, who with his sacrifice reconciled God with the universe and man. But already in our world there are known cases of friendship between wild animals and humans.

For example, Saint Seraphim of Sarov fed a bear with his own hands, and a lion dug the grave of Saint Mary of Egypt with his paws. There is also evidence that crocodiles transported holy hermits across the deep Nile River.

Rosicrucian concept

The Rosicrucians, the philosophers of the medieval secret theological and mystical society, also wrote about this:

A person is individual. Animals, plants and minerals are divided into species. They are not individualized in the same sense as humans. Indeed, we divide humanity into races, tribes and nations, we distinguish the difference between a Caucasian, a Negro, an Indian, etc., but this is not what we are talking about.

If we wish to study the habits of a lion, or any other species of lower animals, it is sufficient to take one specimen from that species for the purpose. Having learned the habits of one animal, we learn the habits of the species to which it belongs.

All members of the same animal tribe are similar.

That's what we're talking about. Leo, or his father, his son - they all look the same, there is no difference in how they will act in similar circumstances. They all have the same likes and dislikes, one is the same as the other. … Each individual man is a “species,” a law unto himself, quite separate and independent from other individuals, and as different from other men as one species in the lower kingdoms is different from another. We can write a biography of a person, but an animal cannot have a biography.

This is because in every man there is an individual indwelling spirit which dictates the thoughts and actions of every individual human being, while there is only one group spirit common to all the different animals and plants of a given species. The group spirit works on them all from the outside.

The tiger that roams the wild Indian jungle and the tiger locked in the cage of a wandering menagerie are both expressions of the same group spirit, it has the same effect.

Michael Newton Research

Michael Newton, an American philosopher and hypnotherapist who explored the world of souls through his patients immersed in a deep hypnotic state, writes the following:

My Subjects report that every animal has intelligent energy of one category or another, and human souls do not move up or down, from one form to another. These (animal) energy particles range from complex life forms, as in the case of chimpanzees, to simple structures.

Patients who have had connections with various animals in the World of Souls have told me that they all actually have a certain type of soul energy. They are not like human souls and are also different from each other.

From the research of students of the Institute of Reincarnation

But as we at the Institute of Reincarnation Sciences found out in the process of a huge number of memories of past lives of our students, “animal” souls do not always live in animals.

The fact is that people very often remember their incarnations in animals. And they do not follow a strict evolutionary sequence of “minerals-plants-animals-humans”.

Human incarnations now and then alternate between animals and plants, and even in other worlds and forms unknown to us.

We talked about this in a little more detail in the 64th issue of the “Journeys of One Soul” project.

The human soul lives the life of an animal for a variety of purposes:

It turns out that there are many more options than theoretical teachings offer us. And at a minimum, not only animal souls, but also human souls can live in animals. And animals, evolving, become human.

See First-year students of the Institute of Reincarnation remember their incarnations as animals

What happens to a dog's soul after death?

It is believed that after death the dog's soul remains in the house for some time. Some owners say that they heard the characteristic sounds of a dog’s presence: the sound of claws on the floor, the sound of a collar, stomping. It happens that the owner feels the touch of his pet on his arm or leg, his breath. And this is not isolated evidence.

The soul of the dog goes to its paradise, but for some time it can visit its home, where it lived with its owners. Also, the soul of a dog can convey a kind of “hello” to its beloved owners. These are moments that are personal to everyone. For example, some melody was associated with your favorite dog: it begins to sound. And so on.

Some owners see their dead pets in their dreams and play with them as if they were alive.

Sometimes deceased pets can give gifts to their bored owners. For example, suddenly a homeless kitten will come to the doorstep or a small puppy will need help. They may give you a parrot. These are all signs of caring for you: so that you don’t yearn or miss your departed pet.

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