Darina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls

Life often presents a person with such surprises that no one ever expected, and it is almost impossible to predict this; you can only partially try to prevent it. One of the proven ways to prevent unwanted events was known many centuries ago, this is deciphering the secret meaning of a name. For adults who liked the name Darina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny are mandatory knowledge; studying them will make life a lot easier and help in some difficulties.

The meaning of the name Darina for a girl is brief

Even a thousand years ago, it was customary to give a child a name only after everything connected with it had been studied. Particular attention was paid to the secret meaning that was originally laid down, and in ancient times it was believed that this could affect the fate of the child. That is why it is difficult to find a name whose interpretation would be associated with evil or disaster.

Darina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - fascinating and useful, if you put in a little effort, you can learn a lot about these features. Very often, parents even begin raising the baby after finding out all the details, which help to cope with the difficulties.

The meaning of the name Darina for a girl is briefly “gifted.” It owes its origin to Old Slavic mythology - it is there that one can find many legends and tales about wonderful women bearing this name. Most often these were beautiful ladies, faithful and fearless, caring and loving. It’s not for nothing that parents, when they call their daughter this way, hope that she will at least a little resemble her ancestors - this often happens.

Darina's birthday, congratulations to Darina

Our glorious, gentle Darina, we are glad to tell you today, You are wonderful, very beautiful, Sweet woman, kind mother! With all our hearts we wish you, You will never know troubles and torments, Happiness, love and simple luck, Laugh, joke, do not rush to lose heart.

Congratulations to you, Darinochka, I wish you universal luck, a big basket of success and great female happiness. An endless ocean of love, An armful of kindness and patience, So that every chance meeting brings good impressions!

Let there always be a place in life for a surge of adrenaline. I wish you to be active every day, Darina. Let the fans suffer and dream about you. According to fate, I wish to find my only happiness. Be successful in your work, Conquer your pedestal. May the intensity of all your passions always burn to the ground.

Darina is smart and knows her worth. She can be demanding and stubborn. Charming and a little cunning, she will always achieve what she wants! Able to sympathize and help, be friendly and learn new things. Darina is sensitive to insults, she will fight back boldly and decisively! We wish you strength, a wonderful mood, a happy, kind, clear path, a number of sincere, worthy people, Love and the implementation of cherished ideas!

I wish you, Darina, happiness, inspiration, feelings of ardor and passion, easy life, no doubt. Let the man be nearby, the one who will get the star, the one who will not get tired of performing feats for you. Let recognition come in your work, Let your calling make you happy, I wish you joy and prosperity on this holiday.

Congratulations, dear, Incomparable Darina, May fate give you a prince, a house, an apartment and a car. Let the fur coat warm your shoulders, Let it be decorated with diamonds, Let life present only the best options. Be sure to remain a prominent and luxurious Lady: Either simple and positive, or mysterious and complex.

You gave me happy moments. All routes converged, Dear Darina. I'm afraid to wake up, It's such a beautiful dream, To plunge into the sea, And burn with fire. I want to live with you for many many years with the same destiny, radiating light.

Sometimes it seems to all of us that there is a spring inside of you. You are always a mischievous fidget, Darina. Remain for your friends a glimmer of bright happiness. Let them bypass troubles and bad weather. Let the enthusiasm not fade away, but only give strength. And the mysterious distances, let them only beckon forward.

There is more than one reason to admire your charm, You are fabulously beautiful, Incomparable Darina. I wish to be happy, to love faithfully, faithfully, to bathe in adoration, to be needed and loved.

Be happy, Darina, for you the Moon lights up the stars in the sky, And the sun will rise for you in the morning, Let a tear of dew melt in the rays. Please accept my congratulations, I will fill them with love for you, May life fulfill your dreams and give you happiness in your open palms. You generously give warmth to your heart, All without reserve, not half, I ask heaven for love and endless happiness, Darina.

What does the name Darina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Even adults who rarely attend church know very well how important it is to give your child a name, information about which can be found in Christian literature. Most often, for this purpose, the calendar is carefully studied, which contains detailed information about names that have been preserved since ancient times. Studying the church calendar before baptizing your baby is no less useful. In it, in addition to information about the secret meaning of the chosen name, you can find out which Orthodox saints will protect the baby from troubles and adversities, not only in childhood, but throughout life. Christian literature also indicates when a child should celebrate his name day; this can often happen several times a year.

What does the name Darina mean for a girl according to the church calendar? Unfortunately, there is no point in looking for any information here - this name is not in Christian books, so the girl will not be able to celebrate her name day or have a patron saint. Despite this, it is not recommended to abandon the name you have chosen in advance - you must remember that there is one highest patron who will never turn away from someone who sincerely addresses him. That is why it is imperative to teach the baby from childhood to ask for mercy from God, he will definitely help her in making the right decisions and protect her from life’s adversities.

Daria's name day according to the Orthodox calendar

Name days are associated with the day of veneration of the holy saint. In Orthodoxy there are 9 saints named Darius. Their memory is honored on the following dates:

  1. April 1, memory of the martyr Daria of Rome (III century).
  2. April 4, commemoration of the martyr Daria (II century).
  3. August 17, remembrance of Righteous Daria (the icon and information about the saint have not been preserved).

On March 14, June 5 and August 18, the martyrs Daria are remembered, who suffered for the faith of Christ in the 20th century. These are name days for girls born after 2002.

The secret of the name Darin, ancient horoscopes

Darina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - you should not worry or worry if you were unable to find the relevant information in the church calendar, because there are many old books that provide equally useful data. There is a lot of evidence that everything in the girl’s life will turn out cloudless and calm, and for this it is enough just to study horoscopes that have their own opinion about the character and characteristics that the secret of the name Darina hides.

Which zodiac sign will patronize Darina? Everything will be most favorable for her in the future if the baby was born under the sign of Taurus or Libra. Even if your birthday falls at a different time, it is better to choose your chosen one with whom you will have to connect your life according to these horoscope signs - this guarantees that the family will be strong and friendly.

Choosing the name Daria - reasons

Meaning of the name

The name Daria is very popular now: it is pleasant to the ear, melodious, gentle. You can come up with many diminutive options: Dasha, Dashenka, Daryushka, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya, Danyasha, Daryunya, Darinka. The meaning of this name is also incredibly symbolic . There are two options:

  • translated from the Slavic language “Daria” is a gift, a gift (it is clear that the birth of a sweet girl is a real gift from God); perhaps this is a female version of the male name Dorotheus;
  • translated from Irish “Daria” (feminine - Darren) is a rocky mountain, strong, stable;
  • translated from Persian and Greek (masculine - Darius, feminine - Darios) “Daria” is the winner, the ruler, the owner of goods.

In general, in Greek there are many options and variations of the modern female name Dasha.
For example, Dar is in Greek mythology the son of the god Zeus and the galaxy of Electra, the legendary king, the founder of an entire state - Dardania, and the priest Dares (at the Temple of Hephaestus) went down in history as one of the first to describe the battle of Troy (even before Homer). There are similar-sounding names in Japanese mythology: Daruma is a saint who fulfills wishes and brings happiness. The name Dasha is also found in the Indian Ramayama. That was the name of the legendary king, who became the founder of an entire dynasty of gods; he was the ancestor of Rama himself.

It is still unclear how so many purely masculine names were transformed into a gentle and soft Slovenian name. But, one way or another, this transformation took place.

At Orthodox baptism, Dash girls are called Darii.

Name and character

Many Dashas are similar to each other . Probably, the name really influences the character and destiny.

Daria is a strong name . That is why its owners can be harsh, impulsive, and categorical in their judgments. They often say what they think and this negatively affects their relationships with people around them.

On the other hand, Dashas are very active, hardworking, energetic and determined. Dashas cope well with any work and can do several things at once. Dashas never give up on a task without completing it; they are very demanding of themselves and those around them.

Almost all Dashas love good company, travel and a good time. They are wonderful wives and housewives, very loving mothers. For almost all Dash, family and friends come first.

Dashas love to cook, travel, and learn something new. Almost all of them are creative and charismatic personalities. They may well succeed as actresses, teachers, translators, and can become good psychologists. Any career will be easy and simple for girls with a truly royal name. They are tough, demanding, but fair leaders.


Darius has many different talismans. The color red suits them very well, although they don’t like it, “their” stone is the mysterious bloodstone, the flower is the anemone, and the tree is the rowan. The element of Dash is fire, and its patron is the “warlike” planet Mars.

Origin of the name Darina and its meaning for children

Often, many parents prefer to choose Old Church Slavonic names for their children, considering this not only a tribute to the memory of their ancestors, but also a powerful amulet for the baby. Is this so, and to what extent can the origin of the name Darina and its meaning for children affect the events that will fill the near future?

As the specialized literature shows, one should not listen to the erroneous opinion that origin can in any way influence fate. This is not true - you can safely choose a Roman or Greek name for your offspring, they do not play any role and will not affect the character of the baby.

The meaning of the name is the only thing that should certainly attract the attention of parents. That is why it is recommended that before baptizing a child, you carefully study all the features that may subsequently affect character traits or events. You definitely need to find out what advantages and disadvantages the baby will have in abundance - this will allow you to react in a timely manner and try to correct the negative qualities. If this is not done, it is quite possible that in adult life the girl will face many difficulties or troubles.

Character of a girl named Darina

How unpredictable and unexpected can the character of a girl named Darina be for loved ones? And won’t you have to make every effort to get rid of negative traits? It is not recommended to worry in advance and look for a reason to panic, because the child will have enough advantages:

  1. independence;
  2. prudence;
  3. honesty;
  4. decency;
  5. cheerfulness;
  6. resourcefulness;
  7. a penchant for analytical thinking;
  8. desire for change.

One of the negative qualities that will appear in childhood is restlessness. Darina will not be able to sit still for a minute - her active nature requires new knowledge, outdoor games, long walks, and cheerful communication. Parents will have to carefully look after the baby. Moreover, you won’t have to forget about supervision as an adult - your daughter will be prone to adventures, so it’s better to control her actions from afar.

Another of the girl’s negative qualities is her inability to finish what she starts. Even if she gets to work with passion and eagerness, she will quickly cool down and give up everything halfway through. That is why enrolling her in a music school or sports section is a waste of time; she will not study there for a long time.

The fate of a girl named Darina

Will fate show favor to a girl named Darina? Here, most often, everything turns out favorably. It is better for her to choose a specialty among the following professions:

  1. teacher;
  2. cook;
  3. educator;
  4. doctor.

Darina has nothing to do in business - this direction is not for her, since she does not have control over finances and squanders them quite easily. This often becomes the reason that until a few days before her salary, Darina is left without a penny in her pocket, and is forced to borrow money from friends or acquaintances. After the wedding, the husband will have to control the family budget, otherwise the family will certainly feel a constant lack of funds.

Darina will not rush to get married, preferring to live for her own pleasure. It is likely that even after a long relationship with a young man, he will only agree to a civil marriage, which he can easily break off even after several years of living together. In family relationships, he does not strive for leadership. Although she knows how to quietly control her husband, pushing him to decisions that are primarily beneficial for her.

Darina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls - if you try, you can find a lot of useful and exciting things in these combinations. There is more information on this topic on the forum. We invite you to share here your opinion or useful experience for readers on the topic Darina’s name, reviews .

Darina in love

It is interesting that women named Darina separate carnal desires from love feelings with amazing ease. Often, representatives of the stronger sex do not find Darina sexy, but girls, in turn, can easily love men and not experience sexual attraction to them.

Mediocrity in sex is a common problem for Darin. These women love spontaneity and sex gives them pleasure. In order to become relaxed in bed, Dara first needs to gain trust in her partner.

Darina will never forgive betrayal. Circumstances do not matter to her. The characteristic desire of this woman is to own not only her partner’s body, but also his soul. As a rule, winter Darins choose weak men as love partners. This happens because it is their weakness and inferiority that gives girls special sexual pleasure.

Men rarely leave Darina on their own, even if she cheats on them. In the vast majority of cases, it is Dara who ends a boring relationship. If there is no strong man next to this woman, then she becomes apathetic. Darina needs a sensitive partner so that she can get true pleasure from life.

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