Calendar of names for May, whose name day is in May

Name day for name, find out name day dates

July 1 : Aaron, Gall, Golven, Domitian, Carileph, Calais, Castus, Martin, Oliver, Secundin, Servand, Serv, Simeon, Theodoric, Theodoric, Theoderic, Zhan, Eparchius, Julius, Antony, Antonio, Ignatius, Naziu, Bartholomew .

July 2 : Ariston, Bernardine Realino, Vitaly, Eutychian, Justus, Criscentian, Markia, Martinian, Monegunda, Otto (Oto, Otto), Process, Svitun, Symphorosa, Urvan (Urban), Felikissim, Felix.

July 3 : Anatoly, Guntiern (Guntjern), Datus, Eulogius, Iakinthos, Iliodorus, Joseph Peter Uen (Vienne), Irenaeus, Leo II, Mark, Mustiola, Mucianus, Paul, Raymond of Toulouse, Typhon, Philip Minus, Thomas.

July 4 : Haggai, Adeodate, Albert, Andrew of Crete, Bertha, Dunstan, Elizabeth (Isabella), Innocent, Laurian, Martin, Namphanion, Odo, Hosea, Sebastia, Uldarik (Udalrik, Ulrik), Theodore, Jucundian, William (William) Endleby, Heinrich (Henry) Abbott, Catherine (Catherine) Garrige, John (John) Cornelius, John (John) Carey, Joseph (Jozef) Kowalski, Maria Crocifissa (Crochifissa) Curzio, Patrick (Patrick) Salmon, Peter George (Pier Giorgio) ) Frassati, Thomas (Thomas) Bosgrave, Thomas (Thomas) Warkop, Hutto, Edward (Edward) Fultop.

July 5 : Agathon, Anthony-Maria (Antonio-Maria) Zaccaria, Athanasius, Gwen (Blanca), Domitius, Zoe, Cyril, Marin, Numerian, Sedofa, Tryphina, Theodotus, Philomena, Fragan (Frakan), Eberhard (Everhard) Willersky .

July 6 : Antoninus, Gohar, Godeliva (Godoleva, Godeleva), Darerka (Moninna), Diodorus, Dion, Dominica, Isaiah, Carissimus, Lucia, Maria Goretti, Romulus, Severinus, Tranquillinus.

July 7 : Angelelm, Apollonius, Astius, Benedict (Venidikt) XI, Victorinus, Willebald (Willibald), Hedda (Hedda, Heddi, Gadda), Germanus, Deocar (Deochar, Dietger, Gottlieb), St., Illidius, Hesychius, Castorius , Cyril, Claudius, Lucian, Medran, Nicostratus, Odo, Odran (Oran), Panten, Papias, Peregrinus, Pompey, Saturninus, Symphorian, Edilburga (Etelburga, Karl (Carlo) Liviero, Maria Romero Meneses, Peter To Roth.

July 8 : Adrian III, Aquila, Albert, Ampelius, Apollonius, Auspicius, Auspicius, Grimbald (Grimald), Disibod (Disen), Elizabeth (Isabella), Kilian, Killian (Kilian, Cylen), Landrada, Maria St. Justa, Maria Adolphine Dirks, Maria Amandina (Marie Amandine) Geri, Priscilla (Priscilla), Procopius, Sunniva (Summiva) of Bergen, Totan, Edgar the Peaceful (Peace-loving), Eugene III.

July 9 : Augustine (Augustine) Webster, Avdax, Agilolf (Agiolf, Agilulf), Alexander, Anatolia, Brictius, Veronica Giuliani, Zenon (Zenon), Justus Polsky, Cyril, Coprius, Paulina of the Suffering Heart of Christ, Patermuthius, Faustina, Floriana, Francis (Francesco) Fogolla, Everilda, Adrian Fortescue, Joanna (Giovanna) Scopelli, Mary of the Crucified Jesus, Adrian (Adrianus) of Hilvarenbeek, Andrew (Andreas) Wouters, Anthony (Antonius) of Werth, Anthony (Antonius) of Hornar, Villehad the Dane , Godfried van Deinen, Godfried van Merwel, Jacob (Jacobus) Lakops, Jerome (Jeronimus) of Werth, John (Johannes) of Oisterwijk, John (Johannes) of Hornar (John of Cologne), martyr, Gorkumsky, St., Cornelius ( Cornelius) from Wijk bei Durstede, Leonard (Leonardus) from Veghel, Nikasius (Nikasius) from Heze, Nikolai (Nicholas) Pick, Nikolai (Nicholas) Poppel, Peter (Petrus) from Asse, Theodorich (Dieterik, Dirk) van der Eem, martyr, Gorkumsky, St., Francis (Franciscus) de Roye.

July 10 : Alexander, Amalberga (Amaloberga, Amelberga, Amalia), Amalberga (Amelberga, Amalia), Apollonius, Vianor, Vitaly, Daniel, Leontius, Mauritius, Marinus, Martial, Set, Oliver Plunkett, Peter of Perugia, Rufina, Secunda, Silvanus , Silvanus, Felix, Felix, Philip, Etto, Januarius (Ianuarius), Januarius (Ianuarius).

July 11 : Abundius (Avundius), Amabilis of Rouen, Benedict (Venidictus) of Nursia, Drostan (Drastan), John, Cindeus, Cyprian, Leontius, Marcian, Muredach (Mireach), Olga (Elena), Pelagia, Pius I, Sabinus (Savin ), Savinus, Sidronius, Hidulf (Hildulf), Januarius (Ianuarius).

July 12 : Ansbald (Ansbold), Veronica of Jerusalem, Vivenziol, Hermagoras, Epiphana, Hilarion, John Gualbert (Giovanni Gualberti), John (John) Jones, Leo of Lucca, Marciana, Menulf (Meinulf, Menu), bishop, , Set, Peacock, Paternian, Proclus, Felix, Fortunatus, Jason (Iason), John Nysen, John Tanaka, Louis Nysen, Monica Nysen, Susanna Koboyo.

July 13 : Anacletus, Henry II of Bavaria, Eugene, Ezra, Joel, Clelia Barbieri, Myrope, Muritta, Salutarius, Serapion, Sila, Theresa (Teresa) of the Andes, Turiab, James of Voragine, Charles Manuel Caecilius (Carlos Manuel Cecilio) Rodriguez Santiago , Ferdinand (Ferdinando) Maria Baccilieri.

July 14 : Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Hercules, Justus, Camillus de Lellis, Cyrus, Libert (Lubbert), Marcellinus, Optatian, Procopius of Bohemia (Sasau), Felix, Foca, Francis (Francisco) Solano, Gaspar (Caspar) the Good, Groznata of Bohemia .

July 15 : Avudimus, Agrippinus, Antiochus, Athanasius, Baldwin, Benedict (Venidict), Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, Bonosa, Vladimir the Great, Henry II of Bavaria, David of Sweden, Donald (Donewald, Donovald), Eutropius, Zeno (Zeno), Zosimus, Jacob, Justa, Catulinus, Cyriacus, Maximus, Martial, Narseus, Plehelm (Pechtelm), Pompilius (Pompilio) Maria Pirrotti, Secundus, Rosalia, Felix, Philip, Florentius, Fortunatus, Aegino (Aeginon) of Augsburg, Julia, Angelina of Corbara, Anna Maria (Anne Marie) Javoue, Anthony Beshta-Borovsky, Gregory (Gregorio) Escrivano, Jacob (Jaime) Andrade, Ignatius (Ignacio) de Acevedo, John (Joan) Fernandes, John (Juan) de Baeza, John (Juan) de Safra.

July 16 : Blessed Virgin Mary of Carmel (Carmel), Athenogen, Valentin, Vitalian, Domnion, Eustache (Eustathius), Ilarin, Mary Magdalene (Marie-Madeleine) Postel, Reinelda (Reinelda, Reinilda), Sisenand, Faust, Fulrad, Justinian (Julian), Ambrose Francis (Ambrosio Francisco) Ferru, Andrei (Andre) de Soveral, Irmengarda.

July 17 : Aquilinus, Alexy, Vestina, Veturius, Generose, Generosa, Donata, Iakinf, Kenelm (Kenelin), Cyprian, Kitin (Kefin), Leo IV, Letantius, Marina, Marcellina, Narzal, Pantaleon (Panteleimon) Healer, Sverad ( Zoerard), Secunda, Sperat, Felix, Theodosius, Theodota, Fredegand, Anna (Ann) Petra, Anna-Maria-Magdalena (Anne-Marie-Madeleine) Toure, Maria Genoveva (Marie Genevieve) Meunier, Pavel (Pavol) Goydich, Czeslav Odrovonzh.

July 18 : Arnold, Arnulf, Arnulf, Bruno, Gonerius, Eugene, Justin, Camillus de Lellis, Crescent, Marina, Maternus, Nemesius, Primitive, Ruffill, Symphorosa, Stactaeus, Tenna (Teneu, Teneva, Tenova), Philastrius, Frederick, Emilian, Julian.

July 19 : Arsenius the Great, Aurea, Bernold (Bernulf), Vincent (Vincent) de Paul, John (John) Plessington, Justa, Macrina, Martin, Rufina, Symmachus, Felix, Epaphras (Epaphras).

July 20 : Amabilis, Ansegiz (Ansigiz), Vilgefortis, Vulmar, Jerome (Geronimo) Emiliani, Ilia, Ilia, Joseph (Justus), Joseph (José) Maria Diaz Sanhurjo, Cassia, Macrovius (Macrobius), Maximus, Margarita, Paul, Paul, Sabin (Savin), Severa, Flavian II, Ethelvida (Ethelvita), Julian, Gregory (Gregorio) Lopez, Maria Vincentia (Vicenta) St. Dorothea Chavez Orozco.

July 21 : Alexander, Arbogast, Vastrada, Victor, Daniel, Zotik, John, Justus, Claudius, Lawrence of Brindisi, Longinus, Prexeda, Felician, Jukundin, Julia, Francis (François) de Montmorency Laval.

July 22 : Alberic (Alberico) Crescitelli, Vandregisil (Vandrigisil), John (John) Lloyd, Joseph, Cyril, Lawrence of Brindisia, Mary Magdalene, Meneleus (Menelaus), Plato, Syntycha, Theophilus, Philip (Philip) Evans, Aelian, Augustine (Agostino) Fanji.

July 23 : Anna, Apollinaris, Apollonius, Brigid (Birgitta, Brigida) of Sweden, Brigid (Brigida, Birgitta), Gerundo, Eugene, Liborius, Primitiva, Rasif, Redempta, Romula, Trophimus, Theophilus, Bartholomew (Bartolomeo) Fanti, Joanna ( Giovanna) from Orvieto.

July 24 : Aquilina, Antinogen, Arnulf, Vincent, Victor, Godot (Godon, Gaon), Declan (Deglan), Joseph (Jose) Fernandez de Ventosa, Capito, Levinna (Leuvina, Levina), Meneus, Niceta, Olga (Elena) , Stercacy, Ursicinus, Christina (Christina) the Wonderful, Christina (Christina), John (Giovanni) of Tossignano, Cunegunda (Kinga) of Poland, Maria Angeles of St. Joseph, Maria Mercedes Prat, Maria Pilar St. Francisca Borgia, Teresia (Teresa) of the Child Jesus St. John of the Cross.

July 25 : Valentina, Glodesinda (Chlodesinda, Clodesinda, Glodesenda), Jacob Zebedee (James the Elder), Cukufa, Magneric, Paul, Theodemir, Fairy (Thea), Felix, Florentius, Christopher, Ebrulf (Euro), Darius (Dario) Acosta Zurita, Rudolph (Rodolpho) Acquaviva.

July 26 : Anna, Valens, Bartholomew (Bartholomew) Capitanio, Iacinthos, Joachim, Olympius, Pastor, Sancia, Simeon, Symphronius, Theodulus, Christiana (Christiana) of Teneramunda (Termond), Exuperia, Erastus (Erast), Hugo (Hugo) of Sassoferatus , John (John) Ingram, Camilla Gentili.

July 27 : Aurelius, Anfisa, George, Desiderat, Ermolai, Liliosa, Moor, Natalia, Pantaleon (Panteleimon) Healer, Panteleimon, Sergius, Felix, Felix, Celestine (Celestine) I, Ecclesius, Etherius (Epherius), Jukunda, Dionysius, John, Constantine, Maximian, Malchus, Martinian, Serapion, Alfonso (Alfonso) Pacheco, Berthold, William (William) Davis, Mary Magdalene (Maddalena) Martinengo.

July 28 : Akaki, Alphonsa Indian (Anna Muttatupadatu), Auspicius, Botvid (Botvin), Victor I, Vladimir the Great, Eustatius (Eustathius), Innocent I, Kamelian, Nazarius, Peregrinus, Peter (Pedro) Poveda Castroverde, Sampson, Celsus, Melchior (Melchor) Garcia Sampedro.

July 29 : Antoninus, Beatrice, William, Eugene, John the Baptist Lo, Callinicias, Lupus, Lucilla, Martha, Olaf, Prosper, Serapia, Seraphim (Serafina), Simplicius, Urvan (Urban) II, Faustinus, Felix II, Theodore, Flora , Martha (Martha) Wang.

July 30 : Abdon the Persian, Domitilla, Julitta, Maxima, Peter Chrysologus, Rufinus, Secunda, Sennis the Persian, Tatwin (Tatouine), Ursus, Hatebrand, Richard Featherstone, Thomas (Thomas) Able, Edward (Edward) Powell.

July 31 : Herman, Democritus, Dionysius, Helen of Skövde (Helen of Sweden), St., Ignatius (Ignacio, Inigo), John (Giovanni) Colombini, Calimerius (Calimer), Secundus, Firmus, Zdenka Cecilia Shelingova, Fabius.

Women's name days from May 11 to 20

Many women’s name days are celebrated in the second ten days of May.
These days the church honors the memory of the saints who bore these names. What might be right for today's newborns? Name days in May from the 11th to the 20th are celebrated by the owners of the following female names:

  • 11- Anna;
  • 14 - Tamara, Nina;
  • 15 - Zoya;
  • 16 - Ulyana, Yulianna;
  • 17 - Pelageya;
  • 18 - Irina.

In May, there is no holiday on the 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th. Orthodox women's name days are not celebrated.

Queen Tamara of Georgia, who is canonized in Orthodoxy, made a special contribution to the development of Christianity. She was the daughter of the Georgian king George III and left behind a significant mark on history. During Tamara’s lifetime, a large number of monasteries and temples were built, and Christianity spread throughout almost the entire territory of Georgia. Thanks to the reign of the queen, the Georgian state expanded and strengthened.

Name according to zodiac sign

Those who follow horoscopes and are interested in astrology know that May is the month of Taurus (and a little Gemini). Girls who were born in May, as a rule, have a bright appearance and an extraordinary character, they do not choose the beaten path, and they can even turn the life of a housewife into a series of exciting adventures. Taurus people value convenience and comfort, love to eat delicious food and know how to cook well. They have many friends, they are often favorites in the family and the soul of any girl is of a different type - perhaps not so bright in appearance, but quieter, deeper and more thoughtful, endowed with artistic abilities or a powerful analytical mind, leaving a deep mark on the destinies of those people whom they were lucky to meet. Astrologers believe that those parents who dream of just such a daughter should choose names that have a powerful energy of their own - Elena, Anna, Elizaveta, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Sophia, Gertrude, Mira, Vladlena, Olga, Tamara, Isolde, Margarita, Ksenia. If you like a daughter who is a cheerful busybody and a charming mother of the family, then you can call her Natalya, Veronica, Marina, Maryana, Karina, Milena, Vasilisa, Stanislava or Anastasia, Natalia, Svetlana and Marina.

What name to give according to the horoscope

May is the period of dominance of two zodiac signs: and Gemini

. What character traits do these constellations endow girls with at birth and what names correspond to them?

Taurus girls are fashionistas and spenders. However, they take any purchases seriously and will never throw money away. They show flexibility in communication and do not like to argue or conflict. At the same time, they know how to stand up for themselves and their loved ones, to defend their point of view.

Names that are suitable for girls

of this constellation:

  • Karina
  • Veronica
  • Angelica
  • Tatiana
  • Diana
  • Pauline
  • Marina

When choosing a name for a girl born in late May early June, you need it to convey more seriousness or flexibility. Suitable names:

  • Anastasia
  • Evgeniya
  • Natalia
  • Catherine
  • Elizabeth

General interpretation

Name days according to the church calendar can be celebrated several times if an Orthodox person believes in the patronage of several saints with a similar name. If the secular name is not on the list of Orthodox calendars, the priest at Baptism gives it a different name.

Name day first half of May

From the first to the seventh of May, according to the calendar of saints, name days are celebrated by: Efim, Anton, Felix, Ivan, Victor, Vasily, Tamara, Mikhail, George, Dmitry, Athanasius, Gabriel, Maria, Gregory, Alexander, Isaac, Yakov, Nikolai, Vsevolod, Fedor , Yuri, Valery, Innocent, Leonty, Joseph.

George - this name is translated from Greek as farmer. Russian interpretation of the name Yuri. Many saints with the name George became famous for their valor, courage, and foresight. Among them, the most famous is St. George the Victorious, who kills a huge serpent with his spear. It is to this icon that believers come to pray for overcoming life’s difficulties or for successfully passing the trials that fate sends.

By nature, Georgy may be uncommunicative, but quite friendly and open. He sometimes seems modest and shy, but if he needs to show his will and show his strengths, he will definitely do it. This person has a sense of humor, but will not allow jokes and ridicule to be directed at him.

Nicholas - this name is especially revered throughout the Christian world. From Greek it is translated as national winner. Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of children left without parents, sailors in distress, innocently convicted people, and travelers. Born into a wealthy Greek family, Nicholas gave his inheritance to benefit those in need.

Nikolai's character is calm and balanced. People consider him secretive and too independent of other people's opinions. He is very friendly and subtly feels other people's pain. A person with this name is always responsive and kind to others. His actions are often inexplicable, but Nikolai always has something to be proud of.

From the eighth to the fifteenth of May they celebrate Angel Day: Mark, Sergey, Ida, Yaroslav, Nika, Peter, Vasily, Stepan, Glafira, Nikolay, Illarion, Anastasia, Georgy, Semyon, Pavel, Kirill, Anna, Bogdan, Artemy, Arseny, Vitaly , Ignatius (Ignat), Gleb, Boris, David, Tamara, Zoya, Afanasy, Gerasim, Efim, Makar.

Bogdan - the Orthodox name has the most beautiful meaning of “God’s gift” or “given by God.” This person strives to be a leader in everything. He is very ambitious and categorical, strives to develop intellectually and be at the center of events.

Glafira celebrates Angel Day on May 9th. From Greek it means “smooth”, “slender”, “graceful”. She is confident in her abilities and relies on highly developed intuition. Feelings and emotions are more important to her than social rules and duty.

Glafira is a creative person, looking for inspiration in everything. She will be very successful if she does what she likes and is interested in. What you should be wary of is the pursuit of perfection.

Gleb means “rock”, “block” and has Slavic roots. This is a very stubborn and thorough man who knows his plans and goals. The most famous of the saints is Gleb of Vladimir, the patron saint of the city of Vladimir. Worldly joys were alien to him, he was distinguished by meekness, humility, and love for the common people.

The owner of this name will always be in the authority of others; he is valued for his responsibility, ability to solve complex problems, and to be kind and attentive. This person is very homely, loves family comfort and strives to find a family early.

Character of May girls

They are firm in their decisions. Nothing and no one can convince them if they know exactly what to do. They are born leaders who know how to lead people.

, take responsibility and make decisions independently.

They often find it difficult in relationships with people around them. Not everyone is ready to accept May people as they are. Straightforwardness and tactlessness often interfere with meeting people and making acquaintances.

However, due to their lively and stubborn character, girls born in May can achieve great things in their careers, creativity and business in the future. It seems to others that people like them are always lucky, and that they have a special gift that helps them make their way in life. In fact, all their achievements are the result of hard work and self-improvement.

Name day in May from 1st to 10th

In the first ten days of May, many women's name days are celebrated. What can you choose for a girl? Among the names there are ancient ones that are extremely rare today. The most popular today are Anastasia, Maria, Elizabeth.

Name days in May (women's) from the 1st to the 10th are celebrated by all girls who bear the following names:

  • 1 - Tamara;
  • 2 - Matrona;
  • 3 - Philippi;
  • 5 - Alexandra, Sofia;
  • 7 - Elizabeth;
  • 8 - Ivanna, Magdalena, Maria, Martha, Nike, Salome, Tamara;
  • 9 - Glafira;
  • 10 - Maria, Anastasia.

In May, on the 4th and 6th, there is no holiday. Women's name days are not celebrated according to the Christian church calendar.

The Russian Orthodox Church especially reveres Saint Matrona of Moscow, whose feast day falls on May 2. She was born in 1881 into a peasant family with many children in one of the villages of the Tula province. From birth the saint was blind, without eyeballs. Matrona’s gift of healing manifested itself already at the age of eight, and then she began to predict the future.

During her childhood and adolescence, Matrona traveled a lot with the daughter of a local landowner. The saint visited the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, various cities and shrines of Russia. After the revolution, Matrona moved to Moscow, where she lived with distant relatives, friends and acquaintances. Until her death, she received people, healed them and gave advice on what to do in this or that case. At night, Saint Matrona prayed fervently. According to one version, even Stalin himself came to Matrona for advice.

In 1952, on May 2, Saint Matrona died, having predicted this event 3 days before her death.

How to name your daughter according to the church calendar

In order for your daughter to always be accompanied by a guardian angel, and for the name to bring good luck in all areas of life, with the question of what to name the girl, you should turn to the calendar, which contains the Orthodox names of saints.

  • May 1
    – Tamara (“queen”).
  • May 2
    – Alexandria (“protector”).
  • May 3
    – Susanna (“lily”), Maria (“mistress”), Irma (“honest”), Ivanna (“God’s gift”).
  • May 6
    – Valeria (“strong”), Alesya (“forest”).
  • May 7
    – Elizabeth (“honoring the Lord”).
  • May 8
    – Victoria (“victory”).
  • May 9
    – Teresa (“protector”), Matryona (“ancestress”).
  • May 10
    – Taisiya (“wise”), Marianna (“mistress”), Anastasia (“alive”).
  • May 11
    – Anna (“giver of good”).
  • May 13
    – Agnia, Agnessa (“lamb”).
  • May 14
    – Ninel (“brave”), Tamara (“queen”).
  • May 15
    – Zoya (“life-loving”).
  • May 16
    – Yuliana, Yulia, Ulyana (“curly”).
  • May 17
    – Tatiana (“founder”), Pelageya (“sea”).
  • May 18
    – Irina (“peace-giving”).
  • May 20
    – Caroline (“queen”).
  • May 22
    – Ella, Elina, Eleanor (“Greek”).
  • May 23
    – Renata (“resurrected”).
  • May 24
    – Ivanna (“God’s Gift”).
  • May 26
    – Arina, Irina (“peace-giving”), Taisiya (“wise”).
  • May 27
    – Ella, Eleanor, Elina (“Greek”).
  • May 29
    – Alina (“noble”).
  • May 30
    – Evdokia and Avdotya (“favorable”).
  • May 31
    – Elizabeth (“honoring God”), Christina (“follows Christ”), Juliana (“curly”), Camilla (“noble”).

When choosing a name, do not forget about its euphony and how it will be combined with the surname and first name

. Do not forget that

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