How to respond correctly when asking for forgiveness: in what words?

Don't know how to respond correctly when asking for forgiveness? Read the article, it has useful tips and options.

People do not always act decently and according to their conscience. But even terrible actions can be smoothed over if they are followed by a sincere apology. You should never deprive the offender of the opportunity to express and atone for his guilt if he really feels it. Of course, some personalities do not change - after a while they repeat their unworthy actions. However, there are also cases when a guilty person corrects himself and never repeats the mistakes again.

Read in another article on our website about the origin of the phrase “Who is great? I'm done!" . You will find out where this phrase comes from, what source it is and where it can be heard.

In this article we will tell you how to respond correctly if you have been asked for forgiveness. It’s very easy to choose words, you just need to know which ones. Read on.

How to ask for forgiveness: good phrases

It's great to have loved ones in your life.
Knowing that there are friends and family who care about you and who can always support you in difficult times, a person has a feeling of security and need. But, as often happens, we offend the people we care about most often than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of our relatives this is not always possible. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly? Looking for ways to apologize to your loved one, be it a guy or a girl? Then read a beautiful apology to a girl or guy written in your own words. These original apologies can be sent to a person via SMS, social network or in the form of a postcard, which will definitely make the person to whom they are addressed smile.

Sometimes it's hard to admit when we make a mistake, especially when it hurts someone we love. But admitting your mistake and apologizing is the best thing you can do to prove your sincere regret.

Select the most appropriate apology template for your situation in this section. And if it is not too late, then let the words testify to your regret for you. Read these phrases about forgiveness carefully. And then, with words of sincere regret, ask for an apology from your loved one.


  • How to ask for forgiveness correctly so that you will be forgiven afterwards
  • Examples of apologies
  • How to improve relationships if you quarrel
  • With a friend
  • With a loved man
  • How to ask a girl for forgiveness
  • How to ask a guy for forgiveness
  • With parents
  • Rules: what else is important to consider besides words of forgiveness
  • Why might you not be taken seriously or sincerely and reject your apology?
  • Errors
  • How are the phrases you say when asking for forgiveness perceived?


Beautiful apologies to a girl

  • My lies may have been the dark clouds, but your forgiveness will be the stars and the sun in our relationship. I beg your pardon.
  • If you don’t see the tears in my eyes, then I beg you to at least feel the pain in my heart. I am sorry. It's sad that your love so kind was spoiled by my selfish mind.
  • It's sad that your so selfless love had to deal with all this mess. And now, ironically, my regret and grief are seen as fake. Tell me, what do I need to do to make you believe in the sincerity of my apology? I'm ready to do it.
  • My dishonest mind made the mistake of lying to you. But my heart and soul are forever devoted to love only for you. Therefore, I ask for your forgiveness.
  • Before you forgive me, I want you to hug me and put your hand on my heart. Maybe you'll feel it tearing apart. Because my actions caused you pain. But with every blow you will hear the words “excuse me.”
  • I'm sorry! Let's move from anger or resentment to love and communication, if you are ready to accept my apology. (We recommend reading ways on how you can successfully manage your anger and irritation).
  • I am ready to apologize to you in front of all my friends and family. And even publish your apology on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Vkontakte. So that everyone knows how sorry I am for offending you.

SMS apology to the girl for the offense caused

  • I'm sorry about what happened. I fully admit that this is only my fault, so I want to do everything to correct my mistake. Because I love you! And the last thing I want to see is you suffering because of me.
  • I have never forgotten you, but now I apologize for the harm I did to you. I want to light up your smile again where I turned it off. Allow yourself to restore your heart.
  • I really don't want our story to end in a misunderstanding. Therefore, I am ready to compensate for my apologies not only with words, but also to shower you with kisses. Because I love you too much to lose you.
  • Life is like a book, where every day is one page, clearly different from the other. Each of us has pages that he would like to tear up and throw away, but this is prohibited! Instead, we can take the pen of the heart and the power of love to begin to write a new chapter together, if you will forgive me.
  • I know that when you hurt the person you love most, there are hardly words that can correct this mistake. That's why I'm not going to apologize just for the words, but I want to apologize for the facts. Little everyday facts, if you give me the opportunity to apologize to you.
  • Forgive me for the harm I brought to your heart. I hope you will forgive me and erase from your memory the day when I offended you, even if it is marked with indelible ink. Of course, there is no excuse for my actions, but I will continue to hope for your forgiveness.
  • I can't forget you, it's too difficult for me. I should hate myself for the evil I did to you, but I hate even more that I don’t know how to write a beautiful apology to the girl I love in my own words. Sorry to write to you about this, but it's true. Please don't hate me, but understand!

How to respond to an apology in English?

  • Even if you don’t know English, you’ve probably heard the phrase “It’s ok . This is the universal response to an apology. It literally means “everything is fine”, “everything is fine”. The main thing is to pronounce the words in a friendly and calm manner, and not nervously or indifferently.

Apology in English

  • “That’s all right”, “No problem”, “It’s fine” have the same meaning , with the only nuance that they are better used in a work environment or addressed to a stranger.
  • To someone closer, if the “sin” is insignificant, you can respond with the apology “Never mind” - in translation this is close to our advice not to take it into account.
  • But you can hint that you have not completely accepted the apology with a dry and official “It doesn’t matter,” saying that it is not important.
  • Sincere forgiveness will be given by the phrase “I quite understand” , emphasizing that you understand the situation and the motives that forced the person to act this way. As, in fact, the expressions “You couldn't help it” , “It's not your fault” also explain your position and understanding that in this situation your interlocutor could not do anything.
  • This expression is taught in the school English curriculum - “Don't mention it”. It means the insignificance of the situation, which is simply not worth talking about.
  • “Forget about it” , is also close in meaning .

Words of forgiveness

Apologies to a guy in your own words

  • Are you looking for a beautiful phrase that can express your feelings? Are you thinking about apologizing to your beloved boyfriend or man, but have not yet found the right words? Below you will find examples of such apologies that you can send to your boyfriend.
  • Since we started dating, you've done everything I've asked of you. As a final favor, please excuse me so that I can now also begin to fulfill your requests.
  • I cried while I still had tears. Then she sobbed until her head began to throb. And then I screamed until my voice disappeared. I was heartbroken because you turned your back on me and we stopped talking. I am very guilty before you. Please accept my apologies.
  • Breaking up with you is something that never even crossed my mind. It seems you are adamantly determined to break up with me. Yes, I know that you have the right to do this after the humiliation and insults that you experienced because of my action. But please, let me make it a romantic evening for you. Let me win your heart again to show you how desperately I love you. As I cry for mercy, I ask you to forgive me.
  • I apologize for the angry messages on your Facebook, emails and all the text messages on your mobile phone sent by me. My jealousy and possessiveness led me into a very unpleasant area. To justify me, try to understand my feelings. What could I do if I have the most handsome guy who other ladies don’t mind taking away? I misinterpreted your behavior with them and that’s why I lost my temper. If you love me, then please forgive me and help my jealousy to end.
  • It really annoys me when pretty girls try to flirt with you. Since I'm your girlfriend, I can't feel at ease. But I promise that next time I will try not to lose my head and behave more restrained. I will try to learn to trust you, especially when girls will “drool” when they see you. I ask for your leniency and forgiveness.

Read unusually beautiful and heartfelt poems about love on our website. You will definitely remember these verses.


Making a mistake while apologizing can only make the person angrier. So watch what you say. Don't make the following mistakes:

  • Do not make excuses or look for excuses for your actions. Otherwise, it will look like you don't regret what you did. The person will notice this, and it will be very unpleasant for him. Your apology will be rejected.
  • Don't blame the person when you apologize. Words such as “It’s your own fault!” or “It’s all because of you” are not welcome. Saying something that damages a person's self-esteem will ruin their path to reconciliation. You will talk about all this later if you manage to maintain this relationship.
  • Don't overdo it. There is no need to overemphasize your repentance. The person will think that you are pretending. It's better to be more honest and sincere than to be dramatic.

Apologies to a man in your own words

  • To you, so kind, generous, beloved and merciful, I cry out in tears for forgiveness. You and only you can certainly forgive me. Please believe my feelings and how bitterly I regret the circumstances that happened. Darling, please excuse me.
  • I'm very sorry for doubting your honesty. I thought you were deceiving me. After all, for me you are hotter than fire and sweeter than honey and this is my problem. Therefore, when I see other girls hovering around you, I start to feel jealous. But now I promise to try to control my jealousy.
  • I long to see the smile on your face. I long to be in your arms - that’s my favorite place. I know I did completely wrong things. But please, I beg your forgiveness. Sorry if you can!
  • I apologize for my craziness the other day. I swear that I didn’t behave this way on purpose, my hormonal changes and mood swings were to blame. Because of them, I annoyed you in every possible way. But I promise that I will fight this because I don’t want to lose you.
  • Take me back into your arms, holding me tightly to you. Feel my heavy breathing with sadness for having offended you. Look into my eyes, hearing the apology, and hug me with a kiss. Forgive me my love!
  • I know that because of my character, I am not the girl you deserve. But I promise you that I will never stop trying to become her. Forgive me and forgive me, please. Sorry darling!
  • I long to rest my head on your strong shoulders again. I'm sorry and I really want you to hug me again. I'm sorry and I hope you can love me again. I'm sorry... I just hope you can make me smile again.
  • I look ugly when I cry and howl in pain. Now it's in your hands to forgive me and make me look beautiful again. Please, darling, I'm sorry!

Why might you not be taken seriously or sincerely and reject your apology?

  • You are not serious

To ensure that your apology is taken seriously, it is better to choose the right environment for it. If you mutter, “So, are we friends again?” while bursting into laughter at a party, your words are unlikely to be taken seriously. It’s better to choose a place where you can explain yourself in a quiet environment, showing your feelings.

  • You are insincere

If you do not admit your guilt, your words will sound insincere. The opponent will treat them with distrust. He will think that you have no intention of apologizing and will only become angrier. An effective apology must address the feelings and needs of the offended person.

  • You are not sure of your words

You don’t understand your mistake, but you are trying to somehow improve the relationship. Most often it looks like this: “Forgive me, but I don’t know what I did.” The use of words such as “but” and “if” makes the addressee take them lightly.

  • Wrong time

An apology won't work if you shout out that you're sorry during an argument. You won't be heard or taken seriously if you're still arguing. This is because when a person experiences negativity, they will not listen to you. Therefore, it is better for you to wait until you both calm down.

  • Forgiveness via SMS

You are unlikely to be received sincerely if you apologize via SMS. If you meet in person, you are more likely to be forgiven. This way you can convey your feelings not only through words, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

Advice from a psychologist on how to properly ask for forgiveness and make peace with loved ones.

Where to begin?

Before apologizing, it is important to consider a few things. Otherwise, you can mess things up even if you have the best intentions. There is no point in sorting things out when you are irritated. Wait until you both cool down. And a few more tips:

When figuring out how to ask a girl for forgiveness, in poetry or prose, it is important to be sincere.

A hint of sarcasm is inappropriate, even if you are sure you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you couldn’t take a joke” can be perceived as mockery. If you are sincere, your eyes and your tone of voice will show it. Even if the offense is not justified, acknowledge that you may have hurt feelings. A sincere apology removes the wall that is built by the offended person. Destroy this wall and you will notice that the girl is no longer in a defensive position, peace has been restored.

Different upbringings need to be taken into account.

What may seem like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. There is no need to beg the feelings of another or make fun of them in any way. If it’s common practice in your family to tease each other and no one gets offended by it, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand that people adapt to you and understand your jokes. Over time, this may happen, but for now, apologize and no longer make funny jokes about others.

The emotional background also needs to be taken into account; it is different for each person.

Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same. Some are more emotional, others not so much. You think it’s okay to take your sister’s sweater without permission, but this may annoy her. The result was a scandal. You think that your sister got wound up in vain. Listen to her words, and not to the tone in which it was said. Try to understand what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to the right decision. And if you need to ask your sister for forgiveness, then do not hesitate. Understand that she may feel differently than you do.

How to respond to an apology in a business letter?

  • Typically, business letter etiquette involves standard phrases for both apology and acceptance. The common expression is “Please accept my sincere apologies” or “I apologize.” Etiquette also requires an explanation of the reason why a difficult situation has arisen. Similar rules apply to response letters.
  • So, you should respond to an apology : “Our company accepts your apology” is the usual wording. Next, you can describe the consequences that occurred due to the fault of the other party. You can also express the hope that what happened will not affect future cooperation and that you value your relationship.
  • If this is your partners’ first violation, you can emphasize: “This situation is an isolated incident in your partnership and we hope it will remain so.”
  • The letter should end with good wishes to your partner.

In official letters, respond formally.

Rules: what else is important to consider besides words of forgiveness

  1. Look the person in the eye.
  2. Don't hold back your emotions.
  3. If you want to cry, cry.
  4. Call the person by name.
  5. Be honest and sincere.
  6. Don't try to immediately ask for forgiveness. This may take time.
  7. Put yourself in the shoes of the offended person, understand his feelings.
  8. Accept the person's reaction after your words.

More ready-made phrases to ask for forgiveness:

Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person. So I, not at all out of malice, offended you, and now I simply cannot find a place for myself. Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't hold a grudge against me anymore. This quarrel became a big lesson for me.

With you next to me I breathe, With you next to me I burn, With you next to me I live, And without you I die, Forgive me, I beg you!

My prickly hedgehog, stop snorting. Even though it will hurt, I want to hug you.

Darling, life is about mistakes, we learn from mistakes! After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything that I don’t do is only because I’m afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I did. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

I have been incredibly lucky in my life that fate gave me you. You are my angel, my favorite girl in the world. I apologize for offending you, my sunshine. Please forgive me. The lack of trust in you was a big lesson for me. Let's make peace, my kitten.

I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world, just forgive and believe me, my dear. My love will become a talisman for you, my only and desired one.

Every day lived without you is simply an unbearable test. I think about you every minute, my joy. Please forgive me for offending you. After all, it was not out of malice. I love you more than life. Don't be offended by me anymore.

Let's keep our love, because it's so good for us to be together. Darling, I breathe you. I need you like I need air.

But this is in the heat of the moment. This happens to everyone. Forgive me, please, they love me like that only once!

I'm sorry for my unnecessary words and my stupid actions. Believe me, there is no limit to my repentance! I want to look into your eyes again... I beg your pardon!

I understand that the word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it. So, quite by accident, such offensive words came out to you. Forgive me, please, I realize that I told you nonsense, but it was not at all out of malice. I love you after all. You are the best guy on earth. Let's make peace, my kitten, and forget that day forever.

Darling, I really ask you - Forgive me for what I said! I can’t stand long partings, and I’m already tired of being offended...

Darling, I feel such emptiness in my heart because I’m not with you. I know I'm to blame. You have a patient, angelic character, and I took advantage of this and unfairly offended you. Forgive me, my kitten, don’t hold a grudge against me anymore. Let's make peace and be together again.

Forget all the words you said before, Forgive me, I behaved badly...

How to improve relationships if you quarrel

With a friend

There is no such thing as a perfect friendship. Sometimes grievances, quarrels, and grief still happen. There is no need to immediately put an end to your relationship; everything can still be fixed. Most often, friends insult not on purpose: without thinking, they were rude because of a bad mood, got into something that wasn’t their business, interrupted, etc.

It is worth maintaining a relationship only if friendship for you means devotion, honesty and mutual assistance. Any other friendship would have come to an end sooner or later.

In order to ask for forgiveness from a girlfriend or boyfriend, first you must know exactly the reason why he or she was offended. Talk to her/him to resolve the problem and maintain the friendship. Explain, say that you didn’t do it out of malice. But this should not be an excuse, you just need to indicate your motive. Apologize for hurting her/his feelings.

If the offended person is your friend, who is emotional, romantic and in nature, consider giving her an apology in poetry. Their examples are given above.

If your apology is not accepted, don't be upset. You did everything you could.

With a loved man

How to ask a girl for forgiveness

Often, their loved ones suffer from men’s mistakes. You can’t avoid mistakes, but you can learn a few simple ways to apologize to your girlfriend or wife so that she stops being angry and forgets your mistake forever.

  1. Wait for the girl to cool down. There is no need to immediately climb into an open flame. This will only make the situation worse. Women take longer to leave than men. Within a day, the angry young lady will cool down and understand that your act was not so terrible. That's when you need to come up with an apology.
  2. Do not follow the rule that “the best defense is attack.” If, instead of apologizing, you begin to reproach the girl for the fact that she, too, is not without sin, you can create problems even more serious than the original ones.
  3. Repent.
  4. Prepare a beautiful speech in advance. It is advisable that it contains kind words and compliments.
  5. Don't hum, don't slow down, don't stutter. The girl will get angry. If you forgot the words, figure it out as you go, say that it’s hard and lonely for you without her.
  6. Don't forget to buy a large bouquet and a gift when you apologize to your lover. Approach the choice of a bouquet with soul, you don’t want the girl to think that you are saving on her and not taking the situation seriously.
  7. If your action is serious, and your girlfriend will not forgive you so easily, try to apologize in an original way. For example, show up at work with a huge bouquet of flowers to make her colleagues jealous (and at lunch they will talk about how wonderful and romantic you are), or prepare her a gourmet dinner personally.
  8. When asked why you did this, which is asked by 90% of women, answer this way: “I was stupid!” or “Because I’m a fool!”

How to ask a guy for forgiveness

Every girl knows how to apologize to her boyfriend or husband - she needs to calmly explain the current situation. After all, usually this is just a minor conflict that arose out of the blue.

Here are some tips and phrases:

  • Express your regret. Recognize that it is you who are to blame for what happened, and not circumstances or other people.
  • Make peace in person, not over the phone, not via SMS. At the same time, look the man in the eyes. Your eyes are the best way to show how sorry you are for what you did. Don't hold back your tears.
  • If you are not forgiven the first time, give the person time to calm down. Perhaps then he himself will take the first step.
  • Make amends. Give him a gift that is valuable to him. And when giving it, say: “Beloved, this is for you. I'm sorry. I love you very much!".
  • Choose the right time and place. For example, cook his favorite dish for a man and apologize during dinner.
  • Stop in time. There is no need to make excuses for a long time, it will start to irritate.

With parents

Remember: your parents will always forgive you. They are the most dear and close people to you. Friends separate, the girl may not forgive, but mom and dad will always be with you. They will forgive you everything - what you said without thinking, what you did not call them due to lack of time.

Apologize for your lack of attention to them. Call them daily, find out how they are doing, how their health is.

The phrase comes to mind: “Parents are not chosen.”

First you need to understand that you are not always right, that you are also mistaken. If you notice your parents' shortcomings but don't see your own, it will be difficult to ask for forgiveness. Parents are also imperfect. They want the best for you, but don't know how to do it right.

For example, you did not follow the rule that your parents set. First of all, tell them honestly. Do not minimize your own guilt, do not make excuses or lie, otherwise you will create more serious problems for yourself. If you tell everything honestly, you will prove that you are worthy of trust, despite your mistakes.

Admit that you made your parents worry. Therefore, it would be right to ask mom and dad for forgiveness. Say this: “I'm sorry about what happened. From now on I will behave more decently, I will watch what I say. Sorry". Show that you are willing to bear the appropriate punishment. Mature people should always be responsible for their actions.

How to ask for forgiveness?

The conversation should be kept as short as possible and without lengthy excuses. It is also preferable to refrain from using words like “if” and “but”. Such excuses can blur the impression, since they clearly indicate coercion.

The request for forgiveness should be restrained and look as natural as possible.

The plea, the unhappy expression on the face, the strain in the voice and the sobbing are best left for the theatrical stage. In real life it looks fake.

Even the most thorough preparation can be useless if at the most crucial moment you get confused and forget all the words you prepared in advance. In this case, the main thing is to try to be sincere.

It is quite enough to say “Sorry” or “Sorry” and indicate what we are apologizing for.

We also remember one more magic phrase that is easier for many people to say: “I’m sorry.” It frees us from taking all the blame for the current situation, but it is quite suitable for asking for forgiveness.

A significant date for believers is approaching - Forgiveness Sunday. It is considered a bright spiritual holiday, so Orthodox Christians look forward to it with special trepidation. On this day you need to ask for forgiveness from those you have offended and repent of your sins. Many people don’t know how to do this correctly and how to respond to forgiveness. To answer these questions, you need to dive into the history of the holiday and study its established traditions.

The holiday originated many centuries ago, and the tradition of asking for forgiveness appeared from hermit sages. At that time, they left the cities for a long time and settled in the valley. There they lived for several weeks in complete solitude, where they learned the true meaning of life. The sages then returned home having achieved enlightenment. However, not everyone came: due to their impressive age, some elders died without ever returning to their native monastery. It was considered sinful to leave for another world unforgiven, so the sages before the journey asked each other for forgiveness and only then set off to wander. The Christian people soon adopted the ritual, which has been successfully preserved to this day.

In 2021, Forgiveness Sunday falls on March 1st. The number changes every year, as it is customary to count it from Easter, a major Christian holiday. This year Easter will be on April 19, and if you subtract 56 days from it, you will get exactly the first day of spring. These events are connected by enormous spiritual power. According to the Orthodox faith, before entering Great Lent (it begins on Monday, March 2), you need to cleanse yourself of sinful deeds and pay off old debts on Forgiveness Sunday. Then, during Lent, the mind is enlightened and the body is cleansed, and at Easter a complete rebirth of the soul occurs.

How to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to make peace with everyone around you: close and distant relatives, friends, colleagues, co-workers, neighbors. The first thing you need to do is apologize to those you hurt. If you know that you have offended a person, betrayed him, then repent. It is enough to say: “Forgive me.” Extra words will be out of place here. There is no clear wording of the apology; the deep meaning is important here. The main thing is that words must come from a pure heart, sincerely. It’s best to say an apology in person, but if that doesn’t work, you can call or send a message.

We do not always admit that we are wrong in a quarrel, but we need to put aside our pride and show gentleness. Even if you think that the truth is on your side, still ask for forgiveness, take the first step towards a meeting. On Forgiveness Sunday you need to show kindness and love to all your neighbors. Then the Lord will forgive you your sinful deeds and grant you mercy, and there will be grace in your soul.

Interesting! On the day of Forgiveness Sunday, services are held in temples and churches. When they end, everyone present asks forgiveness from each other, even the priests from the parishioners.

What to say and how to respond to “Sorry”

When they ask you for forgiveness, say the words: “God will forgive” or “God will forgive, and I forgive.” At the same time, you must let go of the unpleasant situation and actually forgive the person. The mention of the Lord is no coincidence: after all, there are actions that are difficult to forget, much less forgive. God is merciful and long-suffering, therefore he forgives us sinners, which means personal forgiveness will also come.

But what you cannot do is lie and say: “I forgive,” although in fact you did not do this in your heart. If you feel that it is really very difficult for you to forgive a person, talk to him alone and try to forgive. It is impossible to accept an apology without truly understanding it and absolving sins; it is wrong. It’s also very difficult to harbor a grudge for years, so don’t hold a grudge and be merciful even towards your enemies.

Why is it important to learn to forgive?

It would seem that I don’t want to forgive, I don’t need to. Why is this topic so important and more and more people are striving to learn to forgive ?

The fact is that remembering the offense, you accumulate negative emotions. Regularly remember an unfortunate situation in which you were psychologically harmed.

Years may pass, but in your soul you can relive those circumstances again and again, not allowing your mind to calm down.

Still, learning to forgive is extremely important for the following reasons:

  1. You can't bring back the past. No matter how you feel about past events, you cannot change them.
  2. Accumulation of negative emotions. It leads to increased stress, especially if you are characterized by reflection, frequent recall and sensory experience of the events of past days. Experiencing negativity will undermine your psyche drop by drop. And as a result, you can turn into an irritable, cynical, apathetic person.
  3. There are no alternatives . In a conflict situation, you want to respond to the offender with counter-aggression. And if the quarrel is over, thoughts about the place flash through. The problem is that even if you inflict retaliatory damage, even after a while, you will not calm down. Moreover, you may make the situation worse. Therefore, it is important to learn to let go of grievances - sincerely and calmly.

How to properly ask for forgiveness from your confessor

Forgiveness Sunday is a great time to confess to a clergyman in order to repent of all your sins and impious deeds. Prepare before going to church: write down on a piece of paper all the sinful deeds that you remember. Then you won’t forget what you need to say, the text will be at hand. Don’t worry if you can’t formulate a thought; often the priests themselves help you speak, since forgiveness occurs in the form of a conversation. At the end of the dialogue, the confessor will forgive your sins, and you should thank him and kiss the Bible and the cross.

If a personal meeting with a clergyman is not possible, then go to church just like that. Pray to the icons, repent before the Lord yourself, ask him for forgiveness for your sins with all your heart, then thank him for what you have. In memory of the dead and for the health of loved ones, light candles. When you leave the shrine, you will notice how much relief has come to your soul.

On a note! The service on Forgiveness Sunday takes place in the morning, and after it you can go to your confessor to receive forgiveness.

As Forgiveness Sunday approaches, try to remember your wrongs, and on the day it comes, ask for forgiveness, at the same time forgive all offenses, even those that are hidden deep in your soul. Then you will become one step closer to inner freedom and find joy with peace and harmony, because the Lord gives them only to kind and merciful people.

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