What do the words blasphemy and blasphemy mean in Orthodoxy?

It is important for a person to know and understand the meaning of words, especially those that are often used in speech. Otherwise, he may use this or that word in the wrong context. This can ruin his reputation (people around him will consider him stupid), and sometimes even bring trouble.

The word “blasphemy” is quite common, but not everyone interprets it correctly. And therefore they cannot find synonyms for it and answer what it means.

This article will answer in detail what blasphemy is. And he will explain whether it offends the feelings of believers.

The meaning of the word "blasphemy"

To correctly interpret this meaning, let's turn to dictionaries. You can use the material proposed by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, but it is wiser to study the interpretation of the word “blasphemy” in more modern dictionaries.

According to the definition presented by the famous Russian linguist Tatyana Fedorovna Efremova, the meaning of the word “blasphemy” is as follows: insult, desecration, desecration of something significant and dear, worthy of respect and revered by people.

This word also has something to do with religion. In this case, it means an insult to a religious shrine and, accordingly, the feelings of believers.

War is a blasphemy against man

There is no need to talk about how many deaths such an uninvited phenomenon brings. The Second World War clearly showed this to us: millions of dead from almost all countries of the world, just as many wounded and hundreds of thousands of missing people. Poems, poems, stories and even multi-volume novels were written about them, but no one has yet succeeded in bringing back loved ones. Blasphemy is seen in all its manifestations. What is human life during war? A grain of sand in a vast desert, unprotected and lonely, subject to swift hurricanes and frequent storms.

Synonyms of the word

The Russian language is very rich, and therefore synonyms can be found for most words. Often they are the ones who explain more clearly the interpretation and meaning of a word (blasphemy, for example).

However, such related, similar words cannot be selected for all words, but for the noun studied in this article, this is quite easy to do. It is enough just to refer to the above-described interpretation of the word. Then you will see that the synonyms for “blasphemy” will be as follows:

  • abuse;
  • mockery.

And previously mentioned:

  • insult;
  • desecration;
  • reproach.

In addition, “blasphemy” is often replaced with phrases:

  • desecration of a shrine;
  • desecration of a shrine.

Some people consider words like “blasphemy” and “sacrilege” to be synonyms for “blasphemy.” Since the latter causes even more bewilderment than “blasphemy,” let’s consider it in more detail.

War is a blasphemy against nature, or How to protect the world around us from destruction?

Probably the last thing a person thinks about during military operations is the enormous negative impact he has on the environment. These are billions of cut down trees, trampled meadows and bloody, polluted rivers, tons of garbage, unsanitary conditions, disrespect for nature, disregard for endangered species of plants and animals. This is real blasphemy. What is one or a few felled trees or a clogged pond compared to how many human lives are lost and never returned?

However, this is temporary, because then, after years and even decades, the realization comes that the forest has gradually died out, and new people who have not seen war want to breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms, and swim in a clean river. But war is a terrible force that does not respect the rules of etiquette, and sometimes even the most amazing monuments of nature perish under its terrible hand. Therefore, many world organizations (for example, UNESCO and many others) establish special programs for the preservation of cultural and natural monuments in the war zone.

Blasphemy and sacrilege: the difference

It is now believed that these two words are synonyms, and therefore they can be used in the same context (the main idea of ​​​​the story). However, this was not always the case. And if we look at history, we will understand the difference between these two terms.

The original interpretation of the word “sacrilege” is any property crime. But after the seventeenth century it acquired a more specific meaning, becoming a crime against religion.

Now the word “sacrilege” is related to such terms as “blasphemy” (disrespect for God and everything connected with him is equated with sin among Christians, Jews and Muslims) and “blasphemy” (what it is is described above). It implies a selfish crime aimed at a shrine, most often belonging to the church.

Thus, the phrase “theft of a shrine” is considered a synonym for this word. This crime, the purpose of which is profit or insulting the feelings of believers, is prosecuted by law.

Blasphemy - what is it? Etymology and history of the term

In the classical sense of the word, blasphemy is the desecration of a sacred object or person. It also means harm, humiliation of honor, dignity or memory of something. It can manifest itself in the form of disrespect for sacred persons, places and things. When the crime committed is verbal, it is called blasphemy, and when it is physical, it is often called desecration. In a looser sense, any offense against religious tenets would be blasphemy.

The word “blasphemy” itself comes from the Latin sacer (sacred), and legere (to read). The word “sacrilege” is often used as a synonym. It dates back to ancient Roman times, when barbarians plundered sacred temples and graves. By the time of Cicero, sacrilege had taken on a broader meaning, including verbal crimes against religion and humiliation of the dignity of religious objects.

Most ancient religions have a concept similar to blasphemy: there it is often seen as a type of taboo. The basic idea is that sacred objects should not be perceived in the same way as others.

Sacrilege, blasphemy, blasphemy - synonyms?

The words indicated in the title are not synonyms, because they are not equivalent, that is, they do not mean the same thing. Therefore, do not confuse them under any circumstances and do not replace one with the other in any situation - this is wrong.

Although sacrilege, blasphemy and blasphemy complement each other, they are still different concepts. And if you want to seem like an educated person, never confuse them.

Meaning of the word blasphemous

Examples of the use of the word blasphemous in literature.

It is also reliably known that the archdeacon was inflamed with a special passion for the symbolic portal of the Cathedral of Our Lady, for this page of black book wisdom, set out in stone inscriptions and inscribed by the hand of Bishop Guillaume of Paris, who undoubtedly ruined his soul by daring to attach to this eternal building, to This divine poem has a blasphemous title.
And when Fabian spoke about this without mincing words with such frivolity, Balthasar felt as if rude hands with blasphemous audacity were tearing off the veil from the image of the saint, which he did not dare to touch, as if now he himself had angered the saint forever.

No, Cleopatra,” I answered, “I will not touch the treasure even for your sake and for the welfare of Egypt, for of all crimes this is the most blasphemous.”

Wiers-Werder did not decide to completely deprive him of burial or posthumously put his body on fire, however, as they said, he declared him a heretic and a blasphemer, as irrefutably evidenced by the blasphemous nickname he adopted, and ordered him to be buried in the same way as heretics, apostates and those who was deprived of the last remission of sins - in unconsecrated ground, by the road, without a coffin, but in a tarred barrel, painted with tongues of hellish flame.

Well, isn’t the Golden Calf of Borgia, presented to the pope in blasphemous festivities, madness?

The priests stood before the judge, and the secretary read in a loud voice their complaint against Phileas Fogg and his servant, accused of blasphemous desecration of a Brahminical sanctuary.

But first she had to feel safe, and this created a glaring, blasphemous contradiction: I was going to kill Vagant Lara and at the same time I was trying to protect Dylan.

Usually they limited themselves to knocking over tombstones, scratching out blasphemous inscriptions and hanging paper skeletons.

Although the sensations inspired by the haberdasher were now blasphemous, I would not have been able to stop them, and therefore I did not.

Although the sensations inspired by the haberdasher were now blasphemous, I would not have been able to stop them.

All that was desolate and blasphemous, all the disgusting tactical Machiavellianism hidden in repulsive sayings that transform the Creator from a merciful Father into a merciless Deity, eternally thirsty for human tears - all this was cleverly hidden from Mr. Hardy, because instinctive magnanimity still lived in him.

Ramesses, who visited Djoser's complex and spoke enthusiastically about the beauty of his texts, was also outraged by the blasphemous, in his opinion, inscriptions painted on the walls by his contemporaries, which were not only stupid, but also mediocre from the point of view of art.

However, in his own blasphemous words4, Katherine is dearer to him than earthly life and heavenly paradise, he cannot live without her.

The leader of the choir Again calls with a blasphemous cry the One who turns away from cries!

INTRODUCTION PART ONE Zhidkov And in the lines there will be eternal purity Anticanon Poor creature Plague In the evacuation 296 and veren Francesco Petrarch Retribution Ava Maria Marble husband PART TWO I will write a chorale in your honor In Khlebny Lane Blasphemous undergrowth In Khomutovsky dead end From Khomutovsky - to Khlebny My amusements Family council Continuation of the previous Uncle Supreme Final PART THREE My sick soul Good mood We are your cross to the last My notes on the mood PART FOUR Mother in heart.

Source: Maxim Moshkov library

Antonym of the word "blasphemy"

To understand more specifically and clearly what the meaning of the word “blasphemy” is, a dictionary of antonyms will also help, which provides not related words to the one being studied, but, on the contrary, opposite in meaning.

You can easily guess about it yourself, because if “blasphemy” is any mockery of a shrine that offends religious feelings, then the antonym of this word is the noun “reverence.” Which implies respect for shrines, and, consequently, for the feelings of believers.

Blasphemy in Christianity

With the emergence of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman state, Emperor Theodosius introduced sacrilege in an even more expansive sense, in the form of heresy, schism, and crimes against the emperor, including tax evasion. During the Middle Ages, the concept of "sacrilege" again implied physical acts directed against sacred objects, and this formed the basis of all subsequent Catholic teaching on the subject.

Most modern nations have repealed laws against blasphemy out of respect for freedom of expression, except in cases of injury to persons or property. One of the most striking episodes in this regard is the following: in the United States, the US Supreme Court in the cinematic case Burstyn v. Wilson, due to the then sensational film “Miracle” (1952), overturned the blasphemy statute.

Despite their decriminalization, blasphemous acts are still sometimes viewed with strong disapproval by the public, including even people who are not adherents of the offended religion, especially when these acts are perceived as acts of hatred towards a particular sect or creed.

Blasphemy as a violation of the rights of a citizen enshrined in the Constitution

What is blasphemy from the point of view of the Constitution? In order to understand this, it is necessary to find out what this word represents within the framework of the law.

The Constitution is a document that establishes the right of every person to self-determination. Based on it, Russia is a country that allows citizens to independently determine their faith and their path in life.

However, at the same time, the highest document on freedom imposes on people the obligation to honor and respect each other’s rights. But due to misunderstanding or ignorance of what the faith of other people is or the one that is most widespread in our country, some citizens violate the freedom of others, thereby offending the religious feelings of believers and causing censure and disapproval of the entire society.

Irreligious blasphemy, or Why do people want to fight?

“War is one of the greatest blasphemies” - this was said by the famous Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin back in the distant 19th century. He understood this even then: after the Napoleonic invasion, the country lost a lot of soldiers and civilians, although compared to the events of the Great Patriotic War this was only prehistory. Military operations are terrible not only in terms of the millions of deaths of innocent, young people full of life and energy. They also take away the most important thing psychologically: happiness, faith, love, hope and peace, and instill fear, horror and fear of tomorrow.

Even today, in a developed, pluralistic world, war takes place on all continents in dozens of countries: Egypt, Israel, Ukraine, Iran... And this is an incomplete list of states in which armed conflicts occur. What makes people fight among themselves, destroy not only natural resources, but also someone’s lives? Often it is politics, religion or mineral deposits. Only one thing is obvious: people die and cities go into oblivion, but the war in this world is eternal.

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