Eternal suffering: what awaits those who commit suicide in the next world?

All people come into this world completely different - some are stronger morally and physically, some are weaker, while everyone has their own philosophy of life and everyone is destined for their own path in life. Most people in the Universe sometimes have thoughts about deliberately shortening their age.

Whether this is right or wrong, we will not now understand, since everyone has their own bell tower and problems that often take place in life (in love relationships, in work, in study, in relationships with peers, and so on) can lead a person into a state of depression, a dead end state of affairs.

What happens during suicide planning?

As a rule, during such attacks (there is no other way to call it), a person who is planning or thinking about suicide does not think about what will happen after he completes what he planned.

At this moment he does not care about how his family and friends will react; for him at the moment it does not matter. Fortunately, most of those who are suicidal do not end up doing anything of the sort. But there are also those who will see it through to the end.

At the same time, it is interesting to note that some of the suicides do it in a fit of emotion, without even having time to think about what this entails. The second half are those people who plan this event for a long time, calculate what should happen and how, and only after that decide to take a desperate step.

Suicide in a fit of despair may seem like the only true solution to problems, but is it so? In order to understand this, it is necessary to understand the question of what happens after death, where the suicidal person ends up.

Why do people commit suicide?

There are many reasons why a person may think about leaving this life. Often this is the result of long-term experiences that simply cannot be dealt with. According to Mind, a UK-based charity, there is a whole list of scenarios that lead to the desire to commit suicide:

  • loss of a loved one;
  • bullying, so-called bullying, discrimination or violence - this applies to people of any gender, but also age;
  • the end of a relationship that is important to a person;
  • loss of work, which hits workaholic men the hardest, who, even without committing suicide, can literally burn out within a year or two after they have, in fact, lost the meaning of life;
  • a major change in life circumstances, such as divorce, retirement, or homelessness;
  • identification of a serious illness that will seriously change a person’s entire life - for example, oncology;
  • pregnancy or its loss is a very traumatic event, especially for women who have not been able to become a mother for a long time;
  • problems with finances, including debts - this applies more to men;
  • a guilty verdict and even just the realization that the near future will have to be spent in prison - and this again is mainly about the stronger sex;
  • doubts about one's own sexual orientation or gender identity in an environment that does not understand or accept such characteristics;
  • cultural practices that force a person to actually commit violence against themselves: for example, forced marriage;
  • any other severe traumatic event.

Of course, such events do not always push people to thoughts of suicide, and not everyone who experiences them takes their own life. Each person reacts differently to the blows of fate - this is normal. It’s just that some people have a more stable psyche, capable of adapting to the new realities of life, while others have less so.

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Christian approach

If we turn to the Bible and the Laws of God, then, as we know, God gives a person only those tests that he can withstand. Therefore, Christians will never condone suicide because it is not “God’s thoughts.”

If God waits for people who fall into the next world naturally due to circumstances or age, and accepts them into the Kingdom of God, then he not only does not wait for those who committed suicide, but also does not forgive them, although God’s mercy has no limits. .

The human body, like its life, is not eternal. But the Soul is eternal, it belongs to God, who loves everyone, but those who voluntarily left the world of the living will not be able to ultimately enter God’s Kingdom. The fate of suicides is to burn in Hell, since these souls are sinful, they succumbed to the persuasion of the Devil, who is the enemy of God.

People who left the world of the living may have two options for further developments. The first is to go to Heaven, the second is to stay in Hell. For sinners, the second option is provided, and as for suicide, this is also a very great sin. Suicidal people are not even allowed to have a funeral service in church according to all the rules.

Specific burial rules have been determined for them, and previously a special place in the cemetery was allocated. After death, the soul of a person who has committed such a great sin will suffer and go to Hell, since there is no justification for it. There are many different stories about what happens in the afterlife.

But what suicidal people do is scary, what will happen to them next is something you wouldn’t wish on your enemy. There are many different stories known about what happens to those who commit suicide in the next world, which illustrate the state of souls after making the transition between worlds. There is little pleasant in such stories.

Souls are tossing about because nothing can be changed, and what they get as a result is far from their expectations. Often people also come to suicide and thoughts about it through sins, since despondency is a sin, despair and fear are also derived from these concepts. If a person has realized the sinfulness of his thoughts, then he will definitely stop beating himself up and find another way out of the situation.

But if everything went wrong, then after the action itself the soul will strive to find balance and peace, but it will not succeed, since such souls are doomed to suffering. The soul of a suicidal person will constantly experience fear and horror. After the transition to the other world, no one can atone for sins.

If the suicide has completed the job, then nothing can be corrected, but if he did not succeed, or they were able to save him and keep him in this world, then he has a chance to correct everything.

In such situations, people usually radically change their thoughts and beliefs, set priorities differently and behave differently, and begin to appreciate every second of life. All this is explained by the fact that during the transition to the other world they saw what was really waiting for them.

This is truly scary, much worse than worldly problems, which after such actions simply disappear into thin air. It becomes clear that previously a person lived, thought, created and acted incorrectly.

Who commits suicide most often?

According to the US National Institute of Mental Health, voluntary suicide is most common in certain groups of people:

  • aged 15-24 years;
  • and over 60 years of age;
  • suffering from mental disorders;
  • survivors of a concussion or any brain injury;
  • those who abuse alcohol or psychoactive substances, or, more simply, drugs;
  • in people whose relatives have a psychiatric diagnosis or use drugs;
  • “inmates” serving their sentences in places not so remote;
  • those who have experienced domestic violence or abuse, not only physical and sexual, but also psychological;
  • among those whose relatives committed suicide;
  • suffering from severe or chronic, that is, incurable illness or pain;
  • and, of course, a US-specific point - people having access to firearms or other weapons.

Women attempt suicide more often than men, but they succeed less often. Researchers studying this issue believe that it all comes down to the methods that representatives of different sexes use for this not the wisest of actions. Accordingly, representatives of the stronger sex make fewer attempts to voluntarily bid farewell to the mortal world, but they more often end in death.

Suicide survivors

If a person failed to make the transition to the eternal world, then in this world he will also have some problems. This is due to the fact that such people may be forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

There is also little pleasant here, and no one is responsible for the result and no guarantees of a positive outcome are given. While maintaining adequacy, a person will certainly realize his mistake.

From a Christian point of view, the greatest sins are murder and suicide, since in both cases this is a violation of God's plans. A person who has had the thought of committing suicide will never be able to explain why he wants it, what motivates him, what he wants to get.

At this particular moment, he simply wants to get away from the situation without thinking about the consequences. If you ask him what he wants to get in the end, don’t expect to get an intelligible answer. He will tell you his problems, that they have no solution, and will not even listen to the fact that from the outside it does not look so scary.

Convincing a person who has decided to commit a sinful act is quite difficult, but possible. This is usually done by professional psychologists.

Suicide and mental health

As we have already written, a healthy body that works without serious disruptions is not going to die voluntarily. His task is survival, not the reverse process. According to SAVE, the non-profit organization “Voice of Suicide Education,” about 90% of people whose attempts to say goodbye to the mortal world on their own are crowned with “success” have mental disorders. Moreover, they are not necessarily identified during life, that is, these are not always those who died with a diagnosis established by doctors. According to statistics, the following conditions most often cause suicidal thoughts or attempts:

  • substance abuse disorders. Moreover, these very substances are often a trigger - a sort of “trigger” that triggers the development of mental disorders in people predisposed to this;
  • depressive states and disorders;
  • borderline personality disorder – impulsivity, anxiety, emotional instability, low self-control and difficulties with socialization;
  • bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive psychosis, is a mental illness that looks like inadequate mood swings, constant changes in energy levels and performance;
  • anxiety disorders - constant worry about literally everything: work, school, appearance, money and relationships with others;
  • psychosis is a condition in which a person perceives the world around him inadequately - often with delusions and hallucinations - and behaves inappropriately.

Mental illness is a serious thing.
Most of those who have never experienced this with friends or loved ones do not even realize how common such conditions are. According to various sources, from 10 to 50% (!) of therapists’ patients have mental disorders.

Up to 50! Just think: almost half of those who have ever gone to a therapist - a doctor “about everything and nothing” who refers us to various specialized specialists - are potential patients of psychiatrists!

Not everyone who contemplates suicide has a diagnosed mental illness, according to the UK charity Samaritans. But this is understandable - most of us simply did not have time to identify it.

What's going on in Hell?

The problems that may arise in the life of everyone living on Earth can never be commensurate with the suffering that is in store for a suicide.

It is generally known that you can meet your deceased relatives in the afterlife. But, as we see, you can’t see everyone there. If, after the death of a suicide, his relatives want to meet him, then they should do the same. But this is a very terrible decision and a huge sin.

The Holy Fathers said that it is only in Paradise that all souls gather together, and only in Hell, each one separately. So thoughts about the afterlife and a meeting with a suicide turn out to be an illusion that can never be realized.

Many people think that suicidal people are simply weak people who were unable to experience all the hardships of life and left in advance. But in fact, these are big egoists who, in a moment of despondency and despair, could not pacify their thoughts and did not think about the consequences for their souls and the souls of their relatives.

There are many different types of suffering in the afterlife, which is why suicidal people will never be able to meet. Those who did not know what would happen next before committing suicide will suffer forever and regret that they did it.

The Church does not perform funeral services for such souls, and nothing can be done to correct them. Relatives can only try not to succumb to the devil’s persuasion and not do this, because for up to 40 days the soul of the deceased will remain among the world of the living. After 40 days, there should be relief for the souls of the suicidal person’s relatives.

In the other world, everyone will have to answer for everything; the price may be too high.

Why are we given life?

Before becoming a person, a spiritual entity draws up a contract in which it prescribes all the details of its life. It indicates the nature of relationships with other people, their impact on the life of a particular individual. The contract also stipulates the difficulties that a person must go through. They can be given for the purpose of developing the Soul or as a way to work off karma. The contract also implies the presence of windows of opportunity, by taking advantage of which a person will be able to quickly cope with problems, untie karmic knots and improve his life.

Each new life is given to gain experience. No matter what, from the point of view of the Supreme Beings there is nothing good or bad. There is simply the experience of living a specific role. We have all at one time been offenders and offended, murderers and victims, rich and poor, healthy and crippled.

If we come to Earth with a role, we are obliged to play it to the end. From a human point of view, this role may seem terrible, unbearable. But living such an experience is necessary for our Soul. The ultimate goal of each Essence is to achieve such development when there is no need to incarnate on Earth. When all the lessons are completed and learned.

The right to a second chance - how not to miss life?

A mental crisis passes faster if a person gets the opportunity to sincerely express his feelings. The primary need is the desire to be heard, to splash destructive thoughts and emotions to the surface. The ability to be safe and to overcome a crisis at a calm pace is a priceless gift that a family can give to a suffering relative.

After a suicide attempt, you should not return a person to the atmosphere from which he escaped. Help him change his life, find a new path, and not miss the second chance given by the Universe.

But there was still hope...

“I began to sob quietly, realizing all the evil I had done, and suddenly I heard a voice: “If you ask Him, perhaps He will save you.”

Jeffrey asked again and again for salvation.

The young man appeared before the spiritual being, who asked what brought him here. Jeffrey replied that the world was unfair and he no longer wanted to be a part of it.

Suddenly the guy realized that his life had meaning.

The Supreme Being explained that Jeffrey asked to be born into the material world and even chose when and by whom to be born.

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