Why anger is a sin: prayers for anger and anger, who to pray to

When wondering why people are so often angry and in a state of irritation, many will say that it is because of illness, frayed nerves, etc., and this is fair. In our article you can find out in more detail whether such judgments are correct, what these states are in the Christian religion, what prayers there are for anger and irritability for balance, what the clergy say about this and how to get rid of these passions.

Prayer to David for Anger

The prayer can be read silently or out loud. The most important thing is sincerity and strong faith. Doubts are offensive.

It is recommended to pronounce the address 9 times. Prayer to King David helps:

calm down; cope with difficulties; protect yourself from arrogant, irritated people; recover from illnesses.

It is extremely difficult to read a long prayer when anger or another passion is about to take over. To neutralize outbursts of rage, your own or another person’s, you need to say a short phrase: “Lord, remember King David and all his meekness.”

Prayer of Abba Dorotheus

An ascetic who lived in the 6th century left us a prayer for anger and irritation, read in moments of internal struggle and discord with oneself:

Merciful and humane God! By Your ineffable goodness, You created us from nothing, to enjoy Your blessings, and through the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, Who called us, who had departed from Your commandments! Come now, help our weakness, and as You once rebuked the troubled sea, so now rebuke the disturbance of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, killed by sin, in one hour, and so that You do not say to us: “What good is it?” My blood, ever descend into decay,” and: “Amen I say to you, we do not know you,” because our lamps went out from the lack of oil. Amen.

Prayers for resentment and anger

Without noticing it, a person sometimes takes offense at his loved ones, thereby causing them suffering, and by hating his enemies, he himself becomes the property of demons. Therefore, we must accustom ourselves to spiritual work by turning to Jesus Christ or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayer is spiritual work and its fruits do not appear out of nowhere. You must first sow the seeds of goodness in your soul, care for them and protect them from illness, patiently nurturing them. It is no coincidence that daily prayer work is called a spiritual feat. It is even much more difficult than ordinary worldly labor, but the values ​​grown as a result of this are of great importance for all people. The fruits grown in the field of spiritual labor can become the property of other people, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate the efforts of the prayer book. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Acquire a peaceful spirit within yourself and thousands around you will be saved.” Therefore, we must accustom ourselves to daily, albeit short, but sincere prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor by order of the Most High God. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nicholas, calm down my excessive anger, clear the wrong road. Thy will be done. Amen.

For intercession from evil forces one should turn to Archangel Michael

For intercession from evil forces, from enemies visible and invisible, as well as from irritability, one should turn to Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael. Photo: i.pinimg.com

Prayer to Archangel Michael

Lord, Great God, King without beginning, send Your Archangel Michael to help Your servants (indicate names). Protect us, Archangel, from all enemies, visible and invisible.

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Destroyer of demons, ban all enemies who fight me, and make them like sheep, and humble their evil hearts, and crush them like dust before the wind.

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael!

Six-winged first prince and commander of the Heavenly Forces - Cherubim and Seraphim, be our helper in all troubles, in sorrows, in sorrows, in the desert and on the seas a quiet refuge!

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Deliver us from all the charms of the devil, when you hear us, sinners, praying to you and calling on your holy name.

Hasten to our aid and overcome all who oppose us, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of the holy Apostles, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Andrew, Christ for the Fool's sake, the holy Prophet Elijah, and all the holy great martyrs:

the holy martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, and all our reverend fathers, who have pleased God from all eternity, and all the holy Heavenly Powers.

O Lord the Great Archangel Michael!

Help us sinners (name of the rivers), deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and vain death, and from all evil, from the flattering enemy, from the storm, from the evil one, deliver us always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. . Amen.

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How to get rid of irritability and anger

Such a concept as anger is a destructive addiction, loss of balance of the soul, desire for evil, for those who have upset. By its nature, this gravity is considered indifferent, that is, it can serve to accomplish good deeds, but at the same time it can lead to the worst actions. It is worth noting that the Almighty did not prohibit any frenzy, but only vain ones.

Irritation is an integral part of anger, which fuels pride.

How to deal with these terrible diseases? First of all, you should remain silent. If you feel that anger is already creeping up your throat, then you need to stop it, lock it in a vessel like a caught scorpion and under no circumstances enter into dialogue during this period, no matter how difficult it may be (for example, how not to yelp when you get a burn ). Being in a sophisticated state, you should neither say nor do anything virtuous, except for one thing - your peace of mind.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The Mother of God is our merciful intercessor before God; Orthodox Christians turn to Her with their troubles and problems, asking for protection and help. Anger is a spiritual problem that can only be resolved through prayer and self-improvement.

There is an image of the Mother of God called “The Softening of Evil Hearts”; those in a state of heartfelt malice pray before it. Anger is not yet malice, but it is no longer irritability. So that the state of anger does not develop into malice, it is necessary to recognize this passion in yourself in time, begin to fight it and read a prayer for anger and irritation to the Mother of God.

You can purchase the akathist “Softening Evil Hearts” and take a blessing for its reading from your confessor or priest to whom you go to confession. For people who rarely attend church and do not have a spiritual mentor, we publish a prayer, troparion and kontakion from the indicated akathist:

Prayer: O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have brought to the earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, since You have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.


To the chosen Virgin Mary, above all the daughters of the earth, the Mother of the Son of God, who gave Him the salvation of the world, we cry with tenderness: look at our many-sorrowful life, remember the sorrows and illnesses that you endured, like our earthly-born, and do with us according to Your mercy, Let us call You: Rejoice, much-sorrowful Mother of God, transforming our sorrow into joy.


Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us, and resolve all the tightness of our souls. Looking at Your holy image, we are touched by Your suffering and mercy for us and we kiss Your wounds, but we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us, merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, for You are truly the Softener of evil hearts.

What is righteous anger in Orthodoxy

Anger directed against sin is considered righteous. It brings spiritual benefit to a person without leaving anger in the heart.

Just like anger leads to sin, righteous anger is also dissatisfaction with something. This is a weapon given by God to protect against sinful thoughts.

Righteous anger is the desire to push away everything that is wrong and bad.

For righteous anger to “become a habit,” you need to be constantly and consciously angry at your own sins. Having such a skill, a person will be able to calmly respond to temptations and not succumb to them.

Why do we get angry and irritated?

Wanting to overcome passion, a person begins to wonder: is there a strong prayer for anger and irritation? Many people think that the texts of prayers are like a magic wand - just read it and you will immediately get rid of passion.

Unfortunately, this is a mistaken opinion; it takes a long time to fight anger. Passion is akin to a bush with strong roots; it may look stunted, but it is not possible to pull it out of the ground; you have to carefully cut it and then uproot the roots.

A person may become irritable when tired, upset, or besieged by his own problems. What happens, as they say in modern language, is a departure from the comfort zone, the individual loses peace with himself.

Often people seek prayer for anger and irritation, considering it a source of healing. It is such in conjunction with working on oneself, the ability to restrain oneself in relationships with others and to be angry with oneself. We get irritated with our neighbors and often consider them guilty of certain offenses that have brought us out of spiritual balance. But if you take a closer look, it becomes clear: at the heart of every such offense is our fault. The ability to react soberly to a conflict situation will help you look at it from a different angle, reproaching yourself for what happened instead of your loved one.

Prayer against hatred of a person

Hatred of a person is a grave sin and evil that burns out from within both the hater and his enemy. And here, in fact, it is not so important who was right and who was wrong. In this fight there is no winner or loser, because both will suffer. When both opposing sides receive the ripened fruits of evil and weigh them by the measure and price of loss and suffering, they will be horrified by what they have done. It is easier to punish or kill an enemy than to understand and forgive him. But retribution for this will be inevitable. It’s not for nothing that they say that the best fight is the one that doesn’t take place. Therefore, the Holy Scripture says that we must love not only our neighbor, but also our enemy, learn to forgive and be merciful. Therefore, we must turn in prayer for help and support to the Lord Jesus Christ.

When you feel overwhelming hatred within you, you need to read short prayers

What can you do to start dealing with anger and irritability? To begin with, the first thing you need to do is limit the communication of evil people for you.

When you feel overwhelming hatred within you, you need to silently read short prayers that you can learn by heart. The prayer must be said until the evil hatred in your soul goes away.

It will also be beneficial to drink holy water every day. You can drink it at any time.

Holy water can be taken from the temple. You can take especially healing water for the feast of the Epiphany. Photo from this holiday, where holy water is poured for all parishioners

What can you do to avoid getting angry at those around you? At home you can also find the most appropriate time to read prayers against hatred and anger. Photo: st.cherinfo.ru

When reading prayers, you need to understand that prayer is communication with God. Stand in front of the icons and light the lamp. It is advisable to read the prayer in peace and quiet, nothing should distract you.

Do not forget that you can read prayers for resentment in your own words. The most important thing is that your words come from the heart and are sincere. Because only sincere words will be heard by God.

Priest Sergius in the program “World of Orthodoxy” talks about what the passion of anger and anger is:

Father Sergius talks about what to do if you are overwhelmed with anger and a person cannot read any prayers. He gives advice on how to avoid anger and irritation in any situation, citing examples from the lives of people in ancient times.

Unbridled anger is a soul-destroying emotion.

Showing anger is considered a sin and is spoken of in the New Testament. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, for the anger of man does not bring about the righteousness of God.”

The words from the Epistle of the Apostle James have not lost their meaning today. Anger is a vice caused by pride, pushing for revenge. People and states, in a fit of revenge, are moving towards self-destruction.

We need to learn to hear each other and forgive insults. An angry feeling is appropriate towards people who break the law and abuse their position. In case of danger, every person is obliged to protect himself, his family, and his country. But he should not succumb to the desire for revenge, uncontrolled violence, and cruelty.

In everyday life situations, a Christian must learn to deal with irritation. This promotes spiritual development and helps destroy evil. Anger and anger kill everything good around. By being angry, a Christian does not give himself pleasure; he instills a reciprocal feeling of hatred or pain in the soul of the offended.

Who to contact for help

Prayer words for anger require concentration. They create an invisible but very strong connection. For best results, the appeal is read several times in a row. After this, the person listens to himself, to his feelings. If reading prayer words brings a positive effect, the person immediately feels better.

Prayer for intense anger or rage gives instant results. The personality feels light, even empty. A person gets rid of hatred and cleanses his soul: anger decreases gradually, but rage goes away immediately. The most popular prayer appeals for irritability are to Ephraim the Syrian or to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Turning to the Mother of God saves you from irritation. Prayer for anger helps you find balance and drive away inner demons.

Ephraim the Syrian

Anger, like anger, has its own definition in religious teaching. It is called the tricks of the devil and is considered one of the most serious sins. Aggression always has demonic roots: such a feeling not only harms the individual, but also affects her intentions. She is not capable of giving joy, love or happiness. The causes of hatred gradually develop into such serious consequences as misfortune, self-inflicted damage or voluntary loneliness.

We advise you to study the Sin of Pride in Orthodoxy

According to legend, Ephraim the Syrian was hot-tempered and intolerant during his lifetime. Until he believed in God, his life was filled with anger and aggression. Ephraim's path was difficult and thorny. Gradually he recovered from his mental illness and God fully helped him in this. For this reason, turning to Ephraim the Syrian gives liberation from aggression or negativity accumulated within.

Contacting Ephraim the Syrian is quick help. It reduces the influence of negative emotions. If you read prayers constantly, you will be able to understand the cause of suppressed anger. Complex prayer with repentance helps in eradicating anger. If a person is not afraid to admit mistakes, he is ready to correct them, then higher powers will favor him.

Prayer for anger and severe irritability:

Nicholas the Wonderworker

Aggression begets aggression. There is no end point in such a natural process. People do dangerous things out of anger and, trying to get rid of it, create even more negativity. Appealing to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is an effective tool for eliminating hatred both towards yourself and towards the people around you. Prayer helps with irritability, with internal pain, with a constant pessimistic outlook on life.

Prayer words to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

Prayer reduces the level of irritation and eliminates all accompanying symptoms: dissatisfaction with oneself, aggression, taking out anger on people from one’s close circle. Prayer words are used for any person, regardless of his age, gender or status.

Akathist to the Mother of God from strong anger

Anger is born from accumulated negativity. At first, a person suffers from bad thoughts, from negative thinking. Gradually, the negative attitude takes root, and the person is no longer able to think differently. He is immersed in negative thoughts, he is completely dependent on them. Negative thinking develops into anger. It accumulates and is released from time to time. At the end of self-destruction lies anger. It requires no justification, no reason, no time frame. Anger completely takes over a person.

Prayers against anger gradually cleanse the soul. Step by step, they remove all the troubles that have accumulated in the soul: first, they free you from anger and hidden resentment, then they free you from any negative and ingrained attitude. In the end, anger goes away as the main cause of an endless series of internal problems.

The most effective prayers for any anger: an akathist to the Mother of God or an appeal to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The Mother of God is the protector of all suffering souls. She saves a sinful soul and directs it to the righteous path. Prayer-conversion saves you from anger, resentment, and self-hatred. The Mother of God loves every creation of God, every person. Through her love, the suffering soul also learns to love. A person learns to accept himself with all his shortcomings and imperfections, after liberation from the shackles of anger.

Turning to the Mother of God softens a person’s soul. A person himself rarely thinks about the reasons for his anger, and turning to the Mother of God triggers inevitable processes. A person learns to see himself from the outside. He is ready to take responsibility, accept his path and improve. A petition to the Mother of God saves you from resentment towards yourself. Such sin has the most power and influence.

Prayer for all anger accumulated in the soul:

Prayer of John of Kronstadt

One of the saints revered in Russia - our contemporaries. The saint left behind many spiritual works, including prayers composed with his own hand.

Lord, teach Your servant, who has fallen into the pride of the devil, meekness and humility and remove from his heart the darkness and burden of satanic pride!

These few lines are read for a proud and obstinate neighbor.

Prayer for the Proud

Anger, irritability and pride are links in the same chain. Why do people get irritated by a fair remark? And if you criticize your neighbor a little, he falls into a state of anger. Unfair and caustic criticism is one thing; adequate criticism, when they are trying to help a person, is quite another. He takes such attempts with hostility, reacting to them with anger and irritation.

The fact is that one’s own “I” is being infringed upon; criticism and remarks attack such a feeling as pride. One of the main passions, which takes many years, if not your entire life, to fight.

When a person declares that he is not proud, such phrases indicate the opposite. Pride flows over the edge, its owner has no sins, lives like everyone else, and does not offend people. This is how proud people talk about themselves, what kind of repentance or work on oneself can we talk about?

Religious relatives can help in such cases. Having been blessed by a spiritual mentor, you can read prayers for the proud man. They bear little resemblance to prayers for anger and irritation, but these properties of human character, as written above, arise from pride.

Prayer to Silouan of Athos

Another contemporary of ours, who died in 1938. Originally from the Tambov province, he left his family nest in 1892 in order to devote his life to God.

The monk labored on Mount Athos and left behind moral and ascetic works. Glorified as a saint:

O wonderful servant of God, Father Silouan! By the grace given to you by God, tearfully pray for the entire universe - the dead, the living and the future - do not remain silent for us to the Lord, who diligently fall to you and touchingly ask for your intercession (names). Move, O all-blessed one, to prayer the Zealous Intercessor of the Christian race, the Most Blessed Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, who miraculously called you to be a faithful worker in Her earthly city, where the chosen one of God begs God for our sins, merciful and long-suffering, so that our untruths and iniquities are not remembered , but according to the ineffable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to spare and save us according to His great mercy. She, servant of God, with the Most Blessed Lady of the World - the Most Holy Abbess of Athos and Her holy ascetics, ask the saints for the most holy Word of the holy Mount Athos and its God-loving desert dwellers to be preserved from all the troubles and slander of the enemy in the world. Yes, the Angels deliver the saints from evil and strengthen them in faith and brotherly love with the Holy Spirit, until the end of the century they pray for the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and show everyone the saving path, and the Earthly and Heavenly Church constantly glorifies the Creator and Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating peace in the eternal truth and goodness of God. Ask the people of the entire earth for a prosperous and peaceful life, a spirit of humility and brotherly love, good morals and salvation, a spirit of fear of God. Let it not be malice and lawlessness that harden the hearts of men, which can destroy the love of God in men and cast them into godless enmity and fratricide, but in the power of Divine love and truth, as in heaven and on earth, hallowed be the name of God, may His holy will be done in men , and may peace and the Kingdom of God reign on earth. Likewise, ask for your earthly Fatherland - the land of Russia, the servant of God, the longed-for peace and heavenly blessing, covered by the all-powerful omophorion of the Mother of God, to get rid of famine, destruction, cowardice, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare and from all visible enemies and invisible, and thus remain the most holy house of the Most Blessed Mother of God until the end of the age, the Life-giving Cross by the power, and be established in the inexhaustible love of God. For all of us, who are immersed in the darkness of sins and warmth of repentance, who have no lower fear of God and who constantly insult the Lord who loves us immeasurably, ask, O all-blessed one, from our All-Bountiful God, so that with His All-powerful divine grace He will visit and revive our souls and all evil and let the pride of life, despondency and negligence in our hearts be abolished. We also pray that we, strengthened by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit and warmed by the love of God, in philanthropy and brotherly love, in humble crucification for one another and for everyone, may be established in the truth of God and well strengthened in the gracious love of God, and will draw closer to the filial One. Yes, thus, doing His all-holy will, in all piety and purity of temporary life, let us walk the path unashamedly and with all the saints of the Heavenly Kingdom and His Lamb we will be honored. To Him from all earthly and heavenly be glory, honor and worship, with His Beginningless Father, His Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Reasons for anger

Unfair treatment in a given situation, as a rule, causes a response that changes the attitude towards the offender.
An employer, spouse, children, neighbors can cause offense by reacting unfairly to any actions or words. The result is angry emotions and the desire to prove, punish, judge, change, and these are all the functions of God. Gossip, slander, various types of condemnation and too high an opinion of oneself often lead to discord, causing an argument, quarrel or retaliatory gossip. Lacking patience and humility, Christians often fall into an angry state, especially if in some situation someone stands in the way of achieving what they want. Without the patience to wait for change, people lose their temper, becoming angry and expressing angry emotions.

The consequences of violence often leave unforgiveness and a desire for revenge in the soul; angry emotions are expressed in wishing everything negative for the offender. The desire to satisfy one’s desires and the lack of opportunities to carry out one’s plans often lead to negativism, irritation and anger; anger finds its way out in blaming everyone.

Important! The Bible clearly says that a person will be under a curse if he trusts in another person rather than in God. (Jeremiah 17:5). In the list of the seven deadly sins, envy comes before sin, often causing irritation

The love of money is lurking nearby

In the list of the seven deadly sins, envy comes before sin, often being the cause of irritation. The love of money also lurks nearby.

An angry response born of envy often leads to negative consequences. Out of envy, Cain killed his brother Abel. Because of the desire to occupy one or another higher position, people are capable of meanness, slander, and are angry because of their own inadequacy. The Lord sees all our abilities and talents, and it is His will to grant a promotion or promotion to a more significant role in life.

Anger is one of the seven most destructive passions

The inability to say “No,” born of self-doubt, gives rise to fear and a pressing sense of problems, leading to internal protest and self-destruction. Lack of self-control and respect for the world around us are constant companions of an angry person, always dissatisfied with everything.

This is interesting: The sin of love of money and the fight against it - read point by point

Does this really work?

Just a couple of years ago, a group of neurophysiologists from St. Petersburg reported an amazing discovery - with due effort on their part, a person can plunge into a state of prayerful wakefulness, which - oh, miracle - can help them heal from various diseases. This is not a joke, but a completely serious theory, which, however, has not yet received proper confirmation in practice and therefore faces quite serious skepticism from the scientific community.

Veniamin Shevtsov, psychotherapist with experience, 45 years:

— The use of prayer for healing is based on a person’s deep faith in a positive result. People detach themselves from everyday life, become more confident, stronger and calmer, and accordingly, their immunity is strengthened. But can it be said that it is possible to defeat a disease with prayer alone? A dubious assumption, but I fully admit that it is possible to alleviate suffering.

There is no illness here, we only have a purely everyday situation in which the husband shows unreasonable aggression and irritation towards his wife, subjects her to daily obstruction and even uses physical violence. And this is not at all included in the list of signs that a husband does not love his wife: human character is a delicate matter.

On women's forums you can find many descriptions of similar life situations in which such prayers really helped smooth out the corners in relationships between loved ones. They especially helped, in combination with folk methods, to wean a husband off alcohol without his knowledge, if the cause of aggression was drinking.

Elena Mikhaltsova, 40 years old, Moscow:

— The period when my husband Misha constantly humiliated me both verbally and physically was one of the most terrible in my life. I couldn’t sleep: there were literally tears in my eyes. A friend gave me the idea of ​​using a prayer against a husband’s aggression towards his wife. True, she didn’t help her, but she advised me to try, they say, maybe it will work out. I said a prayer every morning for a week. I can’t say that my husband’s behavior changed dramatically and immediately: the aggression dulled slightly, the reproaches became less categorical. But this was more than enough for me to breathe freely. Over time, he became kinder and kinder. Later I found out that he was promoted at work. And now I’m thinking about what helped in my situation: a prayer suggested by a friend or a career development that turned up by the way.

We recommend studying Evening Prayers for Beginners

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