Guardian angels, who are they - who do they help and protect from harm?

Theories and assumptions

No one knows ,

who the Nephilim really were.

Well, let's start with the references to the Nephilim in the Bible and the Book of Enoch. We can then examine some of the various theories proposed by scientists, philologists and theologians. Among these hypotheses, there is one that should particularly intrigue you: perhaps ,

that the Nephilim were none other than the Anunnaki. The article will touch on many different sources and theories, so it simply won’t fit into one. That is why, for convenience, I will break it into several. Each will have a link to the previous or next one.

There are hypotheses about the alien origin of angels

Orthodoxy does not seriously think about such things, but among ufologists there is a popular version that angels are aliens or creatures from a parallel world. All biblical miracles are attributed to particularly advanced technologies and a higher level of consciousness.

Especially in this context, they like to analyze the apocrypha attributed to Enoch, because they contain many cosmic visions.

The Bible hints that the Old Testament Enoch may have visited heaven during his lifetime, although its text can be understood in different ways. This gave rise to a number of apocrypha about Enoch's visions of angels. Descriptions from there give rise to speculation about the identity of angels and aliens. The photo shows a fragment of the First Book of Enoch. Photo:

There are countless books that consider the Bible in an “alien” context, here are a couple of them:

  1. "Chariots of the Gods" by Erich von Däniken.
  2. “Wanderers of the Universe”, author Nikolai Nepomnyashchiy.

Nephilim in the Bible

Let's look at the actual scripture references to the Nephilim.

In the Hebrew Bible:

Genesis 6:1-4 (just before the flood story):

The Nephilim were on earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God

They came to
the daughters of men
and bore them
; there were powerful people who were ancient, famous people.

Genesis 13:32–33 ("The Twelve" report seeing giants in Canaan):

And there we saw the Nephilim, the sons of Anak, who came from the Nephilim; and we were in our eyes like grasshoppers.

In the Book of Enoch

The following passage describes the Nephilim as the descendants of the watchers (fallen angels):

“And when the children of men multiplied, in those days beautiful and lovely daughters were born to them. And the angels, the children of heaven, saw and longed for them and said to each other: “Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from among the children of men and bear them children. Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; who they began to approach and with whom they lived together; teach them witchcraft, spells and the division of roots and trees."

“And when the women conceived they gave birth to giants, whose height was every three hundred cubits. They devoured everything that human labor produced; until it became impossible to feed them; When they turned against people to devour them; And he began to injure birds, animals, reptiles and fish, eating their meat one after another and drinking their blood. Their flesh one after another.

Guardian angels in human form

Sources say angels may differ from generally accepted descriptions. There were often cases when ordinary guys swam up to drowning people and saved them. These were people in ordinary human form, but when the rescued were about to thank the rescuer, there was already no trace of them, as if they had disappeared into thin air.

People believe that in that hopeless situation a guardian angel came to them, but not as a classic creature with wings, but in the guise of an ordinary person. And sometimes angels come to the aid of those lost in the forest in the guise of elderly people. They lead a person to a populated area, and then suddenly disappear, and the person does not have time to thank the stranger for his help.

The case of guardian angels in overalls

Another famous writer who wrote about angels is Robert D. Grant. It talks about a real-life incident that happened to US citizen Marie Atterman.

An elderly woman was worried about her daughter, who was not answering her phone calls. She decided to visit the pregnant Jenny, who was due to give birth at any moment, and got into the car, although she knew that it was faulty and needed repairs. The woman was going to hire auto mechanics, but did not have time, and decided to drive a broken car, she was so worried about her daughter.

On the way, she prayed that the car would reach Genia’s house. But, unfortunately, the gearbox broke down and we had to stop on a deserted road. Soon a white van stopped near Marie’s car, from which three guys dressed all in white got out. They began to console the American woman and offered her help in repairing her car, introducing themselves as experienced craftsmen. They pulled out brand new tools and a jack from the van. They began to provide assistance with repairs with great agility and skill.

Marie at this time was worried that the young men would get their snow-white clothes dirty. The guys did the repairs so quickly and accurately, as if they were performing a surgical operation. Only five minutes passed and the car started. Marie offered money for help, but the guys refused. The woman verbally thanked the guys and looked in amazement at their clothes: the craftsmen were digging under the hood of the car and instead of getting dirty, they were still wearing snow-white clothes that looked like new.

Marie's amazement then increased even more when one of the guys told the woman to get into the car and rush to her pregnant daughter, who was now in trouble. The woman decided that the guy was apparently a psychic, because how could he know? She didn’t tell them anything about her daughter’s pregnancy or where she was going.

But soon her amazement increased many times over. When the woman got behind the wheel and finally decided to wave to the guys through the car window, they were no longer there. It was as if they had vanished into thin air!

Marie arrived at Jenny's house and saw her daughter lying on the floor in a pool of blood. She was in critical condition. The doctors arrived immediately when they heard a call from Marie, and the girl’s life was saved. It turns out that in this story, guardian angels appeared in the guise of auto mechanics and saved a human life.


Now that you have seen the scriptures, we can talk about popular interpretations.

There are two general theories. They are:

Nephilim are completely human.

In this way the theory from the scriptures can be analyzed.
However, there are several other theories that are worth examining in more detail. Continued in the article right here.
In the meantime, everyone can express their opinion and share their knowledge about the Nephilim!


In addition to the messengers, judges, warriors, the angel of death and others are described in the Divine World

The Lord's circle is not limited to messengers. There are several more “positions” under Him: Judges. We have already observed the judgment of God in the above quotes (Ps. 82:1-6). Chapter 3 of the book of Zechariah describes it most clearly. Here's an excerpt:

“And he showed me Jesus the great priest standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to oppose him.”

(Zech. 3:1)

The following is a court hearing. There is an angel (messenger) and a certain Satan on it.

“Satan” in Hebrew simply means “accuser” (prosecutor, or “enemy” if the context is military) and is used in relation to different characters (6 people and 4 divine entities, according to Sergei Petrov’s calculations), for example, King David

It is a mistake to imagine evil spirits in the “council of gods”. Satan does not appear anywhere in the Old Testament as something evil or as a separate character.

In the Old Testament, divine beings judge mortals, and these seem to be angels.

The person we are talking about in our passage is one of the judges who is not an enemy to man, but is for justice. He is on good terms with God—His ministerial power. She has no evil intentions.

Later interpretations of this word arose from translation and interpretation errors. Warriors. The armies of the Lord appear frequently in the Psalms and books of the prophets. It has a camp, regiments, chariots or something that is illustrated in this way. It's huge:

“Is there a number of His armies? and on whom does His light not rise?”

(Job 25:3)

Destroyers. From creatures of this category comes the Angel of Death. In Christianity, there appears a certain Abaddon (Abbaddon), the angel of the abyss and the king of the locusts, who is mentioned in the book of Revelation (9: 7–11).

But this text has very complex symbolism. Moreover, it is incorrect to confuse the ideas of the ancient Jews and the early Christians. They may vary.

The creatures that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah looked like two people. It is quite possible that these were the creatures we call angels (N. Lomtev, “Angels announce heavenly punishment to Sodom and Gomorrah.” Photo:

The first destroyers are probably found in the Bible to Abraham (Gen. 18, 1-2). It is they who will have to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. It is noteworthy that these same creatures are called “messengers”, that is, hypothetically these could be the same angels.

In Orthodoxy, Abraham's three visitors are sometimes identified with the Trinity. All that remains is to argue. There is no way to prove or disprove anything. In any case, the destroyers appear several more times in the Bible, for example, killing the Egyptian firstborn.

The way the angel of death is represented today goes back to the image of Saturn. This is the ancient god of time. Like a reaper, he used his scythe to remove everything that had served its time on earth (Ivan Akimovich Akimov. “Saturn with a scythe, sitting on a stone and cutting off the wings of Cupid.” Photo:

Other. You can read more about the types of creatures from the Bible that we call angels in the already mentioned book by Sergei Petrov. The list given here is not exhaustive. Let's look at a few conclusions:

  • there are no creatures called “angel” in the Bible, but there are “gods”, “sons of God”, “servants of God”, etc.;
  • these beings perform various functions according to the Will of God;
  • from the point of view of Orthodox terminology, these creatures can probably be called angels. But is it everyone? That's the question.

Nephilim: huge children of people and angels

The Nephilim were supernatural beings mentioned several times in historical documents, although there is no confirmed evidence of their existence. There is some debate over the exact description of the Nephilim, but most historians agree that they were the product of fallen angels and mortal women.

Descriptions of the Nephilim lead us to believe that they were giants who also possessed superhuman strength. In the book of Genesis there are references to giants that were present during the time of Noah and possibly thereafter.

Eyewitnesses talked about meeting with guardian angels

For example, in the winter of 1991, Englishwoman Nora Treder from Manchester, who was already 76 years old, was waiting for surgery and was afraid that she might die. She said that an eight-foot tall angel with beautiful ash-white hair appeared in her room. The angel's face was beautiful, a little feminine, but in his figure there was a sense of masculine power.

The old woman thought that Saint Michael appeared before her. The angel held a large sword in one hand, but swung it as lightly as if the weapon weighed only a few grams. The creature had cream-colored wings, which he opened to show his protection from evil.

The woman felt light and calm, she stopped being afraid of the upcoming serious operation. Nora's family and friends immediately noticed these changes. If before the patient was constantly restless, now she communicated with all her loved ones with a feeling of joy and peace of mind. Although she still understood that she had little time left to live even if the operation was successful.

The operation did not help, and Nora died a few months later. But in the last months of her life she was always in a peaceful mood. Even at the moment of death, she smiled and was absolutely calm.

Writers about higher powers

The director of a boarding school for elderly people with a Catholic bias, Martin Israel, in his book “Angels”, wrote many eyewitness accounts of encounters with angels.

The writer writes about these creatures as tall, human-sized creatures. Definitely with wings, with which they seem to wrap up a person who is in a difficult life situation. A halo always glows around the angel’s head, which, like the wings, plays a protective function.

Sometimes eyewitnesses claimed that they saw not a humanoid angel, but a pillar of light. Descriptions of angel wings are similar to biblical paintings and to images of painters of the Middle Ages and the Italian Renaissance.

Martin Israel believes that an angel's wings do not actually exist. That they are just a figment of the imagination of a person to whom a guardian angel appeared. But then another question arises: maybe the angels themselves were also invented by the sick imagination of people who are susceptible to hallucinations?

Origin of the Giants

The Nephilim had different goals, depending on the source. For example, they were heroes in Greek and Roman mythology. Some documents say that the Nephilim gave birth to the Eluides. Together, the Eluids and Nephilim built some of the largest structures in the world, including the pyramids, along with many ancient temples. But according to the Book of Enoch, the Nephilim were bloodthirsty cannibals.

Some sources claim that the Nephilim use their talents to destroy evil supernatural beings. They may also have worked to maintain peace among other creatures such as vampires, fairies, demons, and deities.

It is assumed that fallen angels, or sons of God, communicated with the daughters of the Earth. The Nephilim are mentioned again in the book of Genesis, but there is much debate regarding their origins and purposes.

Angels (“gods”) of the Old Testament are figuratively connected with luminaries

The sons of God/saints are closely related to the image of heaven:

“And the heavens will glorify Your wonderful works, O Lord, and Your truth in the assembly of the saints. For who in heaven can compare with the Lord? Who among the sons of God will be like the Lord? God is terrible in the great host of saints, He is terrible for everyone around Him.”

(Ps. 89:6–9)

Because of this, in scientific circles there is an opinion that these creatures are a poetic image of celestial bodies. This version is supported by similar verses:

“...with the general rejoicing of the morning stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy.”

(Job 38:7)

The “gods” (angels) of the Old Testament are constantly associated with the sky, which is why there are versions that these creatures are the personification of the luminaries (painting by artist Elena Samoilik “Angel in Heaven”). Photo:

But in general, ancient people everywhere associated gods with planets and stars. We still need to try harder to find a religion where there is no deity corresponding to the planet Venus, the Moon and the Sun.

So the astronomical parallel in itself only complements and does not refute the religious picture. Many Bible verses clearly speak not about cosmic luminaries, but about living beings and call them the army of God.

“Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Praise Him, all His angels; praise Him, all His armies. Praise Him, sun and moon, praise Him, all stars of light. Praise Him, heavens of heavens and waters that are above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for He [spoke, and they were made,] commanded, and they were made.”

(Ps. 149:1–5)


Gilgamesh was the main character of an ancient poem written between 2700 BC. and 600 BC in Mesopotamia (I talked about him and Humbaba in detail in an article ("Humbaba: Gilgamesh's Monstrous Enemy or Guardian of Nature?") He was described as half god and half man, which led him to be categorized as a Nephilim. He was the king of Uruk, but he did not lead his people with honor.Instead, he wreaked havoc in the city, and the people begged the gods to help.

The gods created Endika, part beast and part man. Endiku lived in the forest, but someone passing through told him about a disturbing ritual. When couples married, Gilgamesh had the right to spend the evening with the new bride before her husband could do so. This bothered Endika and he headed to Uruk to protect the woman who was getting married. Gilgamesh and Endiku fought. Gilgamesh won, but the two became friends. They had many adventures together, but ended up offending the gods. It was decided that the man should die, and Enkidu fell ill and eventually passed away, leaving Gilgamesh to continue with his less noble decisions.

"Angel Over Your Shoulder"

Kelly Tyler is a famous American writer, another author of a book about angels. In her book “An Angel Over Your Shoulder,” she reports 22 cases of a person meeting with his guardian angel. They are a reflection of Americans' belief in winged creatures that emit light and help people.

Tyler says that guardian angels appeared to some people in the form of children. The author believes that these creatures are of divine origin and are God's helpers.

One of K. Tyler's stories tells about a girl who recently buried her beloved dad, who died from a serious illness. And soon an angel in the form of her late father began to appear to her, giving advice and comfort.

In another story, the writer talks about a meeting between a car driver and a boy who began to ask him for help. The boy suddenly appeared right in front of the car and the driver had to brake. The child pulled the driver who got out of the car by the sleeve towards the school bus. The vehicle has just been involved in a serious accident a few hundred meters away.

The man came to that place and began to help pull the wounded children out of the bus. And soon, by the side of the road, he saw the dead body of the same child who had brought him to the scene. It turned out that the boy died immediately from a severe skull injury and appeared to the man in the form of an angel so that he could help save the surviving children before the rescuers arrived.

It is impossible to say with absolute certainty that these were indeed guardian angels. Perhaps the explanation for the phenomenon lies elsewhere. But it is inexplicable, but true: always after meeting these kind creatures, people had a feeling of confidence, peace and hope.

What do mediums and psychics say about angels?

Mediums have their own answer to this riddle. They believe that people do not encounter angels, but the souls of the deceased. Indeed, since ancient times, there has been a belief in the souls of loved ones who appear to relatives from the kingdom of the dead in the form of guardian angels.

For example, the world famous medieval theologian Bernard of Clairvaux wrote many books about angels. The mystic was sure that every person has his own guardian angel. Wherever a person finds himself, an angel will try to save him. Intercede before God for the person he protects.

The theologian told the monks and parishioners that they need to believe in their guardian angel and constantly think about him. It is known that many Christian saints had guardian angels, who always consulted with them.

Children of Lilith and their “silent” genes

All descendants of Lilith are divided into two branches. First: Lilith's children from ordinary men.

They have incredible sexual attractiveness and despise all laws except their own opinion. They seem like strangers in the family, they don’t look like brothers and sisters, they prefer evening and night to daylight. People are drawn to them; for them, noisy company is painful. They have excellent health and can digest any food. Thanks to Lilith's heritage, some of them are able to leave their bodies during sleep and travel around the world. They easily contact the souls of dead people.

Why are Lilith's offspring
Firstly, because among her children there is a high infant mortality rate due to the fatal curse, and few survive to adulthood.

Secondly, some genetic characteristics that the children of Lilith herself and such non-human creatures as angels and demons possessed turned out to be incompatible with normal life. For example, it is difficult to survive for a baby with the gift of pyrokinesis, who inflames everything around him in a fit of resentment and anger. According to legends, predatory werewolves and vampires who fed on blood were brutally exterminated in the Middle Ages.

Gradually, all the unusual, inhuman features of Lilith’s children were blocked by nature. It is assumed that they are stored in “silent” genes, transmitted like a sealed letter to offspring, but do not appear externally in any way, so that Lilith’s children survive on their own and can produce viable offspring.

For humans, unlike animals, it is more profitable to choose
a partner based on social status, and not based on the health of future children. Children of parents who are ideally compatible in physiology survive, but also children of the most skillful and cunning, the most hardworking and persistent. Blocking the smell gene expanded the range of possible partners for us. A person has an incentive to think and do. And we have become even more resilient.

Download the latest issue of “Lilith” here:

Worlds of Heavenly Angels.
1. Guardian Angels. 2. Cherubim. Seraphim - Angels of Divine Love. 4. Thrones. 5. Authorities. 6. Strengths. 7. Dominance. 9. Archangels. 2.1. ANGELS OF THE LOWER CIRCLE

Blessed is the child of Light, Who calls upon his Heavenly Father, For he will be worthy of eternal life. It will dwell in the hidden limit, Which is above all, Under the shadow of the Almighty. For He will command His angels for you, to guard you in all your ways. Gospel of the Essenes


The Heaven of Forms is the first level of the hierarchy, the region where the Guardian Angels are located.

“Every person living on Earth has someone who cares about him in Heaven.”

The main task of our Astral Guardian Angels is to provide assistance and serve people.

“You must perceive me as yourself - this is the highest level of trust”

In ordinary life, Guardian Angels communicate with a person through an inner voice.
But if a person stubbornly does not hear them, then sometimes the Angels arrange for him a personal meeting with themselves in a dream (Angels are able to take on an appearance that matches the thoughts of the person in whose Consciousness they appear) or through “Clear Death”. Angel – Angelos
(Greek), which comes from the Hebrew mal'akh - “Messenger”. Clairvoyance is the work of Angels. Clairvoyance is the contact of an earthly person with his Guardian Angels. There are two types of contacts: 1. Clairvoyance is when Angels show a person pictures from the future, past or present. 2. Clairaudience is when Angels whisper the necessary information to their ward. This is called the inner voice. Not understanding the principle of their movement in Space, a person draws wings for them, drawing an analogy with birds, although not a single creature called an Angel has wings. Angels are capable of taking on an appearance that corresponds to the thoughts of the person in whose Consciousness they appear. If desired, they can easily grow wings for themselves.

Only the Angel of Beauty, shaking her wings, brings hope into this ordeal. It sits on your shoulder - we don’t notice, but it flies away - it’s unbearable to live.

This level is closest to the level of earthly human existence. They are our direct guides to the world of Angels and can provide us with specific assistance and become spiritual mentors on the path to love and happiness. Their goal is to help us understand that the Divine Principle exists in each of us and that it fills the entire world around us. They provide protection to our souls, covering them with a shield of love, and nourish them with the light of eternity while we exist on the earthly plane. Without them, our experience of earthly life would be completely devoid of spiritual guidance. The more our life and soul are saturated with love, the closer we are to Heaven. Guardian Angels have the ability to come into the dense material world and provide us with support in our quest to expand the boundaries of earthly consciousness and perception. They reveal to us the fullness and power of the Divine plan. Their presence and participation in earthly life is usually associated with what they are accustomed to calling miraculous phenomena. Guardian Angels are in direct contact with people. They closely monitor our spiritual development, constantly providing us with support.

Guardian - My Angel, left to me by God!.. I hid your image in my Soul as a guarantee of All that is beautiful... and the goodness of the Creator.
With your name I flew under the banner of battle to seek either destruction or a glorious crown. In terrible moments, with the purest heart, I brought tribute to You on the Fields of Mars; Both in peace and in war, in all the lands of the earth, Your image followed me with love; He became inseparable from the sad wanderer... K.N. Batyushkov Messengers
serve to strengthen intuition, they develop clairaudience in a person, the ability to hear their Teachers, and help to find the necessary information.
are guides and helpers, objects of experience.
They are either beings who have never had an earthly incarnation, or human Shelts who have become superhuman, approaching the Angelic State. Mozart had never incarnated before in humanity, only among the Angels. Angels are asexual Creatures
; they are characterized by male and female types of Energy.
A true “man” in the fullness of his individual personality cannot be only a man or only a woman, but must be the Supreme Unity of both. Angels are powerful Beings who have a deep awareness of our lives and our motivations. They understand everything intuitively and instantly. They have a strong Will. Their Will is loving in nature. Thanks to the power of love, they learn the secrets of our Soul and gently and wisely help us understand ourselves correctly. Joy
replenishes the vital Forces of the Angels.
They are united by love, it is their bliss. Angels are happy with the good that they do and with the fact that they eliminate Evil. They inspire good thoughts, turn people away from Evil, and patronize the worthy. They closely monitor our spiritual development, constantly providing us with support and preventing dangers that, without their intervention, would threaten us much more. The Guardian Angel accompanies a person during his life on Earth and helps his ward to derive as much spiritual benefit and knowledge from his experience as possible. The Guardian Angel is a mediator in communication with God
. The knowledge that we can gain with its help has not a practical, but a higher, spiritual meaning.

But suddenly... praise be to You, Creator! You haven't forgotten your creation! You see the depth of hearts, You hear secret prayer... Praise be to You, my fear has disappeared! Like a peaceful, gracious Angel, Like a Messenger of heaven's mercy, Invisible, secret, but understandable, Something hovered above me, The soul caught a joyful voice - And faith, like a fiery stream, revived the heart of the sufferer. It began to seem to me that I, too, still dare to breathe love, That through my difficult fate He is my Father, not a judge, Gives me a way to beg Him with tenderness for my children, And for them to buy with my patience His holy grace!.. I.I. Kozlov

Our Guardian Angel participates in all our affairs, provided that they are aimed at internal self-improvement. Therefore, we may well perceive his presence as a force that brings peace and harmony to our existence. Externally, this presence can manifest itself in different ways - from success in business to good mood and well-being. The most striking example of a serene state and contentment for an adult can be a child who receives endless pleasure during the game and is not subject to difficult experiences or any other negative influence at these moments. We can count on the help of Guardian Angels in any difficult or dangerous situation, since their love for us and willingness to provide help does not depend on the situation in which we find ourselves. At any moment they can become givers of light and Divine grace for us if we open our hearts and consciousness to them. Angels hear any of our prayers, but in order to satisfy our request, we must meet three conditions. 1. Angels cannot cancel the punishments we have from past or present lives. 2. They cannot harm anyone. You should not ask the Angels to punish your enemies, even if they are rapists and murderers. Angels don't fascinate anyone. 3. You must choose the right time to ask. And remember, if your request, for which you prayed to the Angels, has not yet been fulfilled, it means that the time has not yet come. Learn to wait.

Guardian Angel, protecting me By the will of the merciful Heavenly Father And leading me like the star of Bethlehem, Which shone in the night for shepherds and wise men, Protect me from all dangers and temptations, Become my wall from the sea of ​​unrighteousness And show the way through the gorges with your staff, In order to protect me from all misfortunes. Be for me a bright flame in the night, Be for me a star in the darkness, Be for me the right path ahead, Be for me a reliable intercessor from those sneaking behind, Now, and in the future, and forever. I, a tired wanderer, am following you to the land of Angels; For it is time to return home, To find peace in Heaven.

Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel

Holy Angel, standing before my damned soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, but do not leave me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me through the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my damned soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you so greatly, all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me this day from every opposite temptation, and not in with which sin I have angered God, and pray for me to the Lord. May He strengthen me in His passion and show me, a servant, worthy of His grace. Amen. When repeating prayers, the connection with the Angels strengthens.

Angels in Islam

Belief in angels is an integral part of the Muslim faith (Quran 2:177). This is one of the pillars of the Muslim faith. According to Islamic beliefs, they were created from the element of light. The meaning of their existence is to serve Allah (One, One God) (Quran 2:34). Angels are sinless, since they are not endowed by Allah with the ability to make a choice; they unquestioningly carry out his orders. — Angel Gabriel informs the prophets of the Revelation of God; - Angel Michael, leads the heavenly army; — Angel Azrael is the Angel of Death; - Angels Harut and Marut - magical knowledge of witchcraft. Sent down to earth, not for its use, but only to test people, like an apple in paradise (forbidden fruit). For using this knowledge, a person will burn in Gehenna (Koran 2:102); - Angel Malik, guarding fiery Gehenna; In the Koran and in the reliable Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, other angels are also described, without naming their names: - guardian angels - angels who follow a person everywhere and help by the will of the Almighty in some situations; - scribe angels - angels located on the right and left shoulder of a person, and recording his every act and word, on the basis of these collected factual materials, Allah will justify this or that sentence to a person on the Day of Judgment (to Hell or Paradise). And a person will have no choice but to agree with this material. - angels who control natural phenomena and forces. For example, an angel is the Guardian of the mountains, an angel is the guide of the sun, etc. As was said earlier, they carry out all their actions only with the permission of God. - War angels are angels who are given by Allah to help human troops, as Allah’s Blessing and Contentment with these people.

Angels in The Urantia Book

The Urantia Book says that angels belong to the category of ministering spirits. The angels in The Urantia Book are classified as follows: — 1. Supernaphim. — 2. Seconathim. — 3. Tertiaphim. — 4. Omniaphims. — 5. Seraphim. — 6. Cherubim and dignitaries. As the Urantia Book suggests, there are other undisclosed orders of angels.


Angels who guide you on the true path are white.

“I protect the precious child, within myself I nourish and nurture everything that finds its beginning”

These Angels are Guardian Guardians and protectors of all nascent life and newborns. He patronizes everything that grows and develops and needs nutrition and care. Heavenly functions: protection and protection of children. Earthly influence: it helps to protect the child hidden in the soul of every adult, especially at those moments when we need love and compassion, protects every nascent life, often contributes to the fact that we manage to gain a new, fresh outlook on life or simply feel younger than myself. This Guardian Angel looks after all souls who are destined to incarnate on Earth, and also protects mothers and newborns. He protects those who raise small children, be they nannies or governesses. The child was born and receives his blessing and support. He provides assistance in any new endeavor, project or new relationship. Everything fresh and young is under his control and under his protection, receiving the opportunity for further development and formation. By turning to this Angel, you can count on his care and blessing in situations when something new arises in our lives. The Guardian Angel of children always supports in a person the ability to renew and the ability to find the joy of life again and again. Those feelings and those impulses in our Soul that are associated with the most fragile and vulnerable sides of our personality are under his control and under his constant protection. In addition, we can count on the mercy of the Guardian Angel of children in the area of ​​our relationships with loved ones, relatives and friends, even with work colleagues. If these connections need support and care, then you can find them with his help. Innocence and purity are always under their protection. In general, these Angels protect the childish nature in human Souls and help preserve the ability to perceive the world as openly and trustingly as is typical for children. You can also call on his help in cases where you do not find contact with a child who has been deprived of affection or love. it can also have a beneficial effect when we have suffered mental trauma due to unhappy love or separation from a loved one. Here this Angel acts rather as a beginning, giving us the strength to overcome difficult experiences or painful memories and regain hope and joy in life. But still, his help often depends on how ready a person himself is to open his heart to something new and make efforts to the next stage of creation on his path. Then, with his support, we certainly get the opportunity to implement our plans and quickly get used to the new state of affairs. In the broadest sense, the Guardian Angel of Children patronizes all renewal and growth of everything that begins to exist on Earth.


Angels of love, pink color of completion.

“I accept love with gratitude. I am open to the harmony that fills the world"

These Angels are depicted with a pair of birds on their hands, symbolizing the hearts of lovers. First love is under their control and under their protection. These Angels give us the opportunity to experience the harmony of the spiritual and physical principles, which makes first love one of the most beautiful human experiences. Heavenly functions: patronage of young lovers. Earthly influence: it helps a young man in love achieve harmony in his bodily desires and spiritual aspirations, supports love for the opposite sex, emerging for the first time, and also protects any tender relationship between young people. This Guardian Angel protects the love of young people and helps the formation of first love relationships, bringing into them the beauty and tenderness that they need. It protects the feelings of lovers and gives them the courage to openly confess their love. It helps us feel worthy of love and feel trust in those people who express their sympathy to us. By turning to this Angel for support, we receive blessings and protection that will help us avoid the influence of people who try to abuse our trust or manipulate us, as well as those who hide behind ostentatious kindness the desire to deceive us. We can seek protection from this Angel even when we feel too vulnerable or in danger. He will help us find a person next to whom we will feel more calm and confident. We should count on his help even when we decide to open our hearts to another person, but cannot overcome shyness or confusion. The Guardian Angel of young lovers leads the young man to his chosen one, helping to generate and form a mutual feeling of sympathy and giving the lovers the opportunity to come to agreement and mutual understanding. In addition to love relationships, he also patronizes friendships based on the deepest feelings of devotion, purity and sincerity. We should turn to this Guardian Angel for help when we feel love for another person or need friendly support and understanding.


Angels of joy are purple.

Wasn’t it you who flew into her chest with the living breath of spring with mysterious despondency, pressed her with languid desire and excited her with tremulous joy? “The ability to balance your feelings, the desire for entertainment and serious concerns”

Depicted with a ribbon, bow and arrows in his hands, it is a symbol of fullness of vitality and possibilities. Heavenly functions: protection and patronage of young people. Earthly influence: it helps anyone who wants to maintain good spirits and the ability to feel young, gives vitality and energy. This Angel is the patron saint of youth, and also protects in man that young and full of strength and hope being that we all were in our youth. His help can extend not only to our personality, but also to the things we begin. For example, he supports us in searches and experiments, warns us about mistakes that we risk making due to our misconceptions or inexperience. The Guardian Angel of Youth can support both an individual and entire groups or communities, guiding them along the right path of development, promoting mutual understanding and encouraging hope for success. This Angel is in charge of the sphere of youthful relationships, such as love and friendship... Youth is always associated with spiritual and physical blossoming. They help anyone who wants to maintain the vigor of the Spirit and the ability to feel young; it gives us strength when we feel excessively tired or when we lose interest in life due to endless everyday worries or hard work. It also helps to recover from experienced disappointments or restore peace of mind after we have made a serious mistake that brought unpleasant consequences. To gain the support of this Angel, you need to resurrect in yourself the ability to perceive the world, which was characteristic of us in our youth. We can also count on the mercy of this Angel if we do not know how to find acceptable forms of relaxation and communication. The Guardian Angel of Youth helps a person to show greater flexibility and better adaptability in unforeseen situations and not to lose interest in the world around him. At a higher level, it helps us to feel the constant presence of Divine support and light in our soul, to understand that Divine mercy and love are the source of all benefits and encourages us to continuous spiritual development. In the simplest version, the favor of this Angel can give us the ability to never lose heart and maintain a great sense of humor.


“I lead and protect those who choose their own path in life”

This Angel is depicted with a key in his hand. The key symbolizes the answers to the questions that an adult faces in his life, as well as the path he should follow in order to achieve a balance between work and the need for joy and to know the difference between good and evil. Heavenly functions: patronage of adults who have embarked on the path of independent life. Earthly influence: it helps an adult realize his abilities, achieve success and live in harmony with himself, provides support when we need to make important and responsible decisions. This Angel is a guardian and helper for every adult. Its influence begins from the time when the care and support that a person enjoys in childhood is replaced by the time to choose his own future path. This Angel helps us make a worthy choice and make the right decision, which will bring us success and opportunities for spiritual and creative development and growth. For example, when choosing a certain profession for yourself, you can rely on the support of the Guardian Angel of adults; in addition, he can help us identify and realize more fully our inclinations and talents. Thanks to him, we gain the right vision of what we should do in our adult lives. The support of this Angel can also be expressed in the fact that we will maintain a good mood and an impeccable sense of humor in difficult life situations or during critical periods of our existence. If we open our hearts to him, he will help us feel in time whether we are doing the right thing and whether we are not deviating from our destiny under the influence of negative circumstances. He vigilantly ensures that a person never loses the guiding thread in life and knows how to coordinate opportunities with the main goal of his aspirations. By turning to him, we receive support in everything related to making serious decisions of both a personal and public nature, including situations in which we take responsibility for the destinies of other people and courage and strength of character are required from us. This Angel does not leave us with his attention even when we lack self-confidence or when we have doubts about the correctness and fairness of our own actions. With its help, we get the opportunity to understand the meaning of what is happening and the role that is assigned to us. Relying on his support, we gain faith in our strength and a clear idea of ​​​​the good that we should strive for.


Angels of peace, understanding and knowledge are golden in color.

“By taking responsibility, I develop my strength.”

This Angel helps us during that period of life when we reach maturity and gain the ability not only to take responsibility for one or another action, but also to fully foresee its consequences. Celestial functions: shaping our emotional development. Earthly influence: it helps to comprehend the entire process of development that precedes the onset of maturity; allows a person to fulfill his cherished desires; patronizes adults. This Angel helps us develop the ability to make choices with care and responsibility, constantly remembering both our own good and the good of those whose destinies may be affected by our decision, no matter what area of ​​life it relates to - family, social or spiritual . The Guardian Angel of those who have reached adulthood protects us when we rise in our development so much that we ourselves begin to influence the lives of other people. At a certain period of life, we get the opportunity to realize ourselves as an authority in the eyes of younger people or in the eyes of those who trust us to make serious decisions - then we especially urgently need the ability to correctly assess the situation and find optimal ways to reconcile some contradictions as in their professional or social activities, and in relationships with others. We can turn to this Angel for help and support when we find ourselves in a difficult situation that requires us to be able to manage events in accordance with a sound and sober understanding of our capabilities and the results of our actions. We can also turn to him if we hope to find love and joy, especially if we are ready to follow the good path. This Angel becomes a reliable assistant and patron for everyone who chooses the teaching profession or takes on the role of a mentor to young people. It is within his control that he has the ability to share his wisdom and bring peace where there is hostility or misunderstanding. In addition, it gives us the opportunity to understand the difference between what seems desirable and good to us, and what really is such. With the support of this Angel, we will learn to resolve conflicts peacefully, without rudeness and insults. He is also an advocate for those who seek justice in court, and an assistant to those who, overcoming life’s difficulties, do not withdraw into themselves, but share their experience and knowledge with others.


Worlds of Heavenly Angels.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

Meditation for children “Seven Angels”

“7 Angels” is a meditation for children that most fully complies with the principles of angel therapy and is even part of it. Its full name is “Touch of the Seven Magic Angels of Light.” Children who engage in this practice become calmer and more receptive to proper upbringing. It is suitable for a child of any age, but the effect on each will be individual.

Most parents are not sure that their children will be able to sit through the entire session with their eyes closed and do what the presenter says. “7 Angels” is a sound audio meditation that you just need to listen to. The child should not be forced to sit quietly and concentrate or get rid of unnecessary thoughts the first time. All this will come with time, the main thing is to start. In any case, this technique will be a good help in education and training.

The only thing you need to ask the child is to think about someone for whom he feels sincere affection. When listening to an audio recording, his soul must contain love for a living creature or object. It is important that this feeling simply exists, then the session will become as effective as possible.

This video meditation can be played on your child throughout the day as many times as possible. The more and more often, the better. It is especially useful to listen to it before going to bed, then the result will also be improved health.

Excessive information load and distraction from the real world into the virtual one have the most painful effect on the child’s psyche. But a child's brain is very malleable, so meditation can make a child's life healthier and happier.

The number of angels is not clear. There can be either 70 or thousands of thousands

Angelic singing: which of the 9 angelic ranks sang in the Temple of Athos

Counting angels based on the text of the Bible is an impossible task. Not least because it is not clear who is considered an angel and who is not. After all, the authors of Holy Scripture did not know such a word. They had gods, they had spirits. But there were no angels. And yet attempts were made.

For example, the notorious “sons of God”. If we compare information from the book of Genesis and Deuteronomy and make a number of speculations, we can calculate how many of them exist. To do this, use the following passage and the following list of names:

“When the Most High gave inheritance to the nations and scattered the sons of men, then he set the boundaries of the nations according to the number of the children of Israel.”

(Deut. 32:8)

If the sons of Israel are the sons of God, then there are 70 of them. Rough and unconvincing, right? But there is such a version.


so many sons of Israel are mentioned in the Bible, but they are unlikely to be the same angels

We can read something completely different in the following verse:

“The chariots of God are ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them at Sinai in the sanctuary."

(Ps. 67:18).

Rationalists look here for indications of the stars. But, if you look further, you can see that the same judges are mentioned in a similar context:

“A river of fire came out and passed before Him; thousands upon thousands served Him, and darkness stood before Him; the judges sat down and the books were opened.”

(Dan. 7:10)

Therefore, the number of angels, if you call them that, is most likely countless.

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