A cough spell will relieve adults and children from illness

Cough is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases. During the cold season, it annoys many sick people and causes a lot of suffering, especially if it becomes protracted. Usually, special medications are used to treat cough, available in a huge variety in pharmacies. However, getting rid of this scourge and recovery will come much faster if you combine a magical cough spell with pharmaceutical drugs.

Features of conspiracies against severe cough

Magic rituals and spells will help you and your child get rid of cough.
The cough ritual refers to spells that heal diseases. The cause of the malaise may be a cold or infection, but spoilage cannot be ruled out. In the first case, a ritual is performed to heal from an illness, in the second - to remove a harmful spell.

A special feature of anti-cough rituals is the use of white magic. It does not harm humans.

When performing such rituals, the following rules must be observed:

  1. The procedure can only be carried out at a time that is suitable for the chosen ritual. At this moment the spell is most powerful. An incorrectly chosen period of day or phase of the moon can, instead of the expected healing, on the contrary, harm the patient.
  2. The magic act must be performed in the fresh air. It's best to go outside or at least open the windows.
  3. You should cast a spell while facing the east.
  4. You cannot read the text of the prayer from the screen of your phone or computer. If you can't learn words by heart, write them down on paper.
  5. You can start doing fortune telling no earlier than 3-4 hours after eating.

Operating principle

Magical healing is based on the correction of the human biofield. All living beings are in inextricable contact with the energy of the Universe. If this connection is destroyed, the body's strength runs out. His organs weaken and no longer resist disease.

During the recitation of spell texts, the voice creates vibrations of such a frequency that it resonates with the vibration of the body. As a result of this interaction, the biofield damaged by damage or disease is restored. The functioning of internal organs returns to normal, and the person recovers.


The effectiveness of the magical ritual is so high that sometimes a person feels relief already during the procedure. Especially in the case of a convulsive continuous cough.

The symptoms disappear and the patient can breathe freely again. In case of a protracted illness, improvement from the spell occurs gradually: the symptoms become weaker and after several repeated sessions disappear altogether.

Most often, fortune telling gives a positive result within 24 hours.

To achieve the greatest effect of healing magic, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Get rid of doubts about the effectiveness of the method.
  2. Repeat the ritual many times (the number of times must be odd).
  3. Do not cast a spell for healing yourself, but seek help from another person.
  4. You cannot pay money for reading a conspiracy, but you must definitely thank the performer.

Rules for conducting rituals at home

You can cast a spell in a room if the following rules are followed:

  1. There are no strangers in the room.
  2. Nothing distracts from the ritual, including household chores. Watch TV, monitor food preparation in the kitchen, answer phone calls, etc. forbidden
  3. The room must be cleaned.
  4. It is preferable to use burning candles to illuminate the room.

Before the ritual, you need to take a shower and put on clean, loose clothes. You should not use bright cosmetics, body or air fragrances.

Great Martyr Panteleimon

The holy healer was born of a Christian mother and was raised in the faith. But the mother died early, and the father sent the young man to a pagan school. After completing his studies, Panteleimon received a medical education. Presbyter Ermolai led the young man to Christ. Subsequently, Panteleimon was captured by the emperor’s soldiers and received the crown of martyrdom. The saint is asked for the health of children and parents.

Prayer to the holy healer:

O great servant of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, rest in your body and holy face on earth in Divine churches and pour out various miracles from the grace given to you from above, look with your merciful eye on the people ahead, more honorable than your icon, tenderly praying and asking for healing from you help and intercession: extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask for forgiveness of sins for our souls. Behold, for our iniquities we do not dare to raise our hair to the heights of Heaven, lower to raise the voice of prayer to His unapproachable glory in the Divine, with a contrite heart and spirit We call on you, a merciful intercessor to the Master and a prayer book for us sinners, as if you have received grace from Him to drive away ailments and heal passions. We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, who pray to you and demand your help. Be a comforter to us in sorrows, a physician to those who suffer, a quick protector to those who are sick, a giver of insight to those who are ill, a ready intercessor and healer for those who are sick and infants in sorrows: intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as through your prayers to the Lord God you have received grace and mercy, Let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

When you sincerely believe, the saints help in difficult times.

The best rituals for adults

Older people consciously participate in the sacraments.

For the sake of healing, they are ready to endure unpleasant sensations.

This allows the use of powerful rituals, during which a person may feel pain or discomfort. This circumstance makes available a wide range of effective magical sacraments for adults.


This ritual can only be performed during the daytime.

Sometimes it happens that a cough does not allow a person to breathe freely, and he is unable to pronounce magic words coherently. Then the reading is performed by someone close or familiar, saying:

We perform the ceremony during the day.

The sick person must open his mouth when pronouncing his name. After reading, you must cross yourself three times.


For an evening spell against a severe cough, you will need a light stone and holy water. Late in the evening you need to whisper a magical text onto the stone:

Evening ritual with a stone.

After this, you should lightly tap the stone on the chest, driving the disease out of it. At the end of the ritual, wash your face with holy water and cross yourself three times. The next morning, take the stone used in the magical ritual away from the house and throw it away.

To holy water

The wonderful properties of holy water are well known to believers. To get rid of a cough, you need to read a prayer for health:

Ritual with holy water.

After this, having crossed yourself three times, gargle with holy water and swallow it. The ritual can only be performed on an empty stomach. It is advisable to pray in front of holy icons and with a burning candle.

With needles

This sacrament symbolizes the defeat of the disease by arrows. The action should begin at sunset, alone in the room.

Prepare the following attributes:

  • church candle;
  • 6 new sewing needles;
  • a bowl filled with water;
  • tweezers or tweezers.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Heat the first needle red hot. To avoid burning your fingers, use tweezers.
  3. Start reading the spell out loud.
  4. Throw the hot needle into the water.
  5. Repeat the procedure with the remaining 5 needles, continuing to recite the magic text.
  6. Carefully, without swallowing the needles, take a sip of water from the bowl.
  7. At dawn, go outside and find a lonely tree.
  8. Stick needles into the tree bark and pour the water conspired in a bowl onto the roots.
  9. Return home and don't talk to anyone on the way.

Conspiracy text:

Ritual with needles.

For a lingering cough

Protracted illness is treated with enchanted water.

Any liquid is suitable for magical effects:

  • from the river;
  • from a well;
  • from the tap.

At the end of the day, you need to turn to the dawn and ask over an open container filled with water:

Ritual for a persistent cough.

You should wash your face with healing moisture for 3 days, but under no circumstances drink it.

"Frog" conspiracy

This ritual is effective during the recovery stage, when the severe cough has passed, but mild symptoms remain. The ritual can only be performed during the waning moon. You can read the plot yourself or ask one of your relatives for help.


Ritual "frog" plot.

After pronouncing the magic words, you must cross the patient’s open mouth three times.

For washing water

For medicinal purposes, it is better to use water from natural sources: springs, wells. Tap liquid must be poured into an open container and left for a day.

Water should be used to get rid of cough and wash your face twice a day, morning and evening, until complete recovery. Gargling before bed will provide an additional therapeutic effect. This procedure will also help prevent illness at the first sign of a cold.

The plot is like this:

Rite of water for washing.

With thirteen candles

This magical sacrament helps with severe persistent cough.


  1. Fast for a week (preferably).
  2. Go to church and take 13 candles and holy water there.
  3. Defend your service and return home.
  4. After sunset, cover the table with a white cloth and light candles.
  5. Read the conspiracy to heal a sleeping patient.
  6. Throw candle stubs onto the road.
  7. Add holy water to food and drink for 10 days.

Conspiracy text:

Ritual with thirteen candles.

On honey

To cure a cough, you should chant a teaspoon of natural honey to get rid of the disease:

Ritual for honey.

Then dissolve the product in a glass of lukewarm water or infusion of medicinal herbs and drink a little for several days.

For sore throat

This problem occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. The cause may be an infection, a cold, or damage caused by someone else. The throat “sores”, causing incessant coughing.

To get rid of sore throat, you need to soothe the irritated tissues of the nasopharynx.


  1. Pour boiling water over the mixture of medicinal plants. Chamomile flowers, sage, eucalyptus, etc. help.
  2. Let the drink brew for several hours and strain it through cheesecloth.
  3. Speak infusion to get rid of tickling.
  4. Gargle several times a day until recovery.

Magic formula:

Magic words for a sore throat.

For dry cough

To perform this healing ritual, a relative of the patient must take an Orthodox cross in his right hand, place his left hand on the head of the one suffering from a dry cough, and pronounce the words of the spell that drives out the disease:

Ritual for dry cough.

The patient should be baptized three times. The ritual should be performed late in the evening during the waning moon.

For bread

Cough with sore throat is treated with enchanted bread. You can cast a spell over a finished product purchased in a store. But the healing effect will be better if you read the spell over the dough and bake unleavened cakes from it.

The patient should eat several pieces of the magical treat on an empty stomach. The ritual must be repeated for several days until the person completely recovers from the illness.


We repeat the ritual three times.

The enchanted bread can be eaten by all family members. He won't harm anyone.

To restore a lost voice

You can get your voice back by performing the following ritual:

  1. Pour some grain into your palm. You can use rice, buckwheat, peas, etc.
  2. Touching the grain with your breath, whisper a magic spell: “A gyrfalcon is sitting in the swamp. He loudly calls his comrades to him. Take my grain for yourself, bird, and give me my vote in return! I don’t ask for someone else’s, I won’t give what’s mine to anyone. My voice, stay with me!”
  3. Pour the grain outside so that the birds can eat it.

Black thread also saves you from losing your voice. Late in the evening it needs to be spoken and slipped under the pillow of the sleeping patient. In the morning, the thread is burned and the ashes are scattered to the wind.


A ritual to restore a lost voice.

If a child coughs

It just so happens that children have weaker immunity compared to adults. During the cold season, many of them are affected by the disease. Any mother has a hard time enduring the suffering of her child, and any mother can protect her little one from illness with the help of a folk plot.

If a cough attacks a child, a spell using bee honey can help get rid of the symptom. It should be pronounced either by the child’s mother, or by the grandmother, or by another person who definitely does not wish the little one harm. It is believed that the plot will work more effectively if the baby’s godmother reads it.

The text of the spell should be spoken over a teaspoon of natural honey, then the bee product should be dissolved in warm water and the resulting drink should be given to the child. Words:

The ritual should be carried out for several days in a row until the baby feels better.

It is allowed to cast this spell on cough syrup so that the magic will enhance the healing effect of the pharmaceutical drug.

The nuances of treating a child’s cough using a conspiracy

Children are naturally very impressionable. Therefore, the performer must be sensitive when using magical spells to treat a child. It is recommended to adhere to several conditions:

  • the plot should be chosen as simple as possible, so as not to inadvertently frighten the child or confuse him, and it is better not to carry out the ritual in front of his eyes at all;
  • the drugs being charmed should be pleasant and preferably sweet in taste, so that the baby does not refuse to take them;
  • You should not read the plot in front of skeptical household members;
  • It is better to give water in an opaque container so as not to raise unnecessary questions;
  • the ritual should be performed until the disease subsides and the sick child’s condition noticeably improves.

Cough rituals for children

When choosing a magical means of healing a child, one should take into account the characteristics of the child’s psyche. She must not be traumatized by the strange and frightening details of the ritual. We must try to ensure that the enchanted foods and drinks taste good and do not cause negative emotions in the little patient.

Fortune telling will be more beneficial if the child perceives everything as a game and does not guess the true meaning of what is happening. If possible, all magical procedures should be performed without his participation. The fewer children's tears and whims, the sooner the healing spell will work.

At dawn

The morning dawn brings with it freshness, health energy and deliverance from dark spells.

To treat a child’s cough, do the following:

  1. Early in the morning, place a white stone on the table.
  2. Place a glass of water consecrated in the church nearby.
  3. Sit the child at the table and read a healing spell.
  4. During the ceremony, the little patient must dip his fingers in water and cross himself.
  5. At the same time, you need to gently tap the stone on the child’s chest, driving out the disease.

Conspiracy words:

We perform the ceremony at dawn.

On a hot needle

The ritual of healing a child differs from the spell with 6 needles, which is intended to get rid of illness in adults. In this version of the ritual, you should drink the charmed water with needles. This requires caution and is not applicable to children.

They are treated in another way:

  1. On Friday they bring 7 new sewing needles to church. There they take a candle and holy water. They return home.
  2. Before dawn, while the child is still sleeping, they light a candle next to his crib and fill a glass with water from the temple.
  3. Each needle must be held over the flame and thrown into a glass, after reading the spell: “Three sores of the sister have settled in the body of (child’s name) - I drive them out with seven fiery arrows. The first will blind them, the second will bind their hands, the third will immobilize them, the fourth will weaken them, the fifth will pierce the heart, the sixth will strengthen the immune system, and the seventh will restore health. The sisters leave the body of (child’s name) and take the hated cough with them. Amen".
  4. You need to dip your fingers in the blessed water and sprinkle it on the child.
  5. Leave the house, stick all the needles into the tree and water its roots with the enchanted liquid. Ask the plant to take away what is not drunk and return the child to health.
  6. Return home without talking to anyone along the way.


Ritual on a hot needle.

For convulsive cough

Treatment of a person suffering from such a disease should be carried out after eating.

The person who is sick must open his mouth. Standing opposite him, say the spell three times:

Ritual for convulsive cough.

Call on the Higher powers to enter the open mouth and expel the disease from there. Cross the patient three times.

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat

To relieve pain, you need to fill a glass with blessed water and read a prayer to Saints Demyan and Kasyan. They should be asked to relieve you of pain by hitting it with arrows:

We repeat the words three times.

The prayer must be repeated 3 times and gargling as often as possible.

On a sleeping child

Rituals to heal a child are performed at night or early in the morning while he is still sleeping.

The most powerful are:

  • ritual with needles;
  • appeal to the sisters of the morning dawn Ulyana and Martemyana;
  • Prayer to the Most Holy Elder Matrona of Moscow.

The ritual is accompanied by sprinkling the sleeping child with water, blessed in the church or charmed in accordance with ancient rituals.

On the water

At sunset, pour water into a bowl and say:

“At the evening lightning I will stand facing the icons and illuminate my body with the cross. Golden lightning, take away from (name of the patient) the tormenting, suffocating cough, take it beyond the blue seas and wide fields. Let him live there and never appear near my child again. Just as the dawn does not cough and does not suffer from various ailments, so let (the name of the patient) not sneeze or get sick. In the name of the Lord God and all saints."

Wash your child with charmed water and send him to bed. Repeat the healing ritual for 3 days in a row.

Author's ritual of Natalia Stepanova

Siberian healer and psychic Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova collected powerful spells of traditional healers, passed down from generation to generation.

Among the conspiracies she offers are rituals that heal coughs, sore throats, sinusitis and sore tonsils. All magical procedures must be performed during the waning moon and with prayers to the Lord.

Text of the cough spell:

Ritual from Natalia Stepanova.

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