Is it possible to wear someone else's cross? The priest's answer. Pectoral cross

Considering yourself an Orthodox Christian, it is important to have elementary basic knowledge in the field of Christian culture, and not follow the lead of common superstitions. And, unfortunately, there are a great many of them, even if we are talking about the main shrine - the cross. They begin with the interpretation of dreams, during which some manipulations with the pectoral cross occur, and end with indecision and fears if a cross lost by someone was found. Let’s try to figure out the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross and how the church recommends dealing with such an unexpected “foundling”.

The meaning of the cross in Orthodoxy

Jesus suffered martyrdom on the cross for the salvation of everyone living. Wearing the crucifix of Christ received at baptism around his neck, a believer declares his involvement in the suffering of the Lord, his selfless feat, which gives hope of resurrection. A pectoral cross is a silent prayer with which we turn to the Almighty for the salvation of our soul. A believer should wear a cross all his life, because it is clear proof of self-sacrifice in the name of love. Russian folk proverbs have survived to this day, symbolizing the attitude towards this shrine: “He who bears the cross is with Christ,” “We do not bear the cross, but he bears us.” The crucifixion talks about faith in the Lord and is a promise to live according to his commandments. The Almighty hears everyone who turns to him and opens his arms to him.

The sacrament of baptism and the pectoral cross!

A person, receiving the sacrament of baptism, still quite possibly does not know all the intricacies of faith and Christian life, but the most important thing is that he enters the sacrament of baptism with reverence and awe of the Lord, abandoning himself entirely to God’s providence and grace. It is best to read books that explain Christian dogmas. It would not be amiss to learn the Creed (this prayer very briefly and accurately teaches the basics of the Christian faith. The person being baptized, if all the rules of baptism are followed, reads this prayer himself during the sacrament.

Reading the Gospel should become daily, or at least such a process should enter into a person’s life. It is best to read the Gospel with parallel explanations from the holy fathers. In anticipation of baptism, you must fast for 3 days. Directly on the day of baptism, you must not eat or drink in the morning; smoking is unacceptable. After all, approaching the Lord requires purity not only of the body but also of the soul. At the very least, the Lord must see a person’s desire for Him, which is confirmed by certain efforts. Women on critical days are not allowed to the Sacrament. But any bodily uncleanness associated with a person’s fatal illness cannot become an obstacle to baptism.

If this baptism is performed urgently, if a person is threatened with sudden or imminent death, then any real Christian, parishioner of the church can baptize a person with a special short rite. If it is not possible to call Father in a timely manner.

One should be baptized without jewelry, and definitely without makeup. External attractiveness has no meaning for the Lord.

Wearing rules

The figure of the Savior superimposed on the cross shows the human and divine hypostases, the triumph of victory over death. The symbol received its dogmatic validity in the 690s in Constantinople. Since then, the pectoral cross has been a sign of belonging to the Orthodox Christian faith, a silent witness to the “unspeakable.” There are several principles for wearing it:

  • The crucifix is ​​a cross, on one side of which there is an image of Jesus Christ, on the other - the words “Save and Preserve.”
  • The cross can be made of any material: gold or silver, wood or stone, amber or pearls.
  • The protective effect of the cross comes from the correct cross, consecrated in the church. It can be 4-, 6- and 8-pointed in shape.
  • The crucifix is ​​worn constantly, under clothing, with the prayer side facing the body.
  • Treating the cross as an ornament or a fetish is unacceptable.

How to prepare for baptism?

Since those early apostolic times, before being baptized, a person must learn the basics of the faith, which he accepts after undergoing certain training. First, you need to come to the temple, and at the end of the service approach the priest or the temple workers and find out for yourself all the requirements and nuances of preparing for baptism in this temple.

Usually it is necessary to go through a series of conversations for the catechumens. This is what in ancient times they called those who were going to enter the bosom of the church. This preparation period could last up to 3 years. Nowadays, a cycle of public conversations can consist of several (from one or two to 12) lessons.

During these classes, a person entering the church community will be told about the basics of Christian doctrine, basic dogmas, the very sacrament of baptism, and will receive answers to their questions. When preparing for the sacrament, you need to try not only with your mind, but also with your soul to prepare for the main first step of your Christian life. These days it is advisable to lead a more abstinent lifestyle. Watch less TV, if it is difficult to completely abstain from this, then exclude all entertainment programs, protect yourself from worldly vanity and empty talk.

Priests about other people's crosses

People are often interested in whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross. The priests’ answers fit into a few words: “The cross is the cross.” They treat the cross as a shrine, reverently. The prayer “May God rise again” conveys the attitude of a believer to the crucifixion as a living, spiritual being. The clergy do not approve of various kinds of superstitions, predictions, and fortune telling. When asked whether the bad energy and sins of the previous owner will be passed on to someone else’s cross, they remark: “What about virtue? Will it be transmitted too? The priest will advise you to treat the found cross with respect, carefully pick it up and take it for yourself, give it to someone who needs it, or take it to church. But under no circumstances should you step over it or leave it to be trampled underfoot.

What does the church think about this?

The Church categorically denies all these signs, citing that these are nothing more than pagan superstitions. The priests claim that it is possible and necessary to put on and wear one’s own or give someone else’s vestments. But only by adhering to certain rules.

It happens that even clergy themselves give their crosses to parishioners who need to strengthen their faith in order to share their own. The priests also approve of temporarily handing over their creed to a sick relative, so that he or she will be charged with positive energy and recover faster.

Anyone who finds someone else's Orthodox cross is advised to consecrate the item, because it is unclear whether the cross was cleaned before.

Archpriests deny all superstitions surrounding crosses, whether their own products or those of others. They consider it absurd that a found pendant can transmit misfortunes and misfortunes, because then one could easily throw off one’s sins by simply throwing away the cross. Or, by purchasing a product worn by a righteous person, you yourself can become a saint in a matter of minutes.

Church workers urge that people not be afraid to lift other people’s crosses - this is more of a good sign than a foreshadowing of something bad. It would be sinful to just pass by and not take it with you. The found shrine must be treated with respect and, if not taken for yourself, then taken to the nearest temple.

Priests call for the blessing of other people’s crosses not because the items can convey something negative, but only because they do not know whether a cleansing ritual has been performed on them before.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross?

Despite the fact that it is easier to believe in folk signs, it is worth understanding the nuances. Is it possible to wear a found cross consciously and in church? On the one hand, if you like the “foundling,” you shouldn’t be afraid to wear it yourself. On the other hand, is there a good reason for this and is there some secret mystical purpose being pursued? The cross is not a talisman, so there is no strong or weak amulet among them. To pin your hopes or, on the contrary, fears on him is at least naive. You can simply take the crucifix to church as a donation. But it should be remembered that there is no harm in finding a cross, and wearing it does not promise any trouble.

The opinion of the priests

It is known that the Orthodox Church denies the superstitions with which ordinary people surround themselves in worldly life. The same applies to accepting as a gift and subsequent wearing of other people’s crosses. Orthodox priests believe that whether to wear crosses that previously belonged to someone or not is an individual choice of any person.

Important! Saint Basil the Great said that what he does not believe will not happen to a person. Priests often repeat these words to parishioners who doubt the power and truthfulness of this or that superstition.

What clergy focus the attention of parishioners on is that visiting the temple of God without a pectoral cross is not recommended. Also, you cannot sell or throw away the symbol of faith with a crucifixion received at christening. It contains sacred secrets and powers that will protect a person throughout his life.

Important! For those who have lost their cross, you can purchase a new one in a church or jewelry store and then consecrate it.

Cross as a gift

The best gift for a believer is a cross. Therefore, you can safely give it: for christenings, name days, birthdays. Both new and found. The main thing is that he be consecrated in the church and gain his godly power. If there is no information about lighting, it is better to do it anyway. What if one of your relatives offers to wear their crucifix - is it possible to wear the cross of a relative or close friend? Yes, sure. After all, such gifts are not given to people whose fate is indifferent.

Is it acceptable or not to wear a cross that is not your own?

There is an opinion that wearing someone else's pectoral cross is prohibited. Over the years, he absorbs information about a person, his present and past.

According to ancient beliefs, a person should not wear an attribute that is not his own. He can take over all the troubles, failures and illnesses of the former owner of a small piece of jewelry.

However, priests of the Russian Orthodox Church are of the opinion that crosses found on the street or outside the home can be worn. But before that, it is advisable to consecrate them.

Cross of the deceased

There is an interesting fact: in Ancient Rus', deceased people were interred, having first removed the cross from them. The Russians reasoned like this: “Why put a shrine in the ground?” Nowadays, on the contrary, they put on a cross, because grieving relatives want their loved one to appear before the Creator with a reverent shrine around their neck. Times change, and with them traditions. It happens that a family has a sacred relic, an ancient cross, passed down from generation to generation along the female or male line after the death of its owner. Sometimes fears and concerns arise about whether it is possible to wear the cross of a deceased person, even if it is so valuable. Just as in the case of a cross found or donated, these worries are groundless. Believers are not inclined to trust prejudices and beliefs. Therefore, when asked whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross, they do not need a priest’s answer. In their bright world of God there is no place for dark superstitions.

What does the loss of the cross mean?

Losing a cross along with a gold or silver chain is a bad omen. It is believed that this symbol is a kind of protection from the evil eye and damage, evil spirits and demons. To lose all this is to be prepared for trials and tribulations.

From the point of view of occult sciences, the loss of the cross is depriving oneself of the burden of negative energy and mental and physical pain. It happens that the cross itself comes off the chain or the chain breaks without mechanical damage. This means that a person has accumulated too much energetic “dirt” and “garbage” that needs to be thrown off.

Popular superstitions considered the cross, first of all, a talisman against evil forces. To lose it is to become defenseless and weak before the machinations of the evil one.

Losing the cross

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the unpleasant situation of losing an expensive item.
When it comes to a body crucifix or a wedding ring, experiences are aggravated by superstitious fears. But there is no supernatural in such a loss, just as there is no omen. A popular belief says that at such a moment a person is at a crossroads, and the Lord will grant him a second chance. You can believe in such a “miracle of rebirth.” But it is better to think about the soul and its immortality, about how to bring it closer to God. Since the cross in itself, without faith, means nothing, it is more important to take care not about external manifestations, but about carrying Christ in your heart. If you analyze the situation, it will become clear that the chain or ribbon may be to blame for the loss, and they do not carry any symbolic meaning. Therefore, if such a loss occurs, you should go to church or visit a church shop and buy yourself a new cross. And to the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else’s cross if someone you know offers you one to replace the lost one, the answer is definitely positive. You can save and protect your soul with any life-giving cross, no matter who it previously belonged to. The cross is not a witchcraft amulet or a dead symbol, not a talisman or a jewelry trinket. It is important to worry not about whether you can wear someone else’s cross or whether you will have to carry someone else’s “cross” with him. It is much more important to treat it as a living, blessed weapon bestowed by the Lord. Wear a cross around your neck and faith in your heart.

Baptism of children!

When an adult is baptized, there is no need for godparents. He is responsible for himself before the Lord. For children, godparents are the “curators” of the child’s soul before God, while the children themselves cannot yet feel the depths of faith and repentance. Faith and repentance are impossible without their union with God. The boy's godfather must be an Orthodox man, not only baptized but also professing his faith, striving for God, and attending church. One who at least sometimes participates in church sacraments or at least strives for all this. For a girl, under the same conditions, a woman must become a godmother. If parents want two godparents for their child (which is not mandatory), then they should not be related to each other. Although the relatives of the child himself (except for the father and mother’s relatives) can become the child’s adoptive parents.

The connection between godparents and their spiritual children reaches into eternity and is deeper than the connection between natural parents and their children. The fulfillment of one's duties as a godparent determines the fate of the recipient and the child whom he receives from the baptismal font in eternity. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the sacrament of baptism with the utmost consciousness. If a person is offered to become a godfather, he must be aware that the title of godfather is not only honorable, but also extremely responsible. It is better to refuse the offer to become a godfather if you know that you most likely will not lead your child to at least the basics of the Orthodox faith in the future.

On the other hand, it is precisely such a proposal that can serve as an impetus for the future godfather or mother to come closer to the Temple, God’s House, and even more so to God.

Wear your cross with faith and love for the Lord, let this symbol of the Orthodox faith protect you from all troubles!

Why you can’t wear the cross of a dead person

There are various rumors about jewelry from the body of a deceased person. According to popular belief, one should not wear a vest, so as not to take away the fate of the owner.

The Church answers this question in two ways:

  1. If the person was a believer and had positive energy, bless the cross and chain with holy water yourself or in church. You can wear such jewelry without any worries.
  2. The cross of a bad person carries evil within it. This decoration absorbed all his thoughts and anger throughout the life of the deceased. It is better to consecrate such decoration and donate it to the church.

The cross can be left in the house, but not worn, but placed in a beautiful box and passed on to the next generation as a family heirloom.

According to Orthodox canons, a person is buried along with his personal cross.

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