Is it possible or not to baptize a child during Lent, on what days is the sacrament not performed?

Baby baptism in Lent

Many parents have a situation when the timing of the planned Baptism of their baby falls during the period of church fasting. In this regard, mothers and fathers often ask: “Is it possible to baptize a child during Lent?” In fact, there is no problem or mystery here. The clergy have a clear answer to this question. However, before finding out their opinion, it is necessary to understand the meaning of Baptism.

Orthodox Baptism of an infant

On what days can you not be baptized?

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit the sacrament of Baptism depending on calendar dates. The way of physical and spiritual life of Christians is subject to rules and laws, the violation of which determines its sinfulness, just as worldly life is determined by a set of laws of civil and criminal law.

The Orthodox Church has identified days associated with the events in the life of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and other revered saints. Religious holidays are preceded by fasts, the observance of which obliges believers to attend church, pray at home, not eat fast food, and avoid wild celebrations.

The Sacrament of Baptism is mandatory for Orthodox people. You can baptize a child or an adult on any day of the year; church canons do not prohibit this ceremony on religious holidays and fasts.

According to the customs of the Orthodox Church, Baptism, as a festive ritual, is carried out on Saturday or Sunday. Church servants register for the sacrament in advance.

If necessary, they talk in detail about the acquisition of the necessary symbols and things for the ritual:

  • consecrated cross;
  • baptismal shirt and cap;
  • a towel for drying the child after ablution;
  • icon of a guardian angel;
  • prayer book, the law of God;
  • cover scarf for mother and recipient.

If necessary, the ceremony can be performed on another day, having discussed the date in advance with the clergyman. Close relatives and friends gather for christenings, but during Lent the meal should not consist of light food: meat, fish, milk, vegetable fats. There are many recipes for Lenten dishes that are no less tasty and varied: soups, main courses, desserts, baked goods. Recipes for their preparation can be read in cookbooks, viewed on Internet sites and television channels. You cannot serve alcoholic drinks at the table and turn lunch into a noisy feast.

Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is not just a solemn Christian rite, but one of the seven Church Sacraments. All of them are externally carried out by the priest, but in fact they are invisibly performed by the Lord Himself. These sacred rites spiritually transform a person and bring him closer to salvation. Therefore, a full Christian life is impossible without them. Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) notes:

“In the Sacrament there is a meeting between God and man, their unity. The grace of God descends on us and sanctifies our entire nature – soul and body.”

Sacraments are also Confession, Communion, Wedding, etc. However, you cannot participate in any of them without being baptized. It is Baptism that is the very first Sacrament in which a person becomes a Christian, a member of the Holy Church. In this sacred rite, he is freed from sin and born into a new life in Christ. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk teaches:

“By Baptism we are freed from death and the devil’s power and come into the kingdom of Christ, the Son of God” (“On True Christianity”).

"Women's Days"

The following question is very often asked: is it possible to baptize a child during menstruation? Many people probably know that, according to church rules, a woman these days is considered unclean. She is not allowed to venerate icons, crosses, or light candles. But, contrary to most incorrect opinions, it is possible to attend church and services.

What about the various sacraments? At this time, clergy simply will not allow a woman to participate in any church ceremony. If it so happens that the godmother has a critical period at this time, it is better to postpone the sacrament of baptism. If the baby’s mother is menstruating at this time, there are absolutely no barriers to baptism.

Why are children baptized?

You can be baptized at any age. However, Orthodox parents tend to baptize their child soon after his birth. After all, we are all born with the stamp of original sin committed by Adam and Eve. Therefore, the nature of a newborn is initially damaged and vulnerable to evil. The grace of Baptism, according to St. Gregory the Theologian,

“washes away all uncleanness and defilement brought by corruption [original sin]” (“Creations”).

Also, Orthodox parents baptize their child as early as possible, so that from a very early age he grows up in the bosom of the Holy Church, can participate in the Sacraments and take the first steps towards God. Thus, Baptism becomes the foundation for the child’s spiritual development.

How to avoid possible surprises

In order to avoid unforeseen circumstances, you need to do the following.

  1. Knowing about the possible workload of the priest, you should discuss with him in advance the date of the baptismal ceremony.
  2. If you decide to baptize during Lent, think in advance about what your holiday menu will be and take into account all possible restrictions.
  3. You need to understand that the priest can set a date for communication with future godparents. Therefore, you need to find out in advance whether future godfathers will have the opportunity to come to this conversation.
  4. It is advisable that before the baptismal ceremony, parents and godparents confess and receive communion.

Now you know that children are baptized during Lent. But remember that sometimes it is better to postpone the date of the mysterious ceremony. Do not forget about the busyness of clergy on such days. When deciding on the date of your child’s baptism, weigh the pros and cons. Remember the value of this day. Baptize your child whenever you please, but if you are fasting and time is not in a hurry, then it is better to postpone the ceremony for several weeks and baptize the baby at the end of the fast.

The meaning of godparents

Priest Sergius Zvonarev notes:

“Faith is an important condition for accepting the sacrament of Baptism. Of course, demanding faith from a baby is pointless. Therefore, the Baptism of children occurs according to the faith of their parents, as well as their godparents.”

Godparents (spiritual) parents are the main “guarantors” for the baby before God. During the Sacrament, instead of the child, they perform the main actions of the baptized person - renunciation of the devil and public confession of the faith of Christ. Spiritual parents are also called recipients, since they receive the baby baptized in the font from the hands of the clergyman.

Is it possible to baptize during Lent? The time of the Sacrament is not fundamentally significant. It is much more important to remember the meaning of Baptism and the responsibilities of godparents. They must pray for their godson, and also teach him to Christian life by their own example. That is, to prayer, good deeds, worship, participation in the Sacraments.

Through the efforts of his adoptive parents, the child must grow up to be a worthy member of the Orthodox Church, who will be able to independently continue his path to salvation. Therefore, it is necessary to invite pious, church-going people to the role of spiritual parents. Let us quote the words of Archpriest Maxim Kozlov:

“Godparents, participating in the Sacrament, take responsibility for the little member of the Church, so they must be Orthodox people. A godfather should be a person who also has some experience of church life and will help the parents raise the baby in faith, piety and purity.”

If a Christian preparing to become a godfather began to become a church member quite recently, then he is invited to public conversations with the priest. They are usually held on the eve of Epiphany. These conversations initiate a person into the foundations of Orthodoxy and explain the meaning of the Sacrament and succession. Also, before Baptism, future spiritual parents should be cleansed of sins and sanctified by Divine grace in the Sacraments of Confession and Communion.

Recommendations for choosing a date

The entire life of the Orthodox Church is scheduled for the year ahead: preparing and conducting Divine services, performing the sacraments, working with parishioners, educating young people in the spiritual faith. During the Great and Dormition Lents before patronal feasts, long morning, evening and night services are held in the church and the clergy do not have time to conduct Baptism.

Parents need to first find out about the days of the sacrament and determine the date of the event.

According to church regulations, the baptism of a child can be carried out during the first 40 days of the baby’s life as the umbilical cord heals. But there are no strict age restrictions; you can perform the sacrament at any period of your life. Parents have the right to choose the timing of Baptism depending on the well-being of the newborn and family circumstances.

All Orthodox names are collected in church calendars, which indicate the dates of their memory. Parents choose a name for the baby in advance and can find it in accordance with this list. Baptism can be scheduled on the date of memory of the saint in whose honor the baby is named, if it coincides with the ceremony in the church, or christening can be scheduled after the child’s birthday.

The child is issued a certificate of Baptism with the following notes:

  • over whom the sacrament of Baptism was performed (name, patronymic, surname);
  • the name of the temple in which the ceremony was performed;
  • rank and name of the minister who performed the sacrament;
  • names of the recipient and successor (godfather and mother);
  • date of angel day.

The data is sealed with the seal of the temple. From this day on, the child is under the protection of God and his guardian angel.


As already mentioned, according to tradition, the godfather should buy this accessory. What material it will be made of is up to the parents, blood and godparents to choose. But it is worth remembering that if the cross was purchased in an icon shop, it does not require consecration, but if it was purchased in a jewelry store, it must first be consecrated before the sacrament.

A separate question: is it worth buying a chain or will a rope be enough for the baby for now? Here the parents themselves decide. However, it is worth remembering that the cross must be on the child at all times; it can only be removed during bathing. Therefore, it is better at first, while the child is still small, to wear a cross on a string that will not scratch or irritate the baby’s skin. If the baby loses the cross, it’s okay. You just need to buy a new one and don’t forget to consecrate it.

Orthodox tradition

Many are of this opinion - when the little man grows up, he will be able to choose which religion to adhere to. They don’t understand why baptize a child at all? After all, he does not realize the full depth of Christian teaching, and cannot be responsible for his actions at all. This is precisely why it is worth starting to introduce your child to the Christian faith from a very young age. Children are able to perceive God's grace without interference, unlike adults whose souls are wounded by sin.

But children don’t sin, why should they undergo the Sacrament? The fact is that after Adam, every person has original sin. These are the consequences of disobeying God, which made a person less receptive to the voice of the Lord. Therefore, everyone without exception needs to be cleansed from it, even saints. And only a full member of the Church can begin the Sacraments. A person becomes such only after Baptism.

About those present

Another frequently asked question is: who can be present when the sacrament of baptism is performed on a baby?

  1. Blood parents (however, if a child is baptized earlier than the 40th day of life, the mother is prohibited from entering the temple of God).
  2. God-parents.
  3. Everyone is interested (must have a cross on their body).

No one can forbid someone to come to church when the sacrament of baptism is performed. Also, you cannot expel unwanted people from the temple; this is considered a great sin.

Is it possible to baptize a child with one godparent?

Many couples are interested in whether it is possible to take one godfather

. The priests do not resist this desire of the parents. But there is one obligatory condition that is spelled out in the sacrament of baptism. And why should it be followed?

When baptizing boys, there must be a godfather, but a girl, on the contrary, must have a godmother. In this case, it is important to choose special people so that you can rely on them and count on their help if necessary. It is better to choose spiritual and chaste people as godparents.

It is important to be aware of the fact that in the absence of baptismal instructors, the church must still baptize the infant, acting as a patron for the child.

Where can you perform a baptism ceremony?

Parents have the opportunity to choose a temple at their discretion. Many people prefer small churches where not many parishioners gather. Some go to church, which they attend every Sunday.

What parents need to do:

  1. Visit the temple in advance to find out the duration of the sacrament and set the date of baptism.
  2. Agree in advance whether the child will be completely immersed in the font or not.
  3. Find out if it is possible to take photos and videos. In some churches it is prohibited to film the sacrament.
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