Healer-miracle worker Archangel Raphael: what do they pray to him for?

Archangel Raphael is an important figure in the heavenly army. Referring to the apocryphal book of Enoch, he ranks second in importance, with Archangel Michael in first. Only these two angelic beings are mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, where they are called by their proper names.

Archangel Raphael - what does he help people with, in what cases should they turn to him for help? We will answer the questions posed in the material below.

Angel Raphael: his role in Orthodoxy

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The name Raphael is derived from the word "rophe", which in Hebrew means "doctor, healing." The Archangel is traditionally considered to be associated with the field of healing and medicine.

Interesting! The angel of the same name is found not only among Orthodox Christians, but also among Catholics, Jews, and Muslims.

Mentions of Raphael are present only in the non-canonical Old Testament, revered in ancient times as the most sacred book. What does the Bible tell us about this messenger of God?

  1. The fallen angel Azazel was captured and imprisoned by Archangel Raphael. This action took place in the desert, the Lord himself gave such an order. Thus, God decided to punish Azazel, who discovered the art of various crafts to humanity and thereby corrupted people.
  2. Raphael stands guard over the fallen angels and their mortal wives. At the right time, he will fight Azazel and his army.
  3. An important angel looks after mere mortals, controlling their good and bad actions.
  4. Raphael also actively fights evil. The Book of Tobit describes him as the guide of the protagonist. At the same time, the Archangel took on the appearance of an ordinary person. He caught and drove out the demon who killed the spouses of Sarah (who was the daughter of Raguel).
  5. According to biblical legends, Raphael restored Tobit's sight, and then revealed to him who he was.
  6. According to the Book of Enoch, the Archangel shared information with people about the afterlife. He named four places in which human souls find themselves before the Last Judgment (besides Hell and Paradise, we are talking about other dimensions).
  7. Thanks to the winged messenger of God's will, Enoch saw with his own eyes the tree whose forbidden apple Eve had once picked to treat her husband Adam.
  8. An angel gave the legendary ruler Solomon a magic ring to control evil demons.
  9. After Abraham is circumcised, Raphael relieves him of terrible pain.
  10. There is an opinion that the Archangel revealed to Noah several magical formulas that were used to save the entire human race from destruction.

Michael is the Archangel of the First Ray - the ray of protection, faith and the will of God. He is the Prince of Archangels and Angelic Hosts, Defender of the Faith, Angel of Liberation. In the Book of the Prophet Daniel, his name is “Michael, the great prince who stands for the children of your people.”314 Michael’s divine complement is Archeia Vera. Archangel Michael is considered the greatest and most revered angel in Jewish, Christian and Islamic traditions and scriptures. According to Muslim beliefs, he is the angel of nature, endowing people with both food and knowledge. In Jewish mystical tradition, Archangel Michael is identified with the angel with whom Jacob wrestled. He defeated the armies of Sennacherib, he saved three Jewish boys thrown into a fiery furnace. Archangel Michael was also the angel who appeared to Joshua as he prepared to lead the Israelites into the battle of Jericho.

The Apostle John also speaks about Archangel Michael in the Book of Revelation, saying that it was Michael who cast down the devil and his angels from Heaven to earth.315 From here we know that the fallen angels took incarnation, and that the enemies of Christ live in the world of form. It is Archangel Michael and the legions of blue lightning who serve with him who protect the children of God from the enemy - the Antichrist.

Archangel Michael and his legions, clad in powerful blue armor, with shields and swords of blue flame, descend daily into the astral plane. There they liberate those who have left the screen of life and are unable to rise to higher octaves of service and the abode of the Lords. Michael and his angels of deliverance work on these levels twenty-four hours a day, freeing souls from the conglomeration of their own human creation, which has accumulated for centuries, and from the projections of dark forces. They have ministered on the astral plane for many centuries, and Michael says that he is determined to continue this work until the moment when all the children of light on this planet ascend to the God Source in the ritual of ascension.

In freeing light-bearers from astral networks, Archangel Michael is helped by a sword of blue flame, made of pure light substance. This sword of blue flame represents the rod of blue fire power that Michael has used to protect humanity since the descent of the backward evolutions and Luciferians onto the earthly plane. Michael tells us that this sword is the sword of God. It is created on the Great Central Sun and is a gift from the very heart of God, given to Michael by the mighty Elohim Hercules. When this sword of blue flame plunges into a negative manifestation, nothing can resist it.

You too can summon the sword of blue flame of Archangel Michael. Imagine it sparkling, electric blue, like the blue flame of a gas stove burner. Take this sword in your right hand. As you practice it daily, purify yourself while reciting the dynamic decrees to free yourself from everything that binds you and prevents you from achieving victory. Then expand your decrees as much as possible to include calls for the liberation of all people on Earth and even the salvation of the planet as a whole. Daily calls to Archangel Michael for protection and his momentum of faith and devotion to the will of God will provide everyone with the protection they require.

In a dictation on July 2, 1988, Archangel Michael said: “The hour has come when every Keeper of the Flame must wield my blue-flame sword... Blessed Ones, this sword must be physical so that through you I can come to the physical plane and work with my blue-flame sword superimposed on yours.” physical sword." On September 29, 1989, she said: “Beloved, do not forget to work with the sword... Understand that when you draw it, my hand is placed on your hand and my Electronic Presence overshadows you... Beloved, an unused sword is a lost opportunity.”

When going into battle with the forces of evil, students can also ask Archangel Michael for a cloak of invisibility, invincibility and invulnerability, and powerful blue armor. Archangel Michael is part of the brotherhood of light bearers known as "The Shield", whose members serve twenty-four hours a day to protect the image of Christ in every man, woman and child incarnated on this planet.

Archangel Michael is a very special angel for us. For thousands of years he and his legions of light have dedicated themselves to the safety, security, protection and perfection of our souls; he cared for us, provided protection, chastised, instructed and taught us the path of God's holy will, helping us to understand that each of us has a divine plan, a blueprint for life. God loves us so dearly that he lets us know this in a very personal way - through his angels.

The Goddess of Liberty says, “Archangel Michael is always with you and answers your call, but he does this best when you maintain the momentum” of your daily prayers to him. “When you develop this momentum, the answer to your call will come instantly.”

On July 5, 1992, Archangel Michael made the following promise in his dictation: “I, Archangel Michael, assign to each of you a member from my legions - one powerful angel who will remain with you, provided that you call on me and read any of the decrees to Archangel Michael for twenty minutes every day. As long as you fulfill this condition, which is the absolute minimum requirement of the great Law, this angel from my troops will not leave you until the hour of your ascension into the Light.”

Archangel Michael also offers us his momentum of faith: “Give me your doubts. Give in the interrogation. I will give you faith. And my faith is a power capable of transforming the world and directing into it the great love of the blue lightning of the Father of all things. This strength and this faith are real.”

Sometimes all that is needed to successfully navigate through a difficult trial is the knowledge that we have friends of light supporting us and praying for our victory. However, when an Archangel offers humanity his faith, it is our responsibility to accept his gift, to call upon his flame and intercession, to make that flame a part of our lives. He says: “When the ability to see has been achieved, why is faith needed? Therefore, it is not I who need faith (except perhaps to impart it), but it is you.”

Most of the time, victory in the battle of life is not won by big decisions, but by small everyday actions, when by turning your heart to God with trust and faith, you receive grace that frees you from the negative aspects of life in which your consciousness momentarily gets involved. We can visualize the path of faith as "a powerful, brilliant ribbon of light substance that will connect the individual to his God Presence."

Sometimes a simple thought form like this is all we need to free ourselves from the negative aspects of life.

Archangel Michael gave us from his loving heart another great gift - a dispensation given on April 22, 1961 in Boston: “Blessed and beloved, some of you are of advanced age, and the day is not far off when you will leave the bodily temples. Some of you will make this transition in the ritual of ascension, and some of you will enter the kingdoms of our world in another way called death... I give you a promise: if you secretly, in your heart, call me and ask me to come to you at that hour, then at the moment of your transition, I, Michael, will materialize before you, and you will see me as I AM. I promise you that I will help you free yourself from the remnants of karma and enter the realms of light with minimal pain that accompanies people due to the human fear of death.

This is a privilege and a gift from my heart.
I give it to all people around the world who have the faith to accept this gift and realize that God communicates with people today as He did in ancient times. I AM Michael, Prince of the Archangels, rendering the cosmic United States Navy Hymn" by John Bacchus Dykes. The music of the “Wedding Choir” from the opera “Lohengrin” by Richard Wagner magnetizes the radiation of the Archangels and angelic hosts. Archangel Michael is the patron of police and other law enforcement agencies around the world. Protection on the way prayer for protection to Archangel Michael

“Mikhail is ahead! Mikhail is behind! Mikhail is on the right! Michael is on the left! Michael is up! Michael is below! Mikhail, Mikhail - everywhere I go! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here!” Traveling Protection Lord Michael before, Lord Michael behind, Lord Michael to the right, Lord Michael to the left, Lord Michael above, Lord Michael below, Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here! I AM his Love protecting here!

Listen to this decree being read in English by Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet.
(Decree 6.05 “Protection on the Path” in English)

Also a simple and effective way to call for the immediate help of Archangel Michael is the decree: “Archangel Michael! For help! For help! For help! Or in English:

“Archangel Michael, Help Me! Help Me! Help Me!

(See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lords and Their Mansions, How to Work with Angels, Archangel Michael's Rosary for Armageddon.)

Archangel Raphael – healer and miracle worker

Saint Raphael is famous as the most important of all healing angels. He is also part of the group of 6 angels of repentance. He is the angel of love, joy, light and prayer. Patronizes learning and people's acquisition of knowledge.

Interesting! The Archangel has only 6 wings, which distinguishes him from other angelic creatures. He enters into the order of power and domination.

But although Raphael is a very important figure in the heavenly army, he is distinguished by the greatest contact. The Lord often gives him the task of appearing to different people so that he can communicate to them the will of God. In connection with this, in a large number of images the angelic messenger is not alone, but surrounded by a crowd of people.

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In Christianity, the Archangel patronizes doctors, travelers, as well as the sick and suffering. It will also help those who practice traditional/alternative medicine, healing, help animals, and protect our nature from pollution and destruction.

According to Holy Scripture, the main functions of an angel are as follows:

  • it is associated with medicine in any form, healing;
  • Moreover, Raphael cares not only about the mortal physical shell of a person, but, above all, about his immortal soul.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing

There is a special prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing. The prayer can be read by the patient himself and his close people:

Oh, great holy Archangel Raphael, stand before the throne of God! By the grace given to you by the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies, you healed the righteous man Tobit from bodily blindness, and you saved his son Tobias from an evil spirit while traveling with him. I earnestly pray to you: be my guide in my life. Save me from all visible and invisible enemies, heal my mental and physical illnesses, guide my life towards repentance of sins and the doing of good deeds. Oh, great holy Raphael the Archangel! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you, and make me worthy in this and the future life to thank and glorify our common Creator forever and ever. Amen.

You can read the prayer at any time and anywhere, the main thing is sincere faith in the help of the healing archangel. Raphael will help with diseases of the body and diseases of the mind and soul of a person.

How is it portrayed?

The most common image of the elder angel on icons is that he holds a fish in his hands. This image is explained by the fact that in childhood, baby Raphael’s father sent him fishing. And when the boy returned home with the fish, he revealed to him the gift of healing from blindness with the help of a fish bladder.

The saint himself, on numerous faces, looks like a young man with brown hair. But you can meet icons of Raphael, where he is depicted as a pilgrim holding a staff, a cup and a knapsack over his shoulders. Symbolically, such an image signifies the saint’s journey to Media, where, according to biblical information, he drove away evil demons from Tobiah’s bride. And in this context, the angel acts as the protector of all those wandering around the world.

Interesting! The icon of Archangel Raphael is often purchased by doctors or bioenergetics, healers, because then their actions have the best effect.

Seal of Raphael (Mercury)

Hept. 1

Hept. 2

Hept. 3

Note: There are several minor variations. In Hept.2 the vertical line is separated from the right closed element, while in Hept.1 and 3 the vertical extended line is attached to the closed element. In Hept.1 and 3 these closed elements are similar, consisting of three unequal sections, while in Hept.2 there are only two sections. In Hept.1 and 2 there are circles at the end of the horizontal line, while in 3 there is a small triangle. Hept.2 features a separate K-shaped structure, while Hept.1 and 3 are integrally connected to the lines of the pentagonal closed element.

Archangel Raphael: what helps

The angelic intercessor is incredibly popular among adherents of the Christian faith. Moreover, he helps not only the person who turns to him, but also his relatives and friends. True, Rafail will help only in cases where it is really necessary

What kind of troubles and problems do they pray to the saint for??

  • to get rid of increased anxiety, eliminate stress factors from life;
  • when they want to heal their body or soul. Simply listening to the Akathist to the Archangel has a similar effect;
  • if a person suffers from addictions or negative character traits that destroy his physical or mental health;
  • when it is necessary to cleanse a living space from the negativity that has accumulated there;
  • People who are learning healing, as well as those who want to develop clairvoyant abilities, offer prayers to the angel. But the heavenly messenger will help only if a person plans to use his gift for the benefit of the world around him, doing good deeds;
  • in addition, Raphael stands guard over travelers, reliably protecting them with his wings from various adversities;
  • helps find lost animals;
  • develops in people a desire for order and organization.

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael

The main task of the Archangels is to help people in the fight against Satan and his angels. Since heavenly forces are ethereal (immaterial), people cannot see them with their own eyes. However, you need to know. that the archangels always hear people’s prayers and provide assistance.

The main protector of people from satanic forces is Archangel Michael, he is called the archangel. This is a heavenly warrior, under whose command are all the heavenly forces of the lower hierarchy. They pray to Michael for help in every matter:

  • when you need to consecrate the beginning of a new business;
  • in case of serious illness, before surgery;
  • to strengthen faith when doubts begin to overcome.

Michael provides protection and patronage to believers during night sleep (saves them from nightmares), and also accompanies the souls of the dead to the Throne of God.

The day of honoring ethereal forces refers to an immovable date, so it is celebrated every time at the same time - November 21. On this day, believers pay tribute to all the Archangels, who are commanded by Michael. Let's consider their spheres of influence.

Michael is revered as the leader of the heavenly army. His name is translated from Hebrew as “equal to God.” The word “archistratig” means seniority, that is, he is the eldest of the warriors. Michael received this title after repelling the attack of Lucifer with his legions of rebel angels. Mikhail was the first to go into battle with the evil spirit.

They pray to Michael:

  • to strengthen faith;
  • in the fight against heresy;
  • against all evil.

This Archangel is depicted with a fiery sword and a spear piercing the devil.

Gabriel is revered as the bearer of joyful good news. His name translates as “man of God.” On the icons, Gabriel is depicted with a lit lantern and a mirror in his hand or a branch of paradise.

Raphael is revered as a doctor, a healer. His name is translated from the ancient Hebrew language - the healing of God. In addition to healing, Rafil provides assistance against the forces of evil and protects travelers on the road. In the icon, the Archangel holds a container with medicine in one hand, and in the other a bird feather - to anoint bodily wounds. However, Raphael also heals mental illnesses.

Uriel shows the right direction of the path, enlightens and instructs sinners. It strengthens faith, dispels doubts, and reveals Divine truth. His name translates as “light of God.” The icon depicts Uriel with heavenly fire in one hand and a sword in the other.

Selaphiel helps prayer books; his task is to encourage believers to earnest prayer. In the icon he is depicted with drooping eyelids and arms folded across his chest. This image motivates believers to perform a feat of prayer.

Jehudiel is revered as the patron and protector of monastics and all who have completely devoted their lives to serving God. His name is translated from ancient Hebrew as “praise be to God.” On the icon he is depicted with a golden crown (a reward for diligence in prayer) and a whip (to punish the careless).

Barachiel helps people in their affairs, he is a zealous prayer book about human needs before the Throne of God. His name is translated from the ancient language as “God’s blessing.” On the icon he is depicted with white roses - a symbol of Divine mercy and grace. However, Barachiel prays for the blessing of work and deeds only if a person generously gives his tithe and helps those in need. In other cases, he will not pray for success if a person thinks only about himself and his well-being.

Jeremiel helps a person to realize the futility and meaninglessness of worldly life and to rise to God. His name translates as “exaltation of God.” He helps people return to God, rise above their animal nature and gain spirituality. On the icon Jeremiel is depicted with scales in his hand.

Day of Remembrance

Since 1921, it was decided to celebrate the holiday in honor of the Holy Archangel on October 24 annually. But when the calendar reform was carried out in 1969, the day of memory of Raphael moved to September 29, uniting with the holiday of the Archangel Michael and the Archangel Gabriel. But many believers (especially Catholics) still celebrate the holiday according to the old date.

The most popular prayers to an angel

There are several prayer requests to the angelic messenger. The most popular of them are:

  • Akathist to Archangel Raphael is a variant of the traditional appeal to this divine essence;
  • prayer for the healing of a sick person is very powerful. It helps the sufferer to cure a disturbing illness, while at the same time eliminating negativity from his life, increasing the level of awareness;
  • prayer for marriage - helps to meet the long-awaited soul mate. Read directly by a lonely guy or his mother for her son.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for marriage

A prayer to Archangel Raphael for marriage can be read by a man who wants to find his betrothed and start a family. It can be read by the mother of a guy who has no luck with women and his father - anyone close to him. The main thing is that he himself wants to marry a decent girl, because Rafail does not help by force.

Text of the prayer:

Oh, holy, glorious Archangel of God Raphael! A quick helper and warm before God for us, intercessor and prayer leader. Standing before the throne of the Holy Trinity, ask us from the Lord for forgiveness of our sins: may He turn over to mercy His righteous anger, which is brought upon us for the sake of our sins. Do not forsake us, O Archangel of God, with your help and intercession, who today glorify your holy name. Even though we have committed many sins, we still do not want to perish in our iniquities. Strengthen our weak will for good deeds with the grace of the Lord. Be a guide and adviser to us, like the youth Tobias, in our many-sorrowful life. Help us get rid of the diseases that oppress us, just as you saved Tobit from his many years of blindness. When the hour of our death approaches, do not leave us, Archangel of God, defenseless in the air ordeals against the spirits of evil blocking the sunrise to the heavenly. May we, guarded by you, reach the abodes of our heavenly Father and, together with you and with all the saints, glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Temple of Archangel Raphael - what is it?

The Temple of Archangel Raphael is a religious organization located on the territory of the Russian Federation, which claims that it is the only correct Orthodox Church.

The chief shepherd, whose name coincides with the name of the angelic messenger, assures that he knows the main problem of relations between the modern Russian Orthodox Church and the state. Father Raphael is convinced that the church has lost its freedom and the grace of God, since it is controlled by government authorities.

This organization has been operating since 2003. During this time, she was repeatedly harassed by representatives of the law. The church where Temple followers pray has been searched multiple times. And the press called it a very dangerous sect.

In general, the information about the “angelic” cathedral today is quite compromising. Although who knows where the truth really lies.

If you wish, you can visit the official website of the church on the Internet, where information is provided about the peculiarities of the worldview of its adherents, there is a schedule of services, rules of conduct for believers and other information.

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