Why people don’t believe in God: attitude towards religion, what is the difference between an agnostic and an atheist

In this note I want to talk about faith, about my attitude towards religion, about why people don’t believe in God today. It so happened that during my childhood, no one in our family prayed, did not talk about the need to go to church, or observe any divine holidays, although eggs for Easter were painted in onion skins.

When someone told an old grandmother that she couldn’t work today because it was the Annunciation or Elijah’s Day, or some other church holiday, she would answer: “God loves workers, there is no sin in work.” She did not welcome only laundry and mopping on holidays.

Much later, from my mother, I learned what kind of score my grandmother had with Him: in the twenties, bandits captured her communist husband, took her to an unknown direction, she prayed all night, asked to save his life not for her own sake, but for the sake of her three young daughters . Did not help.

After my grandmother learned about her husband’s brutal execution with his ears and nose cut off, she stopped praying and going to church. When asked by a neighbor why she was not at the prayer service again, she answered: “What should I pray to him for? And does he even exist? But I never heard my grandmother call me not to believe in God; probably, in her heart she still believed.


I asked my daddy the first questions about religion after hearing my mother’s “name-calling” addressed to him: “I’m a bigot.” Then, when I asked what this meant, he explained that all people who believe in God are Christians, Islamists, Buddhists, and Christians are divided into Orthodox, Catholics, and Protestants.

He belonged to the most correct Orthodox Christians, and although his mother is an Orthodox Christian, she belongs to the new church from the Greeks, with which we are at odds. Like, when I grow up, I’ll find out if I’m curious.

I have asked the folder more than once with similar questions - why people don’t believe in God, and why they do; where and how so many of them coexist in the sky. I remember he laughed and said that he was the only one there, it’s just that everyone calls him differently, they pray to him in their own way. No one has seen Him, but many believe that He exists.

God is not God, but there is something. There are no miracles, there is an explanation for everything. Believe in Nature and Man!

Today I can say that the more intelligence and reason, curiosity and realism in a person’s head, the less space there is left for God. In Soviet times, only grandmothers went to church. Probably, in the villages there were more believers, in the cities people agreed less with religious norms.

An intelligent person, it would seem, does not accept beliefs and is skeptical about religion, because he analyzes everything that happens and logically explains it. But, looking at educated and well-read people, you are perplexed and surprised when they turn to Him. This means that one cannot connect the mind and the denial of the Creator. Somehow it turns out too simply, there are probably other reasons.

I ask myself why I am an unbeliever, but I cannot refer to my mind and wisdom. I don’t have a higher education or any special knowledge, although I’ve read a lot and seen a lot, but I don’t believe in the Almighty. Probably, it all depends on upbringing, when the family constantly turns to God and the norms of religion.

History of atheism

The ancient pre-Socratic philosophers Diagoras, Critias and Xenophanes criticized religion and mysticism. The latter believed in a single world deity and stated that people invented numerous gods in their own image and likeness. Democritus (5-4 centuries BC) sought to describe the world only from a materialistic point of view, without mentioning spirituality and mysticism.

Socrates (5-4 centuries BC) also came into conflict with the religion of his people. In his teaching about personal freedom, the authorities saw a threat to the religious and legal norms of that time. Socrates was sentenced to death, accused of blasphemy and corrupting the minds of youth. Epicurus (4th-3rd centuries BC) viewed the soul as a material, mortal entity and denied the afterlife. He admitted the existence of gods, but believed that they were indifferent to humanity. Similar views were professed by Lucretius, Protagoras, Strato and other thinkers of antiquity.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the doctrine of the separation of faith and reason developed (William of Ockham, John of Myrkurt). The ideas of a number of theologians (Jan Hus, Martin Luther) put an end to the dominance of Catholic dogmas in European social thought. New, more liberal Christian movements appeared. They criticized the old principles and contributed to the development of freethinking. Which, in turn, became the basis for religious skepticism.

Anti-religious thinkers were also present in the Islamic world (Abu Bakr, Omar Khayyam). Omar Khayyam’s skeptical attitude towards religion is evidenced, for example, by his following lines:

In seventy-two exercises everything is in a row

They talk so much about the essence of the Creator!

It’s okay if we talked nonsense among ourselves,

They fool people with fancy words.

Post-Christian civilization

During the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli, and Francois Rabelais were noted for their anticlericalism. Criticism of the Bible actively developed - they began to see it only as a collection of myths and legends. For example, the historicity of Jesus Christ and the reliability of information about the authorship of the books of Holy Scripture were questioned.

All of the above led to a crisis of religion in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Later, the Great French Revolution and Darwin's theory of evolution made a significant contribution to the development of atheism. The 19th century philosophers Feuerbach, Schopenhauer, Marx and Nietzsche also played an important role. After 1917, a communist atheistic government was established in Russia, which subjected representatives of all religions to severe persecution. Modern Western civilization is called post-Christian because religion has practically lost its influence in it. Religious values ​​have ceased to be binding for most people.


Previously, when asked “do I believe in God,” I confidently answered that I am an atheist, that is, I do not accept any religious ideas, the active personality of the Almighty, I deny everything immaterial and supernatural, I find a logical explanation for everything. I am a realist, I understand that there is nothing after death, and I don’t know why people don’t believe in God.

But today I answer this same question with restraint, that I am an agnostic, that is, I do not completely deny the existence of God, I am simply not inclined to believe in anything other than Nature. I don’t know and won’t be able to find out what awaits a person after his death. If anything, I'll try to send a message from there.

The German philosopher Kant was an agnostic who claimed that he was an atheist only for the reason that he could not study a subject without using his senses, that is, seeing, hearing, touching and firmly saying that it exists. It seems that in theory it should exist, but there is no evidence.

As I grew older, I began to contrast atheism and religion, whose supporters firmly believe in something. I can’t deny something or fall for something, because I will never be able to explain it, I have no scientific knowledge. This is also not found in the works of scientists, from where this knowledge could be gleaned. We have to believe Darwin.

Atheism - what is it?

What is atheism? “Atheism” is translated from ancient Greek as “atheism”, “denial of God”. This is a worldview that consists of a lack of faith in God, the belief that He does not exist. An atheist is a person who denies the existence of everything supernatural (immaterial forces and beings, afterlife, etc.).


Atheism declares the self-sufficiency of the material world, and considers any religion to be a purely human invention. Atheists view its origin as the result of primitive man’s fear of the forces of nature. In ancient times, people could not rationally explain natural phenomena and objects. Therefore, they were deified or believed that they were controlled by some intelligent and powerful principle. According to atheists, religion arose as a way to establish a connection between a person and fictitious higher powers. That is, a means to appease them, enlist their support, etc.

For many non-believers, religion is perceived as a tool of social control. Atheists believe that religious ideology limits and suppresses personality. That belief in a higher power unites people into passive masses that are manipulated by others for selfish purposes. For example, nonbelievers view the idea of ​​eternal life as a way to force a person to come to terms with his situation. That is, living with illusions about future retribution after death for all suffering. Atheists see the only source of morality in human nature. They argue that human moral development is possible without belief in the supernatural.

Those who ask the question “Who is an atheist?” should know that initially this was a pejorative name for those who came into conflict with the generally accepted religion. Religious scholar and philosopher Karen Armstrong argues that until the 18th century, the term “atheism” was used only in polemics. And the word “atheist” itself was an insult. To express one’s own worldview, these concepts have been used only over the last few centuries. However, views similar to atheistic ones existed in ancient times.


After watching another political show where the topic of introducing “divine” amendments to the Constitution was discussed, I found a Bible that was given to me when I left the housing and communal services sector by grandmothers who came to pay for utilities. I loved communicating with them, always gave them tea and sweets, and listened to them.

As a token of gratitude and as a keepsake, Daria Andriyanovna Antokhina presented me with a Bible with a request to read and think about Him. And I read it, but, honestly, I did not accept anything from what was written except the Ten Commandments of the Lord.

The Ten Commandments are powerful; if they were followed by everyone, heaven would come to Earth. Believers believe that this book is the rules of faith. It was written under the influence of the Holy Spirit and consists of two parts: the Old and New Testaments.

My grandmothers advised me to start reading the Bible from the New Testament, and be sure to ask serious believers for an explanation of the incomprehensible. After reading the Gospel of Luke, where the role of Jesus Christ is described in clear language, you can move on to the Old Testament.

I went the wrong way, started from the beginning of the book, which is probably why my whole being protested. So many questions and disagreements arose with the Holy Scripture that on the tenth page I put it aside again. Now I don’t know if I’ll return to him. It’s clear now why people don’t believe in God - it’s a difficult task to study holy texts.

But if you want to come to faith, you will have to read and learn in more detail the genealogy of Christ, as well as the reason why God sent his own son to such torment and ultimately to death. So far I have no desire to continue reading, I looked into the historical narratives, looked at the prophecies and put the Bible in the closet.

Religion arises as a pleasant deception

There is a wonderful story in The Mating Mind by evolutionary psychologist Jeffrey Miller.


Sexual selection favored ideologies that were entertaining, exaggerated, exciting, dramatic, pleasant, comforting, had a coherent plot, were aesthetically balanced, witty-comic, or noble-tragic. Imagine a group of young hominids gathered around a Pleistocene fire, enjoying their newly evolved ability to speak. Two males got into an argument about the structure of the world...

A hominid named Carl suggests: “We are mortal, imperfect primates who survive on this dangerous and unpredictable savannah only by sticking together in close groups, although we suffer from internal squabbles, jealousy and envy. All the places we have been are just a small corner of a huge continent on an unimaginably huge ball rotating in the void. This ball circled billions and billions of times around a flaming ball of gas that would eventually explode to incinerate our fossil skulls. I have found some compelling evidence in favor of these hypotheses..."

A hominid named Candide interrupts: “No, I believe that we are immortal spirits who were given these beautiful bodies because the great god Vug chose us as his favorite creatures. Vug has blessed us with this fertile paradise, where life is difficult just enough to keep us from getting bored... Above the azure dome of the sky, the smiling sun warms our hearts. When we grow old and enjoy the babble of our grandchildren, Vug will lift us up from our bodies so that we can eat fried gazelles and dance with our friends forever. I know all this because Woog told me this secret wisdom in a dream last night.”

Which ideology do you think will be more attractive? Will Karl's truth-seeking genes win the competition with Candide's wonderful story-writing genes? Human history shows that our ancestors were more like Candide than Charles. Most modern people are naturally Candida. It usually takes many years of watching BBC or PBS non-fiction films to become as objective as Karl."

Yes, faith will always be more pleasant than knowledge, because it was specially created for our pleasure. Unlike reality, which, as we all know, is often extremely vile.


“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” It’s clear with the heart and soul, but where to put the understanding, the head is swollen with doubts, denials and even with surprise and indignation.

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Where was he sitting before that? There was no sky, no firmament, no light, not even a cloud on which to settle. How did he, poor thing, live in the dark?!

“And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul... And the Lord God created a woman from a rib taken from a man, and brought her to the man.” And then complete confusion: the couple ate an apple, learned a bunch of secrets of life, and He expelled them for disobedience.

Why did you create them? Did you want to play with toys with them or for them to be fruitful and multiply? If in order to admire the creation of one’s hands, then it was necessary to create them sexless. And if the plans included the birth of humanity, then why not give them the freedom to understand themselves and their partner, and teach them goodness and explain what their purpose is?

“...and she conceived and gave birth to Cain... And she also gave birth to his brother Abel.” Wonderful! And then from whom were the children born to the sons? From your mother? From your siblings? Wasn’t it possible to create (since you, Lord, are such a wizard!) five women and two men?

And so on, and so on, just questions and confusion. It’s impossible to believe in God with your mind, sorry, He messed up, it seems, a little. This is understandable, there was no one to consult with, sometimes such crazy ideas come to one alone, the implementation of which leads to an irreparable mistake.

Perhaps He has already regretted the creation of the Earth and humanity, out of boredom He allows wars to be waged, allows murders, the death of innocent children. He does not want to restore order in human society, and sends trials on those who are already poor and suffering.

He probably sits and wonders why people don’t believe in God, why they aren’t afraid of His judgment.

I don’t know how people come to faith, how they begin to understand and accept the Bible, what or who illuminates their minds and souls. My classmate Tatyana S., who never sat down at the table without x@ya, suddenly began going to a house where believers gather to listen to audio sermons and read prayers.

There is no church in our village, but believers collected some money and installed a large memorial cross in the place where it stood before the war in the hope that someday at least a chapel will be built. In the neighboring village there is a church of the Nativity of Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, but our believers would like to have their own.

Why is an atheist a perishing person?

Orthodoxy views atheism as a conscious rejection of the Lord, the Source of life. Atheism makes a person spiritually blind and limited. It does not allow him to comprehend the highest level of existence, the meaning of earthly life and his purpose. Therefore, the one who rejects God in the Bible is called “a fool” (Ps. 13:1) and “perishing” (2 Cor. 4:4).

Many theologians claim that atheism is a religion, a belief in the absence of God. After all, its main provisions cannot be proven scientifically and are hypotheses. Professor A. Osipov notes:

“Atheism does not offer a person any facts to confirm his faith. He does not answer the most important question for him: “What should an educated person do to be convinced of the non-existence of God?”

Atheism is inherently a form of religious consciousness, since it endows physical matter with Divine attributes. Among them are uncreateability, beginninglessness, infinity and the ability to creatively set goals. Here is what St. John Chrysostom said about this:

“What could be more pitiful and crazier than people who dare to claim that everything that exists happened by itself, and deprive all creation of God’s providence?”

There are conventionally religious people who would be better off being atheists

Some believers like to elevate all religious issues to absolutes. There are Orthodox Christians who believe that atheism is a great sin, and that someone who does not believe in God is a lost person for society.

But it's not fair. A person may not live in thoughts of God, but this remains his personal matter.

You can be a good atheist and an extremely bad Christian. Just assigning oneself to one or another “camp” does not make a person unambiguously bad and unambiguously good.

Candles, prayers, bows, etc. are attributes of religious life. The main thing is what a person has inside. If priorities are set incorrectly, such a person’s faith is hardly more pious than atheism

What atheists can be praised for is their honesty. After all, he admits his denial of the Almighty. And there are many Christians who tell everyone around them about their piety, but themselves behave rudely and ill-mannered.

Remember the embittered old women that are in every temple. A girl in jeans will walk into such a place and catch sidelong glances at herself - and this is in the best case, otherwise they will also make comments and insult you.

And all because they are the ones who are so righteous. In fact, no one in the church has the right to make comments to anyone. There cannot be a more experienced believer; we should not even attempt any kind of church hazing.

Now back to the original question to God.

A child, depending on the psychological type of the parent and the form of upbringing, develops an internal image of God:

  1. And it turns out that in the first version, God is a formidable old man, for whom I do everything badly and incorrectly. If I do not act as I “should,” I sin, I am “bad.” But I don’t know what I want to do. And He doesn’t love me, He rejects me. Such a person tries not to sin in order to earn God's favor, love and blessings. Naturally, nothing works out for him, he repents, starts a new life on Monday, “falls” again, etc., never reaching the level of “good and beloved.” Or, if he “managed” to become good (in fact, to deceive himself about it), then the refrain in his speech sounds: “I’m so good, God, I don’t quarrel with anyone (“kind”), I don’t refuse anyone (“sympathetic” ), “I don’t go over my head” (“humble”), but I’m still waiting for the cup of my merits to be filled, and you, God, will reward me. And they sit and wait. It is easiest for such people to come to faith in God, because this is a continuation of his childhood relationship with his parents. And if he has not worked through them, then God will remain for him a ghost from the past. The figures have changed, but the needs and motives of these relationships remain the same. Such faith in God cannot be called sincere and true, because it is dictated to a greater extent not by internal search, not by the thirst for spiritual self-determination and development, but by a neurotic feeling of guilt or perfectionism.
  2. In the ideas of such a person, God is the one who loves me, who completely determines my destiny, everything is in his power, and I am so weak and helpless. It is based on the lack of skill to solve current issues of his life, to determine his needs and satisfy them, and therefore, he is not ready to take responsibility for his life. When he learns that God loves him, forgives him, and has supreme power, this fits perfectly into his picture of the world, since they themselves are not able to bear the burden of responsibility for their life. They are inclined only to pray - to ask, without delving deeply into the knowledge of God and themselves, but can enthusiastically participate in service. He is often disappointed when he discovers that for some reason blessings from heaven do not fall on his blessed head. Here their inconstancy and superficiality are also reflected. In the understanding of Orthodox psychotherapy, such faith is also neurotic, superficial, since “God” is a substitute for one’s own maturity. A person needs such a God as a child needs his mother’s skirt.
  3. Here, as you probably already understood, the relationship with God does not work out at all. This is a rebel against rules, norms, guidelines. But it may not be very pronounced on a surface level, and such a person looks quite decent. But he certainly has his own point of view on everything, lobbies his interests, is decisive, loves responsibility, as it gives him freedom, in general, “my life is my rules.” Their protest against the parental figure can be channeled precisely towards God. This is the most socially safe. You can protest as much as you like. Where is this God? Psychologists and psychiatrists are often found among this group. In relation to them, the situation is aggravated by religion, which presents God, first of all, as the dictator of moral rules, the supreme punitive power. He loves and punishes for your own good, and you must endure, humble yourself, etc. And for these opponents, such words are like a red rag for a bull. And God turns into the main enemy of life. But this attitude is also not mature, but a neurotic transfer of aggression from the parental figure to the image of God.

Returning to the original question, we can say that for many, the symptoms of neurosis are largely hidden behind the reasons for belief or disbelief. And this gives reason for some psychotherapists to consider faith in God as clearly an unhealthy manifestation. Like the inability to cope with life situations and running away “under the wing” of God.

Because what such people imagine as God is not God at all. This is a distant unconscious image of a parental figure, distorted by childhood perception. Such a God is a ghost of the past. Such faith (or disbelief) is not a sign of spiritual maturity, but a continuation of a child’s internal conflict.

I am an Orthodox psychotherapist and did not write this article with the purpose of criticizing the “neurotic personality.” I was guided by the desire to expand your zone of awareness in such far ambiguous questions: Why do I believe in God or not? Who is God to me? What does my faith give me?

And if this is possible within the framework of this article, “launch” within your personality the process of transforming neurotic faith into mature faith in God.

Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, Orthodox psychotherapist Ksenia Ivanovna Emelyanova.


For a long time I searched for God, filled with a painful thirst

See his bright face, reigning over the world.

I searched for God for a long time - I saw Him once

In your heart, illuminated by love for the unfortunate and orphaned.

K.M. Fofanov.

In recent times, one can increasingly hear the term “Orthodox atheist.” There are also authors on the “Zavtra” website who position themselves as “Orthodox atheists.” Note that public figures sometimes call themselves this way. Among them are mentioned, for example, a Russian journalist, political scientist, author and host of the television program “What is to be done?” Vitaly Tretyakov and translator Dmitry Puchkov, known under the pseudonym “Goblin”.

To my surprise, a wonderful physicist, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, founder and host of the television program “Obvious - Incredible,” Professor Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa, once also called himself an “Orthodox atheist.”

When in one of his lifetime interviews in 2009 he was asked: “Do you
believe in God, Sergei Petrovich?
Does God exist in a physiological sense?” he replied:

— My father’s generation was actively anti-religious due to party principles. And I am a Russian Orthodox atheist. This, by the way, is a very common formula for relating to faith and spiritual culture. Essentially, science grew out of religion. I met with many of our patriarchs. With Pitirim, with Kirill... The difference between us and them in worldview is not as great as it might seem ( laughs

I met Alexy II when he was still a bishop. I was one of the few scientists who was generally ready to talk with church ministers. I remember once a meeting was scheduled between scientists and theologians, but none of the scientists came to it except me. My appearance, of course, was memorable. The Patriarch treated me kindly. But my statement that theology is not needed in schools and that I am an Orthodox atheist somewhat alienated him from me. I told Patriarch Kirill: “If you could be cloned and sent to every school, I would be in favor of theology lessons.” He laughed.
However, in another interview with Dmitry Gordon, on May 8, 2010, S.P. Kapitsa expressed a completely opposite opinion:

— Today, religion in the post-Soviet space is experiencing, so to speak, a renaissance. You are a baptized person, and he baptized you - just for a minute! - the great physiologist, the first Russian Nobel Prize laureate Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, but, as far as we know, practically none of the Nobel Prize laureates believed in God... - Yes, Dmitry, you are right. Representatives of literature may have believed, but this is a different world.

- Tell me, does God still exist or not?

— Do you know what my main difference with the church is? I say that the man of God invented it, and they say that it’s the other way around (laughs). Personally, I formulated the answer for myself. Human culture has long had the concept of God, a very powerful and important one at that, but its personification and transformation into some kind of abstract object somehow contradicts known facts. For example, I believe that science is

, so to speak,
a modern god: it explains everything that happens, including the origin of God as a concept.
Let us note that the Orthodox faith in Russia today enjoys enormous support from the state, which is explained, first of all, by the absence of any ideology after the collapse of the USSR. Even President Vladimir Putin himself admitted this in a new documentary series about him broadcast on Russian television by American director Oliver Stone called “Interview with Putin.”

Religion is also used to discredit followers of communist ideas who are nostalgic for Soviet times. Examples of this are the drapery of the mausoleum and the demand of the ROCOR to remove the body of V.I. Lenin from it, the active promotion of the topic of the demolition of churches by the Soviet government, N. Poklonskaya’s participation in the “Immortal Regiment” rally with an icon-painted portrait of Nicholas 2, and so on.

There is an opinion that due to state support, as well as the general fashion trend of post-perestroika times, people who are very far from faith, but with an amazing nose for money, have become attached to the religious theme.

It is also believed that persons who call themselves Orthodox and do not believe in God are Orthodox atheists.

They were atheists for a long time - due to their upbringing, and became Orthodox recently - due to fashion or other necessity. At the same time, according to their worldview, they were not religious people, and remained so.

Orthodox atheists,

as a rule, persons directly associated with power and all of them usually serve it. They declare that Orthodoxy is a “spiritual bond” and, supposedly, a “state-forming force.” It is not beneficial for them to oppose themselves to the existing regime.

According to the results of a Levada Center survey, since the collapse of the USSR, religious people in our country have neither decreased nor increased. After all, in fact, true religiosity cannot be a consequence of fashion or a political trend. It seems to be an internal need of a believer. People come to faith either as a result of being raised in a religious family, or consciously, or often because of difficult trials, physical illnesses, moral suffering, finding support and tranquility in faith in God, regaining the harmony of the world and soul.

Probably, there are also believers who seek high relationships, high feelings in religion, who are ready to combine the idea of ​​God with the idea of ​​eternal love. Romantics at heart, they want this high love and find it in the love of God.

So who are they, those same Orthodox atheists

? There are very different and quite opposing opinions on this matter. According to one of them, this term is artificial, which has no real basis. An ordinary oxymoron that means absolutely nothing, convenient in that everyone can interpret it as it suits them.

By another definition, an Orthodox atheist

- this is not an oxymoron or a joke, but a phenomenon that has become widespread in Russia in the 21st century.

«Orthodox atheists

“This is a gene mutation, a hybrid of militant atheism and dense superstition, imposing its own rules of life, its tastes, its views on Russian citizens - believers and non-believers.”

Often people calling themselves Orthodox atheists occupy leading positions. However, the end is destined for them too. After all, the moral law lives inside every reasonable person, fueled either by love for God, or for the truth, or for loved ones, which helps to understand where is a lie and where is the truth, where is good and where is evil and a dead end.

What do you think, dear friends and readers?

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Spiritual development makes a person stronger.

It is a mistake to believe that awareness of one’s spiritual nature makes a person weaker, that he allegedly loses interest in material life, that he does not need anything.
Deeply religious people can indeed renounce the outside world, spending their entire lives in prayer or meditation and living on alms. But a person of civilization is not able to so deeply understand and accept his spiritual world, his soul. One life is not enough for this. Although, if you have a firm decision, you can sometimes achieve impossible goals. And I think everyone knows a lot of examples.

You need to lead your normal life: eat, drink, sleep, go to work, relax, love your family, enjoy life. But at the same time, realize your true nature and your divine origin and enjoy it.

Spiritual support makes an ordinary person not weaker, but stronger. And this doesn’t stop you from setting firm goals and achieving them. Unless these goals may be slightly different and will take into account moral and spiritual aspects. But also on the way to them, you find a real, most devoted Ally. God. And you can shift many difficulties onto His shoulders. (What to do if you give up?)

Leave intractable, difficult decisions to the discretion of the Lord, do not try to solve everything urgently, sometimes this is not beneficial. And you will be unexpectedly surprised at how sometimes life (God) puts everything in its place in the best way for you. How to believe in God? Just love Him, love Him in your soul and the Lord will always reciprocate your love. Always. With no exceptions.

Turn to yourself, take a break from the flickering lights of the outside world at least for a few minutes. Listen to yourself, in silence.

And if you listen carefully, you will definitely hear something, but not necessarily with your ears.


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