These Orthodox priests criticize the Russian President (3 photos)

True and false prophecies. Are there real predictions of the elders regarding our president?

The topic of predictions and prophecies is popular at all times and our present is no exception. The Internet is replete with prophecies of elders from different centuries about the present and future, but not everyone can understand how reliable the information is. In this article you will learn what information you can trust. And also about the existing predictions on the topic of our President.

Elders, who are they?

There is an opinion that these are special people who receive a vision of the future from God. It is difficult to understand whether this is really so; we can only say that these are people of the Christian faith, who have completely devoted themselves and their lives to God, filled with love and wisdom. Basically, their names are associated with unimaginable spiritual feats - these are monks, often hermit monks. For example, how Seraphim of Sarov stood on a stone for 1000 days. Thus, these, close to God, are saints who did not know mortal existence. They were in tireless prayer, had their own feeling and vision of the world, which we cannot even imagine or understand for a moment.

If the elder is not a hermit, then he can be the spiritual governor of the monastery. Spiritual children and laity usually come to him for advice. Usually, grace emanates from such saints, and after talking with the elder, lightness and peace appear in the body.

The elders who prophesied about Russia and the Ruler

Almost all famous deceased elders predicted certain events in the world. These are Seraphim of Sarov, Paisiy Svyatogorets, the elders of Optina Pustyn and Ignatius Brianchaninov (and many others), who was the last prophet in Russia.

Hieromonk Anthony Shlyakhov

The first candidate is this ******* (approx. homosexual) Kremlin Putin, a remnant, as I always tell you, his nickname is also called a moth, the Kremlin moth. How many years has he been ruling? What has he done for you brothers and sisters? What good did he do for you? Look how many cities he destroyed. Starting from Chukotka. He, then Abramovich *** (approx. Jew). Tundra, tundra brothers and sisters, everything is abandoned. 55 thousand lived in the city of Anadyr, now 5 thousand live. I gave everything away, sold everything out, this Kremlin s**t. I ask you to forgive me, but I have righteous anger, righteous anger. I can't look at these faces anymore. How to speak, how to shout, how to reach you brothers and sisters? Look at this Kremlin parasite. How many schools did you close, how many hospitals, how many Orthodox people did you kill during your reign? I have no words. I said the president is a moron of morons, a freak of freaks. Here is a living and illustrative example. And will you vote for him again? For this b**ch? How many of your children and daughters have he killed, put on needles, dens, sold drugs, covered all the stalls in St. Petersburg. Bandit of bandits. As Viktor Ilyukhin said, there is not a single article in the Criminal Code that cannot be pinned on this ****** (approx. homosexual) from the Kremlin... This is an enemy of the people and our Russia.

false prophecy

Even before the time of Nicholas II, the elders predicted the future of Russia and talked about future rulers. For example, Seraphim of Sarov, who died in 1833, wrote and spoke a lot about Russia, but to what specific predictions can the present and the current president be attributed, because so many years have passed...

More often there are predictions about the Antichrist and the coming of the Messiah after him. It is impossible to say unequivocally what specific events we are living through now, since the elders did not name specific time periods; accordingly, it is quite difficult to compare the current president to certain world events spoken by the elders, and it would be wrong to interpret the prophecies of the elders in one’s own “key” Moreover, such a thing is considered heresy - a false prophecy.

Despite this, in our time there are still craftsmen... People begin to connect the present or the past to well-known prophecies, relying on after the fact. As a rule, they do not have spiritual experience, the maximum that the reader can claim is that he who interprets the Holy Fathers in his “own way” is a representative of the “near church faith.” Moreover, if you turn to the original source, it becomes clear that the elder did not utter certain words.

However, finding the ends of one or another prediction is very difficult.

Head of the missionary department of the Arkhangelsk diocese, Archpriest Evgeny Sokolov

But what is happening today is one phrase: if there is no God, then everything is permitted. For these people - both in the Duma, and in the Federation Council, and in our government and presidential apparatuses - there are no believers. Because if they were, they would leave there! They would not legitimize what is happening... If we think that we will somehow find the left back entrance to the Kingdom of God, then it is in vain. We will all be responsible for this, all of us, as the people who were silent. God is betrayed by silence... Let's be honest, for these people there is no God. These are the ancient Hebrew Pharisees who today are either in power, I mean from the position, from the spiritual point of view - there is no God, everything is allowed. For them there is no living God. For them, God is a certain function that should help them in their troubles, misfortunes, in their retention of power, but nothing more. And that’s why such a sad note sounds today, because people hope, people wait, and again they promise us some kind of paradise, without God. Right now there is pension reform, which is being talked about a lot and you know, they say it very logically, why should it be done? Well, it’s impossible (note not to accept), because further there is a budgetary, financial failure and this is a forced measure, yes, it’s bad, but it’s a forced measure. Pay attention, why did this become so necessary? Where is the analysis? Why have we reached the point where we have to raise the retirement age? Who is to blame for this? Not for the purpose of reprisals, but if there are specific culprits, let them leave power, then let them not rule us. Again hypocrisy. No, they tell us with all their might, but look: there’s a hole in the budget here, there’s nothing to pay with, and then, and so on and so on. In the 30s, when this reform was adopted, there was one (approx. period), and now there is another. So life, it seems, should improve. You live in the richest country, you have the richest mineral resources, everything has been given to you and you have brought it to the level that conditions need to worsen? And you say no one is to blame guys? Look, we are honestly showing you that things will get even worse. Why have you brought us to this state? There is only one answer: there is no God, all this is allowed.

Some predictions about Putin

According to some information, the famous elder Abel, from the time of Catherine II, predicted that our president - God's Chosen One - would be salvation for Russia. And the Athonite elders allegedly expected his resignation from the presidency in the periods from 2016 to 2021. As we see, this did not happen, and did the elders actually say this, since the official media did not write about it...

“The Antichrist is at the door. He is already walking around Moscow. It’s already sad to live” - this saying of Schimandrite Christopher is published by some dubious sites, adding that these words definitely apply to Vladimir Vladimirovich. Whether these words were spoken by the elder, who they were referring to, or whether we are again dealing with someone’s personal interpretation - we can only guess.

Blessed Elder Alypia predicted the savior Vladimir back in the last century. That is why many went to vote for Putin, says a certain N.T.

“Russia will be proud of its president,” said the now canonized saint Paisius of Athos shortly before his death (1994). And that Russia will flourish as the spiritual center of the world. Of course, many have taken the trouble to connect these sayings with the current President.

Reliable predictions

The very first elder, to whom, at the behest of the Holy Spirit, was given the knowledge of the future - the Apocalypse, John the Theologian and the creation that has come down to us - the chapter from the Bible “The Revelation of John the Theologian”. A genuine prophecy that has existed for thousands of years, no one doubts its authenticity.

The Orthodox fathers of our time do not undertake to interpret, interpret and superimpose the biblical Apocalypse on the events and rulers of the present and future. Fulfilled predictions regarding the coming of Christ, for example, can also be read in the Bible.

Websites recognized by the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), that is, under the auspices of the Orthodox Church, do not publish information about the elders’ predictions about the current president.

It’s up to you to interpret the sayings of the elders in your own way or read from dubious sources.

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Abbot of the Sredneuralsky Monastery, schema-abbot Sergei Romanov

The President can hear the terrible words of God: you are weighed on the scales and found very light and your days are numbered. Behind Putin is drawn (approx. photo on the magazine) Pinocchio, Pinocchio, a puppet, whose nose begins to grow when this wooden doll from the famous fairy tale begins to lie. It is noteworthy that Pinocchio has a long nose, an indicator of the huge flow of lies that Russians will have to endure in 2021. Why is Pinocchio laughing so hard behind Putin’s back? Over those social changes that, at the legislative level, under false, specious pretexts, are prepared by the world government for Russia. Closest to Putin is a horseman (note of the apocalypse) wearing a crown on a white horse. The world government, through its magazine, offers Putin to become this horseman, that is, to be a king. Vladimir Vladimirovich, you are an officer, a counterintelligence officer, an Orthodox man, tell me - who are you father or stepfather?

Cave life

According to the customs of Athonite monks, Father Stefan did not wash or comb his hair and beard. And at the same time, according to eyewitnesses, there was no unpleasant odor coming from him. On the contrary, his body smelled fragrant. But the beard turned into something resembling felt.

The hermit lived very ascetically. He ate little and preferred dry eating. In his pockets there was always a handful of dry vermicelli, which he chewed and fed to the birds. On Orthodox holidays, he threw a net into the sea and asked: “Mother of God, send me fish!” - and always had a catch.

To get to his cell, it was necessary to walk along a very steep rocky path, sometimes you had to pull yourself up holding on to a rope. Father Stefan built the cell with his own hands. Over the course of several decades, he erected a temple where he prayed, a small hotel for pilgrims, and outbuildings.

“I carried soil to the garden from afar. I had to walk five thousand times! And he lifted the stones from below, from the pier. I carried it at night. It's cool, the moon is shining, it's good! I was strong. Never been treated."

The elder was known for his theological works. There are several photos of him writing something with a lot of pigeons around him. The birds loved him very much.

Neither heat nor cold bothered the old man. Nothing could break his spirit. Even in the most severe frosts, he continued to live in his cave.

Eyewitnesses said that Father Stefan loved guests. He constantly repeated: “I am rich! I am very rich!”, but he did not mean material benefits, but spiritual ones.

He treated his guests to tea, which he poured from an old, smoked teapot without a handle. He took it out of the fire with his bare hands, and not a single burn appeared on his palms.

Invasion of demons

Father Stefan said that the Mother of God herself appeared to him. But the demonic world also haunted him. Demons were often his guests.

“At first I was afraid of them. And then I think: I have a cross, this is my cell. Why are they walking here? And then I see: forty demons are descending from the mountain towards me. Such as you can see on the icons of the Last Judgment: fire from the mouth, eyes burning. And they come to me. I’m hiding and thinking: I’ll let them get closer.”

As soon as the demons approached, Father Stefan began to baptize them with the cross.

“They run from the cross, get angry and shout: “You damned monks want to take our place!” The demon also sometimes lets it slip... What is the meaning of a person’s life, by and large? To acquire holiness, so that holy human souls will take the place of fallen fallen angels at the Throne of the Lord. Demons are traitors, they have fallen away from God, and they shout at the ascetic: “Do you want to take our place!”

If a person takes the wrong path, then the demons will immediately try to do everything possible to get him to join them. And if he takes the right one, then until the end of his days they will interfere, seduce and tempt him.

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