ABOUT A NEW VISION OF LIFE (Why tests are sent)

Trials are the various difficulties that we encounter on our journey in life. We meet them as necessary stages in our development or as a consequence of our wrong actions. But it is during the testing process that we actually realize our maturity, emotional stability, presence or absence of experience, knowledge, skills and various necessary qualities. Only after going through trials can a person confidently say that he has achieved something.

Niccolò Machiavelli wrote that happiness earned by hard work is superior to happiness obtained by fate. Such happiness is more reliable and a person is able to reproduce it again and again. If we have the totality of qualities necessary for success, we will be able to repeat it in most cases. But if we have neither experience, nor knowledge, nor internal maturity, it will be extremely difficult to achieve results. In such cases, people rely on luck, but this is an unreliable foundation on which to start things. What sailor goes to sea without knowing the way? Either extremely experienced, a pioneer, or completely stupid.

Tests are a source of experience

Tests give us the opportunity to test our skills in practice, and also to look at the world and ourselves from a different angle, in case we are not coping with the tasks. For some, trials are something difficult, something to be avoided. For others, tests are a challenge, after which a person sets a new level of internal assessment of himself. And if the test was passed successfully, then this bar is deserved and will not be lowered for a long time. If the test is not passed, the person has the opportunity to gain new experience and an indication of his own strengths and weaknesses.

We sometimes face trials voluntarily, starting a business or setting important goals for ourselves, and sometimes trials find us by themselves. But it is important to understand that any challenge is the best source of experience. Namely, experience is the most valuable internal resource of a person. After all, experience cannot be acquired in isolation from life. Knowledge can be studied and cultivated, strength can be developed, skills can be sharpened, but it is experience that we cannot gain forcefully. And therefore, trials should be valued as a source of our most valuable resource.

Why all these increases in vibrations?

Have you watched movies or read about the post-apocalypse? Like “I Am Legend” or “The Book of Eli.”

How do most people behave there, remember? Exclusively lower vibrations are involved, namely instincts - survival, sex and power. 1,2 and 3 chakras.

The upper world, namely the manifestation of the 4-7 chakras, is a big question.

I gave the example of the post-apocalypse because of its clarity. But in our world, many live exclusively on the manifestation of the first three chakras. These are lower vibrations.

The higher the vibrations, the more beauty around a person notices, the more his heart is open, the more he follows the dictates of the soul, high thoughts and spiritual truths. The more love he has, and the more love he carries around. Then the world becomes more joyful, cheerful and happier. People do more good things in it. And this does not mean that the manifestations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras disappear. It’s just that their manifestations are spiritualized through the manifestations of the upper chakras.

This is what we are striving for.

Which tests should you choose?

Tests, obviously, should be within our capabilities. If we take on an unmanageable burden, especially in those areas where we do not know the true potential of our strengths, it will be doomed to failure and undermine confidence in our abilities. Many people abandoned various potentially important areas of development in this way, simply because they took on too much, acquired negative experience and did not want to repeat it again. For this reason, you should not overestimate your abilities or be overly self-confident. Many paths can be ignored, but the life path along which each person goes cannot be ignored - that’s why it’s so important to choose what we can handle.

At the same time, choosing challenges that are too easy means giving up growth. After all, it is in moments of difficulty that growth and development occur. It is when we encounter something new, something that calls our skills into question, that we can ensure clear development for ourselves. If you train with the same weight and the same number of repetitions, there will be no result. If you refuse difficult challenges and do not take into account such opportunities for growth, simply out of unwillingness to face difficulties, there will be no result. Experience is rarely painless, just as true growth is rarely easy. It is necessary to understand that behind success there is always work and there is no Grail in the world, by finding which you can gain all the benefits. Each path is difficult in its own way, and the more difficult the path, the greater the reward. Difficulty means not only the amount of work, but also the risk we put into it.

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The tests should not be too easy and not too simple. It is necessary to balance between these two levels in such a way that we can maintain the opportunity to grow without destroying ourselves. In sports, for example, excessive loads lead not only to the destruction of the body, but also to the deterioration of technique, which makes a large number of repetitions meaningless and even harmful, since incorrect technique tends to become fixed. So in everyday life, if we come across too difficult trials, we cannot always act correctly and will make mistakes, gain negative experiences, and lose faith in ourselves and in the chosen path. Therefore, it is important to choose a suitable load that would be both strong and provide the opportunity to really grow.

Tests should challenge us so as not to cause us boredom, on the other hand, they should be within our power. On average, it is reasonable to choose goals that would use about 70% of our potential to achieve. This will ensure stable growth with the ability to maintain this practice over a long period of time. And consistency , in most cases, is more important than intensity.

Failures are harbingers of desires coming true

Beautiful ones, I salute you! We are going on a journey again from the “Motivation in Human Life” series. So, why are people given tests, and how should we react to the failures that begin to poison our lives? The author of the “Steps in Cherry Style” wish fulfillment method, Alena Menshova, will answer these questions for you.

This excursion is the third in a series of tours about how motivation can lead to the fulfillment of any of your desires. Today, using an example from her life, Alena will tell you what failures really are. What events are the harbingers of those difficult moments that arise on our way. Well, on your way, brave wanderers!


  1. How it all began
  2. The first preconditions of evil fate
  3. The troubles were just beginning
  4. Awareness: the beginning
  5. Failure is a sign of the Universe
  6. Let go and wait
  7. In conclusion

How it all began

Hello dear friends!

Today we will look at a very interesting and at the same time strange topic: failures and a black streak in life, as a sign that a desire will soon come true. And I will begin my story with a story from my life, which subsequently led me to understand the essence of the above...

The first preconditions of evil fate

In November 2021, I returned from Turkey. I usually spend two months or more in this country. This happened this time too.

My state was absolutely depressed, and here's why:

I was never able to renew my visa, as a result of which I faced imprisonment for 12 days in a migration center (but I’ll tell you about this later, if you want).

My suitcase was waiting at the hotel, but as it turned out, it never arrived. The hotel staff emptied it, and I still didn’t get many things. Money too, by the way. Here I will explain for those who are not in the know - they take you to the migration service immediately, without the opportunity to pack your things. As they say: “Until the circumstances are clarified.”

Next I had a long flight to Moscow. Then I traveled for a day and a half to my city by train. And all this way I was in a light leather jacket and with a heavy suitcase in the November frost. In my native “nest” I was met with bills for the apartment, payments on loans, purchases of food and the necessary household chemicals to put the apartment in order.

The troubles were just beginning

When I return to Russia, I always look for work. This must be offline employment. And it’s not about money, but about self-discipline and schedule. I just need to constantly move and hustle. Solve various problems every day and spin like a squirrel in a wheel. But here a problem arose...

I couldn't find a decent place for more than a month 

On top of everything that's happening, my phone is breaking. And it took a month and a half to repair it. That is, they took the gadget for repair and returned it. And after a couple of days something else became unusable. He was again accepted back under warranty, and so on for 45 days in a circle.

Awareness: the beginning

All this time I seemed to be completely thrown out of social life. It seemed to me then that a poltergeist had taken up residence at home. Lamps constantly burned out, glasses broke and wiring burned. And this is in a new apartment.

The climax was that the rear bumper of my car “softly” fit into a small pole that I had not noticed 

At some point I just sat down in a chair and... laughed. Seriously, that's what happened. I realized that this series of events was happening for a reason. The universe is trying to tell me something.

This was precisely the correct reaction to what was happening, which should be at such moments

After that I started working on myself and creating happiness within myself. I went to work early in the morning and sang in the car. I bought coffee and walked along the snowy streets.

Failure is a sign of the Universe

At this time, a brilliant idea came to me for a project that will be released in 2021. And at the end of it all, I bought a ticket to the island which, as it turned out later, became my salvation, a source of inspiration and income for the entire difficult 2020 for everyone.

By the way, what prompted me to buy a ticket was... being fired from my job. And not by choice. Now I understand why all the changes happened and what the Universe wanted to tell me.

So, so that you don’t draw conclusions yourself and rack your brains why a black streak and a series of failures in life appear before the fulfillment of a desire, now I’ll tell you everything and explain how it works.

Before you become the happy owner of your dream, the Universe tests your strength. This is a kind of test for readiness to accept a new stage in life. Like the Unified State Exam for graduates if you wish

Think for yourself, why should the Higher powers help you if at the first or second failure you complain about fate and curse everything around?

Your reaction to what is happening plays an equally significant role in this. The further successful or unsuccessful course of your affairs depends on it.

If you accept a life situation and perceive it in the format of “For what?”, and not “For what?”, the law of attraction that we all love comes into play and gives you the opportunity to see the third point from the “3 P” rule.

At this moment, the Universe sees that you are ready, that you do not give up when difficulties arise, that you are morally strong and have the right to a qualitatively new standard of living.

Therefore, my dear readers, if you see that everything is not going according to plan, or rather, not according to your expectations and the circumstances around you are against you, I hasten to congratulate you. After all, most likely

Your wish will soon come true. But subject to an important condition: the correct reaction to the changes taking place

If you analyze your life, you will with one hundred percent probability notice the effect of this law. Always before something incredible and amazing happened, obstacles and obstacles began to interfere with your usual way of life.

Let go and wait

I hope now, in the subsequent difficult circumstances that seemed previously difficult, you will not lament and complain, cry and curse the whole world.

Having learned how this rule works, you can hold your breath, release your intentions into space and wait for your dreams to come true

PS This absolutely eliminates inaction and aimless waiting. After all, if you notice this, then you have reached the finish line; naturally, this is not the time to sit idly by. The Universe helps fulfill your desire more than ever, and will definitely put all the missing tools into your hands. By the way, I’ll add that the attentive reader probably noticed the mention of the “3-P” rule. But what it is and how to use it, I will tell you in the next article...

In conclusion

Concluding our walk with Alena Menshova, I would like to add that we are not perfect. But overall, each of us is perfect. A unique and inimitable creation of the Universe, and it is always ready to help us. And this will definitely happen...

If we really need it

You can contact Alena through the “contact” form of our web liner by sending a letter “Personally to Menshova”. You can also write to her personally on Instagram or Telegram, where you will discuss the possibility of going through all the stages of the “Cherry Style Steps” method.

In the next excursion, Alena will talk about the rule of three Ps. So for those who are already interested in the opportunity to change their lives radically for the better, I recommend booking tickets at the “subscribe” box office.

Be healthy and happy dear friends. See you soon!

What tests do you need to pass?

In order to become a truly original, experienced and mature person, a person will have to go through a series of tests that will affect his attachments, paradigms, financial condition, limit his ability to enjoy and create conditions for real growth. Some experience such tests voluntarily, for some they come on their own, but if such tests are successfully completed, a person becomes mature, which makes it possible to be truly internally independent.

On the one hand, sometimes the world throws up obvious challenges - if you are attached to someone and want to become a better person, you will have to go through a breakup. If you want to become richer, conditions will be created for extremely hard work. If you want to gain knowledge, there will be teachers and sources of knowledge. The desire for achievement gives rise to a test, which determines whether a person will be able to achieve something or not.

On the other hand, trials arise naturally for a person from his lifestyle. Being too strongly attached to someone, a person builds a relationship in which the partner devalues ​​them, which leads to separation and the need to rethink his attitude towards other people. The desire for wealth naturally pushes us to the need to expand our boundaries and work hard. One way or another, for a real change in life in any area, trials cannot be avoided, and depending on where there is a desire to become better, there will be a test, expressed in a pronounced crisis or simply incredibly hard work.

When we imagine an experienced person, we immediately imagine a mature, independent, self-sufficient, but at the same time open and responsible person. Experience does not come just like that and it does not come in all areas at once. Someone may be a professional, but cannot have a relationship, and someone is happy with the relationship, but does not have harmony within themselves. Soreness and changes are signs of growth and no matter how much you would like to avoid them, this will not happen. We should voluntarily accept them and move to a new level from which past problems will no longer be problems for us, because we know how to solve them.

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Thus, trials are that anesthetic injection that both relieves pain and causes it. But having passed even one test, we deprive ourselves of enough worries and obstacles to truly believe that the work and suffering we go through are justified, fair, and even simply beneficial.

Where and how to find tests?

When a person understands that growth and improving his level of development are sources of happiness, he naturally strives to become better. But it's challenges that provide the opportunity to truly grow, so where do you find them?

In fact, if we stop looking at life mechanically, we can find a huge number of challenges for ourselves “here and now”. Wake up earlier, follow a certain daily routine, acquire new skills, set and achieve goals, realize your talents and your potential. Such seemingly obvious and basic tests form the basis of growth, and it is during them that a person faces many difficulties. It’s hard to wake up in the morning - late bedtime - the habit of spending time on the phone or games - constant boredom - unfulfillment of your natural talents - lack of attempts to start anything. There are many such chains that can be cited, and they grow from completely harmless things. Therefore, it is so important to start moving and analyze your reasons for dissatisfaction and lack of happiness. It is impossible to understand these reasons simply by theoretically arguing that something is wrong. You should make an attempt to change something and, based on the experience gained, conclude that movement and change are better for someone who is already dissatisfied with their life.

More global and serious trials are usually associated with other people: with the attitude towards them and with them, with confrontation and attempts to build relationships, with the need to establish connections and join society, occupying a position there, which is sometimes worth fighting for. But there’s no point in jumping right off the bat. Make an effort to begin developing your inner potential and over time, you will have the opportunity to set yourself more and more difficult goals and tests, after passing which you will reach a completely different level.

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