Hieromonk Macarius Markish: biography, works, interesting facts

It is difficult to name at random an Orthodox publication that does not contain at least one publication by Macarius Markish.

Gone are the days when preachers had to travel miles to deliver the Word of God. It is now more productive to spread the Good News using electronic resources.

In the 21st century, it is more productive to disseminate the Good News through electronic resources.

Hieromonk Macarius Markish is a man who grasped the trends of the times. He realized that millions of Christians needed to ask a priest something important to them.

Father Macarius supports with his experience and knowledge not even a website, but many portals in the spirit of “questions and answers”, “news”, etc.

Life of a hieromonk

He was born in 1954 in Moscow. His father's name was Simon (Shimon) Peretsovich Markish. He was born in 1931 and died in 2003. He was a well-known translator, philologist and professor at the University of Geneva at that time. He worked there from 1974 to 1996. Macarius's mother's name was Inna Maksimovna Bernshtein. She was born in 1929 and died in 2012. In Soviet times, she was a famous Russian translator.

Hieromonk Macarius Markish graduated from the Second School of Physics and Mathematics in Moscow in 1971. Graduated from Moscow University, department of Automated Control Systems for Motor Transport Engineers. He left for America in the mid-80s with his family. He has children: a daughter and a son. Started working as a programmer in 1985.

Before the great day of Epiphany in 1985, he was baptized in the sacred Church of the Epiphany in the city of Boston. And in 1999 he graduated from Holy Trinity Theological Seminary in Jordanville.

He visited his homeland around 1994 and 1998. I decided to return to the Russian Federation in 1999, when there was a bombing in Serbia. His dream came true only in 2000.

After he returned to his hometown, after some time and after the blessing of Bishop Ambrose of Ivanovo, he decided to leave for Ivanovo. There he became a great novice at the Holy Vvedensky Monastery. There he was tonsured to become a monk, and in 2003 he was ordained a priest. In 2002, he began teaching worship and general church disciplines at the Ascension Theological Seminary in the city of Ivanovo. The priest lives in the same monastery and serves the spiritual world.

Hieromonk Macarius Markish is the author of many publications and various books. He is one of the developers of the “Fundamentals of the teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church on freedom of choice, dignity and human rights.” They were adopted in 2008 by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was also the rector of the Church of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Saints in 2012-2013 in the city of Ivanovo. At the moment the temple is called the Assumption Cathedral.

Hieromonk Macarius Markish published books in large quantities.

Three words to the reader

Who is this book for?

You enter the temple: some for the first time, some for the second, some for the tenth, some for the twentieth. You rejoice in your heart, you are comforted in your soul, you learn a lot of useful and interesting things. But not so soon the temple becomes your home; and for others, who have been attending divine services for many years, it remains something external, something like a store or theater, where they go for some “spiritual services”... Let's understand why this happens and correct the matter.

* * *

We like to remember the past with warmth, and for good reason. Especially a lot of good things are said about marriage, about the former strength of the family, about raising children: despite all the hardships and troubles, the family stood unshakable and the children confidently accepted the good heritage of their ancestors, first of all, the Christian faith. How did this happen?

Here they are baptizing a baby six weeks old; At the age of one and a half to two years he is already walking around the temple on his own legs. Every Sunday, and even much more often, he is here: with his parents, with his grandmother, with older brothers and sisters, with friends. And having matured, he himself begins to go to church.

Why does he come to the temple, what is he doing here? He looks closely, listens, gets used to it. He looks at the icons, at the paintings on the walls, at the flames of burning candles, at the concentrated faces of those praying. Adapts to the melodies of the psalmist or singers, parses, ponders, and comprehends the words of prayers, Psalms, and Gospels. Gradually, gradually, step by step, year after year, he absorbs and masters the structure and spirit of worship.

Note: he has neither a TV, nor a computer, nor a cell phone; He doesn’t wander around shopping and entertainment centers, doesn’t stare at advertisements, and most often learns to read and write from church books. The Orthodox Church and its “plenipotentiary representative” - the parish church - remain for him the main, almost the only window into the wide world beyond childhood: the visible and invisible world...

So ten years pass (or a little more, or less) - and after a long practice, studies begin: the priest-teacher of the law tells teenage children about everything that is already close and familiar to them, puts it into a system, reveals the meaning. Religious education was built on a broad and solid platform of living, practical experience.

Even if this story was a bit dry and not intelligible in everything; even if not every priest could fully open the hearts of his young disciples towards Christ... But the bright and deep religious impressions of childhood remained forever in the soul of a normal person, laying a reliable foundation for a healthy personality and a healthy nation.

* * *

Is it good or bad? That's not what we're talking about. The fact is that today this is not the case. And if we refuse to face the truth, if we stubbornly sit at the broken trough of our memories and fantasies, then we will ruin both ourselves and our children...

What is happening today? An Orthodox church opens its doors to no longer a small child with blank pages of a child’s soul and the prospect of many years of spiritual practice. And to whom? Who is here looking for help in mental hardships and anxieties, who is looking for support in the revival of the country?

You are looking for adults with a fair amount of life experience, with a broad outlook and an even wider sphere of interests, loaded with many difficult life tasks and responsibilities. You do not have the opportunity to devote many years to smoothly growing into Christianity.

It is you, our contemporaries and fellow citizens who are entering or wishing to enter an Orthodox church, who are greeted at the threshold by this small book. Greets and leads further to the east, from the doors to the middle of the temple, to where the service is taking place, to the royal doors of the altar, where the great sacrament of the Eucharist is performed, so that the temple quickly becomes a home for you, and you become its legitimate, attentive and caring owners.

What is this book about?

Thank God, today we have enough books published to suit all tastes, interests and abilities. You can read the Holy Scriptures with various notes and interpretations, learn about the history of religions and the Christian Church, study theological issues, moral principles and pastoral guidelines, the architecture of churches and icon painting, church singing and the Church Slavonic language... Many publications are devoted to the main things that happen in the church, the very reason for which it was built and exists: worship.

So you come to church on Saturday evening and bring with you a thick book with a lot of useful information: how to cross yourself and bow, how to venerate icons and light candles, how to fast and hold funeral services, how to eat prosphora and drink holy water... There are also texts there services in order to follow them in church, get used to them, understand them, master them - in other words, so that they become your own.

You open the page with the title “Haytime Vigil” and read after the singers: “Come, let us worship our King God...” Okay, everything is clear! But then, for some reason, the book says one thing, and the choir is clearly singing something else... And even lower, the book says: “Stichera on “Lord, I cried””: what does this mean? Meanwhile, they continue to read and sing something very significant and solemn; the regent exclaims: “Voice Third!” - where were the first and second? And what is this “voice”? the thick book doesn't say...

How can you master it if nothing is clear? It was good for those little children that for a good ten years they absorbed church life drop by drop: but you should understand the essence of the matter and teach your children before it’s too late... Otherwise, the service will remain an incomprehensible “theatrical play”!

Hoping for help, you rush to the church book counter. There, having asked about your sadness, they take out from the shelf an impressive book called “Octoechos” - and the incomprehensible Church Slavonic font dazzles your eyes...

- Not that? from, take the “Liturgical Instructions” for this year.

It seems like just what you need: a detailed calendar of church services for every day. But it was not there. Under today's date we can only find the following mysterious directives: “At the Great Vespers “Blessed is the Man” - all kathisma. On “Lord, I cried” stichera for 10, Sunday, tone 3 – 7, and the hieromartyr, tone 8 – 3...”

– Do you have any book explaining what all this means? How is the church service itself organized in order to understand it, understand it?..

- Please! - and they hand you a volume of compact text: “Liturgical regulations, liturgics and hymnography. A manual for higher educational institutions."

* * *

This is the unfortunate gap that those who come to church find themselves in! On the one hand, there is literature “for beginners”, which does not contain the information you need; on the other hand, liturgical publications that are inaccessible to readers without special knowledge and skills; on the third - textbooks for theological seminaries, which require thorough preparation and systematic, labor-intensive work... We have to bridge this gap; That is why the book you are holding in your hands was written.

Pasha’s goal is to reveal to everyone the wise beauty of Orthodox worship both in breadth and depth. We will give the reader a broad bird's-eye view, a detailed plan of some of its closest and most accessible areas, and outlines for further routes.

Let us note right away that the “country” of worship by its very essence is vast and inexhaustible. If graduates of seminaries and theological schools can conduct regular services using the “Liturgical Instructions” (and even without them), then highly qualified specialists work on the compilation of the “Instructions” themselves with their numerous details and subtleties for each year. And besides, we must not forget that the Church is a living organism: worship lives and develops with it.

To achieve this goal while remaining accessible to everyone, the book should not be too long. However, you can always clarify and expand your knowledge and find answers to your questions. This is the strength of the Church: the Orthodox author writes not “from himself,” not “out of his head,” not “in his own opinion,” but conveys to the reader what he himself received in the Church at one time. other than that, that’s another topic...

In order not to overload the text and not to distract the reader’s attention, we, unlike educational and theological literature, only occasionally indicate references to books, chapters and verses of the Holy Scriptures. However, all the fundamental elements of Christian faith and church practice have a sound evangelical and biblical basis. And, since everyone needs to know this, the basic information about the holy Bible is given separately at the end of the book.

Bibliographical references, sources, historical materials, etc. are not indicated here. Let us only recall the wonderful book - “Orthodox Encyclopedia”, the publication of which continues year after year: we advise you to turn to it for reliable and detailed information on any issues of Christian life.

We also recommend the wonderful, wide-ranging and at the same time quite accessible work of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) “Orthodoxy”: the second volume is devoted to worship in all its diversity. And, of course, the clergy will be happy to answer your questions in the Elitsy Orthodox network, dialogue.elitsy..

What you will find in this book

The first part of the book is an overview, a story about the service as a whole. Someone might think that there are only “general words” here, “theology” that can be skipped without prejudice to the matter, but this would be a mistake.

You cannot do without some “general words”, that is, facts and concepts, in the temple; and a share of “theology,” or rather, knowledge about religion, is required by every literate person. Moreover, this knowledge serves us as protection from the dangerous diseases of our time: the replacement of faith with superstition, religion with magic, and the Church with a sect. So we highly recommend: start reading from the beginning, from the first part!

The second part of the book could be called the main one. Here we will carefully, as much as possible, in detail, step by step, get acquainted with that side of church life with which most of us come into contact most often: with Sunday worship.

It is this (as you will learn from the first part) that occupies a particularly important place in the Church and at the same time is performed regularly, every week. Everything that is told here, and this book itself, from which you can follow the progress of the service, will help you from visitors, spectators and listeners to become participants in the divine service - for which, in fact, the divine service is performed...

Those who happen to help during divine services in the church (who sing in the choir, who work in the altar) - and there are more and more such people every day - will find here a useful guide to the conscious and fruitful fulfillment of their honorable task.

Finally, the third part could receive the title of "extra". However, the additions it contains can serve you even longer and more thoroughly than the rest of the book. Here are the background information and explanations that are most often needed by both beginners and more experienced parishioners.

Before starting the story, with special joy and gratitude I will name those whose assistance and participation made it possible to write this book: M. S. Krasovitskaya, Hierodeacon John (Pletmintsev), A. A. Lukashevich, L. E. Bandorina, A. Loginova, Yu.E. Vlasov and the parishioners of the church of the Ivanovo-Voznesenskaya Theological Seminary.

"Man and woman"

The book describes many real truths. It is suitable for people who are taking their first steps on the path of Orthodoxy. After a person reads the book, he immediately begins to be interested in the hieromonk, the biography of Macarius Markish. Some are surprised that he has a divorce behind him. Few people understand why a divorced monk thinks about family life. Most people have the impression that by writing the book, Macarius is trying to heal all his mental pain after the divorce.

The book describes many interesting and useful thoughts, despite the author’s family status. It also does not contain any sarcastic words, despite the way he responds to many users.

"Preparing for eternal life"

Many people, after facing the death of their loved ones, become confused and have some kind of fear of going to another world. They try to muffle it by starting to do everything as it should. But can observing all customs and rituals help their loved ones?

This book is modern. In it, a person will not be able to find similar points with other manuals. It tells in detail about all the superstitions and traditions, and what the consequences may be if all rituals are observed. It helps a person prepare for an unearthly life.

“How to live life? Conversations before the wedding ceremony and a little after"

This brochure belongs to the series of books by Hieromonk Macarius Markish. The questions raised here not only relate to all the rules of weddings, but also answer many related questions. For example, these:

  • “Why does love begin and end quickly?”
  • “How can you preserve great love?”
  • “Why can’t couples sometimes get along?”
  • “Does a soulmate exist?”
  • “How are the foundations of married life built?”

The brochure allows you to remove the mask from prejudices and various misconceptions, to give everyone advice that people begin to think about and look for answers.

It becomes an excellent tool for people who want to join their lives in marriage, for people facing problems in their personal lives, and for their relatives.

Orthodox books of Father Macarius

When working on books, the priest relies on his considerable life experience, knowledge of the problems of modern society and the immutable truths of the Christian faith. Father Macarius answers pressing questions that concern everyone from the perspective of the Orthodox faith. Gives advice on how to overcome problems in relationships and come to faith.

The books are the result of the priest’s thoughts, meetings with ordinary people, and work on Internet projects. Communicating with people helps Markish identify questions that require answers and clarification.

"Man and woman. Questions and answers"

In this book, the priest touches on one of the main issues of humanity - gender relations, reminding that Orthodoxy allows physical intimacy only in marriage.

Father Macarius says that marriage serves to develop and increase love, its goal is to create a family and raise children. The book pays a lot of attention to the nuances of the relationship between a man and a woman, and ways to maintain love in a union.

The book answers complex, “inconvenient” questions of relationships, based on the canons of Orthodoxy, and contrasts the usual concept of “sex” with marital love and devotion. How to raise children who will support elderly parents, how to make a family happy - these and other questions are answered in this book.

“On the threshold of the church. Questions and answers"

The Church answers not only the eternal questions of existence, but also the simple, topical needs of ordinary people. Many people want to know:

  • how and for how long you need to fast to stay healthy;
  • why is it so difficult to follow church rules - there are many of them, they are difficult to implement;
  • Is surgical correction of the face and body allowed for Orthodox Christians?

Father Macarius answers these and many other questions in the book.

“Pseudo-Orthodoxy. Questions and answers"

Ignorance and ignorance of the Holy Scriptures give rise to many superstitions and pseudo-truths, which people consider to be the canons of the Orthodox faith. All kinds of gurus, coaches, bloggers teach how to live, often referring to church rules.

Many people encounter manifestations of pseudo-Orthodoxy; Father Macarius explains the church’s position on various issues and debunks established misconceptions. The priest gives advice - happiness cannot be found in oneself, for man is imperfect, but on the path to Christ, in strengthening faith, he advises reading the Sermon on the Mount.

"Let's destroy hell"

The book was written in collaboration with Hierodeacon Nikon. It contains stories about the fate and life of pure-hearted Orthodox people. The stories are written in simple, understandable language, they touch and touch, making you think about whether you yourself are living correctly.

These stories are taken from life, are instructive, cultivate mercy, empathy, remind us of the frailty of man, of the need to think about what kind of memory you will leave behind on Earth.

Father Markish has supplemented the book with polemical materials, answers questions, and gives pastoral advice. This book allows you to relax your soul and find peace after a hard day.

Father Macarius is deservedly considered a tireless missionary. According to the testimonies of many people, Markish’s bright, inspirational articles and speeches helped them in their spiritual quest and strengthening their faith. The priest sensitively grasps the needs of modern man and does not leave complex questions unanswered.

Book "Divine Service"

The book “Divine Services” by Macarius Markish (hieromonk) is not so difficult to find; you can buy it in almost every church, in a candle shop.

She talks about how you can understand all the subtleties and complexities of Orthodox worship. Many people, even those who regularly attend church, do not understand the whole essence of the service (in this case, it is not worth talking about newcomers at all). The modern book of Macarius is written in clear and lively language. It includes the whole essence of various multi-volume collections.

All principles of the Charter are written simply and accessible to the average person. It can clarify the whole essence of holiday and Sunday worship. It also allows you to follow the worship service.

The book “Divine Services” by Hieromonk Macarius Markish is recommended to be read by those people who often visit churches.

"On the threshold of the church"

Hieromonk Macarius Markish is known to many as a priest from the Holy Vvedensky Monastery in the city of Ivanovo. He answers many questions from people who come in with clear and sincere words. In this book, he clearly answered the following questions:

  • “How to keep a fast and not go to the grave?”
  • “How can you start working on yourself?”
  • “How is it recommended for a person to approach rock music?”
  • “How often to visit temples?”
  • “Is political correctness a virus that kills free speech or thought?”

These questions are just a few of those whose answers can be found in the book.

Makariy Markish has many resources on which he publishes articles and answers people's questions. Some of them:

  1. “The crush that arose among the priests” (published on April 13, 2015).
  2. “Addendum to the Confession Assistant” (April 2, 2015).
  3. “How can you get a firebird that brings happiness?” (published December 31, 2014).
  4. “Pride is the head quarters of the devil in the soul” (January 15, 2015).
  5. “If a person is jealous of you, then you should compliment him” (October 27, 2014).
  6. “Love for the coffins of the Soviet Union” (June 7, 2014).

Hieromonk Macarius Markish describes the entire psychology of a beggar person. Gives advice on how to avoid suicide and find your place in this world.

After reading the books of Macarius, you can take a lot for yourself and begin to work on your soul and thoughts, get acquainted with the essence of holy baptism, understand why a person needs it and why visit sacred churches during holiday services.

"Let's destroy hell"

Let's destroy hell

This book is a joint work of two priests: Hierodeacon Nikon (Murtazov) and Hieromonk Macarius. The fathers' many years of experience are collected here - stories about the lives of Orthodox people.

There are stories about death, about compassion, kindness and mercy. Everything is done in a convenient literary form. The book is easy and exciting to read.

With it you can relax after a busy day and put your mind in order. This is a way to let a bit of the spiritual into the soul through reading.

Quote from the book:

“God became Man.

He was born two thousand years ago in a Bethlehem stable, seven kilometers south of Jerusalem, and boarded this very train of life.

He was killed, but He was resurrected. So that we get to the goal, through the snowstorm - to spring, so that we are resurrected with Him.”

The purpose of the book is to let the reader think about whether he is living correctly, whether something needs to be corrected in himself.

In addition to vital material, the book contains the thoughts of Hieromonk Macarius about current problems of society. There are also answers to common questions among believers.

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