Powerful prayer for the return of energy for forgiveness and restoration of vitality by Irina Bannykh

Man is a complex creature. Over the course of his life, due to anger and resentment, he wastes his vital energy. This leads to feelings of depression and emptiness. At such a moment, it is easy to become a victim of an energy vampire, after which drowsiness and apathy appear, the person is in an exhausted state. In this case, the best medicine for the soul is prayer.

Prayer for energy return

Over many years of existence, a lot of evil has accumulated on our planet. People come to Earth to transform it into love. Prayers for the return of energy are intended to accomplish this task.

There are special prayer requests to help return:

  • energy;
  • vitality;
  • the joy of being.

To restore strength you need:

  • visit church;
  • take communion;
  • repent of your sins.

Prayer text

For those who prefer the power of powerful prayer, an impressive text addressed to the Almighty is suitable.

This option is real repentance, it can be read in church:

I ask my True Creator, all the Higher Light forces, whose help I need today, to collect from all my energy-information space, from the aura, biofield, from all systems and organs, down to the intranuclear, intracellular level, all the energies that I knowingly or unwittingly, knowingly or unknowingly, have taken from other people in the past, present and future, please collect them, clean them, filter them and return them to those to whom they belong. I ask them all for forgiveness, forgive me and release me to God’s Judgment. Amen. And I forgive you all and release you to God’s Judgment. Amen And all those energies that were given to me initially, at the moment of my birth, according to the Divine Plan, find, restore (replace if necessary), clean, pass through filters and return to me in the past, present and future, starting from this second and forever. Amen. My True Creator! Do it right! Do it right! Do it right! Amen.

The prayer needs to be read several times, it all depends on the confidence in achieving the result.

How and to whom it helps

Irina Bannykh’s prayer for the return of energy helps turn negative energy into positive. It is suitable reading for anyone who feels a constant loss of strength.

This is a powerful prayer appeal:

  • collects mental evil from the soul;
  • recycles it;
  • returns in the form of purified energy flows;
  • relieves a person from the burden of energy vampirism;
  • helps restore vitality to all victims.

It is important to have the intention to cleanse the space of the planet along with your aura. It is necessary to give back to others what was unwittingly taken from them.

Prayer allows you to:

  • calm the soul;
  • fill it with light energy and Grace.

Reading rules

You need to ask the Almighty for help with good intentions and an open heart. It's best to do this in the evening. At this time, there is a greater chance that the Lord will hear and help. The prayer must be said by candlelight.

Positive changes from the evening ritual:

  • the appearance of goodness and positivity in life;
  • finding happiness and peace;
  • restoration of strength.

You need to start praying after receiving the priest’s blessing and mentally asking for forgiveness from everyone you have offended and with whom you are angry. The priest will help you figure out the right choice of the Saint responsible for the area in which help is required.

In addition to prayer, you need to behave correctly in everyday life:

  • don't be an evil person;
  • treat everything with kindness;
  • help those who need help;
  • forgive people, do not harbor grudges;
  • do not quarrel over trifles;
  • do not speak badly about people, despite their actions.

The most important thing is to believe in a positive result. After all, if there is no faith in yourself, in a happy future, then the Almighty will not believe that his help is needed.

Reading must be done consciously and repeatedly, delving into every word with your soul. The required number of times is selected individually.

How to know yourself and find the strength to change?

To know yourself and find the strength to change, you need to adhere to some simple rules:

  • If you feel stagnant in your life, lack of movement and personal growth is a sign that it’s time to change something
  • If you have lost your taste for life, little brings joy and happiness - this is also a reason to think about the need for change
  • If you see that you are not realizing your full potential, it’s time to update it
  • Say goodbye to the fear of setting big goals, everything is in your hands. A goal to work on encourages you to constantly be on your toes and not waste time.
  • Don't be afraid to dream! Dreams are an imaginary image of a desired future. They help us understand what we want and how to get it. When you dream, you can find a huge number of options for achieving your goal: from classic, familiar options to interesting, non-trivial ways.
  • Don’t skimp on your energy and dive headfirst into the matter. When something grabs us, time flies faster, we manage to do a lot, but we don’t lose strength. There is a surge of energy and we want to do even more.

How much do you take from life? The very minimum or the probable maximum? What do you spend your energy on? For what purposes? Have you ever felt a surge of energy from the work you have done? For example, a picture you drew, a deliciously cooked dinner, a book you wrote?.. When we do what we are passionate about, energy is automatically replenished.

Don’t forget that a person has incredible capabilities and abilities, he has everything for self-healing and self-filling with energy. This is not only a healthy lifestyle, but above all the presence of internal energy for meaningful goals. A person can masterfully create his own destiny and change circumstances, while receiving joy and pleasure from life!

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Types of prayers

Due to an incorrect attitude to reality, an abundance of not particularly high-quality and useful information, a person often feels a loss of strength. Prayers, the texts of which may be different, help restore them.

As a result of reading:

  • peace comes;
  • I feel a surge of strength.

Correct prayer changes a person’s life and everyone around him.

Turning to the Saint will help:

  • improve health;
  • take the right path;
  • will relieve suffering and resentment.

For forgiveness and energy return

A simple and shorter version of the treatment that transforms negative energy into positive energy and restores harmony:

“Everything that destroys my biofield, strains and zombifies my mind, stops spiritual growth, I cancel with just awareness! All the released energy of the past is directed by me to heal the aura and soul. I cancel everything that prevents me from getting on the right path. I direct the freed flows of energy to restore my memory. I change the accumulated flows that have become harmful to me into the energy of love, happiness, mutual understanding with the world and my soul. I cancel all stagnant energetic vibrations that stand between me and my pure consciousness. I direct all the released energy to transform myself. Let it be so!"

To return and gain vitality

Another prayer to restore energy and vitality:

“I ask the true Creator, the power of Light, to help me in this difficult matter. Collect from my past, present and future energy-information structures, surrounding space, aura and biofield, from every system and organ, including the intracellular level, everything that was received unreasonably, taken by chance or consciously from other people. Please clean it by passing it through the filters and return it to the true owners. I regret that I coveted what belonged to another person. I ask everyone for forgiveness, I sincerely wish happiness and love to these people. Let the Court of God judge us. I also pray, collect from the spaces those energies that were given to me by the Lord from birth. Clean, pass through the Light filters and return the filters to their proper place. May everything be restored in the past, present and future. From now on and forever. May energies belonging to another person never again enter my structures. I forgive everyone and ask you not to blame me. Amen! True Creator! Do it right! Do it the right way! Amen!"

To restore the aura

Everyone has an energy shell. Healers claim that diseases are associated with an imbalance of biofields. If a person is in high spirits, the aura glows, protecting against harmful influences. Negativity punches holes in this shell, energy flows through them.

Negatively affects the aura:

  • quarreling;
  • grievances;
  • unfinished conflicts.

They can devour a person from the inside.

Breakdowns in the aura are felt as:

  • cold, sadness;
  • facial fossil;
  • tearfulness, irritability;
  • constant drowsiness.

A person feels squeezed like a lemon and helpless.

There is only one way out - forgiveness, then you need to read a prayer for the return of energy.

Other ways to cleanse the soul

Methods proven over centuries help to cleanse the soul; they should not be neglected. The memory of past sins and grievances consume human vitality. You won’t be able to completely erase them, but you can reduce the consequences.

It is necessary to experience catharsis - spiritual cleansing, to show God repentance, the desire to do the right thing.

There are established Sacraments:

  • repentance - carried out in the temple after the evening service;
  • the acceptance of the Body and Blood of Christ is performed at the Eucharist;
  • church commemoration “for health” - Psalter, prayer services, proskomedia.

These remedies are available and cost less than going to “healers.”

Don’t forget your home prayers:

  • for the return of money by the debtor;
  • to return a loved one and love in a relationship;
  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky about well-being.

They should accompany a person in everyday life.


Repentance is deep repentance, contrition for sins, accompanied by a change in a person’s internal and external life.

In a broad sense, changes are implied:

  • from arbitrarily sinful, self-loving and self-sufficient;
  • to life according to the commandments of God, in love and desire for God.

For the remission of committed sins, the Church established the Sacrament of Repentance (Confession).

The ritual requires:

  • sincere repentance for the sin committed;
  • determination not to repeat it in the future.

Holy Communion

He who partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ receives the grace of the Holy Spirit, which assists him in spiritual life and strengthens him in life in Christ.

Holy Communion has a positive effect on a person:

  • ignites Christ's love;
  • lifts the heart to God;
  • generates virtues;
  • grants strength against temptations;
  • revitalizes the soul;
  • heals the body;
  • restores the purity of the soul.

Church commemoration

Commemoration is a prayerful mention of the names of the living and the dead in the Orthodox Church during the Liturgy, at a prayer service and a memorial service. It is based on faith in the power and effectiveness of this remembrance before God for the eternal good and salvation of those commemorated. This is done by the person himself or according to notes “On health” and “On repose”. This means an appeal for the salvation of the souls of those mentioned in them.

The notes write only those who were baptized in the Orthodox Church.

You cannot write names:

  • unbaptized;
  • suicides;
  • atheists;
  • heretics;
  • apostates.

A prayer service is a service in which believers ask God or the saints to send mercy. Thanks are addressed only to the Lord.

The Psalter is a book included in the Bible, consisting of 150 songs of praise, prayer, repentance, or psalms that are especially effective.

To gain mental health, you need to read prayers numbered 4, 7-9, 11, 27, 55.

General information and attitude in Orthodoxy

Energy is the source of human life force. All people have not only a physical body, but also an energy shell. She protects him from the negative influence of otherworldly forces and the negative emotions of other people.

When the energy shell is depleted, many diseases begin to develop, which appear on the physical level. Ailments develop due to the fact that there is an imbalance in the biofield: somewhere there is a lot, and in another place the shell is almost completely depleted.

Energy is influenced by a person’s emotions and mood. In a good and upbeat mood, the aura glows. This shell protects against any third-party negative influence. If negativity, negative emotions predominate in the soul, then the aura fades and becomes depleted. Holes appear in it.

Quarrels, resentments and various conflicts have a negative impact on internal energy. They “devour” from the inside, causing serious imbalance at all levels of the physical and subtle body.

The only way to heal is forgiveness. But people, even when their anger cools down, are rarely able to admit their guilt and continue to cling to past grievances. This is what torments the soul the most. In such situations, it is necessary to switch attention. And the best way is to read prayers.

In the Orthodox faith there is no such concept as “return of energy.” In church practice, only prayer services are used that are aimed at cleansing the soul.

Prayers in front of images have the following positive effects:

  • calm and pacify the soul;
  • restore harmony;
  • bestow humility;
  • fill with energy;
  • heal mental and physical illnesses;
  • give strength to continue the chosen path;
  • stabilize the inner world;
  • harmonize the biofield.

Restoring internal energy requires a person to regularly say prayers. Before starting the prayer service, it is necessary to consult with the spiritual father in the church, since you need to decide on the type of prayer request.

In each individual situation, there are special prayers specifically created to solve specific problems. There are universal prayers such as the Lord's Prayer. But there are also special prayer texts that are especially effective only in certain situations.

It is important to choose the right prayer so that the result from reading it is maximum. The spiritual father will select texts that will best contribute to the restoration of the energy shell and the return of energy.

Reading prayers when losing energy is carried out in front of the image of the Lord God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer text is pronounced unchanged and with deep faith. We must strive to cleanse our soul of sins and live a righteous life. This is the only way to take the path to recovery of body and soul.

You can also go through spiritual cleansing. There are sacraments for this:

  • acceptance of the Blood and Body of Christ. Celebrated after the Eucharist;
  • repentance. Usually held in the temple after the evening service;
  • commemoration “for health”: proskomedia, prayer services, Psalter.

All options for cleansing and restoring internal energy are available to anyone. The main thing is to correctly identify the problem and act on its cause, and not treat the consequences.

With the help of prayer, you can not only restore peace of mind, but also neutralize all the damage caused by bad thoughts to the energy shell.

How to Make Prayer More Effective

The burden of grievances harms the one who carries it. The injured party may experience serious health problems. Staying in a bad mood for a long time develops into mistrust and aggression. Over time, this can have a negative impact on the functioning of all body systems. A breakdown in alcohol or other addiction is possible. This does not affect the offender in any way; he does not even suspect anything.

When saying a prayer for the return of energies, you need to understand:

  • words themselves cannot be very powerful;
  • They are given strength only by the inner work of the person himself.

Forgiving an offender is not easy. A person clings to the past, even if there is no longer anger in his soul. The mind reproduces the same pictures. They make the soul relive what should have been forgotten long ago. In such cases, you need to consciously divert your attention.

The reader should have only good intentions, and his convictions should be unshakable and persistent.

There should be no doubt:

  • any prayer restores the aura;
  • strengthens the energy of the individual.

Instead of hatred and anger, you need to open love in your heart.

The Lord created a temple for people - this is a community of believers. It is impossible to escape alone; only together they are able to resist any evil.

Every person is a particle of this great power.

Orthodox point of view

From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, the path to the return of energies and forgiveness is simple; let it be an Orthodox Christian. A person should go to church, pray, attend liturgy, and receive communion.

It is also important to order remembrance in church and magpies. Be sure to confess before communion; this is of great importance for your soul, its purification and the opportunity to take the right path.

Thus, the traditional recommendations are:

  • repentance;
  • communion;
  • attending liturgy;
  • prayer;
  • church remembrance of health.
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