Full text of John Krestyankin's prayer for forgiveness of generational sins

Cell prayer is a petition that is performed alone, when a person speaks independently, directly with the Lord. No one hears him except the one praying and his Heavenly Father, this is pure dialogue.

You can ask God for something in this way for yourself and for someone else, for example, monks and clergy perform similar prayer services at the request of parishioners and pilgrims. This type is also called the cell prayer of the venerable elder John Krestyankin; why and how exactly it is performed can be found out in this article.

Differences and features of such a petition

There is nothing unreasonable or fictitious in the Christian faith; all laws and rules are prescribed in dogmas and Holy Scripture. The clergy obey these rules and maintain the established order in the temple.

Cell prayer is a prayer rule according to which believers pray at home

The dogmas of the Orthodox faith stipulate two main types of prayers: public (shared with someone) and private (alone). The Fathers of the Church brought this into the dogmas for a reason; they relied on the Holy Gospel and from the very foundation of the Orthodox Russian Church these very petitions have been made.

The so-called cell prayers are individual petitions that are performed alone outside the church and chapels, i.e. home prayers or monastic prayers. Very often, this is how monks in monasteries pray for themselves or at the request of pilgrims and parishioners.

It is from monasteries that the name of such petitions comes from because they are carried out in cells. This is a very intimate type of petition, since a person enters into a dialogue with God without intermediaries and participants, with the opportunity to talk about everything sincerely and honestly.

Moreover, such dialogues also differ in meaning and content, because in church, for the most part, one asks for something public, church, and at home - about personal things, about something that one cannot or does not want to particularly advertise in public, even in church.

Especially often, individual petitions are made with a request for forgiveness of personal sins, or pardon for loved ones. The main feature of such petitions is the fact that during reading you can remember even those people who are not remembered in the temple, i.e. suicides or unbaptized deceased.

Morning and Evening Rules have been written for cell prayers.

It is to cell petitions that both the morning and evening rules apply—daily prayers at home, which must be performed by every church-going Orthodox Christian. These also include the Rule for Communion (Following) and other canons and akathists that are read outside the church.

However, individual prayers are read based on previously compiled texts; one of the most popular and widespread is the collection of John Krestyankin, who was an archimandrite of the Russian Orthodox Church and a resident of the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery.

More about Orthodox elders:

  • Elder Joseph the Hesychast
  • Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnitsky
  • Elder Seraphim Tyapochkin


In our network, it has become possible to submit notes to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Holy Land) for a prayer service for forgiveness of the sin of abortion at the holy relics of the Bethlehem babies. More details: https://zapiski.elitsy.ru/church/vifleemskie-mladentcy-mucheniki

PRAYER OF JOHN THE PEASANT (for the eradication of generational sins)

Lord, forgive me and my family, before me, in me, coming from me; Lord, forgive us the grave sins of our ancestors, parents, children and those committed by me from my youth to the present day. And remove the punishment of punishment, curses, spells of my family, before me, in me and from me.

God! All of me is before You. Make me worthy to be in Your will, because I do not know what is good for me. You make war on my enemies, because I am not able to see all their malice and all their tricks

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The prayer also seemed somewhat strange!

The prayer also seemed somewhat strange!

I don’t believe that Fr. could pray such a prayer. John (Peasant)! This is not in his spirit and contradicts the teachings of the Holy Church!

I don’t believe that Fr. could pray such a prayer. John (Peasant)! This is not in his spirit and contradicts the teachings of the Holy Church!

Yes, we ask for mercy for our deceased relatives, but not for repentance of sin for each of them. I also have doubts about prayer. I would like to know and clarify the author of this prayer.

Yes, we ask for mercy for our deceased relatives, but not for repentance of sin for each of them. I also have doubts about prayer. I would like to know and clarify the author of this prayer.

Strange prayer. It's like a spell. Something is not right here.

Strange prayer. It's like a spell. Something is not right here.

This is how the enemy does not give people salvation! Pray and do not be afraid of the words of prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ! Little believers!

This is how the enemy does not give people salvation! Pray and do not be afraid of the words of prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ! Little believers!

Types of cell prayers

To perform personal prayers, a Christian must purchase a collection of them or a special book with texts. You can pray to the Lord in your own words, but sometimes they are simply not enough, especially if a person came to the temple quite recently and his heart cannot yet fully open to the Creator.

For this purpose, it is recommended to use additional literature. Also, petitions are made for various reasons - people ask for repentance, healing, pardon for a loved one or the deceased, and many Christians do not know how to ask correctly in a particular situation.

Therefore, cell prayers of various types compiled in advance can help significantly. There are several types of recorded cell prayers:

  • “The Cell Book” by Ioann Krestyankin. This is a collection of prayers that a Christian or monk can read at different periods of life. The archimandrite compiled it over the course of 25 years of his monasticism and used the written petitions for daily reading in his cell.

    Cell book of Archimandrite John Krestyankin

It was published at a distance in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery, where the author served, and today it is the most popular collection for individual prayers. In addition to the texts of the petitions presented, the book also contains a reading schedule, which greatly simplifies the process for a person who has just come to God or a monk who has just taken monastic vows.

  • “On Suicides”, compiled by the Optina Elders. It is read as a commemoration of people who voluntarily gave up their lives to save their souls and alleviate torment. Relatives of the deceased and parish ministers are allowed to read.

Prayer of St. Leo of Optina for cell reading:

Seek, O Lord, the lost soul of Your servant (name): if it is possible, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not make this my prayer a sin, but Thy holy will be done.

  • “For those who died without permission,” is issued in the form of a canon and contains: the history of the creation of the petition, an explanation of what suicide is, how exactly one should ask for suicides, a canon of nine songs.

It is worth remembering that, above all, God desires sincerity from his children, so it does not matter what type of prayer is read or whether it has been blessed by a confessor - it is important to speak the words from the heart, sincerely and honestly.

Text of the book “Thus Spoke John the Peasant”

So said John Krestyankin

Start living according to the law of love. This law is clear to both believers and non-believers.

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Life is a difficult business. And it becomes unbearably difficult when God is expelled from it. After all, when God is expelled from the house, the most evil spirits come in His place, sowing their deadly weeds.

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A small evil that falls, like a speck, into the eye of the soul, immediately puts a person out of order in life. It’s a trivial matter to remove a speck from the eye of one’s body or soul for oneself or another, but it is a good thing without which one cannot live.

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Life itself teaches life. And the most important and important art for a person is to learn to live in peace and love with everyone.

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We have been given from the Lord the commandment of love for people, for our neighbors. But whether they love us or not, we have nothing to worry about! We only need to take care that we love them.

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The main task of a wife - a mother, blessed by God by nature, is to be a truly Christian mother, because the future of the world always lies in her children.

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If you live for God, for the sake of God and for the glory of God, this is salvation, this is the true, and not the ephemeral, meaning of life.

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So God’s call came to you in the form of illness. Please respond. Are there any serious debts? Are you married to your spouse? Were there any mortal sins? And don't despair! Turn to the Lord with your whole being - soul, heart, and mind. See the miracle of God's mercy over you.

Our hope and strength lie in the unshakable confidence that nothing happens in the world without God, but everything happens either according to His will or according to His permission. All good things are accomplished by His will and His action; the opposite happens only by His permission.

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Fear division and schism in the Church! Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now! Be afraid to judge the Church hierarchy, for this is destruction even without the Antichrist seal!

Remember, child, that the most valuable thing is to learn to surrender yourself entirely to the will of God.

A person falls away from the Source of life, does inappropriate things, and his soul becomes sick; but if he becomes stagnant in delusions, the body also becomes ill.

At the very entrance to the religious area there is a certain “hypnosis of big things” - “you have to do some big thing - or nothing at all”

With God, everything happens on time, especially for those who know how to wait.

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Imagine for a moment a person who does not wash off bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires washing, and what would happen if there were no Sacrament of Repentance, this healing and cleansing “second baptism”!

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Everyone has probably seen it more than once, or maybe they remember from childhood what happens when it gets warmer in winter and children roll snow globes. They will take a tiny ball, the size of a fist, and roll it down the hill: in the blink of an eye, this ball turns into a huge lump of wet snow! The same thing happens with the sinful state of our soul. Watch yourself!

* * *

Understand for yourself, my friends, how important it is for us to vigilantly monitor our behavior so as not to drive our faithful Angel helpers away from us. According to the teachers of the Church, man was created in order to replenish the number of fallen angels.

With God, one day is like a thousand years - and a thousand years are like one day, and this is eternity that has invaded earthly time. And our lives are also an example of this, for they too flow into eternity, erasing time.

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You have to work on your soul yourself and not expect that what you didn’t sow will grow on its own.

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However, the weight of this lump of sin, which we manage to roll out in our souls, will press on until a prayer of permission is read by the priest over the head of a sincerely repentant sinner during the Sacrament of Confession.

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Only love crowns the path of spiritual improvement, leading to deification (restoration of the image and likeness of God in oneself).

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It is impossible to live thoughtlessly these days. God rules the world, not people. There can be no orders in spiritual life. The Lord gave man spiritual freedom, and He, He Himself, in no case and never deprives a person of it - this freedom.

I pray and ask you: do not complain about life. Thank God and do not start life with earthly, and even with modern standards.

To understand God, one must rise from the earth.

There is no need to invent anything. The Lord has been in your life for a long time and is leading you through it, and not from the moment you realized it.

Try it, live carefully for at least one day, watch yourself. Who are you in relation to people? First get to know yourself, then try to live resisting sin. You will find out how difficult it is, and having learned, you will learn to be lenient towards human weaknesses and will not condemn anyone.

In order for you and me to be truly Orthodox Christians, we must have living and constant communication with the Orthodox Church in her prayers, teachings, Sacraments, we must know our faith, study it, be imbued with and live by its spirit, be guided by its rules, commandments and statutes. And most importantly, it is necessary to constantly restore in oneself through deep repentance the image of a truly Orthodox Christian, following the example of the holy people of God who have lived at all times.

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To repent means to change sinful thoughts and feelings, to improve, to become different. It is good to realize your sins, to feel the severity of the Fall. But in place of the defiled life that is blotted out by the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance, we must begin to create a new life, a life according to the spirit of Christ. What is necessary is growth, spiritual ascent “from strength to strength,” as if along the steps of a ladder.

Now we live in vain, we do not have the attention to see the traces of God’s Providence in our lives, we do not have the understanding to understand what the Lord wants from us in the circumstances of life given to us. And all this is because we forget about the only purpose of earthly existence, that it is only the path to eternity. We forget and often become daring fighters against God, opponents of God’s definitions about us, not accepting the immutable truth that the only feat of the cross in a person’s life charts his path to salvation - to blissful eternity. Only narrow and cramped gates lead to the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The fleeting river of time rushes like a swift stream into eternity. And only the Holy Church and the feasts of God stop this movement for a moment, as if counting down time. And our entire life, from birth to departure from it, is reflected in this annual circle, reminds and calls: “Know yourself, look into yourself, human being. Who are you, how do you live, and what awaits you ahead? After all, you, along with this stream of time, are rushing towards timelessness, towards eternity.” And so every day, every year.

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Our friends, let us rise from the ground, look at the Cross of Christ, before us is an example of complete and true self-sacrifice. He, being the Son of God, came into the world in the form of a slave, humbled Himself and was obedient even to death, and death on the cross. He denied life itself to save us. The Lord Savior calls us to reject sin and death, which sin feeds for us.

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The work of our salvation begins with the denial of ourselves and our sinfulness. We must reject everything that constitutes the essence of our fallen nature, and must extend to the rejection of life itself, surrendering it entirely to the will of God.

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We must recognize our everyday truth before God as the most cruel untruth, our reason as the most complete unreason.

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Self-denial begins with a struggle with oneself. And victory over oneself is the most difficult of all victories due to the strength of the enemy, because I myself am my own enemy. And this struggle is the longest, because it ends only with the end of life.

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The struggle with oneself, the struggle with sin will always remain a feat, which means it will be suffering. And it, our internal struggle, gives rise to another, even more severe suffering, because in a world of evil and sin, a person walking the path of righteousness will always be a stranger in the life of the world and will encounter hostility towards himself at every step. And every day the ascetic will more and more feel his dissimilarity with those around him and experience it painfully.

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God! You know everything; Do with me as you please.

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Self-sacrifice inevitably continues to demand that we begin to live in all its fullness for God, for people, for our neighbors, so that we consciously and uncomplainingly accept and submit to all sorrow, all mental and physical pain, so that we accept them as God’s permission for the benefit and salvation of our souls .

Self-sacrifice becomes part of our saving cross. And only through self-sacrifice can we raise our life-saving cross.

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The cross is an instrument of execution. Criminals were crucified on it. And now the truth of God calls me to the cross, as a transgressor of the Law of God, because my carnal man, who loves peace and carelessness, my evil will, my criminal pride, my pride still resist the life-giving Law of God. I myself, having recognized the power of the sin living in me and blaming myself, as a means of saving me from sinful death, clutch at the sorrows of my life’s cross.

The consciousness that only sorrows endured for the Lord will assimilate me to Christ, and I will become a participant in His earthly fate, and therefore in heaven, inspires me to feat and patience.

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The Cross of Christ is terrible. But I love him - he gave me the incomparable joy of Holy Easter. But I can only approach this joy with my cross. I must voluntarily take up my cross, I must love it, recognize myself as fully worthy of it, no matter how difficult and difficult it may be.

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To take up the cross means to generously endure ridicule, reproach, persecution, and sorrow, with which the sinful world is not stingy to bestow upon the novice of Christ.

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To take up the cross means to endure, without grumbling and complaining, hard, invisible labor on oneself, invisible languor and martyrdom of the soul for the sake of fulfilling the truths of the Gospel. This is also a fight against the spirits of evil, which will violently rise up against the one who desires to throw off the yoke of sin and submit to Christ.

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To take up the cross is to voluntarily and diligently submit to the hardships and struggles that curb the flesh. While living in the flesh, we must learn to live for the spirit.

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We must pay special attention to the fact that each person on his life’s path must lift his own cross. There are countless crosses, but only mine heals my ulcers, only mine will be my salvation, and only mine will I bear with the help of God, for it was given to me by the Lord Himself.

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An unauthorized feat is a self-made cross, and bearing such a cross always ends in a great fall.

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What does your cross mean? This means walking through life along your own path, outlined for everyone by the Providence of God, and on this path to experience exactly those sorrows that the Lord allows.

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Don’t look for greater sorrows and achievements than those on your life’s path - pride will lead you astray. Do not seek liberation from those sorrows and labors that are sent to you - this self-pity takes you off the cross.

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Your own cross means being content with what is within your bodily strength.

The spirit of conceit and self-delusion will call you to the unbearable. Don't trust the flatterer.

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How diverse are the sorrows and temptations that the Lord sends to us in life to heal us, how varied are people in their physical strength and health, how varied are our sinful infirmities.

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Yes, every person has his own cross. And every Christian is commanded to accept this cross with selflessness and follow Christ.

And to follow Christ means studying the Holy Gospel so that only it becomes an active leader in carrying our life’s cross.

The mind, heart and body with all their movements and actions, obvious and secret, must serve and express the saving truths of Christ’s teaching. And all this means that I deeply and sincerely recognize the healing power of the cross and justify God’s judgment over me. And then my cross becomes the Cross of the Lord.

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“Lord, in bearing my cross, sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me, who is completely exhausted,” my heart prays. The heart prays and grieves, but it already rejoices in sweet submission to God and its participation in the sufferings of Christ. And this bearing of one’s cross without grumbling with repentance and praise of the Lord is the great power of the mysterious confession of Christ not only with the mind and heart, but with deed and life itself.

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The cross is the shortest path to heaven. Christ Himself passed through them. The cross is a fully tested path, for all the saints have traversed it.

The cross is the surest path, for the cross and suffering are the lot of the elect, these are the narrow gates through which they enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The development of sin and the distortion of life occurs gradually: it begins with a darkening of the mind (in order for the mind to be bright, one must read the Holy Gospel daily and see life and evaluate it in the light of the Gospel truths), this is followed by relaxation of the will, and a snowball of sin rolls off, grows and grows, until you get crushed. The relaxation of the will is followed by a distortion of conscience, when we see everything in a distorted light, and for everything we receive corruption of the body.

The time has come when a person is saved only through sorrow. So we must bow to each sorrow’s feet and kiss its hand.

Illnesses - God's permission - contribute to the good of man. They slow down our crazy rush through life and make us think and seek help. As a rule, human help is powerless, is depleted very quickly, and the person turns to God.

The path of salvation is one at all times, and it is outlined for us in the Holy Gospel. And there are no obstacles for those who want to be saved at all times, for those who want to are led along the path of salvation by the Savior Himself. We only sincerely desire to follow Christ.

The time in which the Lord has brought us to live is the most turbulent - confusion, confusion and confusion shake the unshakable, but this is not the end. Even more difficult times lie ahead.

And do not forget, children of God, evil is powerless, we are eternal, God is with us.

God has no forgotten people, and God’s Providence sees everyone. The world is ruled by God, only God and no one else.

The main thing in spiritual life is faith in God’s Providence and reasoning with advice.

Humility will conquer all flattery.

It's not a matter of the amount of prayer, it's a matter of living appeal to the Living God. Faith that the Lord is closer to you than anyone else closest to you, that He does not hear the rustle of your lips, but hears the prayerful beating of your heart and what it is filled with at the moment of your turning to God.

We must stand to the death in faith.

Where there is no God, the enemy of God rules there. And the “punishment” or the hardship of life are his tricks. And when a person, after a long period of enemy leadership, turns to God, then the enemy’s intensified revenge begins for some time, and a lot of patience and undoubted faith is needed that the enemy is strong, but only the Lord is omnipotent, and He will not abandon those who diligently resort to God’s help .

Always be happy. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks for everything.

Fear division and schism in the Church! Be afraid to fall away from the Mother Church, she alone is holding back the lava of anti-Christian revelry in the world now! Be afraid to judge the Church hierarchy, for this is destruction even without the Antichrist seal!

If you live for God, for the sake of God and for the glory of God, this is salvation, this is the true, and not the ephemeral, meaning of life.

Fear nothing in life except sin.

Remember, child, that the most valuable thing is to learn to surrender yourself entirely to the will of God.

So let us live like servants of God: everything in the depths of our hearts and nothing for show, for the crowd.

What God has determined will undoubtedly happen. But when, how? This is not given to us to know, and Scripture warns us against wanting to know this.

If our entire young generation (our future) is brought up on other people’s “bread” (and ideas), then the Motherland will become foreign to them, and so will they.

Even in former times, the elders did not command the inheritance of God. The person himself must think about what to take a blessing for.

Everyday turmoil has gripped us so that people understand that it is impossible to live without God.

You have to work on your soul yourself and not expect that what you didn’t sow will grow on its own.

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In these days, when heaven and earth rejoice over the ineffable mercy of God - about the birth of his Savior into the world, when the Orthodox Church, with its 2000 years of suffering in the truth and its saving labors, affirms that God is with us, when a host of Russian illustrious new martyrs laid in the foundation of the Church is the fruit of its red sowing, and by God’s grace the people of Russia began to remember their glorious Christian past and now find their way to the temple of God to God - we would rejoice and live with living faith and undoubted hope in God and in His Holy Church.

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Live and remember daily that the seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit, which we received in holy baptism, has made us children of God and thank God.

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But no, in these spirit-bearing and holy days, the dark shadow of spiritual indignation has agitated the minds and hearts of believers and deprives them not only of the joy of universal and eternal triumph, but also of faith and trustworthiness itself.

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Orthodox Christian believers themselves: priests and laity, forgetting about the Providence of God, about God, give power to dark forces.

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Even the great pillars of the Church have made mistakes.

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It is necessary to fight the spiritual plague.

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For Orthodoxy the Lord will have mercy on me.

And by wasting the present time in idleness or wasting it on sin, we kill time and lose the value of human life.

All around there is only talk about opening monasteries, churches, about grace, about God. Yes, our dears, there is a lot of talk, but the combination of the human and the Divine today is simply monstrous. In an unimaginable internal “harmony,” verbal piety and church-going are now combined with the cynicism of perversity. Horrifying idle talk, slander, deceit, lies, falsity, selfishness and lawlessness of cohabitation coexist in the conscience of many with sighing, crying and receiving the Holy Mysteries. And a person thinks that he is with God.

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According to the teachers of the Church, man was created in order to replenish the number of fallen angels.

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However, the weight of this lump of sin, which we manage to roll out in our souls, will press on until a prayer of permission is read by the priest over the head of a sincerely repentant sinner during the Sacrament of Confession.

Modern spiritual science is especially difficult because you have to be disappointed in the person closest to you - in yourself.

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It takes a lot of work to build the house of the soul. He will falter and even be disrupted more than once until his mind and soul mature. Be patient. May the Lord strengthen and make you wise!

Do you know the proverb? Love us black, and everyone will love us white!

They greet you like September and see you off like they do in May.

And my job is to pray that the Lord will manage everything for the good, for the benefit of the worker and for the benefit of those for whom he works.

Do not forget that a man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh. It’s good when the soul is one. May God make you wise!

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And sometimes you need to go for your spouse so that there is no blatant division in his life between the life of a single person and a family life.

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Then the mercy of God will grant you some consolation. He, in addition to our understanding and comprehension, will guide our fragile boat through life with His firm hand. Everything is by Him, everything is from Him, everything is to Him - that’s how we live.

So do not complain about external things, but confess your weakness.

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Be reasonable and consistent in what you choose in life.

And when you free yourself from all opinions about yourself, all the people around you will be angels compared to you.

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Carnal love is one of the components of marriage, and it is blessed in the Sacrament of Marriage, and it is a sin to those who dare to blaspheme marriage.

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At this stage of your life, I would advise you to live without further ado. Do not demand from yourself or from your loved ones anything more than what they have and what they cannot give now.

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It would be good to accept the law of married life - to be stricter with yourself, and more lenient with your spouse. The time for thinking and choosing is over when you decide to combine your lives.

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Two people should form one harmonious person. And this is creation, this is creativity. And this is also a cross for life.

God created the first people directly, but He creates all their descendants indirectly - by the power of His blessing, which is always real.

Human souls, like people themselves, are created by God through the mediation of parents, in a way that is completely inexplicable to us.

God still remains the Author of our soul, according to the initial blessing for the birth of a child.

In a person it is necessary to distinguish between soul and spirit. The spirit contains a sense of Divinity - conscience and dissatisfaction with anything. He is the power that was breathed into the face of man at creation. The soul is a lower force, or a part of the same force, assigned to conduct the affairs of earthly life. From the same rank as the soul of animals, but exalted for the sake of combining the spirit with it.

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If we had never sinned after our baptism, then we would forever remain holy, immaculate and free from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, saints of God.

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We, while advancing in age, do not advance in the grace and mind of God, as our Lord Jesus Christ excelled in this; on the contrary, as we become corrupted little by little, we are deprived of the grace of the All-Holy Spirit of God and become sinful and many-sinful people in many different ways.

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The Lord, out of His great mercy, gives us grace, and we must keep it tightly so as not to lose it, for without grace a person is spiritually blind.

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He who gathers wealth in this world is blind; this means that his soul does not know the Holy Spirit, does not know how sweet He is, and therefore is captivated by the earth.

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The human soul is the totality of all our feelings, thoughts, desires, aspirations, impulses of the heart, our mind, consciousness, free will, our conscience, the gift of faith in God.

It is often observed in life that people who are healthy and wealthy cannot find complete satisfaction in life, and, conversely, people exhausted by illness are full of complacency and inner spiritual joy.

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Both soul and body live their own lives.

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The Lord had to suffer not for the dust into which our body would turn, but for the happiness of our immortal soul.

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God is eternal, He has neither beginning nor end to His Being. Our soul, although it has a beginning to its existence, but it does not know the end, it is immortal.

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Our God is God Almighty. And God endowed man with the traits of power; man is the master of nature, he owns many secrets of nature, he conquers the air and other elements.

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God is the Omnipresent Spirit, and man is given a thought that can instantly transport him to the most distant ends of the earth. In spirit we are together with our loved ones, separated from us by a long distance.

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God is the Omniscient Spirit. The human mind has the stamp of this Divine property. He can embrace innumerable masses of knowledge; A person’s memory stores this knowledge in him.

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God is the All-Holy Spirit. And man, with the help of God's grace, has the power to reach the heights of holiness.

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The soul brings us closer to God. She is a Temple not made by hands, intended to be a dwelling place for the Spirit of God.

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A person is not born a ready-made Temple of God.

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The one born is only destined to be one. Only after baptism does the soul receive the right to become the Temple of God. For at baptism she is sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

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God rewarded the soul with a great gift - he gave it free will.

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In the temple the soul receives reinforcement to endure all earthly trials. In it, she is watered not only with drops of God’s grace, but with its abundant rain. It pours out on us through common prayers, chants, and blessings of the clergy. And if our prayer is deep and sincere and comes from our inner being, we feel the closeness of God, His presence in the temple among us.

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You cannot leave a hungry and thirsty soul without saturation. If she is not satisfied on the path of her earthly life, then her hunger in eternity will be immensely difficult.

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But due to our sinfulness, we may not notice the hunger of the soul. And it manifests itself in languor of spirit; often incomprehensible to us, seemingly causeless, melancholy.

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The Guardian Angel given to us is like our expanded and revealed conscience. He strives with all his might to save us, and we have no right to interfere with him in this. We must help him in his efforts to save us. We must ask him to enrich our mind with an abundance of holy thoughts and strengthen our habit of pious reflection.

* * *

Every sin leaves ulcers on the soul. And they are healed by repentance.

* * *

And love... they have never talked so much about love as in our time of all liberalism and humanity, and the principles on which true love is based have never been so trampled upon. Love is on the lips, and self-interest is in the heart: they demand love for themselves - and are indifferent to others, they love, that is, they caress and flatter only those who are useful, and turn away from those who truly need and deserve help and love.

* * *

You know, there are many places where one of the undoubted signs of the approaching end of the world is decisively indicated - this is precisely: SURPRISE. Moreover, this term should be understood not only in the sense of the “suddenness” of the hour, but even more in the sense of LACK OF EXPECTATION FOR THE END.

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Guardian Angels are the servants of our salvation, so we are not alone in our earthly life, in our labors for the salvation of our immortal soul.

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The Lord will never take away freedom from a person: grace is always ready to help everyone in salvation, but we do not always accept its help with our free will and reason.

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The soul, cleansed from sins, represents the bride of God, the heir of paradise, the interlocutor of the Angels. She becomes a queen, filled with the grace-filled gifts and mercies of God.

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The soul was not created for sin. Sin is disgusting and alien to her, who emerged from the hands of the Creator pure and sinless.

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An indicator that a healthy soul lives within us is our desire for prayer. In a person who does not feel the need for prayer, the soul dries up.

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The soul is hungry when there is no prayer in the heart. When the heart hardened and became alien to everything holy.

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The hunger of the soul is stronger than the hunger of the body.

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People do not see their soul and therefore, unfortunately, do not know how to appreciate it.

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The human soul is spiritual and immortal - this is a dogma.

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The thirst of the soul is the thirst of our thought to expand its knowledge. Do not limit them only to the knowledge of the visible. And to have the opportunity to penetrate into the spheres of the invisible world - the spiritual world, and this thirst for inner grace-filled peace, inner peace, happiness, which would not be disturbed, despite the hardships, sorrows, disasters surrounding each of us... This is the thirst for freedom of spirit, so that no sinful fetters would not prevent her from expressing herself in any form of good deeds.

* * *

The soul is the totality of all mental and rational actions. Our entire inner being, the inner content of a person, is to some extent a characteristic of a person, determining his actions, his actions, his behavior, his life. It is inspired by the immortal and rational Spirit of God, and during life the soul and the Spirit are united as one.

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The soul seeks God and communication with Him, yearns for Him... strives for its original source, reaches out to its Heavenly Father, like a child to its mother.

* * *

Our Guardian Angel is a being who endlessly loves us. He loves us with the fullness of his love. And his love is great, and its effect is strong, since, contemplating God, he sees eternal Love, which desires our salvation.

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The human soul is an immortal, intelligent, active spiritual force, received by man from God during creation, giving man the opportunity, under the influence of the grace of the (Holy) Spirit of God, of unlimited development and deification.

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The soul can only be seen through revelation and Divine enlightenment.

* * *

The soul is an incorporeal force, a personal independent spiritual nature. That intelligent, thinking, highest spiritual force that brings into harmony and combines different parts of our body into a single harmonious whole. But at the same time, the soul itself is guided by the Holy Spirit of God, Who brings its many different aspirations, movements and thoughts into strict order.

* * *

It is that spiritual principle in a person that reveals its activity in all parts of the body. This is the free, endowed with the ability to desire and act, the independent immortal essence of human nature. During earthly life, it is closely connected with the body and bears all its burdens and sorrows. Acts in the body and through the body, with the assistance of its organs. She leads the body, being herself led and directed by the Holy Spirit of God.

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Only the intelligent eyes of individual people, enlightened by the grace of God, can see the soul.

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We can say about the soul that it is a combination of high qualities of love, suffering, and heartfelt disposition.

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The soul is that part of our nature with which we know God, pray to Him, turn to Him in all our life circumstances (prayer is the food of our soul).

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The soul is that rational part of our nature with which we are able to recognize good and evil and choose our path in life.

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This is that rational and thinking part of our nature that allows us, through the efforts of our will with the help of God, having known His will and loving it with all our hearts, to build our lives on the basis of the commandments of God.

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This is that part of our nature that allows us to consciously follow the path indicated by God, fighting all the temptations and tricks of the spirit of malice.

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This is that part of our nature that gives us the opportunity not to be carried away by earthly temptations, but to have a single goal in life - the desire to know God and, as far as humanly possible, to feel the presence of God already during our temporary earthly life.

* * *

The soul is a piece of God in us, it is the seat of the Holy Spirit. Through the soul, God is constantly present in us, and He, our Heavenly Father, is constantly with us in this way, because He lives in our soul. Having been created immortal and inspired by God (during creation) by breathing the Spirit into her, she received her destiny to become the Temple of the Spirit of God Not Made by Hands, a place of permanent dwelling in us. And if a person sanctifies it with holy baptism and does not pollute it with his everyday sins, then the Spirit of God is constantly present in it and it becomes the Temple of God. That temple of God not made by hands, which is destined to live forever, containing God within itself.

* * *

The soul is the source from which a person’s activity flows in his actions, in his determination (for good or for evil); This is the connection that gives our human nature the opportunity to be close to God, inspires the desire to strive for God. And the Lord Jesus Christ, by His atoning sacrifice, breathed new life into our immortal soul, life in such close and intimate communication with God, which cannot be compared with any communication between people. We enter into a spiritual union with God, and through the Sacrament of Holy Communion we become one with Him with our bodies.

Other prayers of the saint

There is also a special prayer for children written by the archimandrite.

Text of John Krestyankin’s prayer for every day:

“Lord Merciful, Most High and Mighty, Lord God, punishing generations for unrepentant sins up to the third and fourth generation. I ask you to have mercy on my entire family, all my living relatives and all my deceased relatives. Forgive my family for the sins of those who committed apostasy, trampled on the Council oath and violated spiritual fidelity to their Lord. Forgive my family for the sins of those who participated in the destruction of the royal family and the desecration of church shrines.

Forgive my family for the sins of all those who welcomed idolatry and participated in godless events and rituals. Grant forgiveness to my family for all the suicides, blasphemy and abortions committed in it, as well as for all other terrible sins: blasphemy, witchcraft, defilement and lawlessness. Do not leave us, Lord Almighty, without your support, do not let my family, All-Merciful God, perish in sins, do not weaken our family, guide us to the true path and give us hope for the Kingdom of Heaven. I pray to You, Great Lover of Humanity, to remove the curse from my family for all terrible sins. Blessed are Thy deeds and Thy will. Amen".

Prayer for children

Sweetest Jesus! God of my heart! You gave me my children and godchildren (names). You redeemed both my soul and theirs with Your priceless Blood. For the sake of Your Divine Blood, I beg You, my sweetest Savior, with Your grace touch the hearts of my children and godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them to the bright path of life, truth and goodness. Decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls with their own destinies! Lord, God of our fathers! Give to my children and godchildren (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes. And do it all! Amen.

Holy Tikhvin Mother of God Convent

with the blessing of Bishop Alexy of Buzuluk and Sorochinsky

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  • The monastery honored the memory of Abbess Cherubima
  • 13 December 2017

On December 11, 2021, Bishop Alexy of Buzuluk and Sorochinsky celebrated a memorial service for the murdered Abbess Cherubim, who was shot on this day 80 years ago in the Transural Grove.

Through the good care of Metropolitan Benjamin of Orenburg and Saraktash, and the cares and labors of Bishop Alexy of Buzuluk and Sorochinsky, from December 12, 2021 to February 11, 2021, a piece of the Robe of the Blessed Virgin Mary and an ark with a piece of the holy relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow will be in the Buzuluk diocese for the veneration of believers.


  • Library
  • 16 February 2017

Every Saturday from 9.00 to 12.00 there is a library at the monastery

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From the cell book of Archimandrite. Ioanna Krestyankina

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