Conspiracies and rituals for success and good luck in life's affairs

» Conspiracies » Conspiracies and rituals for success and good luck in life's affairs



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Lack of luck does not lead to anything good. All people on Earth agree with this judgment, because without a random coincidence of circumstances, someone would not be able to get a long-awaited job, find a husband, or receive a gift of fate in the form of financial well-being. A conspiracy for success and good luck in life is increasingly a necessity.

Conspiracy for success

Any business must have a “zest” that brings people prosperity and joy. But sometimes fate refuses to give gifts. You can still achieve your goal using a little magic and faith in your own strength. And the success spell for a successful job plays a very important role in this.

What does human happiness consist of?

Every person strives to achieve more in work, business, love, sports and in any area of ​​their life. This is what personal happiness is built on, but everyone has their own concept of happiness. Achieving what you want, clearly moving towards your goal and “squeezing out every last drop” is not always possible. The outcome of a particular case does not always depend on the forces applied. Simple luck can bypass not only adults, but also children. And what to do if well-being has passed a person by?

You can’t “give up,” because luck loves those who want to achieve it. The famous phrase “hope dies last” was not coined because of a good life. And fighting for your success and happiness is the task of everyone who does not want to feel like a failure. Don't try to look for outside help. Our common enemy is often found in ourselves and in those around us. And magic can help in this difficult task of attracting success.

How can magical rituals help you get what you want?

Anyone can ask for help from higher powers. The rituals are performed by both sorcerers and magicians, as well as ordinary people who want to receive long-awaited luck. In addition, several centuries ago people used magical rituals to achieve their needs. But over time, magic lost its popularity, but its power remained the same. Many prayers that are used for rituals have very strong energy. This is due to its centuries-long accumulation. And all that is needed for a modern person is faith in its power. A conspiracy for success and good luck will open the way to solving your own problem, giving you a chance to feel happy, rich and self-confident.

Before undertaking the most powerful rituals, you need to make sure that they will not cause harm. After all, not all the most effective rituals belong to white magic. There are also those that can turn life into one continuous series of failures. And if you managed to find the ritual necessary for success, you should not rush to read it faster. The fulfillment of what is desired depends not only on the ritual itself, but also on the preparation for it.

Preparing to read conspiracies

In white magic there are the following categories of conspiracies for winning in court, which even the most inexperienced person in magic can read:

  • Prayer texts. They are based on the melody and content of religious texts. For the most part, these are appeals to Orthodox saints;
  • Pagan spells. Conspiracies to resolve a court case in favor of the person reading them, based on ancient pagan prayers. They represent appeals to the forces of nature and the elements;
  • Combined. These spells combine pagan and prayer motifs.

Preparation for casting spells to win a court case directly depends on the category of the selected text. The most difficult thing is to prepare for a prayer reading. Preparatory activities include:

  • Fasting with complete abstinence from meat, dairy, flour and sweets for 7 days;
  • During the same week - daily church attendance;
  • Lighting candles for the health of the living and the repose of the dead. Important! Under no circumstances should you light a candle for the repose of a living person - especially your opponent in court proceedings;
  • Repentance on the last day of fasting (Sunday);
  • Daily washing with holy water.

You will be able to read prayer conspiracies to win a court case only if you are baptized in the Orthodox faith.

If you are casting a combination or pagan spell, the most important thing for you is to reconnect with nature. Therefore, try to walk in nature more often a week before reading the plot. Give preference to parks, forests and the banks of flowing and natural bodies of water. In addition to unity with nature, to perform the ritual to win the court, you need to achieve a state of peace. Therefore, meditate more often, do not allow negative thoughts. Under no circumstances wish harm to your legal opponent - this way you will distance yourself from the possibility of winning the court with the help of white magic.

What do you need to take care of before performing the rituals?

Rituals, as well as conspiracies and spells will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires only if all their features are taken into account. That is, the help of magical powers will be received if:

  • a suitable time will be selected;
  • everyone believes that magic will help him get what he wants;
  • The ritual will be kept secret from everyone.

Attracting magical forces in the search for success and good luck allows things to go uphill, achieve success in work, business, trade and in your personal life. The main thing is to follow all the rules and not give in to the temptation to tell others about your intentions to connect with white magic. Complete mystery and faith in what is desired create all the conditions for success to come into a person’s life.

Ritual for success in business

People who are surrounded by the negative energy of others most often want to attract success. The usual qualities of envy, hatred and deceit can harm an energetic person who is trying to improve the course of his affairs in search of work, money, a loved one, etc. Negative energy can negatively affect the life of every person. And most often, having freed themselves from its shackles, people immediately feel favorable changes and think: my work is finished. But how to get out of this evil whirlpool if your path is difficult? One of the options is a conspiracy for success in business.

What will be needed to perform the ritual?

Achieving success using magic is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully monitor the implementation of all actions. But the first thing to take care of is preparation. For a ritual for success in business, you must:

  • prepare a glass of clean, settled water;
  • a handful of salt;
  • wait until Thursday night.

How is the ritual performed?

On Thursday evening, you need to retire in a closed room from prying eyes. Having placed the prepared magical accessories on the table, you must:

  1. Come to the table.
  2. Place a container of water in front of you, holding a handful of salt in your hand.
  3. Look at the water, thinking about the desired success in business and getting rid of negative energy that interferes with what you want.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“White salt, pure! The sun and the radiant moon help you. Cleanse me too, God’s servant (name), take away everything bad, evil, dark. Amen!".

The plot for success must be read with thoughts about the desired changes, completely focusing on your problem. The plot should be repeated 7 times. After reading, the salt held in your hand must be placed in a glass of liquid and the last words of the plot should be read:

“Just as the salt passed through my fingers, so did the dirt leave me. Amen!".

After reading the plot, the magical accessory is put away in a dark place. When you wake up, you should take it outside your home and pour it out. The main thing is that the chosen place is deserted. Such a conspiracy saves a person from the influence of negative energy that prevents him from achieving success in any endeavor - at work or at home. After the ceremony, changes are coming in life. All difficult issues will be resolved and favorable changes will begin in business.

So that officials do not create obstacles.

On the eve of the day when you go to see an official on business, in the evening, before going to bed, light a candle and, looking at the flame, speak out loud, having learned the spell by heart.

God help me! You created heaven and earth, you created all people, and me, a sinner, so do not leave your child with your worries, Father. Help me to decide my case according to honor, according to conscience and according to justice. Let (the position, and if you know, the name, surname of the official you are going to) do what is assigned to him, and if he doesn’t do it, he will be tormented by his conscience, he will be completely exhausted, he will not be able to eat or sleep until he does everything right, according to the will of the Lord and my request. Amen.

Extinguish the candle with your fingers and go to bed, no longer thinking about your business. It is already being decided in heaven.

This conspiracy is necessary if you want officials to treat you with attention and take an active part in solving your problem. Before you leave the house, when you are going to see an official, pour water into a cup and speak to it in a whisper (you can look in a book).

Bless, Lord, my path, bless, Lord, my work, bless, Lord, my request. Holy God, send down the spirit of tenderness (position, name of the one to whom you are going), so that he would rejoice at me as if he were a relative, would be touched by my request, be imbued with my need, and put all his strength into helping me. Lord, by your power avert the refusal, bless me to resolve the matter to my advantage. As You love all people, so may He (position, name, surname of the official) love me. Let it be so. Amen.

When you step outside the threshold, splash this water at your feet, on the road you are about to walk on.


When you come to an official’s office, or to another public place with some kind of request, for a solution to your problem, under no circumstances sit down or stand in the corner - neither waiting to be received, nor when you have already been invited to enter. The angle will drain your strength, you will feel insufficiently confident, out of place, and most importantly, everything you say will sound unconvincing, and you may simply not be heard.

Ritual with washing

A spell for success at official work and in business, which should be read in the morning, can also become effective if you believe in its power. It is very simple, but requires patience, since it is carried out over several days, and it is impossible to carry it out at official work. The main thing is to force yourself to believe that success will come and any problems will be left behind. If there are no problems with this, then such a conspiracy will be a “lifeline” in the struggle for success.

What does it take to perform a morning ritual for success?

The morning ritual for success at work does not require the preparation of certain magical attributes. All you need to complete it is ordinary tap water and reading a prayer. Remember that prayer is not just a poem, it is a conversation with God, you need to keep your soul and heart open for blessing.

How is the morning ritual for success carried out?

The morning ritual is long. It runs for 13 days. All you need is:

  1. When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom.
  2. Open the water tap.
  3. Looking at the flowing water, think about your desires to succeed.
  4. Read the words of the prayer:

“Water-water that runs sparkling, wash my face. Take away all the nastiness and give joy. As you nurture the roots of trees, I become rich. As soon as I start a business, I think about you. Amen".

Every day, getting out of bed early in the morning, you should perform this ritual. You should not skip more than one reading of the prayer, because any mistake will lead to vain efforts to influence luck and success. The endurance and determination of people who do everything right will influence the future fate of a person and make him successful, which is what he wanted.

Conspiracy to attract good luck

Here is an excellent plot to attract good luck (you can also read about the plot to work). Take a small plate and pour three tablespoons of coarse salt into it. Sprinkle the same amount of sugar on top of the salt, and the same amount of rice cereal on top of it. Next, you will need a new safety pin, which you need to stick the point into this slide, and leave this structure overnight.

In the morning, fasten the pin to your clothes so that it is not noticeable, and read the following plot before leaving the house:

“From the sky, you, Sun, shine and give warmth to the earth. Well, give me luck so that my business will succeed. You are the source of life, the Sun, and the stream of bright light. Well, give me success so that I can become more successful than everyone else!”

Prayers for good luck and luck are also very popular among people. Well, every person should remember at least one conspiracy by heart. Here is an example of such an easy to remember and powerful conspiracy:

“What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely blow away, I attract luck and money to myself”

If a streak of bad luck has begun, then there is a conspiracy that allows you to return good luck. Light a candle as large as possible:

  • Yellow or blue candle
    - if there are health problems
  • Dark blue candle
    - if you want to win victory over your enemies
  • Green candle
    - if you are desperately short of money
  • Purple candle
    - if you need spiritual development or new knowledge
  • Brown candle
    - if you lack success in your professional field
  • Red candle
    - if there is no luck in passion and love
  • White candle
    - if you need to complete an important task, and your strength is running out.

The candle should be taken with two palms. “Adjust” your breathing so that it becomes calm, slow, but deep. Look at the flame with adoration and visualize your most cherished desire (learn more about the conspiracy to make a wish come true). The candle is charged with the energy of your desires and dreams and gives you confidence that everything you dream about will certainly come true.

Ritual for money

Financial success is something out of reach or impossible for many. But everyone has their own wealth. For some, a ritual to attract money is necessary to provide for their family, while for others it is simply to “fill their pockets.” If there is no evil plan, and he turns to white magic for help to help not only himself, but also those around him, then the future is in his hands. And believing in the fulfillment of what you want and performing a ritual using money will help attract good luck financially.

What is required to perform a ceremony with money?

The ritual, which will help attract financial well-being, is held on Wednesday for the growing month. The clearer the sky is that night, the more effective the ritual will be. In addition to the weather, it is important to prepare the following magical accessories:

  • glass of water;
  • several yellow coins;
  • ring made of gold.

How is the ceremony performed for money?

To rid yourself of poverty and get the money you want, you need to believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. With the thought of future financial success, you should collect all the magical accessories by the required time and wait until midnight. When the clock strikes midnight, the ritual itself takes place:

  1. You should sit down at the table and place a glass of water, coins and a ring in front of you.
  2. Magic accessories must be placed in water and the glass taken with both hands.
  3. You should think about past money misfortunes and desired changes.
  4. It is necessary to read the words of the prayer:

“Merciful God, I need your help, protect me! Your immense power and grace, touch my destiny and life with your hand that brings light. Give me light, luck and prosperity. Do not give up in all endeavors and problems. Bless me for good luck in my labors, for all my deeds are for good. Amen!"

The word “Amen” is repeated 3 times, after which they go to bed with the thought of attracting money. If everything is done correctly, an “extra penny” will soon appear in a person’s life, which he can use for himself and his loved ones for the benefit.

So that trading profits grow day by day.

Leave this water to stand in the sun for several hours, and that same morning (or in the evening, when the sun is not too hot) replant the plants, watering them with the said water after replanting.


If you want fruit trees to bear fruit well, lightly beat their trunks with a broom.

This plot is read on the waxing moon, in the evening, going out into the garden or vegetable garden, when the moon is visible in the sky. You need to speak about the water for irrigation, in a whisper, leaning lower towards the water, by heart.

I will go out to meet the evening, I will freely bow to the wind, to the queen moon, to the icy water, to the ant grass, to every bush, to every flower, to every stem and twig and every leaf. You are leaves, flowers, green shoots, bushes, and trees! Forgive me, don’t hold a grudge, but if there is anything wrong with me, I’ll pray to God, I’ll submit, I’ll obey, I’ll apologize to you.

Then lightly sprinkle (without watering too much) all the plants in the garden.

Ritual for business or successful trading

Every entrepreneur who is involved in “their own business” may have ups and downs associated with business. It seems that there is a product, but there is no clientele, or the bargaining is weak and things are not going well. Some people try to establish trade, attract buyers and thereby influence their earnings. For others, it is important that transactions are successful, which can give a great chance to dramatically change their entire life. The reasons are different for everyone. Building your own career, working for yourself, the ability to sell your ideas or products is the basis of any work activity. But success in all endeavors can depend both on direct actions and on prevailing circumstances.

But there is always a chance to influence fate, to make it favorable to one person. And one of these methods is a ritual for business and a conspiracy ritual for successful trading. A conspiracy for successful trading is especially effective on certain days.

What will you need for a ritual for business and successful trading?

To save yourself and your business from problems and make sure that things “go” in the right direction, you need to clearly know your goal and go towards it. Once you are ready to perform the ritual, you should prepare the following magical accessories:

  • coin
  • patchouli sprig;
  • red thread;
  • essential oil;
  • remnant

The ritual itself is carried out on Thursday early in the morning, on the street. The best place is deserted. This could be an old park, alley or garden.

How is the ritual for business and successful trading carried out?

Having collected all the magical accessories and served obedience (fasting), early on Thursday morning, you need to go to a pre-planned deserted place, where the ritual itself is carried out:

  1. After making sure that no one sees you, you need to dig a hole in the ground.
  2. All prepared magical accessories should be placed in the prepared recess.
  3. It is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as money rings in someone’s wallet, so it will ring in mine. Success accompanies the red thread, so let it accompany my life. Help me, Lord. Amen".

After the words of the conspiracy are read, it is necessary to sprinkle earth on a thread, a coin and a piece of soap with the thought that all problems will soon disappear and a new, bright and profitable period will begin in trade. After the magical accessories are covered with a layer of earth, you must:

  1. With the index finger of your right hand, draw a cross in the air over the buried objects.
  2. Say the words: “My word is law!”
  3. Go home without looking back until the place of the ritual is out of sight.

All the most desired changes in business, which relate to making financial profits, will soon overtake the person who performed the ceremony. He just needs to wait and believe in his success and luck and not tell anyone about what happened.

So that competitors do not harm.

You are the winds, the winds in the field, help, provide support. So I went out into an open field, alone, except you, the winds are free, there is no one, I have no equal. No one will catch up, no one will overtake, no one will overtake, no one will go around, no one will outwit, no one will go around on a crooked mare. I myself am a friend, I am the first myself, there is no one in front, nor behind, nor on the sides.

Afterwards you must leave without looking back, and on the way home you must not utter a word to anyone.

Just as the fish in the river is silent, so will my enemies be silent. Just as the river does not flow backward, so the enemies will not go against me. Just as water wears away a stone, so will all my enemies be wasted. Amen.

Then leave without looking back, and remain silent while you walk home.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Pythagorean Square - online calculation of the psychomatrix by date of birth with explanations


If you don’t want to invite poverty, never whistle either at home or at work. If someone whistles nearby, it is bad for him and for everyone present; loss of money threatens everyone. To avoid this, when you hear someone whistling, say three times in a row out loud, in a whisper, or to yourself: “Whistle after whistle went, passed me by.”

How to become more successful in all areas of life

For some people, success is the fruit of their own work on themselves and their affairs. But is this really true? Achieving your well-being without the help of higher powers or favorable fate is an impossible task. Any conspiracy for good successful activity or success is just a way to get something that you cannot achieve on your own. And those people who do not rejoice in their success or do not notice it have another problem - they are not happy. If there is no bad intention in the head, and everything a person does is aimed at goodness towards others, then higher powers will definitely help those who need them. And rituals and conspiracies are just a way to contact them.

Some people need luck in every area of ​​their life. They feel like failures and try in every possible way to remove this title from themselves. Not many people agree to seek help in magic. But for those who have decided to trust the higher powers and believe in them, a week-long conspiracy for success is suitable.

What does it take to carry out a weekly ritual for success?

A long ritual for success requires restraint from a person and daily implementation of magical instructions. All you need is to know the words of the conspiracy and use them at the right time, to have amulets. If everything is done right, there is a chance that things will change soon. The main thing is to believe in this, because the beginning of the journey is always difficult.

How is the weekly ritual for success carried out?

The required time to perform the ritual for good luck is the morning of every Wednesday of the month. The person conducting it should go to the bathroom early in the morning to wash. The ritual itself is simple and includes only 3 steps:

  1. Regular morning wash with cold running water. You should wet your face and hands.
  2. Reading the words of the conspiracy:

“Sreditsa - Wednesday, let’s talk about the water. I am baptized in the name of Christ. A guardian angel protects me. Angel, have mercy, would you take all misfortunes away from me. You should send all your happiness and success to me. Sit on my shoulders, guard and guard me. Protect from evil people, from predatory animals, from filthy tongues! From court, from reprisals, from gossip and witches’ poisons! Lord God, add happiness to me, make life easy! Amen!"

  1. After the words of the conspiracy are read, you should wash your face and hands with water.
  2. The completion of such a ritual is associated with the giving of a ransom. The next night, you should go to the cemetery, taking with you coins and milk with a pie.
  3. When approaching any grave, you must say the following words:

“You would remember the dead man, take away everything bad and bad from me forever and endlessly! It will be like this from now on and forever! Amen!"

Important nuances

The territory of the dead does not like uninvited guests. Therefore, after reading the words of the petition, you should leave the cemetery without turning around. No mistakes should be made. Any turning of the head to the side or slow walks through the cemetery can disrupt the effectiveness of the ritual.

In addition, you should not look for a more suitable place to end the ritual that night. The dead do not like to be disturbed with their petitions and can in every possible way turn his actions back - to the detriment of a person. No amulets will help against such a return.

Holy prayer for help before starting any important task

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills all things, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filthiness, and save us, Blessed Oh, our souls. Bless, Lord, and help me, sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Beginning Father, for You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart, spoken by You, I bow down to Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to accomplish this work, which I have begun, for You. You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

It is generally accepted that the life of Orthodox Christians proceeds quietly and without much excitement. In practice, everything is somewhat different; an Orthodox person, like anyone else, can find himself in unpleasant situations. He is not immune from clarification of controversial issues, although for a Christian believer it is still preferable to resolve any disputes peacefully.

If there is no other way out, and judgment awaits, a Christian will always turn to God for help. There is a special prayer before the court, which is read for a successful resolution of the case.

When starting to pray before the court for a successful outcome of the case, you must first of all examine your own conscience.

From a Christian point of view, it is completely unacceptable to ask for help in order to hide one’s guilt or to remain unpunished in the event of an offense. If a person knows that he has really committed something illegal, but at the same time wants to “get away with it,” resorting to God’s help is not only pointless, but also blasphemous.

You can turn to God in prayer for help in court only in cases where a person knows his innocence and wants to prove it.

Also, a person who has become a victim of any offense can contact law enforcement agencies.

If all other methods of reconciliation have been exhausted and there is no other way to punish the attackers, an Orthodox person has the right to turn to the authorities. In this case, a prayer to win a court case is read with the aim of restoring justice.

If you are completely confident in your own rightness and innocence, it would be useful to take a blessing from the priest before the meeting. But you should not assume that the words of the priest or a special prayer can act as some kind of amulet or lucky talisman - these actions in themselves mean little.

Spiritual help and God's participation in our lives directly depend on faith in His Providence and care for us.

If a person with a bad conscience reads a prayer to win a case in court, the consequences will never be favorable.

You can turn to God with the awareness of your guilt only for the purpose of repentance, but not for the purpose of hiding your own guilt. Therefore, every Orthodox Christian must carefully examine his conscience.

You need to honestly answer, first of all, to yourself - is there anything that prevents me from sincerely and with a pure heart from turning to God?

In fact, there is no fundamental difference to whom exactly to pray for a successful outcome of the matter. Individual “specializations” of certain saints are a tradition of our church, based on experienced knowledge of the life of ascetics.

Thus, it is generally accepted that a saint who during his lifetime helped in this or that matter or who himself struggled with a certain sin will help in the same way after his death.

However, this tradition does not at all prohibit making prayer requests to beloved saints who are especially revered in the family. If you have a heartfelt desire, you can pray before the trial to absolutely any saints, as well as to our Lord Jesus Christ himself, his Most Pure Mother.

But there are situations when a person does not yet have a particularly revered saint, or simply does not know how and to whom to pray. In such cases, you can resort to reading ready-made prayers from the prayer book. Traditionally, before proceedings, they resort to the heavenly help of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt, Nicholas the Wonderworker, and Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

The veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker is so widespread that there is no believer who is not familiar with this saint. You can address him either in your own words or find the text of a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker about judgment. Since the help of this saint is very extensive and is given in all aspects of life, you can read any text of the prayer to this saint that pleases the person praying.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is a Greek saint, previously revered in Rus' no less than St. Nicholas. To this day, the flow of pilgrims to the holy relics of Spyridon, which are kept in an Orthodox church on the island of Corfu in Greece, has not diminished.

Interestingly, a clear and physical manifestation of this man’s holiness is the fact that his relics have maintained a constant temperature of the human body for several centuries.

This revered saint, according to believers, never refuses help to anyone who sincerely asks him. The prayer before the trial to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous can be read both in church and at home.

Saint Anastasia the Pattern Maker is a famous great martyr of the 4th century. The “pattern maker” received her name because she helped and alleviated the suffering of captured Christians in prison. The bloody reign of Emperor Diocletian brought many martyrs for the faith, since Christianity was then cruelly persecuted and punished.

It doesn’t really matter which saint a person reads a prayer to win a case. The main thing is to do this with a clear conscience, sincere faith and humility before God’s Providence - then an appeal to God will definitely be heard and the person will receive spiritual help and support from above.

O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and wonderworker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame.

Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you.

Sitsa, therefore, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many living in poverty and lack, you nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you.

Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

O long-suffering and wise great martyr of Christ Anastasia! You stand with your soul in heaven at the Throne of the Lord, and on earth, by the grace given to you, you perform various healings: look mercifully at the people who are coming and praying before your relics, asking for your help: extend your holy prayers to the Lord for us, and ask us for forgiveness our sins, healing for the sick, quick help for the grieving and needy: pray to the Lord to give us all a Christian death and a good answer at His Last Judgment, so that we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit with you forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

If you have started an important event and want everything to end successfully, read a prayer before starting any task.

Any undertaking should be blessed.

Otherwise, even a nail will not be hammered straight.

Every business must be done with the Orthodox consent of the Pleasants of God.

And I hasten to share with you three prayers that should be read in comfortable silence.

As usual, you need to light the church candles. Let it be just one candle.

Place Orthodox icons of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Eldress Matrona of Moscow nearby.

Mentally imagine a successful accomplishment.

Start slowly reading prayers for every matter.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Bless me for my plan and bestow patience and good luck. May all efforts turn out to be successful, and may your endeavors not end in failure. Thy will be done. Amen.

There is another prayer, only addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Saint Nicholas, Protector and Savior. Grant me peace in vain affairs and do not be angry at a sinful request. Endow me with diligent hard work and protect me from hefty failures. Thy will be done. Amen.

Magic that will help you become successful from a famous Siberian healer

Natalya Stepanova's fame as a traditional Siberian healer came because of her magical powers, full of light energy. She is a real specialist in performing rituals for good luck and fortune and her help was available to everyone. Her powers and protective amulets have helped thousands of people find long-awaited success in work, business and in their personal lives. The favor of fortune towards these people acquired a new, previously unknown character. Attracting monetary success and good luck for some people was influenced by amulets. For others, rituals with words of conspiracy came up. This healer had her own approach to each person.

You can learn more about this amazing person only by studying her works - more than 7,000 conspiracies. All of them have shown their effectiveness in different areas of human life. And most of them are associated with success and luck. The most popular is a conspiracy for daily luck at work and in everyday affairs.

How to correctly use the words of the conspiracy for daily luck?

The power of the ritual lies in the daily use of the words of the conspiracy. In the morning, getting ready for work or before paying attention to household chores, you should say the words of the conspiracy:

“Our Lord, Great Father and Church, Mother! Help, protect, protect me from troubles, water, fire, evil words and intent. Take away from me failure and gossip, anger, evil thoughts of people. Accept my repentance, help me in my deeds, soften my heart. Amen".

Strong thoughts about the desired success will find their long-awaited support in the form of spiritual support from higher powers. But you can use prayer only once a day, but protective amulets always protect you. Reading the plot in detail will not bring the desired result. Remember that work conspiracies are not suitable for everyone; for this you need to have willpower and self-confidence. You must not be afraid of the consequences, and be prepared for any turns. Before you get something you need to invest time, energy and soul.

A dark ritual for winning in court and closing a criminal case

Criminal cases carry heavy energy that is difficult to pacify and overcome on your own. But there is still one reliable remedy. Door and window openings are considered portals to another world. Improper conduct of a rite or ritual can cause restless souls or entities from the other world. But this way you can ask them for help. Because the Higher Powers of the light egregor will not be able to qualitatively work out the dark matter that crime carries with it. Or – they may need much more time.

To win a criminal trial, it is recommended to perform a ritual on the door. This must be the doorway to the meeting room. And it is worth carrying out the ritual precisely at the time of entering it. They won’t be able to do anything before or after the entity.

When entering the hall, you should quickly knock on the doorway three times and mentally say the following words:

“Alien entities, restless entities, you started this, you will get me out of here! Do you hear? Follow my orders!

As you can see, the whisper is short and does not look like a request, but rather an appeal and even an order to otherworldly forces, which control everything unclean and all the deceptions in this world. By knocking, you will attract their attention and make them work for you. After all, few people know how to call them. Asking them “in a nice way” is prohibited. These are harmful creatures who do not follow anyone's lead. Entities from a parallel world only need to give an order: they will be afraid of you and want to serve you. Such assistants will do their job, and you will leave the courtroom innocent.

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