What icon to give to your son who is going into the army and what prayers to read

A mother's heart always aches for her child. Not every woman wants her son to go to military service, even if all family members are patriots in their souls and minds. Wars and armed conflicts of our time increasingly call on young people to fight courageously. Young soldiers often die in such battles . You can protect your child without bribes in medical units and military registration and enlistment offices - proven conspiracies for your son in the army will put a talisman and protect you.

Conspiracies will be effective for my son to solve problems with the army

Spoon plot to prevent your son from being drafted into the army

A popular conspiracy for those who are not eager to join the army originates in Tsarist Russia. At that time, military service lasted 25 years, and not every young man was ready to devote a quarter of his life to working for the state. Mothers performed a ritual to keep their son away from the army. You should take the spoon that the conscript uses and take it as far as possible from home, to a deserted place. The ideal place would be a forest. There, bury a spoon under any tree, saying:

On the way back, you cannot turn around and talk to people you meet.

Spell on nails to leave a guy at home

An excellent magical attribute, with the help of which experienced craftsmen perform various rituals, is biological material. Especially valuable items are hair, nails, eyelashes. They retain maximum information about the person on whom the ritual is performed. If a mother wants her son to be commissioned and removed from service, she must cut off the nails from the guy’s right hand and put them in a new white scarf. Tie the fabric into a knot and bury it in an empty area where people do not walk. Read:

The son will definitely receive a white ticket and stay at home.

Rituals before sending a son to the army

It is not necessary to follow all the recommendations

If the decision is made to join the army, the mother should think about protection and help from higher powers for the guy. Having performed simple rituals that have been carried out over many years and have confirmed their effectiveness, you don’t have to worry about the employee:

  1. The father sprinkles his son with holy water just before leaving for the army, saying the words: “The Lord will protect you.” If there is no father, the grandfather or godfather can perform the ceremony.
  2. The recruit goes to church, attends the night service, confesses to the priest, and receives communion.
  3. Parents order magpie for the health of their child.
  4. The guy puts on a cross and keeps with him the prayer “Alive in Help.” You can buy it in a church store, but it is better if the mother writes this petition in her own hand.
  5. The mother cuts off a lock of hair from the conscript and hides it behind the icon. This will mean that the guy will definitely come back.
  6. At the last minute, before boarding the transport, the father or mother must cross their son and say: “I give you a blessing for the whole journey, so that all paths open up easily in front of you. I ask the Lord to protect you from all misfortunes and easy service.”

It is not necessary to follow every single recommendation, but a comprehensive ritual over a future soldier guarantees reliable protection for the conscript and fortitude for the employee in mind, body and spirit.

Conspiracy for a recruit with water

A woman can transfer some of the maternal energy and protect the child with the help of water. The recruit must be washed by adding a few drops of water blessed in the church. You need to wipe the guy’s face with the hem of his skirt or dress, whispering a conspiracy:

The clothes that the young man's mother used to wipe them should not be washed - they should be hidden until the son returns from the army.

Spell to get rid of fear

To prevent soldiers from falling flat on their face, mothers perform a ritual with a stone

In war or armed training, a person must carry out assigned tasks and not feel fear. To prevent soldiers from falling flat on their faces, mothers perform a ritual with a stone:

  1. Choose a small stone, preferably an agate that protects a person and absorbs negative energy. In the absence of this, any cobblestone will do, because the main thing is the message to the mother.
  2. Place it on the threshold so that the soldier would step over it when leaving home for the army.
  3. Take a stone and cross it three times.
  4. Read the prayer over it:
  1. Hide the enchanted object away from prying eyes.
  2. Read the prayer once a month, renewing the magical properties of the stone.

After the son returns, the stone must be washed in running water, saying words of gratitude to the higher powers that protected the child from harm.

Soldier's amulets

People who go to war are most often given amulets in the form of birds or angels.
They can be made in different techniques - figurine, doll, embroidery or amulet, as well as from various natural materials. Such amulets symbolize the protection of divine forces, the victory of life over death and peace over war. Egg dolls are also often used. Their distinctive feature is the ability to remember and fulfill prayers. Such amulets can protect against injuries and promote their rapid healing.


In the culture of the ancient Slavs, to protect soldiers, an ornament such as the Valkyrie was actively used - a talisman that called upon the entire strength of its family to protect its wearer. The Slavs believed that representatives of the clan came to protect their descendants from death and serious injury. This pattern is embroidered on clothing or burned onto a wooden object. Just don’t wear the Valkyrie with a cross - these signs conflict with each other.

If we talk about the properties of stones, then red or orange carnelian is suitable for soldiers, known for its ability to protect and heal wounds. It is often used in situations involving increased risk to life and health. Stones can be used as an amulet, sewn into clothing, or simply carried with you.

I will return home alive, and I will bring victory with me.”

This text is written on a blank sheet of paper with a red pen. When writing, the soldier must repeat these words to himself, trying to tune in to a successful and safe battle for himself. This method helps many to gain faith in their own strengths and the support of divine forces.

Another powerful amulet is the empty bullet or cartridge case, which soldiers often wear around their necks like a talisman. This custom appeared for a reason. Since ancient times, soldiers have believed that the bullet is afraid of the bullet, and this talisman can protect them from dangerous injury.

Short spells for those in the army

A young man will find service easier and calmer if he feels constant support from loved ones. A mother can send him spells via SMS, pronounce them several times daily, morally passing them on to her child. The following whispers are considered effective:

  1. “No one is a stone, no one is an arrow, your service, son, is easy.”
  2. “The soldier is sleeping - the service is going on, so that the Saints will guard your sleep.”
  3. “Don’t be afraid of anyone, don’t be in debt to anyone, so you can return to your father’s house safe and sound.”

The energy of self-preservation increases significantly in the soldier who knows for sure that they are waiting for him home, believe in him and try to protect him in every way. In addition, guys who are charmed from the oppression of colleagues and bosses are more persistent. The mother should say the prayer several times a week:

Before your son leaves for the army, it is recommended to write the text of the prayer on paper and give it to the soldier for safekeeping.

Seeing off a recruit for military service: signs and traditions

The young man begins to think about serving in the army, already receiving a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Serving for the benefit of Russia has always been a great challenge for young men who are just starting out on the path to adulthood. This was considered a very important event, and preparation required a serious approach. After all, with whatever attitude you send the future warrior, he will undergo a long and harsh service. Seeing off to the army has its own traditions and signs.

It is always customary to gather a feast for the nearest and dearest of the future recruit. Only these people can give truly useful advice, wish parting words and sincerely believe that a person, after serving, will become a real man, a defender of our fatherland.

In order for a recruit to go into the army with high spirits, good mood and a desire to serve the fatherland, it is important to make this day a holiday for the family, to celebrate it joyfully, cheerfully and enthusiastically. The memories of relatives who received a military ID long ago will help you get into the right frame of mind. Their stories about valiant and sometimes dangerous service will only give the guy more responsibility.

Mothers and lovers should hold back their tears on this day and not show their suffering associated with future separation. The army should not be dramatic for a young man. The memory of ancestors who went through the war, the exploits of friends and acquaintances participating in recent military operations should be imprinted in the minds of the future fighter. They serve as parting words, imparting courage and enthusiasm to the young man.

Customs of our ancestors

Congratulations to the army have been known since the time of Peter the Great. It was then that the Decree on recruitment was issued. This was truly a serious test for the recruit and his relatives, since the service life was twenty years. This inevitable separation from relatives was always accompanied by women's lamentations and tears. The fathers also could not contain their emotions, since few hoped to see each other again. They often died while serving in the army from executions, illnesses, or participation in wars.

In order for the soldier to return to his father’s house and not be broken by this cruel period of trials, the people observed and carefully performed certain traditions. It was customary to give amulets and amulets along the way. One of these was with the image of the god Perun the Thunderer. This Slavic symbol signifies strength and protection from all evil spirits. And the drawing with the image of his horse gave him faith that trouble would pass him by. The amulet kept on the chest helped during long service and gave faith in a speedy return.

A wolf's claw or fang on a pendant was also considered strong protection for the future fighter from the enemy and disease. He could impart wisdom, agility, endurance and cunning to a predatory beast. A wolf, devoted to his pack, will never leave or abandon his family. This sign will always remind the soldier that he is remembered and loved ones are waiting for him. And thus he must boldly defend the honor and dignity of his people.

Special craftsmen who wanted to outwit evil spirits and evil spirits made a figurine out of clay, similar to a copy of the future recruit. They wrapped it in clean chintz and buried it next to the front door of the house. At the same time, the words should have been pronounced: “Take him, but don’t touch my son.”

When setting off for long service, it was imperative to leave the parental home backwards. This inspired faith in a kind, easy service and a happy return. And it was customary to throw grains of rice, millet, and buckwheat after the guide. Thus, it was believed that the soldier would not starve and would not need the basic necessities.

After the young man left, the house was not cleaned for three days. It was considered bad luck to sweep the floors and wash the hallways of the house. Thus, without eliminating the good energy of this person. So that his return will be quick and blessed.

It was customary to cook porridge on this day and pour it generously with honey before eating. So that it flows down the lips of the recruit. This promised more joyful events in the soldier’s life, worthy of rewards for his outstanding exploits.

Devout mothers always crossed their son's back three times without him noticing. And then they asked the Lord for strength and health for their child. This custom has survived to this day. In the church, people order prayers for those who are now on a difficult, thorny path associated with military affairs. The main images that can bring mothers faith in the well-being of their own child are the icon of St. George the Victorious and the icon of the Mother of God with the Child.

An important tradition was to drink water from a well and place something of one’s own with it for the future soldier. It must be something personal and connected to the father's house. This ritual is aimed at preserving the energy of a young fighter. On a subconscious level, he could gain strength from this place, remembering his parents’ love and care, the coolness and freshness of the clean water of these places.

A symbolic item was also a loaf of bread, which it was customary to bite off before the service during the feast and say loudly in front of all relatives that you will definitely finish it when you return. The bread was then wrapped in a clean towel and stored in a dry place until the soldier returned.

Special attention was paid to the recruit's hair. They cut off two locks of hair and laid them crosswise behind the icon. This amulet promised to save the young man’s life and give him the will to win.

Receiving a blessing from the priest and taking with you a bag of the soil on which you were born and raised is also one of the symbolic signs that came a little later and is still observed by many.

Modern traditions

The current generation does not take the tradition of sending off to the army so seriously, since the terms of service have been significantly shortened, and the conditions of service have become much more relaxed. But the instability of external political relations, terrorism, and constant internal conflicts contribute to the fact that some rituals are observed to this day.

It is customary for a recruit to go to church, listen to the service, take communion and confession. Parents of a conscript can order a magpie for health. The conscript must take his pectoral cross with him to the service.

A good sign of an imminent return will be a ribbon hung by the young man on the wall, which he will remove upon his return. Before conscription, you cannot wear a uniform - this is considered a bad omen that attracts trouble.

Another of the traditions of our days is to sign a bottle of vodka or champagne to all relatives and friends who sincerely wish well and a speedy return to the soldier. This bottle is opened after the soldier returns from service.

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Conspiracies to save life

Every month, for peaceful service in the army, prayers should be read not only at home, but also in church

If it has already happened that a young man finds himself in combat formation, the parents with all their hearts dream of protecting their son from danger. Using the right magical rituals, the guy will definitely return home in good mental and physical health.

A mother's petition to the Lord for her son

Loving parents can independently provide amulet for a warrior. All that is required is to read the prayer of the mother whose son is in the army. The text of the petition is:

The text of another charm charm, which can also be rewritten and hung in the most prominent place in the house, reads like this:

Every month, for peaceful service in the army, prayers should be read not only at home, but also in church, placing candles for the health of your child.

Prayer to the Healer of God

Prayer to the Healer of God will make the service of a soldier in the army easier

If a mother feels in her heart that her child is in great danger, she needs to ask for help with a prayer to Matrona, an appeal to the Healer of God:

This maternal word will protect the employee from negative events and make serving in the army easier.

Prayer-amulet of the Mother of God “Seven-shot”

Hem the amulet in the warrior’s outer clothing, from the wrong side.

O long-suffering Mother of God, Higher than all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You have endured on earth, accept our sighs and keep us under the shelter of Your mercy. You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but, as you have boldness in the One who was born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that, apart from all the saints, we will sing praises in the Trinity to the one God, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

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