9 Basic Principles of Tao Yin


Wednesday, January 30, 2008 1:27 pm + in the quote book Mirage_hunter

all posts by the author According to ancient Eastern philosophy, in particular Chinese, which believes that all processes in the World contain polarity. We all have masculine and feminine principles by nature, and so do stones. The creator characterizes masculine energy, the perceiver characterizes feminine energy. The creative stone should have a bright, rich color, shiny or transparent, and the receptive stone should be dull and paler. But let's look at this topic in a little more detail. Stones are divided into Yin and Yang according to their color, purity, hardness, crystal lattice and chemical composition. For convenience, we will take the transparency of the stone as a basis. All pure and completely transparent stones belong to the Yang principle (male stones), all opaque stones are associated with the Yin principle (female stones). The stones are translucent, combining the characteristics of Yin and Yang, and have Dan properties. In addition, there are four trigons corresponding to the four philosophical primary elements: Water, Earth, Air and Fire. Trigons, which combine the signs of the Zodiac, are also divided into male and female. Two trigons - Fire and Air - male, yang. Representatives of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - have stones that are clean, transparent, occupy a high position on the Mohs hardness scale and have impeccable edge polishing; Possessing unique properties, they receive and transmit any energy information data. Zodiac signs of Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Their stones are transparent, but with a haze, with a cloud, nebula, like air, with the inclusion of metal, stones of mysterious and all-pervasive power. Two trigons - Earth and Water - are feminine, Yin. Earth is a purely female trine of negative polarity, with completely opaque stones, uniform in color, without any special inclusions. This trine in astrology is represented by Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Zodiac signs of Water - Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. Their stones are greenish-bluish, delicate muted colors, with a tendency to change color, with iridescence, internal glow, and mystery. But, when choosing a stone, you should also take into account the fact that the stones themselves are very sensitive to the gender of their owner: female stones are happier on a man’s hand, and male stones are happier on a woman’s hand. In Ancient India, the best emeralds were considered “masculine”, and in China, jade was revered as the most perfect embodiment of masculinity in nature. There are more Yin stones in nature. Next I will give a list of male and female stones, taken from the book by Jaspek Stone. Stones with the masculine principle Yang (creative): Aventurine, Adamite, Actinolite, Alexandrite, Diamond, Almandine, Ametrine, Andalusine, Balin, Benitoite, Vesuvian, Verdelite, Verdite, Vivianite, Heliodor, Heliotrope, Hessonite, Garnet, Grossular, Danburite, Iolite , Cinnabar, Conicalcite, Red Corundum, Cat's Eye, Flint, Creedite, Crocoite, Lazulite, Lapis Lazuli, Magnetite, Moldavite, Jade, Opal, Peridot, Pyrite, Pyrope, Rhodolite, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Rubbelite, Ruby, Rutile Quartz, Carnelian, Staurolite, Steatite, Tanzanite, Tektite, Tiger's Eye, Titanite, Topaz, Tsavorite, Unakite, Fluorite, Chrysoberyl, Chrysolite, Zircon, Charoite, Spinel, Eudialyte, Epidote. Stones with the feminine principle Yin (perceiving): Agalmatolite, Agate, Azurite, Aquaaurite, Aquamarine, Alabaster, Amethyst, Ammolite, Angelite, Anhydrite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aragonite, Argillite, Barite, Belomorite, Beryl, Turquoise, Bowenite, Brazilianite, Diamonds Germaier, Wawelite, Variscite, Wolframite, Jet, Hematite, Goethite, Hyalite, Hiddenite, Howlite, Rock Crystal, Demantoid, Diopside, Dilptase, Dolomite, Dravite, Smoky Quartz, Dumortierite, Jadeite, Pearl, Serpentine, Emerald, Calcite, Caholite, Quartz, Kyanite, Clinohumite, Covellite, Coral, Cornerupine, Blue Corundum, Kunzite, Cuprite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Malachite, Marganite, Morion, Muscovite, Neptunite, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Oceanite, Onyx, Otolase, Mother of Pearl, Petersite , Prehnite, Rose Quartz, Sagilite, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Seraphinite, Apache Tears, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Stilbite, Tourmaline, Uvarovite, Ulexite, Phenakite, Haliotis, Haliotis, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Celestite, Cerussite, Citri, Zoisite, Shungite, Amber , Jasper.

Categories:Magic of stones

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The world is an integral structure where Man, Time and Space are also a unity. But the illusory nature of the vision of the world leads to the first level of dividing it into two parts. This is how world duality manifests itself and the division into Yang and Yin arises. Such a division became possible due to the fact that part of the world process occurs in motion, and part remains motionless. The moving part, being active in essence, has a yang origin, and the stationary part, being calm, becomes yin. Any movement has a direction. The upward movement will be yang, and the downward movement will be yin. Everything that is manifested in the world can be considered in the categories of Yang and Yin. For example, the hard state carries Yang in itself, and the soft state is the Yin aspect. Light is Yang and darkness is Yin. Duality suggests that if there is one aspect, then the opposite in quality is always present. Hot is Yang, cold is Yin. Good leads to light and this is a yang quality, and evil leads to darkness, which means it has a yin aspect. Let's take a closer look at men and women. Men are more yang, because outwardly more active. Women are more passive and calm in external activity and therefore more susceptible to Yin. But physiologically, women are designed in such a way that, compared to men, they contain less moisture inside the body. And moisture, water, cold are Yin. Those. Inside the body, women have less Yin than men. A consequence of this is also that the inner world of women is more active and emotionally diverse than that of men. Those. it turns out that, manifested externally, men are more Yang, and women are more Yin. But in the inner world, women are more yang than men. Nowadays, women show more of their inner qualities in the outside world, and socially they become more active. At the same time, men show a tendency towards external passivity, calmness and laziness, which is their internal Yin state. And thus, the Yang and Yin aspects appear in nature. There are three aspects to the question of the relationship between Yang and Yin. First. Yang and Yin categories are not a fixed and absolute fact, and what is now a Yang quality can become Yin at any time and vice versa. A book can be a very good and simple example. When we hold it straight, its top will be Yang and its bottom will be Yin. But as soon as we turn the book over, what was the lower Yin part becomes the upper part, which means it acquires a Yang state. Second. Understanding the Yin-Yang categories depends on the point of view from which we look at the object. To understand what category the subject of consideration belongs to, you need to contrast something with it. For example. Weekends or holidays bring joy and are therefore yang. And the gray monotonous everyday life has more of a Yin quality. And such a division is possible from the point of view of the internal state of these days. But if you look at them from the point of view of active manifestation, then on weekdays we are more active and active. On the contrary, weekends become days of rest for us, and here the Yin quality is obvious. Thus, looking from different positions can give an object different Yin or Yang qualities at the same time. And third. Each parameter simultaneously contains both Yin and Yang. But at the same time there will be more of some quality, and less of some. By disassembling the whole object into parts, you can notice that some details carry more yang qualities, and some have more yin qualities. This division is constantly present in our world and this is what makes it diverse. The Yang – Yin ratio is the key and main balance in energy regulation. Knowledge of this theory helps in correctly setting the balance indoors in the house, outside on plots of land or in the energy structure of a person. Vasilyeva Valentina, Branch of the Feng Shui Academy in St. Petersburg

"The circle of generation and the circle of overcoming


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