Chinese zodiac calendar. Chinese horoscope by month

For Snakes, 2020 of the White Metal Rat will be a stressful and difficult life stage. These people will have to solve a series of difficult tasks. Unforeseen obstacles will often appear on their way. Because of this, they will be in a constant state of anxiety and stress.

This situation will continue until the middle of the year. The second half of the year will be more stable and favorable. Things that have been stagnant will go up. Snakes will be able to realize their ideas and plans. Personal relationships will improve, which will give vigor and optimism.

Horoscope for 2020 for the Snake woman

For Snake women, the Year of the Rat has prepared many strength tests. They will have to face unforeseen circumstances that will require endurance and patience. Perhaps changes will occur in their lives that will force them to reconsider their life values.

This year it will be difficult for such women to find a common language with the people around them. This will negatively impact your friendships, professional, family and romantic relationships. Try not to provoke conflicts or interfere in other people's squabbles. Learn to give in and forgive others for their shortcomings.

Horoscope for women

For the Snake woman, this year will be a new stage in life. She, like a real snake, will shed her old skin and breathe a new breath, be reborn and resurrect her strength, which she will spend on achieving her goals. With new strength and energy, the Snake will be able to overcome all life’s difficulties and problems that arise along the way.

Snake girls should be careful, because 2020 foreshadows certain difficulties that the female sex will have to courageously cope with! Firstly, in the coming year you will need to put a lot of effort into work, since this is the best time for this.

Secondly, do not ignore your family, because they will need you. You can’t launch either one or the other, because otherwise everything will take its course and it will be quite difficult to return everything to normal. In the summer, most problems will recede and rewards will appear in front of you. You will be able to relax and allow yourself to do things that you didn’t have time to do before.

In the second half of the year, single girls will have an excellent chance to find their life partner. This event will bring new meaning to life and give strength. In married couples with Snake women, harmony and comfort will reign.

Horoscope for 2020 for the Snake man

The year of the White Rat will require Snake men to activate their entire internal potential. In business and work, they will have to put in more effort than usual. Perhaps some tasks will require a non-standard creative approach. In complex matters, astrologers advise such men to rely on their inner instincts. Intuition will be one of their main advantages.

The year will be full of unexpected life turns and changes. You should not be afraid of new discoveries and endeavors, even if they are associated with difficulties. In the future, they will open up interesting prospects and become the first step to success.

Year of the Snake sign characteristics

In the European calendar, the Snake corresponds to the sign Taurus. People born in the year of the Snake have a set of lucky colors, red and green. All flowers growing among stones, as well as ferns, thistles and heather, will bring good luck.

Positive qualities of the sign

The creature is endowed with extreme purposefulness. Temperament allows you to achieve any goals you set. Among the positive features are:

  • Pickiness. She will hone her skills and demand the same from others until she achieves the perfect result. Excellent management of the workforce, successfully leading the team to the desired result.
  • Observation. He subtly senses people’s moods and desires, notices any changes in behavior, making him an excellent psychoanalyst.
  • Wisdom. The Year of the Snake brings leisurely decision-making, forcing you to think long and hard about the pros and cons. Together with observation, it forms the backbone of behavior.
  • Cunning. Deftly avoids all obstacles, using mindfulness to use individuals in his ideas.
  • Determination. The meaning of life is to set a goal (love or mercantile) and go towards it, despite the circumstances. Other areas of life remain out of sight.
  • Grace. At social events, it’s hard not to notice the Snake: the ability to present oneself and look “brand new” is her strong point.

Negative qualities of the sign.

For those born in the year of the Snake, the characteristics also contain negative aspects. The person is cold, secretive, withdrawn, difficult to understand: he hides his true feelings and intentions. It is revealed only to a few, but if this has already happened, then the lucky one understands that the reptile is a reliable comrade.

Negative features:

Prudence. Quality helps in the implementation of plans, but in what way: eliminates competitors, looking for weaknesses, uses forbidden techniques, methodically waits for mistakes by enemies.

Greed. He always hoards money, often to the detriment of himself and his family.

Coolness. Having great will, he longs to see it in others. He does not know the feeling of compassion and participation, but he feels a special affection for his relatives and sympathizes with their failures.

Closedness. Upon contact, society characterizes her as an uncommunicative person. In fact, he prefers to keep his thoughts and plans to himself.

Love horoscope

In the first half of the year, the Snake will face problems and trials in personal relationships. Representatives of this zodiac sign will encounter love dramas that will bring them mental suffering. The number of conflicts with the opposite sex, which will break out out of the blue, will also increase. In the second half of the year the situation will stabilize. Passions will subside, and these people will be able to find long-awaited happiness in love.

Snake Woman.

At the beginning of the year, free Snake women are likely to experience non-reciprocal love. Unrequited feelings will cause them suffering, but they will restrain and hide their emotions from others. Starting this summer, these ladies will have a chance to meet their love. In families and couples, relationships will become tense. Snakes will begin to provoke quarrels and conflicts, the cause of which will be jealousy.

Snake Man.

In the year of the Rat, Snake men should be extremely careful in personal relationships. Those who are in search of love may start an affair that will soon end in broken feelings and resentment. Astrologers advise taking a responsible approach to choosing a partner and not rushing into declarations of love. The threat of rupture hangs over family and romantic relationships. Don't make harsh decisions. By the middle of the year the situation will stabilize.

General forecasts

As the eastern horoscope for 2020 foretells, the Snake in the specified period of time can begin active actions to implement all its previously conceived life plans. The year will definitely be successful for the representatives of these zodiac constellations, but in order to receive all the well-being from fate, they need to exert a considerable amount of their own strength. The symbol of the year has a positive attitude towards representatives of the Snake, so the latter are given an excellent chance to improve their present and future lives. Representatives of the star world will need to go through various obstacles and changing situations in order to enjoy success and complete moral satisfaction as a result of all their efforts.

A fairly decisive and purposeful zodiac sign is the Snake, the eastern horoscope for 2020 convinces the latter that in the coming time, lightning-fast actions will help her achieve great heights. In order to manage a lot and resolve all the problems that arise, representatives of the zodiac sign need to learn to be calmer about negative situations in life. Since the Snake is predicted to have success and great achievements, it may possibly have envious ill-wishers. To protect itself from the onslaught of enemies, the Snake needs to prevent dubious people from reaching its heart and soul. You should also treat new acquaintances with the utmost caution. It is likely that not all new comrades will grow into the rank of loyal friends and reliable helpers.

The snake will have to learn to make decisions quickly. This zodiac sign is not known for its speed of action, and this quality can negatively affect positive results. Representatives of the zodiac constellation are accustomed to living in a moderate course of life, but if they do not radically reconsider their views on life, then they will have to vegetate in the wilds of indecision and doubt. The Chinese horoscope for 2020 for the Snake strongly advises the latter to learn to quickly make decisions and quickly implement their plans in real life. Of course, there is no need to “cut from the shoulder,” but one should not allow someone else to take advantage of the benefits of life while the Snake is in its wise reflections.

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The first half of the annual period is quite calm for the Snake; since the past time it has accumulated a sufficient amount of energy and vitality, which will be quite enough for the first half of the year.
But from the middle of the summer period, representatives of the zodiac constellation will feel moral as well as physical fatigue. The thing is that, having achieved the highest benefits, Snakes completely forget about rest, which has the most negative effect on their mood and vitality. The Eastern (Chinese) horoscope for the Snake warns the latter that they need to learn to restrain their emotions. Representatives of the star world have hot-tempered notes in their character, so they “get turned on” in a half-turn because of those situations that do not suit their liking. The Snake's irritability and conflict can provoke numerous quarrels and conflicts in the future. The first thing the eastern horoscope recommends for Snakes to do is learn to manage their emotional actions. In addition, it is important not to express out loud all the thoughts that come to mind during a quarrel. If these minimum conditions of etiquette are not met, then representatives of the star world can make a colossal number of enemies.

You cannot count on help or support from anyone in the coming period of time. In the present time, it is important to rely only on your own desperate efforts. There will be no support from your family and closest friends; the Rat simply will not allow zodiac signs to help anyone. In connection with all this, you should also forget about gifts and various surprises from fate. Only one’s own desire for something and active actions can present the zodiac sign with everything that he mentally dreams of.

Women's horoscope

Representatives of the star world are recommended to devote the entire upcoming period of the Rat’s reign to their appearance. The Snake woman's horoscope for 2020 strongly recommends that you carefully consider all your actions and decisions before presenting them to the public.

Ladies at this time will bask in the attention and care of the male population. Free women will find all this great pleasure. But married Snakes will find a little tension due to these circumstances.

Throughout the year, ladies should not forget about family values. The time is ideal for reconciliation with relatives or for strengthening the marriage union.

Business horoscope

2020 will be a difficult period in the professional activities of Snakes. From the beginning of January, these people will have to deal with numerous troubles and unforeseen obstacles. Their wisdom, experience and resourcefulness may not be enough. To achieve success, they will have to look for new and innovative methods.

Astrologers advise Snakes to pay attention to professional relationships. This year the number of conflicts and disagreements with colleagues and superiors will increase. Try to resolve any tensions peacefully. Quarrels in the work team can have negative consequences for the reputation of representatives of this zodiac sign. To maintain friendly relations in professional circles, be more loyal and diplomatic.

Chinese zodiac calendar. Chinese horoscope by month

The Chinese horoscope describes mainly not events, but relationships between people. From the point of view of the Chinese worldview, it is the relationships between people that determine the events that happen to us. Indeed, the ability to properly build relationships with your immediate environment guarantees you success, financial well-being, career, and family harmony. This is often more important than choosing the right behavior.

He should anyway try to find places to go on vacation and thus melt away the stress. You may lose something personal. However, you should be careful about the arrangements: you should check them after a minute to avoid future difficulties, no major problems. Rather, it will be a period when the family does not give any problems or changes or is upset. At least health problems.

It's good to focus on making friends with people who will be truly useful in the future. It is expected that his financial situation will remain stable, his health will not cause serious problems, and his growth will be in the sense of spirituality and professionalism. It would be a good idea to plan for future activities and look around for new opportunities.

The Chinese horoscope is based on the rhythms of Jupiter and the Moon. That is why he describes mainly not events, but relationships between people.

According to the Chinese calendar, adopted in China and other Eastern countries, every year within a 12-year cycle passes under the sign of a certain animal. And a person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is shaped.

As in Western astrology, birthdays form the Ascendant, which influences predictions. Here are the twelve signs and their hours. If the birth took place during daylight saving time, one hour must be deducted from the specified time. Chinese New Year in China is called "Spring Festival" or "Lunar New Year", where the literal translation is "New Year" and begins a 15-day festive period that ends with the Lantern Festival; in fact they are holidays, so many schools were closed only for the first three days.

The Chinese zodiac designates an animal each year. There are 12 of them, just like the “traditional” zodiac, and each year is the year of a different sign. Do you know what sign you see in the Chinese horoscope? Okay, we know, you can't say that the mouse is the most favorite animal of women. But to make it easier to take the pill, we've chosen the image of a really nice bun, haven't you found it? Apart from the love or misery that we personally feel for the mouse, the characters of this sign are fascinating and charismatic, full of fans and friends, for the Chinese horoscope.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily determine your Chinese horoscope sign. However, it should be remembered that the Chinese New Year does not coincide with the traditional one and comes a little later. Therefore, if you were born in January, February or March, you may belong to the sign of the “last” year.

The Chinese horoscope is not only a horoscope in its pure form, but also a kind of chronicle (a beautiful legend), which was created from 2637 BC. to 61 AD The normal cycle of the Lunar Calendar is 12 years. The full or Large cycle of the Lunar Calendar is 60 years. It consists of 5 ordinary cycles of 12 years. Each 12-year calendar cycle is compiled according to an old legend already known to everyone. It says that Buddha called all the animals to him before leaving the Earth. However, only 12 of them came to say goodbye to Buddha. Parting with them, the Buddha gave each one a year of reign. The years were given in exactly the order in which the animals came running to the Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar. Due to certain factors, this is no longer just a good old eastern legend. 12 mythological animals represent, according to Eastern cosmogonic theory, 12 cosmic influences operating in the Year of a person’s Birth, shaping his character and largely determining his destiny. The Hour of Birth will provide additional information about a person’s character traits.

Mouse sign characters are perfectionists, love success and pursue it with tenacity; they love to travel and experience new adventures, but do not disdain, apart from the urgency of reality, to lose themselves in dreams and art. They are sensitive and forward-thinking people, but they are likely to be arrogant, superior, and suffer from a sort of "superiority complex." However, the defects are compensated by the patient and the inclusive nature.

Unlike biology, which describes the buffalo as one of the most dangerous animals due to its strength and aggression, according to the Chinese horoscope, those born under the sign of the buffalo are endowed with enormous patience and a great ability to endure both in work situations and in the sentimental area. They are fussy, precise, intelligent and analytical people who often manage to achieve appropriate social and professional roles.

In the Lunar Calendar, the day begins at 11 am. From this hour onwards the day is divided into 12 sections of 2 hours each. Each section is given to one of the animals of the Eastern Zodiac. That is, each animal rules 2 of its own hours a day, again determining many moments and factors in human behavior. Sometimes the Hour of a person’s birth is more significant (has a greater energetic impact) than the Year. According to Chinese astrologers, each month of the Year is also marked by the influence of a particular animal. In other words, the 12 animals of the Lunar Calendar correspond to the signs of the Sun Zodiac. Do these influences affect your character? According to astrologers, even very! The normal cycle of the Lunar Calendar is 12 years. The full or Large cycle of the Lunar Calendar is 60 years. It consists of 5 ordinary cycles of 12 years.

Buffaloes tend to show an attitude towards art and beauty, and sometimes express genius traits. The animal from which they take the sign has physical strength. The risk of being born under the buffalo sign is boredom or monotony. Tigers, make us feel your roar! Okay, now we can get started. The tiger sign in the mirror reflects the characteristics of the beautiful animal from which it takes its name: its main traits are strength and courage, and often people of this sign are created in power roles where they gain the respect of others thanks to their innate charisma.

Each 12-year calendar cycle is compiled according to an old legend already known to everyone. It says that Buddha called all the animals to him before leaving the Earth. However, only 12 of them came to say goodbye to Buddha. Parting with them, the Buddha gave each one a year of reign. The years were given in exactly the order in which the animals came running to the Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Boar.

Obviously, these virtues also have a back half to the coin, namely pride and excessive self-esteem. In general, those born under the sign of the tiger, in addition to the definition, are sensitive and cheerful, but at the same time they know that they are inflexible, especially if they are caught in angry attacks.

Signs of weakness include selfishness and distrust of others, but nevertheless they respect human rights and take issues of justice and ethics very seriously. For the Chinese horoscope, the rabbit is not characterized by the characteristic that is attributed to our popular fights, that is, fear. However, they are born under the sign of the rabbit, but once they can trust a person, they are cheerful, gentle and extremely trustworthy, as well as generous and altruistic; The last two features in particular are the “filters” with which the rabbit interprets the world.

Due to certain factors, this is no longer just a good old eastern legend. 12 mythological animals represent, according to Eastern cosmogonic theory, 12 cosmic influences operating in the Year of a person’s Birth, shaping his character and largely determining his destiny.

The popularity of the Chinese horoscope is very high in the East. Select the sign you need in the attached table and learn a lot about yourself and your friends in the corresponding section.

They are family-oriented and affectionate people who do not enjoy long journeys: when they feel that they belong to a place, they tend to be stable and find their spiritual serenity there. They are imaginative objects who love to dream in open, romantic and sentimental ways. For these characteristics, sometimes they tend to put others on a pedestal, coming to strangle people they hold with undue attention.

Of course, the dragon could not be missed in the Chinese horoscope: the dragon essentially plays a hegemonic role in Chinese mythology. Those born under this sign are unconventional, courageous and daring and know how to envy and conquer people. They are admired and respected for their natural giving as leaders, which forces them to take important positions.

1932 1944 1956 1968 1980 1992 2004 20161933 1945 1957 1969 1981 1993 2005 2017

A person’s fate depends not only on the date and year of birth, but also on the month. The Chinese horoscope by month makes it possible to find out your strengths and weaknesses depending on your month of birth.

Sometimes those born under the sign of the dragon are stubborn, headstrong and come out of the choir, always driven by excessive honesty; they put a huge amount of energy into everything they do, an element that often makes them look like "clouds". They are generous, consistent and "lucky" people, in the sense that they seem to be successful in any project, whether they are working, working or loving. Conversely, they can be cold and distant, unable to withstand failures, which give him great disappointment.

Even a snake, like a mouse, may not cause a cry of joy, but we expect to know the features before we judge! Those born under the sign of the snake have excellent management skills and are very exciting, so that others can rarely tell them what the snake knows and sometimes seeks to take advantage of.

January (Ox ​​month)

Knows no need for food or clothing. At the age of 3 and 18 years old, he can become seriously ill or get into trouble.

At the age of 50 he will become rich or have a brilliant career. Serving in high-ranking circles will bring good luck. Easily susceptible to other people's influence. Crisis years: 67, 80 years. Day of death: January 17.

February (Tiger month)

These are self-centered people who think a lot, with a clear penchant for philosophy. Their personality makes them look arrogant, but in reality it is more of a self-defense armor. Snakes are pleasant, romantic and passionate. Their main virtue is wisdom, accompanied by an enviable inner peace, which supports them both in the financial and work fields, as well as in the sentimental field.

Those born under the sign of the horse are considered to be the very chic orchestras of China: people who live intensely in society and are often enthusiasts and entertainers of the company. They are loving, with good intuition and understanding, but sometimes they are not sure until they get close to themselves, so as not to show fragility.

Wise, balanced, witty, with worldly savvy. He doesn’t chase fame, but he doesn’t lack anything either.

It is difficult to experience separation from loved ones. Does not forget other people's words, is witty, kind-hearted. At the age of 33, 47, 53 it will manifest itself, but there is a health risk.

According to the Chinese horoscope by month, dangerous (crisis) years: 16, 67, 87 years.

The horse is known to be quirky, too much, but this is one of the features that makes it so attractive. It is also elegant, refined and enlivened by nobility. The horse is the great worker, the element that helps him achieve his goals. In love, he loves to be devoted or to be betrayed, especially by people with sensitivity. They often prefer the areas of art and productivity in their work.

Besides being probably the favorite sign of Vittorio Sgarbi, in the Chinese horoscope the goat stands out for its instinctive instinct and inventive sign; However, those born under the sign of the goat need constant incentives to carry out their projects and those who follow them: otherwise they can be distracted, despite excellent artistic and productive qualities.

March (month of the Hare)

Worldly quick-witted mind. A caring owner. Dangerous diseases in childhood. At 37 years old - full prosperity. At 47 - a new rise, fame, wealth. Crisis age: 60, 90 years. Death in May.

April (Dragon month)

Late child of parents. Witty, resourceful. If you pray to your guardian geniuses in April, it will bring good luck. Fame and possibly wealth can come at the ages of 21, 37, 47, 57 years old. Crisis years: 60, 80 years. Death May 17.

The dark side of the goat character is one that manifests itself with periods of excessive calm and closure, where those born under this sign prefer - at parties and evenings in company, which are usually received with enthusiasm - reading a book or the tranquility of home.

In the field of work, they are often confirmed in artistic environments or are strongly related to social ones. This sign stands out for its inexhaustible and contagious energy, thanks to which the monkey constantly becomes active. From the point of view of group life, the birth of the sign is great listeners and advisers, people to understand each other, with whom we all love to confess.

May (month of the Snake)

He will not be able to live next to an intelligent, resourceful person. We must pray to our guardian geniuses and go to church. Periods of calm, peaceful life at the ages of 21, 37, 47, 57 years. According to the Chinese monthly horoscope, at the age of 30 you should beware of fire and water.

June (month of the Horse)

He is friendly, capable of science, and easily achieves wealth. At 20, you should beware of fire and water. Possesses poor health, but will live to a ripe old age. Crisis years:

Monkey is fun and exciting, but not that bad; is fascinating, and the employment in the work environment is very concrete and curious and loves the show industry, without despising science and literature. In the sentimental field, the monkey enjoys seduction because he knows how to distinguish charm from others, causing him to live many adventures in order to achieve stability only when he finds a person with whom to share the same lifestyle.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Rooster-Wolfs are tough, serial and pragmatic, convinced that the end justifies the means. With their endurance and stubbornness, they can achieve their goals and this makes them very good, serious and at the same time exciting workers.

50, 60, 90 years old.

July (Sheep month)

An extraordinary personality. One word is enough for him to build an entire theory on it. At 30 he will become rich, and at 37 he will become famous. The motto of his life is fame and fortune. Critical age: 40, 50, 77, 80 years.

August (month of the Monkey)

He will not be able to live with his parents. With age he will gain wealth. Several marriages are possible. At 37 years old there are honors and rewards in service, but at 50 a fall or bankruptcy is possible.

The Rooster is surrounded by several people, those who consider true friends to be true confidantes, to whom he gives everything and from whom he receives attention and respect. Rooster characters can be impenetrable and cold, able to remain in the saddle even in the most difficult situations. They are also meticulous to the point of excess, and when they make mistakes, they often carry hatred for a long time.

The main quality of the Rooster is an analytical mind and a tendency to deep thoughts, which often makes a couple with artistic abilities. In general, she loves solitude and solitude. In a loving field, the rooster is demanding, specific and strict, as in all other aspects of the rest of life.

According to the Chinese monthly horoscope, at the age of 53 or 55 he can suffer severe grief. Risky years for health: 23, 28, 69, 72, 93 years.

September (month of the Rooster)

He will not be able to live with his parents, but will not feel the need for anything. At the age of 40, he will make a career and achieve fame or fortune. Friends are attracted to him by his kindness and selflessness. Respects other people's opinions. Crisis years: 63, 66, 80 years.

The dog sign in the Chinese horoscope is an emblem of sincerity, ethics and morality. Those born under this sign know how to stand up and show stubbornness and stubbornness when they have to defend their ideas. They make great friends in company because they are protective of others' secrets and are extremely generous as well as honest. Sometimes they may look cold and distant, but they always know they are in the right place at the right time.

They also have good leadership skills, are good work group managers, and they know how to take on huge responsibilities. The last sign of the Chinese horoscope, the pig, identifies primitive and hot-tempered people, but once they are known, they are actually good and generous. It is no coincidence that the pig is a great friend who knows how to stay close to loved ones with sweetness and consistency.

October (Month of the Dog)

Surrounded by the care of loved ones. We must go to temple, perform prayers and perform rituals. At the age of 29 he will become famous. Can do great things. Dangerous ages: 29, 61 and 80 years. Death in autumn (in the 11th month according to the lunar calendar).

November (month of the Pig)

Get close to a person who is experienced, cheerful and witty. He will get rich and prove himself in government affairs. From an early age he must take care of his loved ones, his parents, and help them, otherwise at the age of 7, 16, 25 he may get into trouble. Crisis years: 60, 70, 80 years.

December (Month of the Mouse)

A tough person, not always kind. Has a talent for science. Doesn't get along well with people. According to the Chinese horoscope by month, critical age: 24, 32, 70 years.

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Financial horoscope

Throughout 2020, the financial situation of the Snakes will be stable. Crisis periods in work cannot be ruled out, which will threaten loss of earnings. However, the situation will stabilize and representatives of this zodiac sign will have prospects for increasing their income. The last two months of the year will be the most successful financially. The horoscope foretells bonuses and salary increases. Unexpected sources of money are possible - receiving an inheritance or expensive gifts, repaying debts.

Health Horoscope for Snake

The astrological forecast for 2020 warns that overload at work can lead to depletion of life reserves, which will cause depression. Therefore, timely sleep and rest are simply necessary.

Be careful while driving - accidents resulting in fractures are very likely.

Men are very likely to have problems with the nervous and respiratory systems, while women are more likely to have gynecological diseases.

Avoid raw, cold and canned foods. Avoid dangerous sports: rowing, mountaineering, water skiing, parasailing or scuba diving.

Install a five-piece Copper Pagoda Tower. Carry a set of three Sau Health Coins with you.

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