Palace of Life in Ba Zi - character analysis

How I analyze the pillars of destiny.


Posted by Tatyana Prokhorova on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 · Leave a Comment
Usually people are interested in what exactly is included in a consultation on the Pillars of Destiny, what it can give and how to help. Using the example of the map and fate of Angelina Jolie, I will try to show how bazi analysis and consultation are built. I did not take my clients’ cards as an example, firstly, because I guarantee their confidentiality, and secondly, because facts from their lives can be invented by drawing them to the card. The biography of such a famous person as Angelina Jolie can be easily found on the Internet and the events can be compared.

I also chose Jolie’s card because her personality and fate refutes a common misconception, the essence of which is that a person with a weak bazi card cannot achieve much in life. A weak card does not mean a weak personality, and Angelina Jolie is another proof of this.

Angelina Jolie (born Angelina Jolie Voight) is a famous American actress, model, director and producer. Named one of the most attractive and sexy people in the world. She is also known for her humanitarian work as a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. Mother of six children. Awards: Golden Globe (1998, 1999, 2000), Oscar (2000), UN Humanitarian Award (2005).

Angelina Jolie was born on June 4, 1975 at 09:09 a.m. in Los Angeles (California, USA). Personality element (Day Dominant) of Angelina is Yin (Xin) Metal. Unlike Yang Metal, which is a block of ore, a sword, Yin Metal is more delicate. It is a jewelry metal that is sophisticated and attractive. Xin people are usually very beautiful, they have clear white skin, beautiful teeth, and oval faces. Very often they find themselves on the podium or on stage thanks to their external data, which is what we see in the case of Jolie. Moreover, in her chart there is a second similar sign of Xin, standing nearby in the Pillar of the month, and this enhances the qualities of Yin Metal. People of Yin Metal are pleasant, friendly, and seem soft, but this softness is deceptive. Yin Metal is considered to be tougher and more treacherous than Yang Metal. This is a small dagger, sometimes even more dangerous than a sword, because it is not immediately noticeable.

Yin Metal people are very sexy and attractive to the opposite sex. They make people think about sex even when they don't think about it themselves. Indeed, according to surveys, 25 million men would like to see Jolie in their beds.

Xin women are always a little boyish. They love men's clothes and men's “toys.” As a child, Angelina was the only girl on her father's, actor Jon Voight's, soccer team. As a teenager, she collected a real collection of bladed weapons, and later gained fame as an actress who mastered all types of weapons and martial arts. Jolie even has a license to fly an airplane.

Angelina was born in the summer, during the season of Fire, when Metal is weak. In addition, two Wood signs in her bazi chart and one Water sign also weaken the personality element. Wood represents the aspect of money, and Metal spends its energy trying to control Wood. Metal gives birth to Water, and Water (children, self-expression, freedom) also takes away its powers. Angelina needs Earth (mother, support, resource) to protect the weak Metal from attacks from Fire. But there is not a single Earth sign in her chart, neither in the Heavenly Trunks, nor in the Earthly Branches. There are 3 Heavenly Stems of the Yang Earth, hidden in the Earthly Branches of the Snake, but since the Earth is not shown in the map, their influence is very weak. Angelina can only support Metal (friends, colleagues). Maybe that's why she wasn't used to relying on anyone's help. This is what she says in one of the interviews: “Cor.: Who do you trust in life? – A.D.: No one. I don't trust this strange word - "trust". Trust cannot be complete! My mother was my closest friend. But I knew that she could do something (certainly in my interests, but without my knowledge) that would harm me...” But the Metal in this card is not as weak as it might seem at first glance. The “tails” of Metal are hidden in the three Earthly Branches of the Snake, since the Snake belongs to the triangle of Metal, despite the fact that it is a fiery star. With the arrival of the Rooster in a beat or year, a fairly strong Metal is formed in the chart, so Angelina’s Daytime Dominant can be considered moderately weak.

However, Metal is under powerful attack from Fire, and there is no Earth in the chart that could protect Metal in this case (Fire gives birth to Earth, and Earth gives birth to Metal, and thus Earth creates a “bridge” between the conflicting elements of Fire and Metal). To control excessive Fire, Angelina needs Water (mind, intelligence, self-expression, children). Due to the absence of Earth, Fire is extremely dangerous for it. Its excess can destroy a weak Metal, as happened with another Hollywood star, Marilyn Monroe, whose 4 Pillars of Destiny card is very similar to Jolie’s card.

Fire represents the aspect of power in this situation, the man for the female chart, and its large amount in the chart indicates that there are many men in the lives of these two women. But the absence of Earth makes the element of Fire useless and dangerous for a weak Daytime Dominant. And this can mean problems in relationships with men, as well as problems with the authorities. Angelina Jolie's chart contains perfumes that give her protection from trouble with the law and smooth out rough edges in her marriage, and I will return to this later. But there may still be difficulties in personal relationships. In general, the map is quite tough, which means that Angelina’s path is not at all lined with pink petals, as it might seem from the outside.

Jolie was born in the year of the Rabbit - the Yin Tree. A tree is kindness, warmth, compassion. Rabbits are usually very caring and good mothers. They are pleasant to talk to, soft and friendly, but changeable and fickle, they love everything new and hate monotony. And Metal is characterized by a sense of justice and order, rigidity. These opposing qualities exist in Jolie’s personality; she can be torn apart by contradictions between compassion and justice, inconstancy and firmness. The card indicates that she is inclined to delve into herself and judge herself harshly, which is confirmed in many of her interviews.


Angelina Jolie's map has the structure of the “Correct Authority” or, as it is also called, the “Correct Official”. The structure is not very pronounced, because it does not have support in Heaven, but the “Right Official” personality type appears 3 times in the Earthly Branches, which means it has a significant impact on Jolie’s life and character.

This type of structure gives its owner a developed sense of justice and objectivity. These are very “correct”, law-abiding people. Prestige, fame, and high social status are extremely important to them. They value order and are very responsible. That is, behind the external facade of an eccentric rebel hides a fairly respectable and loyal person, for whom rules and norms, including moral ones, mean a lot. Angelina Jolie could make a good official, decent and principled, ready to put her interests aside for the sake of the interests of society. If Fire had manifested itself in Heaven, she would most likely have pursued a career as a politician. And there is a possibility of such a scenario for her in the future ticks of 2015-2035, when the Heavenly Trunks of Fire arrive. And of course, the “Correct Official” for a woman is her husband, a man. This amount of “Correct Power” in Jolie’s chart speaks of the significant place of men in her life.


In the first place in the chart is “Propensity for Wealth” in both the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch. “Propensity for wealth” indicates that a person greatly values ​​recognition, fame, and praise, which can later lead to material gain. But the benefit may be intangible, but monetary subtext is always present in everything that a person does. “Propensity for wealth” means unsystematic income: bonuses, fees, funds from various funds and programs. People of this type can get money by winning competitions, tenders, etc. These are very active people, constantly striving for something. They perfectly sense the undercurrents and moods in society, the hierarchy (including the implicit one), and are able to benefit from it. Always find themselves in the right place at the right time. And these are important qualities for an actress who lives off royalties from films. Giving her the opportunity to be approved for the desired role, etc. Women of this type are business ladies, excellent politicians or public figures, but difficult wives.

The map also contains the “Brotherhood” personality type, and this type does not get along well with the “Propensity for Wealth.” This is another internal conflict that can add tension to life. “Brotherhood” endows Angelina with friendliness, humanity, and the need for harmony. It also gives her the ability to work in a team, which is so necessary on the set.

Another deity present in this card is the “Spirit of Delight.” It carries the ability to rejoice, to enjoy life in all its manifestations. It is also a star of intellect and self-expression, necessary for creative professions. This star produces money. Its presence in the map means that a person cares about his body, beauty, and health. In Jolie’s chart, the “Spirit of Pleasure” sits on the GE of power. This means that she enjoys communication with men, as well as her own prestige and status. If the “Spirit of Pleasure” becomes unhelpful, which can happen due to mergers of a card with a year or a tact, then it turns into a spirit of failure and brings abuse of pleasure, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Dependence on pleasures.


There is a wonderful spirit of luck in Angelina's card - the Noble Power of Heaven, and it is repeated twice! This is the spirit of a successful career, helping to realize any plans and undertakings. He is especially strong in the daytime Pillar, like Jolie’s, where he speaks of the extraordinary scale of personality. This is the level of stars, famous politicians and presidents (corporations, states, etc.). This star is in the charts of many famous people. It gives a person enormous attractiveness, power of persuasion, and charisma. Of course, not all girls born on the same day and hour as Jolie became so famous and successful. In many ways, Angelina was helped by the fact that she grew up in a family of actors and from childhood aspired to an acting career. Her father helped her star in her first films. If it were not for her family and upbringing, not for the environment in which she grew up, perhaps her path would not have been so direct. I know people, even less famous ones, who have this star in their charts. But in any case, these are people who are extremely popular in their circles and endowed with extraordinary charm.

But an even more important property of this spirit is the ability to turn failure into success, immunity from any troubles, even to the point that a person is miraculously saved during a natural disaster or in a plane crash. And for Angelina this is a very valuable, necessary spirit, because her card is fraught with danger from Fire.

Another spirit of luck, happiness, authority and knowledge of the world - the Postal Horse - is repeated three times in the card. The horse brings the desire to be famous and successful. She can ride all the way to the Emperor himself. A person with such a star develops rapidly and makes a career. The Post Horse means movement and advancement, everything it brings happens instantly. People with a Post Horse in their chart are difficult to tame, especially when there are so many of them like Jolie! They are unstoppable and rebellious. She is also a travel star. And Angelina travels around the world a lot. “I don’t even like this idea of ​​taking root,” she says. “What I love most is the moment when the whole family goes somewhere, and I collect all our documents in my purse.” A horse in a power star, as a rule, indicates that either the husband will be from afar, or the acquaintance will take place far from home. Angelina met her actor husbands on the set of films.

Snakes in the chart are also the stars of Noble Man of Heavenly Governance and Noble Luck in personal life. The warhead of the Heavenly Administration means that Jolie easily gets out of trouble with the law, and with a high degree of probability it can be said that she will never end up behind bars.

Although the Rabbit in the Pillar of the Year is not Jolie's Peach Blossom, it itself carries the energy of romance and love, making the actress even more attractive to fans.


The first Pillar (beat) of Luck began for Angelina Jolie in 1975, and lasted 10 years, like any other beat. This tact cannot be considered very successful, since the Horse carried the element of Fire - the most dangerous for the Day Dominant. However, the NS of Water Yang, sitting on the Horse, controlled Fire, so the tact was 50 percent successful.

This tact was duplicated by Angelina’s Palace of Fate, which means it was fateful. In addition, the Horse for her is the star of a Noble Person, which means help from influential people. It was at this time that her future fate was decided; it was in this period that she made her debut in Hal Ashby’s film “Looking for a Way Out.” It was 1982, and Jolie was 7 years old at the time. The year entered into a merger with tact, and Water (self-expression) controlled the result of this merger - Fire, which in this situation brought the girl her first fame.

Tact 1985-1995 was very ambiguous for her. It would seem that the Goat (Earth) was supposed to support the Daytime Dominant and bring good luck. But the Goat sought to merge with the Rabbit into a Tree, and the Water in the Heavenly Stem supported this fusion. As a result, all Qi rushed from Water to Tree, and Tree supported the already strong Fire in the map.

The Goat is the star of the Blossom Canopy or the Star of the Arts for Jolie. But it came in a low phase, and in addition to activating creative abilities, it brought a feeling of loneliness and excessive immersion in one’s own inner world. Given Angelina’s pronounced tendency towards self-criticism, this gave an undesirable result. During this time, Jolie began working as a model and appeared in several music videos. But along with her first successes, she struggled with despair. “Then I felt... not alive enough. So empty that I didn’t want to live. I wanted to experience life. And she cut [herself] to feel the pain, to see her blood. This means that the heart is beating, that I am alive, I am real...” It was at this time that she collected a collection of bladed weapons, and one of the experiments with them almost cost Angelina her life. In Chinese Metaphysics, Wood is associated with the body, and Metal with bladed weapons. The excess of Wood in tact fed the Fire, which put pressure on the Daytime Dominant, and perhaps, by injuring herself, her body with knives, Angelina tried to reduce this pressure.

Next bar Good Luck 1995-2005 brought the Water necessary to control Fire.

At the bottom of the SW Pillar, the Monkey corresponds to Metal, but as in the previous measure this happened with the Goat, the Monkey entered into a merger with the Snake in the chart with the formation of Water. Thus, there was too much Water in the map. But compared to the previous “overheated” tact, this brought good luck to the actress. Already on the eve of this tact, in 1995, the first film was released that brought Jolie real fame - “Hackers”. Also in 1995, she married her first husband, her Hackers partner Jonny Lee Miller. 1995 is the year of the Wooden Pig, colliding with the house of the marriage partner, and any movement in this house can mean marriage or divorce. The Pig merged with the Rabbit into the Tree, plus the Tree was in the Sky, but it was not useful for Jolie. As a result, this marriage broke up a year later.

Water also nourishes the Tree – Jolie’s money, and at the same time corresponds to the aspect of self-expression. And Jolie starred in one film after another. 1998 – Land of Yang on the Tiger (money), – “Golden Globe” for his role in the film “George Wallace”. 1999 – Yin Earth on the Rabbit. Earth is useful to Angelina, and the element of personality is strong enough to control Wood - money. As a result, Jolie receives a Golden Globe for her work in the film Gia. 2000 is the year of Yang Metal on the Dragon (Yang Earth), both elements are useful for the actress. And this year brought her a real triumph - an Oscar for her role in Girl, Interrupted.

The Monkey, along with the excess of Water, brought certain problems. Firstly, an excessive amount of the element of self-expression brings rebellion, denial of authority, non-conformism, which is what Jolie became famous for these years. But the main problem was that the Monkey for her meant three Demons of Failure at once: the Sheep Knife, the Demon of Destruction and the Demon of the Void. I do not want to dwell on each of them in detail now, but I will only say that their combination brought into life extreme emotional imbalance, destructiveness and accident-proneness. This Earthly Branch also merged with the map, and the Demons “spread” everywhere. The Monkey of Tact is the reason for Jolie's passion for tattoos. She made most of them during this period.

In addition, the Snake and Monkey form part of the Fiery punishment, which pushes people to rash actions. Too much self-expression exhausts a weak Daytime Dominant even more than the Fire attacking her. For a weak card, such a situation could end in mental illness, but Angelina survived this period, and even achieved a lot. Why? It will become clear if you look at the graphs of the Qi phases in the Pillars of Luck.

Here it can be seen that, despite everything, the Chi of Metal in the Goat and Monkey beats is at its best, which means that Metal is strong enough to cope with adversity.


Water for DD Xin is also children. Therefore, it is quite understandable that with the advent of the strong element of Water, Angelina wanted to become a mother. In her chart, the star of children stands in its place, but there is a hint that there may be certain difficulties with childbearing, and perhaps just fear of biological motherhood. In any case, the actress herself admitted that she did not want to have children until she visited an orphanage in 2001 in Cambodia, where another film was being filmed. There she met Maddox, her first adopted child. 2001 was a difficult year for Jolie, because a duplicate came immediately to the daily and monthly Pillars. But the children's pillar also began to move, which led to adoption. This was a very correct move on Angelina’s part, and she made it intuitively, thus neutralizing the unfavorable influence of the duplicate.

2005 is the year of the Rooster, which merged with the Snake into Metal, again affecting the children's house. And Jolie adopts Zahara, a girl from Ethiopia. In the same year, she enters the new Pillar of Luck - the Yin Tree on the Rooster. The unfavorable influence of the Demons of Failure is left behind, and everyone notes that Jolie seems to have been replaced. One of her interviews is called: “I made a truce with myself.” The Rooster leads the Snake into the fusion of Metal - the Helpful God of Angelina, and this tact is one of the most successful for her.

Although there were key achievements in the Monkey's tact, the Rooster brought inner calm and poise, which the actress had so lacked before. In addition, this is a sign of significant financial well-being. With a change of tact, Angelina decides to give birth herself. On May 27 (the month of the Snake, affecting the children's pillar) 2006 (Yang Fire on the Dog), Jolie and Pitt had a daughter, Shiloh Nouvel. I don’t know how the birth went, but with a high degree of probability we can say that it was not easy. The situation was more favorable in 2008, when Angelina gave birth to twins. It was the year of the Yanskaya Earth on the Rat (Yanskaya Water). However, in 2008 there could have been problems with pregnancy and childbirth. Of course, modern medicine is capable of much, especially if patients have money. But when planning children, it is better to choose safer years. Although in the case of Angelina this is difficult, because age does not give much scope. If she has more children, then the greatest likelihood of their birth is in 2012-2013. The last adoption occurred a year before the birth of the twins, in 2007. This is an anti-duplicate to the pillar of children in Jolie's chart, and in this case its influence was manifested through adoption. In general, by adopting other people’s children, Angelina balanced her chart very well; I don’t know whether she did it intuitively or was advised by an astrologer. But if not for these adoptions, Jolie could have had big problems, including with the birth of her own children.


Jolie got married for the first time in 1995, in the year of the Pig, and I already wrote about it, so I won’t repeat it. Her second marriage, to actor and musician Bob Tronton, took place in 2000, Yanska Voda on the Dragon. These are useful elements for Angelina, besides, the Dragon set in motion the Palace of Marriage of 12 Palaces. But this marriage also broke up around 2002. The fact is that the merger of the Snake with the Monkey of tact into Water overcame the husband’s star in her chart during this period. But with the advent of the Rooster’s tact, Jolie managed to establish a more long-term and harmonious relationship with actor Brad Pitt, although their marriage was not officially registered. In general, according to the chart, Angelina can have many husbands, and it is not a fact that Pitt will be the last.


It is here that the answers to many questions that arise when analyzing the Pillars of Destiny are found, and it is in the 12 palaces that the keys to solving many problems are laid. In particular, Jolie's Palace of Spirituality allows you to balance the card and make the Daytime dominant stronger. And through numerous adoptions, through her activities as a UN Goodwill Ambassador, through charity (Jolie spends 1/3 of her income on it), she managed to use this Palace, connect it to the map. And I believe that this helped her avoid many troubles and troubles. Here, in the 12 Palaces, lies the reason that Angelina could not or did not want to become a biological mother in the rhythm of the Monkey, despite the strong element of Water.

Much can be said about the 12 Palaces and their application. But I want to focus on Jolie’s Risk Palace, because it is significant in her map. Angelina performs many of her own stunts, and the current image of an Amazon woman is very attractive to men. This quality is inherent in her Risk Palace. Based on the same Palace, we can say that by taking risks, she gets money. But according to the elements, the palace is not useful to her, because the Dog takes the Rabbit into the fusion of Fire. In addition, in this palace, the Sheep Knife Demon is a spirit of excessive emotionality, imbalance and accident-proneness. As I already noted, the map contains very good Spirits of Luck, protectors from troubles and troubles. But Jolie still needs to be careful, the risk can lead to tragic consequences.

The danger is especially great in the next tact of 2015-2025, when Fire will appear in the Sky riding on the Dog - the Demon of the Sheep Knife, and the Rabbit will also go into the fusion of Fire.

Such an excessive amount of Fire can push Angelina into politics and power, but creativity and self-expression cannot be left to her, because Water is her savior. It is during this period that Angelina should exercise maximum caution. Don’t take risks on the set, choose favorable dates for air travel. Danger comes from Fire, from power and from men. She should avoid flying an airplane in this tact (aviation belongs to the element of Fire), be careful with alcohol and check the quality of food products, as there is a danger of poisoning. 2020 is especially alarming. It may be worth moving to live in another country, as this will bring the card to a relative balance. There are many correction methods, including 12 palaces, Feng Shui, behavioral strategies, and Qi Men Dong Jia. All of this can be used to bring the necessary elements into life (in this case Water and Earth), and I explain in detail to my clients how they can help themselves during critical periods. Let's hope that Angelina will be prompted to the correct line of correction, and that the Spirits of Luck and intuition will not lead her.

Tatiana Prokhorova,

Consultant of the International Feng Shui Forum.


Full or partial reproduction of this article is permitted only with an indication of the author and a link to this blog.


The article uses screenshots from the BaZi Chart Builder program, as well as materials from an interview with Angelina Jolie, published by PSYCHOLOGIES magazine (No. 40 2009).

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Courses – Bazi Courses –
Castle pillars in Bazi
  • Course Description
  • Requirements for participants
  • Course program
  • Course fee

Course Description:

I decided to write this course only because there were a lot of requests from students.
The castle pillar theory is quite new, so it needed to be tested.
That's what I did, going through my huge archive of client charts to find out how the theory works in the lives of real people with their real situations, many of which are quite non-standard. I dropped some things and added some things. Essentially this course is research. The information turned out to be quite voluminous (maybe even a little overdone)) In fact, as I worked with the material, I simply imagined what questions my listeners might have and tried to answer them. And as usual, at the end of the course I will briefly summarize how relevant it is to use the theory of castle pillars in practice. How will this knowledge help us when analyzing the map, what advice can we give to people using information about this phenomenon in Bazi.

What is a castle pillar? The word “lock” comes from the word castle - a locking device. are only four such pillars:

Earth Yang on the Rat,
Yang on the Horse,
Yin on the Pig and
Yin on the Snake.
This is the pillar in which the leading Hidden Heavenly Stem merges with that pillar's Heavenly Stem. And if such a pillar is located in a map or comes during a period of good luck, then this is a definite sign. The castle pillar talks about something that can be: hidden - kept secret, lost - disappears from a person’s life, that a person keeps under control .
We will talk about all these manifestations of the castle pillar in this course. Requirements for course participants

The course is suitable for both beginners and advanced students.
But if you have just started learning Bazi, some sections of the course may not be clear.
It is recommended to read articles from the section
Basics of Bazi
. Knowledge of the hieroglyphs of Heavenly trunks and Earthly branches is also very welcome.

Course program
Introduction What is a castle pillar The main influence of castle pillars. Secret. What is hidden from others. A loss. Control. Control over what is hidden in the castle. Castle in the pillar of the day. The castle is in other pillars. Lock in the pillar of the year Lock in the pillar of the month Lock in the pillar of the hour Opening of the lock. Castle pillar in the period Castle pillar leads a branch into the map. The castle pillar takes the branch from the card. The castle pillar in the coming year. Castle Pillar and Void Duplicate with Castle Pillar. Separate questions Symbolic stars in the castle pillar Castle pillar in Palaces If there are two castles in the map Element in the castle and its presence in the map Algorithm for analyzing the castle pillar. The practical side of the issue. Examples.

Metal YIN

Metal Yin. Gold. Xin辛.

What is Gold in nature?

Remember that when we talk about natural elements, in particular Gold, we are talking about the ENERGY that this element of nature represents.

The energy of Yin Metal is energy directed inwards, it is the energy of concentration. In nature, Yin Metal is a diffuse Metal, it is present everywhere and nowhere. The image of Yin Metal in the sky is frost. It falls at night and is scattered everywhere, it is white in color. And when the Sun comes out, the frost disappears. The image of Yin Metal on Earth is metal ore. This Metal is dispersed within the earth. Yin Metal is the thinnest plates of crystal. They are present everywhere. There is Yin Metal in the air in the form of tiny specks of dust. And when these tiny particles come together, they form gems and precious metals. But most often, when we talk about Yin Metal, we talk about Gold.

Using Gold as an example, we will try to understand what is good and what is bad for this element of Personality. What helps it develop in nature, and what hinders its growth. And when we see this in nature, we can easily project this knowledge onto ourselves and see problems in our own lives. So, Yin Metal is a soft metal and is associated with jewelry, diamonds, gold and jewelry.

Gold should shine, therefore a person with the Gold Personality Element should be attractive. It is better for gold to be born during the daytime so that people can see its shine. Gold people by nature are highly moral, attractive individuals and love to dress beautifully. If such a person is poorly dressed, it means he is in poor tact. You can see for yourself who looks like a diamond, and who looks like gold was just taken out, this is raw Gold.

As a rule, these are very elegant and well-groomed people, with beautiful skin and a toned figure. They love to dress beautifully and pay a lot of attention to detail both in their clothes and in their appearance. It’s rare to see a Metal woman without makeup and a man in wrinkled or dirty clothes. Even at home, Yin Metal strives to look as if he is about to go on a date. Even if he is full of problems, and without a salary, and he only has a crust of bread in the refrigerator, the man of Gold will leave the house neat, neat, elegant, so that no one will guess that he has any difficulties in his life. These people are highly focused on moral comfort. Everything should be comfortable for them, everything around should be beautiful, they are very proud, very afraid of losing their face.

Gold can emit a unique light. And it is very sensitive to heat and electricity. This is a diamond, this is a unique glow. Yin Fire, Flame in relation to Gold - this is the sensitivity of Metal. Gold melts under the influence of Flame. When Gold sees the Flame, it becomes a slave. Such a person is very sensitive. It becomes very difficult with him. He is difficult to understand. He has his own point of view on everything. Such a person will never listen to your arguments. He will try to avoid communication by any means, or change the topic of conversation, which is not in his interests.

In any matter, Yin Metal helps and appreciates others. But he should not engage in charity. The heart is a symbol of charity. And the heart is a Flame, it is charity. Gold should not be involved in charity. Yang Metal can do charity work because for Yang Metal, flame is a useful element. Other Personality Elements can help with money, but Gold can only share food, clothing, or other things, but not money.

Gold people are very direct and quick in their thinking, they have a sharp mind. A diamond can cut anything. The disadvantage of such people is that they do not understand reality very well. They are willful. They believe in illusions. Stubborn. If such a person has got something into his head, he will do it regardless of whether it is good or bad for him, he will not think about the consequences.

What is useful for Gold to nature?

Gold benefits from moist soil. Gold loves coolness and does not like heat. When mining Gold, we wash the soil with water.

According to the circle of generation, the Soil for Gold is a Resource.

Therefore, it is very useful for such a person to live and work in a cozy and comfortable environment. If the environment is uncomfortable, a person with the Gold Personality element will become withdrawn and pessimistic.

Water for Gold is an element of self-expression, so it is important for Gold people to show their talents. If a man of Gold does not have the opportunity to demonstrate his gift, he becomes the most unhappy person. Such people are advised to choose areas of activity according to their gifts and talents. Only in expressing themselves can they find satisfaction. A strong inhibitor to self-development and self-expression for Gold people is the fear of making a mistake. They want to do everything perfectly. And they will not get down to business until the smallest detail has been calculated or purchased to start some new business. Therefore, they very often spend too much time planning, and they do not have time to implement their plan. Either they lose interest in this matter, or these things become no longer relevant.

A Gold person needs to know these qualities and work on eliminating the negative traits of his character. It is difficult for any person to change his own character. We can change the situation, we can choose our friends, with whom we want to communicate - we communicate, with whom we don’t want - we can stop communicating. We can choose our own job, quit if we are unlucky with our boss, or open our own business. But not everyone manages to change themselves. It is believed that if a person in a map is not reproached, this indicates the weakness of his character. But in fact, it's the other way around. If a person does not have a root for the Personality Element in the Bazi chart, such a person has a character, but he has no control over this character. In this case, character controls a person! It is very difficult for such a person to change something in himself, and accordingly it is very difficult for him to change his life. People who are not rooted in the Bazi chart very often complain about the injustice of life. They look for problems not in themselves, but in the world around them. For them, everyone around them is to blame, but not them. This comes from the fact that a person is unable to control his character and his life. Such people need to activate their roots and support themselves with the help of Feng Shui in order to gain the strength to realize their desires.

Yin Metal should strive at the very beginning of life to build their life in such a way as not to engage in dirty and hard work, they do not like to work under pressure. It is usually best for Gold people to base their own business on their unique ideas. Their business should give them complete freedom to implement their ideas. They do best with the advertising and marketing part of their project. They prefer to work with a partner, but dictate their own terms, how they should eat, breathe, sit, live, what kind of advertising they should buy, what kind of advertising they should not do. What should be here, what should be there. And nothing else. They think through everything down to the smallest detail. If a person is employed, his workplace should be first-class, beautiful, new, clean, cozy and comfortable. Then your mood and productivity will be at the highest level.

And what is not useful for the people of Gold?

Gold is very afraid of being buried in the ground. Gold that is underground has no value. It acquires value and becomes useful only after it has been found and transformed into useful and beautiful things. Therefore, heavy earth is the main brake on the growth and development of the Gold man. Land is a resource for Gold. For a man, Gold is his body and mother; for a woman, heavy Earth represents her home and freedom. And also these are the actions of her husband.

But this is a deeper reading of the Bazi card.

But first you need to learn to see nature. You need to understand all natural processes. There is no system in the Bazi card reading approach. Understanding nature is a system. Look around, learn to observe. I recommend that you read the BOOK OF SECRETS.

The materials in this book will help you look a little deeper into the subtle world of energies. You will be able to understand the language in which nature speaks to us, and this will help you understand natural processes more.

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