What does cat mean? What does a cat symbolize on jewelry? Cat symbolism: meeting a cat in real life

The cat is a symbol of what?

A cat is a spiritual animal, and its symbolism largely depends on where you met it (in a dream or in reality), whether it is your totem, if it is a talisman, then what type it has.

In a general sense, a cat is a symbol of patience. She knows how to wait and chooses the most appropriate time for activity, action, jumping, attacking. The animal is also a symbol of intuition, clairvoyance, and independence.

For example, in Ancient Egypt, cats were idolized and treated with respect or even awe. It was believed that they were capable of bringing only good. As history shows, in this country there was a real cult associated with cats, and one of the most revered goddesses was Bast, the assistant of the god Ra; she was depicted as a woman with a cat's head.

In Ancient Rome, cats were associated with the goddess Artemis, and a little later the animal became a symbol of freedom.

The Celts considered cats to be messengers of evil forces. Moreover, following their beliefs, they sacrificed animals.

The special aesthetics of black cats

There are a large number of signs associated with these creatures. It is believed that a black cat is an indispensable attribute of a witch, present as a guide in all mystical and witchcraft rituals.

It is often heard during the season of love in the cat's spring. Torment is very closely related to the taming of a cat. Indeed, “a wild cat purrs very rarely,” says Dr. Benjamin Capron. This sound vibration is generally a manifestation of pleasure, well-being and comfort. This is the case when you stroke it. Through this method of communication, the pussy is soothing and soothing to the youngster, who in turn expresses comfort to him by purring while feeding.

But purring can be misleading. The cat may also try to calm itself with its vibrations. “Cats purr willingly when they are stressed or bothered,” says Dr. Capron. For example, when you take them to the vet, some people purr.

In the English tradition, by the way, these animals are treated without any fear, and if a black cat crosses the road, this will make a person even luckier and happier. In Japan they hold the same opinion. In China, these creatures are treated with particular caution and are considered harbingers of poverty and hunger. In most European countries, as in Russia, black cats are treated with fear and trembling.

Cat: a friend who wants us to be good

Otherwise his dick hits the air,” Benjamin Capron said.
Moreover, his disciples can be greatly expanded even in full light. The first concerns the benefits of having a cat in the house. As for the second, he takes care of ensuring that your pet remains healthy. They relate the history of the very special relationship that was established between man and cat. Keeper of grain silos in ancient Egypt, the latter entered the court of the pharaohs with a reputation as a mysterious animal, but benevolent. The goddess Bastet, a symbol of beauty and fertility, was represented by the head of a cat.

Surprisingly, all nations unanimously agree that a black cat figurine brings good luck to the house and protects its owners from misfortunes.

Color influence

The symbolism of a cat does not depend on the breed, but the color of the coat is of great importance.

  1. Red – leadership qualities, courage, confidence. A red cat will help in any endeavor; the talisman encourages active people, those who believe in their own strength. With such a talisman it is easier for a person to make decisions and start new things. A red cat predicts changes, and if necessary, the talisman will help in the love sphere, however, under one condition: if its owner is not red-haired. In this case, it will bring loneliness.
  2. Gray is a symbol of harmony, mystery, silence, the transition from bad to good. In a general sense, a gray or silver cat becomes the personification of childhood. It is during this period that we do not yet feel the burden of growing up, everything seems measured, and life is quiet and gentle. Remember, almost all of us had a gray cat as a child. The gray cat brings peace, stability, it helps to hold on to the present and at the same time makes you look back, remember past experiences in order to understand that good changes are just around the corner.
  3. White – purity, healing, luck, positivity. The smoother and purer the color of the coat, the more strength the cat is endowed with. Such an animal heals, protects and protects from thousands of misfortunes. Psychics advise loving a white cat, and then it will increase prosperity, maintain peace in the family, improve health and increase the level of spirituality.
  4. A tricolor cat is considered to be energetically strong. It is believed that if such an animal attaches itself to your home, success will soon await you.

Black cat as a symbol

The black color of wool has long been considered mystical. An animal of this color was associated with the other world, evil spirits, and evil spirits. However, a black cat does not always carry negativity. Traveling between worlds, such pets help psychics contact the souls of the dead; they are able to ward off the evil eye and damage from home.

A black kitten is considered a reliable protector against thieves and is able to prevent accidents: people say that it will protect the house from fire and lightning strikes. In addition, the animal will increase wealth and make a successful owner even more successful.

It was believed that every witch always took a black cat with her to the Sabbath. And even when the devil’s servant was discovered and burned at the stake, superstitious people believed that she could return to our world, reincarnated as this very black cat.

If we consider a black cat based on the symbols of the spiritual world, then there is a single opinion: the animal personifies physical healing. This is due to the fact that they are endowed with healing powers. It’s not without reason that for many years black cats have accompanied herbalists, healers, and traditional healers everywhere.

Symbolism of tattoos and place of its application

It is believed that by depicting the head of a cat, one can attract good luck in the thief's trade. The most common tattoo is a cat in a top hat; occasionally the front paws of the animal are added. The place where the tattoo is applied also matters. The most prestigious is the cat on the shoulder or forearm; only authoritative repeat offenders have the right to wear it.

Putting such a tattoo on the stomach simply means a burglar. The location of the cat on the leg means frequent short trips to the zone, mainly for robbery. The image under the arm indicates that its owner considers prison his home. A cat on your back is almost never seen. All of the above should be taken into account so as not to get a cat tattoo out of ignorance, because using the insignia of authoritative thieves can result in a very unpleasant and painful retribution.

People have always intuitively felt that cats have some kind of connection with the other world. That is why the tradition arose of keeping these animals at home as pets in order to protect yourself and your family from various mystical events. Those people who do not have the opportunity to have a cat buy figurines and various souvenirs depicting these graceful creatures. The meaning of such interior decorations will be discussed below.

Totem cat

If a cat is a human totem, then it can influence various areas of life. The animal is known for having nine lives left. However, this does not mean that you can expose yourself to danger or take unnecessary risks.

A person is given a chance to see the result and understand whether the goal is worth the money that will be spent on achieving it. And each of the nine lives will give such an opportunity.

The cat denotes patience, endurance and at the same time agility. Follow her tactics: remain motionless until that very moment. By calculating the odds correctly and making the jump at the right time, you can hit the jackpot. Don't rush things or, conversely, wait too long.

The totem cat will give its owner the ability to “see in the dark.” A person will be able to recognize lies, identify ill-wishers and false friends. This ability is not given to everyone, but only to those who are not lazy to take into account the smallest details.

The symbol will teach a person to fully relax and enjoy sleep. After all, sleep is an important component of our life, and performance depends on its quality. During the rest period, a person will be able to fully recharge the body.

The cat is characterized by independence and the ability to protect itself. Sometimes independence can border on a thirst for loneliness, complete detachment, but at the same time the person will have enormous social connections. And the totem cat will come to the rescue in time - it will give the ability to protect both itself and its loved ones.

The cat is inherently attractive and sexy, and her every step is graceful. She endows the owner with the same qualities. A person’s character becomes soft, cat-like, thanks to which he gains fame in his circle, people begin to be drawn to him.

Such people are loved because they know how to make others happy. And sexuality in their lives takes on a special meaning: it is often thanks to it that development occurs and goals are achieved.

These people are clean. They know how to take care of themselves (both women and men) and keep their home completely clean. And they are always independent and try to ensure order without the help of others.

Main characteristics of a totem cat

  • smart
    - knows when and how to make the right decision;
  • ability to protect
    - protects not only oneself, but also loved ones;
  • independent
    - but uses social connections more than anyone else;
  • very self-confident
    - has a deep connection with the inner self;
  • sensitive
    - because they feel what is really hidden behind the words;
  • agile
    - quick in action, but at the same time careful;
  • curious
    - wants to know everything and loves to explore.

People with a cat totem are always in search of enlightenment. They are known in their circle for their gentle nature and know how to see their best side. Although they are kind-hearted and care about others, they still, if necessary, know how to guide them on the right path. These are sharp thinking individuals. People are automatically drawn to them because of their sensitivity. They are loved because they know how to make others happy.

Symbolism of jewelry

Often buying myself jewelry with various animals and birds, berries, etc. Surely someone at some point thinks about the fact that each of them carries its own meaning.

Here are some semantic notations:

The butterfly is a symbol of lightness and grace.

You can purchase jewelry with butterflies in our Bijulend store:

Doves symbolize love and tenderness.

The dolphin is a symbol of travelers; it means loyalty and sharpness of thinking.

Owl - denotes wisdom, intuition, calmness.

The Horse is characterized by optimism and the engine of perpetual motion, a variety of feelings. Indicates a symbol of life. In the east, the horse protects against evil spirits and is a symbol of spirituality and patronizes people with a creative nature - artists, poets, musicians.

A cat (or cat) is one of the most romantic signs; it is something mysterious and incomprehensible. Symbolizes family idyll and warmth of the hearth, psychological balance and comfort. It is also believed that the cat is the queen of love. Protects against the evil eye.

Bunny – Symbol of health and longevity.

A dog is always a man's faithful friend. A symbol of fidelity, courage and bravery.

The snake is a symbol of feminine charm and beauty, mysterious powers, intuition, and wisdom.

The frog is a symbol of health. It is recommended to wear such a symbol in the form of a brooch on the left lapel of a blouse or jacket near the heart.

Panther - symbolizes greatness, power and strength, fearlessness, power and nobility. The panther is always ready for defense and attack, protects against the evil eye.

Leopard is a symbol of power and valor.

Monkeys symbolize cunning, fertility, wealth.

Peacock - symbolizes immortality.

The elephant is a symbol of family, happiness and wealth. In the east, it is believed that elephant jewelry carries the fullest and most positive energy.

Cats in history and mythology

Cats were revered by the Egyptians - figurines “Sacred Cat of Egypt”, “Goddess Bastet”

Egyptian cats became the most famous in history - they were revered as sacred animals. Killing them was punishable by death, and as a sign of grief for their dead cat, the owners shaved off their eyebrows. All this is because the cat is the embodiment of the goddess Bastet , whose parents were the great gods Ra (Sun) and Hathor (Moon).

“Bastet is the goddess of cats, Lower Egypt, the sun and moon, joy, fun and love, female beauty, fertility, fertility and home, protection from infectious diseases and evil spirits and war.”

Among the Vikings, the goddess of love, beauty and fertility, Freya , used to ride a chariot drawn by two cats. This is, of course, an image, but a very symbolic one.

The Slavic Goddess Makosh , the patroness of the feminine principle, also had a cat as her beast. Therefore, Russian women kept cats at home, which were both comforters and energy helpers for them (after all, a cat has energy for 9 lives). And it was believed that Makosh herself could communicate with a woman through a cat, give signs, and protect her from trouble.

Cats were often associated with wealth, acting as a kind of indicator of status. For example, in Japan, the emperor gave a cat to his most distinguished subjects. This was considered not just an honorary and status gift, but the highest reward, a special favor of God.

And Russian merchants had a tradition of competing with each other not with wallets, but with cats. The winner was the one whose cat was fatter and fatter.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

However, there were times and peoples for whom the cat was considered a dark and demonic animal. For example, in medieval Catholic Europe , which was generally distinguished by obscurantism, cats were spread rot for company with witches, as representatives of evil spirits. This is how they brought upon themselves the plague epidemic, which is logical - “the cat is out of the house, the mice are dancing.”

In addition, the black cat was considered a zoomorphic embodiment of the goddess of witchcraft Hecate , associated with the darkness of moonless nights and with crossroads. From the same story, a sign: a black cat crossing the road is an alarming sign.

Another aspect of the dual function of cats is the image of the cat Bayun , Baba Yaga’s companion, capable of destroying or, on the contrary, healing (this is one of the hero’s tests). the cat Behemoth, appeared before us .

Illustration for the novel “The Master and Margarita”

But in most countries and religions, the attitude towards purrs is positive. Orthodox Europe revered cats to such an extent that they allowed them to enter churches. Also in Islam, this is the only animal that is allowed into the mosque. In Buddhism, monks bred cats; it was believed that this animal helps in meditation and helps cleanse the monastery space.

An important aspect of the perception of cats is the recognition of their connection with the subtle plane , their ability to be an astral guide. That is why it is customary to bring a cat into a new home first. This is a symbol of cleanliness, peace and prosperity at home.

There is also a belief that cats have a way of treating their owners, taking away their problems and illnesses. A cat is a kind of energy buffer for family members, always pay attention to its condition.

And finally, we will announce the most obvious economic function that underlies the love for cats and the recognition of their usefulness - their catching of mice and rats . In St. Petersburg there is even a holiday - “Day of St. Petersburg cats and cats” and a monument to these animals who saved the city from a horde of rats during the war.

Cats are excellent hunters, guarding their territory, and if this territory is your own home, where people live and supplies are stored, then such a hunter will be desired and respected.

Thus, in history and mythology, the three most important aspects of cat qualities are manifested:

  • connection with feminine energies , the opportunity to be their conductor and amplifier (in the light or dark direction - depends on factors);
  • the ability to influence home cleanliness and energetic well-being , which ultimately preserves and improves the overall well-being of the home and family;
  • the attitude towards the animal and its ability to interact with the dark or light side of the astral plane and human energy depends on the external coloring

The importance of cats in human life: inspiration for creators

Francisco Goya (1746-1828), “Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga.
Child", ok. 1787 Francesco Ubertino (1495-1557). Portrait of a young woman holding a cat. But cats are not the type to give up quickly. They continued to be around people, continued to catch mice, and little by little they became beloved pets again. As Daniel Defoe, the author of Robinson Crusoe, noted, already in the thirties of the 17th century a cat lived in almost every English family.

In France, during the times of Louis XIV and Louis XV, ladies of high society - duchesses and marquises - kept beautiful cats: it was fashionable. Hugo and Balzac, Dumas and Baudelaire write about cats with love and admiration.

Totem cat

People whose subconscious is connected with the character of cats are sweet, but independent, and what are called “walking on their own.”

These people are very clean and love their own body, both women and men prefer to take care of themselves, know how to take care of themselves, and are independent.

The health of these people seriously depends on the quality of sleep - with such a totem it is necessary to get a good night's sleep, this perfectly harmonizes the nervous system. Another aspect is sexual , this topic often becomes the most intrusive in their lives, but it is also a powerful driving force for their growth and development.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

A person who has a cat totem has instinct and intuition, often hypersensitive abilities, and can clearly distinguish for himself Good and Evil, good and bad energy, light and dark people. He himself gravitates more towards one or the other pole.

They are curious and nosy, they love news and want to see and hear everything first. But they don’t aspire to be leaders; it’s more convenient for them to sit next to the leader, receiving all the benefits and bringing benefit with their talents and skills.

People who have a cat totem have good energy and can awaken their magical abilities and engage in various kinds of spiritual practices. Remember? - “there is no stronger beast than a cat!”

Woman with cat totem

- a girl-girl, very desirable for the male sex, she feels great potential - sexual and partner.

Feline flexibility and dexterity, grace are the qualities of true women who know how to enjoy life and attract men into their company.

The cat woman gets everything she wants with softness and affection, cunning and patience, and at the same time she knows how to arrange relationships so well that she will never allow herself to be offended. Otherwise, there is a reason to release her claws, which are quite sharp. Brunette cats are especially dangerous, they are absolutely on their own and very insidious, they do not forgive insults.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

A woman whose cat is an animal of power has a developed maternal instinct, gets pregnant easily and loves to fuss with children. She is caring and knows how to instill in her offspring the necessary life skills.

She chooses professions where there will be a demand for her internal qualities - instinct, understanding of people, she can become a consultant and expert in various issues. She does not want a strict regime of professional activity; she prefers to work under a contract, in freelancing mode. Knows how to adapt, find loopholes and the best options for implementation in any event.

Men having a cat totem

– in their youth they are very active, striving for more and more new adventures. They know how to talk and captivate girls, value variety, and often have several love affairs at the same time.

They prefer to communicate with women; they have few male friends. In companies he is a pleasant and funny joker, attractive and sincere.

Cat painting by St. Petersburg artist Vladimir Rumyantsev

As they get older, they become lazier, agree to start a family, but are not averse to going “left” on occasion, without depressing themselves with doubts and feelings of guilt.

Cats, in general, love such living conditions when other people do everything for them, and they can come to a ready-made situation and decorate and ennoble it.

The variety of cat colors and their meaning

Cats come in different colors, and each color symbolizes its own special meaning. Each cat color has a special message. Here are some of the most common cat color symbols:

Red cat symbolism: big changes.

Ginger cats encourage a new beginning - they symbolize significant change. They are ecologists and predict global changes. Like other cats, they also help in energetic healing. Red cats are a sign of leadership, courage and confidence. They appear as a sign to accept a new beginning.

Symbolism of gray cats: harmony and childhood.

Gray or silver color is associated with mystery; You must have seen that spirits and mystical beings often appear in silver color. Gray cats are associated with harmony, mystery and silence. Most of us spent our childhood next to such a cat, because their old souls love to be near young ones.

These cats bring good luck, emotional stability, peace and love. In Thai weddings, there is a ritual in which a gray cat is given as a gift to the brides as a sign of good luck and love for the couple. Basically, gray cats connect people to the present by making them remember their past experiences. Gray cats are a reminder that bad times will pass and good times will come.

Symbolism of white cats: purity.

White is a spiritual color for cats. You may have noticed that psychics usually have white cats. White cats are supporters of people; they have special healing gifts. White cats are considered good luck charms in many parts of the world.

The spiritual meaning of a white cat is purity and positivity. If you treat a white cat well, it is said that it will bring money and higher levels of spirituality. Contrary to all these beliefs, in some parts of the world, white cats are also a sign of bad luck, especially when they cross the road.

Black Cat Symbolism: Physical Healing.

It may surprise you that the symbolism of a black cat is physical healing because in most parts of the world a black cat is considered a bad omen.

Herbalists and witches often had black cats - this associated them with bad luck, but people forget that they both have special healing powers. The Puritans believed that black cats brought bad luck when they came from Europe to America. They believed that the executed witch could return in the form of a black cat after seven long years of waiting. In Europe and Australia, mostly black cats are considered a sign of good luck.

The spirit world highly values ​​the power of black cats as their medicinal instincts are amazing. For thousands of years they have been assistants to herbalists.

Cat symbol - meanings

Cat symbolism is most suitable in the following situations:

  • if you are sure that the cat is your animal of power , totem (“How to determine your totem”);
  • if you were born in the year of the Cat according to the Eastern calendar: 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011;
  • if your horoscope shows degrees associated with cat totems : 7 degrees of Aries (reed cat); 6 degrees Gemini (forest); 20 degrees Virgo (steppe); 2 degrees Sagittarius (Nubian); 11 degrees Sagittarius (tailless).

The symbol of a cat or cat as a talisman, amulet, talisman will be good in matters related to the realization of feminine energy - home improvement, keeping the family hearth, showing tenderness.

For a woman who needs to learn to set her own boundaries and love herself first, a cat is suitable as a symbol of compensation and reminder. She knows how to do well for herself and at the same time be useful and loved by others.

A wild cat or cat is a talisman, meaning life outside the rules, free, a person is able to move according to the call of his nature. It is also a symbol that can impart the power of self-healing and use internal reserves.

Cats are an excellent logo for various security and safety services; their motto is: “Rats will not pass!”

The home mascot Cat in the interior as an object, an image - will help improve the home stay, add warmth and comfort to the atmosphere of the room. You can use a talisman or still prefer a real animal.

If you are engaged in practices of the astral level, then depending on your inclinations, either the symbol of a white or the symbol of a black cat . The white cat symbol will activate your connection with beneficial spirits. Conversely, a black cat is a symbol of the fact that you have chosen the lower world for your practices, be careful.

Cat's eye is an amulet stone that protects its owner from negative energy and harmful influences from the outside. If, due to your activities, you are often in situations of danger or in an unfavorable external environment, learn to interact with this symbol or stone.

Bracelet with cat's eye

If you dream of a cat or several, it most often means the presence of someone else’s energy in your space, maybe it’s time for you to brighten your home and carry out cleansing procedures.

If a cat is your totem, then its image in a dream means the activity of your subconscious programs associated with the need to demonstrate its qualities. Analyze - perhaps you are holding yourself back and denying yourself some manifestations. Or perhaps this is a sign of anxiety and danger and you need to be more careful in situations and relationships.

as interior decoration

Many people who do not believe in any otherworldly forces and mysticism perceive cat figurines as a stylish and trendy interior decoration. A figurine of an Egyptian cat is a special souvenir that not only reminds you of a trip to this amazing country, but also adds a special sophistication to the surrounding environment.

There are cases where people have been collecting such figurines throughout their lives. Thus, the Frenchwoman F. Groff keeps at home more than 2 thousand 100 copies of figurines from different countries of the world, as well as more than 9 thousand other things with the image of a cat on them. At the same time, she keeps four live cats at home. The woman is rightfully considered the owner of one of the world's greatest collections associated with these amazing graceful and mysterious creatures.

It has long been known that cats are independent animals. And cat behavior can cause conflicting feelings. The animal's character may not be as flexible as you expected.

To find a common language with her, you need to pay attention more often and learn to understand the cat’s actions.

Symbolism of jewelry: what do your gifts mean?

Speaking in the language of symbols and being able to express a lot without saying a word is the destiny of the most loving hearts. Do you want to become one of them? “Present” eternal values ​​to your loved one - love, happiness in your personal life or financial well-being. How? Handing over the appropriate decoration. We remember what we gave, and what we ourselves recently received as a gift, and find out what it means. Or find a reason, and SOKOLOV has everything you need ready!

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