Why get a cat? The whole truth about our little brothers

It is impossible to say for sure which cat is better to have in an apartment. Each owner has his own idea of ​​the ideal pet. Experts cite many breeds of domestic beauties that live quietly within four walls and feel great. As for care, it is easier to care for short-haired animals, but if you pay attention to your pet once a week, the owner of a long, thick coat will not be burdened. To a large extent, the choice of a cat depends on individual preferences.

Which cat is better to have in an apartment according to Feng Shui?

According to ancient teachings, cats are the personification of the feminine principle, Yin energy. Animals play an extremely important role in the energy system of the home. These animals are able to attract, neutralize negativity, take on illnesses, heal, see evil spirits, and ghosts.

The best place to place a cat's sleeping place is considered to be the eastern zone of the house, but very often pets choose their own territory and confidently settle down. It is impossible to explain the choice of the animal. It is assumed that they choose a corner where there is least strong energy functioning. Cats love areas where the flow is disturbed; with their presence they balance the biofield.

Cats are protectors and amulets of the home. The phenomenal ability to capture energy flows makes these animals real healers. The cat chooses a weak spot on the owner’s body, lies on it, and sometimes massages it with its paws. After several therapy sessions, the patient feels better.

It is important to understand that a cat walks on its own and does not tolerate competition, so having several animals in the house at once is not recommended. In this case, the pets will be busy with their “business” and the owner will not be given due attention.

Gray and white

It doesn't matter which of these shades becomes your pet's color. Cats and cats of white and gray colors “work” to strengthen relationships between people. In this case, cats help mainly lovers. A purring, cute white or gray creature helps reduce the number of quarrels. In general, it is believed that families with such pets are much stronger and calmer.

By the way, if you don’t have a soulmate, seek the help of a white or gray animal. A cat (cat, kitten) seems to attract a person to you who will become your destiny.

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It is generally accepted that white felines are capable of attaching someone who is dear to their owner (mistress). Just invite them over and introduce your future soul mate to your pet.

What should you pay attention to first when choosing a cat?

Of course, when choosing a cat you need to focus on your own preferences. This is how they usually do it! They choose photos of potential pets, look at them, see which one they like best, and buy that one. It also happens that they go to buy one breed, but take a completely different one, because they really liked the kitten. There is also a version that it is not the owners who choose their pets, but their animals.

There are also general stereotypes regarding keeping cats in an apartment. Perhaps the breed that you like will not be able to sit within four walls, will start to get sick, and will not live long locked up. And there are such specimens that you can’t kick them out of the sofa with a broom; they don’t have the desire to stick their nose out into the street. Experts say that representatives of large breeds - Bengal, Maine Coon, hyperactive animals - Bengal, Siamese, Abyssinian, bobtail - should not be kept locked up. For a city apartment with no access to the street, calm, moderately energetic, and not too active cats are suitable for cats.

Cats with the best character:

  • Persian cat;
  • British Shorthair;
  • Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx);
  • Scottish Straight, Scottish Fold (Scottish Straight);
  • Canadian, Don Sphynx;
  • Sacred Burmese cat (sacred Burmese);
  • Russian Blue;
  • Exotic shorthair cat.

However, you should not think that these pets will only eat and sleep; each has its own capricious disposition and character to which it will have to adapt. They won’t gallop around the rooms or roll up rugs, but there are games in their lives.

In addition to character and disposition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of caring for each breed. Traditionally, the simplest are considered:

  • Sphynx cats with short hair do not require special attention. During the period of sexual desire, they rarely mark their territory, which is also important for the owners.
  • The Scottish Fold cat has thick, short hair that should only be brushed a few times a month. Clean animals are easy to train; they can be trained to use a litter tray even as adults.
  • The Cornish Rex rarely sheds and has a calm disposition.

Ultimately, their character helps determine the choice of pet. For example, a Siamese cat is more dog-like in behavior. She becomes very attached to her owner and does not tolerate strangers. Siberian cats have a highly developed hunter instinct, which is why outbreaks of aggression often occur. The following cats are considered the best in character for keeping in an apartment:

  • British Shorthair cat;
  • Neva Masquerade;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold cat);
  • Russian Blue;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Celtic cat (European Shorthair);
  • Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight cat);
  • Peterbald (Petersburg Sphinx);
  • Manx (Manx tailless cat);
  • Ural rex;
  • Toyger;
  • Sokoke.

The list goes on and on. As a rule, purebred cats are endowed with intelligence and respond well to training and behavior correction. If you really like an animal, the main thing is to find out general information about it in order to get a little guidance on how to behave and what to expect from it. Next, training will help shape the final character and behavior of the animal.

Siberian cat

A large, muscular and fluffy Siberian cat is perfect for living in a private home. She is not afraid of the street thanks to her thick undercoat, which also increases in winter. The fur on the ears protects them from the cold, and the developed muscles allow them to excellently climb trees, run and jump. Siberian cats can be let out for a walk without much fear if the area is fenced on all sides.

Representatives of this breed are kind and affectionate to all family members. In a group, they feel calmer and more secure, and their emotional stability increases significantly. Therefore, it is recommended to keep them in pairs.

Cat or cat - who is better?

You need to decide on the gender first, since the behavior of females and males is different, and their care is somewhat different. It is generally accepted that cats are more disciplined, affectionate, calm, compliant, and physically active. Cats are lazy, proud, silent, selfish, sedentary. You should not rely on general stereotypes, since each animal is individual, but some factors need to be taken into account.

  1. Cats are larger and have a stronger smell. With proper care, no unpleasant odor is felt, so there is not much difference.
  2. Cats try to take a dominant position, so you need to immediately show who is boss in the house and who you have to listen to. Cats are manipulators. They obtain the fulfillment of desires without open confrontation with household members.
  3. Before puberty, there are no differences in behavior between kittens. During heat, the cat expresses its needs too loudly, meows all day and night, cats intensively mark their territory, become aggressive, and are able to run away from the house.
  4. Cats are more active, cats are difficult to stir up. If an animal is bred to fight mice, a cat is better suited.

Considering the fact that cats are brought in as living toys and are sterilized, there is not much difference in care, and problems, in general, do not arise. Therefore, the choice depends solely on the preferences of the owner.

Potential difficulties of living with cats

Many cat owners have come to the conclusion that it is much more convenient to keep the animal locked up. This protects pets from the dangers that await them on the street, parasitic diseases. Pets get sick less, live longer, and are always supervised. However, under such living conditions, the true instincts of animals are infringed, which is why problems arise. When choosing a cat to live in an apartment, you need to consider the following:

  1. Under natural conditions, cats groom their territory every day, climb trees, and hunt. For indoor pets, the need to obtain food disappears, the entire territory is visible, as if in spirit, and therefore physical activity decreases. Muscles weaken, excess weight and obesity appear, as well as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. To increase physical activity, you need to constantly play with the cat, buy interactive toys, build houses, and do gymnastics.
  2. A cat living indoors gets used to smells, a certain environment, and a limited circle of people. In such greenhouse conditions, the animal becomes emotionally vulnerable and sensitive. Any new thing, deodorant, air freshener, rearrangement in the house can throw her off balance and frighten her. And also people who entered the apartment, small children, and other animals. When a guest appears in the apartment, the pet will scream until he leaves the room.
  3. Cats need to constantly sharpen their claws to regulate their length. In the wild this is not a problem. Furniture in the apartment may be damaged. You need to buy a special scratching post in advance and allocate a place for it in the apartment. Or remove your pet's claws regularly. You should also clean your eyes and ears.
  4. When keeping an animal in the house, both the pet and the household become accustomed to the rules. Windows should always be closed or have bars or mosquito nets. Watch the entrance doors and do not leave them open unattended. In the room where the cat litter box is located, the doors should always remain ajar to provide the cat with free access to the toilet.
  5. Cats living in an apartment do not lose their delicate sense of smell and desire to explore the territory. Curiosity and boredom are a dangerous tandem for owners. Dishes, shelves, books can fall to the floor, wires, bags of flour, sugar, etc. can be damaged. Cats are not averse to chewing leaves from indoor plants, as well as nesting in a pot of seedlings. The risk zone in the apartment should be minimized so that the animal does not suffer. Do not leave exposed wires, hide detergents and cleaning products, remove unstable shelving, etc.
  6. When a cat lives in an apartment and does not go outside, she quickly gets bored with everything, and is unable to satisfy her instinctual needs. The result is psychological trauma. So that the animal does not feel deprived, you need to play with it, talk to it, buy toys, build houses. If it is not possible to do this, it is recommended to buy two kittens at once, so that each will receive a companion, comrade, even a sexual partner.
  7. Of course, the problem of sexual activity will have to be solved. Animals that are not intended to be born are sterilized. When breeding offspring twice a year during estrus, you need to look for a suitable partner.

In addition, you need to immediately decide on food. Animals are given special or natural products. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In any case, you need to control your pet’s weight and avoid extra pounds, since obesity provokes fatal diseases and shortens life.

What breeds are best for apartment living?

It is impossible to list all the cat breeds that happily live in apartments with proper care, since there are so many of them. Several breeds are in special demand in our country.

Maine Coon

The largest representatives of domestic breeds come from the USA. The name literally translates to Maine raccoon. Its origin is connected with the appearance of the cat, which very much resembles a predatory animal. Individual individuals can reach a weight of 15 kg. The first known Maine Coon was named Captain Jenks, originally from England. It was shown at exhibitions in the 19th century.

The breed is distinguished by its large, muscular build, large head, and beautiful amber and green eyes. The advantage of the Maine Coon is its calm, peaceful character. Cats are extremely sociable, constantly running after their owner, looking into the eyes, and trying to tell something. In terms of behavior, they remain kittens until old age. They love to play, are affectionate with small children, and have good adaptive abilities. The disadvantage of the animal is considered to be long hair, which needs to be looked after. The price of a purebred kitten is 800 US dollars.


Amazing creatures with short tails have captivated people all over the globe. The breed originated on the Isle of Man. This is a charming, playful, nimble little playful, an active personality, and not a toy for the sofa. The peculiarity of the breed is its active life position. There are lights in the eyes, purring in moments of calm, meowing as a call to share delight. A tailless cat will always be in the center of events and will not miss anything. Loves to play with children, to take part directly, and not just act as an observer.

The ivy coat with undercoat does not require special care. Appearance - an intelligent, smart cat. These animals are not indifferent to water, so the bath is often their favorite room. There, the cat can wait for hours for a drop to appear from the tap, or it can turn on the stream on its own and place its head and paws under it. But they don’t like to swim. Kittens grow quickly. Already at 4 months they reach the size of an adult cat, but sexual maturity occurs later. In this regard, it is allowed to sterilize cats from 6 months, males - from 9 months.

Exotic shorthair cat

American cat breed with a beautiful appearance. He has a playful, easy-going character and gets along well with children. Not annoying, not intrusive, always waits for approval before jumping into your arms. For home keeping - the perfect type, since the short plush coat does not require special care, the animals are well trained, well-mannered, and intelligent. A plush cat with large beautiful eyes is selective in its preferences. Be careful with strangers. Shows love and tenderness to the owner very touchingly. The animal loves attention and tolerates walks in the fresh air, trips, and moving well. The main thing is that the owner is nearby.


You won't find a more loving cat on our planet. A distinctive feature of the breed is not only its character, but also its appearance. Hairless animals have been in demand since ancient times. Sphinxes feel like plush to the touch. The body is graceful, elongated, the head is triangular, large ears and unusually beautiful amber eyes. Sphynxes have a peculiar disposition, and their behavior is not at all cat-like. If necessary, they will rush into battle with dogs and feel great walking on a leash. A person is perceived as “one of our own” and treated “humanly”. They are easy to train, do not get bored with meowing, and are not intrusive. There are several breeds of sphinxes in Russia - Donskoy, St. Petersburg, etc. They differ in appearance, but their character is almost identical. Suitable for people allergic to wool.

Russian blue cat

An elegant cat with thick, short, shiny fur and a unique silver tint. Peaceful, kind, obedient, freedom-loving. He loves the hearth and will not run outside even with the windows open, but it’s not worth the risk. Sociable, shy with new people. Loyal, honest, love to be petted and given attention. The hunter's instinct is very strong, so he will catch a mouse without any problems. The true origin of the breed has not been precisely established.


Originally from California (USA). A companion cat that is aware of all events, loves to play with children, is sociable, and inquisitive. He has a high intelligence, is easy to train, but sometimes shows excessive laziness. The name translated means “rag doll”.

Occurred due to the animal’s ability to greatly relax its muscles. A Ragdoll cannot be without communication for a long time. If there is no one, he loses his mood before his eyes and becomes sad. The character is peaceful, friendly, and gets along easily with other pets. Shows affection for the owner, literally following on his heels. The voice is practically inaudible. Withstands children's pranks and playfulness.


Short-legged cats come from America. They are jokingly called dachshunds. The weight of an adult animal reaches 6 kg. Clean, easy to communicate, not picky about food, not capricious. They adapt to any conditions and tolerate children's games. Cats are not inclined to hunt; they are real homebodies who feel great within four walls. Suitable for those who are getting a cat for the first time and are not ready to radically change their living conditions. Munchkin will accept everything as it is and won’t ask for anything special. Kittens are very playful, love balls, toys, and make their own hiding places. They are distinguished by good health and live up to 16 years. Wool requires care, so you need to spend time brushing almost every day.

Scottish fold cat

Original creatures of their kind with the cutest appearance. Reminds me of a bear cub. Large, beautiful, kind eyes attract special attention. This is the personification of affection, warmth, affection. Calm, smart, peaceful. Will get along with other pets and get along with small children. Shows interest in strangers. He doesn’t do mischief, loves communication, but doesn’t get depressed without it.

Persian cat

It is considered the most beautiful, almost toy cat. A sweet, charming creature will become a companion, friend, decoration of every apartment. A distinctive feature is a small, upturned nose and a funny face. There are about 100 varieties of color. The character is calm. Cats love to sit, sleep in their owner’s arms, and communicate. They cannot stand loneliness, so they almost always follow on the heels of their owner. Playful even in adulthood. Kittens are cheerful, inquisitive, and the cutest little bundles. Persians do not live outside the home; they are the most domesticated breed. They rarely speak; they can sit for days or sleep on sofa cushions. Smart, jealous, can't stand shouting, and aren't afraid of children.

British shorthair cat

The breed was developed in England. The wool is soft, thick, plush. The head is round, the eyes are large. A distinctive feature is the presence of a fold on the neck, which cannot be found in any other breed. Calm, good-natured, flexible, smart. Gets along well with children and other pets. Doesn't bother you with loud meows, jumps into your arms after approval. He doesn't do any mischief, but he loves to play. She’s not picky about food, but she chooses her favorite dishes.


The breed was bred in the USA. Long-haired cat weighing up to 5 kg. Lives up to 15 years. The character is playful. Javanese is often called noisy. They love their owner very much and prefer to be close to him. There is stubbornness, likes to keep everything under control, to be the center of attention. Smart, hardy, dexterous cats. There must always be at least one toy in the pet's field of vision, otherwise he will turn the whole house upside down. He tolerates loneliness well, but when bored he begins to act out. He is not in good health; neurological problems and heart disease are often detected. You need to get a pet if the home is spacious and the owner is not a pedant. Even as an adult, javanese is a hurricane in the house.

Maine Coons

Cats of this breed attract many people. Their unusual appearance and almost human features attract the eye. By nature, these proud animals are quite affectionate and loyal to their owners. They treat strangers coolly and without much enthusiasm.

They get along well with other animals, but require a lot of space to live as they are one of the largest cat breeds. These beauties are suitable for adults or families with adult children.

Genetic testing has revealed that Maine Coons are descendants of Norwegian forest cats and a mysterious extinct domestic breed.

What color cat should I take into my apartment?

It is believed that the animal’s abilities and their impact on human life directly depend on the color of the coat.

  • Tricolor cat . It is considered a talisman, a talisman, and brings happiness. Helps to establish harmony in all areas of life.
  • Ginger cat . A pet with a fiery, sunny color helps you find love and find a family. Responsible for family well-being in the house.
  • Grey . Like no one else, it neutralizes negative energy, prevents diseases and accidents. They advise people whose professional activities involve risk to their lives to get one.
  • Black. For some owners it will become a bearer of misfortune, for others it will be a talisman in everything. Black cats, especially cats, enhance any energy. If there are a lot of quarrels, scandals, difficulties with money in the house, with a black pet there will be even more of this. If there is harmony, prosperity, financial wealth in the house, a black friend will increase all this. The black cat helps both light and dark magicians.

If you focus on Feng Shui, then you should not have a tabby cat in your house, since life will then be filled with alternating good and bad events. In any case, experts may be wrong, and the striped pet will become a real talisman.

Interesting video: Cat breeds for apartments and houses. Kitten Academy

What do we have to do?

If the sign is positive, there is nothing to worry about. Let the gray cat pass, thank her for bringing you good luck. It’s another matter if the situation with a cat crossing the road threatens trouble.

How to get rid of a belief?

  1. If you step on a gray cat's toe, you can avoid financial problems in the following way: shelter the cat at home or send it to a good animal shelter and transfer some money to the organization.
  2. It is somewhat more difficult to correct the situation if the animal you hit dies. Do not leave his body on the road, take it and bury it in the ground in a quiet place. Instead, find a gray kitten (through advertisements or at a cattery) and bring it into your home.

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Gray cats and cats in the house are a favorable sign for all household members. They ward off troubles and misfortunes from the home, lift the mood of the owners, heal them from diseases, and warn them of troubles. The house where a cat of a smoky, ash or gray-blue hue lives is always filled with comfort, warmth, light and peace.

Living in an apartment with a cat: tips and tricks

When you get a cat, you need to fully understand that it will need to be taken care of properly. This is not a living soft toy, but a full-fledged animal. You need to take into account not only your own interests, but also hers. Having adopted a cat, you will have to make some changes to your apartment and your own life. The pet needs to be given time, care, hygiene, and health care. Before buying a cat, you need to weigh the pros and cons. An animal should not be thrown out onto the street when it becomes unwanted.

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