Akathist to the Venerable Alexander, Wonderworker of Svir

Akathist to the Venerable Alexander, Wonderworker of Svir

Kontakion 1

Chosen saint of Christ and wonderworker, Rev. Father Alexandra, who has shone in peace like a God-bright star, through your kindness and many miracles of life, we praise you with love in spiritual songs: but you, who have boldness towards the Lord, with your prayers free us from all troubles, let us call ty: Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, Svirsky miracle worker.

Ikos 1

You had an angelic disposition, Reverend Father, and as if you were incorporeal, you lived an immaculate life on earth, leaving us a wondrous image of spiritual perfection, so that we imitate your virtue, and call to you: Rejoice, God-given fruit of pious parents. Rejoice, you who have resolved the infertility of those who gave birth to you. Rejoice, having turned their lamentation into joy. Rejoice, chosen by God from the swaddling clothes. Rejoice, you who were ordained from the womb to serve Him. Rejoice, having loved His One with all your heart from your youth. Rejoice, all the red of this world imputed to nothing. Rejoice, thou who by fasting and vigils in prayer has afflicted thy flesh. Rejoice, immaculate vessel of God's grace. Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, adorned with purity. Rejoice, husband of spiritual desires. Rejoice, head, sanctified by the right hand of the Most High. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the Lord your soul, like a well-cultivated field for spiritual fruitfulness, direct your thoughts from youth to the search for one thing, reverend, for the same love for the sake of Christ, you left your parents and your father’s house, having freed yourself from every vain addiction, you flowed to the desert monastery of Valaam to feats of monasticism, calling to God who saves you: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With a divinely enlightened mind you have comprehended the vanity of this world and the impermanence, in which joy is replaced by sorrow, prosperity is cursed by unexpected troubles. Moreover, you desired eternal, incorruptible blessings, Reverend Father, and you sought to seek this through the renunciation of worldly goods and free poverty, prompting us to call you: Rejoice, lover of desert silence. Rejoice, zealot of humility and non-covetousness. Rejoice, perfect image of true selflessness. Rejoice, the monastic life equal to the angels is a remarkable phenomenon. Rejoice, rule of faith and piety. Rejoice, mirror of patient obedience. Rejoice, lover of monastic silence. Rejoice, thou who hast acquired spiritual tears. Rejoice, weeping for temporary, eternal bliss gained. Rejoice, having crushed the enemies of the enemy with unceasing prayers. Rejoice, having subdued your flesh through vigil and labor. Rejoice, tame passion through fasting and abstinence. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 3

Overshadowed and strengthened by the power of the Most High, in monastic tonsure of the hair of your head, you put aside all carnal wisdom, reverend, and like a well-skilled warrior, having acquired the monastic schema for the armor of salvation, and having armed yourself with the invincible weapon of the Cross of Christ, you fought strongly against the invisible enemy - the devil, with humility deeply conquering his exalted pride, and I will cry out to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having an abundant source of tears, O servant of God, and great grace of tenderness, you watered your bread with tears, and dissolved your drink with tears, out of an abundance of Divine desire and love for the Lord. In the same way, we gratify you with these titles: Rejoice, thou of the same name ascetic of strength and courage. Rejoice, angelic man. Rejoice, victorious warrior of the Heavenly King. Rejoice, good fruit from the Valaam monastery. Rejoice, favorable desert dweller. Rejoice, never-ending prayer book. Rejoice, great faster. Rejoice, wonderful silent one. Rejoice, follower of the feat of the ancient God-bearing fathers. Rejoice, imitator of their patience and labor. Rejoice, you dug your own grave in good time. Rejoice, you who constantly think about the hour of death. Rejoice, Venerable Alexandra, Svirsky miracle worker

Kontakion 4

The storm of temptations and aspirations of the devil cannot shake the temple of your soul, Reverend Father, it was founded on the solid rock of faith in Christ, and guarded by sobriety and unceasing prayers, in the image of which you confronted the enemy of human salvation, and you unfailingly ascended along the paths of virtues to spiritual perfection according to the age of Christ, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing people praise you, you were afraid of the exaltation of vanity, God-wise Father, and like a true image of humility, you decided to flee into the unknown desert, to the Svir River, to the place from above indicated to you in a wonderful vision, and there and without restraint you will work for the only God, where we We greet you with these blessings: Rejoice, thou who has humbled Himself to the form of a servant, a good follower of Christ the Lord. Rejoice, diligent fulfiller of His holy commandments. Rejoice, virgin in soul and body. Rejoice, unhypocritical industrious one. Rejoice, despising the vain glory of man. Rejoice, destroyer of the networks of vanity and pride. Rejoice, you who have corrected the soul-harming charm of arrogance. Rejoice, having assimilated for yourself the holy humility of Christ. Rejoice, having fulfilled all your vows of monasticism. Rejoice, adorned with the gifts of God's grace. Rejoice, thou who by grace received power over unclean spirits. Rejoice, you who did not impute those intimidations and ghosts to anything. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 5

A luminous ray illuminated in the darkness of the night the deserted place where you came to dwell, O Reverend, signifying the lightness of your soul, and your heart flaming with love for the Lord, where it was favorable to the Creator your will to work for Him in reverence and holiness, and to sing a song of praise to Him there : Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the angelic rank of your life, blessed father, the depth of your humility, persistence in prayer, firmness of abstinence and great zeal of your spirit for purity, you were amazed and glorified the philanthropist God, who strengthens the weak human nature. We please you and call you: Rejoice, deserted lamp, enlightening the country of Korel with the radiance of your virtues. Rejoice, wonderful adornment for monastics. Rejoice, fragrant tree of the desert vegetation. Rejoice, fruitful tree of the heavenly planting. Rejoice, lover of the splendor of the house of God. Rejoice, having prepared within yourself a temple for the Trinitarian Deity. Rejoice, clothed in honor and righteousness. Rejoice, enriched with the union of virtues. Rejoice, you who have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, consecrated vessel of God's grace. Rejoice, servant of Christ, good and faithful. Rejoice, true servant of the Lord. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 6

The preacher of your exploits in the Svirstey desert appeared as a catcher of wondrous beasts, who drove the trees into the impenetrable oak grove. By the sight of God you found your temple, Reverend Father: seeing you in the flesh of an angel, wearing the sign of grace-filled illumination on your face, you were filled with fear and joy and fell to the honest at your feet, in the tenderness of your heart, cry out to the Creator God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou didst shine forth in the desert of Svirstei, a divinely luminous luminary, and thou didst guide many human souls on the path to salvation: Christ show thee a mentor and teacher to the desert-loving monk, who flocks to thee, like sheep to the shepherd, who is able to shepherd them into life-giving pastures. Moreover, as having created and taught, we honor you with these words of praise: Rejoice, source of inspired teachings. Rejoice, repository of abundant tenderness. Rejoice, animated tablets of the Lord's law. Rejoice, tireless preacher of the Gospel of Christ. Rejoice, having fulfilled the commandments of the Lord and taught them to your disciples. Rejoice, having inspired the lazy to correct their Christ-like morals. Rejoice, having strengthened the weak with the grace given from the Lord. Rejoice, you who have comforted those who mourn with the sweetness of your words. Rejoice, you who have guided sinners to repentance. Rejoice, wise young one. Rejoice, full of compassion. Rejoice, rich in mercy. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 7

Although the Lord, the Lover of mankind, will glorify the place of your deeds, father, His angel sent the gospel to you, as if in that place there will be a monastery for salvation, and in it a temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. You were enlightened by the appearance of the incorporeal, you listened with joyful trepidation to the heavenly gospel, calling in humility of spirit to the Lady of Angels and men: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A new sign of God's favor was given to you, reverend, when you were silent in the chosen desert, in the night a great light shone upon you, and three men in bright clothes appeared before you, giving you peace and commanding that you build a monastic monastery there, and in it a temple in name of the Holy Trinity. Marveling at this wonderful Trinity phenomenon in the three angelic faces, we call to you: Rejoice, Mystery of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, you who have witnessed the indescribable appearance of God. Rejoice, interlocutor of the luminous angelic forces. Rejoice, beholder of the radiant Divine vision. Rejoice, partaker of the fiery trisolar radiance. Rejoice, worshiper of the Trinitarian Divinity. Rejoice, in a mortal body, enlightened by the dawn of immortality. Rejoice, you who have been honored with a heavenly visit to the earth. Rejoice, high in humility, acquisitive. Rejoice, having received through poverty the rich mercy of the Lord. Rejoice, you who sow everlasting joy with your tears. Rejoice, you who have received the fulfillment of immutable promises. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 8

Strangely, the Angel of the Lord appeared to you in the air in a mantle and a doll in other honors, indicating the place on which you had created a temple in the name of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Svirstey desert, Reverend Father, having completed and sanctified it with God’s haste, you and your disciples sent silent praises to the Lord in it , call: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having devoted yourself entirely to the will of the Lord, begged by your disciples, you did not shy away from receiving the grace of the priesthood, Father, even though your spirit was growing weary, terrified at the height of this, but you showed obedience to your spiritual children, striving for them in accordance with your calling: Rejoice, thou worthy performer of bloodless sacrifices. Rejoice, reverent servant of the Altar of the Lord. Rejoice, you who stretched out your venerable hands to the Lord with much boldness. Rejoice, you who offer the warmest prayers from your pure heart to the throne of the Almighty. Rejoice, thou who was the image of piety as thy disciple. Rejoice, head anointed with the ointment of the priesthood. Rejoice, skillful leader of spiritual warriors. Rejoice, wise father of the monastic community. Rejoice, O luminary, kindled in prayer to God. Rejoice, star showing the right path to salvation. Rejoice, olive tree, the oil of God's mercy. Rejoice, thou who hast given drink to those thirsty for the teaching of salvation. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 9

All the monks of your monastery came to a joyful trembling, when the rush of the stream of water moving towards your holy monastery, you tamed it with your prayer, and by calling on the omnipotent name of Jesus Christ, you harmlessly arranged the stormy stream of your mother-in-law for the good needs of the monastics, which your spiritual child saw with all compunction. God is with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Human wisdom does not suffice to express the abundance of spiritual joy, with which you were filled, God-bearing Father, when during your nightly prayer the Most Holy Theotokos appeared with the face of the angelic ranks and the immutable promises rejoiced your soul, as the everlasting intercessor of your monastery will be, supplying and covering all days. In the same way, we bring you these joyful verbs: Rejoice, overshadowed by the favor of the Mother of God. Rejoice, comforted by the visit of the Queen to heaven and earth. Rejoice, hearing the merciful words from Her lips. Rejoice, you who have received the promise of Her mighty monastery of intercession. Rejoice, Her most sincere beloved. Rejoice, chosen one of Her Son and God. Rejoice, thou blessed with the gift of miracles. Rejoice, O future one, as the present one is providential. Rejoice, thou who miraculously multiplies the fishermen’s catch. Rejoice, thou who bestowed childbearing on barren parents. Rejoice, you who restored the sick to health. Rejoice, revealing the secret of human sins. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 10

To save the souls of your disciple, you fatherly admonished them, God-wise, in a word, by the example of your life, with meekness rebuking them, with love exhorting them to succeed in piety and purity: especially before your death, you commanded them to do everything useful for the salvation of the soul, and you taught them to stay awake in prayer and sing silently to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The wall of intercession of your prayer was a miracle-working saint, everyone who flows to you with faith in every sorrow, for for the sake of the purity of your heart, spiritual power was given to you by God, to heal the sick, to help the needy, to prophesy the future, to glorify to those near and far the greatness of God, revealed in you , and call you this: Rejoice, O physician who does not suffer from human ailments. Rejoice, you are a great healer not only of physical illnesses, but also of mental illnesses. Rejoice, thou who grantest sight to the blind. Rejoice, you who made the sick and crippled healthy. Rejoice, freed the demons from the oppression of the devil. Rejoice, healthy mind that returns to the frenzied. Rejoice, you who healed those covered with scabs. Rejoice, comforter of the sad. Rejoice, you who hastened to help those in need. Rejoice, you who were weakened and imprisoned by your appearance and who were given freedom by your appearance were weakened and imprisoned. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 11

You brought all-contrite singing to the Most Holy Trinity at the time of your death, reverend, and to the prayer that was on your lips you gave up your holy soul in the hands of the Living God, Whom you loved from your youth, and Whom you worked unfeignedly until your venerable old age, and who joyfully passed away with good hope thou art to the heavenly abode, with the angelic faces, sing to the Trinitarian God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Having seen your peaceful death, your disciples, the great servant of God, dissolved the sorrow of separation from you with the consolation of grace, in the hope of your omnipotent intercession, grief at the throne of God, where you hear with love calling you: Rejoice, the crown of immortal life received from the hand of the Almighty. Rejoice, rejoice in the hall of the Heavenly Householder. Rejoice, contemplating with a frank face the glory of the Trisian Divinity. Rejoice, worship the Creator with the white-crowned elders. Rejoice, heir of the all-bright Kingdom of Christ. Rejoice, citizen of Gorny Jerusalem. Rejoice, resident of heavenly Zion. Rejoice, inhabitant of the tabernacles of paradise not made with hands. Rejoice, for through the labors of this temporary life you have received eternal peace. Rejoice, blessedness, prepared for the righteous from eternity, having righteously received. Rejoice, illuminated by the rays of the non-evening light from above. Rejoice, shining down with the greatness of miracles. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 12

Participating in grace was the appearance of a sacred cancer containing your multi-healing relics, the miracle-working saint, who after many years the Lord revealed them incorruptible in the bowels of the earth, healing endlessly, and healing every ailment with the power of God, wondrous in His saints, who has wondrously glorified you in heaven and on earth, To Him we sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing a joyful song of praise and thanksgiving to the Lover of Mankind, God, who glorified you in the Russian country as a wondrous and merciful wonderworker, we pray to you, Reverend Our Father: be an intercessor to Him and a constant prayer book for us who call you: Rejoice, intercessor of the Christian race. Rejoice, treasury of many different gifts. Rejoice, protection created by God. Rejoice, having received the grace of healing from God. Rejoice, flower of incorruption, you who have fragrantly fragrant the holy Church. Rejoice, dawn of immortality, who has risen gloriously from the grave. Rejoice, inexhaustible flow of generosity and mercy. Rejoice, inexhaustible source of goodness. Rejoice, love and compassion are a many-wonderful phenomenon. Rejoice, God-given healing for our bodies. Rejoice, favorable intercession for our souls. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 13

O great and glorious miracle worker, Reverend Father Alexander! Mercifully accept this little prayer of ours, and with your prayers save us from mental and physical ailments in this life, and deliver us from future eternal torments, and grant us, together with you, in the Kingdom of Heaven, to sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is spoken three times.

Ikos 1

You had an angelic disposition, Reverend Father, and as if you were incorporeal, you lived an immaculate life on earth, leaving us a wondrous image of spiritual perfection, so that we imitate your virtue, and call to you: Rejoice, God-given fruit of pious parents. Rejoice, you who have resolved the infertility of those who gave birth to you. Rejoice, having turned their lamentation into joy. Rejoice, chosen by God from the swaddling clothes. Rejoice, you who were ordained from the womb to serve Him. Rejoice, having loved His One with all your heart from your youth. Rejoice, all the red of this world imputed to nothing. Rejoice, thou who by fasting and vigils in prayer has afflicted thy flesh. Rejoice, immaculate vessel of God's grace. Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, adorned with purity. Rejoice, husband of spiritual desires. Rejoice, head, sanctified by the right hand of the Most High. Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, miracle worker of Svir.

Kontakion 1

Chosen saint of Christ and wonderworker, Rev. Father Alexandra, who has shone in peace like a God-bright star, through your kindness and many miracles of life, we praise you with love in spiritual songs: but you, who have boldness towards the Lord, with your prayers free us from all troubles, let us call ty: Rejoice, Reverend Alexandra, Svirsky miracle worker.


O sacred head, earthly angel and heavenly man, reverend and God-bearing our father Alexandra, great servant of the Most Holy and Consubstantial Trinity, show many mercies to those living in your holy monastery and to all who flow to you with faith and love! Ask us for everything that is useful for this temporary life and necessary for our eternal salvation. Help with your intercession, servant of God, against enemies visible and invisible, so that the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ may dwell in peace and be founded in good order, indestructibly in all piety. Be to all of us, miracle-working saint, a quick helper in every sorrow and situation. Most of all, at the hour of our death, a merciful intercessor appeared to us, so that we may not betray the power of the evil ruler of the world during the ordeals of the air, but may we be honored with a stumbling-free ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven. Hey, Father, our dear prayer book! Do not disgrace our hope, do not despise our humble prayer and intercede for us before the Throne of the Life-Giving Trinity, so that together with you and with all the saints we, unworthy, may glorify in the villages of paradise the greatness, grace and mercy of the One God in the Trinity, the Father and the Son , and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of the Venerable Alexander of Svirsky to the Lord God and the Most Holy Theotokos

God, cleanse me, a sinner, and have mercy on me, and forgive me, Lord God, Gracious Savior! Grant me, Lord, a Christian end with the Most Pure Body and the Honest Blood, with tears and repentance. Deliver, O Lord, eternal torment, unquenchable fire, and never-ending worms, and boiling tar. Lord, You created me, Lord, You have mercy. Lord, I am Your creation.

Most Pure Lady of Mercy, Queen of Heaven, pray to the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Thy Son, for me, Thy sinful servant (name of the rivers)

. Grant me, Lady, a Christian end with the Most Pure Body and the Honest Blood and with tears and repentance. Deliver, O Lady, eternal torment, unquenchable fire, and never-ending worms, and boiling pitch. Most Pure Lady, Merciful Queen of Heaven, You are the Prayer Book to the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ for me, Your sinful and accursed servant (name of the rivers), You are the Helper, You are the Intercessor from all evil and co-conspirator, do not forget, Most Pure Lady, the beggar Yours until the end.


Zealous Intercessor, Compassionate Mother of the Lord, I come running to You, the accursed one and the most sinful person above all. Listen to the voice of my prayer and hear my cry and groaning. For my iniquities have exceeded my head, and I, like a ship in the abyss, am plunging into the sea of ​​my sins. But You, All-Good and Merciful Lady, do not despise me, desperate and perishing in sins. Have mercy on me, who repent of my evil deeds, and turn my lost, accursed soul to the right path. On You, my Lady Theotokos, I place all my hope. Thou, Mother of God, preserve and keep me under Thy roof, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Same prayer every day.

My soul, my soul, why do you complain about the Lord? For your laziness is an intercessor for the eternal mute. If only I knew the gift of God, I would cry with burning tears, groaning with sighs, grieving over every sin, small and great. Cry out to Your Master, so that the wrath of the possessor does not precede you with the all-powerful hand of the righteous. But I, a sinner and a lazy and flattering tongue, how shall I pray to my Master, may the Lord deliver me from the Last Judgment? I always tremble with the thought in my heart about the Last Judgment, may it save me from eternal torment, and never-ending worms, and pitch darkness, and from unwarmed thunderstorms. Have mercy on me, Your sinful servant (name of the rivers)

, like Paul the Apostle, whom I love more than all, and from us, the poor, do not turn Your face away on this Terrible Day, for whom my soul trembles and the parts of my body are terrified.
Lord, deliver me from this terrible hour, so that I may not fall away from Your mercy. But I pray to the holy Angels and Archangels, and the prophets, and the martyrs, and all the saints, that they pray to God for my soul. For the sake of your prayer, may the Lord return His demands from me, a sinner. And you, Most Pure Lady Virgin, having boldness towards the Son for Your servants, do not forget the labors of Your servant (name of the rivers)
Master Savior, from my poor soul I pray to You, deliver me from the sorrow of my sins and lead me into the joy of endless life, where Your all-holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, is glorified, always, now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer by agreement

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Thou hast declared with Thy most pure lips: “Amen, I say to you, that if two of you take counsel on earth about every thing, and if you ask for it, you will have it from My Father who is in Heaven: where are the two? or three gathered in My name, I am I in the midst of them.” Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason, we pray to Thee: grant to us, Thy servants (names)
, who have agreed to ask Thee
(request) , the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. Thy will be done forever. Amen.

Reading rules

The Akathist is read to glorify the deeds and godly path of God’s chosen one, Alexander Svirsky. A direct appeal through text to the heavenly intercessor, coming from a righteous and sincerely believing person praying, will be heard in the Heavenly Kingdom and will allow one to enlist the help and support of the saint.

You can read the akathist to Alexander Svirsky within the walls of an Orthodox church and at home. Home prayer requires privacy and regularity. For prayer at home, they purchase an icon depicting the holy face, as well as church candles. The candle is lit in front of the icon or held in the hand while reading the text. A burning flame pacifies the worshiper, helps to concentrate and temporarily step away from worldly worries.

You need to pronounce the text clearly, slowly, thinking about the meaning of each word. You are supposed to read the prayer service while standing, but if your health does not allow this, you can read it while sitting or lying down. Trusting in the help of the saint, it is recommended to visit the temple, where you can also order a prayer service.

The forty-day reading of the akathist to Alexander Svirsky will greatly strengthen the appeal. Before the magpie, you need to confess in church, repent of your sins and take holy communion. It is also recommended to obtain the blessing of the priest. With any version of the prayer service, the main conditions will be sincere faith, good intentions and respectable behavior of the person praying.

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