Akathist to the Holy Venerable Stylian of Paphlagonia

What do they ask the saint for?

Believers turn to Stylian with requests concerning children, since he is their main patron and intercessor. Due to the fact that during his life Stylian was a monk-educator, the holy church called him “intercessor of children.” This miracle worker is able to heal children from all kinds of ailments, as well as protect them from any misfortunes and patronize them on the path of life. Believing parishioners often ask the saint:

  • heal a child from the most serious and dangerous diseases;
  • protect and fully support children, especially those who are orphaned early;
  • give a blessing for the conception of healthy, strong and happy children in marriage;
  • get rid of infertility;
  • endow with good health and willpower the baby who is about to be born.

Prayer to the Saint

O sacred head, Rev. Father Stylian! Having fought a good fight on earth, in heaven you received the crown of righteousness from Christ our God. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. Honoring your great boldness before the Lord, we humbly pray to you, reverend father: look with the merciful eye of your love on us, your unworthy servants, and strive through your God-pleasing intercession to ask the King of kings and the Lord of lords, so that He may add His great and rich mercies to May he give us, sinners, the spirit of the right faith, the spirit of love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, may he deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, may he send down everything useful for the salvation of our souls. To her, Holiness of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that we may be worthy to end our life in repentance and receive eternal goodness in the Kingdom of Christ our God, and glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Miracle-working icons are quick helpers for Christians in solving any problems. In times of trouble and illness, mothers cry out to the Lord and the saints, believing that the Almighty will come to the rescue and grant healing to their children.

The icon of St. Stylian of Paphlagon is a unique holy image that has miraculous power in healing children and giving the happiness of motherhood to childless women.

Description of the icon and what is its power

This shrine is recognizable at first glance; it depicts the Monk Stylian holding in his hands a child wrapped in a shroud. The whole image is filled with love and mercy. The figure bent over the child is a symbol of protection, amulet. No arrows of the devil will touch the child as long as there is a prayer to the Child Defender above him. The embrace of a loving guardian of children's souls is strong and reliable.

Children's doctors consider St. Stylian their patron saint

Filled with God's power, the icon of St. Stylian of Paphlagon helps:

  • in physical healing of sick children;
  • spiritual development of the child;
  • spiritual growth of the future generation;
  • restoration of reproductive organs in infertile parents;
  • carry and give birth to a healthy child.

The unique shrine was painted in the Vatopedi monastery, on the sacred Mount Athos, in the famous cell of John the Theologian, from where it was temporarily brought to Russia in 2002.

On a note! You can venerate the holy icon of St. Stylian of Paphlagon in Moscow; the Assumption Church in Kosino has the honor of becoming its custodian.

The ascetic Stylian was not known in Rus', but the prayer to Saint Stylian, the patron of children, sounds about the health of infants and the gift of children to infertile couples from all corners of the Orthodox world.

Text of the prayer address to Saint Stylian

Priests advise making an appeal to Stylian through an icon. It is better if the holy image is in the house, but if there is none, hurry to the nearest church.

We turn to God or the calendar in the hope of a lightning-fast result, that a request made in tears will be fulfilled immediately, forgetting to check whether our hearts are open to the Lord and whether we are fulfilling His instructions so that help is provided instantly.

You can pray to Stylian for the health of children or their appearance in a free form - this is not forbidden, but it is better to adhere to the canonical form of address. At your disposal are troparia, prayers and an akathist to the Saint.

Troparion to Saint Stylian. Voice 3:

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A pillar of inspired abstinence, an unshakable pillar of the Church, Stylian, you have become, blessed. You have trusted the Lord from your youth, you have appeared as the abode of the Spirit, Reverend Father, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion to the Venerable Stylian. Voice 4:

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From the womb you were sanctified, as the Divine Samuel, who bore God, ascetifully glorified Christ God. In the same time of healings, you appeared as a treasure and divine representative of youths and infants, for Christ brightly glorifies you, even from your youth, Stylian, you glorified.

PRAYER TO SAINT STILIAN OF PAFLAGON for the healing of children and deliverance from infertility:

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Oh, sacred head, like Father Stylian! Having fought a good fight on earth, in heaven you received the crown of righteousness from Christ our God. Moreover, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. Honoring your great boldness before the Lord, we humbly pray to you, holy father: look with the gracious eye of your love on us, your unworthy servants, and strive to accept God With your new intercession, ask the King of kings and the Lord of lords, may He add His great and rich mercies to may He give us the spirit of the right faith, the spirit of love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, may He deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, may He send down all that is useful for salvation ours. To her, Holiness of God, do not disgrace our trust, which we place on you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that we may be worthy to end our life in repentance and acceptance Let us remember eternal goodness in the Kingdom of Christ our God, and let us glorify the Father’s love for mankind and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Akathist to Venerable Stylian of Paphlagonia:

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Kontakion 1

Chosen miracle worker and saint of Christ, our quick helper and prayer book, Reverend Father Stylian, glorifying the Lord who glorified you, we offer songs of praise to you who honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of the Almighty, raise up for us sinners your powerful prayers, crying out to you: Rejoice, reverend Father Stylian, glorious miracle worker.

Ikos 1Kondak 2

Seeing the purity of your heart, Father Stylian, the All-Seer of the Lord, fill your soul with His grace and sanctify it into a vessel of the Holy Spirit, so that those who see you will praise God Almighty and, taking up each one’s cross on the frame, come after Him, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 2Kondak 3

By the power of Divine love, with which your heart was filled, strengthened, holy Stylian, you distributed all your possessions to the poor brethren and, numbered with the brethren of monks, you sweetly sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3Kondak 4

Thou hast comfortably endured the storm of thoughts and passions, O Reverend Father, and thou hast found the quiet refuge of Christ, to whom, in many long-suffering, tireless labors, thou sang: Alleluia.

Ikos 4Kondak 5

You have become like a more godly star, Reverend Father, illuminating the desert with the light of your pious life and enlightening all those who come to you with the teachings of Christ and teaching them to believe in the One true God, so that they may sing with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 5Kondak 6

You were a preacher of evangelical meekness, O Reverend Father, showing everyone by the way of your life that everything is possible for man through the strengthening God, by His grace strengthen our hearts in true faith and be a quick helper and a warm prayer book for us, crying out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 6Kondak 7

Although to show the world a new source of Your inexhaustible mercy, Christ our God, You have given us a bold intercessor and prayer book to You - the Venerable Stylian, and we glorify You, our All-Good God, with tenderness of heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 7Kondak 8

You thought of being a wanderer and a stranger in this world, most blessed father, seeking the heavenly fatherland and desiring to be a citizen of the Heavenly Jerusalem, in which now you sweetly sing the song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8Kondak 9

Thou hast astonished every nature, O most wonderful Father, having loved God alone, in the desert thou soughtst Him by thy life equal to the angels, but now in heaven the bliss of paradise is enjoyed and hymned to the Most Holy Trinity: Alleluia.

Ikos 9Kondak 10

Those who want to be saved from various misfortunes, troubles and sorrows, have you, Reverend Father, as a strong intercessor and a shameless champion: for you have received from God grace in all troubles to intercede for those who call on your name for help, and through your prayers, protecting us, we gratefully sing about you to our Savior: Alleluia.

Ikos 10Kondak 11

We offer a song of praise to you, most blessed father, who honor your holy memory, but you earnestly pray to the Holy Trinity for us to be delivered from the falls of sin and to inherit eternal life, so that we may continually call to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11Kondak 12

We have the grace given to you from the Lord, Reverend Father, not only to heal sick babies and to be their intercessor and patron, but also to send down your mercy to the entire Christian race; We believe that even after death you did all this to everyone who fell with faith in your miraculous icons, crying out to God for you: Alleluia.

Ikos 12Kondak 13

O all-praised and admirable servant of Christ, Rev. Father Stylian! Accept this small prayer, brought to you in praise from our zeal, and cover with your prayers all those who come to you with faith and love, so that our repentance is accepted, our Lord and God will forgive us all our sins and make us partakers of His Kingdom, so that we may take it with you. and with all the saints we sing to Him: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).

Parents of sick children, in a sincere desire to be heard by the Lord and His saint Stylian, misinterpret the holy word. In an effort to get an immediate response, all possible prayers, troparia and even a long akathist are read, supplemented by free-form appeals. There is nothing wrong with this if the impulse comes from the heart and is supported by faith. The point is different: it is not enough to pray earnestly once - the action must be systematic in order to have the proper power.

Turn to Stylian as you should, with hope, faith and love, trusting in the mercy of God and the intercession of the saint!

Stylian the Venerable, who was born in Paphlagonia and led a hermit's life, is revered in the Orthodox and Greek Catholic churches. Let's find out what this saint became famous for, what contribution he made to the development of religion, and also what icons were created in his honor.

What is the strength and uniqueness of the icon?

In a few churches in Russia you can find an unusual image in which a baby is in the hands of a man. The Monk Stylian is little known to Russian believers. He is more revered in Greece and Cyprus, his name is translated as supporting, strengthening.

Icon of the Holy Venerable Stylian of Paphlagonia

Greeks often come to the holy image, knowing that the Child Defender is always ready to come, intercede for the child and help in his upbringing.

Important! On December 9, Orthodox Christians around the world venerate the icon of St. Stylian of Paphlagon as a faithful patron of children.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the image of the Child Defender in helping infertile couples who, through sincere and fervent prayers to the saint, receive the gift of childbearing.

Prayer to the Saint

O sacred head, Rev. Father Stylian! Having fought a good fight on earth, in heaven you received the crown of righteousness from Christ our God. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. Honoring your great boldness before the Lord, we humbly pray to you, reverend father: look with the merciful eye of your love on us, your unworthy servants, and strive through your God-pleasing intercession to ask the King of kings and the Lord of lords, so that He may add His great and rich mercies to May he give us, sinners, the spirit of the right faith, the spirit of love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, may he deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, may he send down everything useful for the salvation of our souls. To her, Holiness of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that we may be worthy to end our life in repentance and receive eternal goodness in the Kingdom of Christ our God, and glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

History has preserved many cases when, after visiting the holy face and praying near it, parents who were sentenced by doctors to childlessness were born beautiful, healthy babies.

About the birth of children:

Akathist to the monk

The Akathist to Saint Stylian is large in size and has a complex composition. The text of the akathist reflects the main milestones in the life of the saint, tells about his spiritual qualities and miracles for which the Monk Stylian is known.

The akathist notes that Saint Stylian is “an image of meekness and humility”; he is called the “great miracle worker.” The Akathist is a kind of reproduction of the life of Stylian: here we are talking about his hermitage in the desert, and about the period of monasticism, and about helping children, and about healing women from infertility. The Akathist praises the saint; it is not for nothing that the word “Rejoice” is constantly repeated in the text. This emphasizes that Stylian throughout his life brought joy and kindness to people and helped everyone around him.

Patron of children

Saint Stylian often helped children. That is why he is considered the patron saint of children and childhood. Believers from various classes, including noble families, gave their children to be raised by Stylian in order to develop in them the necessary moral qualities. Stylian called on other monks for help, and at the site of his refuge a kind of modern kindergarten was formed.

Saint Stylian also helped women who could not give birth. There is a well-known story about how a monk healed a woman who helped him raise children from infertility. After this incident, many married couples turned to the saint with a request to help, and Stylian did not refuse support to anyone.

Video: Sermon on Saint Stylian

Prayer text

In front of the icon of the holy hermit Stylian, they pray for the same thing that they prayed for many centuries ago during his life. Women ask to give them babies with good health. Mothers pray for the healing of their children from illnesses. In each case, the miracle worker helps sincere believers.

After saying a prayer to the venerable hermit Stylian of Paphlagon, women who had previously suffered from prolonged infertility were able to give life to a large number of cheerful and healthy babies. This prayer gives hope and faith to even the most desperate women.

Its text is as follows:

“O sacred head, Rev. Father Stylian! Having fought a good fight on earth, in heaven you received the crown of righteousness from Christ our God. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. Honoring your great boldness before the Lord, we humbly pray to you, reverend father: look with the merciful eye of your love on us, your unworthy servants, and strive through your God-pleasing intercession to ask the King of kings and the Lord of lords, so that He may add His great and rich mercies to May he give us, sinners, the spirit of the right faith, the spirit of love, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, may he deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes, may he send down everything useful for the salvation of our souls. To her, Holiness of God, do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our helper and protector for salvation, so that we may be worthy to end our life in repentance and receive eternal goodness in the Kingdom of Christ our God, and glorify the love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your holy intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In addition, there is Kontakion and Troparion, written in honor of the patron of the children of Stylian.


“You were sanctified from the womb, like the Divine Samuel, you who bore God, ascetics glorified Christ God. In the same way, you appeared to be a treasure trove of healings and a divine representative of youths and infants, for Christ brightly glorifies you, whom you glorified from your youth, Stylians.”


“A pillar of inspired abstinence, an unshakable pillar of the Church, Stylians, you have become blessed. You have trusted the Lord from your youth, you have appeared as the abode of the Spirit, Reverend Father, pray to Christ God to grant us great mercy.”

What and how does Saint Stylian help?

During his lifetime, parents and their children came to the monastery of St. Stylian in search of help and advice. Approaching the cave, the petitioners knelt down, begging Stylian for intercession. The saint took the children in his arms and tearfully prayed to Heaven to heal them. Children with various ailments were cured according to his word addressed to the Lord.

After Stylian’s repose, a prayer was heard to his icon.

What do Orthodox Christians ask the Saint for:

  • Ridding children from diseases;
  • Giving blessings to childless families so that they can have children;
  • Protection and assistance in everyday activities.
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