Akathist to St. Paisius the Holy Mountain, universal wonderworker

Orthodox Christians cannot imagine their lives without the spiritual help and prayerful intercession of our heavenly helpers - the saints. Being ordinary people in earthly life, they walked their path in such a way that they received the highest reward from the Lord and eternal life. At the same time, each saint was forced to struggle with his sins and passions, which exist in every person. Having walked their life's path with dignity, the saints of God help us after their death with their prayers and intercession before God. We can communicate with them through prayer. Many Orthodox Christians note that the prayer to Paisius the Holy Mountain has special power.


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Saint Paisius Svyatogorets

One of the most famous and deeply revered monks of Mount Athos. From a young age, he decided for himself what he would devote his life to. As a young man, Arseny (as he was called in the world) decided on his future destiny. But all his life he thought first about others, and then about himself.

Therefore, before implementing all his plans, he served in the army, helped his sisters arrange their lives, and only after that went to Holy Athos. There his new life began. For several years, Arseny was a novice, after which he became a student of Father Simeon. It was Father Simeon who tonsured him into the minor schema a couple of years later. From that moment on, he began to bear the name Paisiy.

Schemamonk Paisiy wrote a large number of theological works on a variety of topics:

Dear brothers and sisters! We invite you to visit the unique resource https://slovo-pomoshi.ru/. With its help, you can convey your aspirations to St. Petersburg churches, chapels, monasteries, and also contact the righteous at the place of their burial. We will write a note ourselves, take it to the temple and send you a photo report by email. Turning to God with the help of prayers has helped many people overcome grief, regain health and the joy of worldly life.

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Relationships in the family, between husband and wife; The meaning of Holy prayer; About the attitude towards old people; About the help of the Almighty.

His works deserve special treatment, because they have the right meaning.

Recently this elder was numbered among the Saints for all his merits and faithful service to the Lord God and the Orthodox faith.


The Monk Paisius the Great was born in Egypt. Since childhood, I fell in love with monastic life. Having renounced his will, he lived under the spiritual guidance of Saint Pavma, fulfilling his commands in everything. The holy ascetic diligently read spiritual books and became especially famous for the feat of fasting and prayer. The main behest of St. Paisius was one: to do nothing according to one’s own will, but to fulfill the will of one’s mentors in everything. Weighed down by the violation of silence, the monk withdrew to a more distant cave. One day he was caught up in the heavenly abodes and was honored there to partake of immaterial Divine food. The Monk Paisius was distinguished by great humility, performed feats of fasting and prayer, but, if possible, hid them from outsiders. When asked by the monks which virtue is above all, the monk answered: “The one that is done in secret and about which no one knows.” The Monk Paisius has the grace from God to deliver those who died without repentance from eternal torment. Memory of St. Paisius the Great on June 19 (July 2, civil style). The canon is taken from an ancient canon; it is referred to as being sung for deliverance from the torment of those who died without repentance in his book “On the Commemoration of the Dead according to the Charter of the Orthodox Church” by an authoritative expert on statutory worship, Bishop Afanasy (Sakharov).

Troparion, tone 2

We are inflamed with divine love from youth, reverend, all red, even in the world, hated, you loved Christ alone, for this sake you moved into the desert, where you were worthy of the Divine visitation, His inconvenience to behold and the angelic eyes, fell, bowed down. The Great Giver, as a Lover of Mankind, speaks to you: Do not be dismayed, My beloved, your deeds are pleasing to Me. Behold, I give you a gift: pray for any sinner, his sins will be forgiven. You, in the purity of your heart, were kindled, taking the water and touching the Inviolable One, His mind on His nose and, drinking the water, you were enriched with the gift of miracles, healing the sick, driving away demons from people and delivering sinners from torment through your prayer. O Reverend Father Paisius, I pray to you, and pray for me, as God promised you, for from these I am the first sinner, may the Lord give me time to repent and forgive my sin, as He is Good and Lover of Mankind, and with everyone I will sing to Him : hallelujah. (Twice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


All more than meaning, all Your glorious sacraments, Mother of God, are sealed with purity and preserved by virginity, Mother, of course, is not false, having given birth to the true God, pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.

Canon, tone 6

Song 1


Helper and Protector be my salvation, This is God, and I will glorify Him. God of my father, and I will exalt Him, gloriously I will be glorified.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Whoever prayed to the wise God, O Reverend One, for his servant, may he open my unworthy lips and move my perplexed tongue. Open the tightness and weakness, Father, with the grace of the Holy Spirit within you, to the singing of your miracles.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

I will begin your praiseworthy and soul-beneficial life from infancy. Moses, who was great in Egypt in ancient times, was a prophet and was glorified by his appropriation and great miracles to God. Thus, even now, Egypt has become glorified for the second time, for your sake, Father Paisius, be enriched by your honorable name and many virtues, which the Lord has given you, pray to Him, may our souls be saved.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Having entered the Kingdom of Heaven by a narrow and sorrowful path, according to the commandment of my Lord Christ, Reverend Father Paisius, having hated the wide and spacious path, the darkness of my mind has spread, so that I may be able to bring this small prayer into your most honorable memory.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Grant me a contrite spirit, O Good One, a humble heart, and purity of mind and correction of life and abandonment of sin.


Deliver your departed servant
, Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you in God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Or this mess:

Deliver your servants from troubles, Reverend Father Paisius, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Song 3


Establish, O Lord, on the stone of Thy commandments my heart has moved, for Thou art alone holy and Lord.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

You were likened to the stone of faith of Peter the Apostle, crucified by the world throughout your entire life, Venerable Paisius, and you guided your nose irrevocably to the heavenly procession, and reached the heavenly Jerusalem, standing with the saints before the Holy Trinity, pray for me to the only Good Lover of Mankind.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

The blessed branch of the pious root, the Lord has chosen you, the angel spoke to your mother, this one is pleasing to God. You have taken up your cross from infancy, following the irrevocable path, and have grown in years and in mind and through the grace of God. Pray for forgiveness of sins.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Oh, Master Lord Jesus Christ, who will not be surprised at Your love for mankind, when the desire of the monk came to receive monastic life to do Your commandments, by Your grace, like a blameless lamb, he was led into the wilderness, and reached the verbal sheep, and was introduced to the blessed shepherd Pamva, and was clothed in monastic the image in which, Lord, establish me too, through the prayers of St. Paisius, to do Your commandments.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Fierce torment, and pitch darkness and hell, free me through Your prayers, O Virgin, who gave birth to the will and strength of the Lord, the One Most Good.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Sedalen, voice 2

Having bound my soul with the love of Christ, having hated the earthly world in all its wisdom, you have settled, O Reverend Father, in the deserts and mountains, having tasted more gloriously of the wise tree, you have shone like an angel. In the same way, having passed through the darkness of your flesh, you drove away the darkness of the demons, Paisios, the first to pray to the monks, pray to Christ God, forgiveness of sins, to those who honor your holy memory with love.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Show quick protection and help and mercy on Your servant, Pure One, and tame the waves of vain thoughts, and raise up my fallen soul, Mother of God, as we know, as much as you can, as much as you want.

Song 4


The prophet heard Your coming, O Lord, and feared, because you wanted to be born of a Virgin and appear as a man, and said: I heard Your hearing and was afraid, glory to Your power, Lord!


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Let us accept the law-suffering life from the soft nails of the godly wise Paisius, even to the end you remained, as the divine valiant one received the crown of victory from all the Reigning Ones, with your prayers you will deliver sinners from torment, from them I am the first, do not forget me.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Having a prayer book is strong, blessed Paisius, and a promiser to the sad, a representative and champion and a pious intercessor, we are saved from all troubles, misfortunes and circumstances.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Having the great destinies of the abyss, I say to you: behold, for I give you a gift, so that everything you ask from My Father in My name will be given to you, for any sinner you pray, his sins will be forgiven: for this reason I fall down, Father Pais, having an abyss sins, may your prayers forgive those who promised you, for they are Good and Lover of Mankind.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Proclaim the verb, when the imam has the right to sue, to the Mother of God, to His Son, Most Immaculate, so that I may then find You refuge and the most sovereign intercession, and freeing the torments of all.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Song 5


From the morning night, O Lover of mankind, enlighten me, I pray, and guide me in Thy commandments, and teach me, O Savior, to do Thy will.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

By fasting, Father Paisios, restraining his body, sometimes after communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, like an angel, remaining seventy days without bodily food, possessing ineffable divine power, and being able to contain within himself the animal power of Thy grace, more than food strengthening, glory to Thy power, Lord.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

For John the Baptist chose to walk the narrow and sorrowful path. But when she saw her Creator on the Jordan, she was afraid and cried out: I dare not approach the hay of the fire. But you, Father Paisius, when the Lord sometimes appeared in the desert, unable to behold His most pure face, fell into a state of trepidation. He said to you: do not be afraid, I will fill this desert with fasters for you. With them we pray, Father, do not forget us, your prayer book, to be shown mercy.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Because at the beginning I see my sins before You, and for my iniquities I pray to Your mercy, so that You forgive and cover with Your compassion the multitude of my sins, and allow me to spend the rest of my life sinlessly. May the path of salvation be convenient for me to flow, and I will reach a good end without stumbling with Your help; except for Your help and instruction, nothing good can be accomplished, and whoever can receive mercy from You.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


I offer slavish prayer to You, foolish one, and I resort to Your gracious mercy, do not turn me away, Pure One, I am put to shame.


Deliver your departed servant (
name his name
) from eternal torment, Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Song 6


I cried out with all my heart to the generous God, and heard me from the underworld, and raised my belly from aphids.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

The soulless creature Jordan was ashamed of her Creator, crying out: I cannot wash the sinless One. The Holy One, seeing the Lord, accept the water, touch the Inviolable One, and put our minds on His nose. And drinking water and taking the gift will heal ailments and drive away demons from people. For this reason we also fall before you, father, with your prayers have mercy on us from all demonic guidance.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

According to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have found you, Father Paisius, a great refuge, an intercessor and a warm prayer book for our sins. As before the monk passed away, and was alienated from Christianity and was brought down into the depths of hell by destructive unbelief, and when he felt himself flowing to you, pray to the All-Merciful. The generous Lord appeared to you and said: O My servant, goodness is likened to My love, caring for sinners, deigning to accept torment for their deliverance.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Bring your prayer and tears to God, like fragrant incense, and an immaculate and favorable sacrifice, and do not forget me through your intercession to the Most Holy Theotokos, give me tears of tenderness, wash away the abyss of my sins, deliver me from the depths of death. And grant great mercy to those who do not hope, and forgive their sins.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I am completely overcome with bewilderment, when I take in my mind that hour of terrible testing of the Judge and God, and I cry and lament and weep, remembering the abyss of my evils. Likewise, save, O Lover of Mankind, through the prayers of Your saint, the Venerable Paisius, and deliver me from torment, for He is Compassionate.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


From my heart I offer lamentations to You, Most Immaculate, asking for Your abiding intercession. Have mercy on my all-passionate soul, have mercy, Mother of the most merciful God, deliver me from Judgment and the lake of fire.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Kontakion, tone 2.

Abandoning everyday rumors, you loved silent life, becoming like the Baptist in all images, with whom we honor you, Father of the Fathers Paisius.


Hearing the voice of Christ, you walked in the footsteps of His commandments, being naked in life, you rejected care and all acquisitions and possessions, and your brothers and love mother, the God-bearing Pais, alone in the deserts of God, conversing with your mind, you accepted the gifts that you sent to me in songs singing , fathers boss Paisie.

Song 7


We have sinned, we have been lawless, we have been untruthful before You, we have been less observant, we have done less than we have commanded, but do not betray us to the end, O Fathers God.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

I am filled with many sins, and your prayer is like a fragrant incense, correct yourself, Father. Consume the abyss of my sins, and dry up the stormy sea of ​​evil life, and drive away the wrathful drink, and strengthen a chaste mind with your prayers, Father Paisius.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

You have a mentor and a prayer book with warmth, and a quick helper, like a solid wall and an immovable visor and a strong and invincible commander, we pray to you, do not forget your prayer book, delivering from the spirit of sadness and the slander of the enemy.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Oh, great miracle, in one of these days, Father Paisius, sitting in a cave, there came a voice saying: peace to you, my beloved saint, but you, having risen with fear and trembling, fell down and said: behold, your servant, God. For this reason, we pray to you, pray to the Lover of Humanity, may He save our souls.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Give me, Christ, reason and patience, so as not to condemn those who sin with the arrogance of the Pharisees, but like the publican, accept the repentance, and like the prodigal son, O God, Thy supper is worthy of showing me, through the prayers of St. Paisius, and grant me forgiveness of sins.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Arise, O passionate soul, arise, wretched one, strike from the depths of the heart, and let out springs of tears, so that the wretched, merciful Mother of Christ God may have mercy on you.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Song 8


Whom all the Heavens praise and tremble with Cherubim and Seraphim, every breath and creature, sing, bless and exalt Him forever.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Do not despise this singing that is gratefully brought to you, Father Paisius, but rather accept it and fill it with spiritual joy, so that without obscurity I worship your image, where it is written, giving healing to everyone.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Having become jealous of all the venerable lives of the godly father who has lived for centuries, Father Paisios, in the humility and fasting of Christ for the sake of Christ, you died a martyr all your life, and you suffered many attacks from demons, and you defeated them. For this reason, I pray to you, father, that violence, rage and neglect of your prayers be cast away from me.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Master Christ God, the All-Generous One, grant me in my destinies to hate the deeds of the evil one, for You are our river God: ask and you will receive. Grant love from all my soul, through the prayers of the Reverend Father Paisius, to do Your saving will.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Pray, the Master is patient with me, a sinner, and do not sow me like a barren tree by sending mortals to fire, but make me fruitful through the prayers of the venerable one, grant me a time of repentance, like a Lover of Mankind.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Streams of tears and lamentations from the soul have descended; make me, O Pure One, always fall before Your protection, so that I may find the resolution of my sins through Your prayer.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows

Song 9


O Virgin, who received joy from the Angel and gave birth to Her Creator, save Your magnificence.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

You were a quick helper, reverend, even in this life, sometimes with the reverend elder a disciple died in disobedience, and was taken to hell, he fell down asking, and beg the All-Bountiful for his disciple, but you, as a quick novice and guardian of love, place hope in the All-Bountiful Having stretched out to pray to God, and He is abundantly merciful and unfaithful in vows, create the will for those who fear Him, and having heard your prayer, I delivered your soul from hell. For this reason, I am unworthy, falling down and praying to you, Father Paisius, with your prayers deliver me from torment and unquenchable fire.


Reverend Father Paisius the Great, pray to God for us.

Laughter was a demon for me, humiliation for a man, weeping for the righteous, weeping for an angel, desecration of the air and earth and waters. The body is stained and the mind is defiled, more than words and deeds. I was an enemy of God. Alas for me who have sinned, forgive me through the prayers of St. Paisius.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Just as one who has fallen into the hands of robbers is vulnerable, so too I have fallen from many sins and my soul is vulnerable. To whom shall I resort to guilt? Just to You, the merciful Physician of souls, accept the prayer book of warmth of the Venerable Paisius, and with his prayers pour out Your great mercy on me.

And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Having multiplied my sins, I am worthy of petition and judgment, Pure One, falling down I call to You: before the end, grant me purification and tenderness, and correction in morals.


Deliver your departed servant from eternal torment (
state his name
), Reverend Father Paisius the Great, for we all resort to you according to God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (
Lord, have mercy ( three times with bows


Passion winner, helper for souls, prayer book for all, intercessor and mentor for everyone’s salvation, sighing from the depths of our hearts, we earnestly and fervently pray to you, Reverend Paisius! Hear and help us, do not reject or despise us, but rather hear in humility the hearts of those who flow to you. You, reverend, diligently strived for the salvation of your neighbors and led many sinners to the light of salvation. He considered excessive exploits to be a tranquility in itself, extremely wonderful, and, always burning with love for the Lord, you were vouchsafed the appearance of Christ the Savior, and you imitated Him for the people who died, imitating love, and for those who renounced Christ. Hear us, O most praiseworthy Pais, for we are unworthy to pray for the granting of the great mercy of the Lord to us, since we are sinners, and we have defiled lips and burdened hearts, and we suffer under the burden of sins, and our prayer does not reach the Lord. For this sake, pray for us with your strong and God-pleasing prayer, Saint Paisios, so that our relatives, our neighbors and those we know, who have died without repentance, will be delivered from eternal torment, and our Savior will accept your prayer in good will and give them His mercy instead of good deeds, free them , we believe, from suffering and will dwell in the villages of the righteous, and will merit us to die in repentance, so that together we may glorify the All-Holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and our venerable father Paisius the Great, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen.

Lord have mercy ( three times


Icon of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain, the meaning of the holy face

Less than twenty years had passed after the saint’s canonization, when his holy face began to enjoy great popularity among Orthodox Christians. Today, an icon depicting an elder can be found in many Orthodox churches. There are several types of images of the saint. On one of them the monk is depicted waist-deep with a gray beard in a black cassock. In another type of icon, he is also depicted in a black cassock, but at full height.

In one hand he has a staff, and in the other hand the saint holds a scroll with a written prayer, or how else they interpret what is written with instructions. Since during his lifetime the monk predicted quite a lot and gave instructions to believers. This image plays a huge role in Orthodoxy. He helps many people gain faith and be healed of illnesses. It can be easily purchased at an icon shop and stored at home.

Do you have a telegram? If yes, then you will like our Orthodox group: t.me/molitvaikona, come in, we are waiting for you!

According to the clergy, it can be argued that this is one of the most powerful icons, prayer in front of which helps to get rid of many types of cancer. Also, many believers are interested in which church in Moscow the icon of Paisius the Holy Mountain is located. You can offer prayer requests before the holy face in the Church of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste. You can also pray in front of the image in the Leningrad region in the chapel, which is located on the territory of the oncology center in the village of Pesochny.

Also read: Icon Sophia, Faith, Hope, Love

In Ukraine, the icon can be found in the village of Stebnik, Lviv region, in the Church of the Pochaev Icon of Our Lady.

How should one read prayers to Paisius the Holy Mountain?

Before reading prayers to Paisius the Svyatogorets, you need to understand the rules for reading prayers:

There is no need to tell anyone what you are praying for. You can read the prayer to Paisius the Holy Mountain for healing not only for yourself, but also for your loved ones. You can pray to the miracle worker at home, the main thing is that you have an icon with his image before your eyes. You can turn to the saint with a prayer for the establishment of harmony in the family, for the healing of the mentally ill, oncology and other serious diseases. You can turn to a holy warrior to exorcise demons. You can seek help for emotional disorders and for calmness and peace of mind. You can ask a saint for guidance on the true path.

How to correctly read the prayer and akathist to Paisius the Holy Mountain

When deciding for the first time to start reading any prayer books, many new Christians do not know how prayer should be structured correctly. First of all, you need to understand that reading sacred texts is not a magical act. It is absolutely pointless to read a text mechanically, to read it a certain number of times or in a certain place.

Icon of Paisius the Holy Mountain

Important. Prayer is a conversation with God, real living communication with the Creator himself. Therefore, there is no place for external formalities without internal content.

The reading text itself can be found in the Orthodox prayer book. You should carefully look for Orthodox prayer, since today very often, under the guise of Orthodox prayers, various conspiracies and amulets are found, which is completely incompatible with Christianity.

Read about Orthodoxy:

About the Ten Commandments About the sin of gluttony Why Orthodox Christians need fasting

You can pray to Saint Paisius both at home and in church. Of course, participation in church services is an integral part of the life of a Christian. However, in situations where it is not possible to visit the temple, there is no need to abandon prayer work. It is advisable to have an icon of Paisius the Holy Mountain at home, in front of which you can light a candle or lamp.

If a person finds the text in Church Slavonic complex and incomprehensible, you can find a Russian translation or even address the saint in your own words. The most important thing is a person’s inner attitude, his sincere desire to change his life in accordance with Christian teaching.

As for the reading of the akathist, in the church you can order a prayer service to Paisius the Svyatogorets with an akathist. Such church-wide prayer has great power. It is highly advisable not only to submit notes for the prayer service, but also to personally attend the service so that, together with all the other parishioners, they can collectively address the saint.

Paisiy Svyatogorets and Patriarch Bartholomew

Oh, holy, venerable and God-bearing Father Paisius, our beloved patron and God-wise mentor, who ascended along the ladder of virtues from earthly existence to the Kingdom of Heaven and received the grace to intercede for us before the Throne of our All-Merciful Lord; We pray to you: turn us away from the path of our sins and teach us to the Lord to bear the perfect fruits of repentance and renewal of our souls in Christ.

Holy Father, during the days of your earthly life you healed many serious illnesses and incurable illnesses, healing souls from sin and sorrow; Now, standing before God, bow His mercy to us, so that for the sake of your intercession He will also heal us, who honor your holy memory with love, and give us strength in temptation, courage in the fight against the spirit of evil, seeking our eternal destruction,

May He grant us forgiveness of all our sins, which we have committed from our youth to the present day in thought, word and deed, and may He teach us what we should do in order to serve Him, as it is fitting to serve our neighbors with love and humility.

To her, Holy Father, instruct us, following the example of your holy life, filled with love and self-sacrifice, rejecting the shackles of sinful life, to cry out to the heavenly palaces, where we will praise our All-Merciful Trinitarian Lord forever and ever. Amen.

Watch the video about Paisius Svyatogorets

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