Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, sung in every spiritual sorrow and situation

Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, sung in every spiritual sorrow and situation

Song a҃.

І҆рмо́съ: Water has passed ꙗ҆́кѡ with ꙋ́шꙋ, and є҆гѵ́petskagѡ ѕла̀ и҆збѣжавъ, і҆и҃лтинн віпїѧ́ше: и҆є҆гѵ́пкг҃ ꙋ our ꙋ catch.

We contain many misfortunes, and I come to you with the help of many words and two, both heavy and fierce words.

Passions can be applied, many things can be done and fulfill my purpose: peace of mind, silence of the night and God of yours, everything vicious.

Slava: SP҃SA ROCHESHKHA, I҆ ҆ bg҃a, prayer, and ҆bavitis ѧ ѧ ҆ ҆ ҆ к okay, I prolong it and the thought.

And now: Last week and in the future, visiting the BZhⷭ҇tvennagѡ and ц industry and you like, є҆діна bг҃омт҃и, ꙗ҆ Like the good one, the good one is the parent.

Song of the city.

І҆рмо́съ: Nbⷭ҇nagѡ krꙋ́ga is the top creator of the city, and the creator of the church, you are firm in your love, your desire for the land, your faithful ones firmer, more person-loving.

Representation and protection of my life I believe to you, the Mother of God of two: you will feed to your shelter, the good ones are guilty, the faithful are confirmed , everyone sings.

I pray that my sorrows will be destroyed: for you are the godless one, the chief of silence, the god who gave birth to you, the great one. Yes.

Glory: Blessed is the birth of good, guilty, blessed is the wealth of all sources: you can do everything, for the strong in the fortress of the heart having given birth, a blessed woman.

And now: Through hard times, and through painful passions, we will help you: I know the treasure, I am immaculate ѧ, unexpectable.

Troparion, voice v҃:

Prayer is warm, and the wall is unbeatable, mlⷭkti is the source, the world's refuge, diligently we cry: btsⷣe before, before, and in troubles Forgive us, she will represent you soon.

Song of the day.

І҆рмо́с: Oh we have heard where you are, watching your sacrament, seeing your deeds, and glorifying your life.

See my passions from the very beginning, the stern one born where, and I will remove my sins, bgonevestna.

Ml ⷭ҇рдїѧ your abyss, calling ꙋ give me, ꙗ҆́ for the blessing of the Lord born, and for the salvation of all those who sing.

Enjoying your gifts, we sing the song of thanksgiving, after all, we are blessed.

Glory: In the name of my illness and weakness, I have been blessed, with the help of God, ever since.

And now: Hope and strengthening, and building of the walls of the real estate, and even more so, all the inconveniences and reliefs let's let's go.

Song є҃.

Irmos: Enlighten us with your commands, and with your lofty muscle give us your peace, dear one.

Fulfill this, my cheerful heart, your imperishable joy that gives birth to the guilty.

Deliver us from our troubles, whatever it is, give birth to deliverance eternally, and peace will prevail among all.

Glory: Resolution of the darkness of my sins, bgoneness, by the enlightenment of your lordship, the light of the born and eternal.

And now: I have healed, my dear, I can’t, visiting your kindness, and give me your health with your blessings.

Song of ѕ҃.

І҆рмо́съ: Milktvꙋ flows to whereⷭ҇ꙋ, and that will announce the sadness of my, and my life I'm approaching, and I pray for you: I'm sorry, bring me up.

Death and decay have passed away, my very being is the result of death, decay and death is my nature, it is the former, two, pray. for the sake of yours, the enemies of evil will be eliminated.

The representatives of our belly, and our guardians, are firm in two ways, and we solve misfortunes, resolve rumors, and chase taxes, and always pray, Let me rid myself of my passions.

Glory: the walls of the shelter of the saints, and the all-perfect sleep, and the space in sorrow, the Holy Trinity, and the enlightenment of yours We are glad to see you: this is the beginning, and now we have passions and troubles.

And now: On this day of infirmity, I lie, and there is no healing of my flesh: but I saved the world, and I saved my days When I was born, I pray to you: restore me until this day.

Kontakion, voice ѕ҃:

The representation of the Lord is shameless, the intercession to the creator is immutable, do not despise the sinful voices of prayer, but beforehand we pray for help for us, the Lord ѡ calling to those: ᲂу҆срѝ на м҃твꙋ, и҆ зш́сѧ на ᲂу҆мїнї, representing the dream of btsⷣe, that ꙋ́s of those.

Song z҃.

І҆рмо́съ: Ѿ і҆ꙋand came to ѻ҆́ttrots, in Vavѷlє́nѣ sometimes, with the help of the trⷪ҇chesky flame the cave asked, singing: ѻ҆цє́въ бже, Blessed be with you.

Our sleeping people wanted to build, in the future, all the representatives, south of the world He showed: God bless us.

The will of the mlⷭ҇ti, she also gave birth to the same thing, ᲂu҆molѝ and get rid of sins and defilements by faith calling : Thank you for our blessings, bless you.

Glory: The Treasure of the Dream and the Source of the Imperishable, the Birth, and the Pillar of Confirmation, and the Door of Revelation, Calling for the Show lє҆sѝ: Our blessings, bless you.

And now: Bodies of weakness and other weeks, to the Mother of God, to the love of those who come to your blood, two, and to the Lord Bi, thank you for giving birth to us.

Song and.

І҆рмо́съ: Tsr҃ѧ̀ nbⷭ҇nago, є҆Іgіgіgіgіgіgіgіgсnіyі sing ѡѡi а҆́г҃лїїї, praise and exalt in all ages.

Those who require help do not despise you, both of you who sing and exalt you forever.

I can’t help you and my health, and my body’s illnesses, two: may I glorify you forever.

Glory: Your healing wealth is poured out to those who sing this, two, and to those who extol your ineffable rzhⷭtvo.

And now: You chase away misfortunes, and you find passions, two: we also eat the same forever.

Song ѳ҃.

І҆рмо́съ: Truly Bgoroditsꙋ we confess, we sleep with you, two things, with disembodied faces so magnificently.

However, my tears cannot be turned away, but also all the faces of all the tears that we have born.

My heart is full of joy, two, more than the joy that comes and is fulfilled, sinful sadness consumes.

Shelter and representation for those who come to you is two, two, and the wall is not large, but shelter and shelter and more fun.

Glory: Your light will dawn, two, the darkness of the unknown will persecute, the blessed bcⷣꙋ those who confess.

And now: In place of infirmities that have humbled the two, healed, and transformed ill health into health.

Prayers to the dear btsⷣѣ:

My queen, my hope, the abode of the orphans and the strange, the representative of those who mourn, the joy of those who are killed, the patroness! See my troubles, see my sorrow: help me weak, feed my country: let me help you, allow me ꙋ̀, ꙗ҆́о вслішы: ꙗ҆́кѡ are not going to help you, nor any other representative, nor any other representative, nor any other help from you. bg҃omt҃i: May you preserve me and cover me forever. Amen.

To whom I will cry, oh dear; to whom I came in my grief, and not to you, tsr҃itsa nbⷭ҇naѧ; Who will accept my cry and my sigh, but you, most blameless, hope of Christ and refuge for us sinners; who more than you will protect you in adversity; Hear my groan, and bow to yours towards me, after all, my god, and do not despise me, who requires your help, and Don't blame me for my sin. At the same time, for the sake of my grumbling, but please forgive me for my murmur ꙋpnitsa. I pray to myself with your protection: lead me, a sinner, to a quiet and peaceful life, and weep for my sins. To whom the guilty one has come, but not to you, the refuge and refuge of sinners, the hope of your ineffable love and generosity you are yours; Ѽ vlⷣchtse tsr҃itse nbⷭ҇naѧ! You are my refuge, protection, captivity and help. The Tsargitsa is welcome and will speed up your progress! With your intercession, cover my sins, protect me from the enemies of the visible and the invisible, and soften the hearts of the famous people who rise up in the world. Where is my creator! You are the root of two things and the incomprehensible color of something. To the Mother of God! you give me help for weaknesses, carnal passions and pain in the heart: after all, yours and ours I am frozen: and by your most perfect zavodka and deliverance from all the troubles and misfortunes, and the most blameless and most glorious life. and gloomy. Also with the verb and the cry: glad, blessed: glad, blessed: glad, blessed: gd I'm with you.

Prayers that help in various needs: the canons of the Mother of God

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The canons of the Mother of God are read in the Orthodox Church almost every day. This is a special type of religious chant, consisting of nine songs. Each hymn begins with an irmos (an introduction based on an Old Testament event) and troparia. The number of troparions in ordinary canons ranges from four to six, but there are also canons (for example, the Great Penitential Canon of Andrew of Crete), in which their number can reach up to thirty. Like everyone else, the first canons to the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in the 7th century as part of the divine service, and after some time they began to be used in home (cell) prayer. The authors of the canons were such famous Christian writers as Cosmas of Mayum, John of Damascus and other authors who immortalized their names in the history of Orthodox hymnography.

Prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

To date, quite a large number of prayers addressed to the Queen of Heaven have already been written, but, without a doubt, the most famous canon of the Most Holy Theotokos is the prayer service. It received this name thanks to the particularly heartfelt verses of the canon, capable of inducing in the person reading them a state that the holy fathers call softening of the heart. It is for this reason that the Prayer Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos, written by the monk Theoctistus Studite in the 12th century, was included in the rule read before Holy Communion, but its original purpose is evidenced by a short preface, indicating that the Prayer Canon can be sung in any spiritual sorrow. Indeed, among believers it is known as a very powerful prayer that saves from despondency.

Penitential Canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

In addition to the Prayer Service, in prayer books for the laity you can often find the Penitential Canon to the Mother of God. Orthodox doctrine says that only God can forgive sins, but the Mother of God, since the time of Her life, has enjoyed among Christians the glory of the first Intercessor and Helper before Her Son for all sinners. Therefore, Christians from time immemorial have asked for Her help in atonement for sins, and the Canon of repentance to the Most Holy Theotokos is the most accessible means of achieving this goal. The structure of the canons is designed in such a way that they are convenient to sing, but at home the canons are read by believers like an ordinary prayer.

Listen to the video of the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Read the text of the penitential canon to the Most Holy Theotokos

Voice 6.

Song 1

As Israel walked across the dry land, with footsteps across the abyss, seeing the persecutor Pharaoh drowned, we sing a victorious song to God, crying out.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I weep for all my vile life, and for the multitude of my immeasurable evils: what shall we confess to thee, Pure One, I am perplexed and horrified: but help me to the Lady.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Where will I begin to say, my wicked and cruel fall, my passionate one; woe is me that I will do otherwise; but Lady, before the end, spare me.


The hour of death, and the terrible judgment, I always think about, Most Pure One, but I am seduced by the all-evil custom: but help me.

And now:

The good smolderer, looking at me now naked of the Divine virtues, and having retreated far and alienated from God, rushes to devour me: Lady, advance.

Song 3

There is no one holy like You, O Lord my God, who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

My soul is sickened by the immeasurable evils of my passionate soul, to the Lady of the Mother of God: and everything else I will go, completely overcome with despair.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

And the hedgehog is in the image of herself, Pure, and in the likeness: in deed, and in word, and in thought she has done without place.


There is no other person in man who has done anything like this, nor was he born in the world, but I, the Good One, have been darkened in mind: for I have desecrated Divine baptism.

And now:

At the end the evil ones have reached, most holy Virgin, you will help me soon: heaven and earth cry out to the mountaineer, from the placeless and incomparable deeds.

Song 4

Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out from a pure meaning, celebrating in the Lord.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The ranks of angels, and the hosts of the heavenly powers, the powers of your Son, Pure One, are terrified: now, having despaired, I am possessed by fearlessness.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The whole earth was astonished and horrified, seeing the cruel and evil things done by me, and the placeless: and your Son seemed to see much mercy.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.


Having desecrated the Church with bodily evil, and the Church of the Lord, men tremblingly enter into it, but the prodigal I enter without a cold: woe is me.

And now:

Do not show me, O Lady, do not show me the strange blood of your Son, who is unworthy in every way: but wash me from the filth of my sins.

Song 5

With Thy God's light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of Thy morning with love, I pray, Lead Thee, the Word of God, the true God, crying out from the darkness of sin.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

By your Divine radiance, O Good One, heal the passions of my soul, which corrupt all of me: and deliver me from this bitter captivity.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Adam transgressed the one commandment of the Virgin, and fell into exile: how I weep for my sins into the abyss, I am a criminal.


The murderer now appeared to the tree, and the fratricide Cain was cursed by God: what will I do, the all-bold one, who have killed my soul now, and I am not ashamed.

And now:

Esau was fiercely jealous of gluttony and satiety: all who have defiled my soul with drunkenness and my kindness of life: and whoever does not cry passionately for me, woe is me.

Song 6

The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by misfortunes and storms, flowed to Your quiet refuge, crying out to You: lift up my belly from aphids, O Most Merciful One.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

My life is prodigal, my soul is filthy, and my whole stomach is cursed, but my body is all in evil, fierce stains: the Virgin strives for my help.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

The end is before me, and I am not warm, Good conscience, convicts me: for I have before me evil deeds, and a life of immorality, and the judgment of your Son, Pure One, I am terrified.


My flesh is kindled, a terrible and unquenchable river of fire awaits, truly, and a never-ending worm: but quench this with your prayers, O Most Pure One.

And now:

Now I am possessed by trembling, O Good One, and I am horrified by the evil one’s trapping: before the end, the wicked one wants to kill me, holding me as if I were captive of everything, and naked of virtues.

Lord have mercy (three times).

Glory, and now:

Sedalen, voice 6

Hope and wall and refuge for your people, Virgin: from whom you were born without passion, the Savior of all: just as your Son wept at the cross, pray to him even now to deliver from aphids, all who sing to you.

Song 7

The angel made the venerable cave into a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, exhorted the tormentor to cry out: Blessed art thou, O God of our fathers.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

For the seventh time the flame has been kindled by my evil passions, and my heart has always been mortified by fornicators: with the same currents of my tears, quench it, Mother of God, and save it.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Scorched by the mud of my sins, do not reject me, good Lady: for in vain I am in despair, the evil enemy laughs: but raise me up with your sovereign hand.


This is a terrible judgment, my soul is passionate and insensible, and the torment is endless and terrible: but now, fall down to the Mother of your Judge and God, and do not despair yourself.

And now:

I have been darkened by passion, with a multitude of immeasurable evils, and have desecrated my soul and body and mind: also, Most Pure One, with the light of your radiance, quickly lead me to the dispassion of sweetness.

Song 8

You poured out dew from the flames of the saints and burned the righteous sacrifice with water: you did everything, O Christ, only as you wished. We extol You forever.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Who from the Trinity gave birth to the one God, and carried in her hand, the Virgin Mother: quench the fiery furnace of passions, and wash my soul with currents of tears.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

I am horrified at the coming of a mortal, O Most Pure One, and now I am all afraid of its judgment: this is an evil deed, I am in no way ashamed: spare me before the end, with your prayers, Virgin.


Unsilent groaning, O Lady, grant me, and give me clouds of tears, so that I may wash away my many sins and incurable ulcers: so that I may gain eternal life.

And now:

My evils are many, I confess to you to the Lady: for not one in the world is so angry with God, your Son and your Lord: I will soon change this to mercy, O Virgin.

Song 9

It is impossible for a man to see God; the angels do not dare to look at him; By You, O All-Pure One, the Word Incarnate as man, Who magnifies Him, with the heavenly howls we please You.

Who from the Trinity gave birth to the one God, and carried in her hand, the Virgin Mother: quench the fiery furnace of passions, and wash my soul with currents of tears.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Behold, I come to you, the Most Pure One, with much fear and love, knowing the strength of your many prayers, your servant, who can truly do a lot, the Lady, the mother’s prayer to the Son: for she bows with mercy.

Who from the Trinity gave birth to the one God, and carried in her hand, the Virgin Mother: quench the fiery furnace of passions, and wash my soul with currents of tears.

Most Holy Theotokos, save us.

Receive the faces of the Archangel, and the multitude of the highest armies of my Creator, the Apostle and the Prophet of the councils, and the Martyrs, and the Venerables, and the Holy Martyrs: and make a prayer, O Pure One, for us to God.


And now and then may I find your help, Pure, in the same hour my spirit will depart: quickly take away the demonic torment, Most Immaculate, and do not forsake me, the Good One, to be betrayed to be them.

And now:

Judge of the generous tea, and your man-loving Son: Pure one, do not despise me, but do what is good for me, place me at my right hand then, All-Immaculate, to his most pure judge: for I have placed my trust in you.

Orthodox prayer to the Most Holy Lady Theotokos

My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, with your holy and all-powerful prayers, take away from me your humble and accursed servant despondency, oblivion, unreason, negligence, and all the nasty, evil and blasphemous thoughts, from my accursed heart, and from my darkened mind. And extinguish the flame of my passions, for I am poor and damned: and deliver me from many and cruel memories, and enterprises, and free me from all evil actions. For Thou art blessed from all generations, and Thy most pure name is glorified forever. Amen.

Song 5


Everyone was terrified of Your Divine glory. For you, the unartful Virgin, had in your womb God above all, and you gave birth to a flightless Son, giving peace to all who praised You.

Apparently the word was accomplished in a similar way, one drove thousands, and two reversed the whole darkness73 into flight, barred by the invincible power of the Virgin.

The angel cut off, as if in a frenzy before, Sennacherib of darkness, staggering against the living God74; Now countless languages ​​until one has slain the darkness of the Lady.

Glory: All the barbarians melting with unhealed diseases, attacking Your inheritance, O Virgin, with hunger and devouring birds, and are terribly frightened, accustomed to the image of those who suffered, because they despised You75.

And now: When the Highest languages ​​are divided, as if they had guardianship from the angels, redeem them with the blood of the Divine, the heritage of the part of the Mother, save the City, and keep it indestructible.

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