Feng Shui bathroom

Bathroom location according to Feng Shui: basic principles

It is believed that it is in this living space that we are cleansed of accumulated dirt - both physical, emotional, and spiritual. You can literally wash away the worries and anxieties of the passing day so that in the evening before going to bed you can set your mind to a calm, peaceful and positive mood.

Teachers of Eastern practice advise not to forget that the wrong bathroom interior can “return” to you everything that you have “washed away” and cleansed yourself from, and therefore the location of the bathroom according to Feng Shui is more of a wise necessity than a fashion trend .

Here are the basic rules that you need to follow so that bathroom Feng Shui works correctly and you do not harm yourself and your home.

Bathroom location

According to Feng Shui, a bathroom begins with its correct placement in the living space.

    It is not allowed for the bathroom to be located in the center of the apartment; this will negatively affect the energy in the house.
  • It is also strictly prohibited to place a bathroom above a bedroom or study if you live in a private two-story house. Taoist monks (the pioneers of the eastern practice of Feng Shui) insist that such a bathroom will “eat up” your success, luck and harmony, both in your career and in family matters. The incorrect location of a sewer pipe in an apartment can literally attract collapse, disappointment, and lack of money. Don't want everything in your life to go down the drain? Then do not place it in the very epicenter of the home and above important areas in the house.
  • The same rule applies to another non-compliance with Feng Shui: the bathroom is opposite the front door, which immediately blocks and stops financial success.

Northern zone

According to Feng Shui, a bathroom is considered to be done correctly if it is located in the northern part of your house or apartment. Then the room fits harmoniously into the overall energy of the residential building, does not disturb any energy or invisible flows, does not interfere with your business and its success, and does not carry any negativity.

A Feng Shui bathroom involves separating the shower stall from the toilet and placing the washing area in a separate room. If you have a combined bathroom in your apartment, and there is no way to fix this, then you can neutralize the negative flows from mistakes in the interior using a plasterboard structure or a screen that will visually separate the toilet from the bathroom.

Southeast zone

In Taoist practice, this is an area for work and rest, namely for placing bedrooms and a study. This direction carries a powerful flow of positive vibrations, the energy of wealth, the power of success and material prosperity.

If the bathroom is placed by mistake in this part of the home, then the feng shui of the bathroom is completely disrupted. Your career growth may slow down significantly, financial difficulties may begin in your home, and sudden bad luck in money matters.

The energy of wealth and abundance is completely blocked by an incorrectly located bathroom, and if there is also a toilet in it, then such negative manifestations will be especially noticeable.

The correct location is the basis of Feng Shui; the bathroom will not carry the right vibrations and symbolize the necessary cleansing, even if all other principles of the practice are followed. Therefore, pay special attention to this if you are concerned about the need to design a bathroom according to Feng Shui.

When is a bathroom considered to be located correctly according to Feng Shui?

Remember that water is one of the main elements of our planet. It has its own separate (and very strong) energy, and therefore should not conflict with other vibrations of the living space. Water can bring physical and spiritual cleansing, wash away negativity and negative events, give an influx of wealth, bring success and powerful streams of strength.

But if the feng shui of the bathroom is not respected, then the water changes its behavior. It can bring with it luck and harmony, financial success and even balance in the relationship between spouses. Make sure that you have done everything correctly so that the living qi energy is in the right direction.

The bathroom is located according to Feng Shui practice in the following cases:

  1. If your bathroom is not combined, the toilet is separate from the bathroom.
  2. If the bathroom is remote from the sleeping area and from the study.
  3. When the bathroom is located in the northern part of your house or apartment.
  4. If all the bathrooms in a two-story house are on the first floor.
  5. When the bathroom and toilet are not located in the southeastern part of the home.

Bathroom design

The bathroom is a place where the element of water reigns supreme. The mandatory combination of the room design with the design of the entire house as a whole is very important here. Otherwise, the energy of the room will be separated from the biofield of the house as a whole. And if there is no peace, then there is no tranquility; there is no tranquility, which means you can’t expect anything good.

A window in the bathroom is good feng shui.

The energy field of the element of water makes our aura more sensitive, because water easily changes its shape and characteristics under any outside influence. If you do not want your biofield to become clogged with negative energy accumulated in the house, never decorate your bathroom with black and dark brown colors. Very soft pastel colors should dominate here. Avoid overly bright colors.

As a rule, there is always high humidity in the bathroom. In the absence of ventilation, drops of condensation appear on pipes and walls, this leads to the circulation of the flow of Qi energy slowing down, and if there is also no natural light in the bathroom, then things are very bad. We don’t feel this when we dry the air with heaters, but it is impossible to change the nature of the energy in this way.

The ideal option is a bathroom with a window to the street. Ventilate it daily, this will reduce the air humidity and prevent the Qi energy from stagnating. Air conditioners do not bring in air from outside, so using them is useless.

If you are lucky with the layout and there is a window in the bathroom, then use blinds instead of a regular curtain. Blinds do not absorb much dust and light. It is advisable to keep the blinds open throughout the day. Curtains, especially those made of coarse fabrics, are unacceptable in the bathroom.

Bathroom color according to Feng Shui: which colors are suitable and which are not

Feng Shui of a bathroom is not only the correct location of the bathroom in the space of the home, but also the correct, harmonious colors and shades in the interior design. It is not surprising that Taoists use soft, natural and muted shades when decorating a bathroom, because Feng Shui is a practice based on the harmony of man and the surrounding world, built on the “natural” energy of all things.

  • The most favorable colors are pastel, soft shades: sand and pale yellow, beige, blue, soft green.
  • White color and all gradations of its shades are considered especially successful; the Chinese revere bathrooms in both the snow-white shade and milky shade, as well as the ecru color that is especially popular now.
  • Warm shades of natural wood are also environmentally friendly and Feng Shui-friendly: oak, pine, walnut, alder.

According to Feng Shui, the color of the tiles in the bathroom is better to choose classic white or one of the favorable shades listed above.

Blue is the color of the sky, air currents, clear water and lightness. It is suitable for relieving mental stress and for relaxation.

Using blue you can create an “airy” and unobtrusive atmosphere in the bathroom.

Feng Shui works great in a bathroom whose color resembles pistachio. This is a revered shade in the East, symbolizing calmness, purity of thoughts and constancy; it is often found in the interior decoration of temples and homes. The neutral shade of sand is a suitable color for an understated, natural and cozy bathroom design.

Bad colors in the bathroom according to Feng Shui

This color should be avoided in bathroom decoration. It attracts negative energy, which can be enhanced by the energy of water. Do not use black in the bathroom, so as not to spoil the effect and effect of the forces of harmony and balance.

According to Feng Shui, the black color of a bath is the most unfavorable of all, it deprives one of spiritual strength and induces negative thoughts.


A brown bathroom is also considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui. If you still want to use this shade in the interior and prefer similar colors, then replace it with a more “correct” terracotta, and, if possible, with a light sand or beige.

Feng Shui colors for a children's room

In order for your baby to be cheerful and successfully complete all tasks, you need to carefully consider the interior of his room. The colors in the nursery depend on the age of the child.

If you have recently become parents, then decorate the nursery in soft colors. This choice will help your child fall asleep peacefully and not suffer from nightmares. If your son or daughter has already acquired their own taste and are beginning to express their wishes, then listen to them.

At such times, you can use bright colors in the design. The student’s room should be calm and cozy, and besides, the external environment should be in a working mood. Green or yellow wallpaper will do.

Feng Shui color of bathroom fixtures

As noted above, according to Feng Shui, the colors of a bath should be neutral, muted, and natural. You should not use dark shades in the decor and interior of the room; flashy, overly catchy shades will also be inappropriate. We have already sorted out which color of a bathroom is preferable according to Feng Shui, but what color should you choose for the plumbing? What shade should the toilet, sink and shower cabin be in a room that is being arranged according to the principles of Feng Shui?

White color is a symbol of purity and highest purification in China. This is the most common color for plumbing fixtures worldwide.

This is what is preferred as the ideal shade of earthenware, this is the most optimal and best color for a bathroom according to Feng Shui, photos from fashionable oriental catalogs prove this every year.

Don’t follow changing trends; don’t buy colored toilets and sinks for your bathroom; opt for a classic white shade.

It is believed that white color enhances the effect of water. By taking a shower in a snow-white cabin, you not only cleanse your physical body, but also help your aura remove the negativity that has accumulated during the day, and get rid of spiritual, internal dirt.

Feng Shui colors in the apartment

According to the eastern teachings of Feng Shui, the colors of the rooms in an apartment or house must be chosen in accordance with the temperament and character of each family member.

For those who need a push to take action, a design that activates physical and mental strength is suitable. Those who, on the contrary, seek to calm down their activity, should give preference to a calm interior design.

According to Feng Shui, every room in the house has its own purpose. The style of decorating your home should match your wishes.

  • Firstly , the external environment should satisfy you aesthetically.
  • Secondly , the home interior is a motivating factor for certain changes in life.

Psychologists have long come to a common conclusion: colors have an impact on our minds and our actions. For example, blue dishes will prevent you from eating an extra bite at lunch, green wallpaper will help your child grasp learning material faster, and red bed linen will serve as the key to a successful family life. Even the color of the front door has its own meaning.

If you follow all the recommendations and approach the repair issue correctly, you can positively influence any aspect of your destiny. We can build our own happiness, and sometimes we don’t even know it. Plus, it won't take much time.

Harmony and order in the apartment are an unconditional component of family harmony. If your home environment helps you come to the right decision, helps you change your mood for the better, then everything will work out at work, there will be no problems in your studies, and financial well-being will become a common thing for you.

Feng Shui experts recommend considering the following points when transforming a family nest:

  1. Layout of an apartment or house

Feng Shui colors depend on the size of your home. Perhaps this is a large three-room apartment, or perhaps a compact one-room apartment. Their design will be slightly different, because in a small room you should try to create the most effective and harmonious atmosphere.

  1. Purpose of the room

The interior of each room should correspond to the functions that this room performs.

  1. Styling the whole house

There are times when a person tries to follow all the instructions and carry out repairs according to all the rules, but he forgets that all living areas should be carried out in the same direction. After all, it will be completely inappropriate if you decorate the living room in a modern style, and your kitchen set has classic shapes.

  1. Correct lighting

Eastern teachings prefer bright light, so the house should have many windows and sources of artificial lighting. Don't use dark curtains, let the sun's energy fill your home.

  1. Owner's tastes

The last point says that according to Feng Shui, the colors of the rooms should please all residents of the house.

Feng Shui bathroom mirror

The practice of Feng Shui is based on the harmonious interplay of all energies circulating in a residential building. It is no secret that mirrors are a kind of portal to other, hidden dimensions; it is not for nothing that people have endowed them with mystical abilities since ancient times. Naturally, each mirror has its own special, distinctive vibrations. And these vibrations can have both a positive and negative impact on the overall energy background of the apartment. It all depends on the placement of mirrors in space.

In a bathroom made using the Feng Shui technique, it is not recommended to place mirrors opposite each other, or to overuse their number. Avoid mirror tiles, because they literally “fragment” our consciousness, creating many disparate reflections.

Sages in the East are sure that the mirror allows us to find unity, even restore our mind and spiritual strength.

Therefore, avoid any mirror crushing. The same rule applies to many small mirrors on the walls. Place two medium-sized mirrors of the correct shape in the bathroom, this will be enough.

  1. Make sure there are no other mirrored or reflective surfaces in the bathroom other than two solid mirrors.
  2. Check that the mirror is firmly attached to the wall and that there are no gaps between it and the wall.
  3. The mirror surface should not have any distorting properties.

According to Feng Shui, it is better not to place a mirror opposite the bathroom; the ideal places for them are:

  • Bathroom door.
  • The wall above the sink, where both mirrors are located side by side, in one straight line.

Make sure that the mirrors do not form a kind of “mirror corridor”, when the surface of one mirror reflects another, thereby forming infinity.

This carries negative vibrations into the house, distorts the living energy of qi, and upsets the balance of forces. In this case, it is better to move the mirror to another place.

How to place a mirror in the bathroom

It’s great if the bathroom has the opportunity to place mirrors on the wall so that one of them reflects the front door. This technique will neutralize any negative energy entering the room. But don't install mirrors in front of shower stalls, toilets or wash tubs. In these devices you regularly wash away your negative energy; it should not be able to be reflected in the mirror, thereby gaining strength.

Don't forget that unity is important in the Feng Shui bathroom, this is the original idea of ​​the practice. Use identical mirrors to hang on the wall, it is important that they are the same size.

Pay attention to how mirrors are placed in bathrooms abroad: they are hung above identical sinks at the same distance and on the same line, leaving a small distance of about 30-50 cm between them.

This is the perfect Feng Shui placement of bathroom mirrors.

By following all these simple rules, you can easily arrange your home according to the right principles, strengthen the positive forces and energy in the house, and bring harmony into it.

Feng Shui of the bathroom is an important component for prosperity and peace to reign in the apartment, even if this relationship does not seem so obvious to you at first glance.

Source: ezoterika.ru

Feng Shui of the toilet and bathroom

Feng Shui defines the bathroom and toilet as energetically dirty rooms: the sink, toilet and bathtub are connected to the city sewer and are themselves a source of unhealthy energy. In addition, water is considered a symbol of money, and in these rooms and in the kitchen it is washed down the drain. According to Feng Shui, the door of the bathroom and toilet should always be kept closed. Otherwise, negative energy may spread throughout the apartment.

These rooms should be kept immaculately clean: a dirty toilet, a sink with traces of toothpaste, a bathtub with dried soap suds, unpleasant odors, accumulated dirty laundry - all this will only increase the negative vibrations coming from here. All of this should be cleaned immediately, just like clogged sewer pipes, leaking faucets, and a broken toilet tank should be repaired without delay. It is very useful to use fragrances in the toilet and bathroom.

Bathroom and toilet room furnishings

The main role in the bathroom is, of course, played by the bathtub . The bathtub is most often metal, covered with enamel. If desired, it can be replaced with metal chrome, marble or earthenware. From a Feng Shui point of view, of course, it is better to have a metal bath - the Metal element is friendly to the Water element (Metal generates Water), while marble and earthenware are related to the Earth element, inimical to the Water element (Earth absorbs Water). You can balance the warring elements with the help of the intermediate element Metal. These could be metal shelves, taps, hangers for towels and clothes, etc. In addition, you can introduce an element of Metal by choosing a white or gray bathtub.

If you have a choice, give preference to a bathtub with round shapes. Round shapes do not produce bad energy and symbolize wealth and will promote prosperity.

The sink , as a rule, is located in the bathroom next to the bathtub and, in miniature, performs the same function: in the bathtub we wash off dirt from the body, in the sink we wash our faces and wash our hands. Therefore, it must have the same design: similar shape, same material and color. It must be kept clean.

The toilet must be kept perfectly clean. To prevent vital energy from being flushed down the toilet, Feng Shui masters recommend keeping the toilet lid closed.

Mirrors in bathrooms and toilet rooms are necessary as feng shui tools. Don't forget to wash them often - they get dirty quickly in the bathroom. They fog up, water splashes remain on them, and they also absorb energy dirt produced by the proximity of the sewer.

You should not replace mirrors with mirror tiles - the fragmented reflection of people fragments their personal Qi and leads to problems with well-being and disorganization in life.

Cabinets and shelves for cosmetics should fit well into the basic decor of the room. This does not mean that they have to match the design of the sink, bathtub and toilet. On the contrary, they can differ in color and complement the elements necessary for balance. If the bathtub, sink and toilet have a round shape and the room is decorated in light colors (all this creates a Yin atmosphere), then rectangular tall cabinets will add their share of Yang. Wooden cabinets will bring the element of Wood into the room, which goes well with the element of Water. Plastic cabinets belong to the Fire element, which is at odds with the Water element. If you prefer them, you will have to place between them and objects belonging to the element of Water (sink, bathtub and toilet), the element of Wood, which softens their war. You can put a green artificial plant on a shelf or cabinet. Cabinets are usually placed or hung in the corners of the room. Lockers should contain only the essentials.

Interior color scheme

The main idea of ​​bathroom color scheme is to create a favorable Yin atmosphere and calmness. This should be facilitated by wavy and rounded lines and combinations of soft, non-contrasting colors. Moreover, it is not necessary to take into account colors in accordance with the cardinal points. Due to the fact that the bathroom belongs to the element of Water, it is recommended to use blue, white and blue colors for its design, which belong to the elements of Water and Metal.

The wall tiles can be blue, the floor tiles can be blue, and the bathtub, cabinets, and sink can be white. It is necessary to avoid the preponderance of some elements over others by adding colors to the remaining elements. To appeal to the Wood element, you can place decorative plants indoors; for the Earth element, jugs and ceramics will be relevant.

In order to avoid the so-called war of the elements, some feng shui masters recommend abandoning objects - symbols of Earth and Fire.

Combinations of blue and blue, white and gray, gray and gold will also not contradict the elements of Water and Metal, characteristic of the bathroom.

Feng Shui of the toilet and bathroom

Feng Shui of the toilet and bathroom

Feng Shui of the toilet and bathroom - video

Light and bathroom interior

But it's best if the bathroom has natural light. The sun's rays, penetrating even through a closed window, charge the atmosphere of the room with solar energy, activating the movement of Qi energy. If there are no windows in the bathroom, then turn on the light in it as often as possible, try to illuminate the entire room. Remember: bright light activates the energy field.

You shouldn’t overly decorate the bathroom, according to Feng Shui - amulets for the bathroom are not required, there is no need to place any talismans or activate elements. The best feng shui for a bathroom is cleanliness and a fresh smell.

But indoor plants will not only prevent the Qi energy from stagnating, but will also help dry out the humid air in the room.

And how can you imagine a bathroom without a mirror? Where will we look when we get ourselves in order in the morning? A mirror in the bathroom seems to connect us with our nature, while restoring the harmony of the physical and spiritual body.

Choosing a bath according to Feng Shui

The most suitable shape for a bathtub - the main item in the bathroom - is considered semicircular, round or oval.
This form is associated with a coin and successfully interacts with the element of water, thereby bringing prosperity and well-being to the home. But it is better to avoid a bathtub with corners, because it is the corners that can form “poisonous arrows”, which will negatively affect the overall energy of the bathroom and family members as well. It is very important that all plumbing fixtures in the bathroom are in good condition. Remember, along with the water flowing out of the siphon, tap, pipes, your financial success can also leak.

Bathroom properties

The bathroom has its own special properties that are unique to it alone. In itself, it is a place where the natural release of negative energy occurs. The bathroom is a vital space in our home, which is designed to cleanse not only the physical, but also the spiritual body from dirt.

The bathroom is a place to cleanse the soul and body

With our efforts, the bathroom can turn into an amazing corner where you can throw off the burden of fatigue and negativity and fully relax. Fill the bath with warm water, add a couple of drops of geranium or bergamot oil, immerse yourself in this life-giving element and relax.

Lavender will help you cope with insomnia, and orange or peppermint oil will relieve bad mood. Salt baths, which won good fame many centuries ago, will delight you with an amazing effect. You need to cleanse your body and soul with pleasant, calm music.

The effect of these pleasant procedures will exceed all your expectations, each inhalation will bring new strength to the body, and exhalation will cleanse the body of toxins.

Breathing meditation done in the bath has great benefits. That is why it is so important to properly arrange this important Feng Shui area.

Source: 1fenshui.ru

How to enhance your bathroom

Streams of energy are seething in the bathroom: cleansing, rejuvenating, toning, or vice versa – relaxing. And if the bathroom interior is favorable, the result is obvious. And on your face. The best ally for the Water element is the Metal element - shiny nickel-plated or chrome-plated taps and mixers, mirrors in metal frames many times enhance the positive properties of an invigorating shower or bath.

Naturally, taps should not leak, because leaks will lead to unmotivated tears and monetary losses. No wonder they say in China: “Water gave, water took away.”

You can increase the power of Water by using a suitable color: blue, aquamarine, blue. But black is not recommended for the bathroom - it is too “greedy”: it takes away not only our troubles, but also our cheerfulness. Fiery red is also not suitable: it is too conflicting and alarming, it is more suitable for the kitchen. Green softens the violence of the water element, making it soft and harmonious. Green slippers, a rug or a bathrobe will not be unwelcome guests in the bathroom. And green plumbing is generally of the highest class.

By putting things in order on the shelves in the bathroom, you are simultaneously sorting out your sources of income, making your financial income clearer and more stable. Make it easier for yourself to “get away with it” in unpleasant situations. But blockages and muddy, rusty tap water only increase the likelihood of stressful situations.

But in the bathroom, in addition to bathing procedures, laundry procedures are also performed. We clean our clothes not only from physical pollution, but also from emotional, astral and mental “tails” that have stuck to them during wear. By freeing clothes from being “attached” to us, we remove accumulated negative information from the body.

Accordingly, if there are mountains of dirty laundry in the bathroom, and even in plain sight, then the atmosphere of this room, and behind it the whole apartment, is saturated with outdated and unnecessary information. So if you don’t want to deal with other people’s troubles, don’t forget to wash your own dirty laundry on time.

The waters of time are often more than just a metaphor. Each woman, in addition to her external and passport ages, also has her own internal, personal aging mechanism. It largely depends on emotions, stress and energy information surrounding our body. Clean, invigorating streams of water are those same invisible rivers of life flowing through your apartment, rejuvenating and healing.

A swimming pool, river, sea - this, of course, is absolutely wonderful, but not everyone can afford to bathe in them, and not always. A shower and bath with aromatic additives, foams, oils are easily accessible at any time.

Many healers recommend a contrast shower when mental health deteriorates. Water hardening is a well-known procedure. Water not only symbolizes the circulation of money in society, it also creates a sense of health in one’s own body.

Where then a healthy spirit arises. Therefore, when leaving the bathroom, send good wishes to your body. Tell yourself, out loud or mentally, how good you feel, and you will always feel young and beautiful.

Source: www.youbeauty.ru

How to take a bath

And here it is - the wonderful process of cleansing your own body! Turn on calm, relaxing music. Anything, as long as it suits your heart. The main thing is that this music is soft, calm and you like it.

If you feel tired, depressed, exhausted, add a few drops of geranium or bergamot oil to your bath. Lavender is great for insomnia, and peppermint and orange will easily lift your spirits.

Milk baths have a calming effect. But don't overdo it - just a few drops!

Mineral salts ideally cleanse both body and soul. Dissolve 300 g of salt in a warm bath and lie in it for half an hour. Your mood and well-being will improve amazingly quickly. What did you think? This is the only reason why salt baths have been so popular for thousands of years!

Zen wisdom says that with every inhalation, new energy enters your body, and with every exhalation, your body is cleansed of toxins. So the bathroom is the best place for breathing meditation.

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