Blessed Prince Mikhail of Chernigov and his boyar martyr Theodore

Blessed Prince Mikhail of Chernigov and his boyar martyr Theodore

Song 1

Irmos: Having walked across the dark depths of the sea with damp feet, Israel, with the cross-shaped hands of Moses, defeated the power of Amalek in the desert.

Chorus: Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

Through your prayers, passion-bearing Michael, grant me grace and enlightenment from heaven, so that I can praise your valor and suffering.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

We kindle with divine desire, Holy Michael, with Theodore the Bolyarin, we are returning to your fatherland, where you received the torment of the crown from the right hand of the Most High, remember you greatly who honor you.

Glory: The eternal kingdom, and in no way remembering the fleeting pleasure, holy, you have overcome the earthly kingdom, and instead of a scepter you took the cross, and you, self-proclaimed, rushed to the feat, together with Theodore the Boyar who suffered with you.

And now: You were the Most Holy Saints, the Pure Virgin, bearing the Holy Saints in the hand of Christ, containing the creation with Divine power.

Song 3

Irmos: Your Church rejoices in You, Christ, calling: You are my strength, Lord, and refuge, and confirmation.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

The wicked beast is angry and commands you to be killed; you do not want to obey this vile command, and you do not serve the creature more than the Creator, but you cry out to Christ: “Holy art thou, Lord.”

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

We were consumed by the love of your Master, Michael, together with Theodore the Boyarin, who was imputed to nothing earthly, and with His desire for torment you diligently drank the cup, crying out to Christ: Thou art holy, Lord.

Glory: An impostor from distant countries came to visit your fatherland, and denounced the evil king’s God-fighting deception, having suffered from mischief, you made a sacrifice to God.

And now: You, Pure One, have raised up my fallen image again, having given birth to the Guilty One more than the natural resurrection.

Lord, have mercy (three times).

Sedalen, voice 1st

The stone appeared firmly, and the tormentors were invincible with rebuke, the glorious Michael and the wise Theodora. For this sake, for the sake of Russia, the cathedrals cry out joyfully: glory to Him who strengthened you, glory to Him who crowned you, glory to Him who enlightened the whole world with you.

Glory, even now: Having mysteriously depicted the image of Joshua of the Cross in ancient times, when the hand was stretched out in the shape of a cross, my Savior, and the hundred sun, until the enemies overthrew those who opposed You to God; now you have come to the Cross in vain, and having destroyed the mortal power, you have built up the whole world.

Song 4

Irmos: You are exalted, having seen the Church on the Cross, the Righteous Sun, standing in your rank, worthily crying out: glory to your power, Lord.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

The godless and evil king is unrighteous and more deceitful than all the earth, reproaching the godless faith, and denouncing the fierce demon of the delusion, as if the lambs were quickly slain for Christ, and as the sun naturally shone after his death.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

With bright lips, you piously confessed the One God, Michael, with Theodore, who suffered with you: and for this reason, the wicked king, not tolerating, commands to kill you at the very death of Christ, confessing.

Glory: Oh, the rage of the king of evil and unrighteous murder! Oh, the patience of the invincible sufferer! Those who have done good by faith, cry out to Christ: Glory to Thy power, O Lord.

And now: You gave birth without art, O Virgin! and after Christmas you appeared virgin again. With those silent voices, we rejoice, O Lady, crying out to You with undoubted faith.

Song 5

Irmos: You, Lord, are my Light, you came into the world, Holy Light, convert those who sing Your praises from the darkness of ignorance to faith.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

I marvel, oh king! to your madness and vain verb, confessor Michael, you spoke, and with the noble Theodore: let no creature be worshiped more than the Creator, for it was created for man’s sake.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

He is an evil, law-breaking Doman, who rejected the Christian faith first, not tolerating your confession, being angry, he will cut off your honest head with a knife, confessor of Christ Michael.

Glory: Even though your honest holy body was neglected by the bloodthirsty ones, it was cast down by a dog to be devoured, but God preserved it, and shone like a pillar of fire, with radiant dawns.

And now: God dwells in You, Mother of God, edifying man in the ashes of the fallen by the deception of the serpent.

Song 6

Irmos: I will devour Thee with a voice of praise, Lord, the Church cries out to Thee, having been cleansed of demonic blood for the sake of mercy from Thy side with the flowing Blood.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

The wicked former tormentor was dissatisfied with the murder of the pious Michael, and attempted to admonish the sufferer Theodore with flattery: if, as he said, you worship my God, you will be with me in glory, and you will be an heir to the estate of your master.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

Let it not happen to me, O most iniquitous king! Reject Christ and worship your false god. For Christ to live, and to die for Him, is gain.

Glory: From your youth, your pure life appeared, the gift of the Most Holy Spirit to Theodora, in the midst of the evil tormentors, you were your master’s champion, and with him you rejoiced in heaven forever.

And now: Having first poured out poison into the ears of Evina, the all-evil serpent, you shook off this One, O Mother of God, who gave birth to this Destroyer.

Lord, have mercy (three times). Glory, and now:

Kontakion, tone 8

Having considered the kingdom of the earth as nothingness, you left the glory as if it were transitory, the self-proclaimed one came to the feat, you preached the Trinity before the wicked tormentor, passion-bearer Michael, with the noble Theodore, the King of Powers coming, pray to save your fatherland without harm, the city and people, and you incessantly we honor.


Who can tell you about your exploits and illnesses, O passion-bearers, who have courageously endured for the faith of the Lord? and the talents which you have been granted are not sufficient for human lips to confess. Having been adorned with wisdom and courage, you hated temporal wealth and glory, O glorious Michael, and with the wondrous Theodore who suffered with you, you did not part with him on earth and in heaven. Therefore, pray that your fatherland, the city and the people will be preserved without harm, and we will constantly honor you.

Song 7

Irmos: In the cave of Abraham, the Persian youths, scorched by the love of piety rather than by flame, cried out: Blessed art thou in the temple of Thy glory, O Lord.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

You did not heed the love of your companion, nor the children of separation, but betraying all this into the hands of God, as the Creator and Provider of all, you cried out: blessed is the God of our fathers (twice).

Glory: Having been jealous of the courage of the former martyrs, you received bliss and glory from them, the most praiseworthy Michael, together with Theodore, crying out: blessed is the God of our fathers.

And now: Most High Consecrated Divine Village, rejoice, for You have given joy to the Mother of God, calling: Blessed are You among women, All-Immaculate Lady.

Song 8

Irmos: Rutse stretched out, Daniel gaped lions in the den; Having quenched the fiery power, girded with virtue, zealots of piety, youths, crying out: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

Looking at the rewards that exist in heaven, the all-honorable one, which Christ has prepared in advance for those who love him, and for those who cry out to Him from the heart: Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

The divine martyr's suffering truly surpassed praise, more than words and thoughts, as if with a corruptible body he had conquered his incorporeal enemies, crying out: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Glory: You remained steadfast in your labors, but you shook the hearts of the wicked more than those who saw you steadfast, Saint Michael, together with Theodore crying out: Bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

And now: The mystery is strange, true, under the sun you have shown One, for you have given birth to God, Pure, Invisible and Beginning, Inconceivable, Incomprehensible to all, To whom we cry: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Song 9

Irmos: The uncut stone from the uncut mountain, to You, Virgin, the cornerstone was cut off, Christ, the aggregator of the dispersed nature. Thus, having fun, we magnify You, the Mother of God.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

Come with a pure heart and a sober conscience, the Great Martyr Michael, with the strong adviser Theodore, shining more than gold, we visibly magnify.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

Your bright one, in abundance, victorious courage against the enemy, having seen the All-Seeing Eye of your exploits, the Savior of our souls crowns the crowns of victory.

Holy Great Martyr Michael and Theodora, pray to God for us.

The hosts of Angels were amazed, and the faces of the martyrs and the righteous gathered together in accordance with the praise of Christ, who has given you such patience.

Glory: Invincible honorable martyr duo, living in heaven, remember your singers, performing your sacred suffering in praise, constantly magnifying you.

And now: The earth has been delivered from the ancient oath by Thy Nativity.
We also magnify Thee, Mother of God.

Prince Mikhail of Chernigov and his boyar Fyodor

Karpov A. Yu.
The Church celebrates the memory of the holy martyrs Michael and Fyodor on September 20 (October 3), the day of their death, and February 14 (27), the day of the transfer of the relics from Chernigov to Moscow.

Chernigov prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich, executed along with his boyar Fedor in the Horde on the orders of Batu Khan for refusing to perform pagan rituals, became one of the most revered Russian saints. His feat personified the unbrokenness of Rus' and gave the Russian people hope for deliverance from shameful slavery. Meanwhile, Mikhail’s previous life did not seem to prepare him in the least for this great test. Before his fateful trip to the Horde (1246), Mikhail was an example of a typical South Russian prince, an active participant in the ongoing internecine wars that shook the Russian land.

Mikhail was born presumably in 1179, around August 6 (on this day his mother, Princess Maria Kazimirovna, died from difficult childbirth). He was the son of Prince Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermny, from a family of Chernigov princes, one of the most active and warlike princes of that time. In 1223, after the death of his uncle, Prince Mstislav Svyatoslavich, in the famous Battle of Kalka (in which the Russians had to fight the Mongol-Tatars for the first time), Mikhail took the Chernigov throne. In addition, he reigned at different times in Pereyaslavl South, Novgorod, Kyiv, Galich; fought almost continuously, often changing allies. For many years, Mikhail fought for reign in Novgorod with Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, the father of Alexander Nevsky. He occupied the city twice (in 1224/25 and 1229), but was forced to abandon it both times. In 1229, Mikhail left his young son Rostislav to reign in Novgorod. But at the end of the next year, 1230, the boyars, supporters of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, expelled Rostislav from the city. The enmity between Mikhail and Yaroslav continued throughout almost their entire lives, sometimes taking the form of open war. In 1228, together with the Kyiv prince Vladimir Rurikovich, Mikhail fought with Daniil of Galitsky - despite the fact that the latter was his brother-in-law (Mikhail was married to Daniil’s sister); this war ended poorly for the allies. In 1235, in alliance with his cousin Izyaslav Vladimirovich, Mikhail began a war against his recent ally Vladimir Rurikovich and Daniil Galitsky. For some time, Mikhail occupied Galich, and in 1236 - Kyiv, in which the Chernigov prince remained until the end of 1239.

Even the terrible invasion of the Tatars did not stop the strife and discord of the southern Russian princes. At the end of 1239, Tatar troops first appeared near the walls of Kyiv. The Tatars entered into negotiations with Prince Mikhail, but he not only refused all negotiations, but also fled from Kyiv to Hungary, where his son Rostislav was already located. (Later chronicles say that, on the orders of Mikhail, the Tatar ambassadors were killed - and this seems quite plausible.) Kiev passed first to the Smolensk prince Rostislav, and then to Daniil Galitsky, who installed his governor Dmitry (the future hero of the tragic Kyiv defense) in the city. His old enemy Yaroslav Vsevolodovich also took advantage of Mikhail’s escape. He captured the prince's wife and boyars in the city of Kamenets. However, Yaroslav soon released Mikhail’s wife to her brother, Prince Daniil of Galitsky.

Not finding shelter in Hungary, Mikhail and Rostislav soon left for Poland, but did not stay there either. Mikhail sends ambassadors to his brother-in-law and recent enemy Daniil in Galich with a request for asylum. Daniel received the exiles. However, in the winter of 1240, the invasion of southern Rus' by Batu's hordes began. In December, Kyiv fell, and the Tatars rushed to the Galician land. Mikhail again fled to Poland, and from there to Silesia, where he was robbed by the Germans. In 1241, Mikhail and his son returned to Kyiv, to the ashes. He did not want to stay in the destroyed city and settled down not far from Kyiv, on an island. Rostislav went to reign in the devastated Chernigov and in the same year attacked the possessions of Daniil of Galitsky, responding with ingratitude to the recent hospitality. In 1245, Rostislav married the daughter of the Hungarian king Bela IV. Having learned about the fulfillment of his long-time dream, Mikhail hurried to Hungary. However, neither the matchmaker nor the son gave him a worthy reception. Offended, Mikhail returned to Rus', to his native Chernigov.

These were the circumstances that preceded Mikhail’s trip to the Horde. What happened next is told in “The Tale of the Murder of Prince Mikhail and his Boyar Fyodor in the Horde” - The Lives of the Holy Martyrs for the Faith, the first editions of which appeared in the first decades after the death of the saints. The story of the Franciscan monk Italian Plano Carpini, who visited Batu’s headquarters shortly after the death of the Russian prince and reported some details about the tragedy, has also been preserved.

Batu Khan demanded that the Russian princes come to him with a bow and receive from his hands a special charter (label) for the ownership of this or that city. “It is not proper for you to live on the land of Batu without bowing to him,” the chronicles record the words of the Tatars, addressed, in particular, to Prince Mikhail. According to the custom adopted by the Tatars, when the Russian princes came to Batu, they were first escorted between the fires. for purification, and demanded that those who came worship “the bush, and the fire, and their idols.” Also, part of the gifts that the princes brought with them were first thrown into the fire. Only after this the princes were led to the khan. Many princes and boyars passed through the fire, hoping to receive from the hands of Batu the cities in which they reigned. And the khan gave them the city they asked for.

And now the time has come for Prince Mikhail to go to the Horde. Before the trip, he came to his confessor. And this is what his spiritual father said to the prince: “If you want to go, prince, do not be like other princes: do not pass through the lights, do not worship either the bush or their idols, do not accept food from them, do not take their drink into your mouth, but confess the Christian faith, for it is not fitting for Christians to worship creation, but only our one Lord Jesus Christ.” And Prince Mikhail promised him to fulfill all this, for, he said, “I myself want to shed my blood for Christ and for the Christian faith.” And his boyar Fyodor, who was always an adviser to the prince, also promised. With that, the spiritual father blessed them.

In 1246, Prince Mikhail and boyar Fyodor arrived at Batu’s headquarters. Together with the prince was his grandson, the young Rostov prince Boris Vasilkovich (the son of his daughter Maria). When Batu was informed that the Russian prince had arrived to him, the Legend says, the khan ordered his priests to do everything according to their custom. The priests led the prince and the boyar to the fires and ordered them to go through them and bow to the idols. However, the prince resolutely refused to do this. (According to the story of Plano Carpini, Michael nevertheless passed through the lights, but when he was demanded to bow “at noon (that is, to the south) to Genghis Khan,” he replied that he would rather accept death than bow to the image of a dead man.) On the refusal of the Russian prince to comply The Tatars' demand was reported to Batu, and he became very angry. The Khan sent the noble Tatar Eldega to Mikhail with the following words: “Why don’t you fulfill my command, why don’t you bow to my gods? Now choose for yourself: life or death. If you fulfill my command, you will live and receive a reign. If you do not bow to the bush, the sun and idols, then you will die an evil death.” Michael answered this: “I bow to you, the king, for you were appointed to your kingdom by God. But I will not bow to what you tell me to do!” And when he uttered these words, Eldega said to him: “Know, Michael, that you are already dead.”

The grandson of Saint Michael, Prince Boris, began to say to his grandfather with tears: “Sir, bow down, do the will of the Tsarev.” And all the Borisov boyars who were with him began to persuade the prince: “We will accept all penance for you (that is, church punishment), and with our entire region, just fulfill the king’s command!” Michael answered them: “I don’t want to be called a Christian just by name, but to act like a pagan.” His boyar Fyodor, fearing that the prince might succumb to persuasion, reminded him of the instructions of their spiritual father, and also remembered the words of the Gospel: “Whoever wants to save his soul will lose it; and whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matthew 16:25). And so Mikhail refused to carry out the khan’s will. Eldega went to tell the khan about it.

There were many people in that place, both Christians and pagans, and they all heard what the prince answered to the messenger of the khan. Prince Mikhail and boyar Fyodor began to perform their own funeral service, and then took communion of the Holy Mysteries, which their confessor gave to them before their trip to the Horde. At this time they said to Mikhail: “Prince, they are already coming to kill you. Bow down and stay alive!” And Prince Mikhail and his boyar Fyodor answered, as if with one mouth: “We will not bow, we will not listen to you, we do not want the glory of this world.” The accursed murderers jumped off their horses and grabbed Saint Prince Michael, and stretched him by the arms and legs, and began to beat him with their fists against his heart, and then they threw him to the ground and began to kick him. One of the murderers, who was formerly a Christian and then rejected the Christian faith, named Doman, originally from the Chernigov region, took out a knife and cut off the head of the holy prince and threw it away. And then the murderers turned to boyar Fedor: “Bow before our gods, and you will remain alive, and you will accept the reign of your prince.” Fedor chose to accept death, like his prince. And then they began to torture him in the same way as they had tortured Prince Mikhail before, and then they cut off his honest head. This evil murder happened on September 23rd. The bodies of both martyrs were thrown to the dogs, and only a few days later the Christians managed to hide them.

This is how “The Tale of the Murder of Prince Mikhail and his Boyar Fyodor in the Horde” is told, and this story is confirmed by Plano Carpini, who visited the Horde, as we have already said, shortly after their death.

The bodies of the holy martyrs Michael and Fyodor were transported to Rus': first to Vladimir, and then to Chernigov.
Soon after their death they began to be revered as saints. The church celebration of the martyrs was first established in Rostov, where the daughter of Prince Mikhail, Princess Marya, lived. She also built the first church in the name of St. Michael of Chernigov. In the 16th century, under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the relics of the saints were transferred to Moscow and placed in the church in the name of the Chernigov miracle workers, which was located in the Kremlin, near the Tainitsky Gate. Then, by order of Empress Catherine the Great, the relics were transferred to the Archangel Cathedral, where they remain to this day. © All rights reserved

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