Predictions of St. Nile the Myrrh-Streaming about the last times

The ominous predictions of the Athos saint are already beginning to come true. What to do to stop global evil? How to protect humanity from death? Is there something bright in the future, or do we face darkness and gloom?

The Myrrh-Streaming Nile became revered by Christians after he gave healing liquid - myrrh - to the suffering. But he is even more famous for his miraculous appearance to the Athonite monk Theophan two centuries after his death. Why did he come to the monk? And what did you want to tell people?

Life of St. Neil

In the distant sixteenth century, the future Athonite hermit Nil the Myrrh-Streaming was born into a family of Orthodox Greeks. His parents passed away early, so the boy was taken in by his uncle, the priest Father Macarius.

Neil was different from other people, there was something special about him. From an early age he led an ascetic lifestyle and was content with little. Having reached adulthood, the young ascetic firmly decided to take monastic vows and devote himself to serving God.

Together with his uncle, Neil went to Mount Athos. They settled on the Holy Stones - a remote and inaccessible area for people, where no one could disturb the prayer feat of the hermits.

Nil and Macarius with their own hands carved out a small temple in the rock where they prayed, and tiny cells where they slept. Soon Macarius died, and Nile decided to go to an even more uninhabited and inaccessible place for all living things. He lived in a rocky cave, building a temple there. He prayed for all humanity, communicated with the Lord, created several works on asceticism and wrote down his prophecies about the future.

He died in his cave. And after some time, other hermit monks noticed that myrrh, a healing liquid emanating from the relics of St. Nile, was flowing from the rock. The miraculous myrrh became known beyond Mount Athos. Thousands of pilgrims from different countries began to come for healing, so the name of the Myrrh-Streaming Nile is revered throughout the Christian world.



Researchers note several inaccuracies in the saint’s predictions. Eg:

  • The Myrrh-Streaming Nile measured time intervals equal to 20 5 years, therefore his prophecies differ in large errors in calculating the date of occurrence of certain events
  • The prophecy about the spiritual life of the Russian Federation and turning points in the history of the country actually do not coincide with the predictions. Unless you take it as an assumption that the saint used the old chronology (time is counted from the global flood), which is very erroneous
  • You can find a huge number of inconsistencies between the texts of predictions that have reached us and those set out in the ancient interpretation

Some researchers believe that the numbers in the Nile’s predictions do not indicate the dates of the occurrence of certain events, but rather certain historical figures. Only then does everything fall into place, and the decoding of the prophecies one hundred percent coincide with those that have already come true.


Posthumous broadcasts

The Nile became famous not only for its healing ointment. In the nineteenth century he began to appear to the monk Theophan. For six years, Saint Nile spoke about the future, and Theophan carefully wrote down all the words of the saint. These prophecies were recognized by the Church and published.

Unlike many predictors, Saint Nile spoke about future events clearly and clearly, without allegories and allegories. And even now they continue to come true, which only proves their veracity and the Nile’s closeness to God.

The Legend of the Myrrh-Streaming Nile

The prophecies of the Myrrh-Streaming Nile, or rather, their occurrence, are shrouded in many secrets. There is a legend about a meeting between the Athonite monk Theophan and a seer, who told him his predictions and said that the Antichrist is closer than ever.

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Highlights of the legendary history:

  • In the fall of 1813, Feofan went to his homeland to atone for his sins and gain hope of salvation.
  • Before going home, Feofan went into the forest to pick berries to sell and spend the money on a ticket home.
  • In the forest he met an unknown old man who was also busy gathering. A conversation began between the random companions, and the elder invited Theophanes to live for some time in his forest hut.
  • Feofan agreed. The elder visited him regularly and gave instructions, thanks to which the desperate wanderer was healed of his mental illness, which God had sent to him for his sins.
  • Feofan's solitude lasted 4 years, and then in 1817 a fateful meeting took place, the last with the elder. The sage's monologue lasted 18 hours. At the end of the instructions, he introduced himself as Nil the Myrrh-Streaming.
  • It turned out that Neil lived in a cave located on the sea. After the death of the saint, Theophan, at his request, buried the body in a cave in order to hide the burial place from prying eyes.
  • But it was not possible to hide the relics; fragrant myrrh began to flow from the saint’s body, which attracted many pilgrims and tourists.

Before his death, Nil asked Theophanes to write down his instructions and pass them on to his descendants. The illiterate monk did this with the help of Father Gerasim, and after the recordings they were given to the Athonite library.

The library management did not recognize the prophecies for a long time, considering them fraudulent. Only a century later, a Russian monk discovered the recordings and insisted on publishing them. The book with prophecies was published in 1912.

Satan rules the world

The end times will come very soon. For the sins of people, the Lord will send upon them illnesses, natural disasters, wars, disasters and misfortunes. And the more troubles there are, the angrier people will become. Instead of sincerely repenting, they will only become embittered towards God and lose all faith in him.

They will forget about the spiritual. They will only care about material well-being, and “the love of money is the forerunner of the Antichrist.”

A person will direct all his thoughts and aspirations to satisfy his carnal needs. He will no longer be interested in the salvation of the soul and eternal life after death. He will live in the present, and will not be afraid of condemnation.

If you think about these words, you can say that the prophecy is already coming true. People stop believing in the Lord, they are only interested in money. And this is a sign of the imminent appearance of the Antichrist.

The Myrrh-Streaming Nile warned:

“The Antichrist will be born from an evil harlot without any male seed when the world becomes impoverished in virtues.” Now even in school they teach about artificial insemination, so there is nothing surprising in the words of the saint.

And the world has long been “impoverished in virtues.” Same-sex love, corrupt relationships, and adultery are flourishing. People have forgotten the commandments of Christ.

“When the time approaches the coming of the Antichrist, the minds of people will be darkened by the passions of the flesh, and wickedness and lawlessness will increase more and more. The world will become unrecognizable, the appearance of people will change and it will be impossible to clearly distinguish men from women, thanks to shamelessness in clothing and the shape of the hair. Love will disappear. Christian shepherds will become vain men, completely unable to distinguish between right and left. Then the morals and traditions of the Church will change. Modesty and chastity will disappear, and fornication and licentiousness will reign.”

When the values ​​of the Antichrist become close to most people, truly terrible times will come.

“A terrible famine will come, gold will become worthless like dung and people, like birds of prey, will devour the bodies of the dead.”

Prediction of the reign of the Antichrist

The Myrrh-Streaming Nile, in his own predictions, promises the population of the earth the emergence and reign of the Antichrist. But the seer described not so much the event itself as its prerequisites.

Why this will happen:

  • People will begin to value means above all else. The superiority of the material world over the spiritual is the cause of all the problems
  • The fall of house-building and the liquidation of spiritual values. Everything that forced people to listen to God and follow him will fall into oblivion. Because of this, the world's population will lose the truth
  • There is a lot of heresy on Earth, which is why the world’s population has no hope of salvation
  • Selfishness and excessive concern for oneself as opposed to caring for loved ones and those who need help
  • People do not believe in endless life (the existence of the soul), do not experience the horror of condemnation for violating moral standards, and ignore spiritual values

As a result, “from an unclean fornication” the future Antichrist will be born. During his reign, debauchery, adultery, and lawlessness will prevail on Earth. Evil will triumph, the “impoverishment of the world” will occur, and the earth will become the place of existence of universal evil and black forces.

Thirst for complete solitude

The news of the new ascetic, who was fleeing among the forest thickets, quickly spread around the Athos monasteries, and monks were drawn to him, filled with respect for the ascetic life of the newcomer, and who wanted to share their spiritual experience with him. This greatly distracted the Myrrh-Streaming Nile from his prayerful stay in the Heavenly World, and the enemy of the human race sent irritation, the manifestation of which, as we know, is a great sin and nullifies many works on the path of spiritual growth.

In order to avoid the devil's snares and clear the path to salvation for himself, the pious hermit decided to move to another place - one where his solitude would not be disturbed by anyone's presence. Leaving his barely habitable cell, the hermit set out on the road again, and very soon found what he wanted.

For the first time on the holy mountain

However, the thirst for spiritual achievement that dried up their souls was so great that the life they led within the walls of the monastery could not quench it. Both were irresistibly drawn to where the heavenly world found its earthly embodiment. One of these places was Mount Athos, which for many centuries was revered as the inheritance of the Most Holy Theotokos, or Her “vertograd” (vineyard), as she herself told St. Nicholas about it. It was there that the pious monks directed their steps.

Arriving on Athos, they first of all walked around the monasteries, hermitages and deserts located there, choosing a place that fully met their spiritual needs. Soon the Lord led the monks to a part of the mountain that was then uninhabited and covered with wild vegetation, which from ancient times bore the name Holy Stones.

Myrrh-streaming rocks

Finally, in 1651, the end of the earthly life of the holy hermit came, and the all-merciful Lord called him to His Heavenly Kingdom. The abbot of the Lavra learned about this event from his night vision, and the next morning he sent monks to bury the mortal remains of the holy righteous man. With great difficulty, the brothers climbed the steep slope of the mountain to the shelter, where a lifeless body lay on the rocks, and, having dug a grave in the cave, they buried it.

The Life of the Myrrh-Streaming Nile, compiled shortly after his canonization, tells that soon after his blessed dormition he was glorified by the Lord, who revealed the miracle of myrrh-streaming from the walls of the cave that served him as a refuge for many years.

The aromatic oily liquid, which had healing properties, poured out so abundantly that, flowing down the mountain slope, it rushed to the coastal strip and there mixed with the sea waves. In those days, pilgrims from all over the Orthodox East came to Athos to collect the miraculous composition. From that time on, the Monk Neil was named the Myrrh-Streaming One, and his official canonization soon followed. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates his memory twice a year: May 7 (20) and June 8 (21).

Birth of a future monk

Saint Neil was born in Morea. This is the south of modern Greece. His uncle, the clergyman Father Macarius, instilled in the boy a love for the monastic lifestyle from childhood. Upon reaching the age of majority, Neil was ordained to the rank of deacon, and later to the rank of priest.

The monk spent many years on Holy Mount Athos. He lived as a hermit. A cave in the rock became his home. After the elder’s earthly journey ended, the arches of his cave began to be covered with myrrh. According to legend, myrrh flowed down the mountain and reached the sea. Many pilgrims flocked to the sacred place for prayer and healing.

Son of the Progenitor of Lies

Having appeared in the world, the Antichrist will begin to show people all sorts of signs and wonders, striking their imagination, forcing them to believe in his divinity. Outwardly, this enemy of the human race will be like a meek and humble lamb, but inwardly, in his essence, he will be like a predatory wolf thirsty for blood. His food will be the spiritual death of people who have given preference to the passions of this world and have closed the gates of the Kingdom of God for themselves.

At the end of the world, such vices as oblivion of faith, covetousness, envy, condemnation, enmity, hatred, adultery, boasting of fornication, masculinity and a whole series of similar sinful aspirations of crippled human souls will reach a special scale at the end of the world. All this evil will become life-giving food, giving the Antichrist new strength.

In contrast to how Jesus Christ appeared in the world to do the will of God the Father who sent Him, so the Antichrist will appear on earth to fulfill the will of his father, who, without a doubt, is the devil. From him, the progenitor of lies, he will receive the ability to darken the views of people with the deception of his flattering words. This will ultimately lead him to the pinnacle of earthly power, and will give him the opportunity to rule humanity, or rather, that part of it that will succumb to his cunning fabrications. Being on the brink of death, they will naively believe that Christ the Savior is leading them forward.

Predicting a future Russian tragedy

Many of the predictions of Nile of Athos (as he is often called in church literature) are coming true today, and give us the opportunity to see with our own eyes the truth of his statements. It is enough to give just this very typical example.

At the end of October 1817, during one of his nightly apparitions to the monk Theophan, the saint said that four twenty-five years would pass, and monasticism would dry up in a significant part of the Orthodox world. At that time, contemporaries could in no way imagine how accurately the events that followed exactly a century later in Russia, engulfed in the flames of the Bolshevik revolution, were foreshadowed.

There are many similar examples that can be given. All of them illustrate insight ─ the great gift of God, acquired through deeds that are described in detail in the life of the Myrrh-Streaming Nile, and have been passed on from mouth to mouth for many generations.


St. Myrrh-Streaming Nile

Troparion in honor of the discovery of relics, tone 1
Having been a monk pleasing to God in Mount Athos, / in prayers and fasts you sought God / and you became a companion of the pure Spirit, / shining the rays of the faithful with virtues, / in the image of you shining, Nile, crying out to you: / glory to God who glorified you , / glory to Him who crowned you, / glory to Him who heals you all


Kontakion in honor of the discovery of relics, tone 3


The appearance from the earth / of your sacred relics, Nile, / co-emerged with the radiance of the Cross, / for that you longed warmly from infancy, / your bones, crucified with Christ, / risen as the eternal God, / To whom grace came


Prayer books from the Greek Menaion, translation by Natalia Bakhareva [4]

Troparion in honor of the transfer of relics, tone 4


Like the all-fragrant flower of eternal life, / your divine relics have appeared to us from earthly treasures. / Moreover, making the memory of their acquisition, / we sing, Father Nile, the grace given to you, / before everyone the state becomes warmer


Kontakion, tone 4


Your honorable relics are present,/ from them we receive sanctifying gifts,/ the myrrh-streaming decoration,/ Nile the God-Wise,// the angels of one villager


New in blogs

The name of the Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming became even more famous after his appearance from the afterlife in the period from 1813 to 1819 to one Holy Mountain resident - monk Theophan, when in several conversations the Reverend Nile told him everything that is contained in the book “Posthumous Broadcasts of the Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming "

“In terms of the wealth of material from the field of ascetic psychology,” says Archimandrite Alexander, “Broadcasts” can rightfully take a prominent place among such famous patristic works of this kind, such as “The Ladder”, “Words” of St. Ephraim the Syrian, Isaac the Syrian, Macarius The Great and others”...

Getting acquainted with the contents of the book, we see that it examines the spiritual life of a Christian, and, in particular, the monastic life, from a variety of angles.

But in our apostatic * twentieth century, “Broadcasts” are also attractive because they say a lot about the latest destinies of our earthly world.

The monk predicted that terrible times were coming, about which the Lord spoke: But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? (Luke 18:8).


* From apostasy - heresy, schism.

Venerable Nile the Myrrh-Streaming One announced to those seeking salvation on the Holy Mountain under the Protection of the Mother of God that they should not be embarrassed, should not be horrified, should not lose faith in this Protection and would not leave Athos until the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God leaves it; so that the monks remain in repentance and hope of salvation, in silence, humility and obedience, trying to preserve inviolably what little remains of their former high monastic life. For for the wickedness of the wicked, the Holy Mountain will be plunged into the sea, this will be when the Mother of God will remove Her Veil from Her inheritance. Pious monks should hasten to leave Athos as soon as the miraculous Iveron icon leaves. The saint reveals in great detail about the times of the Antichrist: about the worldwide anarchy that will precede the coming of the Antichrist, about when we should expect this, about the degree of depravity of the last generation, about how cruelly the acceptance of the seal of the Antichrist will act on human hearts, about Sermons of Enoch and Elijah...

Many of the predictions of the Monk Neil have already come true, but much of what he predicted is coming true before our eyes.

In general, the saint’s prophecies are distinguished by amazing accuracy. In order not to be unfounded, we present one of the predictions that came true.

In a miraculous appearance that happened in 1817, the Monk Neil said to the monk Theophan:

“When four twenty-five years have passed, what will monastic life be like then? If another three twenty-five years pass: we say the number of the seventh year and five, rising to the halfway point of the eighth, there at halfway the number of five, what confusion will occur from the fourth to the fifth?..”

The Russian translator of the book published in 1912 to explain this place (Part II, Chapter 31, p. 170) includes a note by the first scribes who lived in the last century.

“Note of the first descriptors: the saint said this to Theophan in the summer of Christ 1817; from the creation of the world - 7325th. Therefore, the saint says: when four twenty-five years have passed, that is, a hundred years, and the year 7425 (1917) comes, then what will happen to monastic life? If the other three twenty-five years still pass, that is, 75 years, and the 7500th year (1992) comes, “the number of seven years and five,” that is, seven thousand and five hundred years, “rising halfway to eight,” that is, when we reach half of the eighth century (millennium), then there in the “middle of the five,” that is, the fifth century, “what confusion will there be (from the fourth to the fifth)?”

We believe that from the fourth to the fifth, as the saint says, there are from 7400 to 7500; this is what we assume; who can interpret better,

1817 = 7325 +100 =+100 1917 = 7425 + 75 = +75 1992 = 7500 -50 =-50 1942 = 7450

We, living in 1989, see with our own eyes what monasticism has become since 1917 (7425 from the creation of the world) - it has almost disappeared. And as for the confusion that occurred in the year 7450; creation of the world or 1942 A.D. - the critical year of the Second World War - everyone knows.

This amazing accuracy of fulfilled prophetic predictions encourages us to introduce the reader to those prophecies contained in the “Broadcasts” that have not yet come true (or have just begun to come true).


O most reverend fathers, the removal of Salvation will be like this.

Firstly, in a short time ahead the monastery in which the face of the Queen of Salvation resides will be shaken. This means that the insensitive earth will feel that it has to be impoverished by its Guardian, who protects it to this day. After the shaking, all the trees planted will shake very much and all the planted trees, we say, all the rooted ones, will tilt into captivity for the sake of the Queen (i.e. there will be a martyrdom of the Orthodox monks on the Mountain). Athos will beat with a terrible noise, a thin voice will emanate; when the face of our Lady Theotokos disappears, there will be a terrible and trembling sign.

The sign will be this: all churches will be bowed down for the sake of removing Salvation, like a wire to Salvation and a bow. For this reason, I tell you, insensibility will be felt, and feeling will be darkened, and will not be aware that Salvation is withdrawing. So, I tell you, most reverend fathers, as long as the face of our Lady Theotokos is inside this Mountain, let no one be moved to leave this honorable Mountain; As soon as he moves to leave this honest Mountain, mental and physical punishment (permissiveness) will immediately be found on him. When they see that the icon of the All-Holy One has departed from this venerable Mountain, then you too can go wherever you please, as long as you keep your vow of monastic life intact and pure.

If the seventh number of years passes and five ascending to the halfway point of the eighth...

What kind of theft will happen then? What kind of masculinity, adultery, incest, and debauchery will there be then? To what decline will people then descend, to what corruption through fornication? Then there will be confusion with great strife (addiction to disputes), they will incessantly bicker and will not find either beginning or end. Then the Eighth Council will gather to sort out the dispute and reveal good to the good and evil to the evil... the good will be excommunicated, separated from the evil, i.e. true believers from heretics, and for a short time people will be at peace... But then they will again change their (good) disposition, turn to evil through the evil destruction of those who are perishing, so that they will not know that there is a brother and that there is a sister, that there is a father and mother, and that the mother and her son will not recognize the marriage crown. They will have only one destruction, one fall into destruction, like Sodom and Gomorrah, i.e. and five righteous people will not be found... And a brother will have a sister as a wife, a mother will have a son as a husband, the son will kill his father and commit adultery with his mother, and other dozens of evils will become customary. Since evil deeds begin to inculcate in people, disasters will befall them... People, the more disasters they encounter, the more they will cultivate evil, instead of repenting, they will become embittered against God. The atrocities that people will commit will surpass the atrocities of the people of the flood. Everyone will talk only about evil, only evil intentions, evil will, partnership only out of spite, everyone’s actions only evil, general evil theft, general evil oppression, general evil isolation; general evil disunion. With all this, they will think that the doer of evil is saved... Since the love of greed will increase, the disasters in the world will also increase.

The poor will be oppressed for the sake of regional expenses, says the Myrrh-Streaming Nile. The beggars, not being able to devote part of their portion to the required expenses, will leave their places and move to others in order to rest and be reconciled there, but even there they will be naked and will say: Pick us up too; You have rested enough, give us little, little rest, until righteous judgment awakens us.

Much more will be said on the graves of the dead, and the lamentations of the wretched will rise up, like a hoax before God. Seeing such lamentations, God will give prosperity to the whole world (the harvest year), and the poor, seeing such prosperity, will praise God for the harvest with great joy. When the fruits are gathered at the threshing floor, a covetous man (monopolist) will come to the threshing floor, take the grain to his granaries and give orders that whoever demands wheat should come to him to the covetous man (that is, the peasants will buy their own bread from the monopoly).

The covetous man will then take double the price for wheat compared to its previous price last year. The poor will complain against God. The covetous man will imagine that the poor man allegedly has property, and will begin to oppress the poor man in order to take the latter away from him. He will look for every reason, even the slightest, for this. He will oppress him. According to the court, everything that he has will be taken away from him. If he has nothing, he will oppress him in prison.

And the covetous man will have pity on the rich man, but will not pity the poor man, since his clothes are clean; the covetous man does not understand that the clean clothes of the poor man are the likeness of his pure heart. The heart of the poor man is and will be shining. But what poor person will have a shining heart? The one who is patient and who will endure the covetous, that is, not be embittered by his unjust oppression.

Blessed is the one who will endure to the covetous everything that he will do to him, for at the hour of Judgment before the Last Judgment he will be called for his brother by the Last Judgment? Who will say: What they did to him was done to me. Then (today) all the people of the world will think a lot about themselves, everyone will judge each other among themselves.

The poor, seeing that the covetous man is torturing them, will also begin to save and store money themselves for the sake of the covetous man. The poor will collect money for the sake of the covetous, but at the meeting the poor man himself will be seduced by the acquisition, he will begin to accumulate for himself, having collected in abundance, he will want to double his surpluses, and when he succeeds in this, he will want to turn these double surpluses into quadruple surpluses.

And so, having delayed in this achievement of quadrupling, he rested, fell asleep - and woke up in hell, and his body was buried according to the custom of the country. So poor people little by little forget and will forget Christ and collect Money. Over-concern will darken the feeling of people, in order to make the world of people insensitive to their salvation, so that due to the multitude of carnal, earthly and financial worries it cannot feel salvation and there is no time for it, that is, the world of people will not feel either the desire for an eternal future life, or fear eternal condemnation.

Thus, the world of people has lost its sense of itself (the sense of inner, spiritual vision, SPIRITUALITY, the way in which we acquire the highest knowledge - the knowledge of God.

The whole world of people will indulge in carnal drinking and eating luxurious dishes, building themselves with the most beautiful buildings; in these buildings they will indulge in their carnal feelings, that is, amusing their sinful flesh, supposedly creating an everlasting feast for it. Since all people will have carnal feelings, that is, the most important thing for the world of people will be beauty and kindness, which they will only strive for

Through such a desire for carnal sinful impurity, the world of people will become vile to God.

In that future time, thanks to the power of the greatest delusion (sin) of debauchery, corruption and debauchery, the world of people will lose the grace of the Holy Spirit, which they received in holy baptism, and they will also lose remorse, which will disappear.

Then the Gospel will be neglected by the world of men.

The Orphan of St. Peter's Village

From the life history of St. Neil, it is known that he was born at the end of the 16th century (the exact date is unknown) in the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The village where the house of his parents, pious and deeply devout people, was located was called Agios Petros tis Kinourias. In Russian it is usually called simply the village of St. Peter.

Having been orphaned in adolescence, Neil was raised by his uncle, Hieromonk Macarius, who, with the warmth of his heart, managed to replenish the boy with the lost warmth of parental love. Sensitively tracking all the movements of his pupil’s soul, he skillfully directed them towards the path of serving God, while helping to enrich his mind with the knowledge that would help him in this difficult field.

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