Life and ministry of the church of the wonderworker Spyridon of Trimifuntsky


Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt (Salamin), a miracle worker, was born at the end of the 3rd century on the island of Cyprus. From his childhood, Saint Spyridon tended sheep, imitating the Old Testament righteous in a pure and God-pleasing life: David in meekness, Jacob in kindness of heart, Abraham in love for strangers. In adulthood, Saint Spyridon became the father of a family. His extraordinary kindness and spiritual responsiveness attracted many to him: the homeless found shelter in his house, wanderers found food and rest. For his unceasing memory of God and good deeds, the Lord endowed the future saint with grace-filled gifts: clairvoyance, healing the incurable sick, and casting out demons.

After the death of his wife, during the reign of Constantine the Great (324-337) and his son Constantius (337-361), Saint Spyridon was elected bishop of the city of Trimifunt. In the rank of bishop, the saint did not change his way of life, combining pastoral service with works of mercy. According to church historians, Saint Spyridon in 325 took part in the actions of the First Ecumenical Council. At the Council, the saint entered into a competition with the Greek philosopher who defended the Aryan heresy (the Alexandrian priest Arius rejected the Divinity and the eternal birth from God the Father of the Son of God and taught that Christ is only the highest creation). The simple speech of Saint Spyridon showed everyone the weakness of human wisdom before the Wisdom of God. As a result of the conversation, the opponent of Christianity became its zealous defender and received holy Baptism.

At the same Council, Saint Spyridon presented against the Arians a clear proof of the Unity in the Holy Trinity. He took a brick in his hands and squeezed it: fire instantly came out of it, water flowed down, and the clay remained in the hands of the miracle worker. “Behold, there are three elements, but the plinth (brick) is one,” said St. Spyridon then, “so in the Most Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, but the Divinity is One.”

In the person of Saint Spyridon, the flock acquired a loving father. During a prolonged drought and famine in Cyprus, through the prayer of the saint, the rains came and the disaster ended. The saint's kindness was combined with fair severity towards unworthy people. Through his prayer, the merciless grain merchant was punished, and the poor villagers were delivered from hunger and poverty.

Envious people slandered one of the saint's friends, and he was imprisoned and sentenced to death. The saint hurried to help, but a large stream blocked his path. Remembering how Joshua crossed the overflowing Jordan (Joshua 3:14-17) , the saint, with firm faith in the omnipotence of God, offered up a prayer, and the stream parted. Together with his companions, unwitting eyewitnesses of the miracle, Saint Spyridon crossed overland to the other shore. Warned of what had happened, the judge greeted the saint with honor and released the innocent man.

Saint Spyridon performed many miracles. One day, during a service, the oil in the lamp burned out, and it began to fade. The saint was upset, but the Lord consoled him: the lamp was miraculously filled with oil. There is a known case when Saint Spyridon entered an empty church, ordered lamps and candles to be lit, and began the service. Having proclaimed “Peace to all,” he and the deacon heard in response from above a great multitude of voices shouting: “And to your spirit.” This choir was great and sweeter than any human singing. At each litany, an invisible choir sang “Lord, have mercy.” Attracted by the singing coming from the church, people nearby hurried to her. As they approached the church, wonderful singing filled their ears more and more and delighted their hearts. But when they entered the church, they saw no one except the bishop with a few church servants, and they no longer heard heavenly singing, from which they were in great amazement.

The saint healed the seriously ill Emperor Constantius and spoke with his deceased daughter Irene, who had already been prepared for burial. And one day a woman came to him with a dead child in her arms, asking for the saint’s intercession. After praying, the saint brought the baby back to life. The mother, shocked by joy, fell lifeless. But the prayer of the saint of God restored life to the mother.

There is also a well-known story by Socrates Scholasticus about how thieves decided to steal the sheep of Saint Spyridon: in the dead of night they climbed into a sheepfold, but immediately found themselves tied up by an invisible force. When morning came, the saint came to the herd and, seeing the bound robbers, prayed, untied them and for a long time persuaded them to leave their lawless path and earn food by honest labor. Then, giving them a sheep each and sending them away, he said kindly: “Let it not be in vain that you kept watch.”

Foreseeing the secret sins of people, the saint called them to repentance and correction. Those who did not heed the voice of conscience and the words of the saint suffered God's punishment.

As a bishop, Saint Spyridon showed his flock an example of a virtuous life and hard work: she tended sheep and harvested grain. He was extremely concerned about the strict observance of church rites and the preservation of the entire integrity of the Holy Scriptures. The saint strictly rebuked priests who in their sermons inaccurately used the words of the Gospel and other inspired books.

The entire life of the saint amazes with the amazing simplicity and power of miracles given to him by the Lord. According to the word of the saint, the dead awakened, the elements were tamed, and idols were crushed. When the Patriarch convened a Council in Alexandria for the purpose of crushing idols and temples, through the prayers of the fathers of the Council, all the idols fell, except one, the most revered. It was revealed to the Patriarch in a vision that this idol remained in order to be crushed by Saint Spyridon of Trimythous. Summoned by the Council, the saint boarded the ship, and at the moment when the ship landed on the shore and the saint set foot on land, the idol in Alexandria with all the altars was thrown into dust, which announced to the Patriarch and all the bishops the approach of St. Spyridon.

December 25 - the memory of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. The Lord revealed to the saint the approach of his death. The last words of the saint were about love for God and neighbors. Around 348, during prayer, Saint Spyridon reposed in the Lord. He was buried in the church in honor of the holy apostles in the city of Trimifunt. In the middle of the 7th century, the relics of the saint were transferred to Constantinople, and in 1453 - to the island of Kerkyra in the Ionian Sea (the Greek name of the island is Corfu). Here, in the city of the same name, Kerkyra (the main city of the island), the holy relics of St. Spyridon are preserved to this day in the temple named after him (the right hand of the saint rests in Rome). 5 times a year, a solemn celebration of the memory of St. Spyridon takes place on the island.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt has been revered in Rus' since ancient times. The “solstice”, or “turn of the sun for summer” (December 25 of the new style), coinciding with the memory of the saint, was called in Rus' “Spiridon’s turn”. Saint Spyridon enjoyed special veneration in ancient Novgorod and Moscow. In 1633, a temple was erected in Moscow in the name of the saint.

In the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word (1629) there are two revered icons of St. Spyridon with a particle of his holy relics.

The life of Saint Spyridon has been preserved in the testimony of church historians of the 4th-5th centuries - Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen and Rufinus, processed in the 10th century by the outstanding Byzantine hagiographer Blessed Simeon Metaphrastus. Also known is the Life of Saint Spyridon, written in iambic verse by his disciple Saint Triphyllius, Bishop of Leukussia of Cyprus († c. 370; commemorated June 13/26).

From the book of the nun Nektaria (McLise) “Eulogite”

...While in the rank of bishop, Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky received an invitation to participate in the First Ecumenical Council in Nicaea, convened in 325 by Emperor Constantine the Great, the purpose of which was to determine the fundamental truths of the Orthodox faith. The main topic for discussion at the Council was the teaching of the heretic Arius, who argued that Christ was not God from eternity, but was created by God the Father. The Council was attended by 318 bishops, priests and monks, including such luminaries of the Church as Saints Nicholas of Myra, Athanasius the Great, Paphnutius of Thebes and Alexander, Patriarch of Alexandria, who convinced the Emperor of the need to convene this Council.

The Fathers of the Council were faced with such a convincing “presentation” of heretical doctrine by the famous philosopher Eulogius that, even being convinced of the falsity of this teaching, they were unable to resist the well-honed rhetoric of the heretic. During one of the most intense and heated discussions, Saint Nicholas became so angry, listening to these blasphemous speeches, which caused so much confusion and disorder, that he gave Arius a resounding slap in the face. The meeting of bishops was indignant that Saint Nicholas had struck his fellow cleric, and raised the question of banning him from ministry. However, that same night, the Lord and the Mother of God appeared in a dream to several members of the Council. The Lord held the Gospel in his hands, and the Blessed Virgin held the bishop's omophorion. Taking this as a sign that the boldness of Saint Nicholas was pleasing to God, they restored him to ministry.

Finally, when the skillful speeches of the heretics flowed in an uncontrollable, all-crushing stream, and it began to seem that Arius and his followers would win, the uneducated Bishop of Trimifuntsky rose from his place, as they say in the Lives, with a request to listen to him. Convinced that he could not resist Eulogius, with his excellent classical education and incomparable oratory, the other bishops begged him to remain silent. However, Saint Spyridon stepped forward and appeared before the congregation with the words: “In the name of Jesus Christ, give me the opportunity to speak briefly.” Eulogius agreed, and Bishop Spyridon began to speak, holding a piece of simple clay tile in his palm:

There is one God in heaven and on earth, who created the heavenly powers, man and everything visible and invisible. By His Word and His Spirit the Heavens arose, the Earth appeared, the waters united, the winds blew, animals were born, and man, His great and wonderful creation, was created. From Him alone everything came from non-existence into existence: all the stars, luminaries, day, night and every creature. We know that this Word is the true Son of God, Consubstantial, born of the Virgin, crucified, buried and resurrected as God and Man; Having resurrected us, He gives us eternal, incorruptible life. We believe that He is the Judge of the world, who will come to judge all nations, and to whom we will give an account of all our deeds, words and feelings. We recognize Him as Consubstantial with the Father, equally honored and equally glorified, seated at His right hand on the heavenly throne. The Holy Trinity, although it has three Persons and Three Hypostases: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is One God - One inexpressible and incomprehensible Essence. The human mind cannot comprehend this and does not have the ability to comprehend it, for the Divine is infinite. Just as it is impossible to contain the entire expanse of the oceans in a small vase, so it is impossible for the finite human mind to contain the infinity of the Divine. Therefore, that you may believe this truth, look carefully at this small, humble object. Although we cannot compare the Uncreated Supermaterial Nature with the created and corruptible, yet, since those of little faith trust their eyes more than their ears - just as you, if you do not see with your bodily eyes, will not believe - I want ... to prove this truth to you, to show it to your eyes, through this ordinary piece of tile, also composed of three elements, but one in its substance and nature.

Having said this, Saint Spyridon made the sign of the cross with his right hand and said, holding a piece of tile in his left hand: “In the name of the Father!” At that moment, to the amazement of everyone present, the flame with which it was burned burst out from the piece of clay. The saint continued: “And the Son!”, and in front of the participants of the Council, the water with which it was mixed flowed out from a piece of clay. “And the Holy Spirit!”, and, opening his palm, the saint showed the dry earth remaining on it, from which the tiles were fashioned.

The assembly was gripped by awe and amazement, and Eulogius, shaken to the core, was at first unable to speak. Finally he replied: “Holy man, I accept your words and admit my mistake.” Saint Spyridon went with Eulogius to the temple, where he pronounced the formula for renouncing heresy. Then he confessed the truth to his fellow Arians.

The victory of Orthodoxy was so undoubted that only six of the Arians present, including Arius himself, remained in their erroneous opinion, while all the others returned to the confession of Orthodoxy...

What does a saint help with and how to ask for help

Memorial Day of St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky December 12 (December 25 BC). There is an opinion that people pray to the saint for material well-being and money. Orthodox people know that they do not ask God and His saints for money. The Lord helps those in need, people receive help in solving material problems, but the love of money is a sin.

People resort to the help of the saint in various everyday needs: in case of problems at work or housing difficulties.

In financial need, people gain the opportunity to change the current situation. Father Spyridon helps everyone with any problems and illnesses.

How to pray - a person decides according to the call of his soul. You can read an akathist to the saint, prayers, sing a troparion, and at the same time talk about the current situation in your own words. The main thing is that a person asks with unfeigned faith, without pride, and what is asked is intended for a good and not an evil deed.

People resort to the help of the saint in various everyday needs

Bombing of Corfu

During World War II, when the Italians attacked Greece on Mussolini's orders, one of their first victims was the neighboring island of Corfu. The bombing began on November 1, 1940, and continued for months. Corfu had no air defenses, so Italian bombers were able to fly at particularly low altitudes. However, during the bombing, strange things happened: both the pilots and those on the ground noticed that many bombs inexplicably fell not straight down, but at an angle, and ended up in the sea. During the bombing, people flocked to the only refuge where they had no doubt of finding protection and salvation - the Church of St. Spyridon. All the buildings around the church were severely damaged or destroyed, but the church itself survived until the end of the war without a single damage, not even a single window pane was cracked...

Bishop's lifetime miracles

Saint Spyridon, the Trimifuntsky Wonderworker, performed many miracles during his earthly life, a brief description of which is difficult to compile. History has preserved numerous evidence of healings and salvation from hunger. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Irina, the saint’s pious daughter, was kind and meek. One lady asked Irina to keep her jewelry. When the girl suddenly died, the owner of the treasure was worried because no one knew where Irina hid her valuables. Then Saint Spyridon called to his deceased daughter, and her answer was heard from the grave. She told us exactly where the data for storing the valuables was, and it was found there.
  2. One day there was a drought on the island of Cyprus. Plants and animals died from lack of rain, people died of hunger. Through the prayers of Father Spyridon, the Lord granted peaceful rain, and the earth gave a rich harvest.
  3. When Father Spyridon's friend was slandered out of envy, he was sentenced to death. The saint hurried to his aid. But the stream, which overflowed in a large stream, blocked Father’s path. Following the example of Joshua, the saint prayed, after which the stream stopped and opened a dry path for the priest and those walking with him. Having learned about this, the judge released the convict.
  4. Saint Spyridon saved Emperor Constantius from a fatal disease.
  5. Through the prayers of the saint, the Lord brought the dead baby back to life.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is revered as a wonderworker

The saint's will, left to friends

The saint was informed when his time would come to leave the earth. Before his death hour, he predicted that the Lord would glorify him and he would help everyone who asked him for help.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky called on his friends to cultivate the greatest treasure within themselves - pure love for God and their neighbors.

Saint-miracle worker

Saint Spyridon diligently cared for the flock entrusted to him. There was a severe drought in the area where he served. Out of compassion for the distressed people, the bishop offered a prayer to God asking for rain. The Lord of Heaven and Earth responded with torrential rain, which did not stop for a long time. Again the Bishop of Trimyphuntus prayed, and the rain gave way to good weather, thereby showing what kindness the Trimyphuntian righteous man had earned before the Lord.

The saint healed the sick, and by the grace of God he raised the son of Emperor Constantine, young Constantius, from his sick bed. Basileus wanted to generously thank God's messenger, but Spyridon, who had no love of money, refused to pay. Then, submitting to the will of the royal person, he accepted a fortune in gold coins, and immediately distributed it all to the poor. By this act, he acquired the heart of Constantius as a gift to Christ - the basileus began to follow Christ’s commandments, tried to help all the poor and poor, abolished taxes for the clergy and freed Christians who had fallen into slavery, always having Saint Spyridon in his memory.

Saint Spyridon, filled with pity for the young mother, resurrected her infant child. The mother, struck by unspeakable joy, died. What could the saint do? He turned to God again and resurrected the baby's mother.

When the saint’s friend, an impoverished peasant, needed a cash deposit to borrow seeds for planting, Spyridon turned a simple snake into gold and gave it to his friend. The rich man, from whom the peasant borrowed grain, decided to hide the jewel, but the snake turned from golden back into a living one, and rushed at the greedy thief.

After the victory of Emperor Constantine over his co-ruler, the atheist Licinius, Patriarch Alexander called all the bishops to Egypt to destroy pagan idols. Trusting in God, the saints unitedly prayed that the words of the prophecy would come true: “and the idols of the pagans will shake at His presence.” The Lord answered the prayer of the Church hierarchs with an earthquake, which destroyed all the pagan statues, except one. The grieved patriarch prayed all night that the Lord would deliver the capital of Egypt from the godless statue. The Lord answered the high priest in a vision that this idol could only be destroyed by one bishop - Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. Vladyka Spyridon immediately responded to the call of the patriarch, and as soon as his foot set foot on the shore, the idol collapsed. The patriarch, who did not know about his arrival, told the bishops: “Spyridon has arrived, let’s go meet him.”

Once, no parishioners came to the evening service in the church in the city of Trimifunt and only the clergy served. One of the servants did not want to light all the lamps, but the Bishop of Trimifuntsky ordered the temple to be illuminated properly. When the saint shouted, invisible voices answered him with wondrous singing. The sweet-voiced singing was heard by all the residents at a great distance; they ran out of their houses and rushed to the church. Amazed, they saw only their bishop with the clergy, but they clearly heard powerful angelic voices and felt their rejoicing. Since then, the residents of Trimifunt did not miss church services, and the clergy prayed with great reverence and attention.

The meek and humble saint of Christ, Spyridon, bishop of the city of Trimifunt, performed many other miracles.


Troparion, tone 1

At the First Council, you appeared as a champion and wonderworker, / God-bearing Spyridon, our father. / Moreover, you cried out to the dead in the tomb, / and you turned the serpent into gold, / and you will never sing You had holy prayers/ You had the angels co-serving with you, Most Holy One./ Glory to Him who gave you strength, glory to Him who crowned you, // glory to Him who brings healing to all through you.

Troparion, tone 4


As a champion of the Orthodox,/ and an opponent of all infidels,/ we praise you to the all-blessed Spyridon,/ and we pray to you, keep your city,// not involved in all attacks of the barbarians.

Kontakion, tone 2

The most sacred one was wounded by the love of Christ, / the mind was fixed on the dawn of the Spirit, / through your diligent vision you found, O God-accepting, / the altar of the Divine, / asking for the Divine radiance to all.

Kontakion, tone 8

Let us now open our mouths to the liberator of Kerkyra to praise, / as sensual overcoming: / your God-bearing servants, / have ever-present compassion, / from the barbarians, O Spyridon, save those who call: // rejoice, oh More everlasting memory.

Miracles through prayers

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky saves from hunger, material need, helps solve housing problems, and heals from illnesses. The miracles performed by Saint Spyridon through the prayers of believers are even greater than the miracles performed by him during his lifetime.

  1. At the end of 1948, a woman arrived in Kerkyra with her 11-year-old son, who could not speak from birth. She dreamed that Father Spiridon would heal her child. When the shrine containing the holy relics was carried over the youth, he, by the grace of God, began to speak.
  2. In 1861, in a Greek family, an 8-year-old boy was stricken with typhoid fever. A telegram was sent to relatives in Kerkyra so that they would go to the saint’s temple and ask for the opening of the shrine with the relics. At the moment the cancer was opened, the child’s body began to convulse and he began to grow stronger and recover.
  3. In 2002 B. Elena, after many unsuccessful attempts to exchange an apartment and performing a prayer service for water, St. Spyridon managed to resolve the housing issue.

The miracle worker turns a snake into gold

The saint stops the pouring rain

Saint Spyridon resurrects his daughter

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