Is it possible to keep other people's icons at home? Find an icon - what to do with it

Is it possible to take other people's icons?

Typically, icons are not used as gifts. There are, of course, cases when a private individual donates a holy image to an Orthodox church or monastery. But in life there is always room for unexpected situations.

  • For example, one of the relatives or acquaintances wanted to give or give the icon to a third party. From the point of view of Orthodoxy, there is nothing shameful in this event. In addition, such gifts are usually given by parents to their children.
  • If a complete stranger wants to give or give away the icon, then the receiving party must decide for itself whether to accept or refuse. Such a gift looks unusual, if not strange.
  • It is quite possible that a person who does not believe in God wants to get rid of the image. But even in this case, the sign warns: someone else’s thing in the house carries with it foreign energy. And it cannot always be positive: after all, no one will say for sure what prayers or requests to God were said before her.

Church opinion

Christianity preaches love for humanity, and the Lord forgives even the worst sinners. However, people are often frightened by church paraphernalia found in an unfamiliar place or found on the street. Succumbing to fear, a Christian falls into deep ignorance, because all signs are only superstitions that came from antiquity and are considered a remnant of paganism, which supplanted Christianity.

For Orthodox Orthodoxy there is no “bad energy”; it forbids followers to pay any serious attention to these speculations, which are not actually supported by the rational mind.

Read about superstitions:

Church officials claim: the image of a saint and a biblical story found on the street is a gift from the Lord. The canvas appears in one place or another for a reason, and carries with it a certain omen. The found icon is intended to provide protection during a difficult period of life, as well as to help in overcoming the strong changes that God wants to send us.

On a note! In Christianity there is an icon-venerable tradition and an iconoclastic tradition that is opposite to it. Adherents of the second act according to the commandment, which says: “Thou shalt not make an idol for yourself.” And the first respond that the canvas with the sacred image of the Most Pure Virgin, Jesus Christ and all saints is a relic that is an intermediary between the material and heavenly worlds.

Any prayer comes from the heart directly to the Lord, and the icon plays the role of a visual object that makes it easier to concentrate the mind on a specific thought.

Is it possible to purchase from hand?

Icons depicting Orthodox saints are a kind of intermediaries in communication between man and God. They can be purchased at every church or monastery store. It’s another matter if a person is engaged in antiques or he was offered to buy an antique copy from his own hands.

In any case, after completing the transaction, the holy image should not be immediately taken to your home. It is best to take the purchased icon to the nearest church so that the priest can consecrate it. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences associated with someone else’s negative energy.

How to get rid of an icon

Society cannot be homogeneous. Someone fervently believes in God and begins every morning with a prayer of gratitude in front of the images. Someone considers himself an atheist and denies faith. It is clear that such a person does not need an icon in the house. And he doesn’t know how to get rid of it.

Former owners of the house

In life, sometimes it happens that the previous owners did not completely empty the purchased living space of furniture and other household items. The same fate sometimes awaits old icons: they either forget to take them away, or are deliberately left behind because they are not needed.

If no one returned for the shrine and asked to give it back, then you can do with it like this:

  • consecrate in the temple and keep for yourself;
  • give to a church or monastery;
  • give to a believer.

The only thing that should not be done under any circumstances is throwing the sacred thing into a landfill with garbage. In addition to the fact that such behavior is contrary to moral standards, it is punishable from the point of view of popular beliefs.


It happens that people find ancient images in the most inappropriate place for this. Of course, such an example of a Christian attribute may be in dilapidated condition. The time and storage conditions did not contribute to the good preservation of the item.

A believer who is sensitive to the symbols of faith will never throw such an icon into the trash. He could do the following:

  • try to restore the image yourself;
  • entrust the restoration to a qualified specialist;
  • sell or give as a gift to someone who deals in antiques.

But there are cases when an icon cannot be restored. Then it should be taken to the nearest temple.

Deceased person

In families that adhere to the traditions of Orthodoxy, holy images are passed down from generation to generation. An icon left after the death of an ancestor can be inherited by one of the close relatives.

If a lonely elderly person who has no close relatives dies, then neighbors or friends can take the icons. From the point of view of the Christian faith, there is nothing unnatural in this situation.

According to popular belief, a holy thing received in this way is equated to a blessing. A person who receives an icon after a deceased person seems to be taking over his baton in serving God.

Belonged to strangers

The Orthodox Church is calm about the fact that icons change hands. Of course, if this is done with good intentions. It is wonderful if a consecrated thing passes from one believer to another.

Is it possible to burn

Sometimes ordinary people, far from church traditions, not knowing how to dispose of unnecessary images, decide to burn them. The best solution in this situation would be to give the icons to believers or to a church parish.

Only dilapidated copies that cannot be restored are allowed to be burned. It is clear that throwing such things in the trash is simply not acceptable. But you shouldn’t burn an icon without knowing how to do it either.

It is best to take it to a church, where it will be disposed of in a special oven. If this is not possible, then you can burn the image of the saint yourself. Only for this you need to choose a secluded place. And under no circumstances should you burn the icon along with the trash.

A disrespectful attitude towards shrines, according to popular belief, will certainly have negative consequences. This could be a long-term illness or even death.

What affects the value

The meaning of the sign largely depends on the conditions in which the image of the saint was presented. The following aspects are important:

  • Times of Day;
  • a special occasion (for what holiday the icon was prepared);
  • the relationship between the one who gives the image of the saint and the one who accepts it;
  • details (wrapping materials, frame, additional elements).

The meanings of signs relating to the face of a saint have many nuances. To recognize the danger, you need to evaluate the gift as a whole and understand why it was brought into the home. It is important how a person disposes of it in the future. The location of the saint's face determines its influence on the individual and family.

How to bring it

The canons must be strictly observed. If an icon is carried over the threshold at night, one cannot expect any good from the gift. Faces are given only during daylight hours, otherwise they will attract a lot of troubles.

If the icon is given for no reason (special occasion), accepting it and hanging it in the house means quick ruin. It’s hard to get rid of troubles after such a gift.

The icon should be given in the light of day

Who gives it as a gift

A gift is a message. This is how a person says what he feels for the birthday boy or newborn. What such a gift accepted from different hands means is discussed below.

  • From friend. Receiving an unusual gift from a friend is a sign of long-term friendship. If a gift is made with good intentions, there is no need to fear negative consequences. Such a gift promises mutual understanding. As long as the image of the saint stands in the house and a person sees it periodically, the friendship will not end. It is important that the icon is undamaged and placed in a frame made of natural stone.
  • From a loved one. A loved one gives an icon as a sign of affection. Such a gift indicates a readiness to build serious relationships and predicts the strengthening of an alliance. It is necessary to hang the icon in the bedroom. The gift is not displayed at the front door, otherwise quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided.
  • From a colleague. You cannot accept a gift from a competitor or rival. If he brings the image of a saint into the house, the gifted person will soon suffer: his professional reputation is at risk.
  • From an old friend. You cannot accept an icon as a sign of reconciliation with an old friend. A damaged relationship is strengthened by negativity: an old friend invites trouble into the house through a gift. This sign is dangerous for young families who are just building a family nest or planning the birth of a child.
  • From a former lover. A similar situation occurs when a former lover brings into the house an image of a saint whose history is unknown. You cannot accept such a gift: it is not recommended to pick up the icon or immediately place it in the house. To prevent an unfavorable omen from coming true, you need to thank for the gift, but not touch it until the old lover leaves.
  • From a stranger. You should not accept church attributes from people whose motives are still unknown. This has consequences for the whole family. Taking someone else's icon (which belonged to another person) will lead to great trouble, which is difficult to get rid of.

Additional elements show how much effort was put into the gift. The wooden frame of the icon symbolizes strong relationships. It is a favorable omen when the guest took care of the gift, but an icon that is not wrapped or placed in a plastic frame promises many trials that will soon befall a person’s life path.

Why does an icon light up from a candle?

This event may have a completely prosaic explanation. Negligent attitude towards fire safety can lead not only to the burning of the holy image, but also to a fire.

However, popular beliefs interpret such an event from a different point of view. An icon lit up by a candle warns a person that he must reconsider his attitude towards life:

  • remember who you undeservedly offended and try to make amends;
  • stop fraud in business that could put other people at risk;
  • understand that family values ​​are called that because there is nothing more valuable in the world than close people.

If an icon caught fire in the house of a person leading a decent lifestyle, then careless handling of open fire is most likely to blame.

Why does he disappear from home according to signs?

When a holy image disappears from a house for one reason or another, this means that the home loses protection from evil spirits. The event itself is unpleasant and requires certain actions from the owner of the house. Since the icon was stolen or taken secretly for some unseemly deeds, then all the negativity will go to the culprit.

And the owner of the house, regardless of whether there is a shrine or not, needs to consecrate his home. To do this, you can invite a priest or do it yourself. You will need to go around the entire house with a lit church candle and sprinkle every corner with holy water.

The consecrated symbol of faith requires careful and respectful treatment. In situations where a person does not know what to do, he should seek advice from a clergyman. Signs relating to icons were created by ordinary people. And a person serving in the temple of God interprets these concepts from the point of view of the Orthodox faith.

Why find an icon on the street?

If the item is valuable, it will probably be taken, for example: a phone or wallet. And they will pass by a handkerchief or gloves.

With icons the situation is different; opinions are divided.

Magicians often use church paraphernalia in their sacraments and rituals. There are secret ways to remove and cause damage through a certain thing. A disease or curse can be passed on to another person. To do this, a valuable item is taken, a special ceremony is performed, and then left on the street. When it is picked up, all the negativity is transferred to the new owner.

The Church claims that finding an icon is a blessing; any face of a saint or a scene from ancient scripture will become a reliable patron and protector for the finder. Any superstitions are denied by the clergy. The church refutes all the signs that speak of the negative nature of such a find. These are all superstitions, references to paganism, which the church has been fighting for many centuries.

What to do with someone else's icon?

Reader question:

What to do with an icon left (on purpose) in a car by a stranger? Framed, embroidered.


Priest Roman Posypkin answers:

Dear Angelina!

It is best to take an icon left by someone to the temple, unless, of course, there is no way to return it. Because if your acquaintance, someone’s friend whom you gave a lift to, or a client to whom you provided a taxi forgot it, you in any case have the opportunity to find him by phone number and report that you have found the icon. Well, if there is no way, then to the temple.

I really want to warn you and other readers against endowing the icon with some kind of magical meaning, thinking that icons are left for something like witchcraft... A lot of such questions come up - well, there is no witchcraft meaning in the icon!

For more information about icons, I recommend that you read our following materials:

What is an icon?

How is an icon different from a painting?

Icon: image of the Prototype

Icon and idol - what is the difference?

God bless you!

An archive of all questions can be found. If you do not find the question you are interested in, you can always ask it on our website.

Is it possible to lift an icon from the ground?

Esotericists say that it is impossible to lift money, jewelry and religious objects from the ground. They may be damaged or cursed . If the icon needs to be taken away or it needs to be removed from the road, then you should not touch it with your bare hands. Use gloves or a scarf.

Seeing an icon on the street, one cannot be sure that it has been consecrated, which means it could easily become the object of damage or other negative influence.

The clergy advise not to leave the icon on the street; it should be brought to the temple. Tell the priest that this is a find, and it will be sent for illumination.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, miracle worker

Advice! If in any doubt, it is better not to touch the found relic with bare hands. Use a handkerchief or piece of paper, or any material that will prevent direct contact between you and the find.

Other people's icons: benefit or harm?

In ancient times, icons, as you know, were in every home. Ancient images were passed down from generation to generation. Today, few people have preserved icons, so lovers of antiquity often ask the price of them in antique shops, not always imagining the danger such things can carry, despite their holiness. So let's figure out what to expect from other people's icons - benefit or harm?

The thing is that an icon has the ability to absorb the energy of the space in which it is or was previously located. Images also absorb the energy of those people who pray to them. If you are not familiar with the history of the icon, namely, who it previously belonged to, what people asked for when looking at the sacred image, then you do not need to buy this thing just because you really liked it. Think carefully: you cannot know exactly what sins you tried to atone for by looking at the icon you liked. If you want to purchase an icon, it is best to buy it in a church shop. Over time, this image will become a prayer only for you, which means it will help create a favorable environment in your home. Such an icon will fully protect and protect you from enemies, unwanted guests, thieves and envious people. To make it become your true faithful assistant, perform a ritual with the new icon. At sunset on the first day of the waning moon, wrap a piece of rope around the doorknob and read the prayer three times in a row. The prayer can be anything, the main thing is that it comes from the heart. When finished, cut one of the turns of rope with a sharp new knife, then immediately remove the rope from the handle with a sharp movement. Take the rope away from your home, preferably to the forest, where it will need to be burned. Rinse the knife under cold running water. It will not be advisable to use it for its intended purpose.

The church's opinion on the find

Throwing away an icon or other consecrated thing is considered a sin and blasphemy, but finding it is a great blessing. The Church and its clergy say that it was not a person who found an icon, but an icon that came to life to someone who needs help . The saint revealed to you that he is praying for you.

Important! One of the reasons why people are afraid to pick up icons is not knowing who has used them before. And the fear of receiving negative energy that she could absorb. The Church does not recognize the fact of the accumulation of any energy in holy objects.

What to do is everyone’s choice and it is individual. You can pass by, or you can not remain indifferent. It all depends on a person’s views and aspirations.

Sources: na-ulice-kakie-primety.html

Is it possible to give icons as a gift: signs

Signs about Orthodox shrines
  • Probably, each of us has heard that a donated Orthodox shrine can bring disaster to the person who accepted it as a gift. Our grandmothers took this sign quite seriously, so most often they acquired images for themselves in church. Now let's figure out what their fear was based on.
  • Previously, it was believed that it was through the icon that envious people brought damage to a person. And since it was most often hung in the most visible place, the damage acted faster and people began to quarrel and get sick for no reason. But in fact, this sign has no basis in reality. After all, if a brother, sister or mother gives you such a surprise, they are unlikely to try to harm your family with their gift.
  • Moreover, such a gift is presented only to the sanctified, which means that it can protect you from the most evil intentions. There is also an opinion that you cannot give hand-embroidered or painted icons. It is believed that due to the fact that they were made not by clergy, but by ordinary people, it is impossible to turn to God through them. Some believers generally consider this a very great sin.
  • But in fact, even an embroidered icon can become a real Orthodox shrine. Simply, before giving a gift to a person, it will need to be brought into the temple and consecrated. After the priest performs the necessary ritual on it, it will be no different from the icons that are sold in the church.

How to understand that a gift is negative

Our ancestors were very wise and observant people. That is why they were able to create a number of signs indicating that the icon was brought into the house with bad intentions.

These signs are:

  1. If the brought icon is covered with a cloth, then it brings a strong illness into the house.
  2. The donated image fell immediately - you should expect problems with money.
  3. If an icon with a chip on the frame or glass is given as a gift, family quarrels and disagreements are coming.
  4. Stains on or under glass will bring diseases that will affect children or pets.
  5. A harbinger of bad news is an icon brought, which quickly becomes covered with cobwebs or dust.
  6. If the holy face constantly falls, but the glass remains intact, you should prepare for betrayal or treason.

Also considered a negative sign is a darkening of the image that occurs over a few days. As the sign says, such behavior of the donated icon promises minor troubles that will deprive one of vitality and spoil the mood. The first manifestations of negative signs are usually observed from the very next day after the gift entered the house.

Is it possible to give an icon for a birthday?

Birthday icons

A birthday is a special event in the life of every person, that’s why you want to receive the most sincere gifts on this holiday. And what could be more soulful than an Orthodox icon? Such a gift will show the hero of the occasion how warmly and well you treat him. And most importantly, it will remind him of your friendship all his life.

And you shouldn’t listen to people who say that you can’t give icons as gifts. Believe me, if you do this with the most sincere feelings, then your gift will bring exclusively positive emotions to the birthday boy. But if you have already decided to give an icon for your birthday, then take its choice very seriously.

Since there are shrines that can be given exclusively to men or exclusively to women, it would be better if, before you finally decide on your choice, you try to study this issue more deeply.

Iveron Icon of the Mother of God

Shrines that can be given to women:

  • Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (capable of healing from illnesses and giving family well-being)
  • Vladimir Icon (relieves heart disease and conveys the prayers of mothers for children)
  • Icon of the Mother of God of Three Hands (will help get rid of sad thoughts and protect the house and its household from everything bad)
  • Iveron Icon (you should pray to this image for forgiveness of your sins)
  • Bethlehem Icon (given to those women who dream of children and family well-being)

Shrines that can be given to men:

  • The Savior Not Made by Hands (should be given to those representatives of the stronger sex who do not have the opportunity to often attend church)
  • The face of St. Nicholas (a wonderful gift for those men who travel a lot or simply have work that involves traveling)
  • Icon of the Guardian Angel (will help protect your loved one from temptations and troubles)
  • The image of the Patron Saint in business (will help you choose the right direction in life, and can also help you sort out family matters)

What does it mean to find an icon on the street, what are the signs?

An icon is a holy object for a believer. They ask him for healing and protection, help in various matters. Miraculous images are present in life unnoticed by many:

  • in the Red Corner at my grandmother’s house, which they remember from childhood;
  • in a car that you use every day;
  • in the wallet;
  • in a child's stroller;
  • on the neck of a loved one.

Such images are often lost, and in the turmoil their loss may not be immediately noticed.

Is it possible to accept an icon as a gift?

It is best to accept an Orthodox shrine as a gift

  • As mentioned above, you should not believe in signs that a donated icon can cause harm to a person or his environment. If you know the giver of this gift very closely and are absolutely sure that he has exceptionally warm feelings for you, then you can safely accept his surprise. If you have any doubts, then just take the gift and go to church, tell the priest about everything that worries you, and ask to bless the gift.
  • Yes, and do not forget that such a surprise cannot be accepted as an ordinary gift. The usual words of gratitude in such cases are not spoken for the icon. If you want her to really bring only positive emotions to your home, then thank not only the donor, but also God for this gift, and be sure to venerate the face of the Saint with your head. But whether to take an icon as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people is up to you to decide.
  • If you feel that they are giving it to you with the purest intentions, then you can accept the gift. If you have even the slightest doubt, then try to tactfully refuse the gift. After all, if you take it and then realize that it was given with malicious intent, it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. You cannot simply throw an icon into the street or burn it. Such actions are considered a very strong sin. To get rid of such a gift you will have to go to church and ask the clergy to take it from you.

Famous Discovered Icons

Many holy paintings that defended the Fatherland for centuries, stopped enemy armies and healed the seriously ill, were found in various parts of the homeland and the world.

  • The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was located at the site of the fire; it was found in 1579 after the Most Pure Virgin herself appeared three times in a dream to a girl named Matrona. Today the relic is kept in the St. Petersburg Kazan Cathedral.
  • Legend has it that the Tikhvin Icon was found in the city of Tikhvin at the end of the 14th century. She is considered miraculous and intercessory, and is currently located in the Monastery of the Assumption of Our Lady.

If a person finds a sacred image on the street, he can either pass by, or pick up the relic and take it to the church for consecration. Depending on faith, the believer will make a decision. The Orthodox Church considers the find as a gift from above and advises not to ignore it or be afraid.

Why and for what purpose do they give an icon?

Icons are given to show respect and favor

In the old days, icons were given exclusively for weddings, christenings and housewarmings, and this was done mainly by parents, godparents or simply the closest relatives. It was believed that in this way it was possible to protect the house and its household from damage and the evil eye. Nowadays, few people pay attention to signs and most often give icons solely because such a gift is considered very fashionable.

But any clergyman will tell you that you need to give such a gift wisely. If you just want to give a gift to your closest person, then give him an intercessor icon. This image is selected by date of birth or by the name of the Guardian Angel. If you know that a person needs to heal mental wounds or get rid of some physical ailment, give him the Mother of God of Pochaev. She will be able to restore health to a person and restore his faith.

Also, with the help of an icon, you can try to bring a relative who is very far from God to faith. But keep in mind that you should present such a gift only if you are absolutely sure that it will not bring discord to your friendship. In general, an Orthodox icon presented for a birthday, wedding or christening is a guarantee that the heroes of the occasion will have a long and happy life

Signs about icons

There was a popular belief among the people that an icon given as a gift would bring misfortune to the house. After accepting such a gift, quarrels and scandals began in the house, household members fell ill with serious illnesses, or even went to another world. This was due to the damage that evil people caused through the icon.

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However, in the modern world there is no need to be afraid of such surprises, especially if the icon is given by relatives or friends with good wishes and from the bottom of their hearts. Representatives of the Orthodox Church believe that a consecrated icon brings God's grace to the house, cleanses it of negativity and blesses those living in the house .

Icons must be given according to the rules established by the church:

  • on birthdays they present personalized icons;
  • icons are given to a sick person to help in healing;
  • Colleagues and bosses should be given icons that help in work and business;
  • family people are given icons that bless the family hearth;
  • young girls are given images of holy saints, and young men are given images of holy saints of God.

It is customary to give icons for a wedding, but this should be done by the newlyweds’ parents or close relatives. For the bride they choose the image of the Virgin Mary, and for the groom - Jesus Christ.

Holy images can be given at any time, but icons dedicated to an important event - birth, wedding, christening - are endowed with a stronger beneficial effect .

You should also know where the icon should be located in the house. For this purpose, there used to be a “red corner”, that is, the most prominent place in the house.

Is it possible to give icons made with one’s own hand that have not been consecrated in the church? An unconsecrated image does not carry positive energy, so homemade icons must be consecrated in the church.

What icon do parents give newlyweds for their wedding?

Icons for newlyweds from parents

Nowadays, not a single wedding is complete without a wedding ceremony, so the parents of the newlyweds are obliged to ensure that the newly formed family has its own personal wedding couple. If they wish, parents can give their children the icons with which they themselves were married, but it will still be better if they buy and consecrate the images of the Saint and the Mother of God from the church.

It is believed that these two shrines are able to protect a young family from discord and give them family well-being. You can also choose icons of Peter and Fevronya as a wedding couple. It was these saints in ancient Rus' that were considered the patrons of married couples. In addition, the Fedorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God can be a good gift from parents.

She is considered the best assistant to expectant mothers, and also helps to conceive and bear a baby without any problems. In addition, parents can present an image of the Holy Forefathers as a wedding present. Such a symbolic gift may be a wish that the newly formed family in the future become the founder of a strong and united clan.

In principle, there are no special rules that would say that only the above-mentioned icons can be given for a wedding celebration. If you went to a church and liked, for example, the image of Xenia of St. Petersburg, then feel free to buy it too. The main thing is that your gift is presented with the purest thoughts and good wishes and, of course, must be consecrated before the wedding.

What icons are given to a boy and a girl for christening?

Shrine for a child's baptism

  • For the baptism of a child, as for any important event in life, one must prepare very seriously. Moreover, both parents and godparents should do this. Of course, the best gift for a little person will be an Orthodox icon. Such a gift in the future will protect the baby from everything evil and bad, and will also help his fragile soul move in the right direction.
  • Godparents must definitely give the baby a Measured Icon. It is generally accepted that it must be made to order so that its dimensions strictly correspond to the height of a small person. But if for some reason you do not have the opportunity to make such an image, then calmly buy a ready-made one from the church, consecrate it and give it to your child for christening. A personalized icon might be a good option. It should depict the face of the Saint, who is the patron saint of the baby.
  • Such an image is also necessarily consecrated in the temple before the christening and is presented to the child after the ritual itself. Usually such a gift is placed near the baby’s crib so that he can look at it freely. It is believed that in this way the child, albeit still unconsciously, will communicate with his Guardian Angel.

In addition, the following shrines can be given at christenings:

  • Panteleimon the Healer
  • Matrona of Moscow
  • Our Lady
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker

What to do if you find an icon on the street?

For many years now, images of saints have accompanied Christians from the Sacrament of Baptism to the last funeral service.
Miraculous images give people strength in sorrows and illnesses, and share infrequent joys. Some Christians find images of saints on the street and bring them home. There are two opposing opinions: some believe that this provokes troubles, others - prosperity. These signs have lived for many centuries and were created, first of all, in order to instill in the younger generation respect for icons.

What kind of icon do you give as a housewarming gift?

Tolga prayer icon

The most optimal gift for a housewarming is the icon of the Mother of God of the Intercession. It is believed that with her holy cover she can protect the house from fire, and from water, and from an evil gaze. It is best to give such a gift without witnesses and preferably before guests begin to gather in the house. Ideally, of course, with this image, the family should enter a new house and only after that begin to settle in it.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to give a gift before the housewarming, then be sure to do it. If you know that the owners already have such an image, then you can purchase a so-called folding for them. This shrine consists of three connected icons, which depict Christ, the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Such a gift can replace an iconostasis, which is simply a must-have in every believing family.

Shrines that can be given as housewarming gifts:

  • An image with a cross (will protect the house from envy and filth)
  • Icon “Unbreakable Wall” (will protect your home from thieves and natural disasters)
  • Image “The Burning Bush” (this gift can protect the house from fire and thunderstorms)
  • Icon “Impenetrable Door” (capable of keeping people with bad thoughts away from you)
  • The image of the “Different of Loaves” (will help you find strength to overcome spiritual and material difficulties)

Find the icon of the Mother of God

The icon of the Mother of God occupies a special place among believers. This icon is most often addressed with prayers and requests for help. There are Kazan, Iverskaya, Donskaya Mother of God and other names, each with its own unique story.

Seven-shot Mother of God

Important! Finding such a relic is considered a great success ; it promises changes for the better in all areas of life, but before that you have to go through tests in which the patron saint will be a faithful helper.

What icons are given for a wedding?

Wedding icon

  • As mentioned a little above, the best wedding gift can be icons of the Saint and the Mother of God or the image of Peter and Fevronya. But such a gift can only be given to newlyweds by parents or godparents. The rest of the guests can present the spouses with icons that will protect their young family.
  • For example, you can give your spouses the “Unexpected Joy” image. Before him, the bride and groom will be able to ask God for a peaceful marriage for themselves and a happy life for their future children. Such a gift should be placed in the marital bedroom and every morning or evening you should thank the Saint for the day lived in peace and harmony.
  • But perhaps the most powerful intercessor of married couples is the icon of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow. This saint can help in solving almost all family problems. People turn to her if they cannot conceive a child, beg her for health for a loved one and always ask her to protect the family from anger and envy. Therefore, if you want the newlyweds to live happily ever after, then give them exactly this image.

Is it possible to give icons: the opinion of the church

The Church allows you to give icons to your family and close friends

  • People began giving icons as gifts in ancient times. At that time, shrines were very expensive as most were decorated with gold or silver. Therefore, such a gift was a fairly good investment. Most often, the image was placed in the “red corner”, and this was done so that visiting guests could see it.
  • And although modern shrines can be made of wood and paper, in their beauty and spiritual content they are in no way inferior to ancient images. Therefore, in our time, people do not stop giving them to each other, and they do it with great joy. Moreover, absolutely all priests recommend the icon as a spiritual gift that can cleanse a person’s soul from bitterness and anger.
  • In view of this, if you decide to give a loved one an Orthodox icon, then feel free to buy it and do not pay attention to any bad omens. The main thing is to give your gift with pure thoughts and best wishes.

Is it possible to keep “other people’s” wedding icons in the house?

QUESTION: “Is it possible to keep other people’s wedding icons in the house if their marriage has broken up? Please tell me, thank you in advance for your answer. My brother was married and married; a year later they divorced, but did not get separated. Later, he remarried and already has a little daughter, but his current wife removed the wedding icons from her first marriage from the room. I took these icons for myself and they stand in my room. my question is, can I, his sister, take these icons for myself? The fact is that I am also divorced and I also have a small daughter, will these icons affect my personal life in the future, because I have already been divorced for 3 years and my personal life is not working out, but I don’t want to sin on the icons. Or is it still impossible for me to keep them in my room?” ANSWER: “The majority of people who are baptized but do not live by faith know nothing about God or the Church, and therefore easily succumb to all sorts of superstitions. It’s good that we are no longer afraid of black cats, but for some reason we are frightened by the crosses, icons, etc. we find. How can you fear the Savior, the Mother of God or a saint? They are the ones depicted on the icons! They are terrible to demons. For a believer, icons help in communicating with God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the world of the Heavenly Kingdom. Therefore, these icons that you took to yourself can only bring blessings to your home if you love our Savior, His Most Pure Mother and those of His friends who are with Him in His Kingdom of eternal love. Every Orthodox Christian needs to have icons in their home and pray in front of them, that is, communicate with those depicted on them. The icon is a window into the Kingdom of God and the saints. A person's personal life is influenced by many factors. The worst of them is the loss of connection with Christ. A person is never alone. To communicate with Christ, you need to make efforts (prayer, reading the Word of God and trying to do His will, going to church, participating in the Sacraments of the Church and fighting sins), but the crafty demon comes without an invitation and does not ask permission to enter. If you want your personal life not to be empty, strive for Salvation and let’s forget about such a concept as “debunking”. The Lord is the Creator. He cannot bless what people themselves have broken. The fact that the family has broken up, you need to repent, and through this become wiser and remember the grace of God's blessing, which is given through marriage. Start a serious church life and involve your little daughter in it. Don't be afraid of anything. God bless you!” (priest Mikhail Khairutdinov)

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