Life of Saint Alevtina. Alevtina, meaning of the name Alya. Prayer to the martyr Alevtina of Caesarea

Martyr Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea (Palestinian)

Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea

The Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saint Alevtina on July 16, old style / July 29, new style

Very little is known about Saint Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea, as well as about many other Christian martyrs who suffered for the faith in the first centuries. We know her name and the name of her sister Chionia, from whom they were not separated until her death. The women were born and lived in Egypt, and died in the Palestinian city of Caesarea. This happened during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximian. What can a woman of our time named Alevtina or Valentina glean from this information to better know about her patron saint? It turns out that not so little. The world in which Saint Alevtina (Valentina) lived was not friendly. Ordinary residents of villages and cities treated Christians with distrust. They considered the followers of Christ to be atheists who commit the most terrible things, including murder and incest. It takes a lot of courage for a person to stand out from the crowd. Apart from this, Saint Alevtina was an intelligent woman. Only outstanding people with a special disposition of soul are able to accept a new teaching and, having judged its correctness, strictly follow it. We can assume that love for Christ helped the woman to be faithful to her chosen path and not to be afraid of anything. After all, Saint Alevtina certainly knew about what was happening in the empire. In historical science, the years from 303 to 313 were called the Great Persecution of Christians. During this time, approximately 3,000–3,500 people were killed. The decree on the beginning of persecution was issued by Emperor Diocletian; he demanded the execution of everyone who refused to participate in pagan sacrifices. The Roman Emperor Maximian continued his policy, especially fiercely fighting Christians in Africa. Saint Alevtina and her sister were captured in Egypt and taken to Caesarea. Presenting themselves before the ruler, they boldly confessed the faith of Christ. Having endured terrible torment, they died, preserving its purity.

Icon of Saint Valentine of Caesarea (Palestine)

In the image of the Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea, she is depicted with a cross in her right hand, holding the Holy Scriptures in her hands, wearing a red robe, her head is not covered.

The second image that exists shows us St. Valentine in a blue robe, with a blue veil on her head, in her right hand - a cross, the Saint is turned to the left, from where the Finger of God is rubbed from heaven, blessing the martyr.

Girls bearing the name Alevtina also consider St. Valentina of Caesarea. There is also an icon of the holy martyr indicating the name Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea.

This is the same saint. The martyr is depicted in a red robe, a blue veil on her head, and in her right hand there is still a cross, the main symbol of the Christian faith.

To St. They rush to the martyr Valentina when there is a need for help with domestic difficulties. A prayer said sincerely will certainly bring recovery and guidance.

An icon (no matter which one) of the holy martyr Valentine should be in the home iconostasis, especially if the girl bears her name, but with heartfelt prayer you can appeal to the intercessor always and everywhere, in any setting.

Brief Life of the Holy Martyr Valentina

Caesarea - in ancient times was one of the most beautiful and large cities on the Mediterranean coast. Currently, only ruins remain in this area. The Holy Great Martyr Valentina was a native of this city.

The events took place during the reign of Maximian. At that distant time, many worshiped idols. St. Valentine was not one of these people; she believed in God, lived modestly, righteously and pleasing to God.

She was put on trial for disrespecting the pagan gods. The trial was carried out by Firmilian. He ordered her to make a sacrifice to idols, for which the girl was taken to a pagan temple. Instead of carrying out the order and performing the ritual of sacrifice, Valentina boldly threw a stone on the altar and turned her back to it.

This behavior caused a fit of rage in Firmilian, and he pronounced a cruel sentence. First he ordered her to be savagely beaten, and then executed by beheading. She was beaten for a long time and severely, breaking her ribs, but she prayed to God. The saint accepted her martyrdom in the year 308.

On the days of veneration of the saint, you need to come to church, confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, light candles to the image and make your request. We need to pray to the holy saint with faith in the power of her intercession for us before God.

Congratulations to Alevtina on her name day

Alevtina, Alenka, My scarlet flower, You reach out to the sun with a smile in the morning, I congratulate you, And from the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness, joy, Light and goodness in life. So that she is cheerful, So that she does not know tears, So that she soars above fate like a free bird, So that she loves life, Believes, dreams And so that she always remains herself.

Alevtina, I wish you wonderful, unearthly love on your beautiful day. Let there be more than one reason to celebrate the name day. I wish you warm words, gifts, keep your face, posture, brand. So that in the company of anyone you shine like a bright star.

Our dear Alevtina, We sincerely congratulate you. Let all sorrows pass by, Let love and kindness surround you. And, of course, we wish you to achieve only heights everywhere, so that joy warms your soul and there is less hassle.

Dear Alevtina! Congratulations on your name day! On Angel Day, I wish you to always remain on top. May your every new day be better than the previous one! Don't stop dreaming, and your wishes will definitely come true.

Congratulations, Alevtina! Let troubles pass by, Let success pursue, Let there be no obstacles. Let your income increase, let your vigor not decrease. And let your beauty bloom, And let any dream come true.

How does an icon protect?

The lives of the holy martyrs do not provide much information about Alevtina of Caesarea. According to one legend, a young woman lived in Egypt in the 4th century during the reign of Maximilian II Galerius. The Roman emperor became famous for his intolerance of the Christian faith and brutally destroyed its supporters. Believers were subjected to savage torture, burned alive and given over to be torn to pieces by wild animals. Alevtina was unable to betray her faith, for which she was subjected to severe punishment, torture and was burned as a criminal.

Icon of Saint Alevtina

According to another legend, Alevtina was forced to work in the quarries for preaching the Christian religion. Only renunciation of faith could restore freedom. The girl had to make a sacrifice in a pagan temple as a sign of a return to paganism. Instead of obeying, Alevtina threw a stone at the pagan altar, for which her head was cut off.

Expert opinion Sidorenko Alexander Antique appraiser, numismatist Saint Alevtina became the protector and patroness of all women with the name Alevtina or Valentina. Anyone can turn to the martyr for protection. You can ask for help both at home in front of the icon, and in church or any other place. To convert, you must read a prayer, kontakion or troparion. It will protect you from ill-wishers and unkind events. Prayer to Saint Alevtina will help in sorrow and despondency, restore strength of spirit, and give joy.

How much does the icon cost?

In Orthodox iconography, Saint Valentine of Caesarea can be recognized by her emaciated facial features. The young woman's head is crowned with a light veil. The martyr's clothing is orange or red. In one hand she holds a cross, the other is tucked under her robes. You can purchase the icon in specialized stores or by placing an order through an Orthodox online store. The cost will depend on the size of the product, technology and production time, and materials used. Let's consider a number of options:

  1. The icon, made in printed form and placed in a handmade frame with anti-reflective glass, measuring 22 x 20 cm, costs 2,500 rubles.
  2. A printed icon in a handmade icon case, measuring 37 x 35 centimeters, costs 8,500 rubles.
  3. An icon made in tempera on a wooden base (cypress or linden) has a cost of at least 2,500 rubles (negotiated with the icon painter).

A body icon with the image of the holy martyr Alevtina, made of 525 gold and weighing 1.4 grams, will cost the buyer 5,320 rubles.

When precious materials are used, the cost of the product increases significantly. The icon, made on a linden board with tempera paints using 925 gold leaf, has an initial cost of 4,500 rubles and a size of 9 × 10 centimeters. At the customer's request, choose gilding options:

  • halo;
  • halo together with the background;
  • halo, field and background.

Believers with the names Alevtina or Valentina will most likely prefer to have an icon of this saint, because she patronizes them.

What is shown?

Saint Alevtina of Caesarea is depicted in Orthodox iconography as a woman with somewhat emaciated features. Her head is covered with a light veil, she herself is dressed in orange, sometimes dark red robes. In her right hand she clutches a cross, her left hand is hidden under her robe.

The martyr Alevtina has long been known as the intercessor of women with the names Valentina and Alevtina. Everyone who needs help and support in family or work matters turns to the icon of the martyr. The day of celebration is July 29 (16). It is on this day that you need to come to church and, standing at the icon of Alevtina, ask for her blessing on everything that worries the human heart.

The worldly path of the martyr

In the biographies of the holy martyrs, only a small mention of Alevtina has been preserved. This was a young woman who lived in the territory of Egypt conquered by the Romans around the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century AD. e. In those days, the province of Egypt was ruled by procurators appointed from Rome itself; they often had greater power than the emperor himself and therefore could commit any atrocities in the territories subordinate to them. Alevtina's life occurred during the reign of the Roman emperor Maximin II Galerius (305-313).

Holy Martyr Alevtina (Valentina)

This emperor was known for his cruelty and tireless attempts to eradicate Christian teaching throughout the Roman Empire. Christians were subjected to all kinds of torture and abuse. It was in those days that the idea of ​​giving the disobedient to be torn to pieces by beasts first arose. Those who refused to worship pagan monuments and make sacrifices faced grueling work in the quarries, years of imprisonment and death.

Alevtina was one of those who could not go against her faith. According to one version, she, her sister Chionia and the martyr Paul were brought to Caesarea in Palestine, where they were tortured. Both sisters retained their faith and were burned at the stake as unrepentant criminals; the martyr Paul died by the sword. This event took place around 308 AD. e.

According to another version, Alevtina and her friends in misfortune, Paul and Yennath, were caught and convicted as preaching the Christian faith. Women were placed in quarries. The pagans did not lose hope of returning the wicked who had renounced the gods under the protection of Mars, Jupiter and Venus.

In this regard, Christian women were asked to renounce their faith, in return they were promised freedom and life. Hennatha was the first to be called in for questioning. The woman refused to renounce her faith, for which she was severely punished. Her body was tortured with whips and then left to be torn to pieces by the crowd.

Alevtina's fate was even more unenviable; the martyr was brought to a pagan temple, where she had to make sacrifices to the gods. But instead of following the order of her tormentors, Alevtina turned her back to the sacrificial altar and threw a stone at it. The woman was beaten and then executed. The same fate befell the martyr Paul, who also refused to worship the pagan gods. On February 23 (10), 308, the heads of the martyrs were cut off.

orthodox calendar

July 29, 2021. Remembrance Day of the Holy Martyr Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea July 16/29 is the day of remembrance of Saint Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea. Very little is known about her, like many other Christian martyrs who suffered for the faith in the first centuries.

We know her name and the name of her sister Chionia, from whom they were not separated until her death. The women were born and lived in Egypt, and died in the Palestinian city of Caesarea. This happened during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximian. What can a woman of our time named Alevtina or Valentina glean from this information to better know about her patron saint? It turns out that not so little. The world in which Saint Alevtina (Valentina) lived was not friendly. Ordinary residents of villages and cities treated Christians with distrust. They considered the followers of Christ to be atheists who commit the most terrible things, including murder and incest. It takes a lot of courage for a person to stand out from the crowd. Apart from this, Saint Alevtina was an intelligent woman. Only outstanding people with a special disposition of soul are able to accept a new teaching and, having judged its correctness, strictly follow it. We can assume that love for Christ helped the woman to be faithful to her chosen path and not to be afraid of anything. After all, Saint Alevtina certainly knew about what was happening in the empire. In historical science, the years from 303 to 313 were called the Great Persecution of Christians. During this time, approximately 3,000–3,500 people were killed. The decree on the beginning of persecution was issued by Emperor Diocletian; he demanded the execution of everyone who refused to participate in pagan sacrifices. The Roman Emperor Maximian continued his policy, especially fiercely fighting Christians in Africa. Saint Alevtina and her sister were captured in Egypt and taken to Caesarea. Presenting themselves before the ruler, they boldly confessed the faith of Christ. Having endured terrible torment, they died, preserving its purity.

Angel for Alevtina and her name day

Our ancestors named their newborn children according to the calendar, in which the names of Orthodox saints are recorded for each day of the month; it was believed that the child not only acquired the patronage of the saint, but also by name - “life”. In the last century, it was fashionable to come up with names, to call a child just a beautiful name. Now, even if there is no such name in the calendar, then at baptism the child is necessarily given a suitable name from the calendar and it becomes his second and secret name.

The patron saint of all Alevtins is Alevtina of Caesarea, a martyr who suffered for her faith in the Lord in 308. Her fortitude amazed the torturers. Day Angel

Everyone celebrates the day when, at baptism in the church, the Lord gives him a guardian angel.
But all Alevtins celebrate their name day on July 29

At this time, the zodiac constellation Leo rules, and the patron planet is the Sun. From this day on, summer begins to decline, having passed its sultry age. The sun no longer burns, the birds become quiet. Which is true and leaves its mark on Alechek’s character.

Troparion to the holy martyr Alevtina: Your Lamb, Jesus, Alevtina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, Yes, and I live with You; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Greatness: We magnify you, passion-bearer of Christ Alevtina, and honor your honest suffering, which you endured for Christ.

Complete collection and description: prayer to the holy martyr Alevtina for the spiritual life of a believer.

Memory: July 16 / 29

During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximinus, Alevtina was first condemned to hard work in the quarries, then, together with other confessors of Christ, they were brought to Caesarea in Palestine, where, after terrible torture, the martyr was burned. They pray to her to strengthen faith in persecution and captivity.

Troparion to the Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, tone 4:

Your Lamb, Jesus, Alevtina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You, but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Kontakion to the Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea, tone 2:

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you, the great martyr Alevtina, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Prayer to the martyr Alevtina of Caesarea

Oh, long-suffering and wise martyr of Christ Alevtino! Now, in honor of your holy memory, we, sinners and unworthy ones, diligently run to you and pray with the tenderness of our hearts. You loved our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ more than all earthly blessings, and you faithfully followed Him through all your life, nourishing your soul with Divine grace. Ask us also from Christ God for the grace that enlightens us, so that we may be overshadowed by it in faith and piety, and in the labors of chastity and love we will succeed and serve Christ in His neighbors by sweating without laziness. Pray to Christ the Savior that we may also be vouchsafed to complete our earthly journey in this time without stumbling, and to end our life in peace and repentance, so that having lived on earth, we will be vouchsafed eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there together with you and with all the saints we will praise The Trinity is Consubstantial and indivisible, and let us sing the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the martyr Alevtina of Caesarea:

  • Martyr Alevtina of Caesarea
    – Orthodoxy.Ru
Read other prayers in the “Orthodox Prayer Book” section

The name Valentina, Alevtina in the Orthodox calendar

In the history of Christianity, the life of only one saint with the name Alevtina is known - Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea. (Memory Day July 29, new style). Unfortunately, little information about her life has been preserved. It is only known that she was from Egypt. Together with his sister Chionia, they were together until their martyrdom. In those days, the daily life of Christians was a daily test of the strength of faith and prayer, because residents of cities and villages treated them with distrust, because they did not share the general ungodly deeds and debauchery.

Today we can only assume that Saint Alevtina, like all the first Christians, accepted the teachings of Christ with her heart and stood in faith until the very end. The years of her life fell on the so-called. Great persecution of believers in the Lord. During this time, more than 3,000 Christians were killed. This command was given by Emperor Diocletian; after his death, Governor Maximian continued to torture and torment those who recognized the truth of the Savior’s words. Believers were dealt with especially cruelly in Africa. It was from there that Saint Alevtina and her sister were brought to Caesarea to the imperial palace. They refused to worship pagan idols, for which they accepted martyrdom by burning.

The Holy Martyr Valentine of Caesarea is often depicted on icons with a cross and ears of wheat, which is not only a symbol of Christian believers, but also a sign of any endeavors.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea


In our network, it has become possible to submit notes to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Holy Land) for a prayer service for forgiveness of the sin of abortion at the holy relics of the Bethlehem babies. More details:

July 29. Congratulations to the birthday girl Alevtina (MC. Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea)

Saint Alevtina (Valentina) of Caesarea (Palestine), martyr

Together with the sister of St. Martyr Chionia and St. Martyr Paul was from Egypt. During the persecution of Christians by Emperor Maximin (305-313), they were first condemned to hard work in the quarries, then, together with other confessors of Christ, they were brought to Caesarea in Palestine, where, after the most terrible tortures, the holy sisters of the martyr Alevtina and Chionia were burned, and the saint Martyr Paul was beheaded by the sword. The saints suffered in 308.

Oh, long-suffering and wise martyr of Christ Valentino! Now, in honor of your holy memory, we, sinners and unworthy ones, diligently run to you and pray with the tenderness of our hearts. You loved our Sweetest Lord Jesus Christ more than all earthly blessings, and you faithfully followed Him through all your life, nourishing your soul with Divine grace. Ask us also from Christ God for the grace that enlightens us, so that we may be overshadowed by it in faith and piety, and in the labors of chastity and love we will succeed and serve Christ in His neighbors by sweating without laziness. Pray to Christ the Savior that we may also be vouchsafed to complete our earthly journey in this time without stumbling, and to end our life in peace and repentance, so that having lived on earth, we will be vouchsafed eternal and blessed life in heaven, and there together with you and with all the saints we will praise The Trinity is Consubstantial and indivisible, and let us sing the One Divinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Your all-honorable temple, as if you have found spiritual healing, all the faithful cry out loudly to you, the great martyr Valentina, pray to Christ God unceasingly for all of us.

Your Lamb, Jesus, Valentina calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified, and I am buried in Your Baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, for I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You, but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, sacrificed to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

A gift for the birthday girl Alevtina - a body icon of St. Alevtina (Valentina) made of gold or a handwritten icon of St. Alevtina.

You can give an icon of St. Alevtina to your church; such a gift will always find its rightful place in it.

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