Celibacy - what is it, why is it harmful and good for health?

The word “celibates” is translated from Latin as “unmarried.” Essentially, this means celibacy. A person - man or woman - voluntarily renounces marital relations and physical contacts with persons of the opposite sex. There are different attitudes, understandings, and interpretations of the concept to the phenomenon of celibacy, both in former times and in modern society. Some people consider celibacy to be a conscious physical limitation of a person. Others interpret the phenomenon as a spiritual act of an individual. Still others perceive action as a fashionable trend that promotes self-development.

Understanding the essence of the celibacy paradigm is both simple and difficult at the same time. Especially if we consider the phenomenon from a woman’s point of view. A brief historical excursion and analysis of the views on the issue under consideration of various religions, documents, and Orthodox figures will help with this.

Historical fact

The first mention of celibacy is contained in the rules of the Council of Elvira, dating back to the 4th century. Priests were required to observe a vow of celibacy for life. Violators were forever excommunicated from the church and even on their deathbed could not receive forgiveness. Ancient documents do not contain information about female celibacy.

Female celibacy was considered in the context of maintaining purity of soul and body - the absence of relationships with men before marriage and in the event of the death of a spouse. There were no strict consequences for violating chastity for women, as there were for church ministers. The vow of celibacy had no ritual content. It was perceived as an established moral norm.

The vows that have existed since pagan times are still widespread throughout the world.


  • Mae (Mau), E., Elements du droit romain
  • Accarias, Pré cis du droit romain
  • Heineccius, Ad legem Juliam et Papiam
  • Riviere, Des successions en droit romain
  • Chavard, abbot, Le célibat des prètres et ses consé quances
    , Geneva, 1874.
  • Smith and Chi Dictionary of Christian antiquities
    , London, 1875.
  • Schmidt, Histoire de l'Eglise d'Occident pendant le moyen âgê
    , Paris, 1885.
  • Augustin Theiner, Die Einf ührung d er erzwungenen Ehelosigkeit bei den christlichen Geistlichen und ihre Folgen
    , 2 vols., Altenburg, 1828 (2nd ed. 1845).
  • Lanrin, Der Celibat der Gelistlichen nach kanonischen Recht
    , Vienna, 1880.
  • Lea, Henry, An historical sketch of sacerdotal celibacy in the Christian church
    , Boston, 1884.
  • Von Schulte, Der Coelibatzwang und dessen Aufhebung
    , Bonn, 1876.
  • Holtzendorf, Der Priestercoelibat
    , Berlin, 1875.

Modern understanding

Nowadays, celibacy is a vow of celibacy taken for religious reasons or other reasons. More often considered as a constituent element of the professed faith. The following examples show this.

  • Buddhist monks do not create families for the sake of spiritual enlightenment, improvement, and growth.
  • Hinduism provides for permanent or temporary renunciation of intimate relationships.
  • Catholic priests are prohibited from marrying.
  • In Orthodoxy, only the rank of bishop is available to monks or celibate priests. Other church ministers have the right to have a family. The vow of celibacy can be taken either temporarily or permanently.

Unlike ancient foundations, modern world religions do not consider a relationship between a man and a woman sinful if it is approved by God - the couple is in a church marriage. To take a vow, it is not necessary to be a minister of the church, and the gender of the person does not matter. The primary message is the desire to devote life to serving God. Do not distract the attention of the soul and body to everyday worries about the family and children.

Other people accept celibacy in order to distance themselves from the bustle of the world and lead a solitary life. Such a decision is not always dictated solely by religious beliefs. For example, many modern women, a similar phenomenon is especially common in India, refuse to get married or enter into relationships with men in order to devote themselves to what they love. Having pacified the flesh, they serve people - they teach in schools, give lectures, and conduct meditation classes. The main goal of such celibacy is to know oneself, the world around us, serve others, and self-development.

What are clergymen like?

You need to know the answer to this question in order to understand whether priests can get married. The clergy are divided into three levels of hierarchy:

  • the first of them is the deacon;
  • the second is a priest, who is also a presbyter;
  • the third is a bishop or bishop.

The deacon helps priests and bishops conduct divine services; he has no right to do this on his own. A deacon can belong to both the white and black clergy (be a monk).

The priest has the right to perform both divine services and sacraments. The only exception is ordination. He may also be a monk.

The duties of a bishop include overseeing the clergy of the diocese, of which he is the head, as well as the flock. The bishop also heads the clergy of the temple or monastery. He may have various major government degrees. This is about:

  • patriarch;
  • Metropolitan;
  • archbishop;
  • Exarche.

The bishop is elected only from among the monastic clergy.

Having decided on the degrees of the priesthood, you can find out the answer to the question whether a priest of the Orthodox Church can get married.

Celibacy in Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy has a philosophically interesting attitude towards celibacy. Religion simultaneously encourages marriage and refusal of marriage. The paradox is that fundamentally different ways of human behavior are based on a single spirituality.

The rules of the VI Ecumenical Council, published in 680, reveal a special attitude towards marriage. The point is this. Jesus includes two natures - divine (being the only begotten Son of God) and human (having incarnation on earth). Man, being the image and likeness of the Creator, has two wills: divine - the highest and his own - human. Moreover, as in Christ, one nature does not contradict the other, but both are inseparably and invariably connected. So it is in a person - personal desires should not contradict the inner Divine will.

The Orthodox Church welcomes people's natural need for love and creating a family, if this is done in accordance with God's Commandments. At the same time, he advocates for the spiritual desire of the individual to devote his life entirely to serving God - to accept celibacy

First practice of celibacy

In the Russian Orthodox Church, the practice of celibacy begins with the person of Alexander Vasilyevich Gorsky. From a young age he devoted his life to the study of Orthodox teaching. He voluntarily maintained his virginity from birth, but due to his personal convictions he did not become a monk.

In the pre-revolutionary years, there was no better candidate for the position of rector of the Moscow Theological Academy. But Gorsky, being a layman, for canonical reasons could not head the theological school. Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Philaret convinced him to appeal to the Synod with a petition for celibate ordination. At the same time, he accompanied the petition with a treatise “On adding to the works of the holy fathers and teachers of the church.” This is how the practice of celibacy was first applied in Orthodoxy. Having received church rank, Professor Gorsky headed the Academy and led it for many years.

Important Note

The Church does not consider the vow of celibacy outside the context of religion. The laity can accept celibacy, but such an act will be pleasing to God only if one devotes oneself to Him.

Some people, by renouncing marriage or intimate relationships, believe that they are doing a good deed. Meanwhile, they lead a non-Christian lifestyle - they lie, curse, drink, be self-willed - they violate Christ’s Commandments. This behavior has nothing to do with Orthodoxy. Rather, it demonstrates the manifestation of sins such as pride, selfishness, gluttony, and idleness.

In addition, when a person takes a vow of celibacy and does not devote himself to God, he violates the Lord’s instructions written in the Gospel - “be fruitful and multiply.”

Danger of reaction

You need to watch your reactions. Indriyas, which are under strict control for a year or two, can cause you to rebel. When the opportunity arises, they will rise up and pull you along with them. Some people who remain celibate for one or two years become more passionate and eventually suffer a serious loss of energy and fall. Some of them completely lose their moral character.

You should not labor under the delusion that you have completely eradicated lust by changing your diet a little, practicing Pranayama and doing a little Japa and there is nothing more for you to do. Temptation can overtake you at any moment. Constant vigilance and strict sadhana are very important.

You can abstain from intercourse for several months and years, but there should be no sexual desire or attraction for the opposite sex.

The state of mental celibacy must be maintained even in the midst of temptations and illnesses. Only then are you safe. The senses begin to rebel during illness and also when you come into contact with objects of the senses.

You cannot achieve perfect celibacy without much effort. Just as a machine gun is necessary to kill a powerful enemy, so constant, strict and powerful Sadhana is necessary to destroy that powerful enemy, lust. You should not be proud of your short periods of celibacy. You must be aware of your shortcomings and you must constantly strive to get rid of them. The highest efforts are required. Then you will have success in this direction.

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Features of female celibacy

The Lord gave the woman chastity and modesty. The human race depends on how she uses this gift. A woman's inner strength lies in her outer weakness. Female celibacy is usually associated with monasticism. But that's not true. Indeed, having accepted monasticism, a woman vows not to have a relationship with a man, not to marry, not to give birth to children. Such a desire is dictated by the inner will to devote life to God. This will is based on the urge of the soul to maintain purity - heart, thoughts, body. This is why the monastic feat is called that because worldly needs and desires are sacrificed to acquire the joy of the soul. Sacrifice does not mean violent action. This is good will. Therefore, the church does not approve of the desire of other women to “enter a monastery” due to unsuccessful relationships or disappointment in men.

Meanwhile, one should not equate female celibacy with monasticism. The foundations of Orthodox life require women not to have relationships with the opposite sex outside of marriage - this is considered a sin. Therefore, believing women remain celibate in the hope of finding a marital relationship pleasing to God.

In essence, the vow of female celibacy is no different from male celibacy. Some difference is seen in the reason for the action - in the Orthodox Church, women do not accept the rank of bishop, which prescribes celibacy without fail.

Video on the topic: Torsunov O. G. about celibacy

How to Practice Abstinence

Don't think about the opposite sex. Don't look at the opposite sex. Looking at the opposite sex will create a desire to talk to them. The conversation will awaken the desire to touch them. Eventually you will have an impure mind and it will fall victim. Therefore, never look at the opposite sex. A brahmachari should avoid private conversations.

The look should be completely chaste and pure. The Lord Jesus says, “If you have a lustful look, you have already committed adultery in your heart.” Lustful looks and thinking, “wet dreams” are all failures or breaks in celibacy. Be chaste in your appearance. Be chaste in your conversations. See the mother in all women. Develop sublime, divine thoughts. Chant the Lord's name and meditate regularly. You will be established in celibacy.

There are four processes in the practice of celibacy. First control the impulse of lust and vasana (sensual desire). Then practice conservation of energy. Turn off any openings through which electricity flows. Then transfer the stored energy into proper spiritual channels through Japa, Kirtan, selfless service, Pranayama (breath control practice), study, vigilance, introspection, introspection and Vichara. Then the conversion or sublimation of energy occurs. Let it be transformed into Ojas (spiritual energy) or Brahma Tejas (spiritual halo) through constant meditation or Brahma Chintana (remembrance of God).

According to yogic science, seminal fluid exists in subtle form throughout the body. It is found in a subtle state in all cells of the body. It is removed and transformed into a rough form under the influence of excitement. An Urdhvareta Yogi (one who has accumulated seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy) not only converts it into Ojas, but also controls his yogic power, due to purity of thought, word and deed, self-formation of seminal plasma by secretory cells or testes . This is a great secret.

Allopaths believe that even in Urdhvareta Yoga the formation of seminal plasma occurs continuously and that the liquid is absorbed into the blood. This is mistake. They do not understand the inner yogic secrets and mysteries. They are in the dark. Their Drishti or vision is related to the gross things of the Universe. The yogi penetrates into the subtle hidden nature of things through the yogic chaksa or inner vision of wisdom. The yogi gains control over the astral nature of the seminal fluid and thereby prevents its formation.

Modern attitudes towards female celibacy

Nowadays, women often refuse family relationships. It is difficult to explain what caused this decision. Society has different attitudes towards this phenomenon. Some believe that this is a tribute to fashion, others see desperation in the hope of starting a family, others believe that the decision is dictated by a sincere desire to devote oneself to serving God.

When considering the situation from the perspective of Orthodoxy, the following must be taken into account. In Christianity, female celibacy is not just a refusal to marry, but the ability to find harmony, peace, and joy in this state. The absence of marital relations implies leading a Christian lifestyle - keeping the commandments, daily prayer, helping others, visiting church. Without this, the declaration and actual renunciation of marriage have no relation to Orthodox female celibacy.

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Research results

According to a study by Professor Mapelli, 60% of Catholic priests have serious sexual problems, 30% constantly violate their vow of celibacy, and only 10% strictly observe it. This suggests that it is from these 60% that the army of pedophiles and maniacs in robes is replenished. Polish professor Jozef Baniak conducted a survey of 823 Catholic priests and found that celibacy has the most negative impact on a person’s physical health and psyche. It causes stress, leads to loneliness and makes people angry and withdrawn.

Sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests became known back in the mid-20th century. Now this problem is so widespread that the Catholic Church in the United States has its own “security service.” Its head, Terry McKiernan, said that 14 thousand children were victims of clergy. Currently, they have received more than $2.5 billion in lawsuits from perverted priests.

Principles and tenets of serving your husband

A woman's true nature is revealed in selfless devotion to her husband.

Only if she observes the basic principles of service and follows certain postulates, can she become truly happy and protected from any adversity in life, surrounded by the attention and favor of her husband

A chaste woman should follow these principles:

  1. The desire to become your man’s closest friend, with whom he can always share his most intimate things.
  2. The ability to share his sorrows and problems with her husband, support him in difficult situations and inspire him to take serious actions that correspond to his capabilities.
  3. Respect and respect for your husband. Thanks to this, he will provide his wife with more opportunities to participate in solving his problems. In this case, the man begins to treat his wife more intimately.
  4. Self-control in relationships with your husband, even if any misunderstandings arise. Thanks to this, a woman will receive support from a man in all her affairs.
  5. Constantly wanting the best for your husband and using only pleasant words towards him. Thanks to this principle, the wife will earn great favor on his part; her ears will never be touched by the foul language that comes from the man’s tongue.

The postulates of service are the rules that trigger creative processes in the family. Essentially, these are five pillars, each of which is fundamental, that is, relying on any of them, a woman will receive favor and respect from a man.

The main rules on how to behave chastely:

  1. Intimate service to your husband, deeply understanding him as a person.
  2. Kindness, respect for your man, desire to smooth out conflicts.
  3. Maintaining good relationships with friends and relatives of the husband.
  4. Sharing with your spouse the vows you have taken on yourself.
  5. Loyalty.

This video will help you learn more about the principles of serving your husband.

Theory and practice

People talk about celibacy, but few practice it. A life of abstinence comes with challenges.

It's easy to tame a tiger or a lion or an elephant. Cobra is easy to play with. It's easy to walk on fire. It's easy to climb the Himalayas. It's easy to get victory on the battlefield. But it is difficult to eradicate lust.

However, you don't need to despair. Have faith in God, in His name and in His mercy. You are destined for success if you believe in Him. Human effort alone is not enough. Divine grace is necessary. Lust cannot be completely eradicated from the mind except by the grace of the Lord. God helps those who help themselves.

Lack of spiritual Sadhana is the root cause of all sensual attractions. Mere theoretical abstinence from sensuality will not bring you good results. You should mercilessly cut off all formalities in social life and lead a pious life. Indulgence in inner low inclinations will lead you into the realm of suffering. Excuses won't work in this case. You must be sincere in your spiritual search. Lack of seriousness will leave you in your old state of misery.

Forms of chastity

Another misconception is that this phenomenon only applies to premarital relationships, when in fact it exists in marriage, widowhood and virginity.


It is understood as fidelity between spouses, in which there is no resort to unnatural sexual practices. In this case, the woman’s wisdom is complemented by the man’s cleared mind.

This form of marital virtue implies mutual purity not only in actions, but also in thoughts, and this applies not only to the sexual sphere. Mutual marital fidelity and respect for one's other half is the key to virtuous offspring, who will absorb the love and purity of their parents.


This form involves maintaining fidelity to the deceased spouse, preserving the image of the deceased in the soul or filling one’s heart with love for God.

There are many examples when people who have lost a loved one realized the temporary nature of earthly separation before the coming eternal union in heaven. Thus, they strengthened their feelings of love and devotion many times over, compared to those they had experienced before, during this person’s life.


This is the preservation of one’s innocence and integrity before entering into a marital relationship, both on the part of the girl and on the part of the boy. Integrity here is meant in the same way as maintaining the period of maturation, cultivating spiritual inner strength, which in its pure form can be passed on to one’s children.

It is important not to spill your spiritual strength, not to lose the ability to love with all your heart, to maintain the refinement of feelings, and to convey this full cup to the one for whom it is intended. There are many examples when people at first adhered to open relationships without obligations and any tender feelings, and later wanted to love their one and only, whom they finally met, but could not, since they had long ago spent all the strength of their soul

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