Is it possible to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person, go to the cemetery on this day, remember, light a candle? What should you do on the birthday of the deceased?

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Every person sooner or later loses a loved one. Unfortunately, this happens in every family. After experiencing grief, many begin to think about how to properly celebrate the funeral, on what days and what to do on the birthday of the deceased. We will try to understand this issue below.

The mystery of death

Death is the most mysterious phenomenon for humans. All people know about its inevitability and at the same time try to isolate themselves from thoughts about it. But sooner or later everyone inevitably comes face to face with death. We all lose family and friends. If a person believes in the immortality of the soul, he begins to wonder what can now be done for the deceased. In particular, questions arise about the birthday of the deceased. How is the birthday of a deceased person celebrated? How to remember the deceased on his birthday? Let's answer these questions.

Orthodox cemetery

“Oh, death! how bitter is the memory of you for a person who lives calmly in his possessions, for a person who is not bothered by anything and is happy in everything and is still able to eat food” (Sir. 41:1).

How to behave in a churchyard

The Church does not welcome the pagan custom of bringing food or drinks to a cemetery, or leaving food at the grave of a deceased person. You cannot eat in the churchyard, or have a communal meal, as it were, this is a relic from before the Christian era.

If parents take their children with them, then they need to explain the rules of behavior in advance - tell them that they cannot run around the cemetery, take sweets or drinks from other people’s graves, laugh, or listen to loud music.

According to the teachings of the Church, there are no souls of the dead in graveyards, since they have moved on; coming to burials brings benefits to living people. This is a place where you can revive the memory of your departed relatives and friends, and think about the fleeting nature of earthly life. Once again, realize that it is impossible to take your career, houses and money with you to the next world. You need to understand that you need to live in such a way that you don’t later regret missed opportunities to do good, forgive those who offend you, and ask for forgiveness yourself. Hurry before it’s too late to go to the temple and get closer to God.

Christ conquered death!

The Lord created man for an eternal joyful life in the Garden of Eden. However, the sinful poison that the first people tasted poisoned the human body with decay and death. As it is said in the Old Testament book of the Wisdom of Solomon:

“God created man for incorruptibility and made him the image of His eternal existence; but through the envy of the devil death entered the world, and those who belong to his inheritance experience it” (Book of the Wisdom of Solomon, 2–23, 24).

Man doomed himself to eternal torment far from God and His Love. But everything changes with the coming of Christ into the world. The Cross became the door to heaven. The instrument of execution on which Jesus Christ voluntarily sacrificed himself for the sins of mankind.

“The death of the Lord gave us immortality; Having descended into hell, He crushed its forces and destroyed its power” (St. John Chrysostom).

The resurrected Christ abolished death, giving immortality of soul to those who believe in Him.

"Death! where is your sting? hell! where is your victory? (1 Cor. 15:55) - the Christian world solemnly exclaims through the mouth of the Apostle Paul. And through two millennia, encouraging words sound:

“I am the resurrection and the life; He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:25-26).

How to find out whether a person has died or not: ways to obtain information and to whom it is given

For various reasons, questions may arise about how to find out about a person's death. Let's figure out what options and ways to find out about this without a personal invitation to the funeral.

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Required set of information for search

The more information, the better, of course, but without a certain minimum, you can’t even get your hopes up and immediately throw this idea out of your head. The minimum list of information includes:

  1. Last name, first name and patronymic. These are basic concepts, but if you only know the nickname from the area of ​​a possible deceased person, then the chances of obtaining information are significantly reduced. Sometimes you can do without a middle name, so this fact can also be neglected.
  2. Date of birth information. This will help to significantly reduce the search range and increase the chances of finding information.
  3. Residence address. Also a good help to start your search, especially if you are going to act on your own.
  4. Photo of a person. A good basis for detective agencies, which will additionally have an idea of ​​​​the appearance of the lost person.

Where to contact

If you have a minimal list of information in your head, then all that remains is to decide on a place to contact that will help satisfy your interest.


Information about a person’s death is possessed by the registry office, which conducts not only bright and solemn wedding ceremonies, but also registers both the beginning and the end of people’s lives, which is what we need. The registry office is one of the simplest options for finding out whether a person has died or not , so the first thing you should do is contact here.

Reference. Various data about situations that happen to a person throughout life and are recorded in this institution, from birth to death, are stored for 100 years.

Here, knowledge of the person’s full name and the address of his last place of residence will be useful to you, since it is advisable to contact the registry office at this address. To obtain the desired information, you will need to fill out a request and give it to an employee of the authority.

To gain access to information, you must also be a legally competent adult.

As practice shows, in many cases the registry office employees try to help, but if you are a third party who does not have evidence of family ties with the wanted person, they may refuse.

Therefore, it is worth focusing on documents that would confirm the relationship.

But it’s still worth trying your luck and using this method, this is still not the Ministry of Internal Affairs, here you can press for pity by telling the story and reasons for the search or by providing a small thank-you gift for your assistance and assistance.

This procedure is paid , but it costs a penny - 50 rubles, this is the established state fee.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

If in the registry office, kinship is an optional but desirable fact, then in the Ministry of Internal Affairs it is a necessary condition. In any case, if you are a relative of a wanted person, then it is better to go straight to the registry office, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs will most likely send you there, but do not rush to consider such behavior impudent and rude, the employees are simply loaded with a mountain of other important matters.

But if the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs greet you kindly, then the process remains similar, you need to leave an application, knowing your full name. and the date of birth of the person you are looking for, having with you an identity card and documents confirming relationship (for example, a birth certificate).

Detective agency

If you do not want to burden yourself with independent searches, then a good option for you would be to contact detective/search agencies.

In such an institution, they provide complete information as quickly as possible (in the event of death, even about where the person is buried, in order to clearly verify this fact).

The only downside, perhaps, is that this method is quite expensive financially, although it pays for this nuance with its effectiveness.

What information do you need to have to contact the agency? Often a few data from this list is enough, but more of them significantly increases the possibilities:

  1. FULL NAME. and date of birth.
  2. Last residential address.
  3. Passport details, TIN.
  4. Information from your driver's license or car number.
  5. Place of work or study.

We suggest that you resort to this method only if you have already contacted the registry office or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, used your own potential as an investigator, that is, tried to search on the Internet, or if you have money, but the Internet is incomprehensible to you.

This method wins over others , since, in addition to publicly available search methods, search agencies can use unique sources inaccessible to ordinary people, for example, connections with government agencies, personal databases and others.

Another advantage is that the services of a private detective can be used via the Internet. Without leaving your home, you can provide all the information by paying for the detective’s work also online, and expect information.

Detective agencies can easily fool you, find you a namesake and remain on the side of the law, so before contacting them, you should read reviews on the Internet or find out from friends.

Internet search

The Internet is a large information network of necessary and not so necessary things. Therefore, searching on the Internet is another effective and efficient way to find out whether a person has died or not.

Various sites that assure you that they will find the necessary information in a couple of minutes and using any available data. It sounds sweet, but not everything is so smooth, this is most likely an ordinary advertising bait that, if it doesn’t cost you money, will simply take your time.

The vast majority of such services are common scams. Since honest services are atomic particles among a large stream of deception, it is better to leave this method right away. If you really use it, then only at the very last and hopeless moment.

But an excellent and completely free way would be to use the power of social networks , or rather, the information that people like to divulge to the whole world. How to search?

You need to go to popular social networks in Russia (these include “VKontakte” and “”), search by last name and first name of the person you are interested in and see the user’s latest activity.

If you haven’t logged into your account for a long time , haven’t published any photos, then things are bad, but if the account is full of activity , then you can immediately contact the person you are interested in.

If you haven’t found the account or it’s inactive , then try to find his acquaintances, friends and family and contact them. For example, if you know that the missing person has a child, then try to find him on social networks.

Search through relatives

Contacting relatives is another available option. Knowing the location or contacts of at least one relative or acquaintance, you can easily start a chain of searching for reliable information - as mentioned above, you can use the Internet to find relatives.

Be prepared for the fact that there is a chance to encounter the problem of closeness of relatives , because such curiosity can cause a wary and negative reaction without an answer. But sometimes, by the unexpected reaction of relatives, you can understand their emotional state, which will give them a silent but understandable answer.

Life after death

Jesus Christ took upon himself the sinful burden that drives people away from God. He gave the key to the immortality of the soul:

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life and does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life” (John 5:24).

He who listens to Christ is one who has tried to keep His commandments. He gave love, performed acts of mercy, participated in the Sacraments and repented of his sins. A person who constantly goes towards the Lord on earth will be met by Christ in the afterlife.

“Those who carefully strive in virtue, moving away from this life, are truly, as it were, released into freedom from suffering and bonds” (St. John Chrysostom).

The soul, which hid from the Divine Light in earthly life, will be blinded when it finds itself face to face with Him. She will be attracted to the usual darkness of passions and sinful inclinations.

“Just as the blind, who do not see the shining sun, although completely illuminated from all sides by it, are nevertheless outside the light, being removed from it by sense and sight. So the Divine light of the Trinity is in “everything.” But sinners, imprisoned in darkness, and among him will not see him and have absolutely no divine knowledge and feeling, but scorched and condemned by their own conscience, they will have unspeakable torment and inexpressible sorrow forever” (Rev. Simeon the New Theologian).

However, the final fate of the soul is not decided until the Day of Judgment. It is then that sinful people will forever be separated from the righteous and removed from the Lord.

“The peace of the righteous and the sorrowful state of sinners, until the day of general judgment, is not a complete reward, but each departed soul, after the preliminary judgment over it, remains still awaiting either the full abundance of eternal joys or more severe eternal torments” (Metropolitan Sergius (Lyapidevsky) .

After parting with the body, the soul can no longer bear the fruits of repentance. But our prayerful memory of them can do this for our deceased relatives.

Unexpected information from the registry office - what valuable information can you learn there?

Greetings, dear readers!

Today we’ll figure out what valuable things can be found in the civil registry office (civil registry office).

A little theory:

Civil registry offices immediately after the 1917 revolution replaced churches in registering births, marriages and deaths. The old procedure for maintaining these records was abolished by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR “On civil marriage, on children and on maintaining books of deeds” in December 1917.

I have already told you how registers of parishes were kept in churches before the revolution and what information we can find there. Now let's look at the registry offices.

What lies on the surface

Records of births, marriages, divorces, name changes, adoptions and deaths, of course, contain basic data:

Full name of the subject (child, bride-groom, deceased, etc.), date of the event, place of the event (where the child was born, where the marriage was, where the person died), information about relatives (for a child - about parents) or witnesses (for a marriage ).

This can be seen in any certificate - open yours and check.

But that's not all. If you dig deeper, it turns out that there is also information that civil registry office employees record, but they are not included in the certificates. And this could be invaluable data.


What else can you find in the registry office

For example, let's take a Birth Certificate

. It basically contains the following information:

  • Full name, date and place of birth of the child;
  • Full name and citizenship of parents;
  • date of compilation and record number of the birth certificate;
  • place of state registration of birth;
  • date of issue of the birth certificate.

This is all clear. But each certificate is made on the basis of a birth certificate. And it already contains much more:

  • Full name, gender, date and place of birth of the child;
  • number of children born
    (one, twins or more children);
  • information about the document confirming the fact of the child’s birth;
  • Full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, nationality
    (optional), place of residence
    of parents
  • information about the document that is the basis for entering information about the father;
  • Full name and place of residence of the applicant
    or the name and legal address of the body or organization that declared the birth of the child;
  • series and number of the issued birth certificate.

I highlighted especially valuable data in bold: addresses, dates. That is, by examining the birth record of an ancestor, we will find the birth dates of his parents and their address.

The situation is similar with death records. The death certificate itself

contains very basic things. But the entry in the book is much more interesting. In it we will additionally find:

  • Full name, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, nationality
    , date and place of death of the deceased;
  • cause of death (usually based on a medical certificate);
  • Full name and place of residence of the applicant
    or the name and legal address of the body, organization or institution that made the declaration of death (usually this is a close relative who deals with all organizational issues after the death of a relative);
  • Full name and place of residence
    of the person to whom the death certificate was issued.

Look at the bold font. Really, this is a completely different calico?

That is, by requesting a death certificate, you can find out the address of the place of residence and the name of the relative who registered the death. This is so helpful!

I will not go into the same detail about marriage and name change records. But both there and there you can find a good piece of unknown information about your relative.

How to get all this?

This information can be obtained by requesting an extract from the civil registry book or a birth certificate from the registry office.

True, depending on your luck, they may say everything, or they may not. And then you will have to beg and negotiate, proving your relationship and your right to receive this data. This also happens.

And don’t forget that the registry office issues everything only after paying the state fee (200 or 400 rubles in different cases). So first find out if the information is available and whether it will be issued, then go to Sberbank, pay the fee, return to the registry office - and the treasured certificate is in your hands!

Advice for beginners (you definitely didn't know this)

Information about a person’s birth will not be given to you just like that. Personal data law, you understand. BUT!

If you have in your hands a certificate (or certificate) of the death of this person, then the law on personal data no longer applies - and the death certificate will be issued calmly. Like the man died, why protect his personality?

So always start with death certificates. This is a reliable way.

And the second piece of advice for beginners. no less useful

If some kind of civil registration happened in your family in another city/region, do not despair. There is absolutely no need to go there.

Make a written request to the registry office of that locality with a request to send a copy of the certificate or certificate to the registry office convenient for you (be sure to indicate the address!). They have their own internal communication and will forward the document to the address you provide. All you have to do is pay the state fee and go pick up the paper.

What is the photo in the title of the post?

This is my grandmother's grave, which is located in Riga. My grandmother died there and my mother grew up there. Because my grandfather (a military man) served there after the war.


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How to celebrate the birthday of a deceased person

Death, as a transition from earthly life to eternity, does not terminate the existence of the soul.

“God is not the God of the dead, but of the living” (Matthew 22:31). Many people have experience confirming these words. After all, our love for departed people does not end at the moment of their physical death. It finds its expression in our prayerful memory of the departed.

It is not for nothing that the Orthodox Church has established special days of remembrance of the dead.

This is the third, ninth, fortieth day from the date of death, parental Saturdays, Radonitsa. In addition, it is customary to especially remember departed relatives on the day of their death. That is, at the moment of their birth for a new eternal life. On the day of Epiphany, when a new Christian was born. And on the birthday of the deceased, when his soul appeared in this world.

“On birthdays or Angel’s Day, we pray for the departed because we remember and love them. And if during our lives we prayed for the health of our loved ones, then after their death we ask God for their salvation” (Priest John Kokhanov).

Birthday is the first point on a person’s path to God. And a person will always be reverent about the moment when his eyes first saw this world. Commemoration on the birthday of the deceased is a tribute to memory and respect, spiritual connection and prayerful support. This is a manifestation of our love, which does not end even after mortal separation. Priest Georgy Kharin emphasizes:

“The most important thing is not to lose your inner connection with this person. Don’t forget him, do something good in memory of him.”

Church commemorations

You can remember the deceased on any day or his birthday by ordering in the church:

  • A memorial service is a special short service conducted by a priest in a temple, cemetery church, or at the grave of the deceased. There is an individual memorial service - for burial, on the 3rd, 9th, 40th day and, if necessary, on any other day after the fortieth day. And the general one - on Parents' Saturdays and Radonitsa, when all departed Christians are remembered;
  • Litiya - intense prayer for the deceased outside the church, usually in a cemetery (it is also possible for the living, in serious circumstances);
  • A short remembrance is to order a mass (once during the liturgy), a sorokoust (services for 40 days), a six-month, an annual remembrance, and an eternal remembrance (in monasteries).

After church prayer, you can go to the graveyard, visit the grave, plant grass, flowers, the man needs to renew the cross or monument. It is not forbidden to note the date of birth of the deceased at the table, together with close people, remember him, say a few kind words or remember some events associated with him. The main thing is that the funeral dinner does not turn into a rich feast, when the guests themselves do not remember why they decided to celebrate.

Church prayer for the deceased on his birthday

The birthday of the deceased is another reason to show love for him and prayerfully honor his memory.

“The duty of love to our neighbors obliges us to pray for the departed who have passed into eternity. <…> By praying for the departed, we thereby testify to our love for them, express compassion and mercy” (Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov).

Therefore, to the question: “how is the birthday of a deceased person celebrated?” There is a clear answer - you need to pray. They pray both in private prayer at home and in congregation in church.

The apogee of all church life is the Divine Liturgy. On it, bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ, sacrificed to atone for sins. Therefore, as St. Cyril of Jerusalem writes:

“Great will be the benefit of the souls for whom prayer is offered at the time when the Holy and Terrible Sacrifice is offered.”

The tradition of commemorating deceased relatives dates back to apostolic times, as St. John Chrysostom reminds us:

“It was not in vain that the apostles legitimized the creation of memory of those who died during the performance of the Terrible Sacraments. They knew that there would be great benefit for the dead, that they would receive much benefit from this. When all the people stand with outstretched hands, and a host of priests with them; when the Terrible Sacrifice is presented, how can we not appease God by praying for those people?”

In addition to commemoration at the proskomedia, you can order a memorial service. This is a special service in which they pray for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased and granting them peace in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Priest Philip Ilyashenko speaks figuratively about the importance and necessity of church commemoration of the departed:

“You can compare this (commemoration in Church) with how you need to wash your hands when you come home, but this is not enough, sooner or later you need to go to the shower or to the bathhouse. Thus, the crown and meaning of everything that happens in the Church is the sacrament of the Divine Eucharist, the liturgy, when we remember the living and the dead, when we partake of the Body and Blood of Christ.”

How to find out the date of death of a person by last name

One of the most common topics in numerology is determining the date of your own death. It is impossible to know the exact number, but you can find out approximately. Numerologists told how to find out the date of death of a person by last name or date of birth using simple calculations.

Numerology will help you find out the date of death of a person

Methods for calculating the date of death

Numerology offers two ways to calculate estimated death:

  • by last name and first name;
  • by date of birth.

They can be used to calculate your own or someone else's date of death. To do this, the exact numbers of the date of birth are taken, as well as the person’s last name in Russian or Latin. The last name must be presented in full, as printed on the documents. The name may not be complete; a more accurate forecast will be obtained based on the nickname used daily.

By first and last name

The person's first and last name are converted into a numerical equivalent. For calculation accuracy, you can add a middle name.

A I S b1A.J.S.
V K U L3C.L.U.

Followed by:

  1. Take data - Kolya Ivanov. Based on the table, convert all letters into their numerical equivalent.
  2. Sum everything up: 1 (I) + 3 (B) + 1 (A) + 6 (H) + 7 (O) + 3 (B) + 3 (K) + 7 (O) + 4 (L) + 6 ( I) = 41. If the calculation seems unreliable, then the person’s middle name is added. You can count using both columns; the discrepancy in the date in Russian and Latin letters will be small.
  3. Numerology interprets numbers from 1 to 9. Therefore, the resulting value should be brought to the desired number: 41 = 4 + 1 = 5.
  4. The number of human deaths is 5. Next you need to look at the interpretation of this number.

If the passport name is very different from the home name (Irina and Irusya), then two calculations are carried out. The same as with a recent change of surname or patronymic.

By date of birth

This is one of the most common numerology calculations. A person’s date of birth is his individual code.

To calculate, take the date, month, year. All initial numbers are summed to a single digit number from 1 to 9. Then you can find out the interpretation of the resulting value.

Everything must be clear. You cannot write approximate dates or confuse the month, in which case the date of death will be calculated incorrectly.

Calculation example: date of birth May 27 (05) 1992; sum of all digits: 2 + 7 + 0 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 35; sum to a single digit: 3 + 5 = 8. The number for this date of birth is 8.

Birth numbers will show the estimated time of death

Interpretation of numeric values

Number 1. Death will occur naturally from old age. A person will die at the age of 85+. You shouldn’t worry about trifles; this number is not afraid of tragedies or accidents.

Number 2. The person will die an unnatural death. There is something to worry about here. Causes of possible death: murder, health problems, accident, etc. Critical years - 8, 10, 13, 67 and 68.

Number 3. Half of your life will pass quietly and peacefully. After 45 years, you should pay attention to everything, especially your health. Death will be hard.

Number 4. A person is a long-liver; such people often exceed 90 years of age. They have health problems in their later years, but fortune is on their side.

Number 5. It is worth paying attention to such years - 4, 8, 9, 16, 18, 34, 44, 47, 56. In these years there is a possibility of a tragic accident. All other years will pass calmly and carefree.

Number 6. They have several risky years - 5, 34 and 45. During these years, all attention should be focused on health. Sixes do not have a presumable age of death; if they lead the right lifestyle, there is a chance of living to an old age.

Number 7. All your life you should beware of fire and water. Critical periods - 1, 18, 23, 28, 44. Vigilance and caution will help avoid danger.

Number 8. Bad value. Eights have a difficult life. Death awaits them literally everywhere. Every year is critical.

Number 9. Nine has a short life ahead of it, which will end abruptly and painlessly. The critical years are 23 and 25. They must pay attention to everything, this will increase the chances of prolonging their existence.


Prayer for loved ones: how the birthday of a deceased person is celebrated at home

People who have passed away from earthly life need only one thing - sincere prayer for them. Therefore, in addition to prayer in Church on the birthday of the deceased, it is necessary to remember him in a private address to the Lord.

“When you pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased, force yourself to pray for him with all your soul, remembering that this is your essential duty, and not that of the priest and cleric alone” (Righteous John of Kronstadt).

There is a pious tradition of reading the Psalter for the departed. This book consists of spiritual psalm songs written by the Old Testament King David and other authors.

“Reading the psalter in memory of the departed undoubtedly brings them great consolation. <...> It brings them great benefit, for it is accepted by the Lord as a pleasant propitiatory sacrifice for the cleansing of the sins of those remembered: just as in general every prayer, every good deed is accepted by Him” (St. Athanasius Sakharov).

It would be appropriate to visit the cemetery on the birthday of the deceased. There you can perform the rite of litia - a short requiem service that can be read by the laity. We can also honor the memory of the deceased by giving alms in his name.

“There should be no doubt that the prayers of the Holy Church, the Saving Sacrifice and alms performed for the souls of the dead will help them so that the Lord will be more merciful to them than what they deserve for their sins” (Blessed Augustine).

How to find your ancestors

Today, not many people know their ancestry beyond the third or fourth generation. Many people only know the names of their great-grandparents (and this is at best).

Time passes, and it is no longer possible to learn the story of your roots first-hand. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to find information about your origins.

Our article will tell you how to look for information about your ancestors in archives and on the Internet.

For those who want to feel part of a huge whole. After all, the history of every family is fraught with an incredible number of secrets and discoveries, troubles and joys, happy and tragic stories that will make you feel that you have an incredible legacy behind you. And you don’t have to be a distant relative of princes and counts to feel like part of history.

The opportunity to find out who your predecessors were is an invaluable wealth that cannot be measured in material units.

Some people want to understand who their great-grandmother was, some want to find the trace of a relative who disappeared decades ago, and others want to find out where the remains of their grandfather who died in the Great Patriotic War are buried.

The goals are different, but they have one thing in common - the desire to find answers to exciting questions about the origins of their family in the mists of time. In any case, the research process can turn into a real adventure and be remembered for many years.

Where to start research of this kind

First, ask the oldest family members about relatives living in other places. What do they remember about their parents, brothers and sisters, when they were born and what their names were, where they lived and where they moved?

Perhaps someone knows the burial places or the house in which your great-great-grandfather was born is still preserved. Any information would be valuable. Even what songs they sang in the village when they had a wedding, what clothes they wore and what they ate, how they liked to spend their time and what animals they kept in the house.

Perhaps this information will not help us find out our ancestry up to the seventh generation, but it will definitely bring distant times closer to us and help us understand people who lived decades ago. Don’t forget to record the conversation on a voice recorder so that later you can transcribe the recording and transfer it to paper.

Plus, the living voice of a loved one will definitely stay with you, and important details will not slip out of your memory.

How to find information about your ancestors in the archives

Before heading to the state archives, start by clearing out your home shelving.

Pay attention to photographs, documents on marriage or divorce, birth and death certificates, documents on graduation. At the same time, look not only at the front, but also at the back of the document or photograph. Important notes may remain on it that will help in further searches.

This is especially true for photographs: many people signed the names of the people depicted, as well as the date and place where the photo was taken. And in the photograph itself you can see the name of the station or find out in what rank your great-grandfather ended the war.

How to find the history of your ancestors: ways to systematize information

It's easy to get confused when searching through multiple sources and pieces of information. Therefore, we advise you to write down all incoming data in a notepad or create a folder on your computer.

How to find your family of ancestors by first and last name: on the Internet and in the archive

It is logical that those who seek to find information about their roots try to find their relatives by searching by last name. On the Internet you can find many sites devoted to research by experts in the field of family history. Perhaps you, too, will be lucky to find a clue that will lead to the traces of your ancestors.

There are special reference books and dictionaries where you can find a brief history of your surname. Usually, it dates back to ancient times, and is often formed from the nickname, name, profession, nationality, noticeable character traits or appearance, as well as the place of residence of your distant ancestor.

Thus, the surname Goncharov was built on the principle of “son of a potter - potters.” The surnames of representatives of princely families usually came from the name of the lands where the family's possessions were located. Vyazemsky and Meshchersky are direct examples of this.

Think about how your last name was formed; perhaps it will say a lot about your relatives.

How can you find the roots of your ancestors via the Internet: looking for information about relatives on the Internet

A simple Google search with the first and last name of your relative is unlikely to yield any significant results. You should rather turn to specialized search engines:

  • Google Books will help you find scans of thousands of books and reference books. Hundreds of digitized publications from pre-Soviet times cannot be found by ordinary search engines. And with the help of this site, you can simply enter your last name and first name into the search bar and accidentally stumble upon a mention of relatives.
  • is an international service that will allow you to search through countless archival lists, metric records, audit tales, and burial lists. The site is paid, but there are also options for which you do not need to pay. With its help, you can both find your ancestors and model an approximate layout of your own family tree based on data about their pedigree.
  • OBD "Memorial". Almost a starting service for those who know very little about their roots and are trying to understand how to find their family by surname. “Memorial” is a service that helps to obtain information about missing, killed or captured soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. For almost all military personnel, the place of birth and year are written. This makes the search much easier. If you know that your great-great-grandfather died in the war, but what village he was from and where to look for information about him you don’t know, this resource can become a real treasure trove of information. Often the lists indicate not only the name of the soldier and his place of birth, but also the names of his family members who were informed of the death of the soldier. This is not only a name, but also a note about who the person who died is related to. This way you will not only find out the place of birth of your relative, but also the names of his mother, father or wife. This service is also useful for owners of rare surnames. Through a search, you can see the distribution area and find out where its carriers were born and lived. Quite often it turns out that almost all namesakes lived in the same area or even in one small village.
  • An important help in how to find information about ancestors on the Internet will be the website of the All-Russian Family Tree. There you can find a whole database and an excellent forum of participants who share their stories of searching for roots, and can also give valuable advice and suggest in which direction to “dig” next.
  • You can search more specifically and precisely. If you want to find out about the fate of your relative who died during the First or Second World War, we advise you to turn to the resources “In Memory of the Heroes of the Great War of 1914–1918” and “Memory of the People.” If you are looking for information about a relative who may have been repressed, pay attention to the websites “Everyone’s Personal File” and the “Last Address” project.
  • You can view the personal files of relatives who died in the Holocaust on the website.
  • For those who know that their ancestors lived in Moscow or St. Petersburg in Soviet or pre-revolutionary times, the address directories “All Moscow” and “All Petersburg” will be an invaluable assistant. Here you can find information about your relative's address, and sometimes about his occupation. These reference books can be viewed on the Historical Library website.
  • Something similar to the previous point - Memorable books. Such collections were published in the pre-Soviet period every year in almost every province. They wrote about all the people who held any minor position in the province. Starting from a village doctor or land surveyor to the chairman of the noble assembly. Almost all publications have indexes. You can search for memorial books on the website of the same “Historical Library”.
  • A somewhat specific, but also extremely useful resource for those who are interested in how to find the biography of their ancestors is the website It is a collection of documents prepared by American Mormons. You can search digitized documents from all over the world, including Russia and Ukraine. However, non-Mormons are not allowed to view the data. You can obtain permission if you make an official request to the resource administration.

How else can you find information about the biography of your ancestors?

To search for living relatives or descendants of those who have already died, write to the website of the “Wait for Me” program. You can not only send a request to search for a specific person, but also monitor whether lost relatives and friends are looking for you or your loved ones.

You can contact the registry office. Provided that you have your own birth certificate (if not, order it there), you can receive documents from deceased relatives.

Using this method, you can find out where your grandmother was born or where your grandfather got married. However, this only works for documents released after the October Revolution.

Papers from the pre-Soviet period need to be looked for elsewhere.

How to find data about your ancestors in the archives

Since the 18th century, population censuses have been conducted in our country. The oldest of them are in the archives and help restore the genealogy to the time of Peter I. Many centuries ago, the most important documents: birth and death certificates, marriage certificates were issued in two copies, one of which was kept in the church, and the second in a special storage facility.

It is better to look for cases related to noble families in the Russian State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg.

Also located in the city on the Neva is the Russian State Archive of the Navy - here you can find information about relatives who lived in pre-Soviet times, as well as those who were born and lived after the revolution.

The Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts is based in the capital - here you can find documents from the Time of Troubles and an earlier period. The Russian State Military Historical Archive is also located in Moscow. Here it is better to look for information on time before 1918.

In the Moscow region there is the city of Podolsk, which houses the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense - here it is possible to find information for the period from the beginning of the Second World War to the present.

You can do the research yourself, but be prepared to face painstaking paperwork and numerous hours spent in archives.

Those who, for some reason, cannot spend so much time, but still want to get information about their roots, should turn to the help of professionals.

“Russian House of Genealogy” will help you conduct research that will show where, how and when your ancestors lived, loved and died. Our specialists have access to closed archives.

They will not only help you create a search strategy, but will also conduct archival and search work, check the authenticity of the data and systematize the information received into a family tree. You can order the design of a genealogy book and family coat of arms, which will clearly present the rich history of your family.

Source: https://xn—-dtbebvqepcbbtq4r.xn--p1ai/blog/kak-najti-svoix-predkov


Without chasing meaningless glory, keeping love in his heart, He left, but managed to leave us with a bright motive of Eternal music.


That day when your gaze went out and your heart stopped beating, For us it became/(was) the most terrible day, And we will never come to terms with it!


Tears of grief cannot console you, There is no end to the longing of the soul, Our beloved, you are always with us, We always remember your eternal image.


The farewell candle will burn out, And your eyes will fill with tears. It’s hard to live in the world without you And to believe that you are not with us.


We kiss (I kiss) your eyes, Let us cling (cling) to our favorite portrait, And a tear flows down your cheek. There is no end to sorrow


Our grief cannot be measured, With us there is sadness, one misfortune, We will never believe that you are gone forever.


Bitter sadness lies in the heart, washed with tears. It’s hard for us, we are very sorry that you, our dear, are not with us.


Forgive me (us) for bringing flowers to your stove under the starry sky. I'm sorry that I (we) have some air left that you didn't breathe.


You left us very early, No one could save you. There is a wound in our hearts forever. As long as we are alive, you are with us.


You will not return, you will not look back, you will not become wise and gray-haired, you will remain in our memory Always alive and young.


You look from the stone and are silent And it’s impossible to believe in your death! I'm sorry, [Name], that we couldn't save you! Sorry Sorry sorry


The Almighty was pleased to measure your short path. Your soul has become free and we cannot return the past.


Great sorrow cannot be measured. Tears cannot help grief. You are not with us, but you will not die forever in our hearts.


You are no longer here, but we don’t believe, You are in our souls forever, And we will never heal our pain from that loss.


And let the evening light candles for me. And your image is enveloped in smoke. But I don’t want to know that time heals. That everything goes with him.


For the rest of our lives, We will have enough grief and sadness About the one we loved and so suddenly lost.


Time will not smooth out Your deep trace. Everything in the world exists, only you are not there.


You opened and gave us a beautiful, bright, kind world. We keep you in our hearts, Be happy there in heaven.


How early you left, How endless the grief, And in our hearts only You will remain forever.


It is not in our power to save you, And there is no end to sorrow. Immeasurable is the pain that tears apart Orphaned hearts!


You can’t hear your dear one’s voice, You can’t see your kind, sweet eyes. Why was fate cruel? You left us so early


You lived your life with dignity, Leaving a memory forever, In a silent world, sleep peacefully, Our beloved person.


No one could save you He passed away too early, But the bright image of your dear We will always remember.


You died only for the light. And in the memory of your dear family, with a smile of warm greeting, your dear image lives on.


The heart went out like lightning, The pain will not be dulled by years. Your image will forever be kept in my heart forever.


To whom you were dear during your life, To whom you gave friendship and love For the eternal repose of your soul They will pray again and again.


You are always alive Until the end of our days! We will never come to terms with your loss!


Unable to overcome grief, bear the pain of loss. No one could help you, Forgive us (name), forgive us.


There is no separation. We will carry your dear image through life into our hearts, and there, beyond the grave, we will come to hug you forever.


You left home without saying goodbye to us, And there was a trace left that will not be forgotten for years.


There is such emptiness after death. And the heart is again shackled with sadness, And speeches over the grave are vanity. Land above buried dreams


Do not leave me! I'm endlessly scared, I'm so painful, I'm so scared without you!


Our path to your untimely grave will not be overgrown. Your dear image, your dear image, will always lead us here.


We come here to lay flowers. It’s very difficult, dear, for us to live without you.


Don’t say that there is no salvation, That you are exhausted in sorrows: The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the sorrow, the closer God


You can’t hear your dear one’s voice, You can’t see your kind, sweet eyes. Why was fate cruel? How early you left us.


Nothing foreshadowed a thunderstorm, But a moment and then you were gone. And on earth is your glorious trace of Love, kindness, success, victories.


You will be with us forever, We cannot believe in your death. How difficult it is to find words to measure our pain.


Alas, the days of life have flown by and this is our fault. They didn’t finish watching, they weren’t able to save you, save you


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